Image provided by: Northwest Labor Press; Portland, OR
About Oregon labor press. (Portland, Oregon) 1915-1986 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1916)
Pate K ic k t ORBGON LABOR PRESS dress a general discussion was had ter a month of ho-nt cooking—eat- in which Mr. Sawyer participated, ing about the same few things every Report of delegates to City In- day and .it the same time—that my dustrial Relations Committee: Com- stomach adjusted itself to its task ATTORNEY AT LAW mittce held meeting Tuesday even- with the same satisfaction which OREGONIAN BLDG. ing in the Central Library. The any worker feels in having a regular Phone Main 1083 Portland, Oregon committee endorsed the recom- daily stint.” i- mendations of the sub-committee ---------- T w 1 " * of the Industrial Welfare Conference SHE BRINGS HUSBAND TO Committee. The matter of endorse TIME. ment of the "People’s Land and Loan Law” will be considered at next meet- In the April American Magazine Official Minute« of U m Last Moating of U m Working Hoad of Organised ing of committee two weeks from last i is the story of Mrs. Frank S. Stod- Labor for Portland and Vicinity. Tuesday evening. dard, a Los Angeles woman who has Now Buoineao — Delegate Rosen made her name a terror to men who i / ' > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ' dustrial Relations of Washington, UNFAIR LI8T OF PORTLAND « D. C., the Board recommended discussed the bill introduced in abandon helpless women. CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL ♦ hearty endorsement and that all Congress by Representative Mc “The effective work of this native ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . delegates take this matter up in Arthur, dealing with the question of daughter of California in appre Baton— B*kerz «nd product« their unions and that the Council one qent postage. Brother Rosen hending men—both married and br»s4. pies and rookies), Twentieth ' send all unions a letter to this effect expressed the opinion that measure single—who leave 'elpless women Century Bakery as follows: ■ rrfs~*. M ilM ~mZ-a-~g. -T n to .-M . irta Itordwor. Co,, T<> A (fi,iated Loca, U nions-G r e e t- was not of benefit to the working has made her services popular in Co., .r d to n in . Park and 10 A lllliaiea i-ocai unions—vircci- Aider atraou; Hootacaa ead O'BeUIjr; M. «. ings: Vour attention is hereby people. A motion to put the Council this peculiar field of philanthropy, — P o rtla n d dRHations Comm ittee/of Wash- On record opposition to the bill in pursuing fugitive husbands and C ^ U iu n H^ Broa. ington, D. C„ Frank Walsh, C h a ir -!* « «"cnted to refer the questton lovers and in bringing them to jus it W o rto n — Uaarollie Compoaition man, _____ for financial _____ __________ assistance, ¡to the Executive Board. The tice, Mrs. Stoddard displays unusual * O M ttai*Council— Kuud Manufacturing Co.. I amendment »------- prevailed. Secretary was tact, energy and resourcefulness, and —. This . committee, , . as . - you may - , or . I--------------- -----------« ---- Pittsburg, Pe. b , . h fnay no‘ know, has been organized reqUested to furnish information on i, as b e h in d h e r a t a ll tim e s a D o w e r- M nas oenina ner at ail runes a power Cigar maker» United Ci<*r Hu>rffiB and all a i a result of the report of the s : ’ {oiu 'iiXmV’ rrteihi^i Co United States Commission on Indus-jCrosser Bll,> ful ’machine,’ composed of the good Electricians, Mo. I t * — Home Telephone Co. , , ktoctncane. Mo ell. m - Wiidman H o . . Tel.phoa._Oo. , . --------- c r e a te that d Secretary was instructed to notify wil, of the courts. the co-operation Motel Trotoo--B A Co., Wil . trial Relations created such * a laaaette lion Yorks lee l *en“ sensation <’? o A r V Hteel ‘p .1. Works, oSi^MMhtee Co*.;“ M *! ‘!on bJ . disclosing Iin1 industrial A s -] of thc poJice police forceSi the assistance du_5 ,[lal I management rnanakcment of Rose Festival As- chine Co.. Yorks, Pa.. Coin M arkin* Oo.; all kino ehi .................... T5J fong' protested agatest* ’ J’ isoc,ation tbat. the Council does not of the district attorney's staff, and The aim of the committee is t o l care *° participate in the Queen tj,e gratuitous services of a group of te ” toU..,’î2teUrtir d . « : hh»ÏÏ: f,irther such Federal Legislation as contest able lawyers. Even the state legis end all lodges / f and *■* naiclana is necessary Delegate from Brewers’ Union lature was willing to become Mrs. and t t n m i rm p to fiag bob union ----- . to carp out the recom- for dance«, receptions, banquets, and d other mendations of tf th' mmission. and urged continued support in the fight Stoddard’s handmaid ; and it passed, ehii k could be done by organited committee a program has ■rofassiaaal muaiciana. at her instance, a law which makes ient of the A. against the Portland Brewery. F lIM o rr William« A Bliad. Hhsohy Bros.. the official Secretary reported that Boot and her work much easier. John Bliad and all shop, that employ nun F. of L. and 1'. of L. officials are members of the committee, Shoe Workers have sent for charter “Mrs. Stoddard’s fame as a suc Pet. namely. Treasurer Lennon and Vice- for new organization. cessful Nemesis of runaway men ladependent Printing Co. President O’Connell. Flambera— AU firms not employing anion This Council urges your serious Receipts and E x p e n d i - u r e a — brought so many appeals for help __chan lea ■hoot M iH I W o rto n — Wynkoop Brothers. consideration of this appeal and sug Drivers and Bottlers, No. 201, Sta- (^at her domestic life was seriously BtaUsaary Engineers— Liberty Coal A Ice gests that any contribution, however tionery, $3.80; Musicians’, No. 99, interrupted. Then she established Oo., Portland Artificial Ice and Cold Stor small or large, will be spent in the age Oo-. Toiraaend Creamery Company. Land and Loan Law, $25.00; Bridge- an office and set apart Thursday interest of the workers and will be T alio n — K. 8. Ervin * Co., and all cus men, No. 29, $4.80; Grain Handlers’, of each week for receiving rejected tom tailor firms that esanet .apply thc appreciated by the committee. labai. Every reactionary force. Union No. 4, Land and Loan Law, $12.40; mothers. With the exception of W alton and Waitresses — Leighton Cafe teria. Oeay Lunch on Washington street, Labor has to contend with will array Bakers, No. 114, $8.75; Painters, No. emergency cases, their stories are Bangs' Restaurant, Birth and Hoyt, and all itself against this committee and Longshoremen, No. 5, heard on the regular day.” tooaao not displaying the union card or Organized Labor must be its main 10, $5.55; button. $6.00; Building Trades, for School -----------« » ■---------- stay and support. Waterfront Federation— McAllister A Son, Fraternally yours, Central Labor Election Committee, $40.00; Expendi- Trade with the live ones. They contractors. Window Cleaners— Expert Window Clean Council of Portland, etc. turcs, $12333. advertise in the Labor Press. ing Company. There being no other business the Council adjourned at 10:40 P. M. Board adjourned at 8:30 P. M. April 6th, 1916. EUGENE E. SMITH. E. J. Stack, Secretary. Minutes of a regular meeting of Secretary Pro Tern. the Central Labor Council held on All recommendations concurred in. WASHINGTON FIGHT SETTLED. School Elections Committee will aforesaid date, at eight o’clock P. M. W h ile the p o litic a l question o f the Is the m a tte r o f N a tio n a l pre- The meeting was called to order meet next Wednesday, at which After 11 months’ duration, the hour i.urrdneHH, f a i r to p o in t o ut th a t time a decision will be made as to lockout in Washington, D. C., ended thi« gospel It Is 1» by President E. E. Smith. by no means new to the Roll call of officers showed all an endorsement and recommenda- last Friday when the brewery pro m an agem en t o f the O rp heu m C irc u it. The Committee on Legislative Can prietors signed new agreements with Preparedness Is r e a lly on', a n o th e r present except Trustee Brown. w ord fo r e ffic ie n t o rg an izatio n., and the Minutes of previous meeting were didates submitted the following re our local unions. Everything our success o f th e O rp heu m C irc u it has been b u ilt on an o rg a n iz a tio n w h ic h Is port; read and approved. local unions contended for, which, by not o nly u p -to -d a te b u t u su a lly ahead Crndontlah— From Chauffeurs’, No. The undersigned, a committee ap the way, was very little, was grant of tim e. T h a t is Just w h a t the a v e ra g e p e r- 163, for H. B. Maltby, M. Leaver, O. pointed for the purpose of recom ed, all scabs had to leave the brew 011 u nd erstan ds "preparedness" to L. Macheett. Delegate Leaver re mending names of trade-un’onists eries, and by Monday all our mem m ean — to be p repared to face e m e r who would be suitable candidates for O rp h e u m v a u d e v ille w as found placing A. A. Theilke. the State Legislature in the coming bers were back to work. The new gencies be p re p a re d w hen th e w a r b ro ke out From Engineers No. 87, L. R. Dep-^ primaries, beg leave to report as agreement will be in force for two to in d d is ru p te d A m eric a n business In a perman, replacing C. H. Kimball. follow s: m a n n e r t h a t le f t a scar th a t even the years. g re a tly im p ro v e d conditions o t today We recotnmend for the House of Credentials accepted on motion. As will be remembered, our local tias n o t w h o lly effaced. T h e O rpheum A Representatives the following mem g e m en t k e p t on g iv in g firs t-c la s s Coaaniuaicationo — V a n c o u v e r bers ; unions in presenting their new con m n a tr n r a ta ln m o n t and. i f a n y th in g , im Oscar W. Horne, member of the tracts a year ago, requested a reg » proved Trades and Labor Council, asking th e q u a lity o f th e shows as an e x tr a In d u c e m e n t to th e ir patrons. for aid for Labor Temple, referred Bricklayers* Union. ulation of th ' lay-off system, so that ‘ Elmer Pettingell, member of the V a u d e v ille o f the O rp heu m class was to Mtecutive Board; from National Musicians’ during the dull season no members f ir m ly e ntren ched in the h e a rts of th e Union. Women’s Trade Union League, being Ralph Willison, member of the could be discharged, but had to take \m e ric a n people and, by c o n tin u in g to o n trlb u te to the am u sem ent th a t Is a a notice of its convention to be held Plasterers’ Union. turns in the la y-off; a system which • a rt o f every h e a lth y person’s life , It H. G. Parsons, member of the in Kansas City, M o, June 9th, re is generally in vogue in the brew lid and is d o in g its f u ll share In n elp - Union. s to re business confidence ferred to Executive Board; from Cigarmakers’ ing industry all over the United :i?g o rp to h e re For candidate dor State Senator u m v a u d e v ille Is n ot o nly pre- Building Trades Council, relative to we recommend E. J. Stack, member States. The brewery proprietors ob ared to m e e t th e dem ands o f the pub- h ut I t is prepared to a n tic ip a te the controversy between North of the Cigarmakers’ Union. jected to such system, and on the i|c. 'h em . M an y re v ie w e rs .h is season have The committee in making these western Electric Co. and the Steam- day of expiration of thc contract, fre q u e n tly com m ented on the fa c t th a t selections do so with a full and '•¡u h succeeding show is g re a te r th a n fitters’ Union, referred to Executive complete recognition as to its duties locked our members out. The engi •he last. Such a con dition has only Board; from A. F. of L , relative to and its responsibilities to Labor and neers and firemen who also had 'ie. 11 possible because th e O rpheum C lr- Labor World Peace Conference, re the People at large and no com- grievances against the employing c u lt Is one o f the g re a te s t ai sement ferred to Labor Press ; from same [ promise has been made with political brewers went on strike when the >1 g a n lza tlo n s In the w o rld . Its agen ts «re In e v e ry p a rt of the globe, and, as r d .t U . ,» organization •< j " if lockout of our members became e f 1 p a rt o f the preparedness system , they repared to look a t e v e ry new aci Migratory Workers and Women , other ‘affiliations except that ot fective. and they have loyally stood I re at p m akes its appearance. I f th e a rt Workers, referred to E xecutive1 T^tbor. by our members during the entire omes up to O rp heu m standards, it w ill Board ; from Wilson T. Hume, re-j Vour committee had many mem- fight. They also entered into a new eery soon be seen In the O rpheum th e - «iers. T h e m a n a g e m en t is a lw a y s a n x - questing opportunity tn « i M r » « i bers to select from, any one of agreement and are back to work. u is to en g a g e n ew m e rito rio u s acts whom could be depended on to e rt a d v lio rs a re d ally Council a> a candidate for Circuit serve Labor and the common people. The fight lasted almost a year. g .n iv il in g th e th ir e ir e x p opinions a . d re b u ild in g Judge of Department No. 1, on mo Many were unible to make the ra ce, and it was one of the most bitter nd re a r ra n g in g new o ffe rin g s to M t « 1 hat show a g erm o f o r ig in a lity , alw ays tion request was m h i,.« ,,° < Mailers’ Union, No. 13, in support of I ization. Not too much credit can be p repared to o ffe r a ro u te o f th e c irc u it it v a u d e ville 's re c o rd -b re a k in g salaries advisers and workers in the cam- Land and Loan Measure, referred to j given our members who, in spite of o those w h o f i t th e stan dard. Unemployment Committee; from Each of the members whose names ¡a„ hardships they had to undergo. | peT m an Zn t’ b a s i fo”r o’ peVa- California State Board of Health, [are nerein suomittea nave «erveo, Jtood JO valiantiy for the prin ('ini" »vhlch Is in an Im p re g n a b le posl- nn. T j guns » re o f the v e ry la te s t calling attention to the Kent Bill [ [ abor >" responsible positions and . . “ „ _ . have and are doing so faithfully. C,P ‘ . m proved p a tte rn . It s o ffic e rs a re the before Congress, urging support of They each and all nave the co n fi-[ after it is all over, let us hope that iest tra in e d th e a m u sem en t w o rld has tame, motion, Secretary in- dence ' and respect of their fellow -¡the peace established will be a last-1 th e a rm y o f em ployes io e n th u - ' th e P « ’ *°« -d Is: A dvance atructed to write member» of Oregon members and friends and of those ¡¡ng „ne with whom they come in contact, delegation in Congreta. even though they disagree with some i The strike in Alexandria. Va., MOTXCE o r T IM A D ACCO UW T A2TD Bills—From Multnomah Printing as at times all strong men must d o ., which was a forerunner of the dif- SETTLBM EVT. Your committee feels that ea ch . ficulti„ itl Washington, is still on; Co., HS30; hall rent, $25.00; Secre In tlie C ounty Court o f the S la te o f O re tary's salary and supplies, $50.50; of these will be making a sacrifice 36 of our members are still walk- gon. fo r the County o f M ultnom ah. that they can ill afford attord it if tnev they are; are , — ---- ; m a tte r of the E s ta te o f D avid M. Beaver Engraving Co., $2.53. Bills chosen, for to the honest legislators ,nK ‘be streets. Perhaps the set’le- In E the w in g, deceased. is hereby given th a t Ire n e A. allowed and ordered paid. of our state comes no reward except 1 ment in Washington will be instru- E w N in o g tice , a d m in is tra trix o f the e s tate of Raport o f Stotteus— No report, ex-¡th at of service for the public good. ] mental for a settlement in Alcxan D a v id M. E w in g , deceased, has file d her fin a l account as such a d m in ia tra * rix of cept from Brewery Trades, which |?ence' w e , f<'v' thes$ members, dr;a and aiso ¡n Wilmington Del, »aid e s tate in the C ounty Court o f the S ta te o f Oregon fo r the County o f M u lt- section reported progreis in the trujt , hey wi„ hayf coming to them j Brewery Workers Journal, | nnm&h, and th a t said Court has ap fight against the Portland Brewery. | our heartiest support, financially and pointed and set Monday, tile 24th day of A. I).. 1916, at 9:30 o'clock A. M BUSINESS MAN TELLS WHY i o A f p ril. RoperU o f C o m m i t t o o » — The otherwise. said day. and (he court room o f said Court, in the c ity o f Po rtland , in said MARRIAGE DOUBLED Executive Committee submitted the This w,„ haye to come f/ om unions county and state, as the tim e and place HIS INCOME. i fo r the h earing or objections to said following report: and members who are financially fin a l account and the settlem en t thereof, Board called to order at 7:45 P. M .iable to aid. and th a t a ll persons Interested in saia by Chairman MacKenzie. Respectfully submitted “Marriage has doubled my in - {e state in a y appear on or before said d ate and file any objections thereto. EUGENE E SMITH. Present; MacKenzie, H a r d e r . ' come." says a business man in the Dated, Po rtland . Oregon, M arch 25, JACK ROSEN, Knoff, Long, Ritter, Hannan, S o l-, April Woman’s Home Companion, 1914 i r e >1F a E W IN G H. HARDER. haug and Smith. Absent: Mr». Gee ¡"not in any figurative sense. I a m | A d m in is tra trix o f the E s ta te o f D avid E. H. PICKARD. and Secretary Stack. M E w in g , deceased. S. A. GIBSON, 'not figuring contentment as part of Smith was asked to act as Secre- ; T. H. W a rd . A tto rn ey. Committee. i my income, nor any of the other tarv of the Board for the meeting | F i r s t p u b lic a tio n . M a rc h 27». E a s t p u b lic a tio n . A p r il 22. u» Secretary was absent on other Mr. Stack declined to become a ¡advantages which marriage brings. matter». .» . . S um m o ns. On matter of appeal for financial candidate for the office for which When I say that marriage has , jn th e C irc u it Court o f the s ta te of aid for Plater» and Buffers’ Union he was recommei ded and the m at-' doubled my income I am sneaking in Oregon fo r the county o f M ultnom ah. . » . . , . M a rg a re t N e v ille Jordan. P la in tiff, vs. on »trike at Kckomo Indiana, the ter of . an endorsement for senator , terms of cold dollars and cents. i Robert .1. Jordan. Defendant. To Robert Board recommended endorsement ot was referred to the committee for j “In the first place, then, my wife iJ' o77h“ sut*’ o? ■ame to affiliated unions. action. 1 has taught me regular habits of you are hereby n o tifie d and required to The Board recommended that the further a . .L i. ...I.. ... i t j . < < ■ appear and answ er the com plain t file d Council record itself as being op- ! At this time the rules were sus- work. I do not work any harder i against you in the shove en title d Court cause on or before six m posed to any summary action being pended and Mr. Harold Sawyer ad-¡than I used to. in fact, I know that | and "»,i L weeks * ^ k’ v, fro r!’nì the date o f the f ir s t publication o f this taken against Mr. W. A. Eatchel, dreMed the Council upon thè sub-¡the amount of energy I expend is I summons, which firs t p ub lication is on County Superintendent of Prop- t. .. , 1 „ , „ . . the 25th day o f M arch. 1916, and the urtici, as recommende J in the report ,ect of Co-operation Between Lat or really less. But I run more smooth- day on or before wlfich you are required appear and answ er ss*d com plain t is of the late Grand Jury. The Board!*”«! Capital." Mr. Sawyer said “th at|ly. and I hard' - know what it is I to the «th day of M ay, 1916, and i f you fa . feel» that service for the county ex-1 the real difference between Labor to tire. I used to skip meals because i to so a p p e a r and an sw er' sa id ,-om pia .u t tending over more than a dozen a n d r . o i t a l is r e a llv a d iffe r e n c e o f T w a s «n h»»«v t h a t I fnront tr, on o r before ‘ he <th day o f M a y . 1916, ar» should not be thus brushed . P ‘ 1 . e y . . ” SO bUS> that *• ,OrgOt e a t - for. w a n e re o f, the above named p la ln - he stopped that the first week of o u ri‘*ff WJ " *PP«*> <o «ha above e n title d tetly aside for reasons the Board , one C,1M do,nS one k,nd of ,abor- • >»«_»• x«_ • . I C o u rt fo r the re lie f demanded in her se'.d feels to be purely political. The *”d another class doing another kind marriage. My habits of physical e x - < com plaint, to -w it: fo r a decree diaanlving rc is e w e re r o n a llv e r r a tic ,he h0 "«18 o t m a trim o n y now e x is tin g be- Board further recommended the j of labor.” Mr. Sawyer spoke at e ercise were equally erratic. tween p la in tif f and d efendant, and fo r Secretary be requested to so n otify! , orae length and his remarks were i "To live healthily, one must live «he restoratio n to p la in tif f, o f her maiden , , . . . ..... , name, to -w it: M a rg a re t N e v ille , and fo r Simply: and that IS a very difficult ouch o th e r and fu r th e r r e lie f as to th« Oo the matter of financial aid re -l* ‘ve" the d o ,e ,t «“ en“ on bX quested by the Committee on In- delegates. At the Cose of his ad- thing to do in a hotel. I found af- ^ ^ 7 ™ ^ u ^ h S T .'if X u - , w . S. U ’R E N Proceedings of the Central Lahor Cooncil DREADNAU6HT VAUDEVH1E IHHI . _ C »nee o f an o rder made and entered therein by the H o no rab le R G M orro w , Judge of the above e n title d Court on the 23rd day o f M arch, 1316. G IX J V E R A G L O V E R . A tto rn e y s fo r P la in tiff. T he f ir s t publication o f th is summons Is M arch 25, 1916. T h e last p ub lication o f th ia summons Is A p ril 29th. 191«. H elen A. G lover R. H . G lover GLOVER & GLOVER Attorneys*at*Law Mala ST M. Clark. Pna. Goo. M. Orton. LETTERHEADS, RNVELOPEn la »art. A N T T B IN G T oo W . „ g tU M H U l PWMIVT u By Telephons Mala Ztoe Lows, WorfctB. Cardo. W. Union Water Marked P .p ., ” SSM FIR ST STREET «SS Chamber of Commerce M ICH GRADE CONFECTIONS A U C T IO N Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons at 2:00 P. M. Furniture, fltovas, Crockery, Maehlnss W ATER ICES ICE CREAM IS»-71 Msnrteaa Street Bowing E V E R Y T H IN G FOR T H E HOM E NEEDS AND Bargains Every Day at Golden West Coffee Ford Auction Co. 211 FIRST STREET tow ard Holman, ProoUeat Walter J. Halotan, Secretary TELEPHO NES) M A IN M U A 1(11 THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directora and Embalmers 290-221 T H IR D STREET, COR. SALMON Lady AoMstent OUR INSTALLMENT PLAN is the best and surest method of paying a loan. •32.2« per month for 36 months, or «21.2« for 60 month», or »15.17 for 96 month» P*ya • »1000 loan and Interact. Other amounts In proportion. Wo loan on Improved city property, or for btUldla< purposes Equitable Savings & Loan Association, 2«2 STARK S T R U T , PORTLAND, ORBOOM Phon« Main 6285 WoodUwn 389 DR. LeROY A THOMSON Dentistry Without Pain Member American FadarsUon of Mnsldans 410 Morgan Building Portland, Oregon Suits of Merit and Worth built in my own sanitary shops by tailors of exper ience and reputation. Baits as Low $ 18 Made to Order Hundreds of patterns for y o u r selection. And your money adds to Portland’s all-too- few union payrolls. C X X A A A g a « R A A / N A A Jt M B M A A X A A A A K X M X X X V Y X X X M X « M WP 11' dressed jnaiv 5 S ixth at S tark S treet X X X XX X XX XXXX X X X * XXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X . Union Painless 231 Vi Morrison Street Corner 8econd—Entire Corner. We always make it a point to tell the public exactly what we mean through our advertising talks. No misrepresentations ever appear in any of the Union Painless Dentists’, Inc., advertisements—consequently we can refer with pleasure to the thousands of highly satisfied patient- who have had high-grade dental work done at our Modern Pninle-- Dental Parlors. Our practitioners are all capable dentists—men who have made a life study of their profession and have had years of actual practice, besides the technical knowledge to make painless dentistry a successful practice and a host of pleased patients. The Union Painless Dentists are incorporated under the laws of the state of Oregon, and the company is responsible for the guarantee that goes with all the work that leaves this office. This affords the pnbli absolute protection against inferior workmanship and materials. PLATES $5.00 READ THESE PRICES: Porcelain Crowns. . $3.50 to $5.00 Gold Fillings.......................... 1.00 22 K Gold Crowns $3.50 to $5.00 22-K Gold Bridge. .$3.50 to $5.00 Extracting ................................. 60c A great number of people must have plates. Sickness, neglect or other causes have rendered their own teeth useless. In that case we can fit you perfectly with a plate that will prove a blessing. It will look well and fe d per fectly comfortable. Union Painless Dentists 231«/s Morrison, Corner Second—Entire Corner MT LOOK TOR THE BIO UNION SION “W Dr. Whetstone, Mgr.