Page Five PORTLAND 29 1911 LABOR PRESS Business Enterprises Desirous of the Friendship of Organized La&or VWgH V %_ MgSsS* u v n bleached sheets . ■ ]>. . o Sheets of full double size and good b r S specially r r u e d for this sale, each , ,45c “ ' E ' „ r Furnisher. r Clothier, , r „ Hatter, „ Gents’ , . F .m l.b .t. Union-Made Goods a Specialty. V’e Sell All Brands of Tobacco at Cost. Main 9094. 193-195 First Street. llllim m i^ l a sh eets of full double size, ex tra heavy priced for this sale, c",-»,...54c . ,I . X S ' " J ï e  ' L T ; ' Ï S « ~  S i " X k . c a c t t - v » » , r .» ., Of Every Description. Paii Oils, Glass, Prushes, Varnishes, Doors, Windows, Roofing and Building Paper, Etc. RASMUSSEN & CO. .»e-lillll! The favorite beverage of the laboring men because of its health and strength giving qualities HENRY WEINHAR'i) BREWERY Royal White Soap •e e l ’» Doei’t nprm it permit him to him give to you To ________n your grocer. give you anything else. He questions your intelligence a m in in g when he does. Mt. H ood Cream Co., LUCKEL-KING SOAP COMPANY. 642 Hood Street. ’10 Second S t. A 3442, Main 1465 JUST LIKE FINDING MONEY W hen you p atro n ize m e l'artK' ' l,;‘r l>e ^ ’“p e rso n lllv »uperintend m oney and g e ttin g th e best service on „ ’ l(iu a,e O p to m e tr is t g S d riI m y ow n k n ^ e X m th e best’ q u ality of glass. S E E ME. 62 F irst S STAPLES THE JEWELER t r e e t N e a r Corner o f Morrtson We have the “ Isabel” goods. The Hat Box Morrison Regal H at B ox Special $3 $2 $2 Complete Line o f Straws. Declarations of the American Federation of Labor. 4 per cent - i t .. I'll...»., Malli 731» BEER DRIVERS AND BOTTLERS •■ rt.t B'lrt third »■»- ur.Iav-, Labor Tem ple. 27U>, Abler »tree!. 0 . D. Forte, ►ecrelarv. ICC Seventh avenue. L ent. BREWERY WORKERS ,—Second and tonrtb , ,,.,,i,,g«. 22M» Yamhill. Ill'" lire.«. Box 171 Ih.m e Marshall 2409 BROTHERHOOD OF R < I1-W f .Y ,7 ’BAI3f MEI,,'T ^,M , l four?h „„.I " , r I su i.d a j at 1 I M. .,„1 .econd and fourth Saturday at 7 30 I' M . In Sv. -a Hall. -K»1* Third H ti.vf. tMtwepn Jeff**raon ■«» M t. H ood H ΄ T b ,'r P .y C h « l,.C a .h « d O r .,i..» 4 R .- «1». Interest .» Portion Deposited et Th,. B.nk 2 ' i ' ' , Kir»« atr«wL Ornrg» II. How ell. « m ta r t oregonian compoalu< roou. AMALGAMATED CARPENTERS N 0 759 r r . t .nrt thl-,1 « .lt i . - l . t , » 1 «bur J . rt.|.l- " J Turh’> , *u*«*r«tMry 83 S . S ix th at r e e l. Main an «» BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY WORKERS NO l i t - Painters’ & Builders’ Supplies ICE CREAM  VIOLET irMr LV OATS Everybody Can F R O N T L oco/ Union Directory Gambrinus M Open from 8 A. M. to 5:30 1. M. Saturday. 8 P. M.____________ Our beer never fails to please Gambrinus Brewing Company. Main 49—Portland’s Favorite Beer—A 1149. street df-pot BINDERY SW0ML n ‘ NO. n i . - S e . o n d T ie « ’. ’ e ’ »•*»J« «• Mulkey building. Second and Morrlaon. Mra Lila Ix>te ).»), M crctary; Mlaa 0 . WUaou. financial a ecretar). 273 CITIZEN’S BANK RI A C S AND L PL R S.— and third Friday*. BLf . ^ K hM “ “ lIH mple ““ H “ E aider. J. Firat I. Burke «67 Thurman itr e e t. correaponding secretary. Ueury Welter, V13 A1 F o u r P e r C en t In te re s t on Savings. A ssets $600.000.00. BOARD O F B U S IN E S S 1 AOENTB »1 ta Tueadxf aud Frl tltiv at 9 A. M . at Labor Temple. BOILERMAKERS.— Second and fou tb Thnradaf«. Boom ,.irj Labor Temple, 270Y4 Alder atreet. A. W. R lckett, M.eretarf <’»15 E Tw enty third atreet. BOOKBINDERS. NO. 9 0 -T b tr d T uead.y, Labo.r Tempi*. 270L, Alder atreet. D. C. Ihldlej. 1 . 0 . Box 147. BRICKLAYERS.—Thursday evening -Oo1* H rat. J- a Twenty Years in Portland. 120 Grand Avenue. BRIDGE and ' STRUCTURAL IRON WORKERS -T u e sd a y , s T M 270’-a Alder, third floor F. ilau nao, buamea» BROTHERHOOD o T r AILWAY CARMEN OF AMERICA B B PORTLAND LODGE NO. 268 -E v e ry «econd mid fourth M om iar Carpenter.' Hall. Ka«t l ine and ' Irand avenue F I Karneworth. recording aecretarv. M il»ankle Or. BUILDING LABORERS Tllewhiy night. 2 .0 , Aide, M J I o n o v , recording »ecrelarv. Labor T em ple. Tony Vennum financial ai-rretary. 2.11'» Alder atreet. B U IID IN G TRADES COUNCIL » I' M T*??? Teinnle °73 S x " . n i h street. IL W. Sleenian. businesa agent. 1. Main 141< ‘ O ¿r^ ffice .'j'R^ hours. " ^ AD 12 '£g to section — Fir.t Friday. H »t4 rirat bhew e y tb 12„ 8l,venlh .venue, if“1»- CARPENTERS. LOCAL M .- Every ”' « & Grand aven u e and L. l i n e . C W R>an. e e r f t a r y .^ 4H0 Eaat Pine Ea*t Seventeenth; Victor Johnnon Htreet Atianclil secretary: K <> Rector, bucine»» inunMKer; Carpenter*’ H «11- habt Pine and Grand uvenue. Phone Main 6-79. CARPENTERS’ LOCAL. »08. —Meet* every Tuesday. 8 CA? P M ,..|,„ r •r ,.„ „ ,l< lla ll C l , -7 " '; *K'«; 1 » -, f.J7!> W J S h elk v . - i , r .o n v 3 4 1 E i«t T hlrlj fifth » ir w t: J E. W eatherby, financial secretary. 86.1 E lw o o d W ile s CONTRACTOR Street Paving, Concrete Work, Cement Sidewalks Phone Main 8179. 1025-1029 Yeon Bldg. N a t i o n a l * B a n k UNION-MADE CLOTHING Of Ili-Urto» Highest forarla» Grade. Suits $14 and $22—Likewise Hats and Furnish­ ings Priced to Get Business. t \t Second and W ashington Streets PO RTLAND, ORE. Robinson & Co’s East Side Store Merchants Savings & Trust Company S. W. Corner S ixth ami W ashington Street» PORTLAND, OREGON FIN ISH E R S AND HELPERS. LOCAL 119 — T n i " . y 8 ’ M . H all MU Labor Teniple Wro. II Jen k ln a. secretary. 27O1*» Abler. Labor Temple. rrviTRAT TABOR COUNCIL. — Every Friday. 8 I M. C E EnB * Tcn*7e I- vv. Kohiuaou. 224 Columbia. Main C EM ENT C1G*AKM AKERS. —Second Monday. Labor Tem ple. 2 7 0 S A bler s lr e e t E J Slack, aecretnry. 27OVY Alder DISTRICT COUNCIL OF C A R P E N T E R S -M .-ets 8 C. U- Fridav. Carpentera' Hall. East 1'lne »nd Grand avenne. n' I Shelter «ecrelarv; R o Reclor. hu»lneaa man ^ c r c^penie'r»' 11.11 ’ E .« l 627»; residence. Sellwood ELECTRICAL WORKERS' LOCAL 1 2 5 -M e cts Monday night« Hall 401 Labor Temp e 270b, Abler atreet. C I ) g McConah.v. financial “ cr‘‘,,,r^' 19A.,F'£ lr’£7;5S « re'ed G C Merritt recording aecretarv, 83.1 L. M ntn a tr ie i. W F W ilson. 4.’»1 W aahlnfton. bu«ine*R agtn t. FTFCTRICAL W O R K E R S NO 817. -T u esd ay 8 P. M.. Hall 401 Labor Tem ple. 2 7 ° u, Abler R B. Sm ith. bm»l- EL^VAT0 r "'C0N8TRT 3 T 0 R S .- S e ,'^ l ami fourth Frl- d * . 8 I- M* illlK»r Tem ple, 270'-, Alder street. W. O. A«h. p ealdent. I«nt*; R ' • < lark, aecretary, 87 a GARMENT W ORKERS, -F ir s t and third Thursday even- G ing« Carpentera’ lla ll. East Pine and Grand avenue. Miaa Lucy W hite, secretary. 316 M rgo street. GRAINHANDLERS. —Eirat anti third l^uradaya Rnaaell ami Albina avenue. J. I. ’Tuctefr. bualneaa agent. Head- , Ip* American . t i u v i iv-4 Alder street. Federation of Labor 12S _ 1 1 ■, r.sYi ’ ’ch»rie« r'Uirin» R rrctt. 2i ns of involuntary nat ion,ds. LATHERS' UNION NO 64.—Wednesday evening. Labor ’ Tools. •.ervitude, except as .« punishm ent lor ™ n ,“ . W M.' M,I-he -„n. 2 7 0 ', Alder atreet, aec Main 1682, Home A 1682. 345 Washington St. The tar- r e ,a r y and business »gen, O ffice. Main 1416. lt cannot be repeated too often: crime. . L E A T H E R W O R K E R S—Second and fnu h Wedneaday, Free schools, free text-hooks and com­ iff is a monstrous fraud. "ik-,i.. First. M''. J M I''»'». W0 S e e . d atreet. LOCAL' LABEL TRADES D E PA R T M E N T .-Second and pulsory education. f.m rtb T u esd a y » . 8 P. M.. 2(k»4 Flrat atreet. C. R Price nrealdent; E. G llarfer. secretary. ITirelenting protest against the issuance LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN AND ENOINEMEN J B MAY- and abuse of injunction process in labor Complete List of Union Meat Markets. NARD 110. 193.—Friday evening. 7.30. Allaay u a ii. C o lu m b ia M illin g C o m p a n y p J. Brady, secretary, 219 Monroe. George I. l ’urkcr » Market, 14» Firm. t nN fiSH O R E lfE N LOCAL 6 —First and third Thursday*. disputes. Portland, Oregon LONGSHOREMEN. L O L A ,,........ !;’; ; 1',;-^ y MM ^ k lT EF,mrmU,lm ,,‘>Yarm hl,,. A workday of not more than t ight hours Ned Sm ith, business agent; headquarter*. 272 Gllaan. A te. in the tw enty-four hour day. Drink Star Brewery Famous lonoshoremenb association , NO. F1r«t E ic A .l o r M arket. 4 n ‘ .4-» » ,1, M“rf.l*OU' third Thnrwday ev e n in g , lla ll 302. Lalair T ""!’1’“' ^ „ .Z A strict recognition of not over eight Albina Canh Market, 260 Uu*HtU. A. E. Bam ea. biiwtne»» agent; aeadquartera, 248 hours per day on all federal, state or Lureka M arket. 115 N orth »sixteenth. M A CH IN ISTS* RAILROAD LODGE NO. ... ............nil i.11,1 municipal work and at not less than the | popu lar M a ik o l, I "Ion A ven ue and ltu»»«ll. fourth Wedneaday», ball WO. Lalor Temple. II. A. Main 340 A 4613 317 Beck Bldg. prevailing per diem wage rate of the class ( ’uiii)in gh aiii. see-eta r.t -‘"7 M ississip p i ” 'J’nn!lc a Denver Market. 23i. la r n b e e . MACHINISTS WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 63— Tuesday. P alnee M arket. 2 6 f Y a m h ill. of employment in the vicinity, where the M H .H 3 .« U b o r Teniple. 2 70^ Alder street. Slvlh Street Market, 441 Sixth. J W M arriott, recording secretary; Charles Hough. D eei) ■'« Market. 462 Jefferson. Henry Hanno. work is perform ed. . Unexcelled in All Respects. ¿ U r ie .: T w e ™ io u r t h and N leolai. M A a » i ^ F ^ t r ,T ^ -d .? O,7 3o’ r . M . Room 216 Orrgo Chas. Kirchner. Release from em ploym ent one day in Man building. Roy Lacy 1109 Francis avenue. Orders for Bottled Beer receite PromP»a,‘e"‘,°" i.e lr o p o llt a n ™ 1“™ MARBLE W ORKERS’ LOCAL NO. 26 .-«First and third Office, 361 East Burnside. East 46, D1146. seven. Thursdays. 269 Third street. A. 8. lm h off, I rlncess E agle’ Market, 847 Mlaslaalppi Ave. The abolition of the contract system on P ortlan d M arket, / . a i MEAT1 C U TTER B-M onday night, fourth floor Labor T em ­ Everett Market. Tenth and Even tt. ple. 2 7 0 ^ Alder street, « has. Olsen, president; Chas. public work. . , | | , M e« Market. Sellwood. Cabanskl. v.ce president. James Henry, treasurer; YY » P Market. 711 Pow ell. Phones The m unicipal ow nership of public I m atilla Market. E m alilla Ave. llam Mix. secretary; R. M Harris, business *6ent I ai,Jo,I M arket. ol'«l_ J effetaou . METAL TRADES COUNCIL.— First and third Thursday utilities. ,x. »ev.v Direct Importers Rhine and Moselle Wines. East nights Labor Temple. Hril 502. H. H. Long, secre- i-'i'lVlHg’M nort^ tarkef, ‘Filimi Avenue and Failing. The abolition of the sweat shop system. ta y. 1099 Ea«t K*fhteenth North. PB0TEC- Dealers in High-Grade Liquor, and Cordials. « Ït' l X Flevett.h and E a.t Jefteraon. MOVING PICTURE MACHINE OPERATORS 2929 Sanitary inspection of factory, w ork­ X I.rone. 113 Fact Eighth. TIVE UNION. LOCAL NO 169. I. A. T. " “ " ‘ Tel. Main 287. N. E. cor. Fourth & Yamhill. H all. E leventh and Morrl«ou. second and fourt® ™ e i r w , , t A” shop, mine and home. _ . dsvs 9:30 A. M. Fred Lewis, president; E. N. Fair B Ä . T Ä Ä e Ave. MUSXCIAM.r- F i ; , 77T u « d . \ ' , n , , , A. M.. U 1 H 8o™nd Liability of em ployers, for in ju ry to MUa8,Ir ~ r B o / d m oot. W - '- a d a y . 12 M . , . » » » , . « • ruRNiTURC 6115 a I .n. bur 428 Failing bodv or loss of life. •VI o ic o n » M arket. 1314 Belmont. Carl Stoll, secretary. Main 6097. A oZi'». .¿ i.g l'm ì r .r ..:, 473 William« Ave. An Honest Blend. The nationalization of telegraph and PAIN TER S. LOCAL NO 10 -K v e y "'"¿"J 6 9 to 75 Grand A venue lie, hill « Market. »23 Ml»«l»»'l'l> • I Hbnr Tem ple. 270U Alder street. O R tlartw ig. b „ « l n £ « ' ” ,P M a li? , 1 , 6 B .r , B lg.b .w . rwordlng E m o r o lla M arket. HH«i Belm ont. telephone. M o t e t it M arket. 84»' Etial I lm iö n . s w e t a r v , 1700 Hurst street The passage of anti-child labor laws in Main w 851, FF • w — — i Phones; 11O11V9 • iva»»«» - » • A " 1870. B e l l i ....... Market, 1012 PA TTERNM AKERS.— Second and fourth Monday«. Masl- !‘::i‘..1!.,,,,drn.",M .X , t 7. « ■•"<' « M lirket' »bites where thev do not exist and rigid clan s’ H all. 131V4 Second street. IL A. S jlvester. « The King of Straight Whiskies. j j Vnlon avenue North. nniTTY defense of them’ w here they have bee., t lcr-’ phmc '»«h Ä ' * ; Archer Plat e. M. Scott. PILE DRIVERS. WOODEN BRIDGE AND DOCK BUILD ,\l ' II' r i i.t> ■ » .............. ER8 NO. 76 Me. t T lm ” da> Lalx.r _ T em p le. . . 0 j, Eaur. ItttH'tl Market. Arlela. enacted into law. Abler. <’. It. Arnold. I n. S«b, Alder street; o ff!" hours. 8 to 9 ami 4 to J . Suitable and plentiful play grounds or , |,.v Meal Market, Lenta. A lex O 'H ara, correspon d in g recording se c r e ta r y , -< u »," " ¿m l1» XMarkk.’i, ‘ I'M» Haw thorne. children in all cities. Abler «tree! . w a n kJ i?,',;;;,' i5r,!:r7 h ^ - « W M - . n d Hawthorn,. PLUM BERS U. A. LOCAL 61— Every Monday at 8 > M.. The initiative and referendum and the Lat>or Tem ple. 27OS Alder street. Phil I ollock. busl- Street, bet. Washington and Stark. 107 Sixth Street. North I'orllantl Market. 24« S a fe r . imperative m andate and right " f reeall. M ountain M arket. P0R T L A N D ntp H 0 T 0 ENGRAVERS. LOCAL 31— Hall 301 I,.»." , ity Market »‘“M VnUn Continued agitation for the public bath P B O T H l X ' « r - i b " T h n r .." ? ^ n l n g 270Y4 Alder w ," ’i ' r & Fa'-' ¿ , . l , t v M arket, «64 A ..... . Use Damascus I i l “ pi.r pm aldenl; W tl. Gerd»», .e c r r t.r y system in all cities. Milk Hiid treasurer, 623’4 First street. Qualifications in perm its to Inn d nt an ^ ! : h n . . ^ " ' f „ r u ^ ^ ’^ d - . i r o . d w . y . RAILROAD M ACHINIST« .LOCAL U» - S e ™ nd «nd^oorth THE ORIGINAL CASH STORE Wn.ln.a.lky Hall 300. l.«b"r T.'inplr W M. Thoocn cities and tow ns th at there shall he bath­ Cream aerm tary. 117>4 Knott, rlty ¡•orkln» * Sou. _P.«-2 > ” b u ild in g . T h ln l, and M orrl-on. A. <1. Hoaa. hualneaa W elnateln M arker Archer Place. government w ith such regulations am '\'l[’"r.1h ifi!.' Martie! E«»,"B ur„.lde anti Eighth. S H r /w R IG H T S AND CAULKFR»—Second and M urth Moth East 1062, B 1430. 430-432 Hawthorne Ave. restrictions as will protect it from m anip­ Burg'» Market. Slvtr-eighth and Fatal OBnan. dava. 8 I’ M Labor I.m ole f ' h "??!? 'Tiarlea G regory. 481 I’nlon avenue I hone Main «13 «1,11. Hoae Market. Kenton. ulation by the hanking interests for tlio r SION PA IN TE R S. NO. 428 Tueadny night. 0 , >4 Grand Ml. Inga,l Market. Albina and Kenilworth. a v -n u r F A Crane aeerelar.v 8 th , Grand «venue. G ill A t'o . 612 Mlaalaalppl. own private gain. . „ , STATIONARY F IR E M E N -M e ., every Wedneaday at S UNION (fljs) MADE P M Labor Temple. R.H'li, 301 « F > pp. pre We favor a system of United States gov­ n g h ! a n , . MM - r ^ - S > ' - :'>“ A ' ’”" “ ' •" < . 270* Abler F D Spe-1. reeo-dlog terest. of the w orkers—avc. of all Tin A D M I ir iS T K A T O R 'S motici . Seventh and Washington Streets. ieeretary. box 42»; Thoma- M cKittrick, bualneaa agent T h e r e A r e N o n e B e tte r people of our country— m akes upon mod- In th e C o u n ty C o u rt fo r M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty and fin ancial secret a ry_ • . m m v v oi«»»*.» ' — - 8T FR E 0T Y P FR S AND ELECTROTYPERS MO* 4 8 .—Meet Union-Made Shoes. Best Makes. Properly Fitted. erti society. , . , S ta te Of O regon. second Wednesday In month at Room 500. I * b >t Tern ’» , he E s ta te o - - f Ma - - irv J. M a th e r» Higher wages, sh o rter w orkday, better ln th(. _____IVI M tt,.r V of pie F. W Land, corresponding . aii . w , Good Clothing for Men and Young Men on Easy Children’s Shoes a Specialty. OR8 NO. 74 Second sr d fourth M ondays. A llsk y . r « homes, k e .M o r f and il it i Î YcCPAFU'u liibt’t/e o n d iti’ons. . b e tte better T h e Pftu n.h , » ig n .d h a v in g . been d u ly » r P C '" ’«* T A lI H all. Third and Morrison. John Ba-andun. secretary. Weekly or Monthly Payments. V ìm in i ’ r n tu r o f tin* ftbnvp n a m e d f-sta te In th safer w orkshops, factories, mil » .m< n?vn n a m e d C o u rt a ll p e rs o n s h a v in g c la im s t h ia TRICAL STAGE EM P7.0YE8 NO »».—Second and a‘ «9 vM a e a rv h e re b y n o tifie d to p re- T e l ; , . , F rld .v . , 1 1 A M T M A Hall. Baker Theater mines. In a word, a better, higher am. fU‘ T'? 1»|t 4m d u lv v v rifi-d a* hv law re q u ire d , to building Eleventh and Morrlaon. 1, H Mcf abe preaiden't; R 11 Clark recording secretary. Grand p" ,in .b T » ig n e , a , th e o ffice » of 11 .1 l^ r k l» o n liohle life. . , i U n i i l r r v *- Y in , k w i- h f'°4 I -a h o r T e m p le . TILE LAYERS AND H ELPEB" NO « . - S e c o n d and fourth Conscious of the justice, wisdom, a n t a n ,, TboTadaya. S P. M 20314 Flrat atreet. A. W. Lkmbert. w V th,0/ p» ? i, l a < n6’) lb'biliT^ of our cause, the American ' ' 3«T North sixteen th »tree,. Union Made. n il III, 'll a li l i . m o n th » fro m th e dnt< I o n M A TH ERS. TYPOORAPHtCAL. 'a",,."'"’“ .»,,’ 'ration of Labor appeals to .... A d m in is tr a to r o f th e E s t a t i o f M ary J. M a th e rs, w.nnen of labor to join with us in tin . Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes, Etc. a / i T T i j r n n v T ' FEDERATION -Second and fourth Too« Washington, at Tenth. th w e ased . ,, 4d” . ? ° p M ™ Able- a,root. J I. Tucker. « 3 great movement for its rtehievemen F t r s t p u b lb -atlo n . .’ u n e 9, 19” p u b ll,a t,o n . J u ly « Southwest Corner Sixth and Davis Street»^ More than two million w aee earners yy bo “ The Store Where Your Credit is Good XrFRM,pRES8MEN nO,FG"t T”etday. Labor Tem ple. 270>4 H A I4RV V A N C K W IC U Alder atreet, C. Allaup. J nrual preoaroom ^ .N p e .l the advantngps of organ,/a- 1 A tto r n e y s fo r th s A d m in is tr a to r federation appeal to their t i m i ' n and “White Mountain” Flour Warren Construction to. “ Bitulithic Pavement HopGoldBeer Turn Halle Cafe and Old Heidelberg B >' • 2 V kvdnvad.y nnrv Cyrus Noble Whiskey W. A . Lacey Sour Mash J w . J. van schuyver & Co. Oregon Hardware Company The Peoples Market and Grocery Company Damascus Creamery Co. BOSS OF ALL ROSENTHAL’S . « 7^- eastern outfitting BowmanBrothers COMPANY