Image provided by: Northwest Labor Press; Portland, OR
About Oregon labor press. (Portland, Oregon) 1915-1986 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1916)
Pace m OREGON LABOR PRESS W hat’s What in the Building Trades R» E U G E N E E School Election S M IT H HOUSE WRECKERS GAIN. i a le tte r of p ro te st to the Commis- i sion in view of Mr. E a tc h e is long A fter a tw o w eeks strike the and efficient «service to the County H ouse W reckers . Union of New and to also in stru c t the B oard to the C om m issioners. C,,y has raised w ages 7 cents Then it was suit th a t fitted as tightly as a bologne-skin. And now __ |loj j yO|ir h rv a th l—it is bracelets! T he o th e r day, a bew ildered stre e t- car passenger rubbed his eyes and only tw o bracelets (also w ith chain connection) it w ouldn’t be so bad. And now we are sittin g up in ex- pectation of seeing ear-rings, nose rings in th e ir snouts, and bells upon opinion M ost of us will he willing to see have organised a federal union and m ore serious and w eighty questions ,,r going to do to take p art in it? MACHINISTS RAISE WACES. a bracelet around the neck of th e affiliated w ith the C entral Labor Ju ry Maybe you are one of those who are “ not Inter- th a t the H onorable G rand useless near-m ale biped, provided. Union. U nions of cigarm akers and (>ted.” If so, i t ’s a safe het you are also one of those could have delved into th an a t- I M achinists employed by the Gris- of course, th a t a chain is connected horseshoers have also been o rg a n besm irch the records Iwlnless pessimists who grudges his union its monthly tem P,,n « ,o to b« m ,rcb llle r t c r u s coin. RuMen plant at MaSsiiiion. w ith the circlet. And if there were ized. i md -ilw-ivs has his “ ham m er” out for his Local the °- emp,oyees w hose lengt of » r- Ohio, have won th e ir strike. W ages dues and always Has ms Hammer m t ror ms i tai, t V1CC speaks louder than any Grand increased from 3 to 5 cents an Building Trades and Central Labor Council. j ury can speak on points of effi- hour with pay for overtim t, The Bilt it S lICVCr too lute to turn over il new le<lL <111(1 cicncy. la tte r clause, to g e th e r w ith the nrivhe YOU can be shown good and sufficient reason to D elegate E dw ards reported th a t! nine-hour day. will tak e effect June * 1 »» the F ra n k Sm ith M eat M arket had j S( •’w a x e u p . been sold out to the unfair F a ir- M a n u fa ctu rers o f “ B lit z ” School D istrict No. 1 is governed by a school hoard Unjon men beware! LABORERS INCREASE WAGES. et. consisting of five directors. One director is elected each I est ye patronize enemies 1 vear for a term of five years. They serve without salary. Deiegate Butler of the ste a m - The newly organized lab o rers' They have charge of all Public Schools in the dis- F itte rs asked for fu rth e r action in unii,n of Schnectady, X. V.. affili trief" they elect the school superintendent, choose the the m a tte r of the N orthw est Elec- ated to the Am erican F ederation ot • Jlrvole and fpflphprR trie Co. On m otion- the sub>ect L ab° r’ haS ra ' SCd W3ges 5" Ce" ‘ S 3 day P They pass upon the tex t books from which your GET SATURDAY HOLIDAY. children absorb knowledge or near knowledge as the case ,er gave it as w, opinion th a t (S tr ik e b r ea k er s E m p lo y ed ) mav he. , every building tra d e s union and in S team fitters of D etroit, Mich., They have charge of the V o c a tio n a l Schools. fact every o th e r union should see have secured a S aturday half h o li They build all schoolhouses and keep them in repair. to ,l that every m em ber to o k the day tlie year round, beginning next month. They directly employ or indirectly employ all labor necessary to maintain and keep in repair all school piop- and wbo is unfair and who is fa ir? ” O. YOU WILL1E1 erties and to build new schoolhouses. asked B utler. Amen, say we. Even And in doing all these things they spend yearly Tom M cCusher reads the Labor T lie p re tty hoys of fashiondom , in irlv 50 per cent of the taxes collected in the district. Pre' s; {or he realizes how essen- are fast following »heir sisters in! adopting the modes and vogues o f' Every workingman s and workingwoman s boy or ‘. . girl is compelled by law to come under the control o f !d°I7*may be only a co.incident> b u t i ^ ‘[ X t o V pam » w i t h T h e '^ u f ” j tllCSC men for several hours each day tor live days a D elegates Sullivan and S lc e tn a n ‘th a t reach half-w ay up to the knee.; week during the school months and are under this control w ere both absent fro.n the Council during that period of the boy’s or g irl’s life when he at ‘he same tim e last m eeting, E M IL T H IE L H O R N Y ou’ll find us ready with all new styles iti Spring Suits and she is most susceptible to good or had, false or true j Jam es T aylor, In tern atio n al O r- Pupil of Sevcik. T eacher of Violin. ganizer of the M achinists. was and Raincoats for iiieu and young men. T hirty Y ears’ International E x p eri teachings. . present Mondav evening and the ence. 207 Fliedner Bldg., 10th and And, despite all the foregoing and much more th at phair calkd upon hini for ........ Correctly styled garments, splendidly tailored by union a few W ashington. IS obvious, the Work people tire SO dense or lazy or help* rem arks, and we w ere glad he did. Phones Marshall 162» workmen in some of this country’s foremost shops. Come in less, or God knows what, th a t they separately and col- Jim told some unpleasant tru th s and see these new ones at lectivelv go serenely on their way year in and year out and paid hi« respects to card men l e a v i n g their most Cherished possessions, their Children, and the Cham ber of Commerce a s , TH E subjected to the teachings of directors elected by the he has found them , «•lass that and JS . He *aid busi"ess for machinists, v.. lives - off the labor o f the workingmen o good everyw here except in P o rt- Portland Brewing Company U N FA IR To Organized Labor Mr. Union Man! Get the Label in your Clothes at the LION STORE W O m en. land, w here m ost of the w ork Very Best is And, being elected by that class, you may be quite done by the men who filled the ; C lo th in g fo r M en sure the directors, with few exceptions, represent th at strik e rs 'places some few years ! and W o m en class just the same as would a worker represent the »(?<»• T hese strik e-b reak ers have workers if he was elected by the workers. su» 7 d for , h d r treaso n ab le actio " [ L O W E S T P R IC E S AND The Central Labor Council has, through a com- Portland machinists, thanks niittee, called all this to the attention of you and your 'th e s e w orthies, are paid the lowest fellow unionists by circular letter. If you did not get '-wages and w ork h a rd e r and longer for all — w i t h the lllis letter it is the fault of your union. The Building th a n in any o th e r industrial cen- easiest p tssible term s Trades Council has appropriated a good sum of good ,rc ,n the 1 n,tpd St:,tes . L ittu v o vyvyxav/ * r p o P o rtlan d em ployers of m achinists money to help the Central Council defray the expense in turn arc feeling tbe pincb of of Spreading this information. needing com petent men and will EASTERN OUTF’TTIMG GO. And, having w ritten the foregoing, there is no use fe -l it m ore as pro sp erity returns, <•1 W a s h in g to n S t r e e t , a t T e n th for the w riter to write more. I f you are not sufficientlv The union in P o rtla n d has a stand- interested now to get busy and find out the balance for vourself if you have not already done so, you are a hope- arf bfing 5fnt otIt Evprv dog basj THE BOLLS WALL PAPER CO. less case and fu rth er time and space would he wasted. his day; Wholesale and Retail Credit $10 $14 $17 $20 E v e r y th in g you n eed to w ea r— w ith th e U N IO N A T S IG N L P Q j T M C. U O N ^ TH E ill !(><► 1 7 0 LABEL. ri _ , Affi; I _ ____ I II I l i I) S T 13 I T T BETWEEN MORRISON AND YAMHILL MEVES RESTAURANT Sestine Capacity U S N . E. earn er Sixth and Washington Sta. The Hob of Portland Orchestra Noon and Evening P artir nd’a Maat Pspalar Reetaa rant M ORGAN WALL PAPER CO. 230 Second St. Bet. Main and Salmon Sta. — *----------------------------------------------------- T aylor stated he had just come B u r la p s, L in cru sta , E tc . DR. ELOF T. HEDLUND Sam arrived at this conclusion a fte r from M ontana, w here in G reat Falls 208 Second « N e a r T a y lo r ) h earin g S ecretary M acM asters read and in A naconda m achinists in the Packard Shoes $3.50 a Pair D en ta l O ffice» and P h o n e M e in <00 Pike's le tte r of th an k s to the dele- employ of the A m algam ated Copper PO R TLA N D . OREGON L aboratory. Repair Prides / gates M onday evening. Before we Co. had lately received an increase Man's Solas aad Heel», Leather or DENTIST The Building T rad es was called Pass aw aV from this P,eas' nS sub‘ of 75 cents per day of eight hours, Rubber ............................. a . a .71 to order M onday by V ice-P resid en t Hect we m 'Kht rem ark th a t a mu- T hese tw o cities now have the h N tim a t o a c h e e rfu lly : Mon’g Soloffi ....................... given fo r gold and porce- ( Maa'» Baal», Leather or Rffibbor . . . .u Hannan, who presided over th e e n - |tu a l friend of ours told me the same scale as B u tte : U nion shops, la in bridges: rubber, cast , Ladira' Soles and Heal», Leather or Rubber ............................. a lu m in u m and g o ld ! tire m eeting as P resid en t Sullivan !o tb f r day th a t T hom as M cCusker eight hours at $5.00 per, and plenty rapid »r.wth W plates. M y la b o ra to ry la I XaMltoffi' gulig ., . . . .M was absent until la te in th e m e e t - p a s s i n g election j:a rd s for R obert to do. _ . “ ’ *■»» w ith 4 per rent towraai equipped to m ake these | Ladha' Heals. Leather . . . . .. .M appliances In one o r tw o T ucker, one of P ike’s opponents Ladles' Heals. R u b b e r .... In thc past year I aylor S inter- B()d ed . w t h a r t p re p a re d th e fa llo w ln < ta b le : ing on o th e r business. days' time. Boys' Solos aad Bools........................Tie an natio n ,.1 has gained 20,000 in m em for th e judgeship. E nuff! Roll call found all officers p re s This W ork Is A bsolutely G uaranteed .5 2 _2 i .2 bership and expect a la rg e r gain T here was a slight flurry when C a* , M «• Co-Operative Shoe Store ent excepting th e P resid en t. Phone KarahaU M a 2 a Rate ot ■2 £ S3 S S § !S 3 g a i S I th e S ecretary read the bill for a during the com ing year. In terest 1 U Sesead. N ear 456-4S9 Morraa Bldg., 4th Floor, Wash - u iO Twenty-five d elegates either an- ' ington., wear Broadway, Portland, Oxo. In the E ast, through the efforts 2* 5 q u a rte r’s dues to the C ham ber of <wtrcd roll call or cam e in later Commerce. V ice-P resident H annan of the M achinists and o th e r o rg a n .2 5 FOUR Per cent $ 73 91A2. » 4 0 3 . »1.204 MOO. 2.588 324. 14«. The Building L aborers, E lectrical took a fresb grip on tbe gave, and ized w orkers, over 400,000 u n o rg a n ■'<0 per annum Com Named Shoes are frequently made in Non-Union Factories 293 6M ). 1014. 6.177 1 0 0 pounded (wire a Workers, G Glaziers, rs 1 las- we op;ne F ran k would have ra th e r ized and organized w orkers have 2 0 0 year, 1301. 3 2 2 « . 10.356 laziers, P a in te rs, January ■ DO NOT BUY ANY SHOES 3 2 5 2 « 1 7 0 . 25.888. 14« 2. terers. Sheet M etal W o rk e rs and not have been w eighted down w ith gained the eight-hour day w ith an 5 0 0 and Julv 1. no matter what its name, unless it bean ^ 0 1 lilt-layers had all d elegates in a t th e duties and dignity of the chair. increase wage. Jim said m achin >1 O P E N S an account a plain and readable impression of this UNION STAMP. tendance. WORKERS UNION (Eetehllehed 18 T e e r.) The bill was ordered paid. W hile ists w ho w ere g e ttin g 17 and 18 All shoes without the Union Stamp are Xo delegates from th e H oisting we disclaim any prophetic pow ers, cents p er hour for a te n -h o u r day always Non-Union. Do not accept any Engineers or Sign P a in te rs w ere we do not h .itate to aver th a t at since organizing are g e ttin g 40 and excuse for the absence of the Union ÄMP UNIO Stamp. preset t. The A sbestos W o rk e rs i some m eeting, some tim e, instead T5 cents an hour for an eight-hour 8ECOND ANU W ashington streets had one deleg ate; th e Iro n W o rk ers. o f a flu rry a reg u lar K ansas bliz- day. P o rtlan d m achinists get about O pen S a te r d a , Factory BOOT A N D SH O E K v e n in ts , • t© $ one: C arpenters, tw o ; L athers. o n c ; . zard wjj, o v ertake a like bill. 35 cents per hour, some more and Ceatedian W O R K E R S ’ U N IO N Machinists, one, and th c Plum bers It was rep o rted by D elegate E d m any less. K a rtfc c r the H oar In d a a t r y M ovem ent Jim said the m achinists w ere not 246 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. and Steam -fitters, tw o, p resent. by h a v in g t h U L a b e l appear on your w ards th a t the p lasterers grievance p r in te d m a tte r . I t atn d a f o r good w o r k * John F. Tobin, President Chas. L. Baine, Secretary-Treasurer •'ecretary M acM asters is usually on thc bank job had been adjusted w orrying now about the P ortland m a n a h ip , f a i r w agea a n d the u p b u ild in g strik e -b re a k ers and th e ir employ o f tb e c ity and m onotonously co rre c t and effi- ¿ '' by'"t 'he Board’ of B. A. ers, as they, the m achinists, have rient in his clerical duties. It gave D elegates H annan and L unth re- p k n ty Qf tjm c )(.t Tim(t a ;id (h r ns great pleasure to be able to p orted for the Executive Board Etnploy Crs. A sso ria tion to tend make a correction to his m inutes A llie d P r i n t in g T ra d e a C o n n e ll (o n and Legislative Com m ittee of th e > thps<; w o rth j„ poaed o f last Mondav evening. rep o rted the Tk. n • , .? , , C. L. C. H annan reported T y p o g r a p h ic a l U n io n I he Glaziers subm itted new w ork- . . . Our foundation was laid by a co n scien W e b P re a a in e n 'a U n io n B oard had made some progress on BUILDERS RECOGNIZE UNIONS 'ng i,iles tor approval of th e Coun- . * .. P r i n t in g P r e ta m o n 'a U n io n tious, hard-w orking m an, striving to ren d er .4 e ’I' 11 V ue ._ a 1 Biscuit 3 f Co. m atter. i I ■" r ”” . th T rue H P re a a A a a la ta n ta ’ U n io n The glassm en an ticip ate no _ .. . r honest service at a reasonable price. Less S te re o ty p e rs ' »n<l E le c tr o ty iie r a U n io n trouble w ith these new rules. The Tbe Council took no fu rth e r a c -j Tbc Building C onstruction F.m B o o k b in d e rs ' U n io n than tw enty years ago Mr. S taples ran the B in d e ry W o m e n ’s U n io n Council referred them to th e Ex- tio n ' p la y e rs’ A ssociation of Cincinnati, M a ile r s ' U n io n -to re w ithout assistance. N ow we employ P h o to e n g r a v e r s ' U n io n ecutive Board for perusal and re D elegate W e b ste r rep o rted th a t Ohio, has signed a tw o-year agree- more th an tw enty honest, cheerful pain s port. th e O rganization Com m ittee bad m ent w ith th e Building T rades taking young men and women, ready to A long time ago it was o rdained learned th e B ricklayers have de- Council. Provision is made for arbi- DEMAND OF YOUR ca te r to your w ants. ’hat one W. M. Davis, b e tte r know n ferred action for one m onth on tra tin g differences betw een the tw o THE LABEL Pike," in the year 1916 A. D.. affiliatin g w ith thc Council, for parties. The agreem ent also pro- TAIIiOR was to be elected Circuit bulge of fu rth e r tim e in which to consider vides fo r the elim ination of strikes District Court No. 3 to succeed the m atter. because of jurisdictional disputes, 266 M O R R ISO N S T R E E T ’«dge H enry McGinn, ' • * McGinn, p p resen resent t i n - 1 Clint Sm ith, of thc E lectrical SECURE EIGHT-HOUR DAY. a W o rkers, was a Council visitor. He umbent. who incidentally is trong supporter of Davis as his had n o th in g on his hip. Tw o hundred em ployes of the U nder new business the Council M ain »47 a 1147 ‘uceessor. And Sam W eb ster of th c P las- to o k official notice of th a t p art of A m erican E lectrical H eater Com- OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER COMPANY ’erers says he now know s one rea- th e late G rand Ju ry ’s re p o rt re- pany, at D etroit. Mich., have reduced m , Fcrniture Mover«, Packer« and General Trnnaferring 0" why it is a cinch th a t Davis com m ending the discharge of Mr. hours from ten to eight w ith a 10- Of the Journeymen Tailors Fireproof Storage Warehouse will be elected. It’s due in p art, W m. F.atchel by the C ounty Com- j hour w age a fte r a four days’ s tr ik e .! j • f America <W all Sa»n ’»ys, to the wise w av Pike m issio n e d . A fter discussion th e T hees w orkers, both men and w o v . . . , . Office and Warehouae: FIFTEENTH AND HOYT STREETS • ously • to send — ■'— *—J clothing made to measure. h»» of acknow ledging e n d o rse m e n ts.' Council voted unanim men, --------- are organized. S a r ln n Weekly D e p . of HOW SAVINGS GROW H IBERNIA SAVINGS BANK OUR SECRET OF SUCCESS STAPLES, the Jeweler Optician