Ir aU H E D i ______ ____ P ortland L abor P ress Volume XI. Number 44 J’ Portland, Oregon, January 18, 1912 Whole Number 624 • President Daly Makes Interesting, Comprehensive Report to State Federation Convention though the densest intellect can discern of idle people or start soup k-'chcns as a ness an«l injuries, that the employees Department of Commerce and Labor is shall have equal voice in tht* election of submitted to this convention and com- that the primal cause of the Los Angeles relief measure. To the Delegates of the Dreg >n State Fed­ This method of deception 01 rking officers of hospital department and dis­ meiuied to give you for your most earnest dynamiting and the great loss of life eration of Labor. Ninth Annual Con-, therein is definitely chargeable to the an­ people has been resorted to at times in bursing funds; that the reserve fund shall consideration, also a proposed bill to vention—Fellow Workers: archistic sentiments expressed by that different localities throughout the United never exceed a detine«! per capita, and sur­ provide security for laborers and the 1 herewith submit my annual report as I publication and its editor. States. It has rendered more working­ plus shall be reduced by reduction in as­ traveling public : Department of Commerce and Labor, President of this Federation, together with men homeless and penniless than any sessment or contributions. In diagnosing disease, and crime is a Immigration Service. suggestions. At the last session of Congress an 'other agency. In view of the criminal disease, the experienced physician first en­ The year 1911, from the standpoint of deavors to locate and remove the cause, nature of this practice I believe this con­ amendment extending the provisions of Office of Immigration Inspector (Sec. 24) Moscow, Idaho. organization, has been a banner year in knowing full well that the cause removed, vention should submit a most drastic law the federal eight-hour law to contractors the history of this Federation. The ros­ nature will prove a powerful help in cur­ which will prescribe a penalty for such, and sub-contractors was passed by the Officers and Members of Oregon. State Federation of Labor. lower House. The passage of this law ter will show not only a considerable num­ ing the ill. But what newspaper through­ crimes against the human family. Portland, Oregon. shows the trend of public opinion to be ber of new organizations formed through­ out the land has ever suggested the pos­ Convict Labor. Gentlemen : The Immigration Act of in favor of the est "blishment of eight out the state, but the affiliattsl locals of sible propriety of investigating the cru­ The year 1911 marked the passing of hours as the basis for a «lav’s work an«l February 20, 1907, contains the following this Federation is far greater than ever sade of the Times and its editor against the convict contract labor system in this does much to forward one of the cardinal provisions : before in its history. There have been the trades-union. Union men have been several labor controversies «luring the villified, their wives and children declared State. The stove foundry contract has principals «if our organization. I recoin-, Section 2: That the following classes of aliens shall be excluded from admis­ year, and in the great majority the wage to be wantons, the very act of organiza­ been terminated, and the Governor has mend that all the power at our command ! sion into the United States: All idiots, demonstrated his resourcefulness in pro­ b « * brought to bear upon our representa­ earners have been successful in securing tion itself declared to be criminal by this imbeciles, feeble-minded persons, epilep­ viding labor for the convicts. Governor tives in the Senate to the end that this either increase in wages or shorter hours, publication, and still no great newspaper West deserves the everlasting gratitude tics, insane persons, and persons who bill may pass the Senate, be signed by the and sometimes both. Never have we had has-been able to find this festering sore. of the working people for his conscientious have been jn«ane within five years prev­ such perfect co-operation between the dif­ The crime of the McNamaras is not con­ effort to solve the problem of convicts President an«l become a law. That the ious; person who have had two or more enactment of this law will have a gootl feren t erafts as now. Jurisdictional dis­ doned, but under great provocation even competing with free labor. moral effect upon State Legislatures, attacks of insanity at any time previous­ putes have been almost unknown and the rational men have committed violence, and During the year a Convict Labor Com­ county commissioners and city councils ly; paupers; persons likely to become a harmony of effort has been most notice­ since there arc irrational men and violent mittee was appointed by the Governor of public charge; professional beggars; per­ men in every class of society, it is remark­ which your president was m ade a member is beyond dispute. The passage of this sons afflicted with tuberculosis or with u able. bill by the House of Kcpresentativ« s was able that some deluded, misguided, over- and elected as its secretary. This com­ The McNamaras. largely due to the activities of the fifteen loathsome or dangerous contagious dis­ Mv last report to this Federation dwelt zealous individual had not resorted to vio­ mittee has not done a great deal of defi­ representatives who hold union curds, ease ; persons not comprehended within any of the foregoing excluded classes who nite work other than compiling data up at some length on the horrible disaster lent acts ere this. Let us hope there will be no more Mc­ to the present time, but has given most and emphasizes the fact that the election are found to be and are certified by the in which the Los Angeles Times building of our members to this and similar posi­ was destroyed and more than a score of Namaras, no more Otises, one the effect, enthusiastic and earnest support to the tions makes the establishment of the examining surgeon as being mentally or Governor in his efforts in this direction. great economic principles underlviqg our physically defective, such mental or phy­ human lives snuffed out. In that report the other the cause. On the whole, let us be thankful to Mc­ sical defect being of a nature which may I cannot pass this subject without call­ I exo^essed the horror felt by the trades- Namara for his confession. Had his lips ing the attention of the Federation to the organization more easily accomplished. affect the ability of such alien to earn u union movement at the then supposed ac­ remained I recommend that this Federation en­ closed and he executed for this great work the Governor has done in his living; persons who have been convicted cidental explosion. From the character deavor to secure the adoption of an so firm were the unionists in their inauguration of the parole or “ honor of the Times in its villifving campaign crime, amendment the present IB-hour law for of or admit having committed a felony or against trades-unions, and the vindictive belief of his innocence, the great chasm i t ; system’’ among the convicts. The chief women, limiting the hours of labor for other crime or misdemeanor involving have opened between capital and ] executive of Oregon is a pioneer in this moral turpitude; polygamists, or persons attitude of its editor, who openly and bra­ would labor and its possible consequences we are line of endeavor and the splendid results women to eight hours per day and 48 who admit their belief in the practice of zenly boasted that his mission in life and loath to anticipate. hours per week. In this connection I The press has blat­ the mission of the Times was the annihila­ antly pointed out the effect. Will it now thus early realized have attract«*«! the at­ would call your attention to the fact that polygamy; anarchists, or persons who be­ tention of the entire country. Certainly two Northwest States, Washington and lieve in or advocate the overthrow by tion of the labor movement, fiom the atti­ it required a man of more than ordinary California, have already established the force or violence of the Government of tude of bitter antagonism of the M. and define the cause? The Grange. moral courage and fortitude to so far eight-hour day for women, and while t'.e United States, or of all government, M. Association of Los Angeles, combined together for the express purpose of exter­ The State Federation of Labor is to be digress from the beaten path of govern­ their laws have not as yet stood the or of all forms of law, or the assassination minating any combinations of labor; con­ congratulated upon its continued amicable1 ing prisoners through brute force; cour­ test to which our law has been submit­ of public officials; prostitutes, or women scious of these conditions in Los Angeles, relations with the Oregon State Grange. age to withstand the criticism of enemies ted, we should not permit ourselves to or girls coming into the United States every trades-unionist had reason to antici­ We can hardly exaggerate the value of ¡and the skepticism of friends; and only be outdone in this particular line of en­ for the purpose of prostitution or for any pate that should any untoward accident this great organization as an ally in the conviction of right could nerve a man deavor which means so much to the tra«le other immoral purpose; persons who pro­ either of God, man or the elements, hap­ securing progressive legislation. During to hazard so much in tin* cause if hu­ union movement in general, and to the cure or attempt to bring in prostitutes or women of our State in particular. I also women or girls for the purpose of prosti­ pen to the Los Angeles Times, the blame the last general election, the members of manity. Free Text Books. recommend that we endeavor to secure tution or for any other immoral purpose; would be laid at the door of trades-union­ the Grange throughout the State did val­ ists. Therefore, we were not greatly sur­ uable service for labor’s measure, and I call the attention of the convention to the enactment of a minimum wage law persons hereinafter called contract labor­ prised when a crime was lodged against contributed in no small degree to its the great need of a law providing free for women, which would be of great ers, who have been induced or solicited a prominent member of organized labor. splendid majority. text books for the school children of the benefit in relieving the disgraceful condi­ to migrate to this country by offer or We believed then that McNamara wai the At the coming general election the State. With all our progressive legisla­ tions under which many of the women of promises of employment or in conse­ victim of a conspiracy, by the co: viction Grange will doubtless submit a good-roads tion, Oregon is lagging behind many j the State are now compelled to labor, i quence of agreements, oral, written or and which in many instances are condu-1 printed, express or implied, to perform of whom it wa- hoped to disrupt trades- law which will be of definite benefit to ■ States in this respect. unions. producer -and consumer. It is equally The education of the children of this cive to immorality. Similar laws are now labor in this country of any kind, skilled Labor, with the deep-rooted conviction certain that a -wealthy group of citizens ' commonwealth is an essential, and it propose«! in many parts of the United or unskilled; those who have been, within of the innocence of these men, having do­ will submit a plan for good roads with I therefore devolves upon the citizenship States and are in operation in many for­ one year from the date of application for admission to the United States, deported eign countries. nated its treasure and talent to secure for the object of developing a magnificent , to provide it at the smallest cost. us having been induced or solicited to In accordance with instructions issued them a fair trial, was dumbfounded when ! system of boulevards or speed-ways of I would advocate the submission by the news was flashed throughout the coun­ doubtful benefit to the general citizen­ , initiative the bill submitted to the last by the last convention to the Executive) migrate as above described; any person try that the McNamaras at Los Angeles ship. Therefore this Federation should Legislature providing a system of free Board engrossed resolutions, expressing whose ticket or passage is paid for with bad confesseil the heinous crime charged in appreciation of the Grange and the text books to the school children. I be­ our appreciation of the work done in con­ the money of another, or who is assisted to them. This news was almost paralyz­ honesty of its measure give our ally its lieve the adoption of that measure will nection with the passage of the Employ­ by others to come, unless it is affirmative­ ing and it required days to comprehend most enthusiastic support in its effort go far toward breaking the combine in ers’ Liability Law, were presented t o 1 ly and satisfactorily shown that such per­ Hon. Henry F McGinn, Hon. C. E. 8. son does not belong to one of the forego­ its real significance. Labor now realizes to secure better roads for the legitimate I text books. « Wood and Janies Cassidy. ex-Secretar.v of ing excluded classes, and that said ticket Lien Law. that these misguided men not only com­ traffic of the commonwealth. A former conventon of the State Fed­ Our last convention instructed the this Federation. The resolutions were or passage was not paid for by any cor­ mitted the great sin of taking human life, not only jeopardized the most sacred eration of Labor entered into a compact Executive Board to formulate and submit presented at an open meeting of the Cen­ poration, association, society, municipal­ movement for the uplift of humanity— with the State Orange wherein it ple«lged a lien law that would more definitely and tral Labor Council of Portland. The) ity, or foreign government, either directly indirectly; all children under 16 years the organization of the toiling masses— its proportion of a fund to employ attor­ surely secure the interests of working­ meeting was well attended and all those or age, unaccompanied by one or both of but cruelly deceived their truest and best neys to defend the initiative and referen­ men. This matter has been taken up a who were fortunate enough to hear theI of parents, at the discretion of the Sec­ friends, who believed irtiplicitly in their dum in a case on appeal in the United number of times with attorneys and the speeches of acceptance can verify theI their retary of Commerce and Labor or under statement that the resolutions were ap-1 innocence, and whose confidence naming States Supr me Court. This case is now maze of lien laws of other States can- such regulations as he may from time to on earth could have shaken save their own up for hearing before the Supreme Bench i vassed, but we are unable to submit a preciated. In view of the results hereI time pres ribe. Provided, that nothing iu obtained I recommend that organized la -, and the Executive Committee of the State measure at tliis time. However, our at- confession. this Act shall exclude, if otherwise ad­ Labor was deceived. It has nothing to Grange has requested the amount pledged } torney is drafting a law which he be-, bor never fail to publicly acknowledge } missible, persons convicted of an offense assistance rendered to our cause by dis­ apologize for. The law of humanity and | by the State Federation of Labor which lieves will amply protect the interests of purely political, not involving moral tur­ justice deems every man innocent until is $500. This convention should take up ! workingmen under both contracts and interested parties. pitude: Provided, further, that the pro­ I wish to call especial attention to the this subject and provide the necessary proven guilty. Then in view of all these sub-contracts, and in which negligence visions of this section relating to the pay­ efficient work of the Portland Labor considerations, why should labor be cen­ funds to discharge this obligation. of the contractor will not abrogate the ments for tickets of passage by any cor­ PresN, the official organ of organizer la- sured for defending those they believed rights of the employe. Fanners’ Union. poration, association, society, municipal­ lair in Oregon. innocent? ity, or foreign government shall not ap­ M ileage of Delegates. Th«> paper now has a circulation of ap- For the first time the Farm ers’ Union Now comes a great clamor from all The Executive Board was instructed to pr< ximately 7.000, the largest of any local ply to the tickets or passage of aliens in quarters that the labor unions should be is represented in this convention by fra­ immediate and ct ntinuous transit through purged of the radical element; that they ternal delegates. This action is a sub­ submit to this convention a plan whereby labor paper in the Unite«l States, and the United States to foreign contiguous numbers among its readers many who are the mileage of delegates to our conven­ stantial step toward co-operation be­ should be converted into admiration so­ territory: And provided further, that cieties and pink tea socials; that they tween the members of the two organiza­ tion would be paid out of the general not trade unionists but are interested in skilled labor may be imported if labor of the work. The paper through its broad ! fund of the State Federation of Labor should abandon by a policy of indolence ' tions and will no doubt result in great like kind unemployed can not be found and passiveness the great objects for benefit to all concerned. Your Executive and the per capita dues increased to policy liberal treatment of questions in this country: And provided further, affecting the relations of the workers and provide therefor. Board, lacking information as to the time which they have striven for half a cen­ After mature consideration, your Boar«! employers has come to be recognized as a that the provisions of this law applicable and place of the last meeting of the Farm­ tury. ! begs to report that the problem is so dif­ power in the affairs of the State. 1 urge to contraot labor shall not be held to ex­ ers’ Union, did not select a fraternal dele­ It is apropos in this connection to pro­ and indefinite that it is unable to that each and every unionist in the State} clude professional actors, artists, lec­ pose a local parallel for your considera­ gate to represent the Federation at their ' ficult reduce the proposition to a practicable set* to it that he receives the paper each I turers, singers, ministers of any religious tion. Only a few weeks ago in the City convention, but I recommend that a fra­ plan. The very fact that the conventions week to the end that its influence may be denomination, professors for colleges of ternal delegate be nominated and elected of Portland a workingman, a striking ma­ are held at different points in the State increased. I urge that the paper be more seminaries, persons belonging to uny rec­ chinist, a picket, was shot down by an to attend the next convention of the Farm­ i ¡ and the great bulk of our membership is generally lists! by the membership as a ognized learned profession, or persons employer, a member of the Association of ers’ Union. ¡located in Portland, precludes the possi- medium for discussing questions in rela­ employed strictly as personal or domestic Employers, in cold blood. From all the Labbr Exploitation. ! bilitv of presenting a plan of any value tion to the trade union movement. servants. evidence thus far available this man was During the past spring and summer a to tiic convention. If our annual meet­ Through no other medium can the mem­ Section 4: That it shall be a misde­ killed because he was a striker and a pick­ group of employers and real estate pro­ ings were held at any one place it would bership keep in touch, with affairs of in­ meanor for any person, company, part­ et. When the ease came to preliminary moters, with a view to flooding the labor be a simple matter to compute the cost of terest to them. The management is de- nership, or corporation, in any manner examination and a charge of murder had market on the Pacific Coast, ami thereby transporting delegates to and from the serving of the fullest confidence and whatsoever, to prepay the transportation been found by the grand jury, dozens of creating such keen competition among the convention. But the differential in car­ hearty support of all. or in any wav to assist or encourage the employers, members of the employers’ working people as to reduce present rying delegates to Portland and carrying importation or migration of nny contract Enforcement of Labor Laws. unions, openly proffered both wealth and wages and increase hours of labor, tiiem to Medford or Astoria or The Dalles laborer or contract laborers into the The Federation should acknowledge United States, unless such contract la­ influence to defend a confessed murderer, launched a system of advertising in the or Pendleton is so great as to preclude an its obligation to the efforts of the State borer or contract laborers are exempted saying they were glad to shake the hand newspapers and magazines <»f the Middle accurate or satisfying estimate. Labor Commissioner in the enforcement under the terms of the last two provisos of the murderer of a striker. As an after- West and Eastern States, inviting and Hospital Fees. of the industrial laws of the State. Never contained in section 2 of this Act. math, both the press and some citizens urging mechanics and laborers to come I wish to suggest to this convention has there been so many successful prose­ clamored wildly for the suppression of to the Pacific Coast. These advertisements Section 5: That for every violation of strikers and the abolition of pickets, ban­ were almost without exception gross ex­ that a law be formulated regulating hos­ cutions of the violations of the labor laws any of the provisions of section 4 of this ners. or any of the methods employed by aggerations and misstatements of fact, pital enterprises or departments conduct­ than during the past year. A multiplic­ Act, the person, partnership, company, trader unionists to win the co-operation but to make them more convincing an ed by corporations. A number of large ity of laws is of no value to workingmen or corporation violating the same, by and support of their friends and the gen­ address was appended in Portland, Ore­ ¡concerns within the State of Oregon are unless we have officials who will enforce knowingly assisting, cncournging, or so­ arbitrarily collecting from their em­ their provisions without fear or favor. I liciting the migration or importation of gon. eral public. While this clamor arose in this city, This advertising plan was productive ployees fees in some cases excessive. The Oregon has been especially fortunate in any contract laborer into the United churning that the picket and the strike in- of results in a measure. Thousands of employees have neither voice nor vote in this regard and while we have few labor States shall forfeit and pay for every ci?!«l lawlessness and riot, and therefore working peopb* there come to the coast, the disbursing of the funds thus ac­ laws, it is gratifying to note a closer ob­ such offense, the sum of one thousand dol­ lars, which may be sued for and recover­ should be abandoned, not one word has particularly Portland, and while the ob­ cumulated. I would suggest State super­ servation from year to year. Submitted by Executive Board. ed by the United States, or by any person been uttered that the Los Angeles Times ject of reducing wages has not been real­ vision over all such departments, pre­ Following request, for co-operation in i who shall first bring his action therefor tr its editor Otis should abandon their ized. the city is now facing the problem scribing that such funds shall be used (Continued on Pa