Image provided by: Northwest Labor Press; Portland, OR
About Oregon labor press. (Portland, Oregon) 1915-1986 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1916)
Page tkroa OREGON LABOR PRESS Co-Operation, together w ith a clear uader- atanding of the rig h t* of both Capital aad Labor, means Success to all. In Union There Is S tren g th temanj theu.i«nLaM; J q Succeed We Must Co-Operate Business Enterprises Desirous of Being Classed as Friends of Organised Labor D. KELLAHER & CO. Double S. A H. Stamps Olvea on Pnenatatlon of Thia Coupon Orocenes. Meats. Fish, Oysters and Poultry We Sell Union Label Merchandise We Sell for Less Our Regular 40 Cent Bulk Coffee for 25 Cents Absolutely Guaranteed 262 Third St.. Near Madison MAX M. SMITH D IR E C T O R Y of L O C A L U N I O N S FLORIST Choice Cut Flowers, Floral Designs and Plants The Labor Pre»» make» a charge of 50 cents per month for registering union» under this head, except where the union subscribe» for the paper for ita entire zuemberthip. Portland, Oregon For External For Internal . Use Use Catarrh Colds Croup Sore Throat Burns Cuts Piles Skin Diseases For All Inflammations 25c SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS BASKET GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN C E Munro Mnin 7622. A 3113 Courteous Treatment to All O. Celai The Beet of Everything to Eat and Drink WE GIVE 8. A H. STAMPS WE NEVER CLOSE Alder Street, Between Second and Third Portland, Oregon SECOND STREET WAITING ROOM Soda Fountain. Truite, Candies and Periodicals CIGARS AND TOBACCO I®4 SECOND STREET Yon are invited to welt for care here. Suits P r e s s e d 35 Cents Why Pay Morel French Dry Cleaned $1.00 Autos Call Everywhere UNIQUE TAILORING CO. Broadway 514, A-4814 309 Stark 8treet, Between Fifth and Sixth BELDING & SAXTON Expert Watch Repairing and Adjusting OFFICIAL WATCH INSPECTORS Standard Watches for Railroad Service 245 Washington Street, Between Second and Third Portland, Oregon GRANDMA’S COOKIES All Good Grocers Have Them A Portland Product Pure and Wholesome ASTOUNDING RESULTS Follow my care of the ailing. I can show you hundreds of testi monials. If vou are suffering, try Chiropractic adjustments. See my X-Ray and Floroscope apparatus for analysis of the ailing. Mv services stand as the highest. CHIROPRACTOR DR. A. J. POULSON Plttock Building Sppfid Your Idle Hour» at the MAIN 2707 WHITE HOUSE BILLIARD PARLORS ACTHF.NREITH, Proprietor Where Match O im « Am Played Weekly IS FIB8T-CLASS TABLES Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos Comer of Morrison 163 Fourth Street «1.00 a Week Will Dress You Well. PORTLAND OUTFITTING CO. High Grade Wearing Apparel for Men and Woman 195 THIRD STREET, CORNER TAYLOR Credit If Desired Moderate Prices Cash or Credit COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST COMPANY WILLIAM F. STILE, General Agent 204 Stevens Building, Portland, Oregon WRITE FOR SAMPLE SPECIAL COMBINATION POLICY ALMOST ANY ILLNESS YIELDS TO MY EXPERT CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS Chronic and Hopelees Caeee Solicited—Consultation Tree. DR. F. 0. LEHMAN CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Established In Practice Eight Years <08 12 Abington Building. WILSON BENEFIEL GEO. W. BALDWIN F. S. DUNNING, INC. EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS EAST 52, B 2525 414 East Alder Street, Cornar Sixth Safety Razor Honing New Style Auto tbatic Safety Kazor Machine— 25c and 30c do«. Sharpen» all style« Safety Kazor Blade» also all other make» of razor». All Mall Orders must ba ac companied by cash. All work guaran teed. SCISSORS AND KNIVE8 OP ALL KINDS GROUND Automatic Keen Edge Go. 189 Fourth Btraat. Portland. Oregon Portland, Oregon HOTEL COAST Rooms Per Day 50 Cents and Up, Per Week 82 50 and Up Steam Heat, Hot and Cold W ater. Electric Lights. Bella and Phone, Free Hatha— All < ntside Rooms Street Cara From Depot» and Dock» Paas the Door Phone Bdwy 548° 231 Bnrtznlda Btraat, P ortland , Ora. ALLIED PRINTING TRADE8 COUNCIL— LONGSHOREMEN. LOCAL 6 — First and third Thursdays. Hill Hall. 8 P. M Robert Third Friday •*vening Room 800 Ore Orr, busineah agent; C. P. Holgate, ace gonian Bldg George H. Howell, aecretary. retary Headquarters. 272 Gliaan street. Oregonian composing room Main 6204. BUILDING TR4DES COUNCIL — Meet» 8 P. M.. Monday. Labor Temple. 162% LONGSHOREMEN, LOCAL No. 6 — Meets first and third Wednesday evenings, 205% Second street. W A Hinatreet. secre Firat street. M. P. Cannon, president; tary. Telephone, Marshall 765 A. E Hanies, business agent. Head quarters 248 Flanders. Telephone Broad CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL— Meet« every way 2061. Thursday. 8 P. M.. room 201 Labor Tem ple. E E. Smith, president; E. J. Stack, secretary. Labor Temple MACHINISTS. WILLAMETTE LODGE No. 63— Meet* first and third Wednesday», 8 P. M , Labor Temple. Office 401 Stock DI8TRICT COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS— Exchange Bldg.. Third and Yamhill. J. M. Meets Friday night. B. W. Sleeman, buai- Miller recording secretary; H. H. Long, ne«a agent; 8. Clark, aecretary. Tele financial aec~et»»y. Phone Marshall 1641. phone. Marshall 765. Labor Temple. LOCAL LABEL TRADES 8B 0T I0N — Sec MAILER3 - Fvnrth Tuesday. 7 P M„ Room 215 Oregonian Bldg. W. 1 R. Daugherty, ond and fourth Tuesdays, 8 P. M.. at aecretary. 452% E. Market street. 230% Yamhill. Ed J. Stack, president; M. W. Peterson, aecretary treasurer. MEAT CUTTERS — Every Monday night. 247% Stark street. A. McLeod, aecretary. METAL TRADE8 COUNCIL — Firat and Arthur Westerbeck, business agent. Hours. third Thursday nights. J M Miller, see- 10 to 12 A. M. Phone Main 5204. ret ary Headquarters and hall, room 401 Stock Exchange Bldg. Marshall 1641. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE OPERA TORS' PROTECTIVE UNION, LOCAL THEATRICAL FEDERATION— Meets second No. 159. I. A. T. 8. B.— Meets aeoond and fourth Wednesday each month, 206 207 and fourth Tuesday of each month at 204 Goodnough building. F. E. Neuberger, Sec Orpheurn Bldg., at 11:15 P. M. H. H. retary. # Moyer, aecretary, P. O. Box 458. WATERFRONT FBDBRATION— Second and fourth Tuesday», 8 P. M.. 205% Firat MUSICIAN«' M U T U A L ASSOCIATION, LOCAL No 99, A. T. at M. — «rat street. J. I. Tucker, secretary, 84 Rua- Tuesday 11 A. M., 128 H Fourth street. sell street. Board meet» Wedn, ’ay, 10:80 A. M.. same place. H C. Ban*. * aecretary. Of fice phone. Marshall 2161: headquarters, BARBERS UNION No. 75 — Meets third Tuesday each month ■ Forresters' Hall, Main 6007. Fourth and Washington. L. A. Wheeler, president; C. H. Kelly, aecretary. Office, PAINTERS' LOCAL Mo. 10— Every Wednes Mgin 9189. 702 Spalding Bldg. n e w *” day. 1 .abor Temple, 162% Second street. E. H. Pickard, recording aecretary, 266 BEER DRIVERS AND BOTTLERS— Firat 12th street; W. G. Townsend. Labor and third Thursdays. Labor Temple. 162 % Temple, financial secretary; E E. Ed Second afreet. V. P. Ritter, aecretary, 67 wards L a b o r Temple, buainesa agent. East 12th N. Phone East 5190. Telephone Marshall 765. BINDERY WOMEN No. 113— Meets second PATTERNMAKERS— Wm. V. Baser, secre Monday evening in Room 800 Oregonian tary, 302 Stanton street. East 8826. Bldg. Jessie Henderson, 547 Webster street, Woodlawn 2416, recording secre PLASTERERS No. 82— 8 P. M.. Wednes tary; Ma.nie Burgh, 1278 E. Madison, day, Labor Temple, 162% Second street. financial aecretary. J. L. Jones, recording aecretary, 4619 E. 52d B. E.; Sellwood 1049. W. H. Law son. final cial aecretary a id buainesa BOILERMAKERS — Second a n d fourth Thursdays. Bartenders' Hall, 205 % First agent, Labcr Temple; Marshak 765. street. H. J. Smith, aecretary. 1510 Knowles street. PLUMBRR8, U. A. LOCAL No. 5 1 —Every Monday at 8 P. M.. Labor Temple, 162 5a Second street. Phil Pollock, business BOOKBINDERS No. 90 — Third Tuesday, Labor Temple. Secretary. J. R Braendle, I agent. Telephone Marshall 765. P. O. Box 147, Phone Main 8817. PORTLAND PHOTO ENGRAVBR8. LOCAL BRICKLAYERS— Meets every Friday even- 1 No. 31— Room 300 Oregonian Bldg. Meets ing, 230% Yamhill street. Frank Barnes, first Monday each month. 5:30 P. M. financial secretary ; Ben L. Cason, corre- ! Wm Denney, aecretary, P. O. Box 689. »ponding secretary, 1087 E. Morrison. Box fr28. city. PRESSMEN No. 43— First Thursday even ing. Room 300 Oregonian Bldg F. L. BRIDGE. S T R U C T U R A L AND ORNA- M E N T A L I R O N WORKERS, REIN- ! Riggs, aecretary, 115 E. 53d street. FORCED STEEL AND PILE DRIVBRS— Tuesday, 8 P. M„ Labor Temple, third RIVER STEAMBOATMEN’8 UNION— Sec floor. Frank Hannan. buaineSlt agent. ond and fourth Saturday in each month Telephone Marshall 765. at 8 P. M., 61 N. Second street. Broad way 1866 Chaa Bennett, business agent BUILDING LABORERS — M e e t s every Tuesday night in Labor Temple, 162 % SAILORS’ UNION" OF THE PACIFIC — Second street, at 8 o'clock. Geo. Kerr, Monday night. 44 Union avenue N. Jack recording secretary; Chaa. McMaster, fi- J Rosen, secretary. Telephone East 4912. nancial secretary; Sam Harris, business agent; phone Marshall 765. SHEET METAL WORKERS— Friday even ing Hall 301 Labor Temple, 162% Sec CARPENTERS No. 226— Meets every Tues ond street. W. L. Sullivan, business day, Labor Temple. W. A. Weaver, re agent. Labor Temple. Marshall 765. cording secretary. 469 Jefferson street. | Stephen Clark, financial aecretary. Labor Temple. SHIPWRIGHTS AND JOINERS No. 1020— Me»*ts second and fourth Mondays each month. 245 Ash street. Charles Greg CARPENTERS No. 1106 — Meets every ory. secretary. 484 Union avenue. Tele Thursday, Laurelwood Hall. H. Hill, 7902 prone Sellwood 1486. 52d avenue S. E., recording secretary; Qua taf Arf, 5129 67th 8.E , financial aecretary. STEAM ENGINEERS. LOCAL No. 87 — Meet« every Saturday evening in Selling CARPET AND SHADE WORKERS LOCAL Hirach Bldg.. 10th and Washington. Wm. No. 2— Meets first and third Fridays at Ma<-kenxie. secretary, 875 E. Ninth street 230% Yamhill. C. S. Kenney. 906 East North Yamhill. CHAUFFEURS LOCAL No 163 (Jitney 8TEAMFITTERS. U. A. LOCAL 235— Fri day, 8 p. M., Labor Temple, 162% Sec Drivers)— Meets every second and fourth ond J. Keljy, financial secretary. Box Monday evening at 8 P M., Labor Tern 429 Chas. Upham, recording secretary. pie. H B Ms altby. secretary, 314 Oer- Box 429. linger Bldg Main 5105. CI G ARM AKERS — Second Thursday each STERCOTYPERS & ELECTROTYPERS No. 48— Meets fourth Wednesday in month at month, Labor Temple. Theo. Hirsh, aec- Boom 300 Oregonian Bldg J. W. Sum retary, L a b o r Temple, 162% Second mers. aecretary, care Portland News street. I CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYES’ AS8OCIA TION No. 14636— Meets the first Monday after the seco id day of each month. Labor Temple. Office. 311 312 Gerlinger build ing James Irving, representative. Main 5105. Only 4 Pounds to a Person MARTIN MARKS COFFEE CO. UNION AVENUE AND EAST MORRISON STREET 387 EAST MOBEI8ON STREET Sixth Street. 8eUlng Building Special to Oregon Labor Pres» R eader Bring This Coupon With You and Oet The Leading East Side Department Store Greenhouses: East Twenty Eighth end Bendy Bond TELEPHONES: MAIN 7216. A-3121 25c W. H. MARKELL & CO. EAST 118 l331/l GRAND AVE. 14V B 1719 East 3809 SWITCHMEN’S UNION OF NORTH AMER ICA— Meets first Sunday at 2 P. M .: third Monday, 8 P. M.. Woodman Hall Russell street President, B. F. Charles. 204 S. 17th street; secretary and treasurer. A F. Schumann. 508% Union Ave. N.. Mayo Apt». ELECTRICAL WORKERS LOCAL UNION No. 48 (Inside Wlremen) — Meets first TAILORS. No. 74— .Second and fourth M on day. Forresters Hall. 199 4th St Join and third Thursday each month, Hall 802 Labor Temple. Executive board meets 1 Darandum, secretary. Box 6 2 0 ; J. A Johanson. 604 Goodnough Bldg . busines« every Tuesday, 8 P. M .Tames Irving, agent Telephone Main 514 7. financial secretary, 162% Second street. Marshall 765. TEAMSTERS, CHAUFFEURS. STABLEMEN AND H ELPERS. LOCAL No 1 82— Every ELECTRICAL WORKERS LOCAL No 125 first and third Tuesday evening at 129 -—Meets Monday evening. Labor Temple. P.en Rosenblum, recording F. J. Shubert, president; C. D. Me 1 Fourth street i ’onahy, financial aecretary; C D Phil I secretary. 310 17th street G. A. Rogers, secretary treasurer. 1497 East Ash street. lip*, recording aecretary. All mail Box 644 THEATRICAL STAGE EMPLOYES. I. A T S E.. LOCAL No. 28 —Meets second GARMENT WORKERS — Firat and third Thursday evenings, Redman's Hall. East , and fourth Tuesday each month. T M Morrison between Grand and Union av ' A. Hall. 169 Park street. Wm. Day, re cording secretary, 684 lx>cu»t street. enues. T. LaFollfette, recording secre tary, 1225 East Yamhill. TILE LAYERS «HID HELPER8 No 42— ORA'NHANDLERS— Firat and third Tuea I v»eond and fourth Thursdays, 8 P. M.. R Burton. 9853 .56th day Meeting place and headquarters. 84 . Labor Temple Ruwsell street. J. I. Tucker, business 1 avenue 8. E. agent. John Swanson, secretary. TYPOGRAPHICAL No. 58— Firat Sunday in month. 2 P. M , Moose Hall. .346% Mor HOISTING AND PORTABLE ENGINEERS, D. Ö. Gal LOCAL No. 372— Meets Thursday night, , nson street, corner Seventh lup, secretary; -ffice, 800 Oregonion Bldg 126% Second street. F. H. Meyar. record ing aecretary, Sellwood 2056; N. S Bey- non. financial secretary; Irwin Baldwin, UPHOLSTERERS AND TRIMMERS’ LO business agent. Main 5197 or Marshall j CAL No. 85— Meets fourth Tuesdav each month, Labor Temple G. W. Haines, 1249. recording secretary, 626 Marshall street. IRON MOULDERS— Firat and third Wednes days. Bartenders' Hall, 205% First street. WEB PRE8SMEN S UNION No. 17— Meets C f Smith, 838 Colonial avenue, Over- firat Tuesday in the month. 800 Ore locU. gonian Bldg J. H Brooks, aecretary, 682 E. 69th N. LATHERS UNION No. 54 — Meets every Saturday at 2 P. M. E. E. Clark, aec WINDOW CLEANERS — Firat and third Wednesdays. Labor Temple. H. Scott, retary. Labor Ten pit. Telephone Mar Main 7388. •L EDW ARDS CO. F U R N I T U R E 5S ond OAK FAIR TREATMENT CASHorCREDIT The Evening Telegram The paper that doe» things LEROY STUDIO PORTRAITS Ploturaa of Cblldran Our Specialty Lafayatu Rulldln«. s i s y , U'.ablngtoa S ttw t. Portland. Orasoa PHONE MAIN «97« WE SOLICIT ALL UNION PATRONAOC Ratidcnca Phone: Tabor 1781 Auction Mouas: Maia 1626 WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 3. T. WHA0M. Auctionaar aad Proprietor Household Furniture and Bankrupt Stocks Bought and Sold Auction Sales Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 A M Office aad Booau. 1 6 6 -1 8 8 First Btraat, Between Morrison aad YaahlU Phone Marshall 1810 A-7BS0 LELAND DRUG CO. 394 MOBBI8ON STREET, CORNER T E N T H A full line of Pure Drug«, Toilet Articles. Fine Candy, Stationery end Cigars. F R E E __ Mention this ad and receive handsome "CDW comb and case with every 25c purchase AJB b JB i Free delivery cu t Bates Open until Mza»<gs. MAKE YOUR SHOES LAST TWICE AS LONG! W hen they begin to shew eigne of wear, bring them to T*“ ,ud t*“ ' keeP on repairing the as they hang together, and thia saves you the price of a W e have the finest equipment in town and our prices Quick service. ue. and we will double their same pair of shoes as long new pair several times ove’ are right Beet Material. MALSTROM & JACOBS Phone Broadway 1317 Expert Shoe Repairing Sixth Street OREGON ROSE BUTTER Direct From the Churn to the Consumer MARKET CREAMERY PHONE MAIN 1185 E. W KENT, Proprietor STALL 11 Vamhill Sanitary Market, Second and Yamhill Streets DRESS AS GOOD AS YOUR BOSS! « ls s s y ; , a r u s w s s . s . ’s s s * - ; ; Cleaning and praaalng— Prompt Service—Ladle«' or Oentlemaa THE IRISH TAILORS IO* W EST PARK—PITTOCK BLOCK GIVE YOUR CHILD A CHANCE PRO.SPERITY AND PLENTY await office training. POVERTY AND rTKrxf PLOYMENT are the c u r ... of « ..k ille d lehor. WHH H wiil you ch oral for r a « boy or glrlf Our bu»ine»a rourie 1» complete We help onr etudenta to find placet. Our graduate» are in eonelsnt demand Reasonable term« Commerce any time We have started hundred» of young people on the path to a future HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE wa «^S^ na ?S5S5 WALTER H. KENWORTHY Funeral D irector and Embaltner IRWIN HODSON 0 0 Badges, Celluloid Buttons, Succpxsor to A. B. Heuiatork 1532-34 East Thirteenth St., Portland Telephones; Sellwood 71, B 1122 Rubber Stamps MAIN 312 A 1„ Manufacturer of Hoover s Home Made Doughnut», always fresh, wholesome delirious A. A. HOOVER The Doughnut Klug 597 BAST ELEVENTH STREET . . . . PHONE SELLWOOD 1816 If you don't get Hoover s, you don'l get the best NATIONAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED THE LARGEST IN AMERICA Established Since 190« Phone»: Main 1235 A 339« Offices Prom Vancouver. B C., to San Diego C. C BECHTOLD. General Manager Home Office: Mohawk Budding PortUnd, Oregon LOCATED AT FOOT OF WASHINGTON STREET MARSH PRINTING COMPANY Printing, Linotyping and Bookbinding Union water mirk paper used ou label w o-a TELS. MAIN 8724, A 4372 122% FRONT STREET CHIROPRACTOR DR. C. E. BOOKMAN Eatebliahed Since 190« 405 6 Rothchlld Building. Cor. 4th sod Washington Phon« Main 2831