Image provided by: Northwest Labor Press; Portland, OR
About Oregon labor press. (Portland, Oregon) 1915-1986 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1916)
P m * f « w ORBGON LABOR PRESS Federation , ........................$18.00 tion will furnish trustworthy in SA T U R D A Y EV E N IN G LECT u R e formation. Per Capija Tax, Theatrical Fed Dr. MacMickel will lecture l» c a l Ne. M. The Industrial Relations Com eration ...................................... 1-50 American Fadaratian af Mnsicianr. day evening in Room H. ’•ral Headijuartare and 8acrat«rr*a Oflke. 12»H Supscription to Labor P ress,.. 16.00 mittee, S i ’ithern Building, Washing Library, on “The Causes of Fourth atraat H C Banner, Secretary ton, D. C„ is in touch with labor Land and Loan Measure......... 25.00 Owned and controlled by Organised I>abor. i l l y H C. Banner, S ecreta ry .) tional Diseases and Free 1 an 1 R. B. Powell, balance salary... 3.33 legislation. C. M. RYNERSON, Editor and Manager Remedy." All welcome. Stamps ........................................... 2.00 The National Popular Government General M eetin g, April 4, 1918. Entered at the Post Office, at Portland, Oregon, as second-cleaa m-il matter Evening Journal ................................65 League, Munsey Building, can supply Evtning Telegram .......................... 45 data relative to popular government Present—Pettingell, Harnack, Ban Office, Room 302 Oregonian Building, corner Sixth and Alder Stseets, legislation. zer, Walrath, Surles. Livingston, Portland, Oregon. _____________________________________________ The National Voters’ League Police and Detectives Are Us, Total ...........................................$66.93 Wennerstrom, Gettrick. Absent — R eading in P lace of tin “ f Subscription, 11.00 per year in advance Woodward Building, is publishing .. Traxler, Russell, Aylsworth. P icta g rap h . Advertising rates furnished on application The minutes of last meeting were Resigned—E. L McKenzie and C. valuable monthly bulletin contain Thousands of d eaf people a ing a day by day record of the throw ing aw ay all hearing de\ M read and approved. S. Mitchell. i enjoying all conversation. Thi doings of Congress. The report of Committee on Mu Reinstated—E. T. Crawford. -----------g s ----------- is easily anil quickly acquire,1 ¡. SA T U R D A Y , APRIL 18, 1 9 1 6 sicians' Night at the Ice Hippodrome Exempt—G. D Heib, A. B. Stiles system. A bsolutely the ,,nl. T A N N E R S R A ISE W AGES. was read and the committee was dis and C. J. Hase. ¡its kind in the country. Our ! tion is en tirely original. We g • charged, with thanks. Transfers issued—E. T. Crawford After a short strike, employees LITERAL AND METAPHORICAL BROMO SELTZER. The reports of Secretary, Treas and R. E. Tait. results, it will am aze you. C, . ./ of the Eagle-Ottawa Tannery Com fling. See w hat New Internal 1 Eo. urer and Auditor for the past quarter pany at Grand Haven. Mich., have cyclopedia says on Lip Rcadii. Hun. Factory inspectors in Chicago found an employer were read and ordered filed. Suspended for N o n -P a y m en t of secured wage in, ases from $1.50 dreds of people w ith normal he g are tak in g up Lip Reading for the violating the law, which requires a certain amount of air The matter of raise in per capita D ues, April 1, 1916. V ad- to $2.50 a week. They were assisted ditional b en e fits gained. Y,„ of the Oregon State Federation u ui- space for each employee. The employees were all girls tax Hazel Adams, W. W. Allen, Mrs. by President Taylor and Secretary derstand w hat th e actors are Labor was laid over to the May C. Anger, H. W. Atkinson, H. H. Drake of the Michigan State Fed the moving pictures. You can “g n and women. The inspectors were puzzled to note that of Oder general meeting. stand w hat people are saying Baldra, Ida Berg, F. Brand, Ethel eration of Labor far every one of these was supplied with a bottle of bromo- The matter of assisting the Land Conner, aw ay as you can see them. Tli . U(. R. D. Cornell, M J. Crusoe, i derstan ds beyond the range nt t- seltzer, furnished free by the proprietor. Inquiry devel and Loan Measure, as presented by C. A. Edwards, R. W. Fishburn, W A N T T W O PLATOON SYSTEM . no money, but mention t i:«r oped the fact that bad air, due to overcrowding, caused the Central Labor Council, was Mary Gatt.on, H. Godard, F. D. Municipal firemen of Duluth, •Send i and sta te w hether or not you ««f. placed in the hands of the Board All p articulars will be sent you ; a prevaleuce of headaches, to relieve which the employer Griffin, A. Gylfe, Florence F. Ham Minn., have secured nearly 9,000 ut«- of Directors with full power to act. mon, C. Hazlett, Mrs. M. K. Hodg . ly free and w ith no exp, nse to v Ad- had kindly furnished the bromo-seltzer. When brought A plea for financial assistance names to a petition for a two-plat ! dress, School of Lip L angua, u-ai son, Mrs. Wylie Holcombe, M. E. oon system ordinance. City, M issouri.—P aid Adv. into court he vigorously contended that his gifts of the from Connecticut Federation of Florence Hughes, G. D. drug, showed his kindly interest in his employees, and Labor was, upon motion, ordered Homme, Ingram, Mrs. Johns, Joe Kennedy, t oday and Tomorrow he became indignant when told that did not condone his filed. Nellie V. Kennedy, A. Millsap, Mrs. H o f s t e a t e r S tu d io calls for The Secretary reported that F. E. crowding them into badly ventilated quarters. A. Millsap, Emma Nash, R. L. Nor 165*/i Third Street Neuberger had been appointed Dis ris, G. M. Olsen, A. E. Pankopf, DURABILITY What is the difference between that employer, and trict Officer for the Northwest by Between Morrison and Yamhill Sts.« and Economy in A. G. Parrott, E. Powers, E. W. the framers of the very law which he violated! What is President Webber, Mr. Jeffery hav Street Paving Sorber, J. G. Stephens, J. Straub, A lteratio n s now ta k in g place on the the factory inspection law of Illinois, or of any other ing resigned. J. W. Taylor, F. Tice, V. Timbers, bridge Building will not effec t SECURE THE BEST state, hut bromo-seltze for an economic headache, to be Sections 1, 2 and 3, Article 11%, J. L. Wallin, J. F. Walsh, H. M. Cam the location of th is well-known Boost for taken while leaving the cause of the headache still at By-Laws of the Theatrical Federa Warren, R. Werschkull and D. F. studio tion. as proposed by that body were, B I T U L IT H I ( Wyman. work ! upon motion, ratified. Copies are on Why does not that employer deserve as much credit file in the office. D ropped for N o n -P aym en t o f D ues for his philanthropic gift of bromo-seltzer, as any con Upon motion of Neuberger-New- K. Battee, G. Fischer, H. Fischer, tributor to charity for giving alms to relieve effects of man, R. B. Powell was ordered paid M. Fischer, G. Howells, H. Klekar, H. unjust laws, which, as a citizen and voter, he upholds! $3.33 balance due for four days’ work Larson, M. Mayer, H. O. Palmer, Assistant Secretary in January. H. R. Robinson and H. A. Stiles. It is because the employer, instead of giving bromo- as 1916. P7XTN T7YC ES seltzer, should have remodeled his factory, or reduced By a vote of eleven to three, this CONGRESS* SINS OF OMISSION L it t le Lord B ob erte, th e so, i . the number of his employees, so as to give each one local decided not to send a delegate, AND COMMISSION. m edian In th e w orld, in n u, fu ll o f in fe c tio u s hum or, orig n ong enough fresh air to enable her to work without getting a to the convention in Cincinnati in h its and fa sc in a tin g dance- For the last three years a group T he C heerlent Com edlennt-— S ta ll» M ay Carl B y a l and D ora E a r ly in - headache! But is not the citizen equally culpable who May of this year. e cc en tric ities. hew and B llle e T aylor. One S ch n ltz The report of the Law and Legis of men’ have been meeting in Wash a s T h e W aiter. gives alms, when he should do what he can to remove lative h e M lr sc h o ff Troupe, R u ssia, Committee to adjust duties, ington from week to week to con P er cy B ron son and W in n ie B a ld w in , in a T Haa Gray, th e S cotch L assie. 1916 S on gology. the fundamental evils that create poverty ? And is not salary and hours of the Executive sider questions of National interest H arriet M arlotte fe Co., In “T h e Lollard." T h e B la is , a com ed y on rings the legislator or superficial reformer equally to blame, Officers of the Association was, upon and to do what they could to help W W oolf. ritten and sta g e d by E dgar A llan i T h e P o o r V agab ond s, harm ony who votes and works for factory inspection laws, but motion of Neuberger and Harnack, the cause of progress by giving "The C h ild ren o f C on fuciu s." A n ovel . “T h e Iron C law .” Read it in gonian . s e e It a t the Pantag« ffe r in g o f so n g s and d an ces w ith refuses help to legislation needed to remove the handicap laid on the table. Motion to place publicity to important facts, gener o M iss D ong Pong- O ne and Mr. H a r r y ! run pictures. H aw , in a C h in ese con cep tion o f A ineri- ' same back to 1915 standard was ally overlooked or suppressed by the that prevents laborers from DOING THEIR OWN FAC lost. can so n g s and dances. newspapers. M iss B ob b ie O ordone, Claante reproduc- I H I P P O D R O M E TORY INSPECTION, and FRAMING THEIR OWN Following motion by Edwards and At a Tecent session of this group tio n s o f th e fa m o u s P orcelain s, j M ain 3, A 5360. F orm erly the Iv o r ies and Oil P ain tin gs. B aker T h eatre. RULES of what factory conditions must be! K ir e c h e l H e n d le r , t h e P oet o f th e Piano. Powell was carried: In our By-Laws it was decided to draw up a list of Orpheum T r a v el W eek ly. B road w ay and M orrison St* It may easily be that the unfortunate employer noted strike out all reference to the As legislation against the public interest M iss P lo y Be P age, B o n g s tr o s . H om e o f th e B ak er Player* the credit commonly granted to bestowers of alms and of sistant Secretary; place the Secre ' now before Congress which is being T o n ig h t— la s t tim e, I L IG H pushed forwaru, and legislation in palliatives, and logically concluded that by following a tary’s salary at $40.00 per month the "TH E ROAD TO H A P P IX I - W eek beginning* M onday, A p ril 17 , public interest which is being of $60.00, and his hours Sp ecial P rice M atin ees W ednesd ay and E v en in g s, 25c, 50c; all m atin ee : similar principle in his factory, he would not fail to secure instead Sat u n lay. change from four to three; place strangled, under cover of the Inter V e n t w eek , s ta r tin g Bunday Matinee praise as a practical philanthropist. But he failed to the President’s salary at $25.00 per national situation. This list, which T H E DEXOVAM O P E B A CO. by all c r itic s the “W H A T H A P P B H E D TO MARY" remember that in the scheme of substituting charity and month; he shall attend to all the 'is self-explanatory, is as follows: i g r A ea ck te n st ow lig led h ged t opera o rgan ization in the w orld, in a m a g n ifice n t production o f j palliatives for justice, it is necessary that someon he administrative and executive work; WATER POWER. By a vote of B O B IX HOOD made the goat, to hare blame that properly belongs to he shall be in the office between 44 to 26 the Senate passed the Shields’ W ith a n ' A ll-S ta r C ast. F ourth and S tark Sts P r ic e s— E ven in gs. Floor. 11.50: Bal- hours of 12 o’clock (noon) and bill, denounced by the conserva laws that give a few the power to legally plunder the the cany, 11.00, 75c, 50c: G allery, 50c W ed A ll W eek 1 o’clock P. M., and shall devote all tio n ists as a bold steal. This bill nesd ay and S atu rd ay M atin ees. F loor, S ta r tin g Tom orrow many. And he further failed to see liow convenient it additional time necessary, and shall will shortly come before the House, »1.00: B alcon y, ','c. 50c; G allery, 50c M atinee R e g u la r Box O ffic e Sale opens T h u rs was to select him for that purpose. at all times be under the control i Reliable information relative thereto day, A pril 13. D I U O I A B IB O M ail O rders received now ; a lso of the Board of Directors and the may be obtained by writing to the ou C t ity o f tow n. Bargain A d d ress r s , m ake check and General Meeting. National Conservation Association, ' m oney orders le tte PAVING MONOPOLY WEAKENING. Week Tays p ayab le to W. T. P an gle, ♦ It was the consensus of opinion 810 Munsey Building, Washington, M anager H e ilig T heatre. lOo ♦ ♦ Tueaday night money given of this meeting that any measure D. C The dark middle ages which covered Europe with a introduced at a regular, adjourned ♦ away la front of Theatre. POST. An amendment shroud of ignorance and superstition was characterized or special meeting of this Associa !to PARCEL the Post Office Appropriation bill tion does not have to be referred has been adopted by the House, by a worship of personalities. Aristotle was considered infallible and nothing hut to the Law and Legislative Commit placing a 50-pound limit on the tee before final action can be taken. packages to be carried by the Gov- the truth could have come from his lips. Fourth aad Bornxide Street- The acceptance of this Not until Europe shook off this idolatry of person | Board M eetin g, A pril 5, 1918. iernment. Week Starting l nr n amendment by the Senate will mean SUNDAY Sunday Matinee Apia v alities and attempted to find the real truth by actual Present—Harnack, Banzer, Wen- I the virtual hamstringing of the par experiment, did she emerge out of darkness. •J E R R Y ” OWENS i nerstrom, Aylsworth, Livingston, cel post. Reliable information can be Again the Salem witchcraft superstition which re Traxler, Surl«’», Gettrick. Late — obtained from Representative D. J. And H is Big Girl Chorus sulted in the death of several innocent persons in the j Pettingell, Russell. Absent—Walrath. ! Lewis, House of Representatives, ‘‘THE SHOEMAKER seventeenth century was due to public belief that Cotton Minutes of last meeting were read Washington, D. C. L aughing Comedy and approved. RURAL CREDITS. A bill is be Mather was infallible in his opinions. Resignations accepted — C. S. fore both Houses with strong back “SEPTEMBER MOURNING Today the paving monopoly as it finds its grasp Mitchell and E. L. McKenzie. ing which in effect strengthens the And a Big weakening as light is shed from California and other Placed on the Exempt List—A. B. influence of the private banking sys PHOTO FEATURE sources attempts to rally a lost cause by taking refuge Stiles and C. J. Hase. tem over the farmer and land owner. Transfer accepted—James Young. Reliable information can be obtained in personalities for their defense. from Representative C. A. Lindberg. Shall honest, big-hearted, philanthropic individuals 689, Eugene, drums. Motion of Harnack and Russell House of Representatives, Washing he made the dupes in paving promotion? that, as Mr. Powell was paid salary ton, D. C. First and Main Street- Must they be forced into the breach and made unwit as Assistant Secretary for the first LABOR LEGISLATION. 1. Child RICH A RD TRAVERS tingly to bolster monopoly schemes in much the same wav f.jur days in January of this year, Labor. This bill passed the House In as Cotton Mather, with the best of intentions, but ignor under the old salary basis, the Sec and will probably be allowed to retary and President are entitled to “ THE MAN TRAIL perish in the Senate. Information antly, led in the witchcraft delusion! and he allowed the same considera can be obtained from A. J. McKel- G reat Photo - Play tion. President, four days at rate of way. Child Labor Committee, Bond And WASHINGTON AGAINST PREPAREDNESS. $25.00 per month and the Secretary, Building, Washington, D. C. four days at the rate of $60.00 per BELL COMEDY CO 2. Convict Labor. This bill has month. Motion carried. Livingston In been reported by the House Com Ill many of the recent speeches Washington has been and Banzer voted no. mittee. but no action. Information ECHO GLEN uoted as being in favor of military preparedness, but Motion that delegates to Theatrical from Julian Leavitt, 4200 Harrison M tljieal Comedy Wit- fcie following quotation taken from bis “ Farewell” ad Federation he paid $1.00 for at St„ Northwest, Washington, D. C. Dances, Songs ami Choi dress before both Houses of Congress, shows the true tendance at regular meetings of the 3. Workman’s Compensation. No AND HIS statesmanship of a great leader. Federation. This to take effect from action. Information from American After he had fought a long war and defeated a pow today, if approved by the General Association for Labor Legislation. erful enemy, he warned Congress against military pre Meeting of this Association. Meas 131 East 23rd St.. New York City*. 4. Civil Service and Old Age u r e to be submitted to the Law ard Eleventh and Washingto, paredness such as was in vogue in Europe in his day, as Legislative Pensions: Minimum Wage for Gov Committee. EDITH STORY and being hostile to republican liberty. Upon motion the Secretary was ernment Employees, and other mat ANTONIO MOI ! N ’ It was because bis people were united in true patriot given until Friday of this week to ters. Write to D. J. Lewis, Chair In ism, inspired by love of liberty, the victory over the ■collect petitions, count signatures man. House Labor Committee, or to THE DUST OF EGYPT A BREEZY on same and figure how much we Representative Meyer L o n d o n , enemy was gained, and not because of superior forces. House of Representatives, Washing A W onderful VitngTBph !*• BEAUTY SHOW! Hence likewise they (the States) will avoid the necessity of those owe Land and Loan Measure tion and overgrown military establishments, which under any form of government, proposition. Send check for $25.00 ton. D. C. 5. Seaman’s Act. Being nullified A SATLvE ON THE are inauspicious to liberty, and which ate to he regarded as particularly today. Also instruct our delegates COOK COMEDY CO POPULAR GAME OF hostile to republican liberty. . . . The great rule of conduct for us in to report action to Central Labor by administrative interpretation. In In formation from Andrew Ferus-th. regard to foregn nations is, in extending our commercial relations, to have I Council. “ TWO M A RRIED MEN with them as little political connection as possible. . . . Europe has a The motion was carrcd that al, National Hotel, Washington, D. C. These are but a few of the mat salaried officers of the Local Board set of primary interests which to us have no, or a very remote, relation. BY JUNIE McCREE Complete change of progr.' Hence she must be engaged in frequnt controversies, the causes of which of Directors be present at roll call te, s of vital importance upon which every day are essentially foreign to our concerns. . • . Our detached and distant on Board meeting days or $5.00 be Congress is either neglecting to pass or upon whkh it is passing in such deducted from their salary for each situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. . . . I was ADMISSION well satisfied that our country, under all circumstances of the case (re failure to do so. (This refers to the a way as to imperil the public inter M atineet ........................ ferring to France and England during the revolution) had a right to take, President, Secretary and Treasurer.) est. Besides the Water Power bill, Sundays and Evenings Bills for the following amounts there are several conservation meas and was bound in duty and interest to take, a neutral position. Having ACTS Children -Uways ........... ures which are in a bad way, and taken it, I determined, as far as should depend upon me, to maintain it, were read and ordered paid : Per Capita Tax. Oregon State i the National Conservation Associa with moderation, perseverance, and firmness. ©rcgon Xabor fbress Musicians Mutual Assuclation HEAR WITHOUT EARS L Y R IC THEATRE EMPRESS Casino Theatre A m e r ic a n Theatre a SAM I CURTIS GOLFING G IR L S GOLF 7 Season’s Best 10,15,20c G lo b e T h e a tr e