Paga Two PORTLAND LABOR PRESS Mondar, September 8, le i That political action alone will solve the problems confronting those who la i bor is sheer folly. Australia tried the j (>olitiral route in curing human socie­ t y ’• ilia, and lost sight, for the time Address by O. O. Young, at tbo Labor Day Celebration at Kelao, Washington ¡being at least, of labor unions, and as the unions waned, their political , . __. . . „ , I . , . . „ . . . . strength diminished and the humane U b o r Day, recognized by all classes successful busmens is compelled to join J „1(.aKurt>lt eHtahlUhed bv , , of society as a holiday eousecrated to with a centralized organization as a „ . 8 the real wealth producers of the na- ‘ matter of protection, from a dollar and ' . » . 'T tion, is at hand, and we are met here ! cents poini of view, as well a . an as , „ L ‘ U b° r ’ for the pur|>ose of fittingly celebrating * aura lire of success. If men are pur- . . e .,. l *: * r‘‘’',“tniug unions, the occasion in honor of the achieve- mitted to protect their interests from j .¡fi . , • U.n °,n?’ , * ^or “ meats and accomplishments o f the last the dollar stand,x,mt, theu how moeh | |„j,op > > UI1 M* 78nff*h <■* the philosophies of life for future citizen U N I O N W K S T A I T W A W T R ship, and in many other ways aiding society as a whole to make strides ' Superior Restaurant towards higher and better living. a a< B aa e h Counter Besides shortening the working day . T H I ROYAL anil giving relief from arduous toil, | R egu lar 25c dinner serv ed a t lunch counter L adles' and g en tlem en 's d in ­ the trade unions have forced better in g room In connection . Good th in g s IS to eat and quick s e r v ic e compensation for labor |ierformed, so Trengove A Mall. * “ Proprietor« tbat men and women and children have «2 and t i i,¿ S ix th h S treet U N F A IR been able to be better fed, better I clothed, and better housed. The re su lt1 P h o n . M ain Z4B3 M e a l. 25 C e n t. of this plan is better health, better TO THE morals, and better citizenship, the Union Oyster House greatest requisites toward a higher civ ­ BAKERS* UNION and Restaurant ilization. Trade unjona have made bet­ year, and to dedicate anew our lives to : greater is the need of labor organizing John R eich en A F rits Kothacher ter conditions in which jieople must the continuation of the task of ele-1 from the human angle of the question. Strong Organization Necessary, Prop«. work; they are taking the children vating the human rare to that standard 128 Second Hl r e t P ortlan d , O regon We all know that the tendency of The |«w er that enabits us to achieve from the factory and the shop, giving of living that justice shall be the por­ large employers is to buy labor as results for labor is in strong intelli- them a little sunlight and opportunity tion of ail. cheaply as possible, and to substitute gently conducted organizations. Some- for education and development. You CITIZENS BANK We, the workers of today, are joining uny class of labor for that of skilled ' times our wea,ions are crude, and some- ask, “ Is it labor that is forcing the 120 Oraod Avenue in joyous celebration with those who labor, providing it is rhea,>er, without times they seem to be—and are— u. - recognition of those principlesf” American Restaurant I were pioneers in hewing out of the w il­ question. W’ere it not for labor organ- wisely used; hut they are all that wc say yes, most emphatically. Every con­ Opea D a y a a « M t^ k t derness homes that dot the bills and izatious, those who toil would be in have, and if they are not very modern cession that has been accorded to the valleys bordering on the famous Cow worse position than were the c h a tte l.' *l 1« not our fault. To be compelled to toiler, every law on the nation’s stat­ 35 N orth Third htruet, C orner Couch L A B 0 K 1 N 0 MAM’S FR IE N D litz River. Those of the mill, the eam p,' slaves of not so long ago. We must continually fight oppression well forti- ute books, every law of state and mu­ the factory, the farm, and the business 1 bargain collectively if we are to be fled in its position, while we are poorly nicipality in the interest of those who lou se of Kelso, have come to do honor free. equip,led, is a long and weary contest; labor .are there as a direct result of , 22 Years in East Portland to those who make civilization possible If you will go w ith me to a country , a“d ®ne 8*"»®t eip ert much change in orKauized labor’s efforts and demands. Grotto Restaurant by human energy and skill; and to .''in ; where labor is not permitted to organ- *”** methods and weapons, until there1 __ 4 Per Cent on Bsvings hands with tho.e who throughout the ize, I will show yon a country where ** 11 Kr*uter awakening to the realize Help for Womankind, 251 Y am h ill, N ear Third continent are making the day univer the st . ’ard of manhood is low, the tion ot human rights by the slumbering The li.d e union is making an effort B eet S ervice B est D ecorated K eataurant In C ity sally recog., ized as labor’s holiday. We ( standard of morality still lower, and masses who are only indirectly affected i to give to women who are compelled! H UG H HAM. Propr. of the shop and factory do not forget human aspirations at their lowest ebb. “ *** «ooteat. t to enter industry a wage consistent that the tillers of the soil, and all who I will show you also universal misery j Public inconvenieace and suffering is I w*Ih respectable, healthful living, and. give valuable service to society are : among the working |>eopie; a g o . ern held up by the opponents of organized'"8 a8 P<-****fri* organized labor in , THE producers of wealth, and are entitled J inent the picture o f cruelty and tyr-1 labor ,a v « n e of the great sins in au tends to gain for women equal pay with i to the highest consideration. We of anny; people with a low order of in -1 attempt to influence unthinking non- men for equal work. Do you know that Grand Union Restaurant BARBER ASPHALT the labor movement appreciate greatly telligenee, just as cruel aa their gov- «'onihataats that labor’s fight is not a today women get less than half the; 385 E ast B u rn sid e 8trM t the honor of having the pioneers of this ernmrnt, and just as criminal and sel- righteous cause. And because of the ^ a t men receive for the same ' PAVING COMPANY B eet plaee te e e t e a tk e B e a t Side part of Washington join with ns ia the fish. On the other hand, go with me indirect suffering o f the public manv work! Can you figure out how it takes celebration of labor’s great holiday. I | to the country where labor orgauiza- schemes have bees proposed to curtail ,8"a food, clothing and shelter for ai C. Doppler, Propr. truat that what I say shall give those ;1ions are most generally recognised and our rightful liberties ia carrying on ’vomr.n than it does for a man! Then 605-608 Electric Building present a broader view of the lab or: where they are the strongest, and I contests to give to the laboring m il-' t *‘8 difference! The answer ia, movement and aid in giving an under-' will show you n country where the lions justice and the right to live in *he ° ’d custom of making women t h e . standing of its objects, aims and aapiM- standard of manhood is at its highest; decency and comfort. The public, fe e l-' 1,,ird8n l»earers and drudges, with the T h e B e st o f E v e ry th in g U « « A R HUBER, D l.trlct Mmiagrr ' :the ritiseaship most excellent; morality I ing the sting of the onslaught often- on,y recompense, that of her keep. Pure Pood Restaurant Labor Dag. of high standard. You will find there times without thought of the justice of 1 a"h tliat J00 Jud88 the workers by A. E. F rederick*. Prop. The initial action taken, setting a,>art | the vinerlad cottage, with music and our position, condemns us and thereby! their ideals :ind not by their faults, Bverytklag the Beet in this country one day in the year on ’ culture, and love of country and borne, "ids in our defeat. There must come Drganizations are eoni|»o«ed of human H t lt G liaan S treet ? which to review the activities and be«-j Ix>w Wages Kill Morality fr”m ,he "®ur88 ut publie opinion more j ****“£“ with the frailties and w ea k -1 efleient influence of organised labor,: expression of knowledge o f human ne!*«** ot’ the human fam ily. I have Drink Star Brewery Famous occurred at the afternooji meeting of 1 Morality does not Ihrive where wages ueeds, and rn awakening to the rcaliza- fo r generations, with bended BEER S tr ic tly V a lo a States and Cgnada, October 9, 1884, the • ' ren of high order are not born „ greater value must be placed uism back, with no opportunity for under- B eet, Q atekeet a e rvlee oa B e e t Side convention being held in Sehloessers’ , ,,n' Pr * "f surroundings. I f human flesh and blood than upon naltrv standing, has been compelled to toil in- H I R u sse ll Street Hall, Chicago. The resolution creating w®’,ld have a better generation, eon- dollars. eessantly, for barely an existence! As Unexcelled in All Respects Labor Day was introduced in the con -' *eT ,e , -v “ *,p**er «''tion ,we must pre- j n (he wild scramble for wealth Ini- we “re Permitted to enjoy a little more Orders for B ottled B eer R eceive vention by A. C. Cameron, delegate | ’"re . .t t‘‘r surroundings in which fu- man weal, as a general proposition has "f d«.vlight and to revel in the snn- P rom pt A tten tio n frnm the Chicago Trades and Iwtbor ' ''' ,7-8n» arc to be born and reared. | ^ . n forgotten. In the glamor of t h e ,8*“ ne and 'he flowers we become better Assembly, and was as follows; 8 >°ys and girls of the slums today ,KIWer and prestige for which wealth is equipped to know right from wrong Office 361 E. Burnside. E ast 46, D-1146 Bay City Restaurant “ Resolved, That the first Monday in wl f"*hers anil mothers of to- sought, oppressed humanitv has been and *° a Pid.v 'h e Go'den Rule. As our W iley H ain— W alter Harn September of each year be set apart as ,,l"rr®*> and *be boys anil girls of the trampled under foot, and left mangled 8ffor'" have been rewarded bv the elini- A U X ia d a o f Banche« a t A U B o o rs lalm r’s holiday, and that we recommend ,,a'8a*"h®P districts will be the parents H„(, bleeding. The real opponent« of '"»»«"» of wrong, and our burdens have its observance by all wage earners ¡r. a K8"«7““ ®« of unskilled workers. the labor movement have never l”'8u 1'ghteiied, the people have grown IS" F ourth Street T a ilo r s to M en resjieetive o f n g , calling or national-i le "I'l'0" *® y,,r endeavor is happi- considered the matter from the an ole *“ r,lo7"l stature and in the understand-. S u its »25 and Up 287 H W a sh . S t. “F ” “nd We reallz‘‘ ‘hat real h»ppiness „f jnrt dealing. Justice is not one of inK ®* 7>ght living. There is nothing P h on e Main 8133 W. J. Hammond, representing the I n -, rHn'“” '""n,e ,n "P®*"» ’* must be uni- the c«m|>onent parts of those whose ele' "ting liberty, as justice; noth- tcrnationul Typographical Union from * ° r<»Hower regardless of suffering mid lle8S ***,1*H be universal; that poverty 247 A lder S treet, Bet. Second & Third convention of the Federation of Organ- l',c,lt.v ’® eat and drink and know from ideath. shall be driven from the land; that man P hone M ain 8.78 ized Trades and Igtbor Unions of the w,",n,'e ,he.v "b"11 be clothed and have _____ _____ I shall be magnified in industry, and that .00 AMD UP Mulhall Exposures of Value. United States and Canada was held ia IH |,l“<’8 "n whi,’h *® •"> their heads. American woman shall not be robbed of ColumbiiH, Ohio, December 8 to 12, 1886, h,’n ,sures home and mother of the greatest race B X .M B B C. D B A V 711-712-713 K othchlld Bldg w« called the “ Trade- Union Confer- JO,<<“ t,"‘ r‘‘‘X® « t universal equity, made by the sworn statements of Col- the world shall ever see. Our problem is the problem of life. 0,101 Mulhall and others of the methods en ce,’ ’ formed the American Federa­ Pap’s Restaurant ..... . ®f a,,,h magnitude to a ,'d operations of the National Asso- SEA M EN ’S BILL GIVEN SU PPO R T tion of I .a bor, which became the official B e a t Coffee oa th e Coaat the human family. In it you are vitallr < ,i»ti<»n of Manufacturer« in the polit- ______ title of the organization thenceforward. ’ ieal field and in efforts relative to legis- Central Labor Council Would Aid in 187 M orrison Street Today I represent that organization, interested, you must he. What would you say if we The moral piestion depends to a bition, is only a verification of what which has grown from a body of u few «1 Gaining Needed Laws. handed you $2.50 thousand members, to one of more th a ï great extent on the bread and butter we have known for years of the despic- i The following resohitiont were pa**ed U N I O N M E A T M A R K E T S That human beings shall "bis methods and cunning schemes used two million members. When the gavel problem. in money? ...__________________________ sounds calling to order the next con­ hunger in a land th a t Is productive *® defeat the efforts o f labor in the es- V . h* Central U hor Council, Friday W e ll, th a t is Just w h a t w e a r e pre vention of the American Federation of enough to feed the world, is almost be- tablishnient au intro- fr o m y o u r W a lte r, p ie s e n t it nt our Labor in the City of Seattle, November vond belief. Yet in our land, blessed 'nP conditions consistent with decent--, KINDORF BROS s to re w h en you o rd e r y o u r su it, an il Hltk, next, there will lie representatives with proiluctive soil and natural oppur- manhood and womanhood through o r -i' UP<*’ .* t^mator l^aFollette, to pro- w e w ill a llo w you »2..-.0 dlsco ui.i am i g a it M eats, S a u sa g es, F ish tne weii,,r€ "f American seamen M e n s s u its to o rd e r. 825. Ladies from every Htate and Provint*' o f the tiinities. want stalks abroad. To abate gsnization. And equally as despicable ! and P oultry s u it s to o rd e r. 835.00. North Aineriean Continent. Yes, and that unnatural condition is one o f the •" the effort to secure the enuctment of *n . M*<‘,,re N"fr*.v ®f life at sea. in its 130 Grand A venu e N ear M orrison abrogating the pvopk ’» eonstitu-I „ 1‘‘ature'* a °"Py <»f the bill passed representatives from across the sea rep- great object" "f organixed labor. Or- U N IQ U E TAILORING CO. P h on es E a st 412, B 13 86 resenting the trade union movement ¿f I Xan'7-»tion of the units of industry, a iid 'tion al rights, and the efforts which are j , / !“8t l*"b,®n and vetoed by 309 Stark S treet, Bet. 5th and 6it. Europe as well. j **“•“ education as to the needs of the "fttinies successful in the defeat I 1 re"HleD* > *ft;and Union T ailors “ Whereas, the three main pur|Kises The two million and more trade human family, and »he understanding remedial legislation, G. J. Erdner R. H ocliull The labor union disrupters and de- ° f ‘i'C b‘. “ krP: F i,r t’ to * ive fr80'1®"1 unionists are marching and celebrating of economic needs and the remedies of today, giving expressions of gladness wrong philosophies, most meupy the at- "foyers accuse us of advocating vio- ¡!" .AD'e’■,,•a,,. «■""’«‘n «nd to improve CHICAGO MARKET ®®«>d«*'®»! <*<’®,'d. *o P7®mot and hopefulness at their achievements, tention of workingmen and women. We ,enre a,ld **»e use by unions of “ Un D ealers In ELMBREN & LOUIS and displaying the strength of numbers must take hold of the situation as we American Methods,’’ ete. That wrong, 8*‘ e - °* ,l’ e a* M'*! *h,7d> t0 vq®" •' “Q V A B X T Y M B A T » ” find it, and by organization of the great a,,d <•*"* w'7®»*«, has been done in the *. * <*f't ° f "I,8ra*inff vessels, fur as a publie notice of their power in the P hones M ain 413, A 3613 T a ilo r s industrial world, and that they are wealth-producing classes anil by educa “"me "t labor none will deny, but the eign Bn< ,‘®n,e"tl8> taking cargoes or 187 Third S tr e et N ear la m h lll Second F lo o r D e k u m B ld g . T h ir d S t , tion to the point of uuderataniling o f i 8ha7F8 *kat our organizations, or t h e , ,^ rt* ° f th* Vni,8d united in the defense of human liberty B e tw e e n W a s h in g to n an d A ld e r ’ he,* f®5* be, A , and the right to maintain decent stand­ human needs, correct wrongs and estab- principles taught by them, encourage' ^1*° Z 2*** Central Labor ards of living for manhood, womanhood Ibh right and justice even an we are violenea or defttruetion of |»roi»erty, or L« able to apply correct principles. And j o*1»87 wrongdoing is false. That o ^ a n *“d T “ 1* » th>i ' aroBTx sxxt and childhood. Phone M ain 2966 let me remark here, that correct prin- '«*♦>«" which must depend for its sue-1 Bl No' 4. *" her8by endorsed W u rtenberger A Knget. Props. Labor Bunday. ciples cannot lw dreamed into practical **8"* ,lP«n wrongdoing will utterly fail, i""'1 the *8878tar.v «natructed to send I. E. NORGARD & CO. Labor has another day which, though o|»eration; we must know; we must ' ° 7 a" «11» Wheeler Wilcox savs. “ No I V <’’ k . ■ "* 78"®1«t>°n" t« Senators, Choice P o u ltry . F resh and S a lt M eats Main 395 230 N orth S ix te en th St. recently established, is recognised as think clearly without prejudice; we qooHtion is ever settled until it is set . »"«berlBin «nd Lane, with request T a ilo r s - - « * . to vote f or tbjR 1.1)1. im|>ortant, known as I si bor Sunday, ----- must «et. tied right.’ ’ Attempts to influence la­ C leaning and P r e ssin g “ Resolved, that copies of these reso- The dedication of the Sunday prior to bor leaders by offers of remunerative Vote Not Ourg-All. 208 M orrison St.. Bet. F ron t and First „ .c 'u*‘®n" be K>ven to the press and that Labor Day as laihor Munday, was first v , employment, bribes or intimidation, are \o u cannot vob intelligence into ,,f frequent occurrence. While a ' few ' ,n8mb8r" ot *b8 Council be urged to urged by the Presbyterian Bureau of P hone« E a st 666, C 1782 Social Service in 1905, the Reverend the human fam ily, neither can you by professed union men fa .................« ... , write to Senators Chamberlain and M. J. G ill P. A. Jon es V. E. G ill T eleph one Tabor 2384 ."“PPO7‘ f"T this Charles Stelsle, of New York City, joining any particular political ,tarty manhood to withstand temptation and L*"e’ H’,kin* ax g. ex x d C i oo. hate a great deal more brains than you rage of conviction to be firm, the b'IL l*tng the originator of the plan. The W h o le sa le and R etail RICHARD W. BRYAN ------------------------ Bureau has been merged into the F< d- had before you pn.fes.ed the faith. The many who have pledged their liv w in I M EAT D E A L E R S F IS H A PO U LTR Y i. u----- . . . W IL L S T U D Y C A N A D IA N L A W S eral Council Commissinn on Church and urea te st need o f th e 512 M ississip p i A venue T a ilo r Social Service. 6538 Konter Ko«d CommlMionerx May Learn of Better SmTetary Morrison, of the American Methods to Settle Labor Disputes. Federation of iaibur, at the Toronto convention of that body, introduced a >i.u. . i. . . . --------- >■■■■«■■» «re uoin g. i nev m in ister ’ I’"7!8" U. W ood an d F ra n k M. Rum p, B. M. D E B I T resolution which was concurred in by . | 8 78a*8"t advancement to the sick, they burv the dead, thev Boston, Mas«., ap|H>inted by Gover- F resh sn d S alt M eats of A ll K inds. The Bohemian Buffet the convention on designating the Sun­ u \ . * ' e H”1' 8 c‘”ne* ^ron* *k* that care for the widc'v and educate the nor Foss o f M.issachusetts as special H unsages, Lard, etc. Goods D elivered day before Isibor Day as latbor Sun­ ’ ia' 8 " 7®"K organizations and force orphan. In fact, their charity for the ''otninissioners to investigate the Indiis- 323 <4 W a s h in g to n S tre e t Main 602, A 2602 462 Jefferson 8t. day. The Federal Council Commiasion rU h T " 1 Ti” "ll,,‘'d d8,n""d tor onr str u g g lin g w ealth producer i . hound- ,r ia l l >,"l"«t8 « A ° t of Canada, arrived ■ ex t B a ló n M o o n ta th e c it y bus made a systematic effort to have rig h ts, m e r u les or u n w r itte n law s w e less. in O tta w a T u rsd a y , to c o n su lt w ith V a lo a Trade In vited uabor Sunday generally observed, and make by orgiinize.1 effort, far exeel in Our o p p on en ts accu se us o f h a v in g ° m, ia l" th e C an ad ian L abor D epart- last year suggested the text, “ (hie effectiveness any laws lnhor has Nt ih e d esire fur trou b le, and sa v th a t ” ,8n*- Day's Rest in Seven for all Workers.’ ’ taineil by political action. labor's representatives cans., tro'i bin ir Tbr **'" commissioners have been We must recognix. the ‘ fart that or­ o rd er th a t th e t m at be able to keep '""fr',8»«l ♦«• ’8arn whether the indus- I'hones Ms in 700, A 1412 Many pulpits were filled yesterday by Bert R ob erts E m il Johnein nece labor unionists who preached the doc­ gauization is primarily IH P hone Main 8111 M’PNNM TV be their positions. Only those with erim- *rial a,'‘ "” l* 7l®7 *® »be Massachu- PBOrX.B*g M A B Z S T trine <>f the Carjienter of Nazareth, fore either the imliistrit.l or jioiitieal innl minds or those who are ignorant of '8’*" I"” governing labor disputes. One a a « G rocery T H E X X X SA LO O N that “ 1 atn my brother’s kee|>er,” and strength of the |a*ople «11 he manifest. the prinriple* we pr»H Uim, will «hire eed u re when the labor trouble involves ■ Ig h Grade Im p orte« a a « Boa F IR S T A N D TAYLOR And I am hold in making the state­ that the word Christian means Christ- ini|s.rtant subject is the Canadian pro- «i a. XdQHOlW ntxk«‘ Much M<*cii»Htion*. SlEth and G liaan SouthW M t Corn« like, and that we should begin to build ment that if all who labor would urgan- arbitration board has found it com Unions Oreatest Uplifting Forca. a heaven here if we expect to realize ize, ami by education and unitv claim a p r iv a te b u sin ess. The M a ssa c h u se tts one in the beyond. their own. very little political' ______ action Men all agree that happiness is the paratively easy to handle public ser- Main 2517, A 4634 would lie uecensarv. Do nut misunder fl,,al 8°"! ,o aid ,,7'"8'"8 ’ hat vice industrial disputes, but much Why Do Men Organize. A H yron im u s Phone».; M 20l> stand as saying that I do not _ __ lie- much sought for ideal the trade unions harder to make satisfactory ___ settlements ----- - me .... ____ _ .... A. F. G ansneder A 2**> THE the am*»t'ini." "wi' , 7 ’’"'h tO h* *"k.ed IÌC, 7 •’<’h ,i,'al at'*ion neeessarv, but I "78 t‘l"?*aZ " 87«ater part than all in the case of private cnr|mrations. THE A L I8K Y CAFE xne W not so n e c essa ry a s nth . er . . fo r c e s com b ■ in •- ed ■ , • lad --------------- j4llt q i u l estion , , I, v do men ------ - organize! e ---------- ■ ” | hold such .1 « action .n o n not me present ANHEUSER CAFE Merehaate' Lnach 11 A M. 'e a F. M ii n art t lose who manifest good* (hat nf thorough organization of labor’• tbiua« facts: The labor movement has Municipal Ballway Profita. 267 M o rris o n S tr e e t « a s o n n g acuities, who do not seem to! forces, and an imder-tandiog of the rcleemed from worse than slavery mil Second and M orrison S tr e ets — __ British cities during the year 1912 Orawflah la B easoa understand that me organize because -• le through c o lle c t - iv e effort, b»»'« . . o . f str ---------------------------------- th in ----------- g s p ossib u g g lin g « o r k in g people; g iv - made profits from str ee t ear lin es as we are com pelled to; Imcause it is im ­ I would not by any means ilis|p*nse with inX *h‘ w h”I*> ’ unlight, health, educa fo llo w « : G la sg o w . 91,328,885; Imadon r- - possible in th is s g e o f c e n tra liz a tio n o f Hand ¡-n , . .. i l ’®, i ‘ i, a l tights, for political right. *",n hkpl'inc*": shortening t h e ir » l,5 n 5 .8 |o ; B irm in g h a m . ¿ 4 8 '' 2S(l- L i * ’ A ll Work G uaranteed fo r ce s to stand Ballot Not Specific for kdostrial Woes c~-------------- In o p ie, « h en terp rise w ork in g in in thi this In ing done bei lie eve»» ,d l ' ldual » o r k n g like th e il righ t to str ik e , p u ts in our hours o f to il th a t they m ight have tim e rrp o o l, fi57.'l.flflo; M an c h e s te r » 4 2 3 im »0- "r ,,"*,n87*j possession a wes|mn the use of which— *" recuperate, to strei gthen vitality: Huddersfield, »I2I.4U5; Leeds » 5 n . 5 i o ' is "■mug y organized, j or the threat o f the use of it— ofttim es K''*n8 *1”’8 *® associate with friends Ixicester, «1(11,370; Bradford 9263 tint' • o-nperation. romuetitiv .brings splendid recognition of labor’s and fam ily; regaining vitality to b rin g ' Bolton, 9 135.tt53, an.) sum s v a r y in g on «m l ' P , HIM>’ '"'"'"es [ rig h ts th a t 1 ‘ sirfO w a le , all ta m ed . cannot o th e r w ise be ob- 7 07*1' • v ig o ro u s g e n e r a tio n ; g a in in g from 9700 to 9I(8).«HH) bx V th e o th er 56 I tim e to properly d irect in q u iry in to th e .-itie s o w n in g tranio-avs. KRATZ BUFFET j* > Third and Alder Streets P rices R easonable DB. ELOF T. HEDLUND D e n tis t i » .. i t'hone M arshal] 96 Nf’r’ hwI8" * ' ® 7"*7ISi8tl. and Oak 8ts PO R TLA N D , OREGON k