Par«* Two OREGON LABOR PRESS W O M EN ’S D EPA R TM EN T H» I.F .N N A P IT T M A N S T A H L U n io n s A n d T h e ir O b jects _ , , , , ... One day last week, while riding on , . , . troversies between capital and labor. CHIPS FROM THE BLOCK S p e c ia l O ffer COOKERY .r, „ „ . o . . . "'Motoring’ Through Georgia," is »he r m September means oysters bacteria ual. or copper, as often sup- Y°ur family give added strength to ized for mutual benefit, for moral upright, fair-minded industry-leaders 1 1 1 - . colored ,he kick’ and social uplift, to better conditions and employers. P° 8ed’ EurOpP the Kreenl8h co,ored Phones Main 570(, FOR THIS W EEK - 14 Post Cards retouched and one large cabinet print in Folder, 7x11, all for $1.00. Proofs shown from negative before finishing. PEOPLE’S MARKU and Grocery FIRST AND TAYLOR H o f s t e a t e r S tu d io 165*> Third Street Between Morrison and Yamhill Sts. Y o u r P ia n o Can be tuned by a union man, factory taught, backed by 11 years experience. Price $2.50. L. B. Lewis F o r A l l O c c a s io n s Tommy McCusker, secretary of in workshops and factories, to strive Arbitration, working agreements, oysters are most highly prized. When Call Tabor 6309 oysters are cooked they’ should come Employers' Association, will prob­ for a living wage and a reasonable between employer and employes, Violin Tuition Address 3908 64th St S? E. in contact with the heat for a few ably have another pay-day. He is- number of working hours to consti- posted or understood and agreeable Address: Hotel Congr, tute a day of labor; to assist mem- to ail parties, have done much to moments only, as they are delicate, sued another circular last week, tell- Member A. F. M. Local 99 and become tough and leathery by ing how to tie a “starvation noose." bers in times of need; to strive for lessen strikes or lockouts, and to my Phone Marshall GOGo the happiness of the laborer while mind, the greatest achievement of all long exposure to high temperature. Tommy should have lived in slavery For food value, creamed uys.ers is an days. here on earth, and provide for a de- is the uplift of the working class Our Hut Luncheon, art Unuqaalud A fter Theatre Lunch,«,,. cent burial when through with earth- the broadening of minds, the growing almost .ideal dish as in this dish we " e " eie tob* tbat *f tbe water PHILLIPS & SHINN ly affairs. consciousness of strength which does have a balance of protein, starch and •at meter proposition was voted down we SucceMora to From the early days of the labor not become more aggressive nor wish W ALL’S SW EET SHOP would have a reduction in water rates - movement vhen the time and place to overpower, but, grim and resolute, Bisque of Oysters: Chop one pint o f tbjs fa|j 29114 MORRISON, N E A R 'F IF T H The proposition was voted A good place for out-of-town «hopper, to lunch. Our can.liea and luncheoi,, of meeting of the Knights of Labor only strives to protect its own and pysters, drain off the liquor and add down poaed of tha very beat and freaheat ingredienti to be obtained in the lead,, was made known to members by mys- stands ever ready to afford relief to to it an equal amount of water, heat terious symbols and signs drawn with those in distress, looking forward to slowly and skim well, then put in We are told injured persons get chalk upon sidewalks and buildings, a better, closer united, prosperous the chopped oysters and cook th damages if hurt on a street .car, but and when it was not permissible for and contented manhood and woman- minutes. Scald one quart of m Ik, n°thing if the accident happened a member to divulge the name of a hood. thicken with one tablespoonful of whUe riding a jitney. Damages from fellow member, the organization of But there is yet much to be accom- butter creamed with one tablespoon- 8treet railway minus attorneys’ fees laboring men and women has grown plished. So long as some men are fu( of flour and add to the oysters and 'costs of an appeal to thg Su- and broadened, until today the great ruled by selijshness; so k n g as the with salt and pepper to taste preme Court leaves what? unions of workers play a prominent dollar is supreme, clotted with the i>ut jn o n e n i n f u l o f ~ ~ part in the industrial activity of our armor of war, bearing the sword and cream the last moment bpfo,.e ‘ ° ° r <’on8tructlon * a8 the reason serv- ascribed for the bracing and rein­ country. And the end is not yet. chain instead of the olive branch of ¡ng forcing of roofs of some of Portland’s In the few short years of the peace; so long as man may be swayed united labor movement, it has re- by the greed and love of power, there i*'alloP<’tl Oysters Put two table- school buildings this fall. Who su- 11(1111111111 quired much thought, effort and sac- will be work for and need of labor Sp° ° nfu,S of buttcr and two table- perintends construction of this dis- rifice on the part of union men to organizations, mighty unions, coni- sPoonfuls o{ tlour together in a trict’s buildings and who is respon- win recognition. True, there have posed of men and women of brains, saucepan and cook until the butter is sible? meueu ana and blended Dienuea with witn the tne flour; Hour; .. x ... been regrettable mistakes, costly who love justice, liberty and hu „ melted 1 j . . ,, . , , . . Nice fall weather. Not so co d but add one and one-ha f cupfuls of rub , l „ , „ , , strikes, lockouts and prolonged con- manity. ..... . .. , , the poor can sleep out of doors and milk a little at a time and cook unti rirh .. . . ... „ , . the rich enjoy a motor trip over the the mixture boils. Cook five minutes Columbia River Highway. longer and add salt and pepper to _____ taste. Grease a baking dish and put Automobiles are getting cheaper • a little of the sauce in the bottom, every year, but the price of shoe The Market that sells for less If 1 had a team, a co-v, sufficient do not know how to make a decent cover with oysters which have been fa th er remains about the same, FRED KOLT, Proprietor furniture, dishes and cooking utensils, lawn, raise a small crop of beans or carefully examined and all bits of ¡f you are »□¿p- ¿nd b rjn on and groceries and other provisions, Pea* and tomatoes—can’t make them shell remove»!. Add more sauce and pjece of O 4 C land-grant land "ou money to buy seed for planting, I mature, and so on up and down the more oysters until the supply is ex- are advised to change your mOid" would go onto a piece of land and '1,ne’ ®"d 8tiU public opinion Points hausted, having the top layer o f a n d not be disappointed, CORNER FOURTH AND YAMHILL ^be farm as a solution to the un- sauce. Cover with one-half cupful leave the city_if I could get the ♦ employment problem. The school of buttered crumbs and bake about Someone who claims to know, says land. garden system is surely a step in the twenty minutes in a hot oven. Serve w°man has been responsible for all Again—the man owning a piece of right direction, but the movement is as soon as done so that the oysters the wars- a11 the governments, all uncleared land has no money to have as yet too young to near fruit, or af- may not hard and touphJthe strife and all the happiness of it cleared. He is holding it for sp ec-, ford any relief at the present time. This recipe calls for one quart of this wor,d K tbis is tn»e, many ulation and it keeps him busy get- , I would like to see every available oysters. • senators and representatives may ting money for taxes. Oregon land , foot of agricultural land in Oregon 1 n . -r . well let their footsteps be guided by We make penny change is held at too high a price, and were | under cultivation, but inexperienced o T ' Wlth 1 oma5° . the lamp of experience, and watch the owner to borrow money to hire men, without funds, cannot make of SaU.C®/ R*move tbe li<’uor from the the efforts of the Women’s Congres- ‘---------- - ----------- , . . . ¡this an agricultural state. Cheap oysters, find it cleared, it would ---------------- be a long time, , . . Pour v cold water over th em |8,ona] Unj«*<1 lab«r sixty I / / : - . . _ ... Place in oven and brown nicely. hours a week. Local trade unionists We have many beautiful, bright difficulty in getting good potting Kabobed Oysters: Allow one-half 1are assisting the garment workers' colored flowers now in their prime, soil is the prepared $ber, an excel- but after October we will begin to medium in which to grow bulbs o0Zen oysters to each person to be union. miss the blooms and more keenly ap- during winter in bowls, jardineres, Berved’ ,®n tb*n 8tecl or w°oden . B E G IN A N Y E V E N IN G , predate any flowers we may be for- etc., without drainage. This fiber is skewers run first a slice of bacon 11 18 on|y aft*r a man becomes rich tunate enough to possess. One can-;l>Rht, clean and nice to handle and then an oyster ahd so on until all a” amous t at you recall the fact Spend your evenings profitably so that when the opportunity not have flowers in all seasons with- retains just the right amount o f ' are used, allowing one skewer full ■ a y°ut and he were schoolmates, comes you are ready to grasp it. Call at our office and w< w out forethought and previous prepa- ' moisture to supply the plant. It to each person. Lay the skewer on help you plan your winter’s work, or phone Main 590 or A 159K ration. furnishes in an assimilable form all a rack *n a baking pan and cook in particulars. We teach the following subjects' If we wish flowering bulbs for the of the p,ant iood elements needed by a hot oven for about five minutes. If Spanish (Conversational Method) * Bookkeeping month of December they should be alm°st all plants requiring nutrition preferred the cooking may be done French (Conversational Method) Arithmetic "The School of Quality" potted in September and October. for not over six nine months. under the broiler of the gas range. German (Conversational Method) Accounting Portland's Best Business Training The Bermuda Easter lily is a beau- The success in flowering bulbs* in Have ready slices of toast, cut into English for Foreigners Banking School. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting. tiful flower, and delightfully fra- ' fiber, as in soil, depends upon proper rather long strips, place a skewer W .141“1* Penmanship and ~--------v Penm anship taught expert W grant, a pure waxy-white and o f ' treatment. Fill the vase or bowl to w'th its oysters and bac«»h on each teachers. Rapid Calculation Typewriting Fall Term O ptn'd W edaroday. 8«p- great substance. But a short tim e1 a little below the rim with mois- ®l*ce and pour some of the liquid Pitman Shorthand Telegraphy tember 1. ISIS. is required to bring this lily into j toned fiber—not so wet that water which «will have dripped in the pan, Gregg Shorthand English Naw Claaaaa w ill «tart next weak. En- roll Now. flower and the certainty of a pro- cftn be squeezed out; plant the bulbs over all. Serve at once with slices Dictation (Any System) Call, w rits, or telephone for Illustrated Catalog. fusion of bloom makes it a great fa- j >n the tops just showing above the lemon. Special day classes for backward students. A. T. LINK. Gen. Mgr. vorite. Bulbs in September can be surface. Do not press the bulbs Curried Oysters: Melt one table- Individual lessons during the day in Spanish or French Phone Main 60R3 We have secured the b»rvices of Prof. J. P. Mueller, a man w ’■ bad in flower in December. down too firmly or they may be spoonful of butter or oil ip a sauce Tllford Bldg. Portland, Oregon 23 years’ experience. He is exceptionally well prepared to tai It is also a good garden lily, be- forcp<1 up when they commence to pan, add to it one small onion finely charge of our Modern Languages and teach Foreigners. ing entirely hardy, excepting in terow out roots. The bulbs may be minced and cook until it begins to northern climates, where it requires sI’ace’’ Have cooketl a generous portion The Formosa, or St. Joseph’s lily, WATER ICES is another lovely snow-white, hardy *CU *5 V Hie bulbs have made of boiled rice to serve with the curry, ICE CREAM AND garden lily but not quite as early as (enou*i . r°°I . ^rowt to abh b tbe Green peppers may be shivdded and i«»-Tl Marrlron S tr w t moisture. the Bermuda. The Lilium Longiflor-1 sprinkled over the rice as a relish, T in k ers o f urn is a Japanese type and the latest ddent “ * 7 ”; Hp the bowls on their an<1 garnish dish should be Trade at to bloom. It is also pure white and - SJl lB. ,a? ra'n *, ° . ’ e h0* ’8 served piping hot. perfectly hardy should be examined twice a week and _________ The three varieties planted- in a the ftber kept uniformly damp. ‘ Along That Main Line. bed will give a succession of beauti-1 After root growth has formed, re- Employmertt Agentress—You want • ful blooms during the summer, while move to a cool, light room. A tem- a cook who will appreciate a good the same bed may be carpeted with P astu re of fifty to sixty degrees pro- WHERE QUALITY ND home and good treatment and— a low-growing bedding plant to h ar-'duce8 tbp h*81 PRIQE IS RIGkil Employer—But in the meantime monise with the pure white of the^ ------------------------ send me a cook. Hlias. The principal difference between a _______________ The bulbs range in price from 15 wife and a woman who merely is The man who desires to meet prom- to 30 cents each. Each bulb multi- engaged is that the wife puts on her inent people should not make the Fourth and Washington Streets plies, and aoon the increase will m a k e own rubbers. mistake of going to bed too early. | M W “ BREAD ™ GOOD MEAL Pacific Market B ack T o T h e Land New Central Market Building Most Complete and Up-to-Date Market in Portland / / O ff ft The Most in Vaine, Best in N1QHT SCHOOL Lmk’sBusiness College Business College Log Cabin Baking Co. HUNTLEY’S y HUNTLEY DRUG CO. Tip Top Bread Holsum Bread Holsum Cakes Holsum Cookies Holsum Doughnuts S O L D EVERYW H ERE