OREGON LABOR PRESS UNION PRINTERS’ BASEBALL LEAGUE MAY BRANCH OUT ------ - League Composing Moat of Trades W ITH TH E BOWLERS in the City Is P roposed Pag« 1«« ¡and Bill Thomas in order to finish out the schedule. The new league would give place to his real players ' and eliminate some of the "near" ones. Our idea now is to try and inter­ est* the other trades in this proposi­ t io n . It is known that the Brick- , ... , layers. Cigar Makers, and one or I pthfr . unjons . cou,d I , . .. . ¡team s in a league of . . this kind. Violin Studio ! next Tuesday on alleys 1 and 2; La­ B t D O. GALLUP Enthusiasm A -P len ty . bor Press and G. & P. on 3 and 4. P o rtla n d D u ck p in L ea g u e Owing to the storms this week and i E d ite d by " P i L in es . "> Believing that afn organization rep- TEAM STANDING. i resultant interruption of car traffic. . , .... „ . Won laOHt both the Allied Printing Trades and ¡resen u tive of ... .... the ? different ......... . trade in a i......... » ’? .',63 lo l l P r i n t e r s ’ l l i u - k n i n I e a u u i-x n o s t- unions 111 tile City, instead of the Course at la 47« J I rim ers Ducicpin u tagu ts post /• :::::: : si leeeous 91540 U 7 p o lle d their games till next week. The printers only, would serve to better G«o. E. Jeffery, ladior P ress........... S® »■ .........jnd former league will simply skip these purposes, several o ^ the “bright i Th'» '»epartment will publish si:~- Musical Director Course o f sic Pantaccs Theatre Three of the teams in the lesaoas 9 7.50 're out for ex- gestions from those interested in the Ore- names and play them after the finish lights hirkpin League, bowling on pansion. The baseball department game, from time to time, and it 299 Vista Ave. ¡on alleys Tuesday night, were a man of ” the season. of this paper is now on the job. and ’* bl'!led tba* ■» meeting can be held diort, but despite this handicap some - at this time wishes to state that the *n •* lnn’ ’’ '" -ix weeks, at least, Phone Marshall 6109 rood scores were made, there being HENRY KNIGHT. M outlook for Mich an organization is and take up th« priliminary matters, 7 [U K I O W Die ^"Klred mark. The brilliant indeed. j W e *'*’ Pa<'«”‘ly wait for your telegram lost two -»aims to the G. and , At least two of the managers of | views a,onK ,his ,inc* Address t.ie P. team, and the Labor Press Labor Press play on alleys I and 2 at b st year’s teams in the printer- doPe car,‘ of ■Ba!'eba'1 Depart- SOCIALIST WILL LLOYD iropped three to the Journal. The the Portland a lle y s; Bookbinders and • organization ate strong for such an m ent* Labor Press.” and it will be Baker Playera taken tare of. HEADQUARTERS • o re : Pressmen on alleys 3 and 4. and arrangement. In fact to R. M. T H E J o l'llN A L Stereotypers and Printers tv. 5 and 6. Fischer (Telegram team) is due the 331»/, OAK STBBET 1st. 2d. .Id T o t. A v . Corner Second 9 280 »3 ION Some of us here have got into tile blame for this “noise.” 91 Scratch Hits. and warrants drawn for sam e: ..ward 290 • 94 . 109 Ir L .iu g h lln Lettura« Every Sunday Evening habit o f thinking that we have some 94 Fred DuRette, of the Oregonian It is surprising how many of the Burchard Del. O. S. F. of L. ..$20.00 282 88 10Ü , - r ' l ......... 8« 80 86 268 ADMISSION PESE hsentee •• real duckpin bowlers, with an av- team, is another who thinks the old-timers will attempt the "come- H. G. Surles, Del. O. S. F. of L. 2000 108 107 317 102 nihrose Dances Every Saturday and erage of KM) or oyer for four men plan would be an improvement, ¡back” stunt this year Among those Telegrams ....................................... 3.75 . . 4 9 0 4 *4 463 1427 Wednesday Nighta T o ta ls in three leagues, out of about 80 The only person interviewed so I who have expressed them selves are: Phones for Bebruary ................. 13.00 LA BOB PKKH8 GOOD UNION MUSIC 88 bowling. Here is something that | far among the Journal tossers is Bert Bigham..M arshall Jones. “Pop" j Donation to M eatcuttcrs ......... 25.00 88 8« 90 284 •o rg e . 269 88 89 . 92 ADMISSION ¡ray • • •• may cause us to change our minds. Frank Simmons. He is not opposed j Shinn. Rabold, Alexander. Holmes I Rubber stampf Exempt) ......... 25 291 93 113 . 86 : « n. raon MEN. 86c; WOMEN, 16c id) The Grandview Duckpin League, of to the scheme by any means. He and Mark Petersen (“Pete"). Of! _____ 89 89 287 89 ,ina ntee 92 280 88 102 .In k . . . . M McKeesport, Pa., with 3K players, lias added: "I think it would be im p o s-'course all of these men will not Total HALL POE BENT $82.00 452 1371 Suitable for Unions, Lecture», Smok­ T ____ o ta ls .............. *56 463 32 with an average of over 100, and , sible for the Journal to put a first- ! make good, liut it shows the interest er», Eatertainmeats, etc. Special )UghnMxjrc,nHow4ird*BndHAinl>ioH«-, 108 only one below 98, with 45 games class' team in a wholly printers’ or- around town. “PREPAREDNESS** PROTEST rates to all Unions. Phone Ml. 3943. h . . . -• played! The Penn team of the Lib- ganization this season. What we Printer fans will be interested to MEETING. H ig h a v e ra g e . A m b ro s e . 108 L. erly Valley Duckpin League, of seem shy most is a pitcher. How- know that Pitcher Anderson, last T U B TELEAI HAM. 94 289 99 96 Pittsburg, rolled a total of 777 in ard at one time looked as though he year’s Labor Press team, is to receive . . 96 . A _ monster _______ ____ _ will be I nCB o u i » rego, S r . . . mass ______ meeting 289 96 89 1118 . . 92 81 one of its games, and this mark was might do; but he has seen his best ¡ a try-out ill the Northwest L eague; held at Arion Hall. Second and Oak C O N P R C T IO N S 243 69 79 . 95 ¡n ig h t . . . KX 265 76 . 101 'rego. Jr. j ’ f made d c u ite the fact that one of days.” likely with Spokane. Streets. Sunday. February 6, 8 P. M. 304 103 97 104 ■ - i — . their I»«*’ lers had only 103! In con- Leonard Robertson, last year cap* • Judge McCredte, Pacific Coast to protest against conscription in- • 488 167 435 1390 versaticn with a bowler who h a s|ta in of the pennant-winning Lal^»r baseball magnate, is enthusiastic 'crease in the army and navy, and i A PBVDHDM M E. »3 also played in seveial other places, Press team, will probably be among over the outlook for the new organi- \ militarism in general. A protest to i 278 81 101 . 96 lay m a n 88 264 . 88 88 l.sentee »» the opinion was given that the pins the absent ones. It is thought that ¡ zation. This is good. T ly writer, the Oregon delegation in Congress 95 100 286 . . 85 101 in McKeesport and other he will devote his spare time to the last week, while in conversation with against militarism will be circulated ¡ 95 used 285 78 102 105 93 80 278 98 . 91 ien ry . . . . places in the East are the Baltimore game of golf. It is noticeable of the "Judge" suggested that we might throughout the audience for signa- —— - - — ■ • 436 1391 .46 5 490 dueks. or. in r'her words, a lieav- late how many of the “great" lead- trade our star players for better tures. WATRR ICRS T o ta l» . . H ig h »core, L e itx e l, 108. I O CBBAM AND ier. "fatter" pin, which allows higher p r> of baseball are taking to this conditions at the Coast League park H ig h a v e ra g e , H a y m o n d , 101. The speakers of the evening will ! MS-71 Street Clans A P ru d h o m m e w o n tw o gam es. scores. A Brunswiek-Balke repre­ "little known" game. For instance: Union men have been be Colonel C. E. S. Wood, Dr. C. H. Big Chief” Raymond was one of sentative here; however, says the Anderson, who captained the Jour- unable to purchase union - made Chapman. _ _ _ _ Eugene Smith. Albert ie high ones. Apparently there is Baltimore pins are in use in Port ual team late in the season of last ' cigars at the park. The “Judge" will Strieff, Jack IT Gearity and others. land, and that there arc none larger year, has not been heard from. It think this little matter over stopping g.-g. Ambrose. Victor J. McCone, State Secretary ' Karg was out of the game again or heavier than those in use here, i wo,dd no* bt' hard to line him up, Talk this plan over with the other o f the Oregon Socialist Party will I PASTEVBIZED MTT.ir but lie also says it is probable that *’ *s »bo»,lfh t; at one time last season . tradesmen, and have th e m ’ forward preside. uesday. Every inan antl woman in Portland Kruse was to have bowled, but they used the rubbes-hand duckpin». br wa’ thinking seriously of even ; “dope.” Awarded Highest Priie which might account for the differ- playing such men as Marshall Jones I All together—let’s go! favoring National peace should be tiled to show up. In Oregon The Journal and Telegram bowl ence in scores east and west. , - - • -----------— - -------- ------ zj present at this meeting. w — ■ ■ ■, — -----------— ------- - ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ appointed to meet with the General Panama Pacific International WHERE TO BUY MEAT. D. C. LEWIS IS IN RACE. ♦ Committee on Sunday. February 5, at ’VDAPD AP11IP AI IINIÛN bigb scbo°'- Portland. Or. The equip- * Bxpoeltlon irU uK A rlllLA L L illv ll nlent of the printinR department of ♦ ♦ 111 o’cloek A. M. Same was. upon ~ Declaration of bis candidacy for ■ Ask your grocer for our Quality (By D. O. Gallup. Secretary). that school is one of the best in the * ' be Meatcuttcrs' union is still ♦ motion, granted, and president in­ Milk, Cream, Whipping Cream the Republieation nomination for country, and the product, commer- * lighting for the adoption of the ♦ structeil to appoint new committee, and Butter, or phono us, the old committee being «iischargoL • Rvpresentative in the Legislature i John Parsons arrived in Portland . cially and pedagogically speaking, is ♦ 10-hour «lay. You are requested ♦ Communication from Joseph N. ;from Ml'"nomab County has been; turday last on the steam schooner o f the best.” * to patronize only those shops ♦ Damascus Creamery ♦ that display the union card. ♦ Webber was read, enclosing copy li,c<1 Secretary of State by aupama. from San Francisco, and Following is the course if ««<»',♦ Saat 3840. re, 0 | utjon from Theatrical Man- D* C L cw il’ o i Sl •>ohn!’’ Mr Lewis Ift the same night for Seattle. Mr. for the various terms : ------------------------------------------------------- agers’ Association, protesting against ! * * ’ a « ^ « » ‘atiye in the last | »rsons has been here several times, I ’lim T e r m - - l,c < tu r e on e a rly lils tn r y indicated the taxation of theaters. L^ ,sla,ure frnm M«ltnomah County. c last time being in May of last n f p r in tin g . P r in tin g a n il ty p o g ra p h y effect a course that, as ffn e il, T e m in Hint use» o f e q u ip m e n t, •ar, since which time he has been d< “Constructive legislation, internal lu iy o f lo w e r a n il ca p ea»en. P o in t aya- above, is adopted as a standard in Upon motion secretary was instruct- Seattle and Port Angeles, going te in : p a r o f a tfe k . ro n ip o a ln g ru le . schools of this character all over the ed to inform our Congressmen that j'n>Pr°'em en ts. rural credits," is th e, le t te r s on b o a rd ; a |ie ll le tte r a on California only a few weeks ago. c P.iiuint we go on record as protesting 1 *d°gan lie wishes printed after his j h a r t. S jie llln g an d a y llw b ic a tio n e x e r- United States. u a tW n te s t e v e ry reports having bail a rough sea w eek P u n c H tu against taxing the theaters. name on the official ballot. . o t l n r w e e k -—e x i-rc la e a n u m b e rs one, tw o A general invitation lias been ex- SHIRTS in it th re e In r e g u la r o rd e r, p ro v - , , , , The secretary was instructed to ln his statement of principles Mr. I b ig . c o rr e c tin g m id d lH t r ib iitin g sam e, tended to members of No. oe through . B. Palmer has secured the fore- Les P ro o f m a rk s tille ,.n pH,».îæ,HakTn^‘'tnHp "to'palper ‘ Mr* Athcy b-v ,h e Principal of the get a statement of W. A. McDou- i Lewis declares that taxation is toe nship on a Coos Bay paper, and ,rkir, fo,,,|ng genera! hmka used: P r a c tic a l T y p o g r a - 1 at St. Paul, Minn. Mr. McDougall " " e l,a' e 100 many commissions." M a n u fa c tu r e o f ’p a p e r Jenkins, t o v is it th is department at | .. . _ , . , i p h y — M c C le lla n . Manufacturer» af •loyd Fessler, a apprentice, who R im iu it. visit is well worth wisl,cs to be reinstated and join this b' continues. "The state needs de- A < e e re e d a t ’ h is t i m e t o d a t e in I Second T e rm -<'o n lln iia tio n o f e v e r - , any time. , .... .. local. veloping. Equal opportunity, sane s served at. ms time t tatt |e ls e » each w eek In »pelting, syllabication while, Take Lower Albina or St. , „ . . . . j .. rtland offices, has gone to B urns,1“.'"1 punctuation. General b in d e ry w o rk ; “BOSS OF THE ROAD” Resolutions submitetd by the T h e -I,aws arc Oregon s needs. fig u r in g cost o f s to c k ; c u ttin g an d o rd e r Jonns cars •e., where lie has secured a posi- lu g s a m e fo r a p e c tflc Jobs. L e c tu re on , - — - ____ atrical Federation were ordered i 1 w ----- OVERALLS d v e r tis e m e n t an d Job d e s ig n in g : e x e r- taken up with the International MEN WANT 44-HOUR WEEK in on the new Harney County a clses a lo n g s a m e lin e . S tu d e n ts w o rk ! ibune, the paper of which M. C. o u t e x a m p le s . Lec tu r e on one-< u |o r I an effort tT ^ f o r c c a 44-ho«r p re s s w n rk . f e e d in g b la n k sh eets, p la te n : bey is editor and manager. ¡p resses. T r ip s to new spaper p la n t s .! Ne. M. rcPt i he following, w hich was ' w efk alld a minimum wage of 40 Fifth a»d A a h n y Btrrate \t M t w m s n h a s r e t u r n e d f r o m 1 T e x tb o o k s used. P r a c tic e o f T y p o g r a p h y a d o p t e d : a m in im u m p e r c a p it a t a x c e n ts a n h o u r m i„ c a rp e n te rs a n d , American Fe4eratian sf Muaiciana. . m . Newman nas rtturntu ir o n uni| Cort.e<., (.oni„OKlt,„n -iieV.nm t «-. Factory, Grand A re. and B. Taylor H e |l> rtis e e m m e e n n ts ts — — TrexiK Treatise. n Francisco and Berkeley. He | p o o g g r ra a p h v y o o f f A A d d v v e e rtis e. ! Headquarter» and Secretary'» Office. 128H of $1.5thcr, having left Portland P rin c ip le s o f DeHl^np—Hatehelder. ' conation who wish to donate their | leader. $55.00 per week. The clause y last- i Ma’n ua?"«?\vrhersr^Vniveral"j^of"-?.'?- ser' ices for a,l>' f ’ncGon whatever, relating to 20c admission is hereby KINDORF BROS. red E. Seeley lias secured a posi- Ic a g o P ress. P u n c tu a tio n — T e a ll. T i t l e i must come personally before the repealed. A N S BN M A I >11 on the W heeler. Oregon. R e-' F o u r th T e r m — A d v e rtis e m e n t M-ri tin g Board of Directors. The President, < h e Financial Committee appointed We Have Moved to irter. and left for that place »his I S e c r e t a r y will not personally as- to bring financial report of the As- Morning», 10 to II - 126 GBAUD AVENUE 2Se k. He will replace Arthur Han- L e c tu r e on c o lo r p h o to g ra p h y an«l Its a p -! sume the responsibility of granting sociation for the v«.ir 1915 reports Afternoon», 3 to 5 - 30e . i plication to printing. Lithography and ' , z i ■ Bronlnga, ■ to 10:15 40c who lias been there several i th re e -c o lo r process p r in t in g C o lo r b a r- ' these requests. progress. Spectators, Mornlnr» and nths, but who has tired iHVlc’^/s'.’^L^nire'on^machlne compom’ Among those of our old-time mem- A motion that the Trustees be ¡ l i ­ Afternoon» IOC J4HH L«T-vii«rv »»ii m acii i nt* »•uiiipONl Spectator», Evening» 16a tuple life and longs for the bright tlo n B eg in in s tr u c tio n In m a k e -u p . I>e- bers who have left this jurisdiction strutted to carry out orders of the Phones Main 6700 ... , n .i j sig n and set: m en u s, s ta te m e n ts , card s, MVSIC I 7 1 B I i m i i o o i [ I l l s ot 1 ortland. le tte rh e a d s . d o d g ers. a d v e rtis e m e n ts . within the past few days arc tile fol- ! Association in 1915 to procure a A N S BTBNXNO V is it e n g r a v in g p la n ts . T e x tb o o k s u s e d : PEOPLE’S MARKET R. Schiebc. furse has been taken Up and adopt- o f A d v e r t is in g — P a rs o n s P rin c ip le s o f der to make this occasion a success ^'artb -h Tickets ars 40 cents carb by Frank K. Phillips, director of | a ^ ^ I c ^ ’pr’ln’tar *r Fr,n,er' 'each member of the association iand ,"'1- bl‘ bad a* ,bc office. T y p o g ra p h ic A rts School fori S ix th T e r m — lm nos it ion amt l«M-k-nn. , , ,, . . On th e niuht o f F r h n n r v ») th .. . . . . . l a y i n g o u t book forms. Proofreading; should endeavor to sell as many ' 1,11 n ,K"> OI r t b r u a r , tilt hers, w h o se h ea d q u a rters arc at printing; Jot, eslm ating. Kxcrcl»es !, • u , p o ssib le b e fo r e th a t d a te '• A s* arc b ir'»K a 10-piecc or- rsev Citv N I The aim of the *>r "I»<*<1 In Job and advertisem ent work as n c io r t m a t nal training, and the “Tested ^ » I g n t n g ; c«»st H n d ln g : Im p j.s ltfo n 1 b c ’)r o c e ‘ ,ls ,o ,ne ,H" lrt,nK . . . . v 1 proofreading; estimating: speed exer- fund. nateo sec Gertrude H offm an P u u l A r m s tro n g 's g r e a ts s t d r a m a , “T h e lursc of Study is a forerunner of ris e n ; s p e llin g , p u n c tu a tio n an d B y lin - fit Bacapa.” f ir s t tim e In P o r tla n d , w eek > b le a t ion exerc ise e. Paul, Levan and Bobba. T e x tb o o k s iat will be put forth later s tH r tln g S u n d a y M a tin e e , F e b r u a r y above. Report of Delagtes to the Oregon G en era l M e e tin g , F eb ru a ry 1, 1916. 6. 1916; P .arg n ln M a tin e e s . S u n d a y . Moor», O'Brian and Oormack. E ig h th T e r m — A d v e rtis e m e n t an d jo b j Mr. Phillips, in his introduction W «-dnesday, S n tn rc lay Stale Federation was >uhmitte■ A ll W e e k A r l lu a ^ L a n c in g V io ltn ln t. This printing department Was for approved. 'd°" e °" I” ",on water-marked paper S ta r tin g T o m o rr o w rral view of life and a practical ■•F—Haymond k ~ p re­ J. E. Werlein appeared in behalf | *S rrsC"’ u t," a n afte « -m id n ig h t lining to enable them to cope over e p ls o .h by H a r r y L . N e w to n :h everyday problems in the in«kts-' Lawrence, now State Printer, who of the Baby Home and asked that , 't G r ig m i th« DILLON & KING lee k B raytou, Songs. D elta s, Hu- Bargalu Matinee m or. al world. The mechanical pro- was also very successful in its con- we allow members of this associa- W eek H ays A r t h u r l.a v ln g e A Ho. presents “Prom * lo e Coney Island to th e N orth P ole,” a sses of the trade constitute only a duct, the more so owing to the fact 'tion to donate their services to one P r o f it S h a r in g — i-ondeiised M u s ic a l «"omedy in T h re e B o . r d M eetin g February 2, 1915. 'all factor in the benefits to be ¡that it was new work, and the grand opera performance to be ♦ T u e s d a y N ic h t s ♦ Scenes. Marre» Morlee—P in t Bua Ptetures. Present Pettingell. Banzer, Wat- rived from the study of printing, courses had to be improvised and given th’s month for the benefit of le major benefits are obtained in improved upon as experience demon the home. Upon motion same was rath. Surles. Livingston. W enner- correlation of printing with the strated the usefulness or otherwise of allowed, provided none who take strom. Traxler and Gettrick. I.ate. Owens and Harnack. .Absent, Rus­ jral English course, such as ad-'various methods. Mr. Athey. of'p art is paid. Rising and journalism. The fol-'course, was able to profit by the ex-t E. Smith and C. L. Horne, of the sell. OREGON BOWLING ALLEYS Minutes of last meeting were read l’ing suggested course of stu d y , periencc gamed by bis predecessor. New Labor Temple Building Com- Breedway and Oak Strwt» s prepared by Mr. Orley W .1 and has been able, by diligence and mittee. appeared and asked that a and acctpted. 14 ALLEYS. PERFECT VENTILATION Pbe«» Breadway »14 J. W. BLANKT. Prerrteler icy, teacher of printing. Jefferson 1 sheer ability, to outline and put in committer from this association be The following bills were presented si I ) D A M A SC U S NEUSTADTER BROS. Musicians Mutual Association B°d> , c/°rt action by this ,ocai ex I in a ii Go Ice Skating Portland Ice Hippodrome ©tjUUtvnt T H E B A K ER ** ÍSK "*S^ *K.S2"~ •“ P A N T H G E S L Y R IC T H E A T R E ♦ Bowlers Never Get Appendicitis