TH VR PD A V. FEBRUARY * PORTLAND PAGE BIX ir EUGENE NEWS AND VIEWS < S b u .it ----------------- *-< ’ » LABOR NO MORE JOBS IN OREGON “ FOR PINKERTON’S THUGS convict, in the ev es of the w •oriti . .« . , By Law rence O. Nichola. “T h e labor m ovem ent' in a at least, a union tuan of this o i t - - m ovem ent lo r le ts - ‘labo r’," In an rag eons crim e agam»t hum anity'- House bill 2«2 making it s n of- ' com pensation to Is- paid feu* such We kno wthat no tru. feust to d iss im ilia te against labor walk or the sanitary or other e d ito ria l b re v ity which recently murder. conditions of em ploym ent .or us appeared In a local newspaper. onion man com m itted this act and unions, Import strikebreakers, arm to the existen ce or non e xisten ce V- e real V e ry lik e ly the w rite r of thia sar- our conscien ce is cleat slugs« Is not authorized by au­ of a strike or oilier troubl« penc caattc aentence labors under a Ire that the m atter of the Tim* . lee Im pression and does not real explosion should not l»e dropped, (|loj)tieb ric.. was referred to the lug between em ployei and u u li e th e lu ll truth of his a q u lb ,' for agitation and H ue»,¡gallon I* com mitt. ■ on revision of laws ployc, at the tim e ot prior to such ........................ an engagem ent Failure to s U " m ittee "» w h ich m ay con vey several differ- the oa li foict that » ill lead to Instead ot to the com PR ESS _______________.___ __________ _ ___________ 1»u ____ ___________ WASHINGTON STREET PUBLIC MARKET MAIN 4654 A4I45 COR. FIRST and WASHINGTON No Rubbing R eq u ired -G o o d Use 5 Minute 'J « » * " ¿esrs C,eans An5'“ " ' ^ Like Magic—At Your Grocers Compound SKAMOKAWA BUTTER STAND All Spie«*«, eau. .. • ... »<* Hose City Coffee, l b . . . 3 3 f No cans, better than 4(l. can Coffee. 50c gia lle T eas, lb a t . . . , .35»* labor industries Speaker Husk Is ¡u uu advertisem ent, ptoposal m Old Fashion Coffee, lb. a s e i . - onsil.l' t. r this, ot eours. eotitiaet for tie em ploym ent ot sow Senaea Kouts is chairm an worl ,,,, ,, that tle-ie Is a strik. The best 25,' Coffee in Portland, ib is com m ittee of revision ot I»»» I lockout or oilier labor trouble a' •md has a chance to do some- the plate of the pro,arsed employ T W 0 SI ORES. WASHINGTON PUBLIC M* « KET ° " 537 W ' L Kling really worth while i m en,, when in tael such strik .. ' " u p "iiwa Till» Butter, regular 65c k i n d . . . LIAMS AVENUE, NEAR RUSSELL. Following ts the text of lb" lockout or otbei lulair tr d u b l.- 35<* proposed bill: ¡'h e n actually exist at such p la t.. < it Giran teed I'resli R anch I'-gg) Oi< lion I Any person, assocla shall be deemed a false advei , ¡ (|B or eorpoiation within the || , nient. and m is.ep resentatloi.. or agent, or offieei on lie for I he pm port s ol this act. stai associa See I halt of su d i person association or corporation, who s h a il hereafter : titin . tu porsi ion nr other employ com pel any person, dl era o abor of any l i in. doing bit- Halibut, per lb ...................... < an Ill this State, as well as his Columbia River Kuielt. per rw i y or indite. II), to • " » ' in"' tin 1 1 or Its agent, attorney 01 elllier w rin. n a o i ii v i : i l ii r u F N PER POUND an s* \ a t . i found guilty of violation sei bal not to join or tic a 11. 11 I s .i Hon :i 1.1 o f .n i' l i a i t (lie r c o l, ber of any labor organization a condition of su«'b person m < - i r - j »hall I* fined not leas than flv em ploym ent or continuing In hundred du l'ai- nor more Iban tin. be a week before the union ¡ Hams avenue. the eniplo)Uient of any aueh per , tw o "...uagnd °r IJKh, er who p reten d , to fight the Multnomah Market, 512 W ash­ son. a s s o c i,'Ion or corp.».at on i i„ the . all n t l e v . b a n ington. T lin e a explosion In Ixza Angele». w l»h *,» s u b s *< |i|e n t fa ls e accusa- guilty 4 a tnlsd.m eat.or „tie month no. h ,.|11Ilg an„ promising to Charle» Thornton. 13S K illings- / . I I ot which la good to see. Agi­ t i c . and farcical Investigations. he» be. n we believe, a r.-al ben.- J conviction shall I* Ho. <1 ' m ouths or both such fine and in, worth. tatio n Is the thin g b et us con be iiiercllul to his em ployes. Harry Wood Market, Second organized latwir; a losing I »um not le«» than two hundred pris.,muent tln u e to ag itate concerning thia ' lit d u t a r .lly deed, for daatardly deed proposition for the kingdom of the nor more than on. thousand

I Be. Any p. i on or p.ihon and Morrison. List of Fair Shops. Nt » Sandy Hoad Market. T w en­ It wan. .w hoever did It. A nything angel city with Its self apiadnte.11 ,ars or Imprisonment in the conn who shall hire. a d. a ssist or nb< less than one mouth |u hiring through private dete. , E verett Market. ty-eighth and Sandy. th at can be unearthed or uncov- m onaieh ., and an eye-opener for , ty Jail not ered— a ll the evidence th a t can I the general public. I Uor m ote than six m onths, or t iie agen, y o r o th . i » I . . p e r sot, Portland M a r k e t . John Haerloeher Market, Twen- Eureka Market. be obtained in the m atter from i S o le i th. g.yod work of a g ltu -' both such fine and I m p t . nI jto guar.I wit ,i a rm n • . e| ty nintti and E. Clisan. A S. W alker Market. Miller's Market, Twenty-eighth Bow u n til old Oabe toot» hla born , Hon continue with the real crim e j gee. 2. No agreem ent, e an old war ¡or procure not to he «lone, any act weapons ol at,' kind for any »neb Ivy Market. W illiam s avenue. Failing Market. m inded man In th e U nited S tatew ,cry: “Remember th«* Main. t‘> |® contem plation or tm th e ia m e o purpose without a perm it, in writ H. O. Kirchner Market, 733 W il­ ing, from the governor of this Adam Trebet Market. today who has w atched thin case hell with S p ain ’ ” Remember the j ttuy trade dlapute between e » liam s avenue. state, »hall tie guilty of a felony, I*. A. Duhrkoop Market. irnows In hla ow n m ind who la Tlm« H. to h e ll w ith th< B e a a t.” . ployer« and em ployes 11 H U Highland Market. and on eonvletlon m.nttentiMrv thereof shall not lie Hose Market. g u ilty , and no one outhlde of the I A ahailon agalnat the employ- of Oregon, shall be <»*m* Rainier Market. g ut.ty, ano U n ited L e u , of G reek, and other foreign , crim inal, nor shall those engaged Imprisoned in he P n I en t a r , m Model Market. K ossell A Prey. in “»cabbleat c liy ex p r e.» his ,abor on city labor In Eugene ; therein be indictable or o.herw se e s s than ot e y e . I m atilla Market. W erllng Market. F , itca" 1» alow to '„ a s led to the d is c h a r g e o , a punishable for the erime_ of eon I f •> < > »1 ' • .. I. < .»• ..... evzsnotv'liaaf popular mem l)(. ' » | tb relation thereto. |,ut this act »ball be construed P eoples Mai ket. try to make the above places fair. the disgraceful tre a tm e n t now and of fh(, (iifa| ph|Ulber„ Nothing In tills at’1 »hall exem pt i only to apply where workmen Peoples Market A Grocery Co h ere to fe o r received a l the hands * „..parted for the south M r.i from punishm ent otherw ise than are brought Into Ibis »tale pr in ' Pront Street Market. A WISE PRESIDENT o f O ld O ats and bla g arg of union-i M irrH> an l M r aR. | |H herein excepted, any person I dneed to go from one place |o an Empire Market. h ate rs lias aroused some feeling» | ||nli n l|i(,n a[l(| e x rr t|W1, , guilty of conspiracy for which other In this sla te by any false j Sheeland Bros. Taft as a statesm an loom ed up among the a /m y o f union men Ini; wf)rk„„.n Bn„ lh ,.v „p, „ g, M)d punishm ent Is now provided by pretenses, false advertising or de j W hite Hou»e Market. like a chicken house in a fog ♦he “land of the free that ww" ‘ J ,n organizing and assisting any Of the Inws of tl is state, hut c e |i,b e representation, or brought A. Groue Market. when he refused to let Fred War­ a ’ moat m ake on ordinary m o r ta ls b()1|d |h(. |(M a, unlon o, such laws sho I a» to the agree Into the state under arm s pr re-j Columbia Market. ren of the Appeal to Reason break want to blow up the whole I t,„,lr (ra(t W e ,e g ie , the fact, m en,, com bination and contracts moved from one place to a n o th e r , 1 Kindorff Bros. into jail. The game was too raw. archy o f Loa Angeles I f «ueh that wages w ir e so low In thelr heretofore referred to, lie eon in this state under arms. City Market. It looked as If Warren had slipped thing« transpired In almost any line Io com pel their depnr,lire fur Sec. 6. Any workmen of this Btruetl as If this act was therein John's Market. som ething to the federal judge to other country under the sun, there greener pastures contained; provided, that nothing state, or any workmen of anothrr Ludwig's Market. send him up. Taft abhors any I would jje a genuine, old fashioned state who has or shall be Influ­ in th is ae, shall be construed to Palace Market. Indication of corruption In the revolution "Johnny on the spot. enced, Induced or persuaded to en­ Herber, I,. Hurt who lias been i authorise force or violence. Bay City Market. 'ederal Judiciary, and w isely re­ T h e m anner In which organized See 3. I, shull he unlawful for gage with any persons m entioned e'-vployed on Ihe Grand tim ing the Arbor Lodge Market. fused to let Judge Pollock "de­ la b o r on tha Pacific coazt In par­ si eight years as head m achinist ,my com pany, coriioratlon or other In section 3 of tills act, through Hay Pairebild Market. liver the goods" Thus is the tic u la r and f h . Whole ecu,.try In P" is is ltlo n nm l em ployer of labor doing b u siness or l»y m eans of any of the things Freedm an's Market. honor of the federal liench upheld. genera, h « . anbdoed the nh«nn f((r Hr, t|gh ( , „ therein prohibited, each of said In this state. Iiy him self, them ­ B. P. Jones. anim al Instinct to do physical com to nmblo with his fam ily, where they selv es, Its or thelr agents, or at­ workmen shall have the right of Denver M arket. In Portland the Single T axers hat upon such Insult only goes torneys, to Induce, Influence, per- action for recovery of all dam ­ character "and w ln n,a*“ ' ’ h<'1' ,u t,,r‘* h0 " “' M r• _____ A. M. Place. find great difficulty in securing show th e ♦yue-blu* Burt whh of ih<* Kug<*iH*! miiui I f or engage workmen of »ny ages that each wotkm an has sus W averly Market. men of any reputation or ability noble principles of the rank and Typographical Union No. 4t'd) a,. | <■]„«» or calling Into tills sla te to tained In consequence of the false to opiiose the Single Tax e it h e r ; fO« » f ««-called “under dog»." * h o the tim e o f his resignation, he la work on any kind of labor In this or decep tive representation, false nt the People's Forum or th e , List of Unfair Shops. a re n o lesu than the backbone one of the best maeliiulst-opera-1 state, through or by m e,m s of advertisem ent and false pretenses Henry George A ssociation me«/- and’ hTBtn— not to m ention sinew tors In the valley and has a host false or deceptive representations, used to Induce him lo change his Alder Street Market, Pirst and lugs. • and braw n— of this continent. of friends In Eugene w ho regret false advertisem ents or false pre place of em ploym ent, against anv Aider streets Hut organized laboring men are to sea him leave Ini, wish him . ten ses concerning the kind and com panies, corporations or other O rcldental Market, Pifth near The so-called reduction In the beginning to re a lize th a t such all se e r e ss In bis new field. | < haincte: of the work to be done, em ployers of lalxir. directly or In W ashington. price of food is »«Vi per cent tre a tm e n t Is helping them to win directly, causing such dam ages. S late Market, First and Salmon. ______ I nr amount and eharaetet of the th e lr cause W e know now— n«, Prank L. Sm ith, Pirn, and Alder, fat e. IjSlest reports Indicate tha, H ie , of the cunningly contrived coni and all his 22 m arkets Bia,te r w hs, our firs t feelings were LEGISLATIVE NOTES em ployes of Hie Dooth-Kelly saw j pi nsallon law. w hen O tis and hla bunch of under oh Nob Hill Market, Pirst and Irv­ m ills and lumber cam ps will lie | ♦ A. I. Mason, the fraternal ♦ dogs tried to brand u» In the eves . . i izi . B looks as . II the people are ing. put to work soon, after being idle | bvj from the State ♦ of the world aa de»|ieradoes and to depend U|H> i All the fuss about Dairy Com King Hill Market, Twenty third ♦ delegate ♦ Grange to th late Pederá- ♦ anarchists— that this late«, bomb a good ,»..tlon of ,h ‘‘ * ‘nt" ' lhe hard commc ommon sen se and hoti- uilssloner Bailey Is to m ake « and W ashington. ............ (|> governor v when m aking ♦ w hich was hurled at us w ith such follow ing n general reduction In slv of the to head off dus, and do nothing. It should not Belm ont Market, 1012 Belmont. ♦ tlon of Lal deadly In te n t has fallen far abort wages. T h ese men ought to l»‘ a lot of bills that the representa­ rcqiHre ten m inutes lo dispose o f! Boston Market, F irst and Burn-J ♦ his farewell address to the ♦ w ere, they b l e of Ihe lutei'en»' will »hove his ruse. i side. ♦ convention, said: "1 ain a ♦ o f Its m ark and exploded In our organized. If they enem y's camp. W e believe, w ith would not have to undergo »ueli through the legislature during the --------- I Chicago Market. 1«7 Third. ♦ carpentei by trade Am » ♦ treatm ent In order that thelr em ­ m illions o f our brethren, tha, all Jones M arket, Fifth and Stark, ; ♦ m em ber of I-ocal 50 In P e r ,- ♦ Inst days of the seslon. The legislative s i s e on es s i e suit. the money possessed by the ployers might endow co lleg es wltli Eagle Market, «47 M ississippi. I ♦ land, and on my farm up a, ♦ e x p e llin g to fool Governor W est. “ Beast'* In I-os Angeles w ill never money which t icy produce. The attem pt to turn over the Elkhorn Market. 1612 E. Tliir- ♦ Hood River I have built what ♦ ♦ 1 rail the t o s e r of Babel. I ♦ ' , •llionds and streetcars to a state PAPER TR U ST SAVED M e s s i» . Hetland and Leinew eber teenth. A GREAT FAKE Haw thorne Market, 403 Haw ♦ invite you all to com e up ard ♦ , com m ission ts full ot blowholes; ol Clatsop » an t to "tote fair" on W take a laok over the Uarduu ♦ labor 'natters, tint are not alw ays 1 tborne. W henever anv big nian afactiir-! >" >» 'he ♦ of Fldrn." ♦ Leer Market, 1U6 Russell. In nothing more signal Is the I . 1 . m easure to lie tiitltal il and voted able to know just what to do. ing trust want» to »cate a legl«- (hfi (i<>|t)>)(. ,.„r, | H„d A eut Ideas. F act rem ains that th« the discovery of Hi. real culprit so-called “labor m ovem en t” (m ean- The Tv al I pion member» Ing e ffo r ts of organized labor» IH In North Ann in a are not r e g a id c l a m ovem ent for leas "labor"—less even with slightest suspicion in hours of u sele ss, fatigu elu g la b o r 'th e e y es of the world in this mat by a sin g le in d ivid u al—but more : tor. No union o f tailoring men con cen trated energy and better 1» held responsible ot the Ixis se r v ic e on a cco u n t of shorter A n g e le s d is a s te r In th e e yes ot H ut wc h ave been ac­ hours, w ith a frosh Individual to th e w o rld con tin u e the labor when the other c u s e d a n d p e rs e c u te d w lttio u t rea- b ecom es fatigued and u seless All son o i e v e n c o m m o n s use fo r s.* of which gives b elter satisfaction long alw ays sailing calm i. to em ployer and em ploye allk. bya with our banner ot Justice floating elim in a tin g labor of the fatigued | In the breeze un-uillled by gi. m ind on oody and giving m o r e ' and avarice, that th. world 1» 1 t i n as­ m en an o p p o itu n lly to work and ! ginning to respect us in ure, and to I now tile n a t u r e ot enjoy good health. w o u ld m ake the "Beast” who worse slaves of «11 than were th e O h, you «50,000 verniet! n e g io es before th e c iv il war T h e Is is A rig e le s r im e s disaster, W e read much concerning the SATURDAY SPECIALS THE MISSION TEA SHOP 55^ SANITARY FISH AND POULTRY CO. fS POWERS’ GREAT Removal Sale YOU SAVE FROM 1 -3 to 1 -2 L A D IE S Visit Our N e w S u it D e p t . Now the second floor, this department is now second to none in Portland. Everything arranged for the convenience of our patrons and we fit and alter our suits free and guarantee satisfaction. Lome in and let us show you that we can save you from $6.00 to $8.00 on a The Greater East Side Department Store fa ls ity shown great aingla o f the Oregonian so clearly . „„„j,,,. ()|1 b,,th But If we n»u«R than In tta treatm ent of Hie la la i> Into fits It th retta n s m eeting last week of Ihe withdraw from 111«* h I h I f un less Hi have one we prefer th«* local <»ne |H-rmittcd to overwork ami j U s e rs at the Masonic Tem li M etropolitan M arket, 530 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ MEAT CUTTERS The Meat Cutters a te the most The hilt to do away with Ihe underpay Its men. The paper bu st hospital graft Introduced in the imposed upon body of workingm en 1 Not only did It m ake m isstate- In Oregon has a lo, of tmorgar i s e il . I senate bv Sinnot 1» a good one. In the city. They usually begin "doing tin’ .' at | (){ a)) (b( |iern|r |„n», vicious and work at 4 a til, and quit a, S Biencs about P els In controversy underpaid men A bill p a scc i the j aggravating petty thievery the p tn , unless there 1» som ethin» O«vr th e operation of the sin gle Oregon Ulty tax In V ancouver and Victoria. B senate which would he .e com particular to he .lone around the hospital graft i» B- C . htlt It m isrep resented th" pilled Ibis concern lo work It«! shop. In which ease another hour u tte ra n ce s and sta tistic» of Mr. men eight hoar» a d a ), or change | Roll rails are wba, Hie sly !«>»•• ' » « ma' be put In, and Ihe F els and Mr U'Ren oil Ho plat Its .nfernal » '» lin i of 12 to l« i Etfort« <*i I I’“ ' *i°n 1 on* clvBlze.1 Helan» d -n t H I- form , and u tterly Ignored the hours a day to sotni Effort aft»*r effort ha» been mail* Ralph C. CL'de to "*" C» 1 » condition«. The ftpeech of R. b. S cott, one of the sebi dale H-nored by Speaker Husk to m < nr«* Then Hie tin si lobbyists go, 1,1 su b stan tial and leading b u siness d v d .- IIU. » roll rati» I» CSU«.- be nwn are not able to form »« m en of W lnnepeg. who told of busy and the sen ate revoked It» I. piavlng politics" amt not mak ► tioiig nn organlrafton an the no .w e e n of the Idea of exem pt- own action Such awful luglstn- tin - ce8«itie» «coni lo demand. loisine»» of B. G“ w a v «‘z S i C o m m e n t , from Oixabm, t n i , ..... w a . »o re ....... tv. to thu trust One fit in block« them moat vin • h e w estern Canadian »,»,<-». To that It threatened to withdraw prof, »»i n i diet I x » h , >c( m em e* it«* trade al* h a v e told of thl» great advanee from the state. Its sla v es w ill' MiHnre do. inoM eiiH reh from the working •‘H’ •» hours .»ix.I1 . . . men and women Tim e and again would have given .. the .. lie ... to every .„n ...i___ b iot.- a.. to work «..., tor I 12 an.I - I I Hiis film ba» liven fined In the atatem ent that the O regonian | .|,aw d o w n the princely sum of .11 j Multn-unab .n on > >a . .. court» for »citing Impure, ailal makes concerning the operation of IS c.ntK an hour for It. Sedili ill »mailer delegat on . utsHon b istt't.» from all Indira Pod) -oil well, let It pn»s. teiati-d, rotten or unsanltury'-hieat. such a system of taxation ' ,i< is. In connection with the m u When the tuberculosis cow » ‘ w ere Ruch a ahe«l ta not a newapaper apportionm ent bill; but if » h.rg.'i oeliig .lea n ed up all sioum FUiere ONLY FAIR ____ AND SQUARE In the »trl^t sense o f the term ; I „..legation would contain more ol | , i» mon- than suspicion that the It la an organ of «perlai privilege lo . o bint violate thelr ple.lte* — keep ___ _ the peopte blind governm ent nagging. kln.l -„..„i nitons 'be i meat went on the blocks of the th in k in g to a n d ’ bwcau»«- o f 'it s falsifying » «»J J spying suimi-vlslon a,id holdup on and work for » ’ c r )Ib>I1B, ' foal m ou th ,.I »mt fouler lighter e v e n ts and su p p ressin g n ew s o f , , h.. part of Hie postofflce admlnls- fe * e r ihe the better. lo t Hie ,m at b u st. -«t.tat ion »'Hl in te re st that Injures Ba B t 0 , , ra,|„n concerning Hie entry of r"'"* ‘ „cojde "'*' ' reslauraotk and I..-. « tin tlP ltlll« * : ...................... • n S t c ^ e s b o U H 1» more v « „ - w »papers to the m a t,, ts un mt» b-pre.e,; J , , R Hmard,ng h ou se, ’ ’ ■ of ,h - lower of giud.-a, this "fighting ,he ' meat «Able a» an opponent of any «ood n eCc«sary. absurd and dangerous trust" product went. A strong m ovement Is ' lsi’ •ausc than It w ould be as an all)'- ,o -liberty Amt now. although tills coAecrn V ictoria went for the sin g le tax I being started to secure a law that m e "Interest»" senators don , an() |(< gaudily advertised pro- by a vote of fiv e to one on J a n -' w| | | allow any publisher to send «ary 12th, but the O regonian not printed m allei a, a fixed mid like Pnn K< llaher for telling '■ " '„q c» » ,||| are on the nnfaiV Hat. th.-m a, amt g '' 'ainl e v eiy union man and woman I only did not publish th is new s lot uniform rule, regardless of wheth much b o th about Hum ’* know» it. the nionev earned by or- fear Ihe pmiple o f O regon m ig h t 1 ,-r It 1» paid for, »old on . r elit or Ing thelr gain.- »"»> _ 1 flin* It out, but B put I f " ’ he ¡g tv m aw ay, precisely as ts the cordhiglv aubteeted to all *<>r' s I ganlz.'d labor In abort hour, and l ’.-rbaps I- » »lab- hBnitar) conditions continue» to mouth o f Joseph P els a statem en t I ca se with letters or circulars This of hum iliation that V ictoria had the sin gle t * x ||g the only fair and square win nient about the gam. wilt be ex fl(iw (n|o , he (t]| of thtg utterly ami contem ptible 1l,e sam e as Vancouver, when In to handle the m atter Good thing, punged from the record» amt then- unprincipled l v In given greater publicity than g arr|,.r workingm en who boast» fact Fela knew of the Victorian ' push It along Victory before a u y o n e e ls e out- [ ------------------------------- ever. I th»t he h«s "busted the Meat Cut --------- |t e r s up, and ktn do It a a ln ’" aide of the city, and would have - a great deal of fuss la being No member of either house or j need to mention h l, name been Ih e last man to have m a d e . mud.- |n aonte legislator» over There la M eh i l assertion , or admtaWfbn (he endorsem ent by resolutions of ».-mile can vote for the e o m p e n s .i-j, |„ com mon enough However, Hie ,t..n blit without dlsltnetlv under-1 nothing to he said but that the fhe O regonian in a crooked and ' the Oregon w ay faked account of his reception a , < hunch of polities! hash, . ns who standing that organized labor do.-» taste and »tonisch» of the union • private residence In Portland block th e -e resolutions have on ly not want it and will no, have It. man or woman who esn dlgeat his flabby m eats must he strong one vote en< h a, the polls, and placed unotaUon m arks ar.mrtfl It Is a disgrace to organlted la­ Tlie saw m ill proprietors have Much action« are In strik in g con- the p.xiple Indorse the D iegon udi a rondttlon exist». meetings, aa a m a tte r of news, way by m atorltna Hla, make Ho- written to the representative» and I bor that ».-nuloie ffiitu tl>>- different part» I If organised l»l»ir's dollars »pen, tra s t to the Journal, which tries »perlai privileg'd liatón» of Or-e­ ’ for the re- for meat wen, only where the to give the news. This paper gave go* faint In the b g i.-n of the of the »♦ - peal of -» by m ean »' union card w«» displayed It would solar plexus. p ie to greet Joaeph Pels • 539-41-43-45-47-49 Williams Ave. We solicit monthly charge accounts. PROTZMAN CAMPBELL SHOE COMPANY 146 F IF T H S T R E E T Men’s Union Made SHOES Up-to-the-Minntc Style» That FIT and WEAR 1 Special Reductions A S A N IT A R Y B A K E R Y on High Boots la the place where you «hould buy your bread. T h e L o g C a b in B a k i n g Co. Have moved In th e ir new quarter« on Vancouver Avenue and Fremont Street W ith th eir modem ovens and their blending, gifting and proof­ ing system, they are able bo bake the best loaf of bread that can be made. They have the lightest and best ventilated bak­ ery tn the Pacific roast, and they employ nothing but union labor. T h e lr place is open for inspection at any time. $8.00 Boots Now $6.51k $7.00 Boots Now $6.0