PORTLAND LABOR PRESS Page Threw Business Enterprises Desirous of the Friendship of Organized Labor LOCAL UNION DIRECTORY ALLIED PRINTING TRADES COUNCIL—Third rriday eveulnx. 205 ft First *ireet. G eorfe I’ . Howell, secre­ tary, Oregonian composing room. AMALGAMATED CARPENTERS NO. 757 — First and third W ednesdays. Labor Temple, 2*70 ft Alder. W. J. Turley, secretary. 83 N. Sixth street. Malu 6896. BARBERS' UNION I ». 75 Meets fourth Wednesday at Auditorium. 2 o » ft Third St. T. M. Ix-abo, Secretary. Miiin 9139. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY W 0R K E R 8, NO. I l l - Meet 1st ft 3rd Saturday lu month, at 5 p. m . 230ft Yamhill street. Earl Stout president. WHI E. Jenkins, secretary and business agent., Itooiu 8, 2 3 0 ft Yamhill street. Phone, Malu 7510. BEER D R IV E R 8 AND BOTTLERS. -F ir s t and third W ednesdays. Labor Tempi«*, 27<>ft Abb r street O. D. Forte, secretary, Thli,d and Ibuch streets, Lents. BREW ERY WORKERS. Second and fourth Saturday ewenlugs, 228 ft Yamhill. John Schuehle, secretary, p. <». Box 171. BROTHERHOOD OF RAILW AY TRAINM EN —M eets first and third Sunday at 1:30 I*. M.. and secoud aud fourth Saturday at 7:30 P. M , In Sw iss Hall. 2&3ft Third street. Is-tween Jefferson and Columbia at reels. L. D. Keyxe’r. Jefferson street depot. BARTENDERS' LEAGUE NO. 83»— First and third Sun­ days - bt p. M. 205 ft First. Chas. Graaamag. 205Ml F l f d * Main 3704. BINDERY WOMEN No. 118—First Wednesday evening tu Mulkey building, Second and Morrison. J. sale Henrier- a*>n, 547 W ebster street, Wutxllawu 2410; Elsie Schm itt, tlioiio ini se< retary, S53 Mm niluiu BLACKSMITHS AND H EL PE R S -F irst and third Fridays, Ijubot Tciuple, 2 7 o ft Alder. J mn . p.mdiug *• u-otary. 656 p o w d l deni. 14)0 ft Grant avenue. B0 a (A OF BU SINESS A G E N T S -M eets Tuesday and Frl d i ^ a t 0 A. M.. at Labor Temple. BOILERMAKERS Necond and fourth Thursday». Room 502 Labor T«-tuple, 2 7 0 ft Alder at reel; F. E. Dlahow, secretary, 085 E T w entieth. BOOKBINDERS N o . 9 0 -Third Tuesday, I ail air Tempi», 270 ft Alder street. Ralph A. kiddy, P. O. Box 147. B R IC K L A Y E R S—Thursday evening, 2O5ft First. P. Scan- lau. aectetary. Box 328, city BRIDGE AND STRUCTURAL IRON W ORKERS -T u e sd a y . g P. M., 2 7 0 ft Abler, third floor. Dan Conley hualness Agent. Main 1410. A 3112. BROTHERHOOD OF RAILW AY CARMEN OT AMERICA, PORTLAND LODGE NO. 888 -E very second and fourth Monday. Carpenter!,' Hall. East Pine and Grand avenue. F. L. Farnsworth, recording secretary. M ilwaukie. Or. BUILDING LABORERS -T uesday night. 270», Abler »tract A. F. Acorn, recording secretary. Labor T em ple, Bar ney M cNulty, fin a u ih i a» «retary, 270 ft Aider street BUILDING TRADES COUNCIL--H I*. M. Monday. Labor Tem ple, 270 ft Alder street. Win Noffke. secretary. 353 Sixteenth street. B. W. Slooman. bualooaa agent. O ffice hours. 12 to 1. M alo 1418. BREW ER Y TRADES SECTION First Friday. 205 ft First street. O. D. Forte, corner Third and Birch streets. CARPENTERS NO. 80— Every W ednesday. Grand a»e nue and E ast Pine. C. W. Ryan, secretary, 554 East Seventeenth; It. O. Rector, financial secretary, 975 Gladstone avenue. Carpenters Hall. East pine aud Grand avenue. Phone: E ast 8279. CARPENTERS NO. 808 -M eet» every T uesday, 8 p .tu., Labor Tem ple, Hull 401. 2 7 0 ft Alder. G. W. Campbell, recording secretary; Labor Tempi«*, 4 to to 5 30 p in Phone Mal’t L416. Joe. H ow ell, financial secretary and treasurer, 401 Skidmore. CARPET AND SHADE W ORKERS LOCAL NO. 8 — .Meets fir st and third Fridays at 2 3 0 ^ Y am hill. C. S. Keu ney, 270 ft Grant street. CEMENT FIN ISH E R S AND HELPERS. LOCAL NO. 119.— Every T uesday, 8 P. M., H all 501. Labor Temple. Chas. Graxier, business agent, 2 7 0 ft Alder, Labor Temple. CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL— Every Friday. 8 P. M., Labor Tem ple. A. W. Lawrence, secretary, 270ft Alder, care Labor Press o ffice. Hour» 7 to 8 P. M., W ed n esd ays F ridays. CIO ARM A K E R S.— Second Monday. Labor Tem ple. 270ft Alder street. B. J. Stack, secretary. 2 7 0 ft Alder street. COOKS' U NION NO. 578— Meet» every Tuesday a t 289 Third street. J. C. C asw ell, secretary; L. Jamison busi­ ness agent. COOPERS’ UNION No. 1—Math. Schoo, secretary, 3613 Slxty-flfth street 8. E. DISTRICT COUNCIL OF C A R PEN TER » --M eet» Friday night. G. T. Hunt, business agent; W. J. Shelley, ae< retary-tr«»asurer. 8:00 to 4 .'10. Phone M 1416. Hall 5 0 0 ft, Labor Tem ple. ELECTRICAL WORKERS' LOCAL 125 — M eets Thurs­ day nights. Hull 4oo. Allaky Bldg. C. D. McConahy, financial secretary. 825 Eleventh street; J J Solhaug, recording secretary: C. A. Jordan. busln«*w agent, office 318 A llsky Bldg. ELECTRICAL WORKERS, NO. 317—Tuesday, 8 p tn. H all 401, Labor Tem ple, 2 7 0 ft Alder. Fred Loth, hual- ii «*» h agent. Box rtl4. Mtiln 1416 A 8112. ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS. -8«< »ml and fourth Fri- alays. 8 P M.. Utbor Tem ple, 2 7 0 ft Alder street. W*. <>. Ash. president. L ents; It. V. Clark, secretary, 928 E. El« v«-ntii street N. GARMENT W ORKERS First and third Thursday even­ ings. C iriw nters' Hall. East Pine and Grand avenue. E G Barger, secretary, 828 E. Kelly s reet. G R ULINHANDLERS-First ami third Thursday». Dat.ta Hall R ussell and Kirby Sts. J. I. Tucker, business agent. H eadquarters. 409 Albina Ave. C-2356. J. Sw an­ son, secretary, r*6s Albina Ave. HOISTING AND PORTABLE ENGINEERS. LOCAL 872.— M eets Saturday night. Bartenders' H all. 205‘ i First street. E. Fletcher, boslnera m anager; Chas. A. Purcell, __ _____ _ recording secretary. INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS CHAUFFEURS. STABLEMEN AND HELPERS. LOCAL NO. 162. —Every Thursday at Musicians' Hall. 131ft Second street. <1. A. Rogers, recording secretary, 1497 E Ash street. IRON M OULDER»—First and third W ednesdays. Barten dera’ H all. 2 0 5 ft First »treet. C. F. Sm ith. 838 Colonial avenue. Overlook. L A TH E R »’ UNION. NO. 84— W ednesday evening. Labor Tem ple. ls*ster T inker, business agent, 270ft Alder. LEATHER WORKERS — Second and fourth Wednesday 2 05ft First. Mr. J. M. Davis. 200 Second street. LOCAL LABEL TRADES DEPARTM ENT -S econ d and fourth Tuesdays. 8 p M . SOSft First street. A W. Lawn n<<, president; M W. Petersen, secretary. LOCOMOTIVE FIREM EN AND ENGINEM EN, J. B. MAY­ NARD NO. 1 9 8 — Friday evening 7:30, Allaky Hall. P. J. Brady, secretary, 219 Monroe. LONGSHOREMEN. LOCAL 6 .—First and third Thursday». 8 1* M . H ill H all, W illiam s avenue aud Ruasell street. Ned Sm ith, business agent; headquarters, 272 Gliaan. Main 6204. A 3914. LONGSHOREMEN 8 ASSOCIATION. NO. 8. — First and third Thursday evening. Hall 802. Labor Tem ple. 270ft A E. Barnes. business agent; headquarters, 248 Flanders. A 2060. Main 2061. MACHINISTS. RAILROAD LODGE NO. 4 3 8 .-S ec o n d and f itrfh W«-dncMla’ia. hull 300. Lubor Tem ple. Frank T.vrer, secretary, 37 Emerson street. MACHINISTS. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 88—Tuesday. 8 p. M . Hall 302. Labor Temple. 270ft Alder atreet. J W. Marriott, recording secretary; Charles Hough, financial secretary. Box 118. M A IL E R S--F irst Monday, 7 30 P M . Room 213 Oregonian building. G. II. ('hesvldine, secretary, 236 14th atreet. MARBLE WORKERS LOCAL NO. 25.—First and third Thursdays. 269 Third street. A. S. Iruhoff, Prince»» Hotel. MARINE FIREM EN. OILERS AND W ATERTENDERS UNION OF THE PACIFIC - 1 0 1 North Front. Thoa. Farrell, agent. Phone Main 3277. MEAT C U T T E R » -F irst and third Wednesday nights and »«•««►lid and fourth Munday afternoons, 265ft First Kt. Murahall 4891. D. A. Dyer, president; W. J. Cawley, vi«. piesldeut; J. J. Shea, secretary; A. McLeod, ftuattclal secretary; Uus Linde, business agent. METAL TRADES COUNCIL First and third Thursday nights l4«l»or Tem ple, Hull 602. W. IL Chase, secre­ tary, 270»j l^iltor Temple. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE OPERATORS’ PROTEC­ TIVE UNION. LOCAL No. 159. I. A. T. 8. E ._ M e e t» s«*eond and fourth W ednesdays each month at 11:15 E M In T M A. hall, Raker T heater bldg . 11th aud Morrison streets. Fred Lew is, ¡»resident; ltlehard C. Piper, secretary, 225 Morrison street. MUSICIANS I Inst Tuesday, 11 a in., 131ft Second sire* t Board m eets W ednesday, 11 a in., same place. Curl Stoll, secretary. Main 6007, A 5259. PAINTERS. LOCAL NO. 10 -E very Wednesday evening, Labor Tempi«*. 27oft Abler street. <». It. H artw ig, business ug« n t Main 1416 E. A Cbeyne, re«*ording se«r«tsry. 924 East T hirty-eighth street. PATTERNM AKERS. -Second and fou>'h Mondays. Musi- clana’ Hail 131ft Secoud street. H. A. Sylvester. 46 l'ni«»n atentie North. PILE DRIVERS WOODEN BRIDOF AND DOCK BUILD­ ER?' No. 78— M« «*t Thursday. 2« 5 ft Second street. The«». ' ug, 2 7 0 ft Alder. PLA8T1.A S No. 88 - 8 I’. M. W ednesday, Labor Tem ple, 27«»ft Abb r street. <’ M J »hnsou. business agent. 27«»' t Abler street: nffbe lou rs, 8 to 9 anti 4 to 5: Pet«*r M ansley, correspond! ng-recording secretary, 26t) Griiio.ni avenue. PLUM BERS. U. A ._L 00A L 51— Every Mi’ McConnell. Labor Tem ple, 270ft Alder atreet. "lain 1416. business agent. M i PORTLAND P H 0T 0-E N G R A V E R 8. LOCAL 31—H all 801 Isibwr T«-tnple. Tom Jackson, secretary, P. O. Box 689. PRE8SM EN No. 43.— First Thuraday evening, 270ft Alder. \\ I. llarp«‘r, president; J. H. Jones, financial secretary, 569 Hawthorne Terrace. RIVER STEAMBOAT M EN'S UNION — M eets Saturday evenings, 264 ft Alder street. John Hoffman, busi­ ness agent. SA IL O R S - Monday night, 51 Union avenue. D. W. Paul. P. O. Box 2100. SANDSTONE CUTTERS.—First and third Thursdays. 8 P M.. Labor Tem ple, 270ft Alder street. Geo. Leh­ man. secretary. 81 North Fourteenth street. SHEET METAL W O R K E R » Friday evening, 304 Allaky building, Third and M<>rrlaon. J. A. Brady, business agent. Main 5204. A5467 SHINGLE W EAVERS NO. 58 Meet Drew H all, 162 Second, ••very second and f«»urth Sunduy. John Clifford, aec- r«*tary. SH IPW R IG H TS AND CAULKERS— Second and fourth Mon- dayi » P. M . Labor Tem ple, fifth floor. Charles Gregory, 481 Union avenue, rhone Main 613. SIGN PA IN TER S. NO. 488— First and third Fridays, Labor Temple. A. C. Montgomery, secretary, 1864 Terraco St. STATIONARY FIR EM EN — Meet every W ednesday at 8:00 I’ M . Labor Tem ple, Room 301. President, W. H. M itchell; treasurer. It. C. Vivian; secretary, W. II. Ta>I«»r, 94 Graham avenue. STEAM EN G IN E E R S -M e et every Saturday evening at Allsky Building, e«»rner Third and Morrison, third floor. Win. Ma« K»-nr.ie. secretary, 830 Uulon avenue North. STEAMFITTERS. U. A., LOCAL 235— Friday. 8 P. M., I^ahor Tem ple, 270ft Aid« r. E. C. Iloefer, financial »«••retary tnd tn a su rer. Box 492. F. E. Hogan, re­ cording secretary, 54 Sixteenth street, north. STEREOTYPERS ft ELEC T R 0TY PER 8 NO. 4 » —Meets second W ednesday In month at Builders Exchange Bldg., 131 f t Second atreet. F. W. Land, correspond­ ing secretary. Chas. Engdabl. treasurer. TAILORS. NO. 74—Second and fourth Mondays. Allsky H all. Third and Morrison. John Barandun, aecretary. Box 122. THEATRICAL STAGE EMPLOYEE. l OCAL NO. 28. I. A. T. 8. E. Meets ev«-ry second and fourth Friday of each nn»nth. In T. M. A. H all, Baker Theatre Bldg., llt li and W ashington Sts. President, H. B. McCabe, Baker T heatre; secretary, R. II. Clark, Empress Thea­ tre, phone A -2789 or I’. (). Box 560. TILE LAYERS AND HELPERS. No. 4 2 —Second and fourth Tbnrsilnys. 8 p. M., 205ft First street. Chaa. Barry, 231 f t Market street. TYPOGRAPHICAL. NO. 58— First Sunday In month. 2 P. M . W. O. W H all, 128 Eleventh street. Lon DeYermond, Box 559. WAITERS* AND WAITRESSES’ UNION NO. 189—Meets Tuesdays, 8:30 P. M., 966ft Alder. W ATERFRONT FEDERATION—Second and fourth T ues­ days, 8 P. M., 205ft First street. J. I. Tucker, aec­ retary, 625 Gantenheln avenue. JOURNEYM EN H 0R S E 8H 0E R S No. <1— M eets at 20Cft WEB PR E SS M E N .--F irst Tuesday. Labor Tem ple, 270ft Alder atreet. C Allsup. Journal pressroom. First street, fl’-st Tuesday. J. McLean, »arretary.________ E. Il Nelson, corre»- A. (Tunna, presi- army of the ehe nest lobbyists that ever served a contemptible master. Fact is the The country merchant is as e-a-s-y a parcels post will help every class of pro­ sucker as any rube that ever attended a ducers in the country, ineluding the eonn- circus the first time. Here he is lighting trv merchant. the parcels post for nothing and hoarding What attracts men of means to a com­ himself, while the express trust lays hack and laughs ami saves its money for divi­ munity also attracts men without means. dends on its counterfeit paper. The coun­ The latter are not wanted anywhere, and try merchant fought the rural free deliv­ if they could be sent to the moon and the ery. hut it has come to stay and grow up land grabbers got there ahea«l of them, with the family. The parcels post is com­ there would he no room for them there, ing in spite of the express trust and its either. EASY AND CHEAP. Complete List of Union Meat Markets H arry W ood s, corn er Second a n d M orrison. George L. Parker s Market, 149 First. People's Mnrket, First slid Taylor. Bay City M arket, Fourth and Yamhill. Torminal Market, 148 8«*cotul. Kln«l «rff Bros. Central M arket, 1740 Graud Are. Kx«-el»lor Market, 412 East M««rrlsou. Albina Cush Market, 260 Boss« II. Eureka M arket, 115 N«»rth Sixteenth. Empire M mik . t, 261 First. Coliiiuhta Market, Fourth and Carruther». Popular Market, Cnlou Avenue aud Russell. I8«nv«-r Mark« t, 230 Larrabee. Sixth Stre« t M arket, 441 Sixth. Deery's Market. 462 Jefferson. Pavilion M arket, 323 Third Flsber*» M arket, T w enty-fourth and Ktcolat. J««hns Market. 4 3 ft Sixth. M etropolitan Market, 5.'k) W illiam s Ave. Engle Market, 847 M ississippi Ave. . Poitliim l Market. 36t» Morrison. Ev.-rett M arket, Tenth and Everett. City View Market, Sellwood. S P. M arket, 711 Pow «||. Canyon M arket, 560 Jefferson. Dubrkonp Market, 752 snvier. F alling Street Market. Union Avenue and Falling. W hite House M arket, Eleventh and East Jeffer»«»n. A. Grone, 415 East Eighth. Ione Market. 606 Union Av«* Model M arket. 688 Milwaukie. O. K. M arket, IBM Haw thorne Ave. Adam Treber. 428 Falling Tbmiipsou'» Mark« t. 1314 Belin«»nt. Bechin*» Market, 925 M ississippi. W averly Market, 8np East Clinton. Belm ont Market, 1012 Belmont. Kay Fairchild. 2OÍ» Wa htngtoii. Independent M arket, ta ils 6. 7. 8 and 9 Public Market. B. F. J«ntes, Public Market. Laurelw«l Market. Arleta. S seltary Market. Arleta. P u ritan M arket. 291 i T en th street. st Louis Market. 1048 Hawthorne. Kosse| A Frey, 6-10 First. North Portland Market. 248 Savler. Mountain Mark« t. 997 Cortwtt. Rr«se Cltv Market. 2<»2 Morris. Sam 's Market. 148 W. K llllngsw orth. New Mt. Hood Market, 995 E. Glisan. Myrtle IVtrk Market. Slat«* Market, First and Salmon. City Market, Portsmouth. Park Meat Co., Kern Park. E. E. Schults, 45th and M ilwaukie Road. C o tu g e M arket, East Bu* nside and Union. Vernon Cash Market, Fifteenth and Alberta. N ational Market, East Burnside ami Grand. Multnomah. Sixteenth and W ashington. Norton ft Haynes, Union Avenue and Broadway. Villa Market. 71 East E ightieth. M iller's Mnrket, 4 ft T w enty-eighth. Arbor L«»dg«* Market. Arbor Lodge Sixteenth Street Market, North Sixteenth. S< Imell ft Lehi, 716 Union. Mb«*rt Klein M arket. East Burnside and Eighth. B urg's M arket. Sixty-eighth and En»t Gliaan. Michigan Market. Albina and Kenilworth. Gill ft Co . 512 M ississippi. W« l< h’s M srket, Sellwood Highland Market. Union Avenue and Highland. E E. Ix9*r. B ussell Street. M imghan Market. T w elfth nnd East Stsrk. A1b«rts M srket. T w enty-ninth snd Alberts. Si ifer's Mnrket. Front snd Gibbs. N< b H ill Market, 21st and Irving. Thornton's M srket. 139 Klllngsworth. Gus Schm idt, Archer Place Market. Fulton Mnrket, 492 W ashington. Bruhn's Market, Seventh and E. Burnside. Sihless«*r Bros., Union Avenue and Russell. G ile’s M srket, Xfouta villa. Ir«»n Mountain M arket. 17th and W ashington. Norton ft Havties. 333 Union Ave Mix ft Oat. Alberta and Union Ave. W eldler Street Market Tndep« n«lent, 225 Salmon. Sanitary Mf«rk« t. 413 E Mnrrlwnn street. Pittsburg M »rket, 512 Alberta street. Mueller Market, 428 Falling. ('. U H ettzm an, t tth and W ashington. Portland Pr«»v1slnn Market, 1068ft P eter Mueller. 428 Failing St. Corbett. St. Johns Cash M srket, St. Johns. H olgate Meat Market. 41st and H olgate. B eckw ith ft Schm idt. 103 Grand avenue. J«»hn A. K eller. 121 Nevada Sanitary Meat Co., 1083 Division St. J. W. Bryan. 41st and Gladstone. Central Market, 1576 East Glisan. Hohann ft Mulholland, 17th and Alberta. L E E M . C L A R K , Pres. GEO. M. O R T O N , Mgr H O M E P H O N E A 1413 83% F R O N T S T R E E T MULTNOMAH PÜLNTING CO B Y L A W S . W O R K IN G CARDS W E C A R R Y U N IO N W A T E R M A R K E D PA P E R LETTERHEADS E N V E L O P E S —In Fact A N Y T H IN G You W ant A TAX MEASURE TO WIN. WEINHARD’S BEER A taxation measure that combines the principles of land value taxation aud grad- 1 uated land tax has been proposed ami published by E. S. J. McAllister. W. S. r'K en. W. (1. Eggleston. George M. Or­ ton. H. 1). Wagnon and others. It is too long for publication in this issue of the P h o n e s M a i n 7 2 A 1 1 7 2 HENRY WEINHARD BREWERY Labor Press, but its provisions are in sub­ stance as follows: Amending Article IX. Section 2a. it provides for a graduated and specific tax When you patronize me, particularly for glasses, you are saving upon land values, franchises, water power money and getting the best service on earth. I personally superintend and other natural resources “ on. in ami all branches of my little business. 1 employ a graduate Optometrist. I grind all my own lenses from the best quality of glass. SEE ME. under land,” beginning with all held over ’ .+ 10.000 in value at per $1.(MMt. At STAPLES THE JEWELER !)>20.0(M) m other $2.50 is added, making 162 First Street Near Corner of Morrison $5 specific tax per thousand up to $30,000. at which point another *2 .'»tt is added, ami 1 W*«ar a Union so on until on any one holding over $100,- 000 th«“ tax is $30 per $1.00 taxes upon improvements and personal property for aren't to be bad in every article, but all e s arc included in the collection. Come local purposes by so voting at a special siz early and make certain that you secure or general election; but otherwise they are one of these exceptional values for your­ not to be taxed. Publie corporations are closely defined self. Priced for Ibis sale at $3.48, $5.90, Up to $12.95 as any corporation having a franchise or is granted the right of eminent domain. I Phone»: A 7903, Main 7224 Forfeiture of the property is providt'd Re». 7512 Sixty-Fourlh \ve., S. E. for if any fake sales, deeds or other sub­ Phone Tabor 176 Gambrinua Brewing Company. terfuges are attempted in order to evade ( Main 49—-Portland's Favorite Beer—A 1149. the tax. Of course the cry is raised against tin* : M. E. Nolan, Manager measure of “ Single T axi” That is all i the answer to it that can he made. Any law that honestly attempts to reduce tax­ To all parts of tlie city ation must be along the lines of exempt­ ing some form of labor values. Even the j most rabid opponents o f the single tax , Daily trips to all point on Mt. Scott Line Stand 12q Second Street C o lu m b ia M illin g C o m p a n y propose to exempt household furniture toj Portland. Oregon the extent of $500. This is in the same! direction as exempting improvements and personal property, and there is no more; Drink Star Brewery Famous reason or sense in exempting lumber sawed up into furniture than into houses, or iron in a sewing machine than in a j mowing machine. It is expected by the promoters of this measure that it will gain support from all I Unexcelled in All Respects. classes except the plundering class. It ; Orders for Bottled Beer receive prompt attention “ Look for th e Si«rn o f th e ITane” «‘an be shown beyond the faintest doubt Office, 361 East Burnside. iast 46. D 1146. that it will reduce the tax on every work­ H ig h G rade G o o d s O n ly er. small farmer, manufacturer and home | All Makes of Cutlery and All Kinds of Tools owner in Oregon. It will, on tin* basis of Automobile Tools a Specialty the assessment of 19W in Multnomah Phones : Main 1682; A 1682 county reduce the average from 20 to 6 7 4 S i x t h S t . a n d 3 1 1 O a k S t . mills. In order to Illustrate the rapid growth of sav­ There is to all practical effect a grail- ings with 4 per cent compound Interest added, uated tax now that bears the heaviest we have prepared the following table: upon the small property owner in city A % In te r e st Weekly W ill in W ill In W ill in W ill In RATE OP | and country, while the big syndicates and 5 years 10 years JO years 40 yarn? Pep. or INTEREST o n S a v in g s Saving,. trusts and corporation franchises pay the Amount Amount Amount Amount to to to to less according to the value of their prop­ 8 .2 5 FOUR Per cent 8 73. S 1 « .. 8 403. S I204. erty. until vast, holdings of natural re­ Capital, $100,000 146. .5 0 per annum Com­ «24. 806. 25S8. 1 (Ml pounded twice a sources in this state actually pay nothing! 293. «•■0. 1614. 6177. Surplus, $10,000 585. 1301. 3228. 10.355. 2 .0 0 year, January 1 If a graduated land value tax is im­ 5 .0 0 and Julv 1. 1462. 8070. 25.8MM. 3252. 1 2 0 G rand A v e . posed as provided by the measure out­ |1 OPEN8 AN ACCOUNT lined above, then it may do something C o rn e r A ld e r S treet (Established 18 Years) toward evening up the tally. If the Ore­ gonian and other newspapers are M ERCHANTS going to yell “ single ta x !” like the ding- S A V IN G S A T R U S T donging of a hell, at every measure to re­ COMPANY SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS. lieve the producers from taxation, then A Conservative Open Saturday S. W. Corner Sixth and Washington Streets ts alarms will eease to excite dismay. In­ Custodian Evenings, 6 to I PORTLAND. OREGON dications are that this measure has struck CAPITAL «150,000.00 the right path to victory and will carry DOES A GENERAL BANKING AND TRUST in every county in Oregon, even if the BUSINESS. plundering classes yell “ single tax until WE CASH PAY CHECKS their eves hung out. Oppn Saturday evenings 0 to 8. The favorite beverage of the laboring men because of its health and strength giving qualities JUST LIKE FINDING MONEY Schwab Printing Co. lisssia VIOLET OATS Albers Bros. Milling Co. Gambrinus Our beer never fails to please Nolan Auto Express Co. Baggage and General Hauling “White Mountain” Flour “Morning Glory” Cereals Preer Cutlery & Tool Co. $ HopGoldBeer HowSavingsGrow CITIZENS BANK Hibernia Savings Bank A GRAFTING SCHEME. RED F R O N T Present investigations .shows that elee- Clothier, Hatter, Gents’ Furnisher. trieity can he and Inis been furnish«”’ in this city for three m ils per kilowat hour. Union-Made Goods a Specialty. It is now being sold for seven-eighths ot We Sell All Brands of Tobacco at Cost. 11 cent to favored parties. Experts along Main 9094. 193-195 First Street. independent lines show that it costs less than one mill to gem rate electricity when you have water power stolen from the people. There are facts going to show that from electricity generated from waste products of sawmills the cost is less than three mills. Then a corporation asks for a special franchise in this city with a minimum rate fixed at, nine cents! Such a proposition would he an insult to the in­ telligence of a Hottentot village. It is 317 Beck Bldg. evidently a grafting scheme to “ pull the Main 340 A 4613 leg” of the present I ght ami power mon­ __________________________________________ Henr«- Hanno. opoly. all«! should he ‘‘lit off at the pockets Chas. Kirchner. hv throwing out the franchise asked tor. Warren Construction Co. Bitulithic Pavement Turn H alle Cafe On«1 of the best expositions of the nt-I titude of organized labor toward indus­ trial strikes has been contributed to th e ! and O ld H eidelberg Oregoninn of the 2!Hll of April by Edgar W. Slahl. It is worth filing away to he read whem-ver any blatant open-tdiopper passes out abuse and misrepresentation of | the labor unions, one instance ot which Brother Stahl uses for his texts. Direct Importers Rhine and Moselle Wines. Dealers in High-Grade Liquors and Cordials. Tel. Main 287. N. E. cor. Fourth & Yamhill. “ Defective wiring ’ causes many fires, i and ineffiei« nt ami incompef -nt mechanics art* responsible lor it every time. It pays, to demand the card of the Electrical J Workers No. 317 and take no chances on i fire insurance. BOSS OF ALL THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY 605-608 Electric Building OSKAR HUBER, District Manager Use Damascus Milk Cream Butter Damascus Creamery Co. East 1062, B 1- k >0. -130-432 Hawthorne Ave. Good Clothing for Men and Young Men on Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments. EASTERN OUTFITTING COMPANY Washington, at Tenth. “ The Store Where Your Credit is Good” BowmanBrothers UNION MADIB UNION MADE OVERALLS T h e r e A re N o n e B etter Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoe«, Sto TWO STORBi* 1« and I« Nortk Third M. R. > «I and «3 North Rlith Rt Cor. Ba N. « «. Oar. Parte