Page Six Monday, January 13, 1913 PORTLAND LABOR PRESS Workers Win Through Organisation The Voice of the Common People Progress of Efforts for Shorter Day and Better Conditions of Labor, Throughout the Nation. A departm ent open to the free discussion of any question of social or political economy, or any problem of public interest. C orrespondents will p le a s e avoid personalities; w rite on one side of the paper only; sign tru e name. If it is desired th a t name be not p rin ted , please so state. L etters w ithout name will not be published. DIRECTORY of OREGON UNIONS OBEOON FEDERATION OF LABOR at call of president. H eadquarter. Team It*, 27*'U Alder street. Wm. president, 775 Missouri avenue. Stack, secretary, Labor Temple. M eet. Labor Daly, E. J LOCOMOTIVE E E O I N E B R 8 , ORAND RONDE LODGE No. 302 .1. II llrowu, s x ic ta r y . 1701 W ashington avenue, La ti, and»*, Oregon. A central labor council has been or­ the Xmalgamated Association of .Street ganized at Roswell, N. M. MARSHFIELD. and E lectric Kailway Employes, g r a n t­ ALBANY. ing an increase of five cents per hour LONGSHOREMEN, LOCAL 38. SERIES l i ­ ti Robinson, secretary, tins 108. CARPENTERS No. 1656— 3. L. Olson, S e c ’y. The com ing T ransport W orkers’ F ed ­ to carm en, m aking the maximum 35 P o rtland, Ore., Ja n . 8.— E ditor L abor and p erm ittin g cities to issue bonds, eration of A ustralia will comprise cents. Press: The progress of th e in itia tiv e ’ and the referendum to defeat a tax ASTORIA, MEDFORD. about 30,1X10 solid unionists. and referendum , the recall, the p r e f - , law. lo A S K A FISH ER M E N — Friday (except De CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL Meets every Monday night at S m ith 's Hull. C W. eem toir), 7:3 0 P. M. fisherm en s Hull. Colorado has used the in itia tiv e w ith A referendum vote has been taken crence vote and other m ethods of mak Hurrington, secretary, 1812 West Tenth II M. Lorntsen, agent, Fishermen » Hall. Bangor, M aine, Kail way and E lectric by the Cleveland, U., local unions of ing the ballot effective and respott» a num ber of measures. A sta te pamph- street. Com pany has conceded an increase in carp en ters on the proposition to in- sive to the people is very ably told in let instead of a new spaper publication BREW ERY WORKERS -branch 111. C la i■I eiu-a Larsen, secretary. 271 Thirty third , CARPENTERS' UNION No. 1840 Meets w ages which approxim ates two cen ts crease the minimum w a g e sc a le fro m 45 th e J a n u a r y “ E q u ity ,” published in ‘d m easures; pensions to widows w ith avenue. »very W ednesday night at f n o th ’» Hall. . . . . . . . . . Phil Jim ixta. » d ieta ry , Kuaa ,'uurt. per hour. to 50 cents per hour next Spring. The Philadelphia. The i5 cents charged for dependent ch ildren; recall of .judges BAR TEND ERS No. 142- Alternate Siindav«, 3 P. M., Labor Union Hull. Carl M artin.. PA INTERS' UNION No. 043 -Meeta every increase will be inaugurated A pril 15. the issue would be a good investm ent and other officials, are nirion; t he re- secretary, 540 bond street. ! ------ *— nicht - = -* Sm ith ...............................z Thursday at » Hall. H. M. ' lor every statesm an and labor leader forms gained by th e people. W ith the assistance of th e g ov ern ­ Tuttle, st.r i'u r y , Box 597. r . \v . H ar­ BAR BERS No. 167 -L ast Monday. 8 P. M , j rington, busine»» agent. in Oregon. ment a nigiit school fo r workingmen I nion I. at, or Halt. Leo Langford, Presi­ Motormen and conductors to the Arizona Has Model Laws. Six dangerous jokers are exposed in den t; L. IL Ashworth, 463 bond street ' BARBERS' UNION No. 309— ~M«M h flrat and has been established in the city of num ber of 256 on the lines of the street CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL-- Second and | rB'i', y . ‘('k'“ '* »t Mulford Hotel Arizona lias th e best form of in i­ i th is little magazine th a t are th e re ­ G uanajuato, Mexico. Barber Shop. W. K. «lohnson, aeci ‘ary, railw ay a t Yonkers, N. Y., w ent on liance of the opponents to the in iiia tia tiv e and referendum up to date. The fourth Tue»o- lo r the public schools, including com­ erenduin declaring all im p o rtan t power. financial secretary, 215 Thirteenth street. Arthur Itiggs, seeretsiy . General D elivery. sitiou. position. shall be done at th e S tate laws •• em ergencies” ; (5) placing an \< w M exico is an o th er sta te th a t F ISH E R M E N 'S U N IO N -M e e ts s tt Flatter PLASTERERS' UNION Meets first T hurs­ P rin t nW office at Sacram ento. m en's Hall, first Saturday. 7 30 P .VI day each month F. R othaell, secretary a rb itra ry lim it on th e num ber of mens lines up w ith M ichigan as a fak e r sta te H. M. Lorntsen, F isherm en's Hail. General Delivery orcs which may be placet! on the bal- w ith a referendum th a t is impossible The union» of G loucester, Mass., are N G SH vR E M E N 'S UNION Second and <>l"‘rate ami which was not intended LA fourth increasing th e ir m em bership rapidly, PENDLETON. Tiie C lerk s’ Union, of Danville, 111., lot; (<>) fulling to provide proper pub- W ednesday«, s P. M.. Longshore work. five new unions having recently been has gained an early d o sin g agreem ent licity for measures subm itted. en n s Hall. 571 Bond street Chu» .l u t i l i - PENDLETON TYPOGRAI HICAL -Meet« 2 son, president: C. 41 't'hoinpson, secretary - C alifornia d efe ate d four in itia tiv e oganized, th e com bined membership with 34 stores in th a t eity. The stores South Dakota Pioneer. I M. first Si nday of month. Eagle Wood and business agent, 577 Bond street. measures by large m ajorities, b u t men H all. Elmer Baer, secretary. reaching nearly 1500. iigree to abide by union regulations South D akota lias th e oldest initia M ACH INISTS No. 2 6 - -First and 3rd T hurs­ and to employ only union help for tw o fivt and referendum in th e United adopted bv large m ajo rities two am end­ days, s p. M., Marine Engineers' Hall. 577 ROSEBURG. ments subm itted by th e legislature, Bond street. U Nyman, recording seen- Clerks, bookkeepers, stenographer» years. The stores are to close Sundays s ta te s , it having been adopted in 1N9S. ♦ary; T. Fowl», ilnaneisl secretary, Box LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS No. 4 7 6 — v" C one prov iding for free school books and 750. Bartlett, secretary, Roseburg, Oregon. and other office em ployes of the P u ll­ and holidays, while no decrease in pav Tht, Jaw is verv w eak b,„.ailse it ,.an the other m aking irrig atio n bonds only be operated by the consent of the man Company, to the num ber of 25(H), is to made to r holidays. PA IN T ER S' UNIO N — Secor.d and fourth CENTRAL LABOR UNION -Comer Cost and available fo r sta te loans. Perguaon, K. J lturedavK, S P. M , Longshorem en's Hall. received an increase in pay from 6 per --------- legislature from tim e to tim e. This U. A. Lawton, president, care Astor H ouse- ce n t to 12 per cent, the increase ta k in g L °iS2w OTJ pieemen and engine - Arthur Bostrom, 259 Alameda uvenue. re­ Nebraska and Washington. S horter hours of work have been per I ' ''a r " ;,s operated, how ever, to gain men , ROSEBURG . LODGE No. &42__- cording secretary. effect J a n u a ry 1. sisten tly fought for by the b a rb e rs’ in- ' a ‘Hievt prim ary law th a t passed by a .1 W. Rubel Isiin, secretar)-, P. o B o , 682 N ebraska is in th e p eo p le’s column TEAM D R IVERS No. 1 8 2 — First and third rotary, P, o. Bo» 3S2, Roseburg, Oregon. ternntional. Sunday work has been vote of nearly tw o to one, a f te r a six with an in itia tiv e th a t w ill be some­ Tuesdays. S P. M„ Union L ibor Hall. ,e I y e a r s ’ struggle to get it before the Chris Christensen, president : Len Lowrey, CARPENTERS No. 415 — Friday evening, Recently the Goshen, South Bend and elim inated and an average of more w hat difficult to w ork, as th e percent- Labor Hall, 323 N. Jackson. C. L. S ud , secretary, 4S0 Commercial street. 1 he legislature subm it» tneas- age for am endm ents is 15, and 5 per Chicago Kail way Com pany; the V alpa­ than two hours a day cut from the people secretary. I TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION — Andrew Man Go» people, how ever, and ulti- rent m ust be in 36 counties of th e raiso and N orthern Kailway Company, other six days of th e week, or more ures nisto, president; Louis Lemberg, secretary PbU M BER S AND STEAM FITTERS N o . 428 — M eetings Sunday morning. W and the G ary Connecting Kailway Com- than 24 hours a week fo r 30,000 men, mutely th e people will o b ta in fu ll »tute; also an amcDilnient m ust have W. Ilow ett, care B. A. Mahon. power. 35 per cent o f the to ta l vote. T his BAKER CITY. p a n y e n t e r e d in t o a n a g r e e m e n t w it h , an d w it h o u t r e d u c tio n in w a g e » . ’ t!,b *s still a “ dead o n e ,” as it has provision alone w ill probably d efe at baker typographical union Nt 683 PAINTERS N o . 887— Com er Con« and Ster- «Mia^Mreuta, Friday night. J. L. Sm ith, -J o h n A Andrews, president ; M. D. Pit th e in itia tiv e and referendum in its many measure». Such n condition ap ­ keriton, secretary-treasurer. Box S3. co nstitution, but th e leg islatu res since plied to th e in itia tiv e am endm ent in OF LOCOMOTIVE ENOI TEAMBTEBB N o . 189 — W ednesday night. 1900 have refused to pass au a c t to put W ashington enacted in N ovem ber would BROTHERHOOD Labor Hall. 323 N. Jackson. John II Fer- N E E R S— O. W Moon D ivision 700, Baker. guson, secretary. : the law in operation. U tah w ent for have killed it, and also the recall. ;’r- T. A. Courtney, chief engineer; Jaittea i Hunt, secretary-treasurer and insurance , T a ft, too. W ashington now has th e in itia tiv e SALEM. secretary, 2035 Colo street. The city of P hiladelphia is m aking the farm conducive to g re a te r self- Oregon has th e w eakness of fa k e and referen d a m on law» only, b u t an experim ent w ith its insane which respect and contentm ent. ,, ,, , . .CIGARM AK ERB No. 4 87— Meets flrat Tues I W 0R K E « S No. 3 2 0 —Branch I. w ill be w atched with grpat in terest by The S tate of New York, since i t took ' ,n< r,i< *‘e*ng tack ed on ‘ ‘ e m e r g e n c y ” c la u s e s b y m a j o r it y o f M. »M. > leming, aecretary. I». O. Box 118. 8 fo r the cure of u n fortunates ; ago, AA4AO has AAACAVAU made O several experim ents of eM,H a 1 l,re> u as V as not been W iv t " tu o AVR VUXJ v t » x v VZ* U U t U l V U U O k V O W U 1U 1 U A D U i i i l t t ents l U ID MA I „ 1 « » » . i » ’ I « U e U i; B J • ' huinau, socrutary, 2 6 o N experim VL.I ' .t U h n r r i '* of th is character. I t is said th a t these th is ’ch aracter, and follows th e plan of . i " l!, ST. HELENS. legislature first considers th e proposed a,,-v w a-’ WO!i coun»ed ns v o ting no. : R ecently a large farm of nearly 900 1 ------------------------- FAX ¡ ^ ° C UTTERS’ UNIO N OF THE U. S. co nstitutional m easure, b u t i t m ust go m easures were very poor ones, , EUGENE, AND CANADA, acres, n ear P hiladelphia, was obtained ” BRANCH No. 47— St.’ Why His Color Changed. H elens, Oregon. to th e Iieople. however. TYPOGRAPHICAL No. 4 9 6 — L»st Sunday in an d colony tre a tm e n t fo r the in s a n e 1 r . . . . . , I <‘»cn month. 2 p. M. Claude Sylvester A union bu tch er workm an was sttiixg M ontana used the in itia tiv e in th e n Ohio iu „ sv .i__ __ ___ v>____j secretary, 206 Madison street. begun. T here are about 25 colonies Makes Good Record. THE DALLES. on the farm , each th e home of some I ? i’a,;k lnK f ,r f l to /e c o v e r dam ages fo r iast election to gain a good direct pri- ' I n tiie tn u u n o f o l n .iil in n I» n n n s s o I V n o . . Ohio has sprung from th e leash th a t ! * - m “ “ Ä W J T O Ä 1 25 men who are harm less and w illing guata*” ed *n a K sn aw C ity os- m ary law, a corrupt p ractices act, di- 11 i , | vx-in ... BREWERY WORKERS— William Hiob, Box ■Id lf it tie tied to ,hp th e »»'Puerile suprem e court, court, th th e e | | -* — - — . to ____ »v................ i . . .............. « ... te—v eut. . A d 1,1 w - « - Harbineon. .ec- make them selves useful. Each —. col- tabiishm , . . colored laborer in th e i rect election of U nited S tate s senators “ retary, Box 522 BAR TEND ERS— J W. Adkins, financial r«u ony is under th e supervision of a man P1™1 " as cal,edj B9.* " ,tneH8'. , . and th e p residential prim ary. F or „ legislature and B ig Business. B . e fo r e , , retary. and his w ife, the la tte r actin g ft8 ! Jo u 3s„rk w ,th Jones, th e plam- s ta te as corrupt as M ontana has been, 1 ,e adoption of its new co n stitu tio n it GRANTS PASS. R D" U - of New York with an in itia tiv e provision intended cou^^ n°tb in g . The people now have PLUM BERS, O. F. & S. F., No. 104__M eets I B c ta u r s n t. m atron, and each one haa its owr i *«YesRajj Thursday evening. J. B Davis, ~ to make it impossible of use, th is is power to do things. I ts cities have Box 338. CARPENTERS— A. R. Barnett farm ing im plem ents, horses, cows, pigs 44l. * . 801 Fulton , , , * a a I v a Do you know th e forem an and the m aking progress. The people also real home rule and new ch a rters are street and general equipm ent. A to ta l of about .. A. - . ..., being fortini all the ,.nn I .. • u v other oHieers of th e p la n tT ” jaw ix-mx xomiii an over t h e state. I t HOOD RIVER. k lied a Big Business m ilitary «W0 persons mildly insane have been < .. ■, th e in itiativ e. I t is hog-tied, and the in ‘ he election of cottncilmen, and thus BARTENDER J No. 4 2 5 — Second and fourth : . at a av : 4 i ■ Now, y o ’ look*a-here, b o ss.” said in itiativ e is as good as dead w ith th e lead the world to an o th er g reat step KLAMATH FALLS. th e experim ent say th a t th e insane ta k e //r i i mv i > v Sunday«, I ni ,n H ill, at 3 P. M E R ci 9» a , , the witness, 4U se skeered. T h a t’s why ‘ ‘ m ajo rity at the e le c tio n ” clau te in forw ard in effective voting. The con­ Brown, «cir.-tary v ery kindly to fa n n in g and develop a T .. • »* PLU M B ER S No. 6 1 3 — C. U. Hastinxs. re » . > j . a I looks'so white. Them folks a i n ’t no the enabling act. M easures receiving stitu unnn tio n can be amended on tax atio n can lie amended on ta x a tio n ,, cording a ecre ta ij. Box 573. Klamath Falls. CARPENTERS, LOCAL No. 976 -M eet everv special fondness for anim als. This 1st- ... . . ,, T d si v -relatio n s of mine. — K ansas City Jour- as high as 58,000 m ajo rity in 1916 were I o r any oth er question desired, by th e Oregon. Monday night in the B artenders’ f a l l to r fa c t is tru e of those who su ffe r J initiative. LA GRANDE. s . A xtell, president; c. h ' defeated. w ith a mild form of m ania, although i t ' ‘ ________ m. . , . . . . . . i i 'APdl ,r,s'’n'. financial secretary, 2 1 s ls t h S t- M aine has onlv pow er to pass laws J ae presidential prim ary has lipetl ! LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN AND ENGINE-! ' J,' hitegon, recording secretary, 25th is know n th a t some of th e violently •ud H arney street». .1 th t h . in itia tiv e , . n J 1 .« ; »'l»l««'l 1» C . l l t . , ^ t k . SrM t . M - ( ^ » « I I I O J l I M n i K .o , insane are Cheap Campaigning, nre cruel and vicious tow ard secretary T h .8 « ! .« .. „ ..lid .;. n o .« ™ , ,.»«.,1 . „nedod I..IIOI ...d .dnm ™ ... « J » » « » « « « » « « »*■■.«<..» « , “ f l S . I S S S ,. " f t anim als. The observations of the BROTHBBHOOD OF RAILROAD TRAIN v , rsev, N orth D akota, South D akota South D akota '.s tric t an<» a good roads bond issue. |o v r .t» . .»ortn i/attn is. t»oniu it.nrotn ««<■» » . . « . , . . . .. . i v u . . . » MEN. LOCAL 3 11— M eets first and third ^ pne* physicians th u s fa r seem to bear out from th e F irst and Wisconsin. T '" - b .v of each .north at s p. M. K. of M ACH INISTS tb o contention th a t th is is the most »pent 2 i -nts for his cam paign, ^ c o rd ­ NORTH BANK. No 2 _ i — Missouri Lags Behind. 1 . Hall, l.a Grande, Oregon. C. K Haii- In A r'zonn the direct prim ary, pref- n o ‘t .Ro « i z th¿ rd Th,ir','1“y nights^ Union ing to his report to th e senate. This p e n e tt. » ..reta ry , 1301 O avenue. La ra tio n a l method of tre a tin g . defective Hall. 1OB44 Main atreet John Moir, «ec- . . . . . . . . . . I" M issouri nine m easures subm itted ereneo » v ste m o f » eeo n .l n » ,i 6 , 1 . 3 Grande, Oregon. and delinquent classes, mid th a t th e ; was th e price of th e »tamp th a t b ro u g h t, bv tb e in itia tiv p nnd by th e JegÌ8lature th ,rd retary. Route fi. Box 17, Vancouver, Wn. been applied to U nited patteuts have found the atmosphere of his expense statem ent. all v ent down. I ts people have no re- ; State» senators, anil in W isconsin and Farm Treatment for the Insane i UNFAIR z Lipman, Wolfe & Co. A r e U n fa ir T o O r g a n iz e d L a b o r In P o r tla n d . it i Mimics, ta to many officials. I t pre- vents the nom ination of candidates by m inorities und seevres th e nominee of the m ajority, thus p u ttin g ano th er nail in the coffin of corrupt politics and Big Business. W ithin two y ears O re - u has been followed and even passed by sta te a fte r "‘la titfc . state. In less than ten years Oregon .'rk a n s a s used the in itia tiv e in the will be one of 52 in»tead‘ of 19 Mates IJI_ election to adopt the recall, lint-j having »onto form of in itiativ e and ref- ¡ting the legislative session to 60 d a y s ,1 crettdum. A l.l’KKD D (,'KIDGE. of union men, should do as they would be done by under similar circumstances. “ The road to a cor toration's heart is through its pocket book." »WORKERS UNION UN IO N \i’STAMP ^ r - i? llie m anagem ent of the Labor Press desires to make the paper of as g reat usefulness to the w orking class of P ortland and Oregon as possible. An effort is being made to broaden the paper in its scope and to make it rep resen tativ e ot all workers. In th is movement th e paper desires to enlist th e support of every man und woman who hopes for b e tte r things for those who must do the manual labor for th e upbuilding of th e ommunity nnd the state. ». . ... la .abnr ress has one favor th a t i t asks of you, dear render. You know of frien d s who should be interested in the work th a t the paper is attem p tin g to do. The paper should reach every one who feels in te rest in b e tte r conditions, w hether th a t jatrson be union or non-union. W ill vou help the 1 a lte r P r o -« », 7 "" ............................................... o , . r , , , r . . x „ z . » Do Not Boy Any Shoe co m a tte r w hat its name, unless it b ears a plain and readable im pression of th is UNION STAMP. All shoes w ith o u t th e Union S tam p are a l­ ways Non-Union. Do not accept any excuse for the absence of th e Union Stam p. factory Boot and Shoe Workers’ Union Attention, Union Men! 248 Summer Street, Boston. Mass. JOHN P, TOBIN, P r c td e n t CHAS. a» S T R E E T ADDREet'i. b a in e . Secretary T reasurer Granger for Cabinet Place. President-elect, Woodrow Wilson will ,’f’ by the N ational grango to ap- 0,10 ’ be follow ing th ree -- SP( r,',a r -v of ag ric u ltu re: Sen- ato r O badiah G ardner, of M aine; II. J. W aters, president of th e K ant Agri- ««Hural College; Dr. L. H. B ailey, dean " f ,be of A griculture, Cornell r " iveM it3r- t ~ v æ x 1« t te paper may be sent to them . 1 he introduction of the pajter into hundreds o f 1 *'n!'os «barging violation of the child homes will do m t. h to aid in the organization of th e unorganized and will be -, labor law wero beard, facto r in b rin g ,n g about .. closer affiliation among th e men and women who are organized. Please fill out the blank p rin ted below and mail it to the Labor Press. Copies of the paper will be nt d irec t to each address. NAME Union men, and the wives of union men, and the friends Named Shoes are frequently made in Non-Union Factories. liable mean.» of securing w idespread inform ation ^on the measure», and any- thing timi assails privilege is to te d •town by scaring the uninform ed voters. Michigan hns a m onstrosity rcqttir- ing 26 cent of th e voters on a pe- t i t i o n and then the consent of the leg- REMEMBER THE ROYAL U N FA IR TO THE BAKERS U N IO N Weinhard’s Beer Thz favorite beverage of the laboring men because of its health and strength giving qualities. Phones MAIN 72, A-1172 J HENRY WEINHARD BREWERY