THCKSnAY FACE PO RTLA N D S IX WHY line »an U pton Sinclair. In w ritin g about tock from hi* desk a , ; s w r , ” sB plenty to Bwa.iw»- health *nd liera'i. »• ip uith h a t * h ic h í m hot. >11 i tu to man, won plenty of t l,h and Ig n o ra ri ,» wot kerb b> h T lta g e and child have enjo) it m favor of COR. FIR ST and W ASHING TO N am t h» «rt u n d e r a r a g x » ^ th eir favor. T h eir ow n ersh ip of wtth the r»nark, Y<.u i.rli.g s h i r t t h a n I tlo of a block be id bloa* with a b a n k a c c o u n t, union man i> i .» i d i s i v s p«* an?«ui»- ex- H» <'HUM- th e courts is sh ow n in the follow- the suit in any of thou»- m> <1 i» s into the union I rea.iz»» that ’T B«-< a>iM ‘ "I sp en t a great deal of tim e; told me that thr«- .., to n d;n, a bowl of aoujt for MUife thi« k< n u« am htirring s o m e An siu l.ttu g political and financial after it was n , . 1« k„ won an - i «bud poor Imiigi con d ition s in New York city for had been appointed to ¡he • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bly tw o n ovels, 'The M etropolis lit New Iono v, one h n and "The M oneychangers." 1 met Intimate friends a w . i k i ,' *n Btany o f our financial and political lawyer, came to him with a pun leader* and aorne of them told p o s itio n that I -> In “ (l 11 1,1 m e th e insid e truth about condl- New Yuri- <•!'■. . ''« t u t T h e M e a t Eutters held an eu- Th< Hat; Diego I’nion and Tri- tio n s A m ong others, 1 cam e to f r o m M r E H 11« r l t n i n f Lf'y thusiaHiic mei-tfng Monday even ­ i ♦ •« » nti voluntaria advanced bun»- know in tim ately the late John 14 ■ thou.und d o lla r* per e a r lo r f iv e D ill, who w as a legal au th ority— years and they need n o t d o any w ag»*> of tí •• printf rs fifty cents ing a' u b u b « . - v e r m new m em bers Ih»- oihei papers foh».' »*|»ovraplibal by l i e .cri'iary of ih«- union. Cut poratlon law yers in the country spend and becao.-e h«' *«« union, but its m < letat'v warn* He* t b .- i s l mil and pame ii up where and later he becam e s member of j of the game of cotrup'n< 4 your wile »an ► «■»• II Patronize of the court of app eals of t h e 1 H lf am wa r to hi 1 e r » , f r ’ e n d artists that it is a good town ’ he union “Imp“ a. d knock those Mr Harriman An- T X n* i »»m ain away fi«»m to State of New Jersey. He is dead was Go back W II I Dial are not unionised wants i* g«d f <»n now , and so I presum e 1 am at and lake him this r ' l - i y F a ir M jrk e ts , lib erty to tell som e of the fa ct“ [ i fisherm an and )on will under I ¿1 ve tl.» .-tuff E i. ill M a i l . ! . T e n t h a n d Ever w hich he told me out of his own ' stand It a 'at trout d o e s n o t life-lon g know ledge of the cour-s I rise to a fly (t. e.«i iz» d "t • . • i II. lit.out u< h C entral railroad in an Important 'a fat trout h» 1‘ a i •' M.i - .iz • it* ’I h« National Guard Forty fifth I Tbotni “i.n * Mark. Cult and went to one of the high ! n r< * m p ;.riM » n Is an Insu t to the f ’olumb IS, < thio, lb a i at - !»••« t , and it. n ot.t o ffic ia ls o f the road to consult 1 pig for a hog w B I q »it » hi n h» It K M aik.t, Thirty . ven ib an d kim about the cose, the official has enough In IP* lis t e r , N Y , a ni.tort . is I law t Ian tie u n in lighting printing «. nc. ru Mt 'I,It,..r Market MTat avenue has tun« by the Ixtarti. '.nd the and Base Line sl.c ii.t i, in • barge. N llaugg Market, t"il I'm atilla T he regular w eekly m ealing of The « b a n g .“ in bout of British avenue Hion avenue Failing .Market Tirteo h.ibdr. d l< athi'i»ori . >' th e d irectors wa* held on A'ednet"-j labor reported «“ taking effect in «lay January 18. P resident Oberon November, affected )>••, workp» o have b» ♦ fi on a strike s» v« tul mid Failing. pie whose working time was re­ moniti , .n N< »urk, N J. Adam Treher, 428 Failing. der presiding. ut k Jaiti.-h A l i c i g o t i , I'.- Failing and A dm itted on transfer earns: duct'd by 79« hours per W allace l^ b r , bocal 76; W. E Tb»* granite cutter's union, th<* Tenth '.4 Savier. The Italian railway men bave niarbl» cutters’ ami H u h rk o o i P b a F a y ette, Ureal 105. Dropped the stone .on.] and Fust B o m * Mai el, from m em bership Peter Tinitii. decided to defer the i hreatened ( iit t e is ’ unions have recently or- S u sp en d ed : John Seltenreich. strike until the end of January in guniz»‘d a district < ouiu il of stone G lia n Model Market, t’.k g Milwaukie, ’[bllbrook order to give tin governm ent time ’ in«l» s for San Erancisco. g r a v e lin g leaders i'm atilla Market, 1 m atilla and to .inn nd 11.- bill granting them Ko. 78; A1 Sm ytha, No. 37. S"llW (Mnb The law and leg isla tiv e com mit an luci eu.-e of wag«» The Chicago Ty |H)gtaphlcal A II Wing. 969 Albina. tee subm it the follow ing for ac­ I'nion i quire* e i . i y apprentie" tio n at the n ext regular m e e tin g .1 ’I he net result of all cluing." K II Barsch, Peninsula avenue, ti. lake the emir*.' of 111*1 ruetion S t, .lo tîn s . w h ich occurs on T uesday, Febru- . in British wag. » faking effect In g in n by tiie International. 7. ¡N ovem ber war an Increase of 1-2 Gus Keim 519 I nlon avenue! Endorse an am endm ent to *ec pounds |s-r week, as co m ed , ('lin er Leaf. 556 W illiam s ave­ Ib.k«'i afield. California, typo- nue tlon 19, paragraph a, price list, with a d .erea s. of J o pounds Canyon Mai k. t Eighteenth add aa follow s: And four hour* with ¡per w e k in Ociob.u and a ,le cía n tiled ar’ isl* have cv ryihlng Jeffei son or Without dancing, 8«««. ¡crease ol »7 pounds per w c k in , *lgn< d up in that town John Kenipker In se ctio n 7, price H it, second November liM># t il ler the name of the Book- Terminal Market, Second near cla*« vaudeville, defining the tim e Ext luslve of seam en, the num keepers and Asfistiintt.' Asm . la Alder during which I hour* Khali re­ tlon, Chicago city hall eb rk s and Peoples Market, I’irst and T ay­ be applied, ka tw een 2 p. nt and bei ul British workpeople potted a* l ull'll In till- course of assistants of «1- heads lor. 11 p. nr. a union and will Parker’» Market. In the m atter of providing no­ their «mploy mi nt during Novcm baye formed Front S trict Market, Front and tic e for passing engagem en ts, bn was 291, an Increase of 36 a s. lii that In the next budget w hich w as returned I the com ­ computed with 'Ic tid si and 6» a* a tplnlmuni salary of «1500 a year Gildis. ¡lie pall! Itta.kkeepers and clerks. Emiurc Market, First s t r e e t .11 m ittee for farther consideration, compare.I with November, 1909. Klieiand Bros , Sixth street. * th e follow in g la offered: In all Th<* number of fatal a<«-Identt» T H E A N G E L O F D IS C O N T E N T Vhln lioiise Mark. t. E levegfh c a se s a postponed or cancelled en ­ and East Harrison • gagem en t without 12 hours notice to British «‘ h u i o ii reported in No­ Sam W alter Flos*. A (irone. Eighth and ('.rant. Shall be rem unerated a* If post­ vem ber wan 121, JiF ronipai» «! with poned. e sc ep t Wtiere the postpone I I l f In October and 104 In No- When the world was forinen and ! I olnnibia Market, Fourth and result i vemiter, 1909. Caruthers. the morning sls-s, Blent or c g i|C®I', *«on *8 '^c result 1'pon their path* were sent Klndnrff B ros, Grand avenue g f a (m lirai or sudden change bejrtrtld the control of e n ild o y ln g ! Tiie numl.ei of British paupers Tile loftiest Itrowed of the aitg. .s and East Morrison City Matket, First and Columbia was named party; provided that a business relieved on one day In November The Angel of Di*conl. nt. Transfer .Market, Third and Al­ or social disappointm ent shall not «•orresponde.l to a rate of 223 per 10,000 of tile « stimi, ed po|.u , der. c o n s titu te such a change. John's Market, 62 Sixth N. And he dwelt with man lit caves Further recom m end an amend lalion. L udw igs Market, 260 R ussell. of the hills, Blent to paragraph **, preamble, to A strike of 12,'U'tt do. ktueii sritl Palace Market. Where the crested serpent stings, Bieet the above change Provided; Bay City Market. tiger tears and the! th e engagem ent Is not rem unerated j coal heavers at Barcelona Spain, And Ihi Mhe-wolf howls, Unfair Market* a s If perform ed, notice of any lied up the Im sintss of that port The American Frank I,. Sm ltli. Second an .1 Aild lie told of better tilings J postponem ent or cancellation must on I t e r , tuber 3« Alder. be posted on the boards at head head-, unit German m ercantile houses Alder S tr ict Market, First and quarters u n less pqrsonnl notice it ¡h ave pelitione.l ' I n goierum ciit to And tie led man fourth to the Alder towered town. given. Ultra Jurisdictional engage- ».•lid tioops to tiie water front to 11.1 id. ntal Market, A-Tfth and Anil forth to the fields of corn; Bients notice shall tie applbsl rela­ »liable them to tem ovc th. ac* n And lie told of the ampler work Washington. tiv e to the last public cim iej'aut e limb.ted tin t cl., tidlse. Nob Bill Market, Twenty-first ahead preceding. It was announce«! in the Vie For which his race was horn and It lin g All private clubs have been clas ti.rtan legislative council recently King Hill Market Tw enty third •B led under e ectloa 22. second part (w here no liquor Is so ld i, and that there w .rc 20 chairmen of And lie whispers to uun of those anti Washington hills lie sees Arbor Lodge Market, G rid y and may l»e contracted for accordingly wages liiiaiils They ar. paid 10 In the blush of the golden west; Portland Boulevard. Under aectlon 32, price l is t : ► litlllugs for any m eeting of tile board that ts held only in the And they look to the light of his Belmont Market. 1012 Belmont. W h e r e more than tw o session s < forenoon or afternoon. h i i i I one I Boston Market, First and Burn­ lifted eye per day are given under paia- ' IKJuad for a m eeting that lasts j And they hate the name of rest side. graphs c and d, they shall be pro ¡over the ninraiiig or that runs Chicago Market, 187 Third. rata, except where the work is of D enier Market, 230 latrrabec. different nature than the other from the afternoon into the even In the light ol lhat eye do«'» the Joni'S Market, Fifth and Stalk slave behold lug geaalon. Eagle Market, 847 .Mississippi. A hope lhat ta high and brave, Recom m end that parrgrapha a Some 182 ontployers in thè prln And the m adness of war com es E!l^ Horn Matket, 1612 E. Thir­ and b o f aectlon 31, price list, ba clpal mine* and faetorle* of New teenth. Into his blood. m ade applicable to riding schools. South W ales, Victoria, Q o c c iih For he knows him self a slave Roy Fairchild, 209 W ashington. land, South Australia and Tastila Glencoe Market, Forty fifth and H E N R Y G E O R G E A S S O C IA T IO N nln lia ie In eli summoued t.y thè The se tts of wrong In (he light Belmont. Haw tl or ne Market, 403 Haw of that eye A sp ecial m eeting of the Oregon Fe.letatcd Engine Driver* and Flre Match on with victorious songs; thorite. H enry George association lias been » associatim i before tiie cono lone S^irkj'i, 60« I'nion avenue. called to m eet at the W orcester monwealtli arbitratimi court iu re- For the stjen gta of right com. s I.«‘er Market, )u6 Russell. lilt. th. ir hearts building. Saturday evening, .laiiu spect lo a dispiit« over wages aliti W i o i r they behold their wrongs Metropolitan Market. 530 W il­ ary 28. to m ake arrangem ents for working condltlous. liams. th e reception to be given *lr A splendili rally of unoigaqlzed 'TIs I'v the light of that lifted Multnomah Market, 512 Wash Joseph F els. the m illionaire pro- Ington eye nioter of econ om ic Justice from stanghici' house eniployes and sau- Th: t err o r » m ists are rent Pavilion Market, ¡23 Third. Philadelphia, th e follow ing Mon sug. . «sin* Wotkers look p i a r e a t Roso l it.i Maiki t, 653 Fast Mor- • lay or Tuesday. The legu lgr a m eeting held under tlu auspice» A guide to the tatde laud ot I rlsou. Truth m eeting will tie held at the sum. of tire Butchers Eniployes' Federa | State Mai k. t, 221 I'lrst. la tin- Angel of Discontent, place on January 30. but may ad tlon at Melbourne, Australia, r e I Charles Thornton, 139 Killing* Journ to a larger hall im m ediately Icently. Mr C li Anderson, thè W atrh th e announcem ents. Am ¡ s w n t a r y of lite tinlon, who pr. Ami still lie looks on with his wmrth. j Hairy Wood Market Second ahil lifted eye man « m woman In sym pathy w ith , rided, spoke > Include iiiiskPIed Work On n light that shines on the era aa a fuvoratde slgn of thè glimmering hills sp ecial and regular m eetings. llmea. Of a diviner day. RESTED WITH HIM bow the cap ita list in te r e s t, se e t o 1' o u n of N t* Vu,k UNION NOTES MUSICIANS UNION IN T E R E S T IN G FOREIGN NOTES FO R U M A new award of the Melbourne Piute Glass Trade John F. la.gan the well known (A ustralia) «teonomle politician, spoke at the ; W ages Board provides for Increase P eoples Forunt last Sundav e v e n ­ ! In wages, of which the following Pencil hand ing to » crowded house on 'Ore . are the principal gon In Relation to the Single Tax " | emlto»*« r. raised Iron, Is p. t hour 1-2 «1. rubla rout em bosser, He avowed h lin s.lf as a sin gle 1° taxer, and gave a series of rea 11 1 4 d per hour to Is: men turn ■on* for his faitli that showed a lug out lead from the mill for long research Into th« foundation lead light glaziers, k . 4 «1 | h t of things Tlo m eeting was Pie- hour tu 10»; «em riiti is, 8 34 d p< r In hour to iOil; plate glass « utti r. cut aided over l.y It Soils Colien his addtess. Mr la.gan quoted As ting all kinds of e»“t plate or ■essor Ziegler a h Isdng in favor r«dl«d plate glass. Is per hour to of F » abolition ount]...................... Navy Beans, jier lb.............................. B'.-.t Hard Wheal Flour per r ick “’ate Brand Butter, per r o il......... .“ ¡ic e d P e a c h e s , p e r l a r g e can . . l i e « wheat Flour and F'arina, pei sa c k . Shelbvrn Butler and Grocery Store lit lx m.'ind Hie I NIONJ LABEL 4O IK IH A ItK of coffee and tea, for----- $ 1 . 0 « 3 boxes T oothpicks. . . . . . . . R id Chill Beans, per Ih .. . . 7 < Best Oregon Ranch E ggs 4 B < 10< BEST 25c COFFEE IN THE MARKET. ....... 6«* ................5 r ____ $ 1 . 3 5 Hoffman House Coffee, flavor, strength, color; per lb., 3 0 < ; 3|4 lbs. for.......................... $1.00 THE MISSION TEA SHOP ........7oe MIDDLE OF BUILDING ........... I O * .............4 5 « “ S A N ITA R Y F IS H A N D P O U LTR Y CO. HALIBUT PER L B ........................ steelhead Salm on, per poninl..................................... ................... 1 3 'z < Spring Chicken, per lb .................................. . oiunitda itlvei Sm elt, two isjun ds.......................... WE KILL OUR OWN S p e c ia l. NON-UNION PUBLICATIONS Following is a partial list of the I ui :u ations that are classed a« con union by the International Ty- pigiaphieal I'nion: A. B. C. Pathfinder Railway Guide t B oston,. \m erican Beverage and Food Journal (CincinnatiJ. American Blacksm ith I Buffalo. Digest. A m .,lean Digest Annual. American Farm Review and Pl- ge-t of American Agricultural Press t Rochester)- American h-rults t Rochester i. American Inventor (N. Y. City) rican journal of Pharmacy - 1 i,.iadel|>hia t. American Journal of Medics “Icier,ces i Philadelphia t Amt rican M achinist IN Y t'lty American Painter (N. Y. City t American Sportsm an (Cleveland Ohio). Animal Friends (N. Y. City l. Atlantic Monthly i Boston i Biblical World (Chicago*. Bill Board (Cincinnati, Ohio). Black Cat (Boston*. Blue Book (Chicago*. Bundle of Stocks tl. O. O. F I (Columbus, Ohio). Catholic Standard and Tim es I Philadelphia*. C atholic World (N . Y. City*. Cement Age (P hiladelphia). Century (N. Y City*. Christian Advocate t Boston*. Christian Advocate (C incinnati). Christian Advocate (St Ixm tsi. Christian Advocate (P ittsburg, Christian Endeavor World (B os­ ton J. Commercial Poultry. C ongiegatloualist (B oston). Counlry I.ife In Anieriea (N Y City*. Delineator (N. Y. City). Designer (N- Y City). Farm Journal (Philadelphia*. Farm Poultry (Boston*. Farmer (St Paul). Farn^ers' Home Journal (Louis V tile*. Farmers' W ife I St Paul*. Farming (N. Y. City* Ferry 8 Seed Publications ID«“ troit *. Genetai E b ctric Review (Sche- aectady, N. Y.l. H arness Gazette (Syracuse, N. ................ ase ........... ase POULTRY AND CATCH OUR cr to force them on the taxpayers If they do, then they should It* allowed to h a n them , a w in g that th*- people of each county f«x*t tl v hills GO TO T h ~ r e c a ll Is aw aiting som e ), o! t n a t h e iy for its firfit s v \ It v ili fall on som e m em ber ot ; the Multnomah delegation, fretn all appeal ance». The Old, Reliable UNION Painless Dentists oi l Ol row \ u ie iiil- 4 - r i h a t our th a t «%«• «nú «lo h r u ltr * ;in«l p in te in r ) i S i“t < f t P u n tb K r it ik * * W o r k u r T » *c th I ( I- V * Household Companion (Boston*. Indiana Farmer ( (ndiuuapolis*. Industrious Hen tK n ozvillei. Iowa Hom estead I Des Moines*. Kansas City Stockm an and Far­ mer tries Moines, la ) Ladies' Home Journal (P hiladel­ phia * .¿djqdncott's Magazine (Philadel ph la I Idterary Digest (N. Y City). Musical Observer IN. Y. City*. Musician, The I Boston). National Guard Magazine (Co­ lumbus, Ohioi National Printer Journalist (Chi cqgo*. N aw le a g u e Journal, The (N. Y. City), Oiange Judd Farmer (Chicago*. Our Dumb Animals (B oston). Our Font-Footed Frlentls. Poultry (Peoria. 111.). Poultry H.-rald (St. Paul). Poultry Trllnine (Freeport*. Art (Cambridge, Mass ). Jted Book (Chicago*. Saturday Evening Post (P h ila­ delphia*. spare Moments (R ochester). Sporting l.ire I Philadelphia!. Sporting News i s t Ixvulsl. Sportsman's Magazine , Standard Poultry Journal (Quin I cy 1 W est Coast Magazine (Loa An ; getrsi. Wine and Spirit Bulletin (Ixmls- i vfflei W isconsin Farmer (D es Moines 6 I C ro w n * , C ro w u a i ■ i n tin y if fU-50 t o »5 1.00 I.X t e a r » <«iiMrant«*e. I ln . jr H *» n in t<» * I', m ; S u n d a y « . D tu IX U nion Dental Co. ANO Brownbltl of Yamhill has Intro­ duc'd a hill providing that c„un tl«s shall dtsjienM' with offices or create then, at pl«n«siiie of the i'eople The principle is all right Counties should have lis-al self M'lcrnnient the sam e as «Hies If they don't want a lot of officials t b . legislature should have no pow EVERY DAY POWERS’ YOU SAVE w it h o u t S ih u r IIR sT F IS H Removal Sale «•li. t ib l I« !•* «*«• 4 » rg a iiiz » ,«l u n t il« - « -r» iw ii. 11’.»* %*«• OWN GREAT I r .t ll’IK f"r< r 10< ,.ÍO< ,.1OY ,.1O< Puget Sound Sm elt, per jio u id ............. Crabs, each .................................................. H alibut, per pound ................................... MORKIHON FROM 1-3 to 1-2 MTS. T a lk in g Machine Head­ quarters Genuine Reductions Cash or Little Paym ents Eilers Clearance Sale A Genuine Sale of Talking Machines and Records Eilers Music House Demonstrates Its Selling Power Here in No Unmistak­ able Manner During This Clearance Sale. We hRve to k e n atu* k of m - \ i i : i I o v e r t h e T a l k in g Machine «lei i i ’ii« w h o < I ¡.n o n I i i ue<1 ttu sin cttw W e ln«V4‘ al<«» t p ii le h i i i uihe.- of T a l k in g M a«-lilii»‘ j« Ih n t w i l l n< t be r u tn lo g u e d ( h is y e a r T h e s e in tie lih i^ t« a te offered nt lean I lia n w h a t th ^ b ^ r s l y t u l a i l T p i t f U l l f ” lb»*) b u y t«- s e ll n u a ln . E a ch u u t h l h e l? #Teon»W » aied w i t h In. y o u r select io n . o f re c o rd n , fre»*. f l u iun< liiiie a now f i l l , a n il s o n ic fu r * * 7 .\ >2Ti eiinchlneR n e w flr tW ) , a n d •«-nu* f o r iir tfd » . F inn«) uun blue«« n o w |2 n 28. •32 .*iO iiir i bluest H4iw $19.75. in n c h liie fl doxy M o no ma« lilueM now STH !W). f'J’ ‘ ‘ nun hineR How MTi.AO. #“ .'>«•«• iiinchihev« h o w frs no. I I ’ * ' on m at hme*« now 50. a o in e j f |U7 r»". a n d s t i l l o t h e r s $ 7 5 '0 . $2tNUiU ma« h iiie x Dox* fo r 1157.-4». a n d o th e r s 9100.00. .41*4) e le u u h i h ia n d n e w 10 lii4*|j. s in g le fa c e 00 e e n t rev • M l* . D ow 2T m - each . Als4i i he f o ll o w i n g ma C h in '* w i t h o u t r e e o r d s ; $12."n iiu i. h li. i- K n o w 9 0 2T»- $27, nn ins* h ii.e a n o w 912.00 •’ •'Ut« • ma« h in e * n o w 75 $s'2, nn u iM '-h lu e * n o w 932.RO. $; n il. b in e * n o w 9Hk» fanting cure hr had dene so much to advau c said In New Y irk Fasting has become ns poprt lar as appendicitis, I hop». though, it w ont fall Into the same disit't ntc "It is ciirtently believed, you know that a leading singe..n aaid i I o w a ) to hia wit«1 one day: Woman's Home Companion " T «rp. rated on Mrs Goh.-n ( “ i iiiigti. Id. Old«., Cold« for appenil.clti. last night.' W iald's Work i ,N Y City* 'Goodness ’ said ilo lady, *t Young ( ail,. lie M. sseng. r (Dnv- wender who’ll have Il n ext" ’ '< Ohio'. I don't know,' tt •• surgeon Y ouths Companion .Boston*. nil's.-red , absently I h a m t dc < Ivied V el ’ " GOOD IDEA H u i!,, a d s m t. Hing us la O:w non that if W» ini. (fere in .u y HO per rent d'vldend robb-rv they will not extend the lines w e can build them Ml r4«ht nnrsi’h »•* wh< n wc get g.xxl and ready W «vr is lb “ Sugar, with a dollar order B it.T w heat Flour and Farina. 45«“ I.i'n ,? B .a n . per lb he m .R I-: 4 It I. Ml H |(- ( ABI WETM. M*«o n e a r ly a c a r lo a d o f ie t> . m o s t o f th e m th e I n i , «I s t y le s te « o K e d to o la te f " ! t i e | . II,la > tr a d e , t o l»e »."M V 'l 4-Ut H * f4>lloW S • 1«- nn « u b ii e t* f o r $4 r x f 9 12 50 « ‘a b ín e te f o r 9d 2 .1 Largest Western Talking Machine Dealers 353 W ashington Street 91.•« on « 'a ln u e f * 9 2n ‘4» « 'a h i. le t ». g nn • ’a l lin e i* $,.n fu» « ’ - ib h ie fs 9«n nn » 'a b ii i* J^»<’ t«n I 'a b ll. t « « b lu e t * nn I a b h ie t * f c r 9’i ‘2 M 912 75. ♦ o r 9 U 5 O for $17 50 f o r 922.75 fo r ' fo r f o r is '« N» for F I T <>% 4 ttO O O K N H O K ' Wo4««l IT ,« iia p r o d u c e Oi»‘I l« .a e *r to n e « We shall th e m o it a« f o llo w s SHU«» H o r n s f o r 9 ♦’ 7 ' 9ir< nn H o i ns f o r 9<< 9 2 'U n H o r n s f o r |U 35T |.*4i 0D H o r n s f o r ¿ X t W Opposite Grand Theatre