TH 1 • RSDAY. MARCH 1«. }Jftl PO RTLAND PAO « POUR tic«» of the 'naden • the tw< ■ tk n old pa: ties bm they aft- down all alona the line io aave a n»» charter V N O B R provid» for a -.ion-part proportional rep r" ■ ' >n muut rlpal i>- c i,perattiin ____ ownership, ____ CouueU. ( Qf :e, day work iu- stead of contract, etc. Coonrll --------- THREE LIVE MEASURES CouueU P O R T L A N D LA B O R PRESS L ABOR la I. \ OLbTION BEG UN?. .d in k Townsend PR ESS TAFT VS. U O H ID A S ta te T r a d e s U n io n D ir e c to r , Mar'in, I Koneburg I odge N» 3 Light 1 York, lu sort l ’V B l.lS H K D K V B H Y T H U R S D A Y B I BY C T FOUCH O r.— .1, W HobeftRtin. M M ivlary Alaska T lähemmä— I rlday lei'-ept be C B K T IIA L L A B O R U Q U U C iL O F P O R T L A N D A N O » I M M I T I m magazine arilcln had the <» B o* 3*2. Honeburg Or , euihei I 7 -to P iu H .b e u u l'U « D IR E C T IO N O F r o L L O W I N U H o a r d OK I ' O M H O I . . Hull 11 M Loulsvu, agent Kiwis- , (grpt'olcr* N» <15 I r lilt y « i h to wing to ,-ay on the serlou» II I . m I . o i H u ll 329 N Jack»ou « 'Ipe showing made by Pr> tdent pletlou of the Panama canal eriu«»»’» I I h II si- i - phi t h a t confronts the peo­ CAM I. » T O L L . P rm ld e a t. U O RECTOR. Sun. He--retary , llh„ , , „ . „ . tl _ Se. oml mid I Tati and Secretary Kuoi agu es! there is ail) I 'ng Hi this l’Iol,hv' | Uuiuu Dubel Trades ConacU. R e p rm e u ti.g B u ild in g i t . d m ple '.ur jousted republic. __ IN D —WttSueaüitj hl? a u t e l) the l eming to our shores f„,lrili Tor,-lay», 8 p. iu . L e b u r i t e e Libor m .le m Me Hill. 329 N. Ja< k*on Jui "1 do nor mean to say that the Japan« Japanese diploma , Baton of a horde of J a p a n ... c o o, S ¡ - A W I.AWMNCÏ, geerefory. » ¿ ^ ^ ’ * 5 O. A 0TTO8I5N, II Ferg»«on, 11 »rvaeullug I'r lo t lu g Trades Council. R rp re s tia » all the d i.ij-n d s and Interests Uchida, shown conclusbely that W ater F -out the case. | Liuh«»««* «I. are gathered ' Idle f" '*'■ Japan ha Ho uso an espre atoll A lii WH. M c K E N Z IK , FO R T K. HOOD RIVER. i No its litv r n a t» Sun- preaeutlna Metal Iradas ConaclL Bapraseuiln* Brener, Trade» riiir-h conditions tfiit can eiU t of u , street! got our acecdU*« i The easy road the treaty had bartender» 3 |> iu . Labo r I'u lo n H ull. d*?Rt ] (hroush the senate on It* ru llìi-j C tu a lla r d o , » e r v ta iy . MU Bund ut P lu m b er« und M tra w fllta r« > « M i _______________ C. M. BT.NKRBO.N, Macaglu« I HI only once In the t..»' ' a bciialoed Jo saj tba p e d J Kober, « e e re ta ij, ’•. Ml—Cornei Cu»» a Illg Interests to 'I.'pple it with wh<| |J() not W(|rk lt hM living on the Pacific coast the resper-t for us. whether they weigh pr-sidu. t : Jss Idutllsy, «M Cumaier- t*Mlntvre, SteveuM « I« . F rid a y u l; -First snd SuiitU, H. C. Or-gon lurm in provMlUK that tho clty < ,jnion the d a w o f'o f fear, but incompetence macy. 1“ , ^ W w iiie^ in y . 7 30 p u> N B ru - of «old. preside»( . «svurge VV Walt«»«, K IL L E D T H E G RAFT total vote for first choice is elect- initiative can lie used b> ri p e r Idle rich h«i r»*u< h* T APPEARS from letter» re­ than that number Is i-limlnaled ami Ju per tent of the total vole o' the alarming M.o k it-ry, Instead of tid e, sums the case up with much once and for all, and it should riahniurn. l n l » a -M eets a t Ei«h«r- t » iy , F . VV Hyder« 2 U I und M u i, be with considerable satisfaction •, 1 ‘i X i ^ r ' V i . h ’e, meu’’. Th» emancipating ceived from the county c l.r l^ bis voles counted foi tho remain , state must be cast for It rtt» the people, has skill and foresight as follows: F te e trim l W erber«. Ne A lt -L'cl- of different counties that the der of tin- cantUdab i> as cast, be- , referendum can be exercised on a w. ld*-d <-)>:tins of industrial slavery "The whole trend of tho nego- that organized labor can note tbe> 1 hnll. <20 St»»e «tree» ««coiid u practice of collecting imll taxes ginning with the lowest, aud so on petition of lb per cent about their nocks Tho fruit o f ! nations botwoen the United States are not alone alive to .bis Issue. 1 . . . , ^ ™ « ^ V .I .. lo u rtb Ii» » lay »t m p ui Gno. L. Fr««u re. Sec., K. F. L» 2 but live remain. The, A law limiting the labor ol wo- Inv-nHon Is plucked by the hands : and lapan during the past few as only a short time ago S c o u t! sbureiueo's H a ll. 571 Bund tu si. . Lena was universal throughout Oregon up until I'lias. Juhnsou, p re s id e n t; C H Box U4. up to the time that the people candidate having a surpius over men to eight hours, with certain of E (ew ' years has made complicath ns Young Camp No. Z, Spanish War secretary sud business ageut, 577 P ain te r« . Ne. 7 « — D orrauce SlRh *hup put a slop to it. That was last one-fifth Is shorn of that surplus. , extensive exceptions as io canner H L ib e rty « t . flrn t »ud th ird Thur« "The wealth producing mach rather than settlement," and such Veterans, passed the following j Bond at. Urneat G. B uirel d a y * at M I» ui November. The Oregonian pre- is of no uae to him, and the ( ies, was passed after gteal si tug inory of the world has the capac- is surely the case, as the present resolutions M sablnista Na. ZS f i r s t aud th ird »ei ret ary R l> 7, b«»x «I B T h ursd ays 8 p in , .Marine Eugiu teutls (hat poll taxes were re­ second choice as Indicated by the gles lly to give to all men iho op-( treaty does in no w-ay exclude th "Resolved, By the members of j eers U nit, 577 Rond st 11 Nyuisu, T» pograplib-al Ne AIM Meat» flr»> nach ifiouTU. O ) Mtni« Bunday A workingmen s compensation pealed liy the legislature In 1907, voter, Is given the vote otherwise P res id e n t; A. W B ry a n t, Sec, of enjoying leisure, j coolie All we have along t ie Scout Young Camp No. Z, S. W. H a rry H. H ill, aei;reiar> portunlty atieet but It knows better. It tells that wasted The whole plan la worked law is far In ad ante of what pie- Know I. dg and culluiv are tha! lines of exclusion Is the word of V of Portland, Oregon, that we j bus 750. Pnloc - - ¡Second sud fou rth 32» N F ro n t atmet. out to practical operation and has vlously dlzgraeed Hi» statutes, hut sort of stuff to Justify its opposi­ birthright of humanity today T h e, the Japanese minister or am bassa-, protest against the das-1 Thuysdsy. 8 p in . '.«agshoretnen^ tion to the amendment that the been successfully used in Tasma- not anywhere neat what It should obstacle against this Is the idle dor. and no assurance he spoke i |ar(11), action of ,h e congress of THE DALLES T e n th s’ rM t'; i hri« ' 45™»'^«.” '.' re* people adopted. The Iktbor Press nla, Sou. b Africa, Belgium, Erunce be rich The once powerful middle with authority of his government. f njted States In entering Into | e » n liu g secretary, PMd H arrls u u sve B rew er« W o rker« -O ttP B lrk m a le r. Boi These measures are the three recently went to gome trouble to and Switzerland. No. safety of as bis sL lenient was not included a treaty with Japan by the terms- BUT. FarseiuMD, care of Whlch ts the Ke<«U < I r r k« V«. 1<1— F ru ia v B ar tanner« -J o h n A simpler form Is used in Bel­ that organized labor concent (rated write to o ff ic ia l In different parts T u y lo r A T « y lo r . ii •• .« . . . very nation. Is weak und «w ry io tl»*' text of tho dociwiont. of which the. Pacific coast w ill! of eu« h m onth. H p m . I nin»»-»r upon, and it required all its elforts ’ W a lle r» — O tt» R D a rU , care of New o f the state, and finds that in gium, and will probably be used In hall K l’Ftl*rw»-u. pre«i. . . . 3 . , . dav declining. When the nine-1 While it is true that Ambaxsa eventually be impulated by per- Y o rk R e«t«»raot. every Instance the poll lax was France within a few years. Any to pull them through in any kind tcentb century closed America dor I'chlda states in his note he alien race which Is I C aip e n le r» —A. K B arn e tt. *J1 Fulton ird collected so far as replies have group of political thought, a party,'of shape The people will be In worshipped wealth. It sanctified; spoke with authority. h* sP*ahH | unas4jra|b |e and who are a men- TuesiUy” 9 p .’ i u , L n lo n *l.s b o r th U a ill. g h o e t^ M elal W o rker« A rth u r Splcker if you choose, files a list of can ortion each party is enti­ tyranny have never revealed a | public in - _ .a ew aA»» a l«. the treaty of Portsmouth door. Will we be ready to re riug ton. se« ret«ry prlve needy and thrifty people of * lla p p e ra e tt, «ecretary, 13UI O »venue. unwelconiu vialtor? T h e T y p o g rap h ic a l— !:, w . K ala(on. <5 the |K>II tax never saw the public all or part ..I th.dr savings and' " «» dawning on the mlell - orcs too well. We are learning I *'»« "1“de Thp above nOte ° f the n u is “ e th is " La Grande, Ore. N orth B artle tt »treet. «ecretary treasury. th e US. ol them. Il discourages ««"'•" politicians In high that what we give our w orkers' ■’»P»"' “* ambassador means Japan use of a lltd e firninot»» on the M ic ia mice each month at 812 N orth The tax amendmeut did three savings Grape St. It ......................... xtrava-! I1'*'’-» ,h“ ,'|Hr" on of V ,S In wages we take hack from holds the reins, and we can pro- part of our executive could have PENDLETON. things. gance and waste II promotes senators by direct vote of tin them in higher cost of necessities, i “ ‘ Bt w lt h o u t a v “ H ; a ls o ’ “ E d i ,o r prevented all this, aud the weak­ P ead1 M on T y p e g ru p h lru l— Meets 2 p It provided that no morn poll crime h) keeping money from he ' l» "l-l<’ '* m fira t Sunday of m onth, Eagla '« al«h' •’««» In food in clothing. In rtedlclne McArthur has truly said, this ques ness that has been shown will □ AKER CITY. Woodmen hall. Klrnei B«er, aecre only serve to make the problem I.o c o m iitiio Engineer». C. W . M»on tax graft should find a home In lug deposited iu bunks, and there | half a dozen less of the trust ta ry . In insurance, in a hundred dif­ tlon is more complicated than Lodge. No. «59. ll« k e r C ity . O r.— harder to solve, as the Jap »'111 Oregon. by becoming a temptation to those | | owtii-d senators and we would be ferent wava, all with one ten­ eve» • F ra n k I S h u rlllff. «ecretary, Buker It pnt a stop to the legislature who find or suspect where It Is there Meanwhile the vanguard of To prove this It is only neces­ become more aggressive over his C ity . O. u BAKER CITY. dency to keep the living margin late diplomatic victory. In the Brolherhoc <1 of l.oeom otlee Kagloeer« C tgor M akers. No. «S7 (raining up any laws on taxation concealed. the people have set up an on’- sary to point out the fact that Meets first , down, —o W Muon DlTlalon 700. Buker. ■ without the consent of the people. post away over the hill It Is Injerlnt labor, organized and un­ Tiu-silsy Ir. each month, J. F. Pen Just as soon as the tide of Jap­ Idke man) other things, the mis Or T A. Gourtoey, chlnf engineer: 'Today we of the class that rod. «ecretary. It placed the manner and meth­ fortune of losing your monc) In , cal'ed "What in Thunder is the organized, will be forced to com­ .lumea lim it , «e «-ret »ry f rea» ura» aud i rules, that draws the unearned anese immigration Increases (and In« aei ie la r y . 2033 <’ulo »t., Baker, caraeato ro . No M h —Meets Tuesday od of raising public revenues for a collupsed bunk Is no longer' Us«« of a Senate, Anyhow 7" eren I n*s C. K. K o rtarlln g . se,-rotary j profits from the toil of other It eertalBly will increase at once! pete with the coolie labor of the Or. ------- ----------- • P a tate ra . Pasar H oagers aoU Uacors counties with the people of the nacrlbeil to providence It Is known ..sturhanees, and In all probability, Orient and later defend the flag tors of Assorlco. N a. "ISOS Mei-ts men, know full well that the Counties. riots will follow, th« result of against their attack. Truly a sad T h u rsd ay evenings. I.y in la le bu ilding that the blame ll«’s with the >egla-1 United States Senator Owen LA GRANDE. room IT Ed ( I P h illip s , s etre ls ry. The only positive change made lators, who trifle away lime and performed good service in talking time Is almost hero when there which sooner or later will cause I picture of a black future, and it ZJirj Church st. a clash between the two nations. - is to lie hoped will never be real-1 ' ° Grund ^ n. Rond» w as the strangling of the poll tax money that should he devotetl to until New Mexico was shut out. i must be a true accountluB" «erre* P lam kors and Stoam f Itters No. Z4S— Hcguls.' mooting second and fourth graft. The other grafts In taxa­ securing the best there Is fur the Arizona aud New Mexico >r noth­ All of which could have easily been Ized; but the signs of the times ta ry . 1701 W aahlngton avenue, La F rid ay s . 221« Resort street., Bskei CALL OUT THE ARMY tion were left, hut the people people of Oregon It lies with the ing. was what he demanded lie avoided had our executive anil makes It only too true that the | Grunde, Or. C ity , O r . C. W . Bishop, secretary, have |h e power to do away with big financiers, who fight the Idea got nothing, but the Big Business I 2108 F ro n t at. senate shown a little more of struggle will be an uphill fight on i Il has been proposed, says the the stuff that made undrew Jack- our part goes without saying, as I ROSEBURG. them tn the future. th" rule . ,,__ of a guarantee law, and do their Beast that Is fighting - . _ _ , .. . are not all our trans-Paeific ships ! K um I s , « , . . >■•. «7S - V c. T h ef should see that they re­ rightist under the mistake that it <»f P*0 "1** leBlIzed that it had ,K* ° r,l,‘r ,hat, \ he au son famous. I'LAMATH FALLS. ... ... ... B srtle t. secretary. Iloseb iirg. OreKOD. tain in i. power, and to do so must would Injure honest banking to l' - ' n >' * l" n eed !‘^ I « ) <»i 'he . ,ity of Coos be b) .-eatrai Labor l . i o , — tu r n e r Cass anti F I urn bers N e. 113— U. K. H e e lin g *, re ­ Hobson declares "Japan will already manned exclusivity cord lag secretary, box 573. K la m a th Ferguson. H. C. vote down the amendments sub- have depositors guaranteed that 1,11 "«"•■)*. bmimers and such. «¿ken, ,o a b o m ljssu e to harness surely attack us before the rom- Chinese crew s’ Fulls, O r Locomotive Flrean»« nwd Knglnevu»». naltted by the legislature. their savings In big hanks or lit lr‘ *h" n"xt «?»»<«”' '« '«••ep Art- the force of two rivers In that JUDGE« AND LAWS on technicalities to henehmen of county to electrical plants and U*4 abould not be (led up for a 1 zona O,,L ____ _ this dominant pow «r. the Missouri furnish the power to everybody THE HILL OF VANTAGE dav. riuull) (he blaino Ilea on! ♦ In the laglslature of Washing- supreme court relearlng every one! lh»* people at largo for not using Thoso who regard tho occapa- at a reasonable profit. The proposal sets forth that ,on I E Campbell introduced a of the boodlcra convicted by Polk; governor h office i»y (TT»EX the Japs were trying the Initiative and (hereby onardng j f*,,n Is "millions tn II" for the bill to take away the power of a the California supreme court set- la ths pises where you should buy your bread. VU to rapture Pori Arthur, a guarantee law that should pot a j Dawald \\ »1 a s a p o ra o n s! a f- there calamity o ’he machine people. It has been rumored for atnte Judge to declare a law u n itin g the convicted San Pranclsco. • • they did not do It all at- stop tn such folly us suspended 1 rr<,n' There were ao grafters free In one case doing | ute the only ones tryHg to start years that a lot of Socialists wore conatltutional. once. They raptured one outpost banks for ever. howl because of his vetoes being rustled together to down many lawyers In evidence that *o in the face of the defendant's AAd fortification after another. Have moved In their new quarters Governor Os may have m ade' propwrty and establish a common- his measure received but ftve P**" of Bu"tY- They drugged guns up heights and WHY THE DIF sonic mistakes, hut the mistnkoa w<»alth in Coos county, and this votes lt was regarded as freak The practical nullifying of acts •form ed entrenched foea on ttne on Vancouver Avenue and F re m o n t S tre e t were In not vetoing some m ore.'*1* o,le '*'e signs. The Idea of legislation. However, he got a of the legislature by the courts' hill after another At last they HE Portland Electric Juice _______ _________ ! robbing some capitalist combine chance to make a speech on it, Insistence on farctal and rldlcu- With their modem ovens and their blending, sifting and proof­ got the hill than enabled them to Ouch charges .'! cents per Somebody mentl m?il Council- "un fr,,m Wal1 perhaps not and hit arraignment of the bench ; '»us technical interpretations has ing system, they are able to bake the beet loaf ef bread that pour shots into the heart of the klloMa* hour lor electricity man Lombard for mayor. He h * s ')e t formed, of these millions of and Judges was a hot one th a t! become nation wide. It has gone can be made. They have the lightest and best ventilated bak­ eity and fortress. Then they when used for cooking purposes not been mentioned very much dollms It Is an outrage on our deserves tu b e reproduced in oth er!'o such a length that the preslfj ery on tho Pacific coast, and they employ nothing but union ~B>arched down to r>*celve the sur- only. among labor unions, for Lombard, government and calls for suppres papers bealdes the Everett Labor dent of the United States himself Isbor. Tholr place le open far inspeotlen at any time. rendor of the enemy. Now this excited our yuuug stoiMl for one of th - Infamous I “lon wl,h of Taft's standing Journal. Some extracts are as foi- haa sa'd that the administration In Oregon we have seem ed the man's curiosity as lo what made gag ordinances Inlltcted on the «"•» iof the criminal law in hla country! » ** » desecration of the jpWi. Initiative and referendum. It is diflerenre between the current lieople last summer, No gtggccs grand old flag that waves over the "The unhrideled powers now as- was a national disgrace. Not the a weapon of countless value. We the per kllowat hour—w hsleter that of workingmen can be mayor in Philippines, the North Pole and stimed by the various courts, I Inw itself, ntind you, but the ad- have secured the recall. Il helps This Label should be pasted Is—switched from a cooker to a Panama. Never shall Coos county whereln they assume to be re-l ministration of It. The Aar Asso- som e, and may help mightily tn light, for which the cnnrgesaems Portland. on every package containing be a llo w in g to so trample upon sponsihle to no authority what-' elation of New York recently re- the fature. We have begun to to be la rents. The people had ftom two yearal l“*''lles won by the fore- over, assuming superiority over ported that the defense of in- storm special privilege, and we After nsking several electrician« down lo 90 days to consider jj'fA 'h ers of Hunker Hill anil Valley the people themselves, the s o l s a n i t y In murder eases has h»-, are seeking that three hundred he discovered that the dltlerence measures. The legislature had 40i *r° r**‘ Never! source of all authority, has grown come a scandal on the name of | m eter hill that the Japs sought. lay In the fact that the roinhltie days to act on 72?. hills The g o v. So"'« P°',r "id needy Wall street to such an extent as to threaten! Justice. Perhaps the taxation of land val­ could g e l It. and that is itlmut the ernor had five ,ls ) s to co n sid er',r ""t n‘,Pd* ' h‘,l,p fal1" on M“ldlp the verjr foundations of the state "Those who have ever attended ves la the height we arc after. right answer. , 233 acts See,,,» to us the is........ ‘•’Ork '‘nd N,,rth F,ir’' ’ »“*’ anv "The power of Impeachment and 1 court trial can not fail to re-1 As the only guarantee that Perhaps It is something fuilber At Iu cents we me fools enough do not need so much help ,,s , «'her old fork that may be known the removal of supremo court I member the hull-dozing and black- said package contains bev­ along, but tne man who would see to light up, hut we won t cook. some other bod......... . law makers. or hereafter developed. Thou- judges. placed by the people In guarding of w itnesses permitted the last citadel of privilege re­ erages produced by union If We cut out the lighting until ________* ________ 1 sands of poor widows need those the hands of the legislature, is by the judges and Indulged f. i‘ O f À lfH ItA • duced by the forces of liberty and labor. the toiiibine came down to three t O P lH 'u H f e 7 « A « lf 1 ^ $ The Republican party that magnificent gifts of nature that "The Hon. Frank B. Kellogg, unset li-factory and, in practice, Justice must see the necessity of cents It would only he making "downed toe silver craze" Is like K<’ thundering down the canyons practically Impossible. special aasisstant to the attorney j taking the outposts. From time about 300 l*r cent on Ils actual Iv to demonllizc gold It will an'1 s,,n"' of ’h«1 »"d-eyed Coos “1« there atty wonder the peopl„ general of the United States, In to tlm» they will be made visible outlay anil wear and tear then. first try to stop coining It T h -' co,,u,> Htwiallsls would rob the of Washington are disgusted with a recently published article on to ns through the mists and smoke stuff is qctltig too < omuion for j »'down and orphans vet unborn of the courts and the Judges sitting "The Law's Delay" says; «1 the ever-raging battle. DREAD THE PEOPLE “ 'Within the past few years the millionaires to make cliango a i-hun.e to buy watered bonds In them? It Is for us to attack privilege und stock of the Coos County "No civilized country In the there has been a widespread agi­ with. Wherever we Hnd It, with what­ themselves Who have proved Electric Trust (unlimited In ca­ world, save the United States, tation and general dlacussion or DIRECT primary for the ever weapons and resource that TOL’ R W IV B R . Friends to Organized Labor by pacity to grab and to charge ex allows its courts to arbitrarily the subject of the law's d elay.1 Rcuf. the curly hose of San Y O l'K C H IL D R E N nomlustiim of a V. 8. seuu will be effective. The ballot . signing up with the Teamsters' A N D V O lR S E L V E 8 lor in lows was defeated ] I Urunrlsi-o, goes „ to , ... .... the penltcn- tortiunatc rates). Such a thing pot aside the acts of the people No such discussion or agitation through the Initiative Is the most Union. A G A IN S T as the operation of this Is c>aln pressed by the legislature. comes without cause. They are queer part ol j tiar.v, aparently without hope of a« Ft| powerful known. band privilege by two votes The If You Have Any Work Give It to a re< of electric power plants at In En gland, from which country not the product of the demagogue Sickness and Accident la the basis of all privilege It Is it Is that s Democrats did nut the court« taking pity on him. sonahle cost and pay the taxes » Thom. we {have lecelved a majority of or the muckrake agitator. Such Any three of them would lint Pat Calhoun, the corporntlon the commanding hl that sheltera vote N K .M B K R S H II* IN T H E I s W o llIV I 0L8EN-R0E TRANSFER CO. the county with the profit the hordes of privilege II Is the have can led the measure. There | boes. Is going to Cleveland, Ohio, he a crime against tho entire our Wuw. from the foundation of men do not make deep Impres­ Malo 547—A-2M7. 209 Oak Bt. NATIONAL HOSPITAL the courts themselves they have la a plutocratic element in the Why this distance between them'’ sions on the people. No; the the commanding hill that shelters 0 . F. HUSSEY TRANSFER CO. uulon of state« Wall street never' presumed to exercise or discussion of today is evidence of e ----------- « ...... ....... . ...................... hordes of privilege. We need that Democratic party that dreads t h ASSOCIATION Main 2178. 270 Alder St. coming rule of the people as, Photo engravers recently , lr4 «»’< ’'.1.1 pay attention to this scheme possess authority to set aside an | real wrongs. Let us not believe hill In our business. Hf we storm Furnish»« (In* Mean«. C. M. OLSEN TRAN8FER CO. aud see that It Is Quggenhelmed tta heights and we then need to much as the „ante element doe«! up the Lo« Angeles Times lor »organized and taken out of the act t>f tho people, passed by par- that our laws or system s of legal W e par a ll DOC T O R B IL L A and Marshall 811, A-5600 230 Pine 8t. administration is perfect.’ Medici»»»* and furnish ouly high- atorm others, well and good, It in the Republican party. The) i two w e e k t In the getting out >f ■ ' Ithy power of the Cooa'coun- Ilament. HELLIWELL TRANSFER CO. grade M K O IV A L mid H IK O K A L "1» other continental European play politics together nearly every one of Its boost and lioozle edl can not retard ns any further. Marshall 1700. 166 Seventh St. N. A T T E N D A N (E ..... ................................ , h(1 „ame R, a, p of ,aw time. That Is why workingmen tlons Un on rule« hail to he lec ty Soi-lHlI.ts to wreck all Oregof THE METER Also complete Hoapi «1 RATHJAN TRANSFER CO. stiikebreakers cot,Id i« 'h* ‘n’,* a of * ,l*<",» < ! «■'"'»* j cxls»«. and the people of European in uddltlou b i $100 R V K IA L B E N E ­ should not continue to be bound' ognltod. No NOT A PERFECT PLAN Main 6301. 7 1-2 First S t F I T in th«» »rent of denth at hal a cent instead of 15 ccn* i coittirlcs set an example of re- ol blinded liy party name«. Let he Imported Jackson Wentworth, after an PHON O R W R IT E FO R F U L L SHORTY'S EXPRESS CO. l»T tvllowat hour ;| speei for the law that we In r A R T K I LA R S, ------------♦ — -------- absence of "0 years, returned to Marshall 1416. 265 Burntlde S t HE recent city election In ue do the way the special |>rlv-! rh o a e « : Multi U9*. A ----------------------------- , ; America can well afford to pat- the home of his youth. Jackson W. E. DONOVAN Bpokane demonst rated that IJeged party doe«, divide lo caje i every little while. It heals all ture and unite to retHln. accord- tmw much Uncle Sum can lo*c HOW PRISON AFFECT9 THEM tern» after. had a slight affection of the skltt NATIONAL HOSPITAL East 5960 the principle of permitting "J^he people have lost confi­ which made his nose vet y red. preferential votes Is a good one. Ing to the opimrt unit Ics and n iu sugar duties und never' ml-« TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 1C2 ASSOCIATION San Francisco Star the money. dence In the courts, not only cl Hence, when he called at the par- The sort of preferential system gardless of party names. «11-1» 1« Hohawh H nllri lag. A wage-worker sent to prison this state, but all over the conn- nonage the old minister reniar, >d: P O R T L A N D . ORKGON. there is not as good aa could have Troops of the United States to! lose« hl« earnings, a business man try, anil the courts themsel V (*a are j "Jac ksun. Jackaun, my man. I'm WE WANT MEN beta deviae.l. but It gives the rol- FOR RENT T o x p h . eh? rx»cR (hi» nvNin (hal* I* ruined; but a landlord eonttnneM to blame fur It. Dedahma and 1 afraid you've boenme a hard drink- •ority it chance, puts a crimp In ERE Is no reason on earth Wall street Is going to gobble •” collect Ills rent or the "un- actions outraging law at)d decency er." “Don't J' ’.ge by appearances. • • y machine and stops the craay i n«tl fo r Iodo» and «ocietr meet In r« earned Increment." itself, rendered by the courts, have Dr. Jteenthly," sal,’ Weatworth. why a mayor of a city that commonwealth’ Idea of running a mau for a local Rc«Non»bl» rat»« A pply 131 Second Griffith J. Griffith, for Instance, j aroused a long-suffering people to "1 hardly consume two glasses of should he either a Dt'inm rut i position on national parly llaes. atreet, th ird floor. a Republican What we want There are about 9,i)0fl Granger«' went to prison for two years forj option The people of New York beer a week " "Well, then," said I t allows a voter his first, second Portland le efflceut service In Oregon. Not all of them vet- the pleasant pastime of shjxvt’n i state Impeached and urov« front tha minister, in a toothing voice, and third choice votes. He must vote for five first choice and five from our elty officials, and ns- era. hut many of them are very out one of hla wlfe'a eyes. When the supremo bench thirty year» "1 guess your face. Jackson, is he regained hla freedom he was ago two corrupt judges whose »©• like my gas meter. It registers •econd, and be can vote for as ttoual party names should not ap-j rfcaottrreful rustlers for votes ply In the case. No business c o r - j ------------ --------------- a richer man by a million dollars, tlon» bad branded them as merely more than It consumes.“ ! many third Fholce as he pleases. GROCERIES, FISH, Nearly every labor union In There had been a "boom" tn lx>s servants of a celebrated’ stock This makes a cumbersome ballot poratlon cares what the politics POULTRY. Is Angi leg real estate during his en- »peculator and manipulator, Job F r i s i l a * o f A ll K M e. - |e entirely unnecessary All of the president, »ecretary or New South Wales. Australia, We should amend the cBv char­ A V a lo a O f flea C aadurtoA b f may he Not affiliated with the Political Labor forced absence. , "The tenderness of the court» ter to provide for r«al represen­ la needed la for each voter to board of directors WINES & LIQUORS for ONE candidate for flret only are the lines b «king dow n. Ixutgue. ——---------- — •— ■ , In looking after Interests favor- tation. and llttlo or • ----------- le. one for second rhoioe and on national Isaacs Since Ballinger has re-dened »hie to them are notorious. Wit- Grand Avenue Id r third Choice Any caadl- no difference belna found be-1 1« Wall street (he capital ol la th re no way of hitching Bailey ties« the New York courts open Public charity means legal fraud b% F p » » ( fM PRONFSi rdcwlvlag M per cent of the tween the principles and pran-1 Mexico* en to his COM tails? , lug the dc rs of Sing Sing prlenn somewhere. and East Morrison Street IO Corner Alarb. M HIM. A 11 ! • le a d e r of N '-w T J T A SANITARY BAKERY The Log Cabin Baking Co. T BEER, ALE OR PORTER PROTECT TRANSFER COM PANIES T T": DAN KELLAHER & CO. Keystone Press UNION MEN