T ill PORTLAND PAOB F O C » KSOAY, march 23.. Jk LA BO R SHORT SHIFTS State Trades Union Directory » The school book trust has ound xrkx. a tu w danger in free »rh B i "M 2 ItoHFburt <»r camber « 7 at) i> in hooks W »cg-ea m ight he set * <- the conservatives in the British l lxli ( Hrpciilrr» No 115 F r id a y <•«.- Hall H M l o I’ - « ...nt tug in a community anil kill off all parliament are oppualug ’ he u lid , I . , 1I...1 U t ili, TJD N Ja M o n ( cru»«b*a H a ll * n ' to i f r,d an d the th i'd ie n with scarlet fever, ing of the house of lords Possi­ 4 »nt mJ L a b o r ( ou»t I I — T e .u n « i« r» St» I * * — W H i «< lu y i. IsA.lM»r fn u r tll I ’• • I d V * * I» smallpox and galitus dure L- ’ bly something may turn up to I * . -r H ill XX N J« M-t.-n J o. I l illu u b all «• M « < rt« '¿Mj 11 i •iguaow . R C. *a do a» ay with free llhrariex sate the lords, hut It doe» not b le u i, saiu L e w i.th « - * he and reading looms W hy not keep look ax If the) could escape the EvUaufc«* •< WM M rK EN Z IB . o I» F o l i I E. / turned on the tru st* aud combine •ma’** Run- ulluK B a ia i T r a d e . C aaarU. Bapraari.tlng Hrswvry l u i « (Jou»<*ll R «rteo<1*r« X» 44Î HOOD R IV E R Their O UR A N T IQ U E SCHOOL BOARD lions that rob the people aud the children away from xchool al just » ra th of the people I ob>n H a ll «fajra 3 p tu . Is._ 511 C. M B Y N F K B O N . M a n a ste» L iltu r P lu m b e r« m id H te a iu fltte r » S o together’ Or would this break • •si ape this tim e frotn being »horn <*ba« M a r tin . »i* r * :a r y M D Bond at ---------- ! fought with blx million» for the o J K l i t . . MM-retary, 41U Oak up the school book trust? • 17 S a tu rd a y » *» P n* Cual rol meets 7 p. n», ftret an«) third Mvuday« ib ittuutb. to C a ip e n tr r e S o make th**ir Hmvd River. Or. of power would ouly IIE Portland school Ixiard ix people The trusts broke him H ,,: Mi -»hephard Mu«l'iuil«' H alt, 2UVA A ld e r atx v«t l .a 'f 'r Irl r a 'a r y lu ti destruction mure bure i d lha fu* pr«*«t ; W il Mu ii; not a body haring any re They fought hltu politically and D A IL Y B U IL D IN G , 32ft I F i if f t h H rw t, P o rtla n d . hi t rs We are frequently assured that M A R S H F IE L D 475 F lft c e u tb »I Hire. “ xponxlhillty to the people It financially. the legislature I* representative of < ic .irn i< < k *rt S o «15 » M . S T elep bouee : HT5 A úúl II • wax time and again elected i. m L a b o r I uiow I l a ll * iV » •« L o a f » h e ra in en . I.o r a l '.»a. Merle» lx elected by taxpayers one at a the people, hut In Kansas, where • L u t u u . -sir r e la i y . H o t 1 ut •nt per a '-•It • a b a r r ip t lo ii : f l la a d van ce per y e a r; rat«« unluUH. Vt 'iu g p itt» l< lc u t, .!'»• Muore. 3»* re A straw -stuffed horse In a tac«* 12 in it 11 ii u tte r. tint«, a year apart, on day» wb«o mayor of Cleveland, and for P lu m b « *• »n d Mt enin I lit e r « S o t Watered at r u s tv tflr e a t P o r tis i d, O regon, « »croud * t a r y , 47« <'oiuo»®rcü»l »i nearly every man waa pledged to C o rn e r Coai» au d Steven» Ht» lu with ati automobile would make B . «M-r> N o . is t East M 'u u ls y » P m . no other election is held. It Is year* kept up a war for the eman­ the in itia tiv e ’ and referendum, dl d av night K .» We« b B < l'ol«»n l .t t t n r H a ll »¿co L a n ^ fo ril. authorized lo spend more money cipation of the people of that city more time than George 11 1 homax l*ul Diere. N o »»7— C o rn e r • » < « ■ * reel prim ary, recall, etc., there ix ,»r**wi'l*; ’ . J a i U is 'lle y . UM l ’vium w t Stevan» i t a , i rld a y u ig b t J than many legls’ itutes, and It has from the xtteel car trust, of » III In the race for mayor f ia i nothing doing In these lines If Sm ith. R C. wayx that are peculiar in the »pend­ which Portland» street car com­ Rlfx-trirul I4ork*r*i I nino C i' M »^4 the people don’t drive the crew tb lr«l \Vedu*-*dMV. 7 MO |i m S B f» He also fought. H loves a man of that pe- bine Ix a p a i l If Ur. lattie w ill get out of the ( HOW NOT TO LEG IS L A T E But. M r. W orkingm an you are ing p i . ei l**nt . G - > r i r U W a ite r» . hack to Topeka and keep them SA LEM » ’..u n u m • lal as much respontnbie ax anyone c u l i a t s p e c ie » of intellect who the tax dodgers, the great hold- there without bread oi water, or race fur m ayor and let somebody I f lu a n i ial *•• -re *a ry r e r p e n lr r e . HWA M e e t* I'li lo o In at . \» tu r m thinks lhai a union la no good, erx of buxine»» properties He tun that tan tun, then the people else for lire chara«t«i of public eve ry rtu tu rtliiy et 7 30 p ui Hi­ ANY further evidence anything else to eat, there will he > lah e rm e n '« 1 » Io n M e e t* irf I 1*1.er- aud coals money Its manlpula- wax an uncouipromi eng advocate l a r y . F W R y d e r , iil» t a n d Mu m ight have some show, hut fo ri II heretofore tueu 1 U.<;i. i l - * t T ie» ,la y . 7 k» p needed that the administration servants elected no possibility of the peoi e having <«te Jv4trt,«4l H o « ’ e r ., Ne ftl'i I of (he government of tbe U nit­ you have not d o n e your xhare at j power to enact or repeal law * hliu to get crosswise of the trail • H a ll tracts ix such that a very p«x«r Mon by the people, municipal own b.«aU. 4'-" 5*’ * *»ti‘»ot Mecoud u and neither run, paddle, creep, l.objphgrrniFii'» Cult'« ed State« has found Its wax Into toward the -election of cles ., h u ll- Recuo'l ami for four years more. in u r lh M o»«U y e* * P m q ualltt of building Is done for the ersblp of public utilities lu con M I» Lm»« fuarth M » 'f i* « ilm walk or fly, when, if he »ou.d get the hand» of those who care lit- "Fable men who will give you a (j«>t> I F r it iu r e , Bee., R F. 1» »M m U n M. 571 It« ’ d st ebotem< taxi it'e r at a very high price, grew», hp exposed the ta riff graft- you hare grossly neg- up aud run, he could bsul the Box vH . tie for ihe welfare of the people. 1 squar«- deal Government industrial fUatiHtics «’ H ì i. .lo h i won presid en t » id le its Incompetent and partly i » i » with mercIP-ss ¡ogle and facts. .show that man for ma and dol* Dutch for apeed, ia exaapHrating 77 I’etnlrr». No 7¿4— P e r r u n - S i g h Si, M K r e t a r j uu*l bi «lut- s» Ugl'Ut, aud who consider paramount their j leefod your d u l y . T h e time of po f n <«t etui t hl I >1 11 L ib e r ty Bond wt developed workingmen and me In a Republican m anufacturing L rn e e t G B u r n i i !u r for dollar, the Ame an coal to his friends. Get i d or gel out. M a ih in le t e >«• ■<» I I ret nn vju r> R I tiu re d u y e * p rn .M erit e E u < n ( miner produce« nearly tw ice as I j o «,*. this proof has been most kindly most ripe for the political ad­ .No. X ld Mes» « f.rut I » p o g re p h h toi Hs-rt» H e ll. 577 B •«•I ef II Nyman, to congress by the people O nly cause of labor I bed and Intelligent men. meas­ « l’ h m o u th . S tr'F much coal as is produced in Great ' • furnlnhed by tbe s lx t,-firs t con- vancement of tb P r e e h lr n t ; A W B r y a n t. Se»*, | S u n d ay lu ee< i eie» >. ured by the value of fhe work by a lavish expenditure of monev H H i l l, H e i ry et ; net If we will but prexs our ad van h o i 7D0. Britain It is so in nearly every a »» long a» * e do uoi have lb»* greas. which cafoe to an Inglorious F r o n t etreet J-S» N and corruption of party leadeix ofh**r industry, and organized la-j preferential vote m nom ination* P a in te rs I nioa. — he* end and f*> irtb W h s le v tr mar be tie* party done and riotous end os the fourth of tage 1 I. ir - ! » ■» ’• 'U . ’ .onirw horeiren * | The last legislature trifled with wax It poxxlhle to choke him off. of your choice, r oot p i l in e d u ly 1». lu ill II , ¡1 > 1 r . * . i i ’ i: . p i eei I hor, hv reason of Ils reasonable arid proportional repr--»eiit»lion in thin month. T H E D A L LE S r i the reorganization of this body , and then he became mayor T»»htb n t u r l , »M l v 6 HioliN Truly the achievements of this ] Bet busy hour», good pay and independent election«, the w inking men amt l i r r u e r y W « rb e re O tto B ir k io u ic r I’o rd in u « re i.i y, WHO lla r n e o n a r e of misfits, hut did nothing '1 h e ' In his later year. Johnson, while men. doe* more per man and per honest citizen» » III he compelled line No 45a “lame duck" legislative body dur­ »otklngnieti of Portland who pay broken in lu-alth uml tlnanies, e re I', reeiiian. Itrtrts o rte r« -J o h n IN D U S T R IA L F R E E D O M (?) dollar In the long run than the ; to submit to helug run over by R e ta il « l * r k e N<. I«7— * * • ’ 1 I - ’«T ing the three months of Its last e lo r A l e y l o r all tip- tax»» in the end. whether beran to gather I I* fortune to of »u L i i i > . *» p n> I t il- * n ' a hor W e l u ile r s '» tie R Ltavte. ce re o f New cheapest coolie labor, and buy» Big Business aud the political ma- sexxiun were not such as to In­ m J R Pt-lor m * i pr* woh*'.* . A <• property owner or not. wi have igethc , conserving what con Y o rk R e e te u ra n t. N l.o s A N 'lE l.l.s . the union lohiKon. If** oiilliii; 'M i v. more hack from commerce. I chine. We can crlm ple It up spire the degree of respect that (■ ip v a te r e A . R- B e ru e tt. SOI F u lto n to go t., the hat with an luilla- *|dei.-d hopeless. and making IH2 F l m t uh««lnt * p in . I ninn l.w tior H a ll. M eta l W o r k e r » - A r t h u r Sph-ker freedom " It Is » gtext phiwx. An exhibit of "«mall potato" two years between times to tix up ing leprexentatlves of tbe world’s <‘b ri« C b rle te iis e ti. p r e e h ie u t ; Leo rnuuu. T h e D a lle s , O r.. G eti D e liv e ry school hoard o n 4 level with oth to he a general of highest ability L o w iv y . »e’ l t ' a r y . 274 B o ud el. economy 1» made In the lively I ‘ the game or. ux. greste.t republic; bat If the need sod It means the e .* t t reverse of er public servants, elect them at in the financial as well ax In the little city of Herm iston Not by ' had l.e»n for • detnonstrstion of the term In practical operxUou the same tin e , nil at once, and VA N C O U V E R W A S H . political field He passes over a the town, but by the ruilroad how lo prevent legislation In the - One ol Its outwori.lm t lx xcen EUG E N E As long as our élection methods , H a rle n d e r» N o 4«i —-Second a n d fo u rtX by eotiix form of the pieferen tlal com paratively poor man; but who tru s t H refuse» to place tele­ allow us only a continuel suc­ T * pog raplit« si I N o 4 * * — ’» n t S u m ls y S u n d u )* . J p iu b a u lu rd , nation’s interest, surely the prise-In the re.wnt dlschun:.- of cm will measure Tom Johnson by blx vote. lu 'in tli, J K) p i i , ’ " m i ' I ’ i « M -ie iu ry . 1 1 ' Eusl 1uth phone« in the dapot so ax to ac­ cession of choices between evils j in would have been theirs. ployes in a hsk.-ry and cracker S vlv»M»»T. . ctai.v, -«»; M ii'lu o n - 4 « r p e n te re Loewi *1#— y i» * tB * v e i> One of the chief sources of dollar»? None who knew him i m e e t in g commodate the residents and tra v ­ instead of o’ir real choice for pub­ < s r p e o ie r « No 1455 F ilib ustering , th u ’ festive recre- ! factory fot sit'-n Hng l li'.r s ip iy e ve n in g . I M ••nd«5 n ig h t in D ‘** B *rle )i« J e i« p o » . - r with this body Ix the hold­ Tom Johnson »ax a barefooted N A x ie l , p-«*«. I* : eler» It re a lize * that the w alk­ lic' oflice « and dates, we will hav»* ’ 7 '<0 p ’ii . I . i g t t h i. b d W l l l a i u c t t e n t« , h a il, M il l* *»* atlon of tbe legislator, now en- ¡ to h< .r union p iln ciple* d|x< usxed ing of nominally public bond elec­ O ( ’ R e y n ..b is , .«•?«• rc tu rv . E ii;'.t**e i.tL » 11 Anders«.u. f i n e r - l a l e e c rc U ry . boy when he came to Ohio, but ing I* not good eith er «.ay from more repre utation of evil than ' au d A b le r st Joying such Immense popularity, j This one firm dm. mug - twenty tions a l out <>1 the »ay times and ! 21* L ia h te e iith h ( W , k W h it» ,, .c in h l* long fig h t, for fhe people 4 * i— l re .n d n ig s e c re ta ry . T w e n t y f i f t h and F lu m b e r « a n il N lc a m flt (era was Indulged In to the h eart's' men and » e v e n g l r l x f o r t h is t ie » Herm iston, and that a» everybody of good. place*, at which a few teachers, he forgot the fortunes tie made M o lid ri} ( n e n in * , s p I E i g Li l b Hurney «ts at.d everything must go over its conteut of our worthy legislators.! crime of In d u x t iP il fre e d o m " aud W lllH iu e tte sts. II B Wuud» 1‘a ln to r« M o n d a y u lg h t, I ’a lu te r e i l a l l contractors and non-union work and turned to making democracy W a ll B io - k Cbae. «’b r u t , s e c re ta ry , « o c te ta ry . buk J22. rails, that a local phone 1» an with the result that on the pagea attending u l a w f u l .ml ■ c-ac eihh lugnien compose a m ajority. This mdnkey business w ith the ca re E M M eavb. Much of the dissemination of extra luxury for the agent Mu« b lttie l« . N o rth B u n k N o Z47 — F lr « t of our history that should record meeting to learn something. Fly ways thal are dark and thought throughout the passage of im portant bills in the I'n lle d a n d t h ir d T h u rs d a y u lg h ts . V n io u M ED FO R D A laundry proprietor notified material progresa are written big h a ll. M a in «t J B ar«l»ley. legislature i* one of the beatitude* C a rp e n te r — E 1* W a lte rs , ¡trick s that are anything hut vain Stales concerning the fundanien N«*»re»ary. I> C Coats, one of the newly his employes that If they attended F in a n c ia l S e c re ta ry , Vam-outer, W u the words: "Failure, failure, fail­ of inis»vpre.Mjntative government. j ¡»i«M contracts, bonds and reports of tal principimi of true peoples'rule M m .( b at i .-»i- 312 G ra p e Si elected c(»mml*siouer* of Spokane, a union iip-xtlng to which they com m ittee* are railroaded through ure." C e n tr a l l.n b o r ( «»uncil— M e s i* each and justice In taxation and land would be Temple I* In (barge of the public works M om 'I m . v i teniiiM ui I.u i LA G RAN D E . invited they The appropriation measures were w e r* like a speed maniac in an auto tenure throughout tin last quaHer (o|ers an d H te a m fltte re N o . X4S—• L n tlg r . No. >t«t— .1 B B ro w n , secte lahlng any and all vehicle or other „(nick a »nag In Australia. It R e g u la r m eetin g second a n d fo u r th ■ te ry . 17"1 W a s h in g to n uvetnie, L a The people of Spokane erected sons and New Mexico anti admit regulation, liability law *, n-gula .on tbe history of Portland. U n­ form of license on property used i h|lH b hia color*. degree than any other, w^ui ttx ac aucceed In driving the workers c o rd in g s e *re fa ry , box 578. K la m a th E e rs u s o n . R C. I H R p olitician* In the W ash­ nes*? ther supply. T h e ie is no supreme tlun. by a very close margin, In down on«* point, the Im m ediate at F a ll« . O r L o c o m o tiv e 4 irrn te n aud E a g ln e m e o . * . f.olJrt g| , , j n g on the safety ington legislature managed valve I The po rt of Portland bunch of deciding that Senator Lorlw er of tempt to drive them still lower is to amend the in itia tiv e aud T h e plan of J B. Zeigler to |„ Australia. commissioners an* responsible to * Illinois wax entitled to retain, hl» made This Label should be pasted TJ»e ideal Eni|»!o\» t - fissocla* referendum measure from what the ; stop the power of the city council somehody. hut they don't appear seat In the senate In face of the an every package containing tlon la In Mexico, where women People wanted several |»oints ¡to give away streets and water Senators t'ham ljerlaln a n d ! ,o know who, or lo cars. If the charges of bribery and corruption liooi ne stood up for American * 1M)rt is a municipality thu people ■nd men work with <’h»nese cool 1 h »I«*1 » * not apply lo constltu- j frontage sound* good He ha* In connection with his election amendm ent*. apparently, been pounding aw a\ on thin thing civilization and the white man I have the t ight to amend and to dearly presented to that body and I©*, and where (he <’hh.- *e fo re . ¡ilo n a l If not, then the governor admitted to he true even by his men are married to w h ib women and it requires a little higher for aome years, and it looks now- when they voted against the •’ > ! 'i recall Th« machine organs have waJ. SUI1,e great and good T h a t Is whal the T’rnplo' « t m ’ as­ percentage of the total vote than ax if It w a* probably on the way treaty supporters. It waa hardly to be the Oiegon form The m atter t»f lo becoming a part of our city | no, dared to call down Bourne men » III hung onto an office that (v e rv w lu re w a n ts * mpected, however, that a body of sociation percentage Is not so impr>rtant. charier. It goes at the foundation for thi*i in Oregon. As the only guarantee thal "pays no salary’ 'Is peculiar. men a number of whom have coolie Jap, Hindu labor, servile, In a progressive and wideawake of abuse of power by taking away i ________ — .. —- obtained their togas by Jobbing In obedient, cringing Bald package contains be tale Ilk« W asliinaion, measure* the power heretofore so ruthlessly T h,, Democratic machine does W IL L S E A T T L E C A L L It car» s nothing for homes not the votes of legislators and all the eruges produced by union of real Importance w ill get the exercised against the Interests of ■ |,nOxv what to do with Con- z ^ 5 . ' -J.. Ol- AnÉHIÇA ‘ other methods of ixflltlcal chican­ for A m erhan l voter* w ithin a given pop­ thia slahle, and still there are a ,,() m atter w hether he ia put on making 20 per cent on the actual their code of ethics. ular Ion, women voting, and he- few left which can be saved by iinJr ,,r n„ t ,)e jg Hllre to raise ,.„»r rtv in in g z passenger» nax-ongers at cost ,tn,i and c d a irty Senator Ixirlm cr, however, re­ of every factory and ntarrv the < a ire aevet nl ineBaure* can he locking the stable dual. particular hades. i i lower rate than any corporation daughter of ever) w.n kiiluman in i tain« hie seat with the knowledge It does not • “ I --------------♦ — - | built, w ater soaked monopoly in j that he stands convicted before the Portland lu a coolie labor* i In 1 circulated together. 1» the place where you should buy your bread. Seatlo hex 1 As showing how little some |j,p i'n ite d States, ’ •'«- 01 *••»’ rents a name In E. Hofer. the well known, la) people of the country of charges o rder to make him more contctiled I where pellilons w lth „ brand new kind of | church members and organizations ,,r(j ei-,.,j fhuu.tiuu-ln iKinds issued w ith th e ir "<>|s-n sliops ’ Hist ar<- • " n> ezeept preferred again«* him, and If there It ia to consl’ t of all care for the w elfare of the w o rk -, , o build a line 13 mile» lung to la say honor In public service un- cloat'd to American manhood and m e let go by default until nearly - iUIH,.nlbly ¡th e county cenlial committeemen itiguien. the Ep w orth League In he operated at five cents. T in dar such conditions, be la entitled womanhi.od demanding the right the time for filing. Have moved In th eir new quarter» Washington w ill get there w -ith .ull(j prerinet party men, tiumber- Chicago is rustling hard for the eastern financiers have passed tne .0 Rttehd meeting or Join a union. to all ho can find therein. system unimpaired. | tn< non »«xemhlod in con- C urtis publications i Philadelphia I word along the line that no bondi tt 1» a plnln Issue, clearly shown the O i-e g o n on Vancouver A venue and F rem ont S treet I i waa not to bo assumed, eith­ und ptobiibly improved upon, af j VHniton to draft a platform, but well known lo be unfair. for municipal ownership af pubiut er, th at thia august body v.-ould in Los Angeles, where mine cool With their modern ovens and their blending, sifting and proof­ 1er a few )eurs, and tile poll-j on I1O account to recommend can Utilities w ill be approved. Seattle favor a resolution to confer upon lea are employed lliuu in any other ing system, they are able to bake the best loaf of broad that All right. Colonel; foil A bunch of 'and frauds h a v » l|„ u(l H ia |„ t |p so is any other the people the right of d irect elec­ c ity in the country, where organ III bin in that stale who th in k s , jid atea. can be made. They have the lightest and beat ventilated bak­ the peoiile will be content with j B|„.ad, hut look out for big been exposed In Alaska Pur every ! ,.jly tllMt depends upon eastern Ized tabor Is spat upon and where tion of th eir senators. Many of ery on the Pbcifio ooaet, and they employ nothing but anion a cunxtltulIon they cannot amend i rn, kx on the traek lxx-al poll- one brought to light, there are lu financiers fir money. glrlx and women are degraded they know full well bow alight labor. Their place It open for Inspection at any time. ' and a Jiutli lary and other stale ticlanx are not going lo meet In never uncovered. Ex-8ecretaiy c | t y n c e d depend upon them th eir chance of aucceaa would be and oppreaawd aa tar as public officers they cannot recall, w ill a xtate convention without "do­ Ballinger would bo a good atlor for a copiH-r cent, a dollar, or a woca they compelled to submit opinion w ill allow T h e amall fry employer 1« made have another think coming If he ing'’ somebody, and that some­ ney for Alaska land grafter» to m illion dollars. their candl*’ "T to the whole peo Uvea long enough lo see a high body will he the people nearly secure now that he I» out of a Seattle can raise every cent pie. T h e number ot new faces to the donkey to c a n y on the fight, school student a lla iu suffrage. every tune. Job. to build that road with by issu­ make their appearance In the ten but when he gets through he C alifornia has gone Oregon one ing bonds in denomination of five gto nt the neat session of con- find» hla trade gone mid hl* husl- better In Its certainty of secur­ Severiil month« ago a lawless Roosevelt don’t like the Arizona dol'ars each, receivable for all greas rejireaent hat a meager per neaa 111 the hand, of the larger ing the recall. Initiative, direct Judge In Culorado sent 14 minors con»tltu(lon, but as he declares public dues t j the city, street V g o n t of the wholesale houaeclean houaea That Is part of ihe game, themselves Who have proved prim ary, referendum and headless Y O l’ R W 1 V R *. mg that .will take place when dl to freeze out th« small employer» ballot all at once Thia look Ore to Jail who had committed no the people of Arizona are entitled car ticket» and taxes, etc. FrlendB to O rganize! I-alior by V O I R ( H IL B R E N crim e l,e wax a Judge and Jgry. to admission, constitution and all. and make them pay for the pro The line can be made to pat Feet election prevail». Rather ) .signing up with the Teamsters' AND Y O 1 R S F .L V F .» gon xevernl years Arizona may proaecut.ng attorney and J a^cr. ixrhap» Arlsona would do well big money by being operated for would they take th eir chances of ceaa. A G A IN S T I (inion. precedent worshipping >u- to consider Teddy ea a friend. T h e community without union not suit Ito uxcvelt, l u l l it ia go­ The two cent», and the land value« re fle c tio n with a handful of sus­ labor on thia coa»t will soon be | ing lo get there. Just the I If You Have Any W ork Give It tl th . same. In prein«' court lit the «tate coafir Sickness and Accident . resulting frotn cheap fares and ceptible members of state legls'a- Them. w lthool » b ile lalHit- W here w i l l , »1'»” <>’ Bailey, T aft and all the hl« I* rullilleni power The A number of labor organizations aood service kept a fte r by the M E M B E R S H IP I N T H E torea than submit their claims to O LS EN ROE T R A N S F E R CO. con- th« buxine»» man, paving five dol i e » t o f their kind ernin wax about to pardon t throughout the country are ° ° n* | assessor all along the line. th e full glare of the rubllc con- 547— A-2247. 209 Oak St NATIONAL HOSPITAL 0 . F. Main refusing f n lie a party to the tors a month to tin- Km plojer«' Sucli line w-oui.t pay bigger re- ; ; s , nlng the “ Boy Scout" move- oelence. H U S S E Y T R A N S F E R CO. PEACE BY FORCE tinned imprisonment of lnn< t aa being nothing more than , IIlrn f counting taxes on Increased asaorlallon. get off If workingmen But the very scant m ajority that ASSOCIATION Main 2178. 270 Alder St The Judge thereupon ropo.,ed kindergarten for the , VB,„ ea resulting, at two cent» and women eith er r.-m-h the level j men t uraluh«*« tlie Mean«. • ooold be mustered on both these C. M. O LSEN T R A N S F E R CO. o il mote than a generation It l e ««. Of eoollex I- depait to leave their d them ’I’tie agitation 1 than at five, or ten. The laatsr W r pny i l l l»o< T O R H i t I * nnd ■ f n — »-----Is ample proof that even M arshall 811, A 5600. 230 Pine St, Iraa been pointed out from power l o r e t a i l J u d a e a h n a place» occupied by coollea- Such U H lO lO t-d H U Ü f l l t t l l K l l o u i* high * ’ I figure 1« w h.it the trust charges the lordly aenate la coming to H E L L IW E L L T R A N S F E R CO. t:r«« hecuuxe of a lot of mnasbacks R A TH JA N T R A N S F E R CO. earnest In their demands for at in »n id ltlu ii to SGX) RI R IA !» B E N E railw ay m all clerk» arc being on the hoard of trustees lo reach would u ilte forces ami put their S e v e i.il mouth» ago the »-diet 1*1 hlglter-upa fondly luq least some degree of political puri­ r’ l l In 1 lie axent of denth Main 6301. 7 1-2 First 8L he union» of th eir craft navir-s >n tlic »crap (leap, it would w, nt forth from the union fight t ; io H n g thr 4’ H O N K O R 33 K I T E K»K F B I I, Rea-fle can tench the eastsrn fi­ S H O R T Y 'S EX PR E SS CO. fication, and that they had better that point. P A R T I C I I 3 K 4 umber. A circular let- result ti oilier nalliin» doing the •f i In , large n The "open xhop" hater of union er« In Lox Angeles that the lab nanciers and the local knocker», Marshall 1416. 265 Burnside SL trim th eir sails to the favorable Fùnse»; M a i n 24(H ). AtJtft« Public sentiment In G er­ union must go. It 1» »tili on rh te : ic f ’ from the A. F of L. sets the corporations in control of labor, .lo.-aelvn, would pul China ■aine ) W E. DO NO VAN hreeae. That the duy of direct Job, with more unions and more foith th a t they w ill not he com- public utilities and the people of men to work on the street car* many •ltd Franet' udititi co, NATIONAL HOSPITAL East 5960 eleetlon of t ’ nlted States s v s to rs If he thought the public would them to follow suit. All l i i t t i men and women than ever by sev­ l« O f/lro Conti aria» I er. they promise great bauches Judge», leglslatur.-s, eon- her warships of their guns and lu lhe lake m<*tro|>olia II Is still -tf L. So fa r only the postal and buy your meat of a white man W ill they releem them «jggg■ tha* uiidermin«*» the best turn them Into envoy* of coni- hauling away auxins! the principle cirri,» and railw ay mall c l e r k s __________ _______ psi tu rm a an T W e most wait o f c l »tllM fJo». **>d * * 1 no” ” n* niorre, it would te done In short of unionism which It preaches ii * • at in have sand • nough to try All unfair bread Is “punk" to a see. Meaawhlle we hope and • . Front Mf ■«' but dollars, and care» nothing fo r , order. The hiirten of warships self lo eiuptoynra ‘ , .'»¡o xo. 1 real union nan. U heavier on the Jajuoo*»-* people civilization » halever T ie H I k Uusin« x» I> a a i would than any other -ell the country to Jbpiut tom or-• i> t u« have peace. W b) no’ P C U L I8 U C D CVKBT T i l l KHI>4Y HY row and hia i«ht**r th»- flow er of C Ï-V rlIA L I— B O B COVKCII. OF F O H T L A X U AND » I . UN ITY VSUKK American manhood to deliver the TOM JO HNSO N DIUKCTIOM O F FO LL O W IN G B o a It H O F < U N I K o l . t'fxjd’* Ha w j I h God is money j CA K I. STO LL. f u s i o n Ma> th«- good l» r d forbid that the H o UH lu u OM 1. JO HNSO N lx no mure Valuu i j b s l T ra d es C en arli. Beprar*»«,- li,» l iu i l . l u . » i m la i * e a e r ll. industrial freedom” rot that ha* liix pa-xing u uiks the loss polluted !>*• Angeles spread to j A. W. I.A ffH i.N C K , H erratar/. o a OTTOXfc**. of a gieat 1-a«l««r of genuine fn«f r ii. BaprtmanilUK Frlatiag TraKaa CauaclL Barreeentli.; W st.r Oregon. deinotiacy A man of wealth, PORTLAND LABOR PRESS «1| T KKWI I ---- >---- BEER, ALE OR PORTER , A SANITARY BAKERY The Log Cabin Baking Co. PROTECT TRANSFER COMPANIES ♦ F ->---- FOR RENT DAN KELLAHER & co. Mndm GROCERIES, PISH, POULTRY, WINES & LIQUORS Grand Avenue and East Morrison Street 1 Keystone Pre; UNION MEN