A t Portland Playhouses This Week L" Proceedings of the C en tral Labo r Coonctl POINTERS FOR PAINTERS Official Minn tee of tbs Last Masting *f tbs Working Head of Organ I tad Once more, oh, •• Brothers of the Labor for Portland and Vicinity. Brush,” will your humble scribe seek ■ through the columns of the Labor Phones M ala 1 aad A 1122. Press to awaken in your dormart Meeting railed to order by President ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ W illia m A B rad y presents souls a spirit of emulation that will Stanley at 8 o'clock, ♦ untai » l o t o r P ortland ♦ T h e Comedy D ra m a Success cause you to hunt publicity as eagerly On rollesll all officers were noted ♦ CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL ♦ •'BOUOMT A BD FAZD FOB” 1 as you now »bun it. The preponder- present except Treasurer Logan, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Iv e n ln c a , lo w e r flo o r 11.50, 11; balcony ance > f opinion as expressed by an Minutes of previous meeting were ap- 11, "Sc, 50c. Both M ata.. 11, 75c. 50c. Bakeria» -R o y a l B a k e ry A C onfection­ almost unanimous vote of the principal proved as read. ery Co. painters' organisation in P ortland5 Col. C. 8. Wood was then given the Bartenders— Palace Hotel Bar and -bowed that they believed that a col floor. His remarks concerning the a r-ja ll saloons that do not display the Mala 2, A 6360, Gao. X». Baker, Mgr. umn in the Labor Press devoted to tion of Mavor Albee and Commissioners I Union Bar Card F i r s t tim e a t P o p u la r P ric es, the special affairs of painters would Bigelow and Dieck in voting down the “A MANTI W O 2 L D ." Barbeen Chop nt 14» H F irst street. tend to inject into our paper a touch ’ Daly amendment to the water code,, Brewery ____ _______________ Trades B eetle s—Spring Val As p la y e d w it h g r e a t success by M a ry M .in n e rln g . A p ro b le m p la y o f s tro n g , f in lividuality that would make it of »bowed that the Realty B«iard and the ««• Wine Co., Old Style German d r a m a tic p u rp o s e d e a lin g w it h th e m u ch - more general .nt.rest to all. As a re- Employers’ Association, bv their usual B*er discusaed q u e s tio n o f m o ra l e q u a lity B’ urhnrn — Rainier i si,It of that belief I was honored hy ¡(series, had got just what they desired. o f t..e sexes. P ric e s 26c, S5c, 50c. 75c. Sat. M a t.. 35c, 60c. W ed . M a t., 25c. ' l>eing appointed to represent the \fr. Wood spoke on many other matters Agency, handled by Brunn A Co., F irst painters in these columns. Previous relative to the welfare and good work and Alder streets. Building Trades Council—Lipmaa, to tnv apjmintmcnt I had looked on that had been done bv organized labor Wolfe A Co. the average painter as being somewhat in this eitv. Cathsrlas Coantlaa aad Bar Company la T. . . . . , B nlldtag Trades B tone A W ebster. T. like a garrulous old , woman . . who tells •Tbs Birthday Praaaat” ; 141 taa B e rlsta , . . . « WM seconded and c a rrie d B. W ilc o x and a ll his products. W ood- Daw B aw k las, T b s Brads, « « Ballys, all she knows and some things she that a rising vote of thanks lie given ward. Clarke A Co., druggists. Park a id L sa n stt B W ilson, Three D oles Btata.ro, ' dotftii t. but since I have received a to £ o| Wood for the interest he had Alder street«; Constantin« Market. Do< World's B ren ts. Matta»» Daily, 1000 license to.tell of their doings they have taken in organized labor’s behalf a n d lCabln Saloon. Haxelwood Craemer.- Co. Seats a t 26c. shut up like the proverbial clam. I for the able address given to the t’oun- C a ry a n ts is R o th chlld Bros. have nosed around at opportune and cj, Central Council—Ruud Manufactnr- inopportune times, I have “ butted i n ” The following resolution, on m otion ,?"« C o > ««•»>■*<, Ua. United Cigar 8torse and W K BBB B TBBTBO DT OOEB when I had no “ b u tt” coming. I have wag „nanimouslv adopted: ~ Clgwrmakere— ‘ i tha‘ ««“ «* asked each painter I n e t the stock “ Resolved, That the right n _ of free Mattaaa D ally, A ny Beat, 16c question. “ What do you k n o w !” and l p w h is the most valuable'"inheritance n a c tr tc e l W erk sro -H o m a . “A B IO B T A » T MB 1 A T 2 ,” offarad by I * in ^ ri^ ‘7 ‘ h* ° f I^bor, as the cause of Labor depends Company, MorrUon Elactrtc C o r n e r 10 com sdlaas; KATIB BAVDW1BA, Atb- lstlo ▼ saas; U W WBBZ>B, M oaologlst ¡ ’7 er’ ^'o ,'lln8- The unanimity of BOt upoU enforced laws but upon in- and all shops amnlorlwg n«tn-..»iz.» aad Saaopboalst; DABCT * WXX4UAMS, ragtime Botaterar»; M O ID k BAX.X.B, that declaration by them has nearly telligent thought and there can be no Metal Trade*— Portland Artificial loo S laasrs aad Dancars; T I L L U C a , Jaet- com meed me that they tell the truth, dissemination of free thought without Co-’ Boll. Wildman A Co.. Portland Shoot ing Juggler. - - it - said - - that sometimes free speech, Metal Works. Willamette Iron A S teel I have - heard Works, all m achlns shops not working one more drink will make some men “ Resolved, That the eonduet of the an eight-hour day. tell all they know. I would have tried so-called “ Landlord” and “ rospect- r o w a n ’ B lsp b aats, direct from Bow York Blppodrome; Otto Bros., Blab k I this scheme, but it seems hard to find a b le” classes, in taking possession of ' atra. Boblason, Dam itresoa Tvonpe, Benson k a painter when you really need him the Council Chamber Friday, December Mw at i dan o C has. E. Torko and band: Bell, m a t s r —nope. Orchestra. Bargain Matinee, »vary neat, 15 coats. Popular who can stand another. 5th, interrupting the Commisisoners and ' J- Neubauer, grocer: Goo. H. Prices—B oxes said fir st row balcony n- But in all seriousness, if the paint- refusing in coarse and abusive terms to i * nj orchaatr. sarved. Phones A 223«. Mala ««3«. Onr- F atntsrs— W illiam s A Bllsd. tlB , 2:10 tala at 2i3O, T 7:1 e r s’ section in the Press is to be made let anyone be beard in favor of the Bros.. John Blind and a ll shops that em ­ ' of any |>articular interest to mem- Daly Water Ordinance, was an exhibi­ ploy non-union man. ■ her« of the craft it will be necessarv tion of lawlessness, intolerance and bad F rtattag Trades — Saturday Evening u i a n u r v iu r r s « u u d u v d iiic p v w e B s v u —« « • » w v u iu i.r w j.,.» i for all brothers who become possessed manners, » insulting to the v Commission- Post. Independent Printing Co. f information that they think may ««». disgraceful to the participants and F. Shea and all firm s o to a o .t ...K K a k »0 k i . n th p ’it v A II< 1 h n r f l *1 1 H llb vofm i V P does t to the i city, and i above all, subversive j not employing union mechanics. be of m interest to > publish it. T This Stationary B aglneers— Portland. Crys­ not necessarily mean that you need to ; ° f free speech and rational discussion, imperil a brother's life or liberty by Labor reluctantly feels that had such tal Ice Co.. Liberty Coal A lea Co.. In- Enough Said “ bawling him ou t,” but if he has an conduct been indulged in by the poor Ies A Coal Co. E leventh aad W ashington Tailors— A ll custom tailor firm s that quarrel a“d badly clothed, the police would cannot supply the label. addition to the family or have been promptly called in to clear Catherine Countias at the Orpheum. with his -wife “ put us n ex t.” Metal Trades—Yorke lee Machine the chamber and enforce order. FABX AMD WASHINGTON STREETS Co., Yorke, Pa. Trade conditions in the painting “ Resolved, That the Daly Ordinance _. : craft are at present slack and manv AT THE HEELJG. Lvrie Theatre all week. e , ProRyalu j brothers are idle, yet the situation in was a wise measure, in line with the 7 ; ^ ¿ ‘“ ïû rôliy P ™ *,!? "“^ i " 1, * * * " s S u n c ^ ’ T * 1 F ° et "h William A. Brady has sent the pro is headed by “ The Managers,” a live-1^ usicsl comedy sue,ess, «nder I „ a, tm e of r simplification of method would have ; ' " '•« » e « durtion of “ Bought and Paid For,” Iv new music Come E arly tight expected year. given a greater efficiency at a saving ^ ° " v e"t!io". P ^ ^ ' n g s , now busiae one of the best of the Broadhurst com the direction of Arthur Harrison, the The locals affiliated with of more than a hundred thousand dol- roni ,8ltlng Nurses, filed edydram as, for the week. Charles company's new director, with the 12 PEOPLE’S THEATER Millward returns in the big role o f ' “ Tango dancers” as an added feature. P*in*ew District Council No. 24 have jarg per annum at the present time, with Bill»— For banner carrier, <18.00; two WEST PARK AMD ALDBB ...................................................... a,,,oP,ed " n<,w ’ ■»rking rule which reg , proportionate as bells, 50 eentA B ill, were ordered paid. ■ Ihe man who buys anil pays for and, »-a y-x-a » »»'»>«»* » • increase ss» a » as - of saving » ■ ■ ulates the size of brush that may be the ei^ ________ ¡BereMe8 __ in popuIation. The Social Drama. Evelyn Weidling, an actress new to _____ _______ - > ___ _ ___ Moved and seconded that Bro. „ A. wv- Jo- MOTIBO BBAB doom ; f o b «A»» ,1 . in •» — •• ■ - 1 — • ■ s» oil . Y V -»»» « s» S and . 1 A A A (this Coast, appears in the role of the How many homes are ruined by in - , « used applying paints the Moved and seconded that the seere- hannsen, of San Francisco, be granted poor little parcel of fem inity who is ternal discord! How many lives are '« n o u s paint substitutes whieu ha, e U rv instructed to send a copv of the floor. Motion carried. Brother Jo- weak ■ 1 . » « « S A W S A A »*» A «S A A IX A S M A A AAA Y a» A A A B> A I A * B * I W V m ined by a suppression of love and , « m e into such general use the >«»» the above resolution to the daily news hannsen stated tha? he was ia Portland bought. ■BA WODF” feeling! “ The House of Discord,” t " ' _ 8 n l^ e n ,j n ^ o r d e r _ to w - . Motion was unanimously 1 for the specific purpose of g ettin g fu n d . A w o n d e rfu l m o tio n p ic tu re v e rs io n o f AT THE BAKER. now on at the Globe Theater, Eleventh crease sales of their produi ta, have ad adppted for the defense of Brothers O. A. Tvoit- Jack Ix m d o n 's m o st fa m o u s novel. The Baker players will present an- and Washington, is a strong drama, rotated the use of kalson.ine brushes P ric es: B a lc o n y 10c. lo w e r flo o r 20c box Moved and seconded that H. Lewis moe and E. A. Clancy, also o f Raw seats 30c Box seats may be reserved by other comparatively new play to this illustrating what mav happen in th is .'" applying them, but th practical an(J w j pqai,er> „ committee repre- Francisco, and well known members of phone. Mar. 880 or A2087. f jtv ¡n j j ary Maunering's greatest ■ kind of a home. workman knows that the ueo of such , . . . .. -A sented by the “ Unemployed of Port ' organized labor in that x eity, and Contlnnona Farfonaance - starrir -— - - — vehicle. l : . i . < “ < • A Man's si-—u >> W orld,” oo s or app \ mg e.n is me cien , ¡and n j,e given the floor of the Coun-; throughout th e entire country. Brother for the week. It is an unusual play impractical and unculy laborious, in f i , earried Mr gtated Johannsen then gave a lengthy report A Treat at the Peoples. and deals quite frankly with a ques­ In the days of big things in filmdom something like using a that a mass meeting was to be held of the labor conditions in T a . Aag^laa. Ton can procuro bread bearing this tion often discussed these days that there occasionally flashes across the brush tn - — - - - ' be ...................................... to clean the teeth; it might *" fill ;>t the piaM gunday in beginning with the explosion of the Union Label of the equality, or inequality rather, horizon something unusunllv strong and ,he lo" L an _ __ _ ’ s?' "t..1* half of the unemployed and asked the “ T im es” building to the arrest and of the present code, that condemns the good> and this is trne Jack would be unwo-kmanlike and mighty representative to the convie'Don ô f ï h ë V e N .m L ? b r o t h Z r o woman unmercifully and excuses the don •„ <«8ea W olf.” There is no au- P°°r t«»te. A copy of the notification m„eti and algo agkpd the Council’s , It was the first time since that no- AM t , A A a 6 A Y» A A aav » I Y A ■* A WO AW ♦ A A ,I I t »» «■- ,1 1 thor in America more popular . than «ent to 6 the employers of the city will endoT8^meBt foT a movement to assist] 1 torious trial that the entire facts Jack London, and his stories are as h<" found elsewhere in this issue of |fce unemployed to organize. they were recorded were Vver given to AT THE EMPRESS. , . . eagerlv sought for as those of ; Rud- •’he Labor Press. Moved and seconded that a committee members of rg.inized labor in this Laughs galore are promised to be .. , . , V . vard Kipling days, \ e t a few more short days and the of flve be appointed to call on the C ity ieity . It was, indeed, very intereatiwg, i e in his palmiest i c brought about by the headline act at ; • semi-annual election will take place - - ■ . . . . . . I _ the Empress this week. It is “ A , in the various painters’ locals. It be- Chinese as Militiamen. Night at the B ath ,” a former Or-1 A company of Chinamen, all citi hooves all members to bear this in duzing the winter months. Moved, as could put the entire facta before the pheum feature which will be presented zens of the United States, has been mind, and l e Johnny-on the Sjiot with a substitute for the whole, that a com­ ¡ citizens of Portland. by Joe M axw ell’s players including resolve brothers who mittee of flve be appointed to inquire Baker and Wright, the original brake- mustered into the military service. A a firm i-a j » to elect i -.u It was moved and seconded that men. who helped to make the produe- « -« « d « m p a n y is preparing to take «r<- 9 “» ,fied- “° on^ of the County Commissioners, City Com eommitta« be appointed to work in eo- tion such a big success in New York the oath, with the probabilities th a ti« “d capability to fill them »»*•«£•<• missioners nnd Governor West and g e t ! operation with Brother Johannaen in big at the tonally, *,re, * so « d c ’^ed particulars covering wavs and means I ' calling a mass meeting for Sunday Ten cornei! ia ns present 'A Night at within a year there will be a regiment fro mbirth with the God-given love for to procure work for the unemployed. a fternoon, December 21. Motion enr- of Chinese in the militia organization. the B ath .” JE W EL BAK ERY The Chinamen are natives of Honolulu. the principle that naturally fits them Substitnte fora the whole carried and ; rjed and fhair appointed p eteraen, «‘■«¡r «ppointeJ the following delegates , Burns," Young, Moore, Vinson. Com 291 GRAND AVENUE ' AT THE ORPHEUM. have formen themselves into organisa-■ nn committee- M a i n i ire M adsen1 nilt, Pe W1|| meet ‘ . , ' office, a No Reference. Vaudeville gained a valuable acqui- . . . . . . . ® < ’n »k;M com m uiee. jnaginrr. ma.icr.. gecretarv ’g Pbone East 124 t m n u t a p t h o h h n p fit nr h n m n n it v i and __ 2 a A 11 u : » - » , a of # a i . a T a I. a * • ’ Harris, r Editor the Labor sitii n when Cathrine Countiss, the Husband- -Y ou can put this down as tions for the benefit of humanity. Tiiesday evening, lleeember 16, and ar­ The crying need of the hour all over i>fesK. ! handsome and popular actress who settled if I eyer get out of it you range for said meeting. ComaanMlcationa— From Helen Car- reated the role of V ivie in ‘ ‘ Mrs. will nevi r catch me in matrimony this land is for representatives of the Reporta of Section»—Building Trades, tr* ses who are big enough for the W arren’s Confession,” decided to en- . no report. Printing Trades, tn r . Metal BALTIMORE DAIRY LUNCH (list with the two-a-day ranks. She is again p< -itions of trust which they are Wife—You w on’t, if you depend oi> called upon to occupv, men o f honor to bead our government, the kind Trades, delegates from the Metal Trades one of the best-known stars on the ,nc f or reference.—Public Ledger. LUNCH ROOMS and truth, who are willing to make a needed in our state, county and muni- reported that the Willamette Iron A stage, having won great success in the ----------------------- 2 S7 Wa»h. 8 t . 88 T h ird Straet personal sacrifice for a principle that cipal official positions and also needed ¡Steel Works would not accept contracts Cigars for Christmas. •128 Wash. 81. 303 Burnside chief roles of both “ The Awakening involves the interests of humanity; to represent our labor organizations, for work under the 8-hour law. Water­ 264 Morrison 81reeC of Helena R itch ie” and “ The White ideal Oregon-made cigars make men who can hear the eall of the op- " > have an abunlance of good officiaDfront, good. Brewery Trades, good, RETAIL BAKERY STORES madp S ister.” Thev are Christmas presents. pressed, as well as the demand of tin material in our ranks; let us choose, Report of Officers— Executive Com- 207 4th St. Alder Bet. le t 6 2nd in sanitary workshops by union men. ' ’ >nd whoge haf d8 are more , he best, and after we have elected m ittee reports that Meier A Frank mat- AT THE PANTAGES. £64 Morrieon Street A box would please any smoker who r e j . )o he] .v —. . help the the undcr undcr do„ dog |n j,u- — them to r< • w n t us for the ensuing ter was le ft in hands of the Team sters’ Children will have their innings at O. B. WAT8OM, Prop. appreciates good tobacco. inanity's fight than to grab the al 5 term let i t p t behind them as one Union. Delegates of the Teamsters* Pantages for the week, for Power's ___________ ___ ightv dollar. tn«n, an<1 80 t e ,P Bnd enc«liraR<' t1"’01 Union stated that an amicable settlo- elephants, direct from the New \o r k Success comes to the man who be- These are the type of men needed «nJ each other by our mutual effort ment had been .jnsted for the preeent ■ Hippodrome, where they were a posi- ; beves in succeeding. Wa solicit the trade of anion fandlla«. that the coming year may be the with Meier A Frank and the Teamsters’ tive sensation, will be featured. Four ____________________________________ _ 'y “ banner” year in prosperity and ad Union. FINK A LEWIS of these huge performers will take vancement in Portland. Meanwhile, ' Report Of Special Committee*—Mat- part in the performance, and to give Staple and Fancy Groceries with a hearty wish that all painters ters relative to the Banner Committee, the little ones ample opportunity to Dressed Poultry, Etc. may enjoy a happy and plentiful 1 It was moved and seconded that this enjoy the act, Manager Johnson has Phones Eatl 582; C 1450 Christmas and New Year. Fraternally, committee be given full power to set. reserved Saturday matinee, December 514 Mississippi Avenue, Portland, Ora. PICKARD. Motion carried. From Special Mass 20, as a speial children’s matinee. Meeting Committee. Thia committee True education is the ability to meet gave the Council a statement covering AT THE LYRIC. R IO B OSADE An exceptionally »trong bill will be situations. 'the matter thoroughly. On motion, duly CONFECTIONS offered by Keating and Ulood at the seconded and carried, the report of the committee was received and filed, and ADMIMISTBATOB’S botxob . N o tic e Is here b y r iv e n th a t th e u n d e r­ the committee discharged. signed has been d u ly a p p o in te d by th e ____ ___ From ____ . . A. . F. of L. rela- New __________ Busincse— C ir c u it C o u rt o f th e S ta te o f O reg o n fo r . , ,, . . , i ; n m a i.A the C n u - t y of M u ltn o m a h , a d m in is t r a t o r ' * ' p *” proceedings, filed Office, 320 Union A vs.. Oar. Market at. o f th e i x t a t t o f F r a n k lin K aatabroo k'». A telephone message was received Phone East 1423, »-251». <1,>A i'"p -rtrs< OS h a v in g C laim s a x a ln s t said K v Delegate Stack that Attorney Ar- Horse ambulance for sick or disabled e s ta te a re here * b y * re q u ‘ tre “ d to p re s e n t th e tbur I^angguth requested the Central animals at a moment’s noties; j>riees IC E C R E A M AND same reasonnbie. Report all eases sf eraslty r ^uncil to appoint a speaker to W A T E R IC F 3 tr a tn r p r o p w iy v e rifie d • « by la w r e - . 1 tn this office. Open day and nigh*. q u ire d . a l B oom 21» Goodn > i^ h B o ild - represent the Council at the Bar Aseo- 269-71 Morrison Street fV^m'lhe'd»?;?” , ^ * « ^ " ’,Txmon,h,‘ eia tio n ’s banquet to be held Tuesday C a l, (I th is 1st d a y o f I » c« mher, 1»1I. noon, December 16. Tt was moved and A d m in is tr a to r o f " ” K M a T ^ o f V r a n k i l n « ‘««” >¿•<1 t h a t the Council accept the F a s ta b ro o k a , deceased j - c«. i ap­ invitation. Motion - adopted. Chair F ir s t p u b lic a tio n , D e c e m b e r 1, 1»13. pointed Editor Harris as Council's rep­ b u s t p u b lic a tio n , lie c e m b e r 2». 1913. resentative, and that Brother Harris appoint as many ns he desired to be Plates that fit. NOTICE TO CREDITO BS. In th e m a tte r o f the e s ta te o f T h o m a s p re s e n t w it « him. J. H a m ilto n , deceased - . Receipts -Typographical No. 58, 89; Nitrous Oxide and o-en slg ned ba's b e V n 'a p î^ ^ ^ ^ Internationa' Longshoremen No. 5, $6; S elf Administered. o f t i,e e s ta te o f T h o m as J. H a m ilto n . Teamsters N o . 762, A3; Drivers A Bot- . ^ ^ ï ï ' . ’V.nômih CoinVv' tiers, «.I. Car;su,ters No. «08, 8 611.40; S ta te o f Oregon, fo r M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty , a m i has q u alified A ll persons h a v lu g t o t a l re c e ip ts ».12.40 c la im s a g a in s t said e s ta te a re here b y no- - Disbursements— Banner carrier, »18; lifte d to present th e sam e to m e » ' u n sn 623 W o rc e s te r b u ild in g . P o r tla n d , O.-e- two bells, 50 cents, gon, w ith v o u .h e rs and d u ly verified, There being no more business before 121 >/, Gran-1 Ave., Cor. East Alder 8t. w it h in n ix moi Ih a fro m d a le h e re o f the Connell, Connell adjourned at 11:20 I I . I,. W A G N O N . A d m in is tr a to r. Portland, Ore. (for tine week. R O B E R T J. U P T O N . M W. PETERSEN, A tto rn e y . O a le o f firs t p u b lic a tio n , N o v . 24, 1» i3 Secretary. H E l L 1G B A K E R O R P H E V M e m p r e s s P A N T A G E S G LO BG “THE HOUSE OF DISCORD” M A J E S T IC Another Splendid Program m a s a a a tv v s owb a m x a a l ^EGISTERfP T arif f Reduction Oregon Humane Society SALE Choice Suit or Overcoat Crown and Bridge Work $20 at BARKHURST’S Dr. D. S. Bomgardner Portland's Leading Tailor Call early and inspect the goods I >ate o f la s t p a b llc a tlo n . Dec. 22. 1»13.