M onday, June PORTLAND LABOR PR E88 Fa«« Two ont Out of Building Trades Wii' Pull Together. Following ia a copy of an agreement and approved by the executive boards of the Bricklayers, Masons nail Plasterers International G iv in g th e Worker a C hance BY JO H N ALLIED PRINTING TRADES COUNCIL— CENTRAL LABOR OOUNCIL--M««ti^ t r n j Friday, 8 P M . room 201 Labor T .m p V Third Friday «Tanina. 205*4 Firat street G. W. Stanley, president, M W. Petersen, George H Howell, «ecretary, Oragouisu composing room. serretary, Labor Temple. BOARD OP BU B IN B SSS . O ENTS— M etis LOCAL LABEL TRADES SECTION— Second ..n .| t h e U n ite d Tuesday and Friday at 8 A M , at Labor a m i fo u r th T u e s d a y s , 8 P. M , a t 230*4 D10,J °* ’ “• “ ’ **® y n i t e d . Temple Y a m h ill. E d J. S ta c k , p re s id e n t; hi. Brotherhood of < ’arpenters arpenters and Joiners Tempi« W . P e te rs e n , s e c re ta r y -tre a s u re r. A m e ric a - BREWERY TRADES SE C T IO N - First Fri „ ..„ „ „ .„ I day, 162*4 Second «treat. O. D. i . ’ ta, cor­ METAL TRADES COUNCIL— First end third ’ ‘of T h u r s d a y n ig h ts F . B. R a e u b ig , sec- h i r s t . \ \ < a g re e to a general ner Third and Reach streets Lents r e ta r y . 327 S ix th s tre e t. M a r e h a ll fe n s iv e and defensive” alliance under BUILDING TRADES COUNCIL— Meats n 5784. H e a d q u a rte rs an d h a ll, 209 M,, Monday. Labor Tomple, 162 *4 Second the following conditions: A llsk y B ld g .. M a r sh a ll 1641. «treat W. T. Orr, secretary ; B. W. Slav man. business agent O ffici hour«, 12 to PAINTERS' DISTRICT COUNCIL No. 2 4 — Second: That no member of either 1. Telepbona, Marshall 766. Meet» every Thur»d*y at Labor Temple, organization shall work on any opera- W ANNAM AKER Oiving our workers an added por people in their work is a large aseet tion of the rewards they help to earn of good to any business establishment. While it is true that the new holi- is every bit as good business as it is good morals! If people are treated like day touches the humanities of business, oxen, they can he depended on to it is only fair to say that the work make only an ox-like return! Treated people are afways and ever disposed otherwise, the difference is a miracle! to treat fairly those who have their The position of the working man interests at heart, and I believe that in ISfll and in 1914 shows a great the buyers of good»-—especially in the DISTRICT COUNCIL OP CARPENTERS lUnc’oc^iu«»?' r' eor4in* ,ecr,Ury' 288 tion where workmen are employed Meets «eery Friday night. O. T. Hunt. .. .. .. , change for the better. When we lie Hummer time—can easily become our Buainoss Agent; P. R. Lingtnaa, Secretary WATERFRONT FEDERATION— Second and o t h e r than those who % are in good gan business, all the stores were open partners in thia humanitarian effort Treasurer. Hours 8 A. M to 4 :8 0 P. M., fourth Tuesday«, s P. M.. 206*4 Firat St. standing in the respective international Labor Temple. Telephone Marehall 785. J. I. Tucker, »ecretary. 48» Albina avenue. from 7 in the morning to 7 in the and aid us by concentrating their pur­ U XI i O f l N, evening! Gradually we got to a 6 chases within the five «lays, so that Third: That in all “ offensive and o ’eloek closing and now it is 5 o ’clock hot Saturdays may become health giv defensive” movements no subordinate D IR E C T O R Y of L O C A L U N IO N S every day and opening in the morn- ers to the workers without loss of pay. local of either international union i ing at 8:30 instead of at 7. This It is true that, for years, we used shall be permitted to take any local 1 shows three and a half hours every to close at noon, but noon oftentimes —~ hetion whatsoever until the question ' day given to workers within h »ingle was 1 o ’clock, and when our people BARBERS’ UNION, No 76— Third Tuesday. AU 324e» “ “Bent- 272 ° ““ n ,2t4 requiring joint action shall have first j 7 " r r Poraatry Hall, Fourth and W ashington lifetime. reached their homes at 2 or 3 o ’clock, " . C. H H. . Ki Kelly, secretary, -------- 187*4 _ F . irst . street; LONGSHOREMEN. LOCAL No 4 - M « l . b ®e “ i u b n ,i t t e d b>' t h ® p r e s id e n t s of Main »18» While this was coming on, we found the whole of the Saturday was prac- fire! end third W ednesday eeeoin g. ISOM, the Bricklayers, Masons und Plaster- ! ways to establish annually a two tically gone! Now that the store closes BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY WORK Second street. A. E Barnes, business erg Union of America and the United «rent; H Larsen aecre>«ry. Hcadquar . ,, . , , . EES, No. 114— Meet« flrat and third Set weeks’ furlough in the Summer time at 5 o ’clock, the jieople are free on Mrs. 24» Flanders; telephone A 2060, Mam Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners orday in month, at 6 P. M., 280*4 Yamhill without any reduction in pay. In old Priday to take trains to shore and • treat. Earl Stout, president W ill E. Jen 2 o st. of America. kins, «ecretary and business agent. Room times clerks and others in the store mountain places and on Monday moru- Fourth: No movement of an “ of 8, 280*4 Yamhill street. Phona, Main 7510. MACHINISTS, W ILLAMETTE LODGE Mo had to work also at nights, especially ings, taking turns, half our people need 63 Meets first end third W ednesday», 8 f e n s i v e iitid d e f e n s i v e ’ ’ e h n m e t e v ahull F. M.. hall 300 Aliaky b:dg. Third and , e a 1 " e r ,n !,1 ' e c h a r a c te r s h a ll , BEER D R IV E B 8 AND BOTTLERS— Firat Saturday nights, and they had very not report for duty until 9 o ’clock, Morrison E. Ehlcn. recording »ecretary; be c o u n te n a n c e d in cases where such and Hurd Thursdays. Labor Temple, 1 6 2 ‘x little time for education or recreation. This practically gives two full days of Hci-ond alreet. T. II. Kendlg, aecrctery. 2u9 Ali^/Vui'ldtar“ ^ ’^ ” ^ ' . Joint won’d b® a ' *°>ation of existing agree 1267 East Yamhill street. Telephone Ta Eighteen years ago we established country rest, if so desired, to our meeting with No. 483 svsry .'»ftta Wed nee ments that have been submitted to bur 2476. schools as part of the business system < workers. and duly approved by the president« WORKERS— Second and fourth for our own employes and in two es The keeping o,_PERAT to r Tempi«. Chas. Adwen. P. O. Box 147 O B 8’ — PROTECTIVE — — —— — UNION. • —— • LOCAL — — No business thun just the rule of three! 158. I. A. T. S. E.— Meats seroud and In order to Illustrato the rapid growth of BRICKLAYEBS— Meets every Thursday, Bar There i« both sentiment and the Patronise home industry. fourth Tuesdays of each month in T. M. A. , . tenders' Hall, 20814 F irst street. J. A Hall, 169 Park street, between Morrison ««Y1“ »« with 4 par cant compounded lnterast humanities in business. We have Steinbaeh, secretary. Box 828, City. and Yamhill, at 1 1 :1 5 P. M. Iliff J. Vin added, we have prepared the follow ing table found that the increases in wages we BRIDGE AND STRUCTURAL IRON WORK •on, secretary, P . O. Box 453. have made and a minimum wage rate M A D S I N P O S T L A N D SUM — T u e s d a y , 8 P . M., L a b o r T em p le, K7Ta I „ T» KB First Tuesday, 11 A. M., th ir d floor. B on O sb o rn e, b u s in e s s “ V . T f r p ® I i 1 E3 -3 in almost every section of our busi­ a g e n t . T e le p h o n e M a r s h a ll 765. 12814 Fou rth street. Board meets W ednes­ u «• e - day, 10:30 A. M., same place. H. C. Rata of a S ; a s g S e e ■5.18 ness, has actually produced, to a large O ’ BROTHERHOOD O r RAILW AY CABMEN Ranzer, Secretary. Main 6007, A 5259. ln terast _ h S J S I o r AMBEICA, PORTLAND LODGE N extent, increased efficiency and good­ 3 o0 IsOCAld Mo. 10— Every Wednee 268— Every second and fourth Tuesdav, PAINTERS day, Labor Temple, 1 6 2 ^ Second street. ness of service. Ccrpantera' Hall, East Pina and Grand ave­ 8 .2 3 FOUR Per cent 8 73. 8162. 8403. 81.294. The content anil hopefulness of the nue Hugh Mr Can sc, recording arrretary, .50 per annum Com­ 146. 324. soa. Hancock s tr e e t; F. E. McLean, financial T h e C IT IZ E N S BANK Grand A t «, and Alder 4% interest on savings and v , , money as safe with us in United States vault WHY? Every dollar deposited in . ., savings department is invested in first mortgage loans, trust deeds og bonds, secured all tin- time; not part of the tin ■ N o P erson E v e r L o s t a D o lla r D ep o sited In a n B a s t P o r tla n d Bank. G olden W est COFFEE TEA SPICES B A K IN G POWDER EXTRACTS dUST RIGHT A T R IA L WILL CONVINCE- CLOS SET a DEVERS PORTLAND, ORE. HOW SAVINGS GROW 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 White Mountain E M IO R A H T 8 R u s s ia n A u t h o r it y Bays T oo M any P e o p le A r e L e a v in g M o t h e r C o u n tr y . Russian emigration to North Amer­ ica began in 1S20, and since that year 2,711,384 subjects of the Czar have made their homes in the United 8tates. The little stream of emigration, be­ ginning with fourteen emigrants in 1820, had increased to but 100 in 1858 and in 1870 it reached 1000. From that date it swelled into a great vol­ ume. In 1881 it was about 10,000 and in 1902 it recabed 100,000. War and revolutionary upheavals encouraged rapid growth during the next five years, and in 1907 Russian emigration to America had risen to 258,943 per- The publication from which these figures are taken is compiled from in­ formation collected by the Liban Emi­ grants’ Society. Figures dealing with the earnings of laborers are also given. It appears that while the average earn­ ings of nn unskilled laborer in Russia are about 87.50 a month, in America they are 831. A skilled tnason or car­ penter earns here 826, but in America he would earn 862.50, while in other occupations the pay is from three to five times greater. Last year 824,000,000 was remitted from the United States through the Postoffice by Russian emigrants to their relatives at home, and 88,000,000 more was sent through the banks. Not lees than 32 shipping companies took part last year in handling Russian emi­ gration traffic to A meric a M anufacturad COLUMBIA by MILLING CO. B ast Second and M arket Straata BOWMAN BROTHERS U N IO N M A D E Clothing, Furnishing Goods Hats. Shoes, Etc. 14 and 16 N . 3rd 8. E, Cor. B u rn n ld o 61 a n d 63 N . S ix th . N . W . C or. D a v is J® - ^iSflK K fllili EwawiB If wishes were automobiles, gasoline would go up n million per cent. Townsend’s White Clover Carton Butter tbo sanitary way r i B S T ZM Q U A L I T Y because of our experience F IR S T IX SALES btccMiee of buyers ' experience Alati makers of the famous White Clover Ice Cream T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. 1 8 -9 0 F i o n t S t r e e t P o r t la n d When you buy TIP-TOP BREAD—look for the TIP­ TOP Isabel. Be sure to get the Genuine. T IP -T O P BREAD Made exclusively by the LOG CABIN BAKING COMPANY 1011 Borthwick «»raat. secretary; 5085 Seventieth street S. E. BUILDING LABORERS — Tuesday night. C. A. Sandei, business agent. Telephon« Second and Morrison streets S P. Hur Marshall 765. rla, Financial Secretary; George Kerr, Re cording Secretary. Labor Temple, tele­ PAINTERS LOCAL Mo. 279— Meets every Tuesday evening, hall 300 Labor Temple. phone. Marshall 765. Chas Gorman, recording secretary; E. F CARPENTERS No. SO— Meets «very Tuesday Harris, financial secretary, Labor Temple. Carpenters' enferi ' ” Hall, " Grand avenue and J East ‘ , • „ '’ » » Pine streets. F. W. Moran. Recording PA(TT? u t A? E B 8 ™ o vuV0”'! j — — - fourth Tuesdays. 309 A lisky bldg., 3d and Secretary, 335 Shaver street; - S. Clark. Morrison Frank U. Raeubig, 327 Sixth Financial Secretary, »7 Morris street. street. Telephone, Marshal) 5784. OABPBNTEER No. 808— Meet« every Tuas ... „ p M __ . . . day, Labor T.tnple, Hall 20 1 . W. J. Shel- « ^ ^ E M R Uv. 8R— 6 K M y^dnaeday ley, Recording Secretary, 1158 Liebc «treat. Ti S pl5in»62Mcvaii?i? r t wLh E a .^ 8 h .™ h. n b. t r J i “ nC“ ‘ 8eC" U r } ' 8° 8 at.°r •fln T S a a l^ k c r a U ^ * 9448 Eaat ¿ ‘o r East Sherman street. riaon etreat; Tabor 2462. OARPENTBER Nn. l X » « - M . . t . every Wed- , pLUM BEE^ „ A M _ E„ r, Mon tiradey, Lanrelwood H all, Lauralwood S ta­ day at S P. M , Labor Temple, 162 H tion. E. H. W ells. 8703 67th street, R e­ Second street. Phil Pollock, business agent. cording Secretary; G. M. B eatty, 3420 66th Telephone Marshall 766. street S. E., Financial Secretary. CARD AND LABEL LEAGUE— CARPENTERS Ne. 1266— Meets every Wad PORTLAND Meet* drat and third W ednesdays, 8 P. M., neaday, Union H all, Thirteenth street tnd Labor Temple. Mrs. L. Gae, president, 501 Tenino avenue, Sellwood. C. J. Vander­ East W ashington zstraat, taiaphope East pool. 245 Eaet Th’-ty-eeventh street. R e­ 4401; W ill C. Shugart, secretary, 409 cording Secretary; W. W. Wing, Financial College (tract. Secretary, 840 Tenino avenue. PORTLAND PHOTO-BNORAVER8, LOCAL CARPENTERS No. 588— Meet« every Thurs­ 31— Hall 301 Labor Temple. Wm. Denney, day, Cartav's H all. Peninsular avenue and urge Biesell, Diascll. Record Record- I •« " » ••r y - P- O. Box 689 Lombard street. George ing Secretary, 238 W. Emerson str e e t; • PRESSM EN No. 43— First Thursday evening C. R. Davereaux, Financial Secretary, 126*4 Second F. O. Gustafson, president; Wm. I. Harper, secretary-treasurer, Gar 1700 McKenna aeeana. den Home, Ore. CARPET AND SH A D E WORKERS LOCAL No. 2.— Meats first and third Fridays at RIVER STEAMBOAT M EN’S UNION— Meet second and last Saturday evening», 28414 28OH Yamhill. C. S. Kaaney, 906 East Alder »treat. John Hoffman, business agent, Yamhill. CAULKERS Mo. 1069— J. E. Powell, Record­ SAILORS— Monday night, 81 Union avenue. G. A. Svensoa, aaeratary. P. O. Box 2100. ing Secretary, 104 Scott avenue, St. Johns: W. Ramsdall. Financial Secretary, 683 SANDSTONE CUTTERS— First and third W eldler atraet. Thursdays. 8 P. M., Labor Temple. 270*4 Alder street. Geo. Lehman, secretary, SI CEMENT F IN ISH E E S AND H EL FB B8. North Fourteenth street. LOCAL No. 11«— Every W ednesday 8 P. M. Lstbor Tempi«, 16214 Second atraet. SHEET METAL W OBKERS— Friday H. W. Hillihiiah. 248 Stanton street, busi iiiff. hall 301^ Labor Temple, 1 0 2 H Bee ness agent. Telephone Marshall 765. ond street. W. L. Sullivan, business agent, Labor Temple. Marshal) 755. OIOAEMAKER8— First Friday each month. Labor Temple. H. O. Muhler, secretary. La­ 8H IPW & IO H T8 AMD JOIM BB8 Mo. 1020— bor Tempi«. Meets second and fourth Mondays each month, 245 Ash street. Charles Gregory, OOOFEBS’ UNION Mo. 1— Math Srbon. ear Secretary, 484 Union avenue. retary. 8615 S ixty fifth street. S. E. ELBCTB10IANS Mo. 480— Meets every W ed­ 8XOM PAIMTCB8, Mo. 428— First and third Fridays. Labor Temple. W. H. Gordon, nesday evening at 8 o'clock, hall 804 •ecretary. la b o r Temple. Owen Osborne, recording •ecretary. P. A. Spice, financial saera- STEAM ENGINEER^— M eet, every_8aturday t ary B. H. Emrich, buainea» agent. evening at Aliaky BI Bldg., corner Third and Labor Temple. Telephone Marehall 765. Mortiaon, third floor. Wm. M ackenzie, __ __ «ecretary. 875 E. 9th street North 5LR V A T0R CONSTRUCTORS— Second and fourth Fridays. 8 P. M.. Labor Temple, I STEAM PITTERS, U. A. LOCAL 235— Fr day 162*4 Second street. W. O. Aah. president. g p . M., Labor Ttmpla. 162 U Second. J l^ n ta; R V. Clark, aeeretary. 928 F.aat Kelly, financial secretary. Box 42« Eleventh street north. John D. Knauaa. recording »ecretary, Box GARMENT WORKERS— Fir»t and third 429 Telephone 2157. Thursday evM lngs. Carpenters' Hall. East STEBEO TTPERS A BLEOTBOTTPERS No Pine and Grand avenu«._ T. LaFollette, «8— Meets second W ednesday in month at recording aaeratary, 867 East F ifty fourth Bartenders' Hall, 205*4 Firat »treat. Jam es atraet. B Rogers. 92 Front street. Tel. Main 8184. GRA1MHANDLBRS -F irst and third Tu«. TAILORS Mo. 7 4 — 8econd Monday. A lisky day. Dania Hall, R usstll and Kirby street«. Hail, 'third and Morriaon. John Baran - - business • - H« ----- J - I. Tucker, agent. Hcadquar dum, secretary, box 620. J. A. Johanson, ters 499 Albina avenue C 2556 L. business agent, telephone Main 2450. Jacobsen, aeeretary, 499 Albina avenue. TEAM 8TER8 LOCAL Ne. 162— Every t h u r . HARDWOOD FLOOR LAYERS Mo. 19ST— day at 126*4 Second street. M. E. Nolan. Meats first and third Thursdays of each Recording Secretary. 12» Second »trect Ni Tabor 176. <’<*rt‘* * 8 _ 8 !* " ’.«.'‘^ leJ » , ” . - Ì “ , « . ® 2 ” r THEATRICAL STAGE EMPLOYES. LOCAL atraet; II. W. H lcklcy, Financial Secretary, No. 28. I. A. T. 8. E .— Meats second and 981 East Alder street. fourth Tuesday of each month in T. M. A. HOISTING AND PORTABLE ENGINEERS. Hall, 169 Park Straat. President, Herman LOCAL 372— Meets Saturday night. Bar- Emery, Pantagea T h eatre; aaeratary, R. H. tenders Hall. 206*4 P in t atraet. Prank E. Clark, 346 Montgomery «trect, telephone Penlton, business agent: office hours, 8 to A 4685, P. O. Boa 569. 9 A. M. Matt Laavar, recording aaeratary. TILE LAYERS AND H E L PB B S Mo. 42— 432 East 36th atraal. Second and fourth Thursdays. 8 P M , fOURNRTMRN HORBBSBORRS Mo. 41— , Labor Tsmple. W. C. Osbor orn. secretary. Meet» at 2ttS*4 Firat c«ct. Brat Tuesday 125*4 North 18th J McLaan. aaeratary -IM B E R WORKERS— Meet« at 126*4 S c - (RON MOULDERS— Firat and third W«dnee ond street every Sunday. 11 A. M A. .. day«. Bartender«' Hall. 206*i4 First »treat Bulli«. president; P. D Campbel’., »acre-, C F. Smith. »8» Calonie, avenue. Overlook I lary, M ilwaukie, Ore Office. 30« Aliaky building; Marshall 1641. , TYPOGRAPHICAL No. 6 6 — Firat Sunday in LA T H ER S’ UNION Mo. 8 4 — Meats Man month. 2 P M.. Moose Hall. 846*4 Morri street Laetar Tucker, financial aaeratary, sun atraat. coraar 8eventh D O. Gallap Itabor Tempi«. Telepbona Marshall 7 Becrstary. Box 5 5 9 ; office. 207 Gregon ian bldg LOCOMOTIVE FIREM EN AND E N O IN » MEM. J. B MAYNARD Me 195— Friday WAI .R R 8 AND W AITRESSES' UNION Ha. evening 8 P. M.. Alisky Hall 3d and 19» — Meet« Tuesdays. 8 :8 0 P M.. 247*4 Morrison A. W Martin, recording »acre Stark street. Henry Harder. HerretarR lary. 191 Union avenue W EE rRERRMZM— rirst T t-aday, Aliaky LONGSHOREMEN. LOCAL 6 — First and building 765 M em aen atieet H Gygi. 860 th ir d T h u r s d a y « , 8 * . M. R ob ert O rr, ( H arrises street, secretary 3 688. 1 ( 0 pounded twice a 293 650. 1614. 6,17?. 2 00 year, January 1 5S5. 1301. 3228. 10.856. 5 00 and July 1. 1462. 3252 «170. 25.88» NEUSTÄDTER BROS. Manufacturers of “ BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS Salesroom, F ifth and Ankeny Stretti F a c to r y . G ran d A v e . and E Taylor St. 81 OPENS AN ACCOUNT (Eatabllahed 18 T ears) HIBERNIA SAVINGS BANK SECOND AND WASHINGTON A Conservative STREETS Open Saturday Custodian OLSEN ■ ROE TRANSFER COMPANY J. W. Taylor President Res. Phone Tabor 1118 W L Gray Secretary TRAN8FER' AND STORAGE Evenings. 6 ta 8 SAFES, PIANOS, PUENITURE 4 BAG OAOE MOVED, PACKED AND SH IP PE D V io le t O a ts O ffice and Stateroom , 87-f> Front Strut Phones Main B47, Home A 2247 POETLAND, OREGON HIGH GRADE CONFECTIONS For a Delicious BreakfR8t 269-71 ALBEB8 BROS MILLING COMPANY SA ST 8ID E FUNERAL DIRECTORS S m o ke L a O ra n M a rc a . T h e S c h ille r. S c h ille r U n io n , 5c SCHILLER CIGAR FACTORY W h o le s a le D ep t. 448-448 S ta r k S tr e e t BO X T R A D E A S P E C IA L T Y P h o n e s M ain 5866, A 5843 ICE CREAM ANÍ WATER ICFS Morrison S u e t F . 8 . D u n n in g . I ik The highest class of serviue an f tout offered at moderate price* wrh * conservatory chapel and motor » rv PF •» command of patrons day and m il t Th ert is no extra charge for these c.m««” Our parlor« are never closed. •»1.r • tendant. 414 BAST ALDER ST., COR Or SIXTR Telaphonas, E ast 52; B 2525 Weinhard’s Beer The favorite beverage of the laboring men because of its health and strength giving qualities Phone« K A IN 72, A-1172 HENRY WKINHARD BREWER? r P ortlan d T rust and S a v in g s Bank “ T H E B A N K P O fi 8 A V I N O S ” S a f e D e p o s it a n d S to r a « « V a o lt a Morten«« Doan« F o u r P er £'pnt I n t a r n s t on S avin g’ N O R T H W E ST E R N B A N K B U IL D IN G