Image provided by: Northwest Labor Press; Portland, OR
About Oregon labor press. (Portland, Oregon) 1915-1986 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1916)
«-•ge Six OREGON LABOR PRESS the road traversed as well as the unite all Oregonians in a desire for distance covered. The roads that 'as many miles of good roads as the the paving materials used in doing tax-payers can possibly afford to • C o n t in u e d f r o m P a g e 1.» the Multnomah County toad-work construct each year. I of last year went over were ad With a paving clique to contend tractors slightly less than did that materials entering into a square yard mittedly in good condition. So let with, an initiative measure is the of two-inch bitulithic wearing-sur which he studied in detail. us turn to auto-truck haulage costs ¡only way to get such a sensible D e t a il P a r i n g C o at» a t A lb a n y a n d face as it i» laid in Multnomah as determined by the United States good-roads law upon the Statute County and the city of Portland Spokana. Government i.. thia State. According Books of Oregon. Voters, and es Let us now make a comparison comes to 17.5 cents, while an exam to the good-roads bulletin issued pecially tax-payers, should remem between the detailed costs of paving ination of Table 1 shows that the by the United States Government. ber this next November. Tax-pay entering work done at Spokane and at Al actual cost of the materials . . . the cost of hauling apples by auto- ers should vote for such laws, for into the two-inch asphaltic-concrete . . . . . . . . bany so as to see what the various . c __,__ ___ truck over roads in the vicinity of they of all others desire that tax wearing-surface laid at Spokane was raw materials entering into a square Medford. Ore., that are in fair con money shall he expended honestly and sensibly. Labor men should yard of wearing-surface come to, as 23.4 cents. This greater cost for dition is 11 cents per ton-mile. asphaltic-concrete is due partly to well as what is the actual cost of Inasmuch as one ton of bitulithic vote for such a law, for it is a law mixing and putting the materials in the fact that asphaltic-cement cost t paving mixture will make eight that guarantees a maximum mile than at Portland. , , , , . , . place. In order to facilitate this more at Spokane 1 . . , , , square yards of two-inch bitulithic age of good road with a given ex , study we have prepared Table I but i s d u e mainly , . to the fact i i that - wearing-surface in place, we find, penditure, for all graft is cut out, more asphaltic- which also shows in a third column there is considerably . , using the Government figure, that and the money expended upon the c e m e n t u o in g in t o a n a s p h a lt ic - c o n - , . e , the estimated cost of the materials *• , . ... the cost of hauling one square yard roads appears in permanent road than into a nitu- . , , .. ... , . going into a square yard of two-inch Crete pavement 1 , . .. of two-inch bitulithic wearing-sur- way put in with an honest minimum lithic pavement, for asphaltic-cement , . bitulithic wearing-surface. In using * . .. face one mile is 1.4 cents. Assum- of profit to the paving companies, is t h e m o s t c o s t l y i n g r e d i e n t in a . this table the reader must remember . . J . mg as an extreme case that all and so the most work for our work . . . • the . l , men possible from the expenditure. that the Albany wearing-surface was bituminous 1 paving mixture. paving mixture used j in Mult I he only other cause ot difference UOIIia|, County road-work of last Farmers should vote for such a law, one and one-half inches thick, the same as that of the California wear in cost between the two pavement' ycar was hauled out of Portland and because they of all others want the ing-surface already referred to, while that could account for the high price by auto-truck, which would mean an greatest mileage of gjod roadway the Spokane wearing-surface has a asked for bitulithic pavement here ■ avcrage haul not to exceed 16 miles possiblet with any expenditure of thickness of two inches, the same at Portland is that it costs more to jor tbjs w()r^> (|,e cost for haulage money upon roads, for it is they who as the bitulithic wearing-surface mix and lay bitulithic than it does Woujd he 22.4 cents per square yard use our roads the most, and it »> that was used upon the Multnomah 1 asphaltic-concrete wearing - surface, i Qf wearing-surface. But the truth they who are to reap the greatest County road work of last year. 1 I he cost of mixing can be no greater that the average haul for this financial returi from good roads. Table X. Compárteos o f P avin g Coats a t Albany, Oregon and Spokane, Fashlogton work was very far from being six- Note.—Save this article so as to A lb a n y M u lt. < ’o u n t y teen Spokane miles and probably dial not - in c h 2-in ch 2 - in c h compare it with others in this se A a p h a ld c - exceed six miles as the mixing plants A s p h a lt i c * B itu lillu c < ’o n e r e to ries If you arc a tax-payer you C o n c i« ' p er i*«i yd. were placed near the work and on p er *q. yd. p e i aq . y<l. the railroads in most instances, as will want them all next November. P L A N T C O ST A t.p h a .ltic C e m e n t — S p o k a n e . 1 1 6 p e r to n for instance, at Linneman Junction A lb a n y , I li.t S p e r to n ; M u lt n o m a h 9<t O9.r. on the Estacada line while paving AN URGENT CALL FOR FINAN 90 076 County, »lib» p e r t o n ........... . . .......... • • • • • • S a n d — « p o k a n e , » 1 .0 0 ite r c u b i c y a r d ; A l CIAL ASSISTANCE. the Powell Valley section. b a n y , » 1 .» » p e r c u b ic y a r d ; M u lt n o m a h . n 029 •I 07 0.000 C o u n t y . » 0 .1 0 p e r c u b i c y a r d I . ------. . . . . K o o k — S p o k a n e , » 1 .4 0 p e r c u b i c y a r d ; A l- A ctu a l C oat o f B itu lith ic W ea rin g - The machinists and blacksmiths of bany\ p e r c u b i c y a r d ; M u lt n o m a h O.U47 I S u rfa ce U p o n C olu m b ia H ig h w a y o . 0 1 g 0 .0 2 5 C o u in n ty t y . , » 1 .» # per p e r _ c cu ub m t e yaru y a r d ..................... Y the Rockford Bit Co., of Kokomo. 0 0 1 .' i t «016 Coal a n d P o w e r a t P l a n t .............................................. W ork . it.0 3 » ’ a n t L a b o r ................................................................... 0 °*«» Ind.. are out on strike demanding Hence, if we make' ample allow the reinstatement of those of their »0.2*11 |0 290 T o t a l C o o t r .f M ix t u r e a n ce in every p- rticular, including members who were discharged by S T R E E T C O ST. » 0 .0 0 2 su ch a p r e p o ste r o u s fig u r e a s an the firm for being active in organ P a i n t C o a t ........................................ 0 002 W o o d ................................................... »O.OO:; 0 001 a v e r a g e hau l o f IS m ile s, w e get izing. Owing to the fact that these T o p S a n d ........................................ 0 02* M id Labor ......................................... .33.9 cents, the cost of mixing and men were unable to complete their »0.021 laying the bit ilithic pavement, plus organization before this trouble Coot o f L aying on S t r e e t 0.008 ••H au la g e ............. • • • ................ 0 .2 4 2 120 cents, the ro/alty charge, plus 22.4 arose, they are without financial Coet o f Pavem ent In P l a c e . . . . 0.021 D epredation and M aintenance ¡cents for haulage, or a total cost of backing. This means everything to »0.2«; » 0 .4 ’ ¡76.3 cents per square yard as the the future organization of Kokomo •G ra v el » F u el o il a n d w ood . » W a g e « a t S p o k a n e : U n s k i l l e d la b o r , » 3 .0 0 fu r 8 - h o u r ’d a y . • • S p o k a n e , h a u l. 1 .7 m i l e s ; A l b a n y h a u l, m in im u m ¡cost to inside contractors of the We must win this fight! ¡bitulithic pavement put in on Mult Hundreds of men in the other fac than in porportion to the difference There surely is a surprisingly great nomah County roads last year. tories who are seething with dis in weight between a square yard difference between the Spokane cost Even this is consideiably less than content are anxiously watching the of bitulithic and of asphaltic-con of 44 cents for laying a two-inch Bitulithic the 85 cents demanded by the War result. This is the first time that asphaltic - concrete wearing - surface crete wearing - surface. pavement is six per cent heavier ren Brothers Company for furnish Kokomo has sent out an appeal since and the bids of $1.18 to $120 per ing its bitulithic paving mixture to its organization in 1901. Many times square yard made and accepted for than asphaltic-concrete pavement in contractors’ wagons at its mixing wc have depleted our treasury in place. Because of the rock frag the Multnomah County road work plants. But if we assume an aver response to appeals from our fellow of last summer, or, as another ex ments being coarser in bitulithic age haul of six miles for the mix workers elsewhere and now we urge ample of local work, the charge of wearing-surface than in asphaltic- ing material from the railroad— on others to do their duty in ’helping concrete it costs a trifle more to $1.12 per square yard made for the which is probably considerably us i.i our time of trouble. Do not spread the bitulithic mixture than two-inch bitulithic wearing-surface greater than was the average haul, throw this appeal into ihe waste put in on Rodney Avenue in this it does the asphaltic-concrete. But both these items will not make the as such a haul allows one to reach paper basket or receive and file, etc., city. cost of mixing and of laying bitu out 12 miles in either direction from but donate, no matter how little. ST+V — Labor ra id $3 For • H oar*. lithic more than ten per cent each mixing plant—we get a charge Send all donations to S. Banner, Let us see if this great difference greater than that of laying and of only 8.4 cents instead of 22.4 1506 N. Kennedy street, Kokomo ind. in coat was due to the higher wage E n d o r s e d u n a n im o u s ly b y th e K o mixing asphaltic-concrete surface of cents for haulage. So that the total paid for labor on the Multnomah k o m o T r a d e s a n d L a b o r C o u n c il o f cost of the pavement, including the same thickness. County road work. Hardly not haulage, depreciation and royalty, K o k o m o . I n d . when it is considered that Spokane C o st o f M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty B itu lith ic becomes 63.3 cents per square yard E. T. HAMILTON. President. Weirtng-Surfaca. paid its unskilled labor on this pav S. B a n n e r . S e c r e ta r y , of two-inch wearing-surface, which ing work $3-00 for an eight-hour Assuming, therefore, that it. costs ¡¡s probably approximately what the s u c h a s s i s t a n c e a s p o s s i b l e . day, while we cannot remember of about, ten per cent more to mix and j wor|( d;d COst the contractors. But any inatance where the contractors lay bitulithic pavement than it does what a tremendous difference be- either upon the Multnomah County asphaltic-concrete, let us compare twcen ¿33 cents and $1J8 t , nts B e F a ir to Y o u r W ife road-work or upon paving work in the cost, in place, of the Spokane per square yard, the price that ¿he 8ave her the drudgery of the Waahtub the city itself, have paid their men asphaltic - concrete wearing - surface j contractors werc paid. Of vourse, It w on't coet much when you patronise the anywhere near that wage for un and the Multnomah County bitulithic jmniense profits that the accept- skilled labor, or worked their men wearing-surface, including in this ance O1 sucb a bid bv the Koad. E co n o m y less than a nine-hour shift. estimate all charges except the vari- jmastcr agd the County Commission- W e t W a sh L a u n d ry The only other legitimate causes able one of haul. This is done i n |ers made possible for one of the 507 EAST FLANDERS that can account for the great dif Table III. main contractors did much to en PH O NE E A ST «226 ference between paving prices here Tah to XU. Comparison npai o f Bpokano and able that concern to meet certain Multnomah Connty P avin g Costa. A UNION PLACE and paving coats elsewhere are that M u lt - paper that it is rumored was great Spokane n o m a li the paving materials either cost 50c for 20 lb s.— you do the it onlng f o u n i y ly in need of attention at certain 2 -ln . more here at Portland than else 2 -ln . A s p h a ltic of Portland’s largest batiks. But I t 's Dirt cheap, but it 's also C lean ch eap ! f o n e r e t e B i t u l i t h i c where, or that the materials enter S u r f a c e the writer of this article can not S u rfa ce ing into a square yard of two-inch P L A N T C O ST hut think that, unless this » 0 .1 4 9 »0 0 95 help a ltfc fe r n e m bitulithic wearing-surface cost more S A a x n iih 0 .0 2 0 monstrous price results in such dis d ........................ 0 .0 4 7 than those entering into a two-inch P o c k ............................. . o.o2r. K IN D O R F B R O S . satisfaction that rational road laws C oni m id P u rer at aaphaltic - concrete wearing - surface, . . 0 .0 1 6 Il 01S will be passed in regard to Oregon P l a n t ........................ 0 04 0 0 04 4 or that the cost of mixing and lay P l a S n T t R E L E a lx T ir C ........... We Have Moved to O ST highway work, Portland banks will, 0 0 02 ing bitulithic wearing-surface is P a i n t C o a t ................ . . . 0 .0 0 2 in the end, pay dearly for the set 0 0 02 0.0 0 2 W o o d ............................ 125 GRAND AVENUE much greater than that of mixing f o a l 0 001 back to the good-road movement 0.001 . 0.001 T o p S a n d ................... and laying asphaltic-concrete g e a r K lu a h C o a t . . . 0.0 0 4 that is bound to result from this L a b o r ........................... 0 0 06 ing-surface. mixing-agreement system of prevent C o a t |>er a q u a r e y a r d Coat of Bitulithic Wearing-Surf»«». ing free competition in bidding for . 9 0 .35« » 0 .3 0 » o f |> a v ln g . . . . road work. Let us first examine into the cost M a in t e n a n c e a n d 1 »e p r e d a t i o n a t 10 p e r of the raw materials entering into a 0 031 O reg o n S h o u ld G et R oad s A s C heap cent ................. square yard ot two-inch bitulithic A s D o e s C a lifo rn ia . T o ta l C o st p er s q u a r e or Warrenite wearing-surface. Ac yard o f pavem en t H e r e w e w ill e n d o u r s tu d y o f »0 239 In p l a c e ..................... » 0 .3 9 2 tual testa made upon hundreds of Table III shows that, including road costs so far ” th,s Í,íue «* samples of bitulithic pavement taken maintenance and depreciation of concerned, for unless Government from Portland streets and analyzed M anufacturers of at the asphalt testing laboratory of plant, the cost, of the Spokane work Kood road* bulletins and the report was 392 vents per square yard of of citv of«ctats of Albany, Ore., the city of Portland—which by the “BOSS OF THE ROAD” way is the first to work out a two-inch surface, while the actual | and Spokane, Wash., and the pave- ”ta.le by the asphalt method of analysis rapid enough to cost of the wearing-surface in place men‘ OVERALLS allow many such analyses and on Multnomah County highways, ex-, te5ti,’K 'ab°™»ory of the city of studies to be made—show the exact elusive of haulage in both instances, Por,land upon bstulithtc pavement as proportions, as well as the kinds, and of rovaltv in the case of the H has been ,a,d ,n Portland, are S alesross*, f i l t h s a d A nkeny S treets of raw materials that go into bitu Multnomah County work, was only ab’?h'td v fa,se- wf are forced to 33 9 cents the conclusion that paving costs in Factory, Grand Ave. and E. Taylor lithic pavement. Using these quanti ’ In estimating the cost of two-inch thf Sta,e of OreP°n shou,d not dif' ties as actually found to exist in J. P. FINLEY & SON Portland's bitulithic pavement and bitulithic wearing-surface at 33.9 frr materially from those that Cali- Procreasi«» applying to them the maximum cents per square yard in place on fo r n ,a '» obtaining upon her high- ’’•••'eral Directora and Embalmera . Competent Lady A ssista n t prices of raw materials that pre Multnomah County roads, everything " y*- «ta and Montcomery Phone Main S vailed at the time the Multnomah has been taken into consideration ¡ California is obtaining her good County road work of last Summer except royalty charge and cost of r?ads 50 cheaP’>’ mai"’>’ because re,.o d s to ? he s,mPk «pedient D o N o t E a t was done, we find that the actual hauling mixture from plant to place where it is laid 1 furn,sh,n8 tbe materials that con- cost of the raw materials making up The royalty charge is easily dis- trac,« rs « « J " Pavement, laid for a square yard of bitulithic wearing- U n fa ir B r e a d ’he surfaen two inches thick is as shown posed of by allowing the maximum ‘heJSta,e J An <n«»’a»'v* b>” royalty that up to date has been ku?d ur«ed ,he. f,r_st ar,ick ,ba‘ in Table IL jwill provide that the State must fur XX. ctoM o f M a lt aoasah (Xraaty testified to by any representative Haynes Vegetarian Bakery M M U t k to W o ortag -B u rtaee of the Warren Brothers Company nish all materials used in State ■ highway construction, and that coun P e r H q u a r o in litigation in the Pacific North- Products—Known as Haynes Bread, Y ard o f S u r f a c e T w o west. This maximum royalty -.harge t k l n,a>’ if ‘bn ’ choose, do like- Cakes and Pies I n c h e s T h ic k is 20 cents per square yard of wear- " dI/ nab’' Oregon to get her Aaphaltic Coment at »10.»0 per ton »0.0S5 in o -s u r fa c e IRood road!' at c0,ts »PProximating AND Sand and Rock » “•» ’ • 70 Pe r # ¡those obtained by the State of Cali- at’ »10« par cubic C o st o f H a n la g a . | fornia. Such a law will end th 0 .0 4 7 Twentieth Century Bakery Flush*Coat or Faueegee..................... 0.004 The cost of haul is somewhat incessant bickering and back-bitinf ■total Coat o f Raw M aterials.. . .»0.17» more lifficult to determine, as it that at present characterizes all ou, Products—Known as Gold Medal Table II shows that the cost of the is dependent upon the conditions o f campaigns for good roads, and wil Bread P a v in g C o sts a t A lb a n y a n d S p o k a n e NEUSTADTER BROS. DAM ASCUS S O C IA L IS T HEADQUARTERS P A S T E U R I Z E D M IL K 231*/s OAK STREET Corner Second Lecture» Every Sunday Evening ADMISSION FREE Dances Every Saturday and A w a rd ed H ig h e s t P r is e In Oregon by Panama-Pacific International Exposition Ask your grocer for our Quality Milk, Cream, Whipping Cream and Butter, or phone ua, D a m a scu s C ream ery East 3240. Wednesday Nights OOOD UNION MUSIC ADMISSION MEN, 25c; WOMEN, 15c HALL FOR RENT Suitable for Uniona, Lectures, Sm era. Entertainments, etc. Hpeci, rates to all Unions. Phone Ml. .'t'.lv T H E N E W T E M P E R A N C E D R IN K W einhard’s ‘Golden’ and ‘Amber’ Nectar A Delightful and Refreshing Non - Intoxicating Domestic Beverage, Manufactured and Bottled at H E N R Y W E IN H A R D P LA N T Phones: Main 72, A-1172 Corner Thirteenth and Burnside Streets, Portland. Oregon DMMJHBKR L ook For This Card IVhen Buying M eats SB TOC----- TRBBTOwynrr.Tw. * m m i *« «• M i K m radas «f two ¿ P h o n e s: M ain 1 3 5 5 . A 3141 GELINSKY’S MARKET THE LITTLE WHOLESALES Superior Quality Meats Eetsll at Wholesale Pries» 271 YAMHILL STREET Phon* Between Third and Fourth M ale 4 S 5 7 W e Make F ea a y Ckaaga OREGON MARKET MEATS, POULTRY, BUTTER AND EGOS 152 SECOND STREET, Near Morrison UNION SHOP Phons Columbia 21 ST. JOHNS CASH MARKET O n ly U n io n M a rk et in S t. J o h n s DOUBLE STAMPS QIVBkf OH THURSDAY OBOBOB W. IMBODEN, Proprietor THESE RESTAURANTS D1STLAY THE UNION LABEL AND ARE ENTITIJ ì I) TO YOUR SUPPORT Lunch Counter—Tablee for Ladies M A IN 4175 BAY CITY RESTAURANT O. W. Horton BEST 20c MEALS IN THE CITY Dinner 11:00 A. M. until 8:30 P. M. 187 FOURTH STREET, Between Yamhill and Taylor T elep h o n e M A IN 3 4 5 « Wm B O H L A N D E R , P ro p Gem W affle House OPEN DAY AND N IG H T S econ d Empire Resta urant W hsra you r ea lly g a t g ood e a tin g at S e a s o n a b le P r le s s 243 ALDER STRRET B etw ee n M ain 2 2 5 8 192 THIRD STREET an d T hird WE NEVER CLOSE MAIN 9216 and A-4293 HAM BROTHERS The Three Ham Brother? RESTAURANT Broiled Steaks Our Specialty 326 WASHINGTON STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON MAIN 8493 M EALS 25 CENTS Union Oyster House BROAD Y 3994 >’ » IA T E PRI< F - Betty’s Restaurant and Restaurant Open 6 ? . M. to s P. M. M a Irkfcss sad Frits (stkscksr, srsys. HOME COOH:.V'J OUR SPECIALTY I WILL MEET YOU AT THIS PLACE 128 Second Street, Portland, Ore. 64 Sixth St. t, et. Oak and Pine Lunch Counter and 1 ibles RAINIER RESTAURANT Uuder personal supervision of MBS. BELLE 0BI8SEL. Manager WHITE HELP 130 NORTH SIXTH STREET BETWEEN HOYT AMD OUSAN GARDNER CIGAR FACTORY “ S m o k e O ffe r in g s “ SILK TIE PORTLAND PRINTER DIGEBTO MAIN 3810 MODELA GRANDA