Pag« Si* OREGON LABOR PRESS Demand The Union Labe] It is the cheapest and most effective way to secure better conditions for the toilers. IINION X V A. JL HOI NF V J g < V F 9 . J k l l . Thia & to Certify that the manager of thia house is fair to the Moving Picture and Projecting Machine Operators’ Union. Lo- cal No. 159, of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, and entitled patrjmMe and support of «11 friendseteBHB^ed latxK jM c> m d lu S |L ard remains in view. /O . - President /S e c re ta ry Iw d V M , i Moving Picture and Projecting Machine Operatoti’ Union of Portland, Oregon I | DIRECTORY of LOCAL UNIONS . J under o o d .r thin th is head, hr»,I. mem be rah ip r h in l .r H,l ifT 1N O F rid ay m akes a charge of SO cents n et month for registering unions except ex cep t where the union subarribea for the paper for It. anti". TJ1ADES COUNCIL e v en in g Hoorn 300 Ore ! ! LATHEES UNION No S atu rd ay gontan llldg George It H owell, secretary. Oregonian composing room. I nt 2 retary. Labor shall 765. P. M T em p le 51 _ E M eet, „ e r r E Clark T elep h o n e ' Mar te iip n o n e Mar BUILDING TRADES COUNCIL — Meets 8 LONGSHOREMEN. LOCAL 5 — First and P. M„ Monday, Labor Temple. 162 54 third Thursdays, Hill Hall. 8 P M Robert Second street W. A. H instreet. secre Orr, business agent ; C. I*. H olgate, net- tary. Telephone. Marshall 765. retary. H eadquarter.. 272 Glisan street. Mam 6204. CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL- Meets everv Thursday. 8 P. M . room 201 Labor Tem­ LONGSHOREMEN. „ v OAL N o S — .M eets ple. E. E. Smith, p resid en t: K. J. Stark f i r M and third W« Inesday evening«. 2<>5 U secretary, Labor Temple. rirut atre«*t. J Nagel, president: H er man Larsen, bv m ess agent; S McLaugh­ lin. corresponding secretary; P Wgrd fi DISTRIC T COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS »'"»«••a1 secretary. Headquarters Meets F riday/n igh t. B. W Sleem an. hu.i 4M rlanaers. Telephone Main 2061. n es. apt nt S. Clark, secretary. T, le phone. Marshall 765. Labor Temple. M ACHINISTS. W ILLAMETTE LODGE No ‘’“--M r rta fir», and third W ednesdays, 8 LOCAL LABEL TRADES SECTION— Sec I . M. Hall und o ffice 401 Stork Ex- ond and fourth Tuesdays, 8 P. M.. at change Bldg . Third and ,Yamhill J. M Yamhill. Ed J. Stack, president; Miller, recording aerrelarv; H. H. Long M. « Peterson, secretary-treasurer. financial aeeretary. Phone Marshall 1641. UMMJMUET a. „ TUB S TO WT1IT va. » . . ■ r "* ‘ — ~ te. suena«, a m E jsr sx .-iT sgs.'iL-r. r ~ F '* r in METAL TRADES COUNCIL — First and third Thursday nights. J. M Miller, sec­ M A IL E B S -- Fourth Tuesday, 7 :3 0 P. M Room 215 Oregonian Bldg R H H en ­ retar, H eadquarter, and hall, room 401 ' derson. aeeretary. 781 Brooklyn. Stork Exchange Hldg Marshall 1041 . \ C ' * NS # ifw JSSOCIOTMM WATERFRONT FEDERATIO N— Second and ^ A T C U T T E R S — Every Monday jiig h t, fourth Tuesdays, 8 P. M„ 205 54 First I .0 5 5 4 F irs, street. Marshall 4871. A street. J. I. Tucker, secretary, 499 A1 ' » ••’•’« '» '•y : Arthur Weaterberk, bins avenue. . III to I"'™* m " ’ *' bu , ln ,,,, i » len t. Hours, BARBERS UNION No 75 — Meets third Tuesday eaeh month in F orresters’ Hall. Fourth and W ashington. L. A Wheeler, president C. H. Kelly, secretary. Office, 709 Spalding Bldg Phone* Main 9139. BEER D R IV E R S AND and third Thursdays, Second street. V. P. East 12th X- Phone BOTTLBBS — Firat Labor Temple, 16254 I Ritter, secretary. «7 i East 5190. BARTENDERS' LEAGUE Ko. 339 — First and third Sundayk? days; 12 noon. 205*4 First street Jack Gillnn, secretary and b u si­ ness agent. 205*4 First Main 3764. BINDERY WOMEN N o . 113— Meets second .Monday evening in Room 300 Oregonian Bldg. Jessie Henderson, 547 W ebster street, Woodlawn 2416, recording secre tfi’-y. Minnie Burgh. 1273 K Madison, financial secretary. PICTURE MACHINE OPERA­ TORS PROTECTIVE UNION. LOCAL *°; 3 E '— Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 204 Orpheum B ld g , st 11:15 P. M F J Beier, Rperetary, P. (). Box 453. w M U T U A L ASSOCIATION, LOCAL No. 99. A. F of M. — First Tuesday. 11 A. M . 128 54 Fourthcwtreet. Board meets W ednesday, 1 0 :3 0 A. M. same place. H. C. B anier, secretary. O f­ fic e phone. Marshall 2 1 6 1 ; headq uarters Mam 6 0 0 7 . PAINTERS' LOCAL No. 10— Every Wednes- J*>' „ L ,b ?r. T<“® plf. 162 54 Second street, b. H. I irkard, recording secretary. 266 12th street; W. G. Townsend. 'L ab or I ample, financial aeeretary; E. E. Ed­ wards I, « b o r Temple, hnsineaa agent. Telephone Marshall 765. BOILERMAKERS — Second a n d fourth Thursdays. Bartenders' Hall, 205*4 First street. C. F. Smith, secretary, 888 Co- ' PATTERNM AKERS— Wm. V. Baser, aeere­ tary, 302 Stanton street. East 3326. lonial avenne. BOOKBINDERS No. 90 — Third Tuesday. Labor Temple. E. J. W eissenborn, P. 6 . Box 147. > PLASTERERS No. 8 2 — 8 P. M , Wednea day. Labor Temple. 162 54 Second atreet. J. L. Jones, recording secretary, 4619 E S’. d S. E .; Sellwood 1049. W. H. Law- aim. financial secretary and business agent. Labor Temple; Marshall 765. BRICK LAYERS— Meets every Friday even­ ing. 230 Yamhill street. Frank Barnes, financial secretary; Ben L. Cason, corre­ sponding secretary, 1087 F. Morrison. i PLUM BERS. U. A. LOCAL No. 5 1 — Everv Box 328. city. . Monday at 8 P. M., Labor Temple, 162*4 Second Street Phil Pollock, buaineaa agent. Teleplytne Marshall 765. BRIDGE AND STRUCTURAL IRON WARM. ERB— Tuesday, 8 P. M.. Labor Temple, third floor. Frank Hannan. business P ° w TI^ 1,D P H 0 I 0 ENG BAVBBS. LOCAL ngent. Telephone Marshall 765. ■ 0. 31— Room 300 Oregonian Bldg. Meets first Monday each month. 5:4 5 P . M. « m . Denny, «ecretary, P. O. Box 689. BUILDING LABORERS — M e e t s every Turadiy night in Labor Temple. 162 p KESSMEN No. 43— First Thursday ev en ­ Second street, at 8 o'clock. Geo. Kerr, ing. Room 300 Oregonian Bldg. F L recording secretary; Chas. McMaster, fi nigga, aeeretary, 115 E. 53d atreet. nancial secretary and business agent: phone Marshall 765. RIVEK CARPENTERS No. 5 0 — Meets every T u es­ day Carpenters Hall, Grand avenue and East Pine streets. C. J Vanderpool, re­ cording secretary. 406 Fast Pine street; 8. Clark, financial secretary, 97 Morris ■treet. aTEAMBOATMBN'S UNION— Sec­ ond and fourth Saturday In each month Soo? P rmM ' w” 4 '4 Al“ ,‘r • ,r « ' - Main «097. Chaa. Bennett, buaineaa agent. TT tSSUSO »V CUT* ? P OW ° P ™ PACIFIC — Monday night, 44 Union avenue N. Jack Koaen. secretary. Telephone Eaat 4912. CARPENTERS Mo. 909— Meets every T u es­ day, Labor Temple. Hall 201. Will C. M » » M M M A L W 0BK B BB— Friday even Hhugsrt. recording secretary. 212 W Third Ing, Hall 301 Labor Temple. 162 54 See s tr e e t; J. F. W eatherby, financial secre­ ond atreet W. L. Sullivan, buaineaa tary, 100 fieri avenue. agent. Labor Temnle. Marshall 785. CARPRNTRRS No. 1106 — Meets every SH IPW RIG H TS AMD JO IN B BS No. 1090— Thursday. Myrtle Park Station, Myrtle Meets second and fourth Mondaya each Park Hall H. H ill. 7902 52d avenne month. 245 Ash atreet. Charlea Greg- 5 ; J?*’ . N . Laureuce, ory, secretary, 484 Union avenue Tele 11.10 43d avenue S. E .t financial secre I prone Bellwood 1486. tsry. ° A ? P” AXD « P A D B WORKERS LOCAL, wo. 2 — Meets first and third Fridays at (’, H. Kenney, 906 Fast amhill. > . C H A U F rS U R 8 LOCAL No. 163 (J itn ey D riv ers)— every »wvvuu second e «nu and fourth . \ . , — . a I a. Meets —. iliu m I ,I1 d la, • — * Monday evening «I » a g IV P. We M.. Labor Tem pie. H. _ B. Maltby, aeeretary, 314 Gar­ linger Bldg Main 5105 STEAM ENGINEERS LOCAL No. 37 _ Meets every Saturday evening in Selliug Hiraeh Bldg.. 1 0 ,h and W aahlnglon. Wm Maekenxte, secretary, 875 E Ninth atreet north. , V. A- LOCAL 2 3 5 — Frl aa>, 8 P. M Labor Temple, 162 Sec- boq . / u Ke f,nan<’,Ml w r e t a r y . Box Box' 4 M»h” l7pha“ ’ recordi**« aeeretary, CIGARMAKEBS — Second Thuraday eaeh STEBEO TTPERS S ELECTROTYPERS No month. Labor Temple. Theo Hirsh. * c 4 t - M . e „ fourth W edn^d” l i m?B,h " , retary. L a b o r Temple. 16214 Second: Room 300 Oregonian Hldg. J W Sum j mere, aeeretary, rare Portland News. “ »TI-OTBBS ASSN. M o . TAILORS No. 7 4 - 8 e e o n d Monday Force. U ,3 X T Saturday after thv ' ’era Hall John Barandtitn aerrelarv aeeond day^ of each month at Labor Tern-! Boa 620; J. A. Johanson. Room 3 AUw pie. Second and Morrieon. James Irving, i worth Bldg business agent Telephone representative. MarthaII Mam 2450. telephone representative Marshall 765. rtaansTaoM or 1 iK em jaaM M " ELw CT? i C^ " 0 B “ * 3 “ CAL UNION ^ A J O T R R ,8- C H A U rrE U R S. STABLEMEN M• ’ * • . ( Ï£*W* , Wif«"*«») — Meets firs, AM ® .H ELPERS. LOCAL N o . 1 6 2 — Every and third Thursday ea< h month, Hall 802 l.ehor Temple Executive hoard meets 5*7.1, Rc**nhl**1"- recording aeeretary, 810 every Tuesday, 8 p M. James Irving, 1 7 ,h street; O. A. Rogers, secretary fin a n ça i aeeretary, 182*4 Second atreet. treasurer. 1497 East Ash street * Marshall 765. THEATRICAL STAGE BM PLOYBS I. A ELBOTBICAL W ORKERS LOCAL No 125 t* f 2 ®— Meets second --M e e ts Monday evening. Labor Temple • n<, f"u^,•* Tuesday each month. T M - - F. J. Shubert, ---------- preeident ; C. *? 189. P *.rk • ’" e , H B. McCabe. t ’onahy, finanelal aeeretary; F _ Gif : . A t,.I-»*;rarhe, treaeurer. 308 ford, recording aerrelarv Alt mall Box E secre­ 644. tary, 684 Ixxust atreet; C M Campbell recording iceeretary. P O A B M ,’n ' * < » « » « v - First and third Thursday evenings. R .d n ie n s lls ll F as, TILE LAYERS AND H EL PE R S Mo 4 2 __ Morrison between Grand and Union a v ­ ” *■ r°nd and fourth Thuradava. 8 p. M. enues. T. L aF ollelie, recording secre aeenue V "'!? * **’ Bnr’°"' * * 58 s ®’1* tary, 367 East F ifty fourth street N I P’RAINHANDLER8 -F,.at and third Tuea-f TTPGGEAPHICAL N o . 56 — F irs, Sunday in day. Danis Hall. Russell and Kirby i month. 2 P M . Mooae Hall. 346 >4 if or srreela. J I. Tucker, business agent riton atreet. corner Seventh D. Q. Gal Headquarters 499 Albin» avenue L Inp. secretary; offiee. 300 Dregonion Bldg Jacobsen, aeeretary. 499 Albina avenue ’ U c a ? L w TEX ? RS,. AM® TRIM M ERS' LO H ^ 1« ? 7 i? O« AWi v T O?.T A ,I 'B E M O « « « « " . J?A?’.i.W*'I ’°**r*h Tuewlay each “ CAL No. 372 Meet« Thursday nigh,. month Labor Temple O W. H aines, 1 26 Second «treet. H B Tfowd re recording secretary.-626 Marshall street cording aeeretary. 5»1h avenue and 72d • atreet S. R. ; N B Beynon, financial aec- E E E SSM E N 'S UNION N o . 1 7 — Meets Froaaard, buaineaa agent. firs, Tuesday In thV- month. 300 Ore Main 5197. IKON M0ULDBBW — Firat and third Wednea gv Bartenders' Hall. 20.5 First street. < F. .umith. 838 Colonial avenue, Over­ look. ¡KS‘ e s w ix / i* • ' " ’ *" 1 ' W» W, CLEA1,E S S - Ftra, and third H a lT is V , ',hOr Tp,npl' " R cqistd ^ BAKERS PJ