OmCIAL PAPER or THE CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL OF PORTLAND AND VICIN ITI PORTLAND LABOR PRESS * "TBADBB UNION8 ARK THC WULWARKP OF MODERN DEMO GRACIES"—W. C. OLADSTONB PO RTLAND. OREGON, TH U R S D A Y, FEBRUARY 16, 1911 V o lum e 10 No. 51 AUTOMATIC COMPENSATION BILL IS KILLED ! ' ..................... - - L 1— ------------------------------------------ I • peni W ho Sill-ports A c t? the Com­ The employer. Who O pposes the Compen satlon Act? The workman. What has the em ployer In y .sted 1 tithe Industry? His Money. What has the workman In vested in the industry.’ H it Life. What is the em ployer's oli Com pensation Jett in the „ .. . W hole N u m b er 576- HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? LIFE OR DOLLAR8- WHICH 1 p e n s a tio n r . . „. RAH RftAh UNIONS HAVE ÏÏ egislators Wisely Conclude T hat RAILROAD UNIONS HAVE WON BOILER INSPECTION ‘ the Working Men of Oregon . . OFFICIAI. PAPER OF THE OREGON STATE FEDERATION OF LABOR ® How much does It cost som e big ® I corporations to keep a few first SHALL THE POSTOFFICE BE CLOSED ON SUNDAY grade and a host of second grade aw yers in Salem'' If W Tbutcli- Stop Sunday work In the p ■ gi ■ Iti. taking it ® I er. for instan ce, lo ad of the Teh o f f n e In I 'o i l l a n d T h a t Is wl, ip II w ill maka • phone monopoly. Is not in Salem the w o r k t I s w a n t . It h e n b tl 1 h rs to word • .luring a legislative session for his For man.) y c .iis II.. m alb'srti. on Muud, :tb harder, but • health. ' and the clerk s Itavi Is . n requit .1 t h e r e i pleut t graft in thu • Frank T G riffith, one o f the 1 to hand out mall on Sundays, e a r n in> )f Hi,. Organized Labor’s Growing Power been entered Into betw een t h e ( ® *•> th e lailroadii « ailing legal ligh ts of the local railsnad b to tle rh o ed s and the • lust a n s t h a t c a n ¡ N o n ecessity for It. •h oil sufficiently in C ongress Proved by Pas­ • ransportatlon and light trust, Boilerm akers' Intern: tlonnl Union ® -H o n A relic of old tim es when (o h i r e a b ' * \ i a 111*11 tin M o n ­ sage of Life Saving Law. < oust needs receive som ething It was this practical ® the post m aster knew everybody d a > s Hi ti’ < < k. tl.«’ postmaster C lore than any partner of Joseph tion am ong the rat'read worker* ® by their fitst n a m e s a n d m a il g e lo . 1 i > i hoi w j|| n o t l a s t The Abbott bill, to provide for m any req uites, ns it should, that t els, the soupist, is accused of (By Pan-American Press.) that forced tin agreem ent ou the ® Act? ' t a n te In o n u st ■ am er oti S a tu r d a y lo i» v er 1 • S a m is net broke. autom atic com pensation (so-called) every dollar of the cost of the , ‘ceiv ln g for-w orking for progress To com commercialize human m ercialize o n c e in t h r e e w e e k s lie e s ’ i a fiord 1» < mi’ll enough W ashington. D. C „ F e ll. 15.— locom otive boiler insp ection bill; I® for injuries sustained by wage- - injuries be paid by the Industry • and the people's power. Will the the m ost Impel tan! provisions of ® life. T h e c h u r c h e s c o u ld hay i i put to h a n d le the uui a if I,» it w o rk - The adoption by the house of the in which they occur. earners, was killed in the bou se] • Oregonian give us an estim a te on What Is the ■ rkinan's oh which are as follow s • Mop to it years ago. T h e h lu g th e m tv hi th e week. • ¡th e value and returns for G riffith’s u of rep resentatives at Salem y e t - i The Abbott bill made no pro­ locom otive boiler Inspection hill A chief inspector and two as- ® jeel ? m embers are fte<|ueuth in line Sign tl el i • ’ ilio n p r in t e d vision w hatsoever for the placing previously passed by the senate • services? terdav by a vote of 33 to 25. To safeguard human life. waiting tor their mall «‘Bhei going here. and ma. 01 b l i n g if to thlR of hazardous ind ustries In cla sse s | Is considered a rem arkable vic­ slstant chief Inspectoi* are to be ® • Then I here Is such as Johnny Preceding the vote on the m e a s-] Is the proposed law op­ to or com ing from church. OffiiC aud if « K « I > i Aiti V ► Igni by th em selves, w ln reb y they ’ tory by m em oeis of the labor appointed by the president, and. • • Coffee. ex-Senator Beach, C. E. ure it w as considered by the I h e business men could base th-iii tl.«- ¡HlKt. li.IHf« 1 * til be J uh - would pay their Just |U»rt of the i lobby who h a te w itnessed in the In addition, tin Interstate Com- • tional? • l l i i k i i i u n . H a r r i s o n A lle n , C h u r l e s bouse as a commit tee of the ■ To the employer— Yes. put a stop to it a long tun«’ a g o I Hied in s h n tti ng <>tf (he Sunday Funds w e r e , p a s t the hitter opposition to this m ission are to appoint 5d Inapec- ® • II Carey and a host of others whole. The merit», or rather tie-1 protection granted. To the workman— No. • to be raised to pay for lo sses by j m easure displayed by the railroad tors who shall have passed • ® » <>rk It \ou ha\« air*-.»»(y Klgm <| by renting » box. 0 What philanthropist Is putting up merit*, of the hill w ere debated What Is the object of the i civil service exam ination q u alify-,® The mail carrier and the c le r \ a ballo! in lb* h . i i l y Sew* don't I charging 4 per cent of the salary , corpoi ations. f for their keep" How Is It we hear for an hour and o half. >dgll again. l b«’ 1 « - Miuigf » T I earned by the w age eat tier, the I Chairman Mann of the Inter­ ing them as exp. i ts in boiler in- < Coni|>ensutlon Act" no howling from the ln te ie st ruled like Sunday off as well as the h oi To supplant the Employers' R epresen tatives F ouls, Clyde, T h ese lugpectora shall • carrier and the hank clerk. Sonn »tiling ro do »bat tie 4,111, but em ployer paying 2 per cent and state and Foreign Com m erce Corn- sp ec'ion 0 country press about the puy cum- Brow nhill, Carter, H untington, reported to the house that la v e the pow .j to declare a lo c o -’ ® Liability Law. th< sta te and wage earner 1 P*'r ' piltti • ing from outside the state" What carriers have not had Sunday in h«- ueedtt lo I h » b.n k* <1 up by N euner, Peterson and Ruak years un less they hired a (he people. < Does the Em ployers' 1.1a I ther< had been a practical agree m otive boiler unfit fot service. cent each. pro- 0 is the m atter with ¡1 published list biltly Law adequalely •bow ed op the hill In its true Hut the great good that will Il vou would rati ♦ I w«uk sei«H and paid him a full day’s pa> in It is at cn ce apparent that this ineut h u w e e n the representative* of salaries and expenses and olt lght. They pointed out repeated- last provision, with hall the pay- (,j le d ? t be w « « k than six v»>t•« Sunday have to be on duty. satisfied * Is the wot k man jH.Htd to the m easure. wage-earner, creates an unjust > r!lu lo a j corporations, as to the as io the dangerous condition of writ its protection? The bill w as defended by Bone- privilege for the hazardous busi­ framing of ib is hill, and as the his locom otive boiler direct to an brake, Thom pson and McKinney. Yes. ness, and exclu d es the higher m easure stood, was acceptable to inspector and obtain im m ediate YES When did the em ployer Ir hl* argument favoring the protection for bis life that under « skilled, well-paid and leas risky them all. Seven law yers fought E. <». first realize his duty to pro m easure Thom pson attem pted to T his sudden com placency on the t h i old company s y s t e n t had to em ploym ents. Barger in hia effort« to secure vide for his injured em ­ m ake the legislator* believe that For au exam ple: The payment part of the tallroad corporations be risked or the em ploye .would ® ’he lahe'iiig of convict m ade pr> NO the bill would provide a desirable to the sta te on a saw m ill hand ployes? lose Ills job. i • to a m easure that they had diirtR, out organized labor won Since November 8, when form e f autom atic com pensation, Even now, before the final < at hazardous work receiving »2 25 through several session s of con­ I. the Liability Law was adopt­ out in «pile of the learned quib- and read extract* from the Port­ per day would be »2 34 per month, gress sm othered with objections enactm ent of t h e ww. it is hlera. How much do you suppose NAME . . land Labor P ress of last mouth while the payment on a le ss haz­ and abuse, can only ho attributed 'pot ted by locom otive en gin eers « ed. the convict m anufacturers’ trust - - boilers ari being everyw here What is the effect of the show ing that labor was favorable nam ely, the coin- that 4DDKKSS ardous em ploye, say a p lasterei, to one thing, put up to secure the valuable ser­ Em ployers’ Liability l-aw? to autom atic paym ents for In­ earning »6 per day, would be panier’ deadly fear of the work- repaired to m eet the com ing of vices of (hose law yers? The Ore- P rotects lives of workmen. juries. »(>.25 per month. (T he former Ing agr. -ment which has lately the i n s p e c t o r s Voniun has a good deal to say Makes recovery sure with­ The vote se ttles the question has an earning power of »58.5-1 about the salaries of people who out resorting to courts. TH E DALLES B A R B2R S’ UNION for this session of the legislature per month, the latter »156 per ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ work for the advancem ent of the Would the ratio of eontrl and su stain s organized labor s de­ The Garment W orkers will m onth.) The risk of em ploym ent ♦ bullous in C om pensation Act » Mtate, but nothing about he vari­ T. M. I.eaho. secretary of the m and that the p e o p le s liability give their sixth annual hall of the saw m ill hand is at least ♦ ous lobbies of the special inter- piovide the defined benefits? Barners of Portland, local law , passed last Novem ber by a three to five tim es as great, hut ♦ at C h ristensen's hall, 11th eM8 in Salem . were re- la st w eek organized a union o f , Over 13 years ago the Fr11tern.1l ItiR in e n , t h e a n n u s i d m m ajority of over 22,000, be let« sllll the Abbott law m ade no reck­ No one knows. ♦ and Yam hill. Friday, F eb­ his craft at The D alles with every as the fundam ental law of the oning of th is fact m aking the Brotherhood of Loi. Ang.-les Join, d fus* tl, limi Ihi F H w iihdrew, W hat is It based on? ruary 24, 1911. ♦ HENRY GEORGE ASSOCIATION Ihe M erchants and Manufacture! - J i e f e r t n g ri* r te l*c Id e n tif ie d w ith shop In town on his lists. W. A. Theory. slate, and that no additional laws basis of paym ent, not the actual ♦ A cordial invitation Is e x ­ he based Crawford was elected president of What should it A ssociation. At lhal tim e lit' tl,*' tr i, .-I*- in aliv w .n . s lid c o r - of this kind be passed until they risk sustained, hut the question ♦ tended to all. the new organization and F. E. be thoroughly studied and Itnown only of the w ages of the em ploye. on? On Monday even in g the Henry organization was a booster lor ic iiily n o t e n ih i -Id* lig h tin g so ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Experience. C otty secretary. The latter gen­ to be equitable to both the sin- G eorge association m et in the the city, and It was represented m a n y o f I ls m e m b e rs , lo r It •’ The Abbott bill m ade no pro­ tlem an was recom m ended as * Should ih e fund he in su f • J Woret-afcr building and heard F. I by men who did not care In make m a d u p o f m e n o f s m a ll me** plover and em ploye. HENRY GEORGE, JR-, vision to fine the h -a r tle ss em ­ deputy Inspector for lhal district g ficient. how wouid the work The Abbott hill was a vicious ployer or to reward the man who li t Ito,is, tid s o t w h o m a r e E. Coulter speak on the "Work ' a fight on organized labor to tho board of barber exam iners, < man recover? m easure and would not have be. n seem ed every safety appliance on fo He Done.'' A draft of a pro­ ¡helped men to secure work, and ' m e n I h l, o ig a n lz a tlo n s u p 'in­ presented to the legislature If it his dangerous m achinery. Labor ? 1 1 1 posed state w ide lax m easure was Ihe Fraternal llrolheih ood • Corporations h atin g valuable 9 had a hearing before any body read and given out for general scribed »12 a year toward I- b H o u . l a i n e s A F o rs* rebelled at th lts fact m ore than 1.1 ilo* a b le s t f '. i n r n i i f franchises for which they have 4 The above, printed in ex of n.en who were at all read ou consideration. It would establish > support. ether. The workingm an de- I ’ .i i f e i n 'a , a* H s I o slib n. paid nothing but bribes can easily 4 cellcnt form, was prepared by the subject of em ployers' liability any Tim e went on and the M ami ihe sin gle lax In Oregon. If adopt- sires and dem ands Immunity, not pay m ore taxes in Oregon w ttbc.’t President Daly. Joseph Foley and autom atic com pensation. e-., and put Ihe big land holders M. begun Io fight worklugm en M G HM alb v It -In state m a —he does not want com- and Otto Hat tw ig and clrcn Anybody bclit^ wronged. The m easure was based upon Insurance for Injuries that can be and sp eeid a lo is oil Ihe defensive The Fraternal Hrnlherlmod n ev ii g e l f o i l i r e g e h . and is makin, luted In Salem and before tin no previous experience, or scien ce pensatlon | anon-led Hs sessio n s, and full a .-p o ê la i c a m p a ig n fo r niambep- with their back to the wall. among union men and ®. In spite of the efforts of T. T. legislature just a few hunts of Injuries or deaths caused 1» prevented. Mr Coulter m ade the strong I (,f b u siness Iroiu a rupldly In ship The vote in the house for and (hgantzed la­ Geer anil other •ha-lteens." Ari­ before the «o-ealled Autom atic paid very I, ö in e n in P o r tla n d accidents, and created a special point lliut appeals must be m ade | creasing m em bership, against the Abbott bill w as ns zona goes on record in support Coinpeu-aliott A d went to de­ privilege for the timber Interests to the moral sen se, the hearts, of little attention to Its npeniit- n r i n 1,, w h a s n o q u a r r e l with thia . of Its “Oregon m odeled’ constit ti­ by whom it w as drawn, it would follow s. feat. the people. He has p roved .to his The hill was paid annually as a t r a t * " i ' l l V and Ihe Ian Angeles A yes Abbott. Am brose, Beals, tiolt tin e t to one • • • • • • • • • • • • also benefit a few em ployers con­ Belknap. Bonebrake. Brooke. Buck- own satisfaction that m ere fig-j m atter of course. Last |ie< e m b e r , ( n l t u l L a h o r Council endorses ducting hazardous bu sinesses, such tires and discussion of exem p tion s ow ing to the strenuous altitude o f , il a s n o ! a n a n t a g o n i s t i c lawly to llrvunt, Chatten. Church, Cole, is tunnel and railroad c o n str u c t- 1 1 -y . .. ¿ rav,.8. „..Ills l i.tillin g trades In N - w York are ------ - the public so much jj„, yy Hnd M. In lighting work w o r k in g n n u i a m i w o m e n . do not ‘ attract W hy does poverty i n c r e a s e a s likely to have a tussle with tho Lion, powder m ills, section w o r k ,. us m a . 'MrK, niieyi Miner as Die pointing out of the wrong V» «’. J l I) inert as» s? N. H h o l'in s o ti. th e » d l known Som e of the Oregon senators t»c. The average em ployer would ; Mali . * ' n,,ids, Sm ith, contractors. of land monopoly. declared that the sin gle tax was <11 g a lli/ Mon »oiker of Portland, t , the un scientific ? ........ , a m easure to enable the rullr- ails b a s I hm , 1I0I11M th in , x- lo K la m a th , erm s of tho o u t. , I , *,r- MUTUAL RESPECT to escape taxes on their rolling A P«Hh a l L a b o r I in o ri h a s J u s t Without a sin gle precedent in T i g a r d ■ Bigelow. inv of the leading countries o f . N o e .- A id H.hanan> ,*,„■ slock, and every railroad worker b* • n i ■'k iiii/« il a m i rb»1 ( ’a r iw n - Speaking of the situation re­ up there uppluuded and rndo"s< d ters, I «I'.fi i s I m i . »•• » -. Printer« h, world in autom atic paym ents | Belland, l r (*h ’ „,ian Clem ens Noon bave tb d r garding the Japanese em igration Or accidents, the hill I ^0“ ^ - : • «'**' ! the sentim ent. Queer, Isn i H. a m i .tlo is »111 question. Ihe (’oust Seam en's Jour­ ¡that the senators who wmb and d i a l ( -I«« Ologo bus now several Henry George. Jr., w ill be In hat half the cost of -he ptot <- < lyd Johnson, Jon*:. ranks of organ nal says: lib - Hi tl X r 1 ^ ' . M sg-n e. Ma P o r t l a n d about the 1»t of March. I vote hardest tor the big business m u Ion" he paid by t h e t a x p a y e r « < « ^ 'It is well enough to cultivate I/» .1 la b o i I li» m o ro the merrier. He is to address the Idaho legis­ lnti'i’esta ari’ so afraid that the b* wage-earner. that Germany j rlner. Miller °I Lln" ’ * ( , lature on February 18. Mr. George Expose U nbelievable C on -: E v e r y postoifice official, from friendly relations with 0111 helgh- people of any county might t a l o * ,t was argued Dial u m e rm a n y I , Pierre. p P e t-iso n . p ((Well. , Rat U . k-- anner. Powell. k ff. ,s the son of that great econom ist Senators Imposed by P ostm aster j 11 itelin ck dowu, is now blam ing bors across the I’m Ifb , hut It . ‘ tL l a d v e r tis e d P o s tu m d o p e I taxes off railroad rolling s t - k ditions iFt, l its fund 1» »hl. sp eak er K . m k ^ must be borne In mind that reu, Poverty'' ijili l l o r e I m never aiich Is not ihe case, as G e i- ’ bliaw, snnpsm n— ---------- w hose “ Progress and General on Departm ent Clerks He man below him for Inelficl- friendship must rest upon mutual and Increase them on the v a c a n t ' n s <’O tte e , aHb< m n to 10 totut i, i ) in s u b o rd in a tio n and in is ­ haz made a new epoch in oiviliza- traet.1 -if loud and half as - * ■ I I a g r a in o f c o if respect. The latter condition, In j of dope T h e f a k i r s d l l n s (h o tion, and he it a “chip off the j in ic * m eni, hut l i e truth of Ihe P ress ) turn, must rest upon a clear ree- right of w a y ' (h e n Is absolutely I s tn if d e d a i» old bl0C l" ' 1 . . k n n e lv a s lv W a s h in g to n . D Feb. 16.— ii. i'ii'i Is Ihm the man at the ogniilon of the difference betw een the la» lo call ’ nom.» h Is ¿1 .!• Last Novem ber. 1 P I t i „. u t i sl il. m sud for Bost m aster v.'iv lop, President T a il, sta lle d Judge G lib ,r(, p iesid in g j - '" ' the r a ie s 'Io ignore that differ ' It C o f f e e , till 'be bran, sawdust, disoigouiz-dinn by dem anding Republican district in ew , j (irneral llllebeor k s removal has cnee, to forego the right io net In the county court ai Kai: a I pi mul di» Il e-l and iiiolassea City, Mr. George w ** • lee‘e ^ ‘ sprung from a most unexpected bowing oi "• I'onolny" w h iiu ai'eorddigly, is to ciiltlvuti* eon- t'ity, M o. il--lu ri s Dial be I- in , f.iKe still pa foi coffee with congress after a straight-out c a m - 1 ild s s - ls l Ills cam paign for i o „ Monday th e m eeting o f th e , 0\ V w a . ’‘r ^ d ,n» X n ■ quarter. nam ely, Ihe senate. Sen- lem pt. nut respect, wlili Its sequel favor of baying all the county oil!»» '.e o p l« ’ paign for free trade and the single b .lio n in 1912 H itchcock has printing beai the union label, and I alors ( am ble and Crawford of of enm ity tax, no dodging and no shifting. business agen ts of the 11 'lu ll's political m anager; led that all the m eehanleal w o rk r8. i South Dakota have been telling Congressm an George is be-ng \\ ben no man wauled a fool - p, sillon has now been lost Trades cam e to the unanim ous ,rhp Blllug(. o f battle had hardly colleagu es about ihe re­ which It Is n ecessary lo do should The sm oki WHO WE WORK FOR ceived wherever he goes by the m arkable crisis which w as re­ ougb Ihe storm of opposition i be done by union men. heiause of land in Oregon it was not (.inclusion that they could do | cleal e d 'away before a big dele- workingm en a s a friend and a cen tly presented on one imtiortant rftiM I against Now that mil« his m ism anage ! In Ids opinion, they represeiU the » 0 1 tb an> thing pom bu sin ess in Salem than any- , gallon of em ployers and union A very poor mid ng**d man i workmen who have at I a llie d tin Hons » o u l d luk» <■« r ta lii p a r l i fighter for liberty. uj. i t of the adm i.ilst ration's g it id cam e up from Fori land mail run in their slid e , when the »here else in O regon, and they | fighters cam e up ] of It a n d p a y r o u n d ly (h e p r h o on a special train. The train was postal clerks delib erately struck esi political a sset, the postoftlcc. busied in planting ami grafting an highest degree of skill and t'ffl B attered for grips ¡‘lld collars to delayed, and the legislatu re had apide tree was rudely Interrupted | up to two m illio n s a n H r i d ing the k hour law, opposing m onni claim ing the conditions under cleney. W ise judge! at the sta te house. m u». which they w ere Required to e n r y m easure advocated by or­ by this Interrogation. "Why do already ' gone and done It. The special object w as to im- I labor, , and discharging you plant trees when you cannot The follow ing are am ong those work w ere so onerous that it w as ganized „ Max Burgholzer of Eugene w rites An am endm ent Is now before »ress it upon the house of repie-1 The firnt recall on record in went to Salem to m ake the beyond human ca p ariiles for them : ry p osiofflce em ployee who 1 hope to eal the fruit of them?'' to the M inneapolis Co-operation the people of K ansas Blowing ' H r r a i s e d h i m s e l f u p a n d lean- lentative« th at the workm g people the' liability law and the to do the service properly. T h is, .1111« pr-imentni in Ihe work the Oregon legislature has »b«'ii .Major Aduni of (be little thaï women a vote on all sta le officers. ivw liab ility law sltu stlo n was so well understood , of his union. H itchcock has n t , Ing upon his spude. replied, "Some fake com pensation three restrictions placed upon eit> of Eden »»« removed from It does not provide for a vote in In South Dakota that It resulted las’ stirred up a storm ot pnb- one p,aided l r - - s for me before I had is and the lak e com pensation defeat of the lb- blnmed ll lo the wo- 11 since the people have hail the m onstrosity: in the passage of resolu tion s by in protest that prom ises fo end • was l-orn and I have eaten the The legislature bus lost killed. In S' UH» Ma 1 »' our s. 11 <. Making nn open dec'aratlon Of ot In the pants and vest. They derided It would bo cheaper to by l a w b ’KM hl 1 vkebrevk- lion s of Europe for 40 years. compitili war against “ peaceful school has I n sp e c t. If >< h > <-arr> a c«l», 'his schem e to work off the non brot *ht to light the faci that one ' land Railway, Light * Pow er com ­ teachers, MaJ. G e n Germany lias accom plished thia, if j help it hud. coni I k . ¡Hie m aking prHenxioii« to s«»m- und lit « i« nlon stock don't go with this lobbyist, representing half ft doz­ pany cars to a greater extent than Wood. V. S. A . ha* th is to say en corporations, absolutely dictat­ by the public, but It Is not paying In ill** course of a lengthy address hi nil, by Ihe m aintenance of Hal thing you don't enn.' out. in <>’ •• Irin . A sla te com m ission will act as 1 word«, you label )oiir«»df m l- i ” I 1 *• Union izibor H ospital o t ed every bill of consequ en ce that I what It is provided by law’ should | just ilellvi-r- d before Ihe D istrict vast arm am ent, naval and land." a buffer betw een the people and ( The war departm ent Is thor­ ex (?) a t - ! Com n.andery of the Loyar Le- Humboldt nullity Is more than wqts passed. rrlte. I he paid, thanks «0 Its laDior T em ple looked de- It can do no'hlng oughly alarm ed nt Us inability to the rullroad« The bolding Its own. notw ithstanding glon of Honor: I tottiey. tlie Mayor. The ■rted Tuesday aiternoon by rea- . I "I scarcely know what to say get serviceab le recruits for the the legislature cannot do. W lfhovt dl«enM'*i«,n. on Febnm »' the strong opposition of Ihe union* Our present Jury system puts a 1 o t th e absence of so m any priqioaed city com m ission Is lik e -, army anil hence th ese ehargea ! premium upon Ignorance anil pr> 2 the P ersian paillam in i yott'd fighting big lum panies. A r< port from Herbert Knox ought 10 hi- done with all th ese 1 the b u sin ess agents and offl- school boarda through the conn that n large majority ot the school w ise sim ply a tax-eating fake The to e n g a g e f b e American fluanclal m otes Injustice, Ittlestlon. Jndl- Sm ith, com m issioner of corpora­ o f the various, unions In xlriady the talk of a national try which have thrown ali -win- teachers, and m any school boards supporter* of each of th ese men* advisers T he foreign m inister lem trying to hold down the I rial corruption and the production tion*. Just made public, show s a Idance of m ilitary e x ercises out niv- openly Influencing the ch il­ •ires hope that It will serva a» stated that the contract* foi th e s e Im itative and r< -erenduw is h e a r d I of more law yers. rapidly forming tlm b jr trust. The thing for the people and ;islature. And a _ pla\ r Alm ost dren against m llltaiy life get vices would s p e c ify a mloimum from |*ollilclan, «nil sfatemnon Southern Pacific alone owns in of their currli'iiluinns. this country-w ide school in flu e n c e , postpone the com tug of public o f three uad a maximum of five with their ears fo the ground. wlllinu! exception th ese teach ers, per cent of (he tim ber In the Sf. Ixynis defeated by an over­ is ruined m any a against war and Ils practices, ss- ow nership Senator Cullom of I—»« s-ig«e«ls »A year». northw est. T h e remedy is the one who are exiw cted and PHld to w ar — depat t rem arked the morallxer. whelm ing vole the proposed new 1 offfc«ra In th the e war -------, England Is applying lo Ihe lords Instruct th e pupils com m u ted to ■ekt ment, does no« slop with the Prem ier Ktdslon of Q u een s|,n d chatter w liBh om itted direct Jeg The fearful dynam ite explosion ' rejoined The dem oralizer, holdings, taxation of land values, their care, even g o so far a» to I child fuit ba" «n Imm ediate e f - ’ Ausi ralla, h*“ prom ised lhal dur* I st. I xjii I s haa 41 »00 men nml In \ , . » York Is being laid on w as going to be ruined at all islatlon and provid' d a fake recall exclu sive of Inipro,'em enis. advise youths against lh< handd w o m e n In th e o r g a n iz e d »*-a«les, | som e workingmen, the "bigune’* provision. nt prosperity to do It." ling of rifles." (■ r e e l mg from under au elaborate H olding up Germ any’s enorm ous Rh - a r g « p o r t i o n o f ih e .om m .m lly C .iotlllons for men em ployed ou ihe majority work right hour* pence* you A n y b o d y «'an t e l l y o u b o w The com m ission form of gov- "Inveatlgatlon." Infam ous hospital tax has s t a n d i n g a r m y »« a " m -'d ri > O il I day. cons* rilettoli work. might have succeeded, after (hen against guns, war and »"Idlers. J railway been measure," the Major General source of revenue to many- ernm ent for J oliet III., has have failed. defeated. doctor with a pull. Know Best W hat They W ant ® ® J SEVEN TO ONE A FAIR FRATERNITY TCa IS HITCHCOCK SLATED FOR SCRAP HEAP? BIG BUNCH OF KNOCKERS » LATE NEWS --- “ PEACEFUL” TEACHERS SCORED BY GENERAL