T liu rm liiv, Juu LABOR COUNCIL COMMITTEE URGES SUPPORT OE TEMPLE WHY SAN FRANCISCO LULL. WORK REN’S COMPENSATION. CONVICTS PREFERRED. TRUSTS, WIDOWS DIAIO l The big special privileged eorporat From all over the country convicts arc be­ x . ton , .bine 22 The Congres- W ing ta lo n to l.os Angeles to help break the telling us in advertisem ents. only A little over five years ago pay newj ity m ad‘ it • i of p re' intis to all lalxtr unions of the city by a joint com­ jxirted to construct a nrtland. was taken il|xm the siigge-tioii of the ( om- brutal bullv, he is taken to Los Angeles. 'I lie taxes on the actual v alu o o f their : .mctiisi's I he landlords m ittee of the Central I. h I mt Council mol the all comparison to mission to await tlie deci-ion of the I nited Isioste«! prices until building was checked, States Supreme Court in the Standard Oil, result, is that crimes ot violence are increas­ before they pay dividends; if mail Lalxir Temple Association: , demanded by html -p«‘culat’>i ing in number all around ami in the city . This reasonable rates on the service imm-i Tobacco Trust and ot her cases. for the reason The Central Lalx.r Council of Portland The tribute made to take their stand in tin l»x*’ th e ' Francisco has been a As- is part of the program of the Employers hogs in >an that in these cases there were points involved and Vicinity takes this method of I ngin?’ and land 'rimiuals common citizens before the courts, then ai d times more than the increase of w hich, when decision- were handed dow n, j sociation everywhere it operate rcpu'A to the attention of vour Ixidy a in er ot tl will pull off a panic and tumble th< liticai and industrial gun men. chasers ot women, ex -co n \n ts p a y secured by th e po of this might shed light upon the enactm ent ot the grave ini|xirt to tin1 trades uniot.s i firebugs, are preferred by this Ixidy of union in ruins alxmt our cars. organization of lalx»r. city. To all this the reply should be m m M j’ The Em plovers’ Association, in its wet ■klv measure under consideration. The first session of the reopened hearings, lighters to home-owuing. law-abiding and ii»- if robbery is prosperity for the robin Ninteeen months ago a tew progressive news letter, uses the reduction in building I »hr The dues of the members niemix'rs of different uniiu «, appreciating enterprises in San Francisco in comparison was devoted to a discussion of the constitu­ dust nous citizens simply hell for the robbed. the crving need of a Lalxir lenipl«' in I’ort- with Portland, and blames the deenne in tional phases in the enactment of a com­ of the Portland union-fighting union help pay / The public service corporation- iiu ;- i , land, took the initiative ami secured a lca.se- the Bav City to the trades unions. It stmts pensation law. There were present repre­ for bringing criminals to this Coast. the public lirst, ami if they will not g i. hold on the building at >7<)t j Alder street, to its eves to the conflagration that destroyed sentatives of the railway brotherhoods ami LET THE PEOPLE R I LE THE SCHOOLS. value for value received, then the pub!, serve as a home for the organization . ’I his the city. It shuts its eyes to the real estate attorneys for numerous railroads. Attorney take over the operation of all public uti! retpiired considerable courage and great con­ owners who demanded prices aiid rents fori Miles M. Dawson, an expert actuary, also one ov one, and elim inate the trust ai I The people of Cortland will ultim ately fidence in the la,sir movement. One floor bare ground that far exceeded the value of ap|x*ared in advocacy of such a law. . stock gambler, ami the political nitt. i, was refitted and furnished and in a few lx.th land and buildings liefore the dis­ There is apparently an unam ity ot opinion have to take hold of the school Ixinrd ques­ flowing therefrom. tion. Our system of elections would ,> « • bad months lieeame a dem onstrated financial aster The spt'cial privileges need not seek to It shuts its eves to the choking off among all those appearing before the ( om- enough in Scio or Pilot Rock, but for a quar­ success. But the object was far from real- of capital and lalxir by this hold-up game, mission relative to the need of such a law. ter of a million icople to have a village Ix'bind the skirts of the widow and lit ized that cf massing all the unions in a and complacently refers to San Francisco as There is a difference, however, as to tae school eleeteil at odd times and utterly in­ plum, for Special privilogc and Hex«.. manner in which it shall be applied. D*v common home. conspiracies it fosters make more u Two other floors were then secured ami the a union Malxir town. discussion on the constitutional phase of the different to their obligations ami incapable and orphans than its dividends feed or cl. San Francisco is all right. I t would not when not antiquat '«1 or worse, is something Building Trades ( oum*il was interegteil in be so prosperous as it is if its men worked question which attracted the most attention The slave power ¡jpught to hide in the : the enterprise. This additional space re­ longer hours. go| less wages and had to re- was that by Miles M. Dawson, of New York. th a t cannot last forever. We must so amend »of the dress of the willow, but it was dr quired considerable »‘xpense in furnishing Mr. Dawson has made a special study of our charter or the state law. or both, as to from that shelter. ix»rt to an ojx'ii shop employment office. ami remodeling the building, but tin* obliga­ this particular feature, having visited various h a \e the ehtxils managed by a genuinely We can drive the modern trust ami ‘ In the closed shop tow n," says the weekly Ixidy, and thereby endowed compensation " representative tion was heroically assumed with full confi­ ............ ¡»oration with a graft and einch from In letter of the Employers' Association, "cap- countries where w orkingm en................... with some recognition of the rights of the dence that the trades unions of the city His . eonten- laws are in actual operation. --- . . , . . .... the willow and into the open fray. The ¡♦al is timid, and in the open shop town cap­ would rescind with their sup|xirt. The ita, ktxqts its money invested and work­ tion was, th at the constitution gave the right |xtople and the children ,,ws of the workingmeq a y as dear to Building Trade? Council is now earnestly of the Federal government to enaet a Jaw are the widows of plutocracy dear to SHOWS UP UABOR’S ENEMIES. . , co-o|>crating with this cam m ittee in an ef­ ing.” In fact, capital is timid everywhere, In a ! covering this feature and putting it into -, trusts; uni we have m any more of tlx fort to broaden the scope of the association closed shop town the men secure more leis- actual operation by an excise tax, and he IxniANAPOi.Es. I ni ».. June 19.—Charging to take in every organization in Portland. based his contention on the opening section in an o|x‘ii ........■ shop ’ town AS TO U’REN. When it ‘ r f th e c iw tiW tio n of the I nlted S o te s. th a t secret agents of the United States Steel The Lalxir Temple Association has now „ n -n „ d .n o n 'P».' » is worked long hours for little pay .................... offered him money to be- placed the whole enterprise on a sclf-sup|xirt- a workingman works but. few hours he has which says: We. the people of the United (’or,xiration one« The following estim ate of a man wi Iron Workers and asxail- States, in order to form a more perfect union, trav tray the Structural Structiu ing basis, the n-ceipts from rentals Ix-ing in fame and honor everywhere hut in time to think, and this is what the big inter­ ‘ ’ John establish justice, insure domestic tranquil- mg the National Erectors Association, excess of ex|xmse,s. but the indebtedness for w here the enm ity of the leading Repui ests dread. In an ojxm shop town women „'fitting building and for furniture has lie and children are soon driven to Work while itv, provide for the common defense, pro­ McNamara, now in jail in Iz»s Angeles, newspaper has hounded him shameful!> charged with m urder in connection with the come a great burden on the association. the men are idle, for the Em ployers’ Asso­ mote the general welfare." etc. from the pen of Mr. Flagg, editor of tlx- I It is now promised to issue stock in the ciation, where it has its way, always believes He laid strets upon the fact that the words alleged dynam iting of the lx>s Angeles Recorder, an old wheellioM' in Repu1 Lalxir Temple Association a, par value of in keeping its capital busy grinding the flesh “ promote the general,welfare" gave the law­ Times, reiterates his innocence in a letter ap- newspaper ranks: $10t) each on paym ent of $10 down and $o and blixid of little children into coin. The making pearing in the current issue of the Bridge- --------_ power of the Federal g overnm ent, men “ We have seen a great deal in tlx n s Magazine. The letters connect the a m onth; each share of stock Ix'ing entitled Em ployers’ Association of Portland is now ample authority to establish ‘ ’ a sv; tern of gonian about W. S. C ’Ren, of Oregon < - , |o rt member of the Board of Directors of contributing through the National Assocja- workingmen’s ixiinpeiisation. It was also steel trust with the tight against the mTions. All of it was derogatory of Mr. C Ren’s i -■ ............................... the Association and have a full voice in the tion to fight laws in other states regulating stated th at the collection of this excise tax ligence and honesty, and the state ol < in _ affairs of the association. '1 his proposition or forbidding child lalxir and woman lalxir would be direct from the employer, and he, BRICKMAKER^’ SETTLEMENT. was lampooned as the fool of the fainih - is open to any individual union nieinlicr or under the glorious “open shop" conditions in turn, adding it to the cost of production, cans«' its voters saw lit to adopt Mr. I 1!»: W isiiiNiiTON. June 22. The strike of the suggestions as to the in itia tin ' and ref- » organization. would be distributed and eventually paid by its paid advocates laud so highly. The object of this letter is to prevail upon the consuming public. This feature appar­ Chicago hrickmakcrs, involving 2.51MI men. dum. the direct prim ary, the recall ami bail­ vour organization to take a share of stock in ently met the views of those who were pres­ has Ix'cn settled. The cause of the conflict ment No. 1. Yet they Ix'eame laws, and t , NEED ALL THEY GET. the Labor Temple Association. was an attem pt on the part of the employers legislatures of other states have been , ent and actively interested The Ixtlxir Temple is an absolute necessity Mr. Dawson’s narrative of the operation of to reduce the wages to the liM)» scale. Ibis pressed with their wisdom, and their :i . - The Seam en’s strike was amply justified. if Hades unions this city are which he stated in his was resisted by the organization, and after a tion is being considered seriously. Tl <■ <» ■ if the the Hades unions of ot tins a n to u pro­ - pow ner8 of the world have long com- the law in Germany, which g n -a a« they »WiiiW. X »’ ¡"’ ’T 1 ‘“ *™,’r“ J- d aga|n»t the »»¡lor m il niblxal him of „piniim and that of those w t ho have made a six weeks' strike an agreement has been en­ gonian. since the death of Harvey Scott. h.i> was the very best tered into whereby the present scale and modified its utterances very materially a-1. i„ ,’vervthhm tarn . J r »-> "«»"<•>•■ W ’»»"’«-’ Investigation. », ganization in the city. 1 In many benefits everything plan ex tan t, was exceedingly interesting. working conditions are to be inaintiiuied. these popula. measures, but it does not - , m itigation of slave conditions the nicn can of a central home for our unions will lx* a|>- secure w ill.be none too great. The awful Under the operation of the laws in Germany, Approximately 20,0000 laborers and me­ 'to have abated any of its dislike for \\ > parent upon little reflection. It is iin|x*r.i- man-killing’ stokeholes and forecastles, the ixiverty has been almost wiped out of exis­ chanics were thrown out of employment on C ’Ren. Yet it m ust be adm itted that im tivelv necessary th at we should lx* concen­ wretched fare and pay, the abominable tre a t­ tence and employers anil employees are in account of this strike, who will now he re man in the history of the state has had -» trated in order to more readily communicate m ent a t evefy turn, the indifference of the accord with the general plan in force. True, ; turned to work. great an influence upon legislation. So far one organization with the others. 1 he work employers to the common instincts of hu­ some minor details ened alteration, t” it its a as “constructive statesm anship" is coix < tii of our committees in visiting sister unions m anity—all <0 to help the wish th at the general proposition it hits worked very suc­ TO FIGHT THE LAW. ed, C ’Ren has the great Woodrow Wiisui in times of trouble will lx* rendered less ardu­ workers on the ships will win out. Only a cessfully. beaten to a frazzle. W hatever he ha- mid ous ami far more effective. In an interview with Mr. Dawson after the W ashington . June 22.—The Legislature the people to do they have, as a rule, ilone by far for the hater of freedom and of m ankind could wish But the greatest incentive of the state of N ebraska passed a law forbid- ami thi' influence of his work has been tdt hearing closed, he stated th a t the compensa­ siipixirt of the Lalxir Temple Association differently. tion law of .......... ............. __ Germany ..... . had not hail the i4Tcct ding the employment of women between the throughout the United States. There in­ plans is the certainty th at in the near future One hundred and twenty-nine ,x>stal sav- of retarding the growth and efficiency of the ,1()Urs ol i<) p, ni. and 6 a. m. This law af- to lx? general satisfaction with the rc- ilt- !■< we will lx- able to provide a home for our ings de,x»sitories have Ixx'ii established since labor organizations of that country; on the r hieflv girls between the ages of 16 and has achieved, and we see no reason win ings de,x>sitone organizations, owned alisolutely bv the the inauguration bv the l ’ostoffice Depart- other hand, the organizations of lalxir had as women at these ages constitute the C 'R en is not entitled to be considered on<- »i ■ - - ' • ■ ' ' -------- m ’ i ¡ W r ------- 1 . H.u, g r o g w t h since thi '' great m ajoritg of female employees, The the great statesm en of the I nited Sta'»- n „ » * t ----- ,,m dif unions, Hut lor .1... !,„«•,,1 »J. ,n ,» t n K(iports to t he departm ent justify the asser- law bad been put in g e n e ra l; o peratuin. the unions s ill one building m ¿,rdy to employers are now pursuing the usual tac To deny his claim to the title is to repudiate der our organizations more effective. Mr. Dawson later appeared^before the Ex- t jcs a,lowing themselves to he fined and then the Oregon system, and no politician in <>n- „,„11 tion th a t the new departure is an unqualified r i’ l . : . . m v a f r r o a a and o l i d 1H t i l l * en P n - Now, b ro th e r, it is up Hi us to get m a n y , progreSi, is the ecutive Committee of the American F’ederu- ap j^ ftling the case to a higher court. It is gon will dare to do th a t.’ put our shoulders to the wheel ajid pull the . wedge for Uncle Sam to do the entiri tion of Lalxir and delivered a masterful ex- hinx'il bopci that the law will stand the . test. Massa- Lalx.r Temple Assoc atiun band wagon out te™ ? hu . ,1 * ,x»sition of a workmen’s compensation law. chusetts and Indiana have a sim ila r law. The man who can see an ignorant aixl i»'- of this financial rut. L et’s all- get together banking of the country The Council was very much impressed with graded fellow man go to the polls and •' and make it the trem endous success it de­ invested his intim ate knowledge and deeply interested • LET THE PEOPLJS RULE, wish to keep his sister or mother or aiu In p roportion to the capital serves. There is no such service we can do in the facts which he had gathered from all from going to the ¡Kills to counteract the lalxir 'm ovem ent th an by each organiza-1 the p a p e r tA ist beats any other sections of the world. As a result of Mr The Roseburg News, in considering the ignorant and degraded vote,—well. tb»-r, t ion takine a share in the Lalxir Temple and »lends for the stock holders, long hours Dawson’s appearance lx>fore the Council, a proposed recall of Judge Coke, says: are some intelligent men op|xised to making » / it a m utual enterprise which will for its em ployees anil lig h t w eight in the com m ittee was selected from inembers of the " It will bring office-holders in general to suffrage, so perhaps it is just as well to stop redound to the glorv of unionism. pay envelopes. O f course, being able t< Executive Council to make a thorough in­ Izff us again urgi vour union to act quick- pay good w ages and being well protect».« vestigation of the scheme outlined by Mr. a realization of the duty they owe the people, and that the people will hold them strictly If God made the sea for men, diibhc l; ' Iv and lx-«me of tlie first Hi rally to the relief by a tariff, it sim ply hates organize, accountable for their official acts. The peo­ make the land for them also? «if these brothers who have assumed th iso b - labor and keeps ‘ open shop signs in all Dawson. ple are fully conqietent to judge in the m at­ 1,1 . . . . .... -i :x_ of its ----- man am j wom an k illin g establisfi- ligation for the sake of trade unionism. FOR FREEDOM. ter, nor w ill insinuations and inuendo.sarcasni Markets Remember, the p paid into the public fund.«. If ex- M odel M a r k e t, Oss M ilw a u k ie . K M a r k e t, IB M H a w th o r n e A ve. that there are thousands of union men in wife rejoiced in the refusal. The visitor ask­ Councilman Ellis had paid more attention to () A d am inir M. C. as to the tax amendm ent. T re b e r, 42s F a ilin g . T h o iii|w o n a M a r k e t, 1314 B e lm o n t. Portland, able and willing to join bands Lafferty, in answer, said that the object ed Her how she could Ix'ar such suffering, not this graft and less to his banner ordinance Skogiu nd Bro«.. 47" W il l ia m * A ve. with their fellows, and securing as their for herself, hut for her children. With a and gag ordinance there would lx* no ex be­ Be. h ill a M a r k e t. D2o M |a «ia« lp p i. df the am endm ent was to ojx'n the Emert« h * M a r k e t. I odo B e lm o n t. strength justifies better wagi's, better hours, steady, quiet look in her patient eyes, the W a v e r ly M a r k e t, SOD Eaat C lin to n . the single tax, on which he commented fore liis name. ' B e lm ont M a r k e t, B H 2 B e lm o n t. 1 Ix'lieve the single tax as ap- better conditions than prevail in towns donn m other answered. " It is not only bread we B n j Fair« hlid . 209 W a s h in g to n . . lnii« |H-ndeiit M a r k e t , s t a ll« 6 , 7. H and V 1 nob« plied''to M ultnomah County, will lx* a grs west of New York that even attem pts Leather Goods W orkers' Union has just won international organization. Their platform N o rth P o rtla n d M a r k e t, 24N S a v le r. o u n ta in M a r k e t, 997 C o rb e tt. where we have |xxq.le in tenem ent bouses liv­ to tell the tru th alxiut local industrial condi­ a victory in securing an agreeinent with one hicludes equal pay for equal work, the eight- M It««ie ( ity M a r k e t. 2o2 M o rrln . C o tta g e M a rk e t. Eaat B u rn ab le and l ’ nb»n ing in cranqxM conditions. They will h » '<* tions. W hee ler A F a y Q u a lity M a r k e t , 054 AH »eri:‘ of the large m anufacturing firms in New hour dav, and woman suffrage. \ ernoti Ca«h M a r k e t, l*lfte«*n th and .Alberta to improve the pnqx'rty if we put the taxes York This firm had prepare«! for a long N a tio n a l M a r k e t, E a a t B u rn ald e and (»rand One lier» of land in Cortland is w orth fight and had installed cots in the shop, l l io n ,» il:. S ix te e n th and ,W « « h ln g o 'ii. on the land.” A few weeks ago at' inexperienced man M N o i rf.ta A H i ' •«. C n loti A ven u e am i Br««a«b*« $2,990.999. There are several such acres. where they intended to house tthe strike­ was sent to do line work on thivRogu • River P e rk llia A Son, 1902 G lia a n . M il a M a rk e t. 71 Eaat E ig h tie th . I t would ta k e 29.999 acres of farm ing land Seine space is being devoted by the breakers. As a result of the agreement, the electric power lines, lie wits given an inex- M ille r a M a r k e t. 4»» T w e n ty -e ig h th . L«»er. Result, the lineman was J. Ar>M»r hi. K e ll. r. 121 N e vad a. S l x t '. n t h S H e r t M a r k e t. N o rth S ix te e n th movement. It is nil right, hut the work- tax on land values would tall heavily on a 52-hour week. electm cuted. Body sent to his parents in M A M . M a r k e t. T w « n ty -e ig h th am i A l l « ” i th e speculator and release the farm er in «*ln«teln M a r k e t. A re h e r P la c e . Texas. The employers' liability law. no S W ehtiell ers of Oregon should rem em ber th at u n ­ A I«ehl. 710 V n lo lt. • , less “ made in O regon” means fair condi­ every p art of Oregon. w » M a r k e t. S.-vente««i»th and S a v le r Some pimple want all they can get for doubt. would give big damages if his depend­ Andr« \lb e r t K l. in M a r k e t. Eaat B u rn able am i I - tions sanitarv surroundings, decent pay their hard-earned money; hut to buy unfa r ent one- in Texas knew of it. B urg*» Mi»ik«*t. S lx ty -e lg h th and Eaat G ll«an Tlie man wljo works for his,m oney and bread, meal and elothing with union wie.es« W h ite Ho«« M « r k « t. K«nt<«i and a square deal for the employes, the M n h ig u n .M arket. A lb ltia am i Kenilw orth work for a fair d a y ’s pay. A ( o . M2 Ml«al»«lpld. increasing dem and for the Union label, give a fair day's The walkout for lack of a union label on (.01 is a form of “scabbing" that «fix's as much W . l e h « M a r k e t. Sellw<««l should remember that that is .what a union which g uarantees » these essentials, will vour purchase eo«t« nothing and heats any H ig h la n d M a rk e t. I'n l.m A venue and lllg h la »«l harm as joining a crew of strikebreaker« and I* E. I x s i . Kuwaell Str«*et. seriously cripple the laudable efforts of e a ^ in a restaurant stands tor. and steer deserting vour union M au a g h a n M a r k e t. T w e lf t h and E a «t S ta rk other Kind. clear of the sweatshop hash foundries. o u r m anufaeturers. ‘J Complete List of Union Meat