Page Paar OREGON LABOR PRESS Oregon ila bor Ipvcee •THE IVO R Y S N U F F BOX’ •THE NEW HENRIETTA” Holbrook Blinn makes his second The regular season of the .It dig appearance in motion pictures in Theatre will be inaugurated on 1 ues- Official Publication of the Central Labor Cou ncil of Portland and “The Ivory Snuff Box,” by Frederick day evening, September 28, by five Vicinity, and the Oregon State Federation of Labor. Arnold Rummer, which the World j of the most popular stars pn the Office, Room 302 Oregonian Building, corner Sixth and Alder Streets, Film Corporation releases on Sep- . American stage. William H. Crane, tember 27th. Thomas W. Ross, Maclyn Arbuckle, Portland, Oregon. The part which Mr. Blinn under- Laura Hope Crews and Mabel Tali- takes in the offering is that of an aferro, assisted by an efficient sup- Subscription, $1.00 per year in advance Advertising rates furnished on application American detective in the employ o f porting company, under the direction the French government. On 1ns of Joseph Brooks, will present Bron- C. M. RYNERSON, Editor and .Manager wedding »lay he is ordered to trace son Howard’s brilliant comedy, "The Entered at the Post Office, at Portland, Oregon, as second-class mail matter the thief of an ivory snuff box, which New Henrietta.” The appearance of has been lost by the French Am- stars of the lustre and fame of those bassador. Richard Duvall (that is mentioned is an event of memorable SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1915 the name of the d> cective) starts off importance and widest public inter­ in quest of the snuff bix, which is est; and when the play is such a n not recovered until after an amaz- masterpiece of American stage liter- ingly exciting series of adventures atuwe as Bronson Howard’s work, on land and shipboard. In a sani- there is no doubt but that a wonder- GET BUSY WITH YOUR CONGRESSMAN , tarium, Duvall meets his wife, who ful evening’s entertainment is as- The same interests that tried to prevent publication has been decoyed there, and the two sured. The engagement at the of the Manly report to the Commission on Industrial only escaPe after considerable p. hi Heiiig is for five nights, with matinee Relations may be depended upon to try to block its dis- Th(. „.storation of the 8nuff box Seat8 will place(, on s; le Thurs. tribution. It therefore behooves voters to be prompt enables Duvalt and his bride to < .n- day, September 23rd Mail orders and early in asking their Congressmen for copies. Nor tln“e the,r £oneymoon- received now will be filled in the should thej» let themselves be put off with the leply that the picture which has some exqui ite prices for evening performances will the supply has been exhausted. Let Congress spend less settings to which the photographer be: Entire lower floor, $2; first five fo r documents th at nobody reads or cares for, ’ and more Alma Helwin, X « - T following T - " f four ! rows ‘°X a newcomer in rows, $1; 75 tO print a sufficient supply of a report like this which will pictures, plays the part of Glace cents; remainder of balcony and gal- Ellicot in this photoplay, which is lery 60 cents. Prices for the Wed- be for years to come a valuable reference work. < rammed with thrills all through, nesday and Saturday matinees w ill' and being splendidly acted by Mr. be: Entire lower floor $1.50; first Blinn and his associates, prove, a ' five rows of balcony $1; next four hj.fhly accePtable and stimulating rows 75 cents; remainder of balcony LAM) AND WATER The city of Portland has lieen visited this week by a coterie of gentlemen—some distinguished, some notorious—who have dis- “The ivory Snuff Box. wij, bt, cussed from various viewpoints the matter of water power control, shown at the star Theatre, 3 day«, The Exception Senator Chamberlain of Oregon and Senator Walsh of Mon- starting Thursday, Sept. 30. -',en ,nav fret and men may fume tana have led a small minority in a valiant fight for people’s rights. But the outstanding feature of the conference is the predominant ... . . " . , . , , position given to the power interests by those who hatfe secured control of the conference. The people of this state have allowed the state government to drift back into the hands of that gang of political beach combers who were overthrown and outlawed with the adoption of the “Ore- gon system.” —------------------- And cry: *Tlie trusts must go, WONDROUS HEADLINERS* , ______ Such is the attraction in one showi offered by the Orpheum for the week of September 26. Just imagine Wa,u“r c - Kelly. “The Virginian A nlnterestingB ook Juadhner8- Beaumont and > long for The grocer’s, when funds are low. for your eye needs, friend. Is made doubly en ­ joyable by perfect vision. Those long winter evenings are n e a r w h e n you should have full use of your eyes. We exam ine your eyes by scientific meth­ ods. with up-to-date i? instruments. and prepare the glasses In our own work­ shop. Let us care We will make you our WHEElERfliTICAiCQ. F IF T H FLOOH. OHBGONIAN BLDG. DAMASCUS MILK Awarded Highest Prize In Oregon at Panama-Pacific International Expoaition IT STAYS SWEET IN HOT WEATHER At your grocers or delivered by us Damascus Creamery Call up East 3240 THOMAS W. ROSS AND MABEL TALIAFERRO In • 1’ ceBe i rom “The New Henrietta,” which will be staged at the I heater for fi ve nights and Wednesday and Saturday matinees h, , ln, : Tuesday evening, September 28. * "Mnninr NEW POLICY AT EMPRESS, jityl The Ambler Brother «uknou- --------- ledged among the world's equi- The new policy of presenting good librists will offer a serie s ot vaudeville attractions, omitting mo- feats that are incomparable Hicks tion pictures haa won popular favor and Seymour, a young ma: ami a with the patrons of the Empress pretty girl offer a jolly mixta . theatre. The patrons of this mag- s*n8iug> dancing and p a ttt nificent playhouse can now enjoy a Woman” is the title of , good snappy vaudeville show of high domestic skit, presented by St:,- eld, class entertainers booked exclusively Hall and Lorraine, in whiii. [.ora to appear over the Mother circuit of Lorraine, a stately and be., .tifa popular priced vaudeville, better woman is featured. The Aiha: bra known as the Empress circuit, f, °ur, will furnish a lively singing founded by Mr. John W. Considine. and c°medy number. Sn\ r y ¡Beginning with today’s matinee an- He*nes will present an art: . n, Her other great bill of eight acts is skating act. Owen Wright i.- billet: promised and all indications point to tbe American Humorist ann , serving one of the most pleasing and ° ffer8 a pleasing number shows of the season. The headline ---------------------- - attraction on the new bill will be SUCCESS AT GREAT FAl.I.x Little Caruso & Company in an elab- Organizer Frank D. O’Brii orate singing and musical offering ports successful termination called, “A Night In Venice.” Little Caruso is a talented tenor and sings *n ^’reat b ads> Mont a number of ballads. He is as- which men employed in the bi; dir sisted by two beautiful dancing girls, t)rades bav® secured union shop <•< i another singer and a capable violinist. nS a a . recoRnition of the The act carries special scenery and! I the/ ltzJ Prald & Lewis, ami the electrical equipment, that are said to ? T i? mothers Company, gewra 1 building contractors. Meml,< ¡compare with the finest on the vaude- : ville stage of today. Bertie Herron . e alls Trades and l.aboi who has been wearing blackface ssem y aa V*e building I’ rio ¡about as long as the Nichols Sisters C° UnCl1 are hlgh,y eIated ovpr th,,r | have, is the big comedy boom of the magnificent success. bill, a gingery girl with a lot of He is the best press secretary our laughs; she is assisted by Milt Arns- local union ever had. Sure he i> man, a singer of exceptional abil- Who? AMUSEMENTS NEUSTADTER BROS. M anufacturer« cf ‘BOSS OF THE ROAD” OVERALLS Sales rooa JTflR THEATRE (hjUtetvnt W ashington at Park Four days, starting Sunday. Ser t Th« \T Irene Fenwi<* THE WOMAN DOOR. A drama of pathos and j, sentially a story of the heart o f v misunderstanding. u Three days, starting Thursday. S r Hlinn In the melodramatic pi p . ! THE IVORY 8 N U F F BOX (which .. r,t inn the ■•cret code of F rance). A powerful nd ev citing photo drama of detective life in F uropr > great city. Note the fine photo dramas the S‘ r hai been playing, and make it your nKular Photo Theater. Triple Headline Bill WALTER C. KELLY, The Virginia Judge LONG TACK SAM And H is Company of Wonder Workers BEAUMONT AND ARNOLD Late of “ Miss Nobody of Starland" EUGENE DAMOND, Monarch of Violinists BESSIE BROWNING, “ Individuality” “AURORA OF LIGHT.” The Living Venus ORPHEUM TRAVEL WEEKLY PAT ROONEY AND MARION BENT In the Second Edition, “ At the N ew stand“ Fifth and Ankeny Streets mines. In one item the careful press agent tells of a nice little entcrtain; ,.The Aurora of Li £ „ V A N T A G E S i xr “ Factory. Grand Ave. and E. Taylor speech he made to the miners, how they are partners in the opera- ii living Venus, will be seen m poses; _____ _____________ LITTLE MISS U. S. A. A Pretentious Musical Comedy tion of the mines. Yes, they are partners in the operation of the Eugene Damond, master violinist w ill! NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE, Tom— KENNEDY A BURT— Ethel Singing- Story Songs mines, but when the division of profits comes John D., Jr., and entertain, and Bessie Browning, indi- ,B ,h* Clrf«lt c.urt of th* State ef O WILL AND KEMP I. Rohint’n. p"»fnti” ?l’..Cj“ cX'Arm.tron«. his kind forget all about the partnership. Their partnership is viduality personified, will appear inlT. Veda Acrobatic Odditie, Armstrong. Ludwig Spady and Anils Betty—GRAY A WHEELER—Bert somewhat akin to that of the railroad and the old-time conductor ber ™ ac?°us glory' The Orpheum Spady. - Defendants. - -------- j Vaudeville', Charley Chaplin and the Girl OBER A N D DUMONT who collected quite a sum of money for fares, then tossed it up showing thp wor]d at work The Original South American Dancer, over the bell rope in the car, with the remark: What stays on ^ iay, completes the extraordinary dJmudUI*nnd.d*iimenti ««i d7 PANTAGESCOPE — FIRST RUN PICTURES . upon a judgment and de­ cree rendered and entered In said Court on the rope belongs to the company, and what falls to the floor is show, T H E B A K E R I CO I 1 iv C Pictures changed Fourth and W»» Adminkion . ces every day except V ■ Sunday and Monday -No One to <; . Pathe N ew . ; Local Talant. I Tuesday- Romance of Elaine: Put S' ' Jocko >he Love-sick Monk ; Father - . Wednesday Bride of the Sea ; Char . Iin. Thurwiay Detective B linn: Little I ' ’ Fa*he N ew s; Charlie Chai | Friday- When the Fleet Sailed N- - ' I Jc®«e Jam es; A Woman of N«r. ! Saturday Revenge of the Steepl j ’ upid Takes a T a x i; Ford Pictorial V i BURNSIDE THEATRE the 11th day of September. ,1816. in favor of I Fifth «and Burnside St.- 1T. I. Robinson, plaintiff, and against J. C. Main 2 A 51«» Armstrong, Veda Armstrong. Ludwig Spady Only Absolutely Fireproof T. • L E V I STRAUSS & CO. , and Anlis Spady, defendants, for the sum Tonight last time- THE YELLOW TICKET in this Section Baker Players Raker P rice, now more pop­ j U N F A IR TO LABOR °i *2187-92 with intarent at th« rate of R per cent per annum from the 11th day ular than ever. Week beginning Sunday Mat. ¡Musical Comedy and Motion I’ Tucked away in a comer of the Oregonian is the following 2f _*i*eUnil>er’ «nd the further turn of Sept. 2« (Tomorrow). THE FORTUNE (Changed Daily item, dated Pheonix, Arizona, Sept. 20: “The Supreme Court de- Mig„ Edith Suter organjzer of the *» ’«>• «¿"of"« HUNTER, by Geo. M. Cohan and Winchell I Smith. Presented by .pectal reque.t with Ed­ :0pen from 10:30 a. m. to 11 | cided today that the women’s eight-hour work law was consti- United Garment Workers of America, lfl16, • ’’d for the further aum7 of 112*45 "coaoi ward W ocdruff in h i. popular role of Nat Only Best Pictures ami U ji -’ and Frances McHenry a . Betty Gra­ Comedy tutional.” Query: How big a story would the aforesaid paper who ha.« been in the city for several “ u w’ uu.rTrmmandinR ‘m« ‘‘SV.k«‘"¿i^of Dunean ham. daughter of the oid druggist. A .tory of love with . blending of patho. and comedy Any Seat 5c have made, had the decision been the opposite ? day8Jn intrre!,t union, left t h e ' T ^ t ^ ' ^ i t ’r ' n .^ n T stau rare and appealing. Nat Duncan', brilliant for San r rancisco Wednesday even- o»»«on, to-wit: scheme for "easy money" and how It came ; nD, eleven (11) In block two (2 ). »uhdlvl.lon i out. Full .trength of the favorite Baker «1 Oie original tow« of Albina, areordinx 1 Player.. Stage under direction of W. B. Gil­ The Home of Paramount Picture’ I Mis« Suter is making a special plea ,.dYiT "'•«rded Plata .thereof, together bert. Evening., 28e. 80c. Box and loge 76c. Sunday to Wednesday Inclusi*- : , , . K^ * * 1 p , with all the tenement«, herlditamenta, prlvll- Monday night and all m atinee., entire house LOU TELLEGEN to orgumzed labor to oppose Levi »«*•• l» « U and profit« appurtenant thereto. (except box) 78c. M atinee. Sunday. W edne.- in I S t r a u s s A C n n t San . i,ow T*1® 1*!«»*. *>r virtue of aald exarution, ; day and Saturday. Otrausa ® VO. 01 &an r rancisco, non- ! judgment order, decree and order o f aalc and THE EXPLORER Next week THE ARGYLE CASE. Great«>st Paramount Travelogue union makers of shirts and overalls. : ln »¡»h U»e command, of u id writ, ' Wwt to redemption). u> the highest bidder I P O « K W E I T P O R K . N E O P U i d T H I N C T O N . _ , • ior r ,,h ,n h*n<|. ■" u>* rlxht, title and In­ ________________ Pathe Weekly________ _ can be no excuse for using Strauss tere.t which the within named defendant« (or : ro o d s : alther or any of them) had on the Sth day of ' j ' I Augnat. l i l i , the date of the mortgage herein * a After caring for some work in San I f<” wl<»»d. or ainre that date had In and to I *" * * T W E 4JTR E * | the above deacribed property or any part The Leading Sc Motion Picture H 'u.<- Francisco, Miss Suter will return to thereof, to satisfy said execution."judgment' Portland First Run Motion Pictures and decree. Interest, coats and accruing i 105*107 Sixth, near Stark St Portland to continue organization der —•«a. Starting at 11 A. M. work in this city. Coming Sunday. September T. M. HURLBURT, Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon “ U P FROM THE DEPTHS PRICES : N ights and Sunday Dated this 18th day of September, ISIS. 1 A Mutual Masterpiece in four p»rt trat ii Septemb Matinees, l i e and 20c •mher 18. l i l t . Moving Picture that you will h* Patronize Labor Press advertisers. | 2 Usai i! October 1«. 1(11. Weekday Matinees. 10c. Admission 5c mine “ P E © R L E S UNIONISTS ATTENTION The Central Labor Council desires to announce that the Vegetarian Bakery and products (Hayne’s bread, pies and cookies) and Leighton’s Cafeteria on Washington, near Broadway, have been placed on the Unfair List. Unionists, their families and friends, are re­ quested to refrain from patronizing either of these concerns until such a time as the controversies are settled satisfactorily to the Bakers’ Union and Local 189, Waiters and Waitresses. • O IÖ T IO M Ö L .’ N E W G R A N D