For mer lu The Portland Labor Pretta. Volume XV. Number 42 Owned and Controlled by Organized Labor. Portland, Oregon, Saturday, January 29, 1916 Whole Number 834 Federation Endorses Unions Boosting To Resolutions Adopted Build Labor Temple By The Convention Land And Loan Law Hollowing arc some of the more ; Federation of Labor indorse and ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ was made a special order of business' At the meeting of the New Labor! Delegates als oreported tha Sta­ ITemple Building Association held at'tionary Engineers No. 87 had sub- important resolutions acted upon farther any plan extending the right ♦ Whereas, We believe that the ♦ tor the afternoon session. The fireworks were touched off by '2 P. M. in the Labor Temple, last scribed one thousand dollars and v the convention: to serve as a juror to all citizens ♦ enactment of the proposed law ♦ Whereas Since the International *’ho are voters, and that the restric- ♦ known as the People’s Land ♦ Eugene E. Smith, speaking as a Sunday, an encouraging report was were canvassing the membership for I’hoto-Engravers’ Union of North ‘«on* of sex and property qualifka- ♦ and Loan Law will prove of ♦ mer.iber of the standing committee made by the general committee of more. ♦ inestimable value to the work- ♦ or unemployment of the Central La- real interest, backed up by cash: Delegates present subscribed over \merica, in convention, have adopted ‘¡on. now existing be eliminated, I one hundred dollars in cash for ♦ ers of this state, and of the ♦ bor Council of Portland. Mr. Smith being taken by the local unions. u label to distinguish the product Whereas, it is a well known fact ♦ United States; therefore ♦ stated that the committee, in its ef- Reports from 12 local unions were ! *‘ subscription to be determined and No. 8d8 have voted to consoli- >ugh investigation of the advisabil- . j • j . • « , , .. . to the agriculturists and industrial * Federation of Labor or not, are ♦ tended, asking for suggestions, and later and ten cents per month per I date and this will go a long ways ty of establishing a dally newspaper I ,. . . y „ , , , “ . . workers of our state is needful and * hereby requested to aid in the ♦ also a challenge was made to the member. ¡towards making possible the prop- ii Portland for the particular ben-. . t .. . , , , , . . . . apparent for the welfare and prog- * campaign to initiate and adopt * world to provide some better plan. Reports were received from Motion jerty now held-by Local No. SO being f t of the labor movement of th is1 ress of . these groups of r producers j * the People’s Land and Loan ♦ To date this challenge has remained Picture Operators and from the turned into temple stock, an item in full to the . » » j .tate, and to report r 'and our state, and * Law as a part of the Consti- * unanswered. Suggestions of a help- | Stage Employes, stating they would; of twenty or twenty-five thousand icxt convention of the Federation. _____ Whereas, It is generally recog- * tution of Oregon. ♦ ful nature have been received from j ren‘ quarters, but could do nothing, dollars. ! nized the State Grange, Farmers' ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ many sources, and interest in the m°er now, though they were hope-1 In addition, a well-known contrac- Be It Resolved, By the Oregon , . . . . . . . . „ , . . . . .L . i Union, the railroad unions and our the temple would be built. i tor has agreed to take from one Of all the questions before the measure extends throughout the Mate Federation of Labor that wei . .. | Federation are representative of Oregon State Federation of Labor, civilized world. The Lady Bookbinders sent in a , thousand to twenty thousand dol- ndorse the movement these groups of producers; therefore, the “People’s Land and Loan Law" Frank P. Walsh, chairman of the vcry wishing the asso- tars' worth of stock if he is success- >wards the publication of the text , be it caused the most intense and thorough late Industrial Relations Cominis- , c«ation success, but stating th ey, ful in bidding the job in at the low ooks used in the common schools Resolved, By this thirteenth an­ discussion. sion, has written a letter giving the could not co-operate now. figure. if this state by the State Printing his unqualified endorse- | Bookbinders Local No. 90 reported nual convention of the Oregon State It was determined to call the next Coming before the convention in ‘ rneasure Apartment. Careful investigation i having appointed their special com­ general meeting of the. association Federation of Labor that the incotn- ud comparison with the experiences . ... . , _ „ . the form of the foregoing resolution , . . . mittee. , . .. . ., ing officers . . . , by Delegate - a , • /— Without ‘ c claiming aiming in f other states shows that . one-half: . . . of . the Executive . . . Board , . . introduced C. «» M. t> Ryner- „ . * it . . to he a The Portland Patternmakers'Union Sunday, February 13 at’ 2 P. the Labor Temple. . the present cost of texts can be are hereby instructed to put forth sQn at the Thursda morning s„ . panacea for all industrial a l eco- reported by letter they could do At this meeting definite recom­ aved to the patrons of the schools an effort whereby a permanen and sion. The resolutions committee nom,c ,Us' thf committee believes nothing but wish success to the official joint board composed of rep- , . . . . -------------------- ----------------------------- mendations on incorporation will be n addition to giving employment to _ recommended concurrence and it (C on tin ued on P a g e 6.) movement. resentatives of the State Grange, ____ made and soon after a permanent iregon workmen and keeping within The Press Assistants' Union stated organization effected, Farmers’ Union, railroad unions and lie state thousands of dollars in as fa^ as interest-producing effects I in their report they could only prom- j As for a site nothing is or can be .ages and materials now going into our Federation may be organized for aggressive and defensive purposes in waim arc cotwcrned. Another feature of ise to rent and be of any assistance definitely settled nntil after incor- lie hands of Eastern book publish­ class work that is of interest to the J the futuer made possible. | poration. matters wherein the welfare of either es. Statistics show that in 1914 group of produers may be promoted m A I O l l U I 1110 r A U l a l members is the opportunity offered, Carpenters No. 1106, who meet out The only thing now standing be- iver $150,000 was sent East for text -------- or may be threatened and further them of submitting, from time t o ' in Myrtle Point, had a letter in. tween Portland unionists and a new ooks, of which sum at least $75,000 wherein said joint board may mu- *n answer to the article appearing time, such business correspondence stating they had deferred action for temple is the assuran* e each union ould be saved to the taxpayers and tually agree upon a policy or pro- j >n the Oregonian of January 28, as they would like to have experted.) the present. will rent, will pay into the sinking n additional $35,000 would be paid gram; and be it further stating in substance that the East All such letters are passed upon by All of these reports were referred i fund ten cents per month per mem- o Oregon workmen, which would Resolved. That said incoming of- Side Mill & Lumber Co. was cen- <■ kept in circulation within the ficers and Executive Board are here- sured for not having the winch that a correspondence expert before they I to the committee for further efforts her and a small initial amount of are returned. Attendance upon this ! to enlist the co-operation of the stock per union, but the latter is not tate. by given full authority to, for this was responsible for killing a man or any university class is conditioned' unions not making pledges. so important as the two former fac- Federation, approve of such rules last Monday properly guarded, and by nothing but interest and inclina- ! In addition to the foregoing, dele- tors, at least to the extent if a union Resolved, That this convention is as may be provided to govern such , rebuking the State Labor Commis- nalterably opposed to the exemp- joint board and make appointments sioner for not inspecting this plant, tion. Visitors are always welcome. , gates reported that Carpenters’ can’t do more they at least can • • •--------- - Union No. 808 had subscribed two : assure the association they will rent ion from taxes of water power or thereto; provided that nothing in Permit me to say that this mill nv other natural resources. member oer month. I per month. said rules shall operate against h*» been inspected and that the 1 »ml N». »». either organization taking action of winch in question was perfectly safe Ami-lean Federatimi at Maaidana. iVhereas, It is to the b.'st inter- own in matters strictly concern- for ‘he purpose for which it was nssdiiairtin and Senate»’ Office 2tu Ms of all the citizens of tiiis coun­ its ing its own affairs or matters other Î generally used. It Was not intended i Fourth rtmt—H. c. Banwr. Secret»»’ * ty that the right of trial by jury than these wherein said joint board for. and never had been, used for (By H. C. Banxer, Secretary.) preserved, and that no limitations is unable to agree upon a joint pol-! ‘he purpose nor expected to be sub- licrefore be imposed; therefore. icy or program; provided further jected to the strain to which it was Members reinstated: Laura Gatton. ie it Transfers issued: F. E. Gahmig. that in legislative matters of general Bt the time of the accident. Resolved, That the Oregon State Through error it was published in concern neither organization men­ It also seems to me that before Portland, Or.. Jan. 25, 1916. | -Reports of Officers Committee— tioned shall,*after becoming a party the Coroner’s jury censured the work this paper Wm. Cattanach was sus­ The thirteenth annual convention Chairman, F. L. Bourne; H. M. Lornt- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ to said joint board, take individual of my deputy, either he or myself pended in this local. Mr. Cattanach of the Oregon State Federation of sen, J. I. Tucker, B. M. Locke, J. F. actibn except the proposed legisla­ should have been summoned before ‘ has always been in good standing, LETTER WRITING WEEK. -------- ♦ tion be fqrst submitted» to the joint them. We are liable to make mis- - Do not fail to attend the general Labor was called to order in Library Hadley. Law and Legislative Committee- The following resolution was ♦ board and an effort is made by the i takes, though in this case the fault I meeting of this association. Febru- Hall at 10 A. M. by Eugene E. Smith, president of the Central Labor Coun-j Chairman, J. A. Madsen; Ben Os­ » | ary 1, 11 o’clock A. M. unanimously endorsed by the * organization bringing the matter up i was not with us. borne. Arthur Brock, W. L. Sullivan. Orevon State Federation of * to get the joint board to act favor-! By calling our attention to these ■ A report was received at this office ci', of Portland. matters and summoning us to the ; that A. E. Pankopf, member of this After introductory remarks. Mayor P. R. Pollock. Labor: ♦ ably thereon. Coroner's investigation, it would d o ; association, was seriously injured at Albee was introduced and gave an Committee of Rules of Order— Whereas, There has just been * much to bring the facts properly be- St. Paul. Minn. Mr. Pankopf is now address of welcome. C. A. Sandal, chairman ; H. B. Mc­ Whereas, The American Federa­ concluded, we trust successfully, ♦ Labor Commissioner Hoff ad- Cabe, C. M. Rynerson, G. A. Neuling, a letter writing week, designed ♦ tion of Labor in convention assem­ fore the jury, and also furnish our entirely recovered. * ---------- 1 w « 'dressed the convention, outlining in E. Bennett. to attract tourist travel to Ore- ♦ bled has repeatedly went on record department with inforamtion in con- The annual report of the president Ron ■ xnd ♦ being opposed to employment bu- ! nection with accidents of this nature. t*1e work of his office and «1« or nr agenices acrenir*« mn ! without waitinc: for the same VixaawM aAlv g I j I mj fa g aE ils glxJIv I offering some suggestions as to fu- was then read and referred to the run hv by nriuiir private in. in -1 Whereas, The motive and in- ♦ reaus through the regular reports made of 1 ♦ * ! ture labor legislation, paying par- Committee on Officers Reports. tent of the promoters therof * dividuals or concern» for gain, and such cases. I ♦ All members of Carpenters’ ♦ ! ticular attention to a change in the President Burchard also made a was only to attract tourist ♦ Whereas, The Oregon State Fed­ travel, and n^t to in any way ♦ eration is on record as being like­ In justice to the Coroner’s office ♦ Unions No. 50 and 808 are urged ♦ laws relative to the collection of report as fraternal delegate to the Oregon State Grange. attract labor to Oregon; there- ♦ wise opposed to such bureaus or I wish to say that my deputy in -|* to attend a joint meeting of the ♦ wages of laborers, forms me that it has been the prac- ♦ locals to he held next Tuesday ♦ Father E. V. O'Hara, chairman of fore, be it ♦ i agencies, and The report of Secretary-Treasurer Resolved, That the Oregon ♦ Whereas, .Such bureaus or agencies tice of that office to call his atten- ♦ evening, February 1, at 7:30 in ♦ : the Industrial Welfare Commission, Stack was read and referred to the ♦ ' reviewed the work of the commis- Committee on Officers Reports. State Federation of Labor, in ♦ are inimical to the best interests of tion to all fatal acicdents in plants!* Hall 201, Labor Temple. The meeting is called for the ♦ sion since its organization. its thirteenth annual convention ♦ labor because the burden of their ui.^er our supervision, but this in­ The annual report of the Legisla­ President T. H. Burchard took tive Committee was read and re­ assembled, hereby directs the ♦ upkeep falls only upon labor and formation is seldom furnished until I** purpose of perfecting the mat- ♦ ♦ ter of the consolidation of the ♦ charge of the convention at 11 :15 and ferred to the Committee on Officers president and secretary of the ♦ the burden of their abuses are like­ after thç inquest. i O. P. HOFF, ♦ two locals. ♦ announced the appointment of the Reports. Federation to prepare a concise ♦ wise only borne by labor, and State Labor Commissioner. ♦ There will be election of offi- ♦ following committees: form lettei, setting forth the ♦ Whereas, Such bureaus or agencies O. E. Hibbs, fraternal delegate to wages and conditions prevailing ♦ have been made unlawful in the ♦ cers of the new organization and ♦ 1 Assistant Secretary—C. M. Ryncr- the Farmers' Union, read his report, in Oregon's industries; the ac- ♦ state of Washington without work­ UNIVERSITY OF OREGON'S EX­ ♦ the working out of the business ♦ son. which was referred to the Commit- TENSION CLASS. Committee on Ways and Means— tivity of such industries; the ♦ ing any hardships on employers or ♦ and legal details of the consoli- ♦ (Oeatlaasd oa a.) supply of labor, and particularly ♦ labor; therefore, be jt ♦ dation. ♦ Chairman, C. H. Kelly, Frank Han­ Efficiency in the use of English ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ nan, R. Hartzmun. James Irving, O. what interests are in control of ♦ Resolved, By this, the thirteenth Oregon’s natural resources; and ♦ annual convention of the Oregon as a practical busin .ss asset is a E. Hibbs. be it farther ♦ State Federation of Labor, that the phase in the study of English that ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Credentials Committee—Chairman, ♦ NOTICE TO UNIONISTS. ♦ Resolved, That said form let- ♦ incoming officers and Exectuive is being emphasized in the Univer­ * CARPENTERS. No. IIM. * Frank Riley; C. W. Ryan. R. L. i' r be published in the Oregon ♦ j Board of the Federation are hereby sity of Oregon extension class in ♦ ------- ♦ Hickman, Len Lowery, E. O. Gutzeit. ♦ The Civil Service Commission ♦ Label Examining Committee— ♦ hold a public hearing on alleged ♦ -abor Press and sent direct to *|instructed to further and support in rhetoric, conducted in room B of ♦ This local wishes to report ♦ all affiliated local unions, with ♦ the yame of the Federation any pro­ the Central Library on alternate ♦ that we are getting along splen- ♦ Chairmah, Mrs. L. Gee; Rose Looney, ♦ charter violations of civil serv- ♦ a request to the individual ♦ posed legislation that will in their Friday«, by Mrs. Mabie Holmes Par­ ♦ didly, taking in a few new mem- ♦ Miss Aletha Bouland; J. A. D’Elia. ♦ ice provisions in the City Coun- ♦ workers of Oregon to send a ♦ judgment do away with this indus­ sons. At the next meeting of the ♦ bers occasionally and otherwise ♦ J. C. Di. c. ♦ cil clumbers Monday evening, ♦ like letter to his or her acquain- ♦ trial evil and make unlawful the class, on January 28, one of the class ♦ helping in the general labor ♦ Constitution and Com­ ♦ 8 P. M. Representatives of the ♦ tances without the state, that ♦ operation of such bureaus or assignments that will receive spe-; ♦ movement. ♦ mittee-Chairman, A. W. Lawrence; ♦ Central I.abor Council and the ♦ Ithese latter may not misinter- ♦ agencies. cial consideration is the preparation i ♦ The meeting place has been ♦ H. H. Hillibush, E. H. Picks.d. Peter ♦ Civil Service Workers’ Associa- ♦ ptet the letters sent out during ♦ of the kind of recommendations for ♦ changed from Myrtle Park Hall ♦ Donnis, J. Rosen. ♦ tion will appear before the coni- ♦ "letter writing week* and come ♦ Resolutions Committee—Chairman, ♦ mission. All Civil Scrvi<*e em- ♦ Whereas, After a struggle of more business positions that will get the ♦ to Lanrelwood and all members ♦ to Oregon misinformed as to ♦ than 20 years on the part of the In­ job for the man recommended, the ♦ and friends are requested to ♦ R. A. Willison; F. C. Simmons, E. E. ♦ ploycs and unionists should at- ♦ conditions. ♦ ternational Seamen’s Union of Amer- idea being to distinguish between ♦ note the change. ♦ Smith, W. M. McKenzie, V. O. Size­ ♦ tend. < live words and words that are dead ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ more. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a (Continued on Page «.) j M. LABOR COMMISSIONER NiYT HIÇ P A IIIT Musicians Mutual Association Condensed Proceedings of State Federation of Lat M P A DpEnyTVDG ATTElVTIfkN'