Portland labor press. (Portland, Oregon) 1900-1915, April 28, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Monday, April 28, 1813
Woman and Her Interests
Beginning Tuesday, April 1st
Suits, Coats and Dresses, values to $27.50, at
100 Spring Coats, values to $18.09, at
$7.85 and $9.85
$35.00 Suits, special at
Come in an d look them over—it w ill be worth while
Standard Cloak & Suit Co.
415 Washington Street
Union Made Shoes
B uy fo r your fa m ily and yourself
HOES th at are all UNION
MADE, handled by UNION
M EN in the only store owned
and controlled by TradesUnions
The Co-Operative Shoe Store
Give Up The Old
Custom of Shopping
Saturday Nights
Let the Meat
C utten
Polluted Air Likely to Cause Spread of
Th« popularity of the moving picture
To wave the heels of your -to ek ieg .
theate. a . a form of cheap en terta in -i» - the heel, of your slipper. , with
ment for the masses ha. directed ntten | ve
tion to ee teia l of it . undesirable f ea-1 “ a ba*
to hot
tures. In Chicago it i . said that 250,- 1 bird
» WlU d n v e awaT hce ia hOt
(too ¡uirsins a considerable portion of
cr#am ig b
the „ „
whom are children, attend these then-
u # — tu
ters daily. Most of the theater build- has been turned before the mixture was
ings are cheap store rooms, remodeled i thoroughly «-hilled
fl It is my duty to see thtrt you are well
for the purpose, often without adequate
A ‘ “Pful
’lqu‘d f "» >• " » ™ a'*at
provision for v.»ti.ntion. It is e.ti-I to h a l f a compressed y e a .t eake or a
mated that the air in one of these the- "hole dry y ea .t cake^
fl Believe me, I am attending to busi­
ater. will pass through the lungs of the
" h e n frying mush ,t im prove, the
ness, and have the finest line of im­
audience in from six to eight m inuter 'la p s e s , if the mush is dipped ia w h it.
Thev therefore constitute, as the C h i-)0 a n pttg iclore r.*,n8-
ported and domestic woolens for you
cag; Health Bulletin remarks, one of
A few minced dates added to fudge
to select ’ our Spring Suit from.
the health problems called into exist a" it conies from the stove will make a
ence by modern customs and conditions. «<” •* and
fl Remcm ter, I make every stitch of
In cities all over the country the
chopped very fine and served
every garment right here, upstairs in
problem is practically the same, involv- ">»b French dressing on heart, of tot­
my sanitary workshop, ' y the best
ing the role of contact or close associ- »««•> ’ • delicious d.nner salad.
•Hon in the spread of •• colds” and the I
Apaper bag or a quart jar slipped
skilled union mechanics I can find.
various infections diseases. It is a mat- j ° 'e r the food chopper w ill prevent
A Union Label in every garment—$20
ter of observation ,l,at the incidents of crumb» fly.ng about when bread i . being
the various infective diseases of child j • r®“®d- ,
to $40.
hood immediately increases on the open-
" »»ci. boiling molasses or sugar candy
11 Open every Saturday evening till
, ing of the school, in the fall. on account "
dish in whieh it . . being boiled
all around about «
10 o ’clock.
tact between infected and non infected
the *°P- and
boil over,
children. It mav, therefore, be reason
B °“»* and *«■<*».
da“ P’ W,n
ablv assumed that the close contact in PolW> «» » » » > • • £ « • •* B. d? p ?r
the' moving picture theater is also a two of paraffin oil be added to he black-
fa c t o r in the distribution of infectious «««• * “ls° P » * « ta the leather from
(diseases. Since it is not easy to « « -1
' elude those who have diseases or who
To freshen a skirt that h a. become
Corner Sixth and Stark Streets.
come from homes where disease exists, »«'a" d
I™1" “« «J
, well-considered regulation, as to venti- *™ ak e»rer«lly. so that all du.t may
lation and sanitation should be enforced be removed, and then hang over a tub
of hot water.
for the protection of the public.
To keep vegetables freah and criap,
dip a muslin bag nr flour sack (after
! KANSAS SCHOOLS TEACH COOKIN it is cleaned) in cold water, wring it
lightly, put in the vegetables and hang
HYGIENE. ! exceed «00 words, on the repair and Domeetic Science to Be Tanght, AIL where the air can strike it.
EDUCATION __________
I maint, nance of earth roads, i . to b el Making every Kansas sch,»olroo«„a
clean steel ornaments of rust and
. ~
n r .s t awarded bv Logan Waller Page, d i- , eook.ng school is the latest plan of (, isio ,oration) nib them with a brush
Ignorance of Disease Cause of OwBt !
um; e of Pub,ic R„ads, United Kansas educators, W D. Ross,
dipped in par, flin oi, and then i_
Loss of Life.
18tateg ))ppartment of Agriculture, superintendant qf public instruction,
po).gh thgm with * dfJ
Washington, D. C. All compositions the state text book commission,
a lump of camphor placed
of their responsibility mu#t be submitted to Mr. Page before | state board of education, and the Kan­
box with then, will keep the steel orna­
ban resulted in a marked awakening of j Mav 15, 1913, and the medal w ill be "«* Agricultural College are at work on ments bright.
physicians to their obligations as le a d -! aw; rde,l as soon thereafter as the com- a complete home econom.es course _for
ers and teachers in the science of keep-1 positions can be graded. The composi- the common schools of the state. The ’
inir well. The esseuce of preventive tions may be based on knowledge gained domestic science department of the agri-
college, under
medicine is education, and physicians, from hooks or other .sources, but no e *" -ltural
Un'ie ».’ the
nT direction of I ; According to a census taken by the
diss Adah Lewis, of the home econow-
by virtue of their training, experience quotations should be made.
I aa * •
' ’u • ..„„,„¡¡¡„1» a text Board of Education of New York City
land ideals, ought to be leaders and | Only one side of the paper must be “ * « » * “* *o a ^ k’ . comp '•”« » » « » I thprp
of ,«
teachers. Yet, until within a few y e a r .. wr«tte.. on; each page should U num- book and co u r» of study f o r ^
their responsibilities were not recog- beied; the name ,age and address of mest.c sce.nce work. Tb° course i s be
themselves or to assist in supporting
nixed in the prevention of venereal dis-1 the writer and the name and location ing arrangedJ’articu'ar,-V f ,r h,® C *
the family. In addition to these work-
ease and education in the hygiene o f' „f the school which he or she is at- try schools, where t
ease ami euuca.ion
...... A . . . . . . . .
*h p ' onnortnn tv for the practical demon-
Ray Barhhorst
The earlier policy o f.silen ce “nd r®g »«»I' ®i <he fir>t P*8e~
’ ™ scientific preparation of foods and i department,
press.on in regard tl
the care of “ h,,me is taken *nto account I Work is a phy"'0’’’«'’-«’ necessity, and
fast changing, not only on our part, b t ,
Ia certain
amount —
is essential
j ie » n u i a i i s u v u v v i n u o .
. —
i on the part of par-nts and educators.
Ile88 than ,n tne c,ue8-
. -V .
American I Under the Kansas law,-, after 1916,, the wellbeing of children as well as
’ The sinister menace of venerea! disease
A contributor to the Maj A
schoolteacher in the state must ’ adults, but the same amount under
I can hardly be overestimated. In the Magazine says:
hav# haJ #t ,eagt a compiete high school harmful conditions, i. e., poor air, poor
United States 770,000 mal^s reach early
“ If there isn t some good in e \e } course before
room filled
oeiore A
.I certifl(.ate
ceruu, a ir can
. a., be
oo g ran t-; light, .........
- - dust,
-----, fumes,
-------- ,
maturity annually. At least 60 per cent, one, what are they here forT
I ed, and . one y ea r’s
. work
. in
- domestic
, ------
gases or vapors— is dangerous to health.
‘‘ Anybody can poiht out anybody
or 450,000 of these young men, will at
science is also required of all school­
In pearl button making children are
some time become infected with vene­ e lse ’s bad qualities. I f you want to
exposed to the fine giasslike dust com­
real disease, 20 per cent before the age distinguish yourself go around pointing
A course of Btudv for the country ing from the shells, and, except where
of 22;50 per cent before 25, and over 80 out R°°d qu®1,t?eS-
everyon e! schools which will be' complete, is being machinery is used, the Department of
‘ ‘ Pick out the man whom everyone ;
per cent before they pass 30. This is
dislikes Select the one vou feel could arranged to meet the needs of a School Labor has no law to improve conditions.
the morbidity amoi.g males reaching 16 dislikes,
»eieci .n i uue j
< lth th.g equipment
Tho text book The price of pearl buttons has risen, not
in any one year. Each succeeding year best be spared from your office, f
; ,g
be pub qshJd by the gtatf and gold because of higher wages (they are low ­
similar group
- a ---------o
. to the aggregate.
„ndnuhtedlv •V<’"r c,r.c e ?f
h vp
a sv at actual cost to the school districts and ered), not because or
of securing adult
gonorrhea undoubtedly community in w i(
Syphilis and
am goner
- ol * . ’ ’ ' , also to anv pupil that mav desire a text- labor (children’s labor is used), but be-
surpass^ in prevalence all M»ther in f e e - , yourae„ if thOTe w n ’t something good , a^
mediate*a"d "disabling“ effects fail most
bi' ^ on a mental dissecting table.
The domestic■
X h o u r e2h
i"*’“ 4?7 Childr-en
*s *
" 'V o be t aVen
P""’t° nlng in . the
| da>’
f of ,h '« ln‘eJ "
other 1 mak,n« o f »h a /<■'». and ,to gas P0""’11
’ e regular s h o .1 work and the other ,ng whero the huts y e ghapod.
t0 be »«Mei after 4 ..
o co
c k each
illt« mi||s
mills and
and textiles,
textiles, . wl
' ” n
- In - --------------------------------
------- wet
Uu-ernoon. W th th
q P
sj.inning is done, children
children are
are engaged
atmosphere, and ex-
h e next
divisions. One dl*‘a,0,‘
posiql to the irritating dust. In dyeing
over 6(1
6d per
per cent
cent of
of all
all the
the work
work done
done ’ '..T
i ‘ The
next time
time ’ y )u
»u hear
hear him
him criti-
criti- into
into three
three divisions.
by gynecologists; 50 per cent or more (,izpd te„ people the things you know ----------------
the mixing
„ of the fo < , ...................
mt'v are exposed to the dangers o of f
(n/AAla.! women
winaan are
Are left
l e f t irre-
t....... u:„.
,1.« good ! lliitura
’P at
i.f these infected
irre- abont
things. You
Y ou’l'
at all the cooking, and the third division :
is to set the table and then wash the ‘
inediably sterile, besides the number ¡eagt be ¿¡fferent, and y o u ’ll find that
In the flower and feather industry
whose offspring are stillborn, premature, R does you more good than it does him.
; deadly wood alcohol is used for dts-
weakly, diseased, or mentally defective.
“ now would you feel if you knew
. solving the d yestuff and children are
Considering the terrible lavages of t j)af ¡Hjople, whenever they talked about
I exposed to the fumes. Ca: os are re­
if you desire to be fair to organized labor you wiil request your
corded of tilindness and death result­
these diseases and their wide prevalence I v()u talked only about what was bad in
help, your daughter, your cousin ; yes, everyone who is doing
our efforts at preventive measures have j.ou y ou know i t ’s there, plenty of it,
ing from exposure to such fumes.
ben wofully inadequate, says the Jour- but y0U’d rather not have it talked
In lacquering metal goods children
Little Russell came ncross the picture
your shopping,
nal of the American Medical Associa- ah0UL I t ’s much nicer to have only of the Statue of Liberty and exclaimed: are exposed to amylic and methyl a l­
lion. The community anil state assume your good points discussed.
“ Gli, mamma, look at the lady with cohol, both dangerous to health.
| immense burdens iu the care of victims
“ Give the other fellow the kind of a the ice cream cone in heT hand.”
In the potteries children are exposed
of such conditions as deaf-mutism, men- dpaj vou jjke yourself. If you can say I
to the fine clay dust, nnd in decorating
¡tai defectiveness, general paralysis, „„thing good about him, say nothing.
When giving a music lesson to a child china they are exposed to lead poison­
I blindness and many others. Yet the
“ There are mighty few peop e in the one (lav, the teacher asked the question: ing.
I prevention of a large percentage of World we ca n ’t say somethin,; good “ ‘ What is a trill» ” The entirely orig-
In glass works young boys are
Are ex-
' these conditions by prevention of svph- „hunt, if we try. The trouble is, we inal definition was, ‘ ‘ A trill is a note i posed to the fine glass which fills the
• ilis and gonorrhea receives but meager ■ don q j ry
air nnd the Labor Department is power-
that wiggles
attention. If bubonic plague had but
“ And yet, the more good you find in
les to aid them.
a fractional percent ge of the iilcidence „t,,er people, the more good other people
of these diseases, r.il hands would be wj|j dnd ¡n yOU.
with a ball broke a large window of a ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
joined to drive it out. Cholera in a
“ Women, too, can make this experi- neighbor. Ilia papa told him ho would
civ lized cojgtry tod»y is no such social lnPnt . “
have to pay for the same out of his ♦
Our Wasteful System.
a J national menace as venereal dis-
bank. This worried him very much. ♦
L ase. We appropriate great sums to
gpring m eaning
Several evenings after, a gentleman
It is an utterly irrational and ♦
fight certain epidemic diseases and to ,
# called for a visit. He liked George’s ♦
4 ¡m,n()ra) society, an insanely waste- ♦
¡maintain a rigid quara"*‘ne
„moke in the air; a smell th a t’s com- baby «ister
sr very much and offered to 4
industrial arrangement, by ♦
them, but we arc onlj now begin., ng
of b„rnt lpathpr and bair. T here’s buy her for
or »5 Oeorgt» climbed on h is ; 4 which the bulk of the world’s ♦
to wage warfare against disease, which
in her
papa’s la( |i and whispered: “ Sell her; 4 population is engaged in produc- ♦
are as dangerous, as any epidemic dis-
. . . .
H 7V
The best asset any business can have is a large
»n pay
nav for the window.
± ing wealth u
irxu ♦
hand; there is woe and distress that then we can
it <.
is neavav
never frk
to nn
ease and far more dangerous than many
W E K E A L w E number of satisfied customers and have em­
spreads over the land. There are car-
--------- , , lg realty a worm
or is slaves
we ♦
There are various ¡mints of attack in
pet« to beat and big rugs to shake;
When Robbie had fever, between the + arp ¡¡vjng ¡n ,and freedom, either ♦
ployed every requisite for the » f e t v , comfort and convenience of our
this problem and various closely-related
there is dust everywhere that will make
ages of one and four, he woul.’ have i 4. nf labor or spirit, Is a fiction. Free ♦
problems. But there is one point of
a man quake. There are stoves to come
9paSma. When he was six he started
¡Rbor and free men have no exist- ♦
attack in combating the spread of ’ en
reoanled d"wn- w>»h their mazes of pip«; there ,
school, soon after which he visi ed 1 4. ence apart from a community of ♦
We Pay 4 Per Cent. Interest on Savings Accounts
ereal 1 disease
, iseast which
11 is justly regarded
u, .u P are rooms to be cleaned, there are ' his little cousin Ada, of the same age. : 4 ownership and interest in produc- ♦
iSis t.
L “ ¡ ..c
h o e b , w - e ^ b s to swipe. There are mattings
-> d A
d. ‘ ‘‘ ‘ in
c h o o 14
l^ « tjon
o n . .............................................
♦ 4
-z t T t a l ,
J s . t e a . t e u . ic Z d 1 »Kt.
“ Robbie,” said
in my
my s school
most \ ita am s ra e8'pi
and floor covers that must go down
when we are not absent nor tardy for ¡ 4
the work of the world is now ♦
ei uca inn o
Mw-isl ’ no wo“der a man wants to get . out of a week tbe teacher writes our names on , 4 . parried
.... — on,
— , the production
------ ----- of ♦
an upheaval in pedagogic and social
, tbg
wjth biue chalk and that ¡ 4
things proeeeds through the de- ♦
sentiment in the last few years regard
h#ve a bpneftt Di(,
Under Government Supervision
♦ strnction of human being* *, soul ♦
------------------- --------- -
♦ and body. And to close our eves ♦
Washington and Fourth StreeU
Founded 1886
Robbie, alter thinking it over for u 4 to this, to eousent to a society ♦
prejudice against such teaching is giv- ( Brookline, Mass., said to be the rich-
replied in all
seriousness: 4 that divides mankind into owners ♦
ing way rapidly, and results are already e»t town in the world per capita, does
Factory Inspectors Named.
Want Fewer Conventions.
beginning to appear. Educators are | n„t permit moving pictures. The chil- ‘ ‘ Why, I d on ’t know as I nave ever 4 and woekerr, masters and servants, ♦
August C. Hughes, of Tacoma, and coming to believe that these subjects , dren of wealthy parents must find other had a benefit, but 1 have had common 4 r;rh and poor, governors and gov- ♦
Plans for increasing the fund for edu­
♦ erned, is indeed a hopeless infidel- ♦
cational work in the National Aseocia- J C. H. Younger, of Kirjtlnnd, have been have a rational and vital place in the I amusement. They know nothing of the fits.”
ity toward life; is the most abso- ♦
tion of Stationary Engineers by cutting appointed by Labor Commissioner Olson educational system.
delights of *1.-
the ‘‘ m ovies.’
Even Up.
♦ lute atheism of which man can be
down the ex|iense of conventions and j of Washington as factory inspectors to
Mr. A.— I ’ m certain your batcher 4- guilty.—George D. Herron, in The ♦
holding such sessions every two years ( look after the enforcement of laws gov­
Prises for School Essays.
you short weight for your money. > Metropolitan.
instead of each j ear, are being sub- ■ erning manufacturing establishments
A gold medal to the schoolboy or 1 After a man has made a reputation
Mrs. A.—But, consider, my dear, the ♦
mitted to members of the association and mercantile houses in their respect­ girl between the ages of 10 and 1 5 ,1 it is the trying to decorate it that gen-
long wait yon gave him for bit.
throughout the country for a referen- i ive parts of the state. Both men are who writes the best composition, not to j erally gets him into trouble. Puck.
dum vote.
Housewives and Mothers
heavily on the most active and produc-
tive period of life. Gonococcus infec-
tion alone is responsible for 80 per cent
of all deaths from inflammatory
eases peculiar to women, 75 per cent
Cut him t0 pieees and see w h a t’s in
])im R em em ber-you are looking for
d Throw awBV the bad in him
the B
----- j list
d forget it . Mak£
Mak£ k
a list of
of his
his good
qu!llities . i t will surprise you how many
m w u
Childish Wit and Wisdom
Not to Shop Any More Saturday Nights
Merchants National Bank