PAOK ««Vife PORTLAND FAQ R FOTTI LABOR PRESS State T rad es U nion Directory IqngJ as there at» legally oatah- on the blood of the poor. Woe lfahwi and protected »[»eeial privi­ unto you plutiM-iata who alt upon lege» ao long will there be an the cushions of my churrhes aud MARSHFIELD . aristocracy at the top and an Im­ *a> prayers of Christian charity P L B 1 .1 F H M » K V K B Ï T H I U S U t » MT ASTORIA T U B C K X T IIA I. I. 4 « O B r 'O D N C H . O F P t t R T I. A X 'i A X f> V IC 1 X IT T OWUIM» poverished ma»» ¡».owing poorer hut will not get off the backs of j l ocal M. »«rU« , Alaaha H . h . j w -F H d s y Guy Lutti«. Bui l«lh E < l i O * O F F l t l . L O * I X < * B M A Iir m F CON » ». >1.. and more vicious at the bottom. tho poor, but revile those who ew ber b T e J P ui. » 1st*"”2.* 11*11. H M Leutseu, A geut. Fish- Why wont the rich get off the ’ would pull ye off. B O K t lT 'lH . i « M l. »11)1 I. »-resident, eriutfu'« H a ll l i n g Bull'llug Trades Couu.dl | bucks of the poor? They do hot ' ’ Hypocrite»’ Ye are like unto RO SEBURG L'o.ox Label Ir a d a s Council. Hepr A W ord to Preachers. Moat Significant C M tm l»» C e a a rll A w ot'd and for precisely the same reason they ' whited aepulchrBB. which indeed fo u rth T-isadaya. « p ui * “ bo' O a t ral L a b o r V a lv a — O r n a r Ceuir«-Uil at. WM M-KEMZIK, O I). F O B TK . i'a rp e e la ra . K e 41*— ( ’»rner < oea i. j If the preacher» and the pro- ■ •pr»»»u llu g M uai Traue» C onseil R .p re a e n lln « B re u e r , n a d e » .» u n c u i Ye in< H » rt« o d e r. No H Z - A lte r'.« !« Sun- Htexan« S ta . ftattirdajr o if 1 t 1 I'eHHed Cbriatiane ate sincerely in tin* lalror movement In rcceqt leges conic from God Slavery had anil all urcleanuess Hon. H a c in a r y. «lioa. ■» P- IU-, leMbor E u I<» d lla ii. H . J. P A R M IMO.T , M anaging K dito r. years is the revolution in public many pulpit advocates who proved heavy burdens and grievous to be earning for a higher moral »tan <•»«» M artin, »« reta ry . M a Bond »1 L a r a e ie lir a L lre m a a *»4 K.achw>m»B by the Bible that it was decreed born - and lay them on men a Csrpoatero No » It SaturcUy» I P u> . n "íiut*,iii2rh,rá i,2 ‘tUOd‘ , ‘ ‘"l'lar'l. they mual lake oft their opinion regarding It. Ten yeaia urei, 7 p ara »1 l u u l i ' R e « e b u rf I.a 4 * a N o. S it. Hu»- L it” I id..., H a ll. V ictor « - . t e r be ' shoulders, but ye yourselves will Mastri» a»' Halt, 2 » 't Ald»r »ir»»i. , . . . .. , , „„„ ago the aveiage intelligent citizen uf God that some should O r.— J. W llohertao n. •a n d . prcmilent. reo. ie n th »ad L»» MAILI N e w . BVII.UINO. Z3Z F if t h Mrreet. P o rtla n d . Oregon. ¡ c o a ts a m i roll np their »leere., of England ! not move them with one of your O Boi 2W2. Itoaahuitf, tii 475 ___ Chailes M ectetiiry, O fflr; Bell. organised 1 la- slaves. liig to n ; Wiu , to give battle to a system that not associated with Woe unto you Chris- Ktheeutb »< P lu m b er* and Wfeatn F itte r * . \ „ fingers Teiepliooe». M arshall IMO. A Kail *haa put profit above virtue and bor looked askance at unions and claimed that God had especially ' tian C orner <'u»i aud Hlexens «ia i a .' H yi-x riles, for ye devour m M n ‘ union men. questioned the neces- appointed him to rule oxer the day ulg'it. K. J. Wa> b, t( c |* b » r ip iio a «1 ¿a adiaac* per j u t ; rat«» tu «»*»«.. . ¿ J i f “ ».**£? 'he dollar above the man. 1...... ........... " " " “ '** “ ■ Y uiiiig, president; Joe Motuc, »ecr»- Oregon, • • second . la»» uiall w a lle r In t u ì. 'I et r’ eeloffh-» »t F u rti» tdty and the legality of the one, common people, and had given him w idow s house*, aud for a pie P ainters. No. »17—Cornet •'.«<» t.-irv. iT i t'om iiierel»! »*■ privileges and moiioitolies of dl-j tanae make long prayers . . at Htevena a t * . F rid a y ulght j . Christ , m ' e r . No. 1ST l.»» i M unday. « p m.. doubted the houesty of the other. S m ith. II. C. W o e u n to i i „ |un l.oliur H a ll I. '" Langford. Uniform Taxation disapproved their objects and vine right. Ou. interesting friend mas tune m uiy ma», pre-odent . I.oida Fran lacoeli h. toc­ Team ster« No. I t * — Wed OH-4'liir ( m ethod, and considered their de- William of Germany, claims the ya. captains of Industry, truat mag ret a ry . T w e lfth uu4 Bund «•!■- «■«»ruer Co«« and Steveus. I U r im i W orker« I nlou Eirat ai»a Oregon Journal, Pori land. I mauds excessive and unreason- i same thing, and Mr, Baer of nates, bankers, plutocrat«. Ye pay guaou, K . C. th ird WedueMday, 7 30 |» in . L«»ug- taxed In the next decad< to keep ; Thf* Oregonian refers to aingla believes tithes, ye give to charity aud build T H A T * T H E K IN O B rm .o ld. p re s id e n t. <> t'arltfou. Pennsylvania honestly la few jintares for officers and tax ag "agrarian arx-lallani " The able. ___________ ____ SM fin a i i ' i n l «e»retary. bang* that Almighty God maile the uni churches and hospitals, but ye SALEM ,ve omitted ,be weightier »■“' i » ' i r n'.r T i:i.., 7.'”.* 3 ^ . : . ' ? » " ' . U til«', O t ll. Post and other floating bells for the men going !„iterance evidence« it» ignorance vrrae to rock to and fro, and ha A Catspaw Carpenters. I M i Meet« ITnlun !.*: i «; merry, faith. Jualir*. k m h . y . Lorutteii. » <.< tha subject. the coal and iron of the earth t o ‘ le fighters of organized labor (from port to port. every S aturday at 7 30 p m m . . Hall outside of Ihe What the writer, does not point , sin g le tax in it« effects, is the ta r y , F. W Ity d e r, 21tt an I m „ be conceived In Its womb for lb. make clean Ih Scc1.11,1 and w.m«c^c«w-wa. . - — ------- . . . . . Lo B <»M orrnirB i |n l« n ... — - ------ Aortere they are not op- i i - . . Klamath Falls Chronicle at a. private a i.l particular benefit of -’UP and the platter, but within fourlh w e d " « d u > ■, P , • b?“» ao,.-d to unions of worklngm n so out 1« that a few flying m achine. op, ^ ile o( .„clallsm It Is »im Hostility of the express cone gentlemen like himself ¡they ate full of extortion and ex •priiïdintl't *¡1 ^ 0 » ^ K le rtrlra t W o rk e rs . No. ftlt C • long us they are run rlgtrt. Who I Provided with bomba of fulminate | ,,j|cjty Haelf, and it ei3 r adopted kail. 420 State »tree« «.»< <»u j an , panles to the parcels post is so ___ . ,.1» cess. Wherefore behold, r shall I . « „ c r ry y mid iiu»loe»s «sent. 577 fo u rth M o n d iy at H p. tu M going to deride thia? The of silver can blow any navy into , would lessen the amount of gov* like hostility of porch-climbers You see there i» not much dlf Geo. L. Erasu re, Ho<-., it F n / send you agitators and advocates i splinters in a single night. Even ' ernmental machinery, lessen com- 2« -First *D 'l th ird a ie iu h e i« of organized labor do uot to burglar alarms that we don't ference between the feudal barons for the |»eople. Some of them ye ‘ T ta iii.'ln y « s I' t a . Morine K uala , Box M frotii the aspect of the God of plication and almost put an end pr* »„me to led the organization _____ ___ N» 72«—tlaloii ball believe it would get _ a hearing and the coal barons. Men have shall kill and crucify; some of I e * r * H u ll 577 Burnt si II Nyui»u. Faiatam. Mtrcet. f i r * ’ and th ird Tbun-J i P n -s lile n t; A. W B ry a n t. tb-.-, *.‘e s(iall scourge In your; bo, uf ctnploj'TS how io Damage their War. which we worship, every • ,o waste and inequality and Col- very long if It were, not supported ever been ready to find 8 p iu. Erueat (). Ilu rrc ll TMl dollar for diesdnaughts is purely | |,.ct|()I1 o f taxes. ta ry . It 1» 7, B u i fl it big bdilii-ss iinloes. The workers by the country merchant'» fear thority for theli own de imrsecute them from Pslwt.r» Inlot — Baronil » " .I fou rth burning money. The Oregonian say* If single tax I T h u rs'ls v . S 1 » ui.. L*ingshurt-Ui.n a St will Increase and eager to crucify as dangerous J“» ’ ’ 1“ 1 n,c,u T y p a a ra p k lra l N o. f l * — M cc ’ n f t 4t nrvnage their union« to suit them- parcels po I liall. Wui li c k. pre«l'len t; i lirls S u o da y in m e h m o n th . 4'J’ t S' «’« is ever adopted it will put an end that the busines» "of the mail-order demagogues those who deny the i c l i . •*. a n d the only kind of union» llu r r y H. U il i . .«*<•. t t«ry. ui reel. Now suppose such a man went) Hbuunseu, secretary. ltHti H » rrl» « u the SKINNING THE PEOPLE to the present "uniformity and 328 N. F ro n t etrevi. divine monopoly. It was the same Hie bo«»e» want are the kind houses at his exitense. up and down saving these things nvls. cere of .\ p « ' ’ ‘ the more the cause of the dlsinherlt- Y ork llt « i a ii ran t. ' eferentlnn. “ by Mf,J* d“‘en Bd ' e d ; would our modern society hall EU G E N E the ■ oi*-n »hop" Employers Aa- when the light trust finds out th a t; from a just share of taxation 1« people of Oregon for a referendum C arp e n te r« —A. It- B arn e tt, SOI I ill -o T /p w c ra p h li-s l No. .M Fo u rth S iin riiy . ».elation in Portland are atrug-ta private party 1» doing this that common knowledge, vote and endorsed by h ( reel. 2 p iu . l iaii.le S y lv c .tc r, secretary, gliiig for so nobly, especially the ,lt comes down to somewhere near j The complete inequality of the plainly against the rich of his day; Incarnate? or would It call him I 20tJ M »dl»"u »t Hkeet Mrtut Werkero— A rth u r Spi. ker |«,t two »pec tflcallnns that lxxdey ¡thia figure, although men who | present system is so notorious , - Cwrawwlor. No 1 45 ft-T b iir» ,la y OT.uIng. . • ii.h ii «old the rich man to give all he maun. Tl»o Bailee, O r., Geu. Delivery. important is the employers llabll- a dangerous demagogue, a fanatic I T " » p. ® , Eig hth »ml W llla iu ette »t«. 1 * ' , i had to the poor and said It was ¡have home» are pricing 15 cents that It is largely robbery, rohbeiy mentions. who ought to be shut up in Jgil O. C. Rayuolds. secretary, E ig hie»uih By pro|>OHilloii, which wap bit­ I an hour for ’be same amount of ¡of the honest man who submits easier for a camel to pass through , aud A ld e r st« VANCOUVER WASH. . . . . s eye than for a „ rich ,i-h , and never again P l am ber« s d 4 H team fil ler« N«. 4«1— to asse«»ment at full value for terly fought by the open shop the needle . . allowed __ to _ arouse _ electricity. M onday evening. 8 p. n i. E ig h th B artender« No. i t * —Second ami four’ ll FIFTEEN LABOR PRESS barbarians, who claim the right ■ __ iiu class hatred of the poor against sod \V llla m e tte eta. H . U. W^ode, r)( h? , bave wr(t. Sunday**. 2 p in. Geo. I I . Sun fo il, The remedy? Well. It I* not the benefit of knaves who sequest- to exploit, skin, maim and kill man to win up to heaven. Ho | MUNICIPAL COURTS secretary, box Kf2. a erre tary . 410 Kaat lfltli drove the hankers out of trying to regulate rates or monkey . pr property to the lim it of their ten are Christ's own words with MISCELLANEOUS labor without let or hindrance. F a in te r« Mouduy n ig h t, Painter« Hull. lll-'RS IS A Tl.dE coming In with chatter amendments. The manipulative ability. The practice ehurcb. W a ll Block ’ kas. C h ris t. t»e N o rth R a n k N e . TJI First ’gated to the « rap heap ot obllv- 'ship. | m « even patriotism Itself la duf- [»ollee and Pendleton T y p o g rap h ic a l— Meets 2 p be harried by the I cr><1ted In poverty, say a stable— if you're uot supremely gifted. and th ird T h u rs d a y aighta. Pahitci« ui. fir s t Sunday uf m onth. E e *le thrown into Jail. Oh not If he were to apr>ear Mn>oug us preach- »>..<«. the» rielunu The people of tb" state of Ore- led and deadened. lln ll. W a ll B bw k. J C Bnrd.-lcy, Wtwnlmen bull. E ln w r Baer, aevre- Or to think you'll hit the trash pile E lim n claI Secretary, Vancouver. Wn There are worse thiagn than tary. wheu the wheat and chaff a .w ,c*“ « ¡ng plainly and fearlessly the The municipal court today 1» «on gave this concern ■ power to Ingle tax. There are thing* “(Tre- gifi,.a ! ,a his hands aDd feet and the cau>e oy |^e poor and dlsinher-1 slntuly used a» a revecie-produc- generate electricity for practlca Ing adjunct to the city govern- ily nothing. It pays about »MO, valent In Oregon aud la Portland II you re not a streak of lightning ' 8rar ' ,lle B,’ear ln ?*i8 Red. as he did In Jerusalem, his | new! gX s?-d and in ,a X r v , llRhtn,UK fla' h‘ng frOnl Cl?Ud‘ ¡own churches would be the first merit and Hie money derived 1» ' year for electric power of the ¡that are Infinitely worse than sin- wii not get hc’. , ! and ‘ hal° ab° u‘ h i. heml and « t0 Jai, Wm to(la), „ dant{erou. . taken from those who are lea st, falls of Oregon City and sells It gle tax. The ay.ten. is widely It s no \ l g n Z » . awfn) voj(>e Bay|nR from the aky. fanat)pal „ . They would ALL K IN D S OF PR IN TIN G able to nay In H ost Im tances for »350.00« besides a lot it uses j popular In many cities and com- I t s no sign you will not get so voti ve little cause to worry. from men and worn-., who n .-d lf ' ¡m unllie. In Canada. In some of “This is my beloved son in whom not know him What Christian There are lots of clever fellows _______ If he came i I am „ell pleased.” help rather than the persecution There 1« some complicated bemk , them It ha» been In opetation 123 V» FIRST a-’ R C FI Biain S I M ; A -7 G 1 7 who went upward like a i w W i tbMt way e¥eQ a Christian would churches need is a more living . . , . 'entries tluii make this look a lit- for more than five years with the ance wilh Christ—the man Who are walking on their upper., i );n o w h lm _ a n d M r Morgan, Mr atd,v „ a 1 .' , . .... ... , ... .. ... js h j 0 mjt,. res U|i that It Is being copied In They need more concern with j The lu st time you have an | tic dill rent, but that out of cash and out of pocket. Rock(,feliPr and Mr, Ryan, us Vancouver recently aii- others this life anil less bother about a > oppoitunity, go down to the police »taace of It. d- ’" a‘i- J ™ . “ '5 3 ^ r e life 'c h r is , is npw to his opt'd It. In all, It is becoming court, g'-t » »est d o se u|i in frdnt It will eome in fai rlsh l».«’*« , luptigt and Catholic churches own churches only a harmless fig­ a permanent Institution. HONOR TO GRAFTERS and watch closely the proceedings To tlie slayers. 'would receive him—anybody would ure of the, past—a beautiful tra­ Il 1» only by a vote of the peo- If you do.l’i conclude very short» know a god who descended from ,,jt, n N Switzerland In 1891 a mem-Jpl« that it cau be adopted in any i t i » if his chuiehes and ly ihat there Is something radi­ heayen in plain sight with all d lsclp ies" made “h'lm""nvln7 and More for the money than anywhere else In Portland. county in Oregon if the citizens IX. you know who's moat her of coiigr«*»« »old hi« vot cally Wiuiig with the system your I fti . Its the chap whose P<’r- nlarks of , he god him. But foie^f'il. he would be as much uer- Remember, we sell for cash only, end therefore you don't have to it could not be land taxpayers of such a county fo r $10,0M0. bump of sympathy and Justice I - cverlng, I unfortunately the saviours of man- pay the other efllows' bill». ¿legally proved, but It "came out do not I'a.iri V., no county w«’l " bo has glue upon his fingers I u nd have never come that way— 1 seeuted and crucified today by n* eds development attempt it. Since It Is a . iiw Of j i the ruling plutocratic class as ever | A majority, at least, of tlie men on him. Just as such ihi.igs have L, , that »'ill help him in adhering. I ,hey aie never recognized, he was by Ihe same class in a n -' brought Into the police court are come out on Am -rlcan statesmen home rule as to taxation, and he lit won't n, Her if you're manner i We execrate the memory of the ¿."¡pnt ”j,,r„sa|pn, The man was driven from th e'fin e* II 1» In the hands of I guilty of no crime, that could not Isn't »elf-a .-ed and chlpix-r, { nigh priests and plutocrats, and Christ was uot the bloodless have been avoided If they had country by the contempt of his people them s.lve* io determine, If von hang r.ght on to something i the great imperial Rome which fellow citizens The members of there need he no fear that by its weakling of his present day fol­ F irat and T gyior S tre e t. had an opportunity to secure em­ like a hull-pup to a slipper. i crucified Christ, but are we one ployment at fair wages But Mice congroHH would not recoguizv him adoption government of, lor an Hear in n.lnd that dogged does It ! whit better? Suppose that on this lowers. If lie had been he never would have b>-en crucified. He they a re started on the downward The apesker pnld no attention to by tlie people will be harmed. and forever more will do It. | glorious Christmas In the year of au .OIL,?’ .... _5... path It la so easy to keep on his demand* for the floor on any The only thing that will be dis­ It is not the fuss and fireworks, i our Lord 1910, a man from the ,urt , the rich, the respectable, the priv- ; ["be M o re W h xra < a fter P riera H a re Not Kaiaed Nobody would sit be- turbed will lx- goternm ent of the goiitig that many never stop until ! question not tlie whoopers and hoorayers. | working classes, of mild aud be­ Excluaiva Coffee. Tea. ftplrea. E xt ravt« , A __ _ i ileged few, resting orofortably on alde him In Ihe hotel» or cafe». few for the profit of the few, who the !»■•* step has t»e’-n taken. nevolent conntenance, appeared on I Qf (he people; and h . lt's the stayer». B K T A IL A N D W U O L K N A L K are responsible for the present At home his own neighbor* and This city spends million« qf dol­ the streets saying: "All men are ' lifted his voice against them and ' member» of 1' family refused to I robtier tax ayttem lars yearly for public work which indeed brothers, and none has a , , . . . . ... . . , . , . , , .. .. ,._ h in behalf of the joyless poor. Don t |-V>Mi: k ** i wn. suu 1» let to contractor« whose »ole ascociate wlm i.nn or io recognize right to rob his brethren; the rich I ...... i M , h o l , j » „ a d Av».. c . r « . r k » i A .b you feel that he would call the Divided and Con^uorad objact 1« to make as much money his existence in any wav He Hi-»1 are robbing the poor; the pro­ smug, serene, full-bellied and con-1 lor themselves as poaalhle. The the coun’ry an exile fur life tective tariff is wrong, it is a rob­ tented Christ Ians of today hypo-j resul' !« tb»« a large percentage, hi Oregon a eeitnln mun robbed II. N. Casson iu Shoo Workers' ber*- of Ihe poor; the money mo­ iCoHthiw**! F ro m P»y finds Its way to the depositor« of a bank. He took nopoly is wrong, it is a robbery Italy and otln r foreign ciMintrlez jniot.ey ot others to »peculate with If Hie Indians had ac’--d togeth­ illy led. chronically starved, young of the poor; the land monopoly is tant fearless agitator, Christ, at- ' tacking all the plutocracy- of hls ( anil Is ttai-d to bring mote cheap ip « was brought io trial and cut- er they might huve held the coun- yet denied all the Joy of youth, wrong. It is a robbery of the day. Driving the bankers out of trv st least lor several hundred labor to this country. , vicled E ven (Mrunble elfort w a * these aometinies Ruatch desperate- i poor; th-- transnortation monopoly the temple. Calling the wealthy W e have outgrown our capacity Now why not bring about a niade to aecore ft» him release vt nrs longer, and then kept a ly at a moment of happiness and ig wrong, It is a robbery of the aristocratic Pharisees rotten sepul­ and are forced to build a new condition that would m a k e it im -ion teehnicaHtic*. This robber of large part of the weal for their " fair! I hate that word fall. If poor; the coal and iron monopolies chres, oppressors of the poor; dy­ plant. Atter its completion, we possible for a man to ottdr a : workintriu-ti. widows, orphan», this o v in us< . you will say, "are clutched and are wrong—I know, for I am the ing on the eross for his convic­ will have the most modern and gisid ext uae for not having a ' violator of the ru-t reposed in Ever» tribe, even If It had onjy drugged down," I will agree with son of God and I tell yon my tions. Think of the decorous con­ most sanitary Bakery ln this town. visible means of support Thl* him. wa» ret-eivnl io the very 5«iu members, thought it wa* big von—and by whom? Hy society, father made the earth and its ventionality of his modern h»*4t enougu lo aland alone. 1 be idea by you and me, by the church natural riches for all his children, can be done If »he city will aliol |,i*t by the self -h etc.I; about the only thing The»» men ■ f a great irrestible federation members who will sit in warm not for a few. Your laws, made , they crusade against in the Inter­ Ish Ihe contract avaient and It socl-tv" in Oregon who despise the common pertpl churches this Christmas and think really by the privileged few to 1 of all of the trib.-s was too big ni-ee»*«ry (orce theae men who est of the poor is mm; whereas, I the poor tall hilo the police net to work „ml h s'c the InlBtlve .ind ri f-reu- ,)0 f,„ ¡he narrow brain oi they are Christians because they (xirHiu 114 Russell Street. Both Phonea. . , from . . . the . fruits , of ¡if they would defy their rich ves- j their labor, aie wicked; the ">' i trTmpn an(, and n i __________________________________ ou Ihe public works, and pay dtim end liv" front re*|M>.-« il ■ (|,e ,,,d man. lie was ait aid that sing "Hot nua in the Highest." fX> you think "le miners who Iff law Is a clever robber, of t h e , aoc a(tac|| |hp lT T T ?g snti their little onea- are well fed Verily. I say- unto you, it will be evils of rum and other vices would city, hl* country, and bia life tmpdaslbk* for a tnan to lie and «lied with the Joy ol living easier for a eatnel to puss through disappear with the well fed. happy w h o tramp ot a h im Instead of h elping' The preastire being broiighl *®jw.-'l hg4e proved themselves No body of men ever bad aa at sixty dollars a month average? the needle's eye than for you and regenerate generations. him a,long. be»r to secure tha signatures "f | Friends to Organized Lahor by- plutocrat» to know God' You are Do you think nten. women and Another thing that help* m ight-blie resj erluhle e le m -n i* or t»re- rich, as cunning, as powerful, or It is not necessary to assali the signing up with the Teamsters' You individual. Uy io produce ihe present-day’mil- Kon commercial mid social society a* wall organized an enemy to op­ little children prowl about the Pbi^isbea and hyiiocritcg! Attack those Instltu-1 l nion aleipal court condition«, is the to a petition asking lor Hie par­ pose »* that ’ which bloc«» the garbage cans of the cities and ’or prelend to be so sorry for the tions of society (laws) which are I )f y w Haye Any Work Give ,t to geensed einploynirtt bureaus don of J Thorbtini U'»»s 1» said ontli of org mixed labor today. fun fish from the filth, bones. poor little working girls gone to tlie tools by which unjust rich es, Them, Iniquities. ,'hese nu-a seek and art- granted to lie almost imoaaslble to resist It will taka all of the men and erusts and bits of rotten fruit and I bell because of your are created on the one |MJV hand, and 0U JE N .R0E TRAN8FER CO. devour them, as I have seen them ’ i You sacrifice the tender limbs of unde#ervatl wiKhUnx (.rtv on tho privilege of corralling tha op ! This ia the difference existing all Ihe money and all the brain ■ Main 547—A-2247. 209 Oak St. Crixsl men and women are agl-1 children to your greed more than I (hp |)fher gortunlty to woik. The abolition he’ween Swltr-rlunil and Oregon that the lubor's force. p*is»e«a to O. F. H U S S E Y T R A N S F E R CO. ••I there licensed bureaus and the We honor grailets. and they have maintain the right* Hiat have been tai ing much for shorter working ever did the heathen to Moloch It Is all a question of economics M ain 2178. 270 Alder St. hours for women; for lim its on . Look at the little children of the establishment ol «tale and ma- had tally one to »how their con­ von and obtain moi-« —all a question of food. You may C. M. O LS E N T R A N S F E R CO. the age and hours of child labor. ■ poor—half of them will die before This is no time for squabble» nlelpal offices would do much to ti nipt for in 19 yonra. take t- o puppies of the same lit­ M arshall 811, A-5C00. 230 Pine SL -------------------------- over petty matter» of trade Juris­ IX) they renJIy think they can. b ij t h e j are 10 years of age—few will ter, feed oue generously, starve H E L L IW E L L T R A N S F E R CO. remove the excuse for the exist­ law. limit hour»? Women a n d } liv# to grow up! Wan faced, diction. or for wr»n«iea between ence of Hie present-day municipal THE MEDICAL GRAFT the other, and you will have two M arshall 1700. 1S6 Seventh St. N. rival leaders, or for concocting children must work or starve. Do ( hollow ey ed, thin and haggard, different dogs; one progressive, r a T H J A N TRANSFER CO. M aourt they »pally think these women and they will go down Into the great Then again. If such men a» OH» WEI.VE jeur» ago the Swl»* wild »cbenie» of political revolu­ the other degenerate, It is a law I F o r 2} y<*»r» ■ l « X t la C » l* l^ » Main 6301. 7 1-2 First SL children are wearing th e ir : eternal darkness wlthoul oue »in- ■renisi W o rk In P o rtla n d . U»t sul and Klrbv would encourage their This 1» a time io close little people refused lo authorize tion. lives quickly' ♦<> the grave beeadM?J^le' day dt p ie c e and joy. Here of life, well known. You cannot gHORTY'S EXPRESS CO. [tricas nud »drice. employes lo lieeome luciulxtra ol comp il»ory vaccination. In up ranks; to enlist new member» have illy fed generations without Marshall 141«. 2«5 Burnside SL W IS E D E N T A L CO., Inc. anloaa. Instead of at'.rrlng up many districts there are no vae- and new trades; lo strengthen they love the cra v e ,. enjoy ja « « r ^ 8 a |b e drJ a» the factory- dying having degenerate, vicious an d ; w E DONOVAN and covet starvation? Why not ‘ of consumption; and here the 1 )1. P resident nnd M «r tha weak places; lo teach what a trifa as they are at piescut b) . criminal generations—and the vl East 5960 r s l lln a B id ., T h ir d and W aahlngtan. go to ’he root? Why don't ttey nw(ber bent over her machine, Office M oure—» A. M . to » P. •»■ refiiKing to grant to the working- Tht, doatha from smallpox are we know of unionism mid learn get off their backk? Indeed m e etim tln g her life away. Hear the oions class grows larger and lar T E A M S T E R S LO C AL NO. 162 Snndnya a lo 1. tin n the same pririlegoe that they | no greater In bwitaerland than more; to remember how the Indi­ gi-r at the bottom aa the unjust I Phono» A and M a la 2MS. riqb and privileged ones wlD K-'j n a S h in g of the poor! Tnhercm enjoy them selves without molesta- ¡p|HUiv here. it I* said by tho».’ ans lost America, and to prevent anything for the poor except fh t ■ lo«™ every where amoug them ex cess of riches grows larger and , W» will give ra n a good 93k «old or porcefalk crown f » r . . . 9 Z A * lion, (he condition ol every labor who are fully equal to ihe beat It front being lost a second time la rg er« ! the top. Privilege is the off their hack». Hospital« they W h |t 1» its cause? Poverty. What M olar crow n* ....................................... • ing anin in this cooniry would be tnlornied advocate» of vaccination by the people of the United States. will give and soup kitchens. T |p y ; i»„Its «w e? Food and pure air cause of poverty today as it was 33k b r ld fo la e lk ................................. ASS Gold or enamel fillin g s .................. 1 •• with the Pharaohs and tlie Caesars [ Imprpved und ihe niunicliial court Ihat good utir.lug. Isolation and you, you lipmorally rich, you t l l r » r fillin g » ....................................... *• will agitate for shorter hours, and the Louia. Will Christ's fal-1 and »oHee force would be needed ii|et<-dale medlesl treatment p re­ In la y n il's » » o f a ll Miad».............. ZA» Will Hava Learned d between the poor and God's YOL’ R W 1VB N. they wont get off the hacks (load R ubber plate s ......................... Z.M lowers attack privilege as the YO LK (IIIL D R K N vents Ihe spread of smallpox. Any­ less. Th e h»»t red ru b b er p la te e .......... 1.SS ptxn- Not only the privileged own sunlight! Pharisees! Hypo­ cause of poverty and all evil as he ] ANI» Y O L R 8 K L V K 8 C allulo'd plates .............................. IA»» The unloua do not object to the way the people of Kwlixeiland will 1 Lake County Examiner crite«! lXm't tell ine that these ones »n n t—you could hardly A G A IN S T I ’ alnleas extraction «, w ith lo c a l.. .M employer* forming an organ!«!- not »land for what they call the I Tlie result ot the Oregon elee- pert tlial—but society wont; you poor are degenerate; that you are attacked It- will Christians g e t ' Painless » x tra rtle n » , w ith S o m e form .......................... * ............................ I-*® off the backs of the poor? th w i-ln faet. they encourage it. ■'medical graft and believe In'tlon should make il clear to even and I wont. S ickness and A ccident Ixxik where you the survival of the fittest. They P a in ia » , extraction » free when plat«» It is Christmas time, and In joy but fti»)’ »ant the Mim* right 'the most obtuse politician that will, east or west in liviilttsl llhetty . nr brid ge w ork I» ordered. lxx)k at Ifte I ar4 - degenerate because they are M K U B K R H H U * IN T H K AU for now 1ft > s *a . D r. w I l o rk A.’ auam ïtu îA nteod a o n 1» 'located organize, and thereby hangs aj j, )s claimed ihat in times of ¡the iieople will not stand for any cast In the early days («pk ■ |s«ir. and you have made them so of Christ'» coming, all men will NATIONAL HOSPITAL perm anently w ith nA tale. _ _ | panic over sntallpog in Switzerland (,f the old time ways of doing i>oll- f( m aril to a crowded west. Al- Get off their backs. You are the leel more of the brotherhood of ■ ■■■—— a - ■ physician« have vaccinated with j tics, be thev good or had. That -»ays the result is the sam e—as fittest as the shark and the tiger man, more tha love of Justice. It ASSOCIATION B U R N IN G M O N E Y . mucilage to save the cost of the j ay itow .inian received the pri- the population inciease« In pro-1 are the fittest. Don’t tell me all is to find expression in some F « r« t« b M «ha Moan«. *»'-red yut-cine matter. mary nomination for gov-rnot , 1)o,.t(ou |o t^,, tand o(1eB ior ,,BP j Bllm have an equal chance! You charities. In a spasm of giving’ IS Fin» Cabine« P helee S2 W e p n j n il D O C T O R H I 1.1.8 and P ln eet Peel C ard rh e lo e . *1 SS _ _ _ _ >Ia hitfh A physician iu San Francisco I made no difference to the people or the |and free for mining. | cannot lie to me a» yon do to Are we to sit on soft cushions, in T »S POINTED out hv Arthur T h ey A r t F irs t Cl«»» snd Dp 1» dal« irritila M R D K A L aud Ml M G H ’A L W Olina» in "Our Dumb Ani aouie vears ago admitted In open • when the fact was pounded into timber, agriculture and other u s e s ' them poor. I know better. I am the »talnetl light of [minted win HOFSTEATER STUDIO A T T K N D A N IK dows and hear sweet music, ard, Al«o com piala llompltnl M anica* ia » H T h ir d Street. Between M oretee» Why do yt »Is" that the vast expenditures court H at he used mucilage on them that ba was the assembly dtmtn|»hes in proportion to a lth n son of God. In ud dhiou to |BV» R I R l 4 L B E N E * sad Sara!«*» Si rant a. having made broad our phylacter­ Just as good ■■ I notnlBeg. i crowding iiopiilatiou. slums, beg ' spend so w ic h money in lobbies (nr B aiai vessel* ii one of the hundreds as F I T in the event of dantli. ies, shall we go out again and re­ P H O N IC O R W R IT K F O R F U L L long as the patty operated on did yh e old time gu ild will no doubt | gary. crime, vice, appear and in- • and corrupt joarnala. and corrupt fBrtora neglected in the problem P A R T IC U L A R » . I he wrathv and swear veugeucc crease and the cause of all this men to keep alive theae special sume our comfortable »eat» on the nf high prices The entire cost not know any different. Phoaa«: M ul» U M . A U M . ----------- land all that, hut posalMy by the deg--a"ration ia poverty. I privileges. H th*7 are no* mono|>o- barks of the poor? I often think •f Harvard university is put Into In California the big roiiitmnlea | time the next .»mpalgn roils , Always ihe few grow richer and I lie« draining to you the life bldod when I see the costly churches NATIONAL HOSPITAL a d randa a tight that will he wrap or llfte*-i ywmr». years. A »**/ lif t / (luiwn j force »»i«»s. iheir ••»* men at com- around they have J of •••* the — many? are ou — so tin « i that Christ said the In tflB or - « to «■ - deal -— — ----- -- J wiuttuw «•<«»< will - ..........— -w l<-arned --------- J the mtny ... ...z poorer. Why? , There ».««»«. .««. —< ■ Why —• — - • y — , . true . . temple . . ASSOCIATION ■ni__ ,i„ib1i »avv o l twenty years nanv store* and to pay lo coni- thing or two and conduct iheir must be something besides brains J willing that these laws of pin-1 was the body He healed the sick < i r i A * l » M ohaw k R u lld ta *. UUIWI »•* z # ma. _ __ » ... . , »_ . . . ■ ____ fc. - __ J 19 U *x n o ro r B at r» n th a h a rk « r\t thr :md ludustry which keeps conceu-1 toefney shall be changed If you He never sat on the barks of the 1s worth less than ao much | psny hospital funds. The state ; n Kht according to tho new order P O R T L A N D . OKRN. GROCERIES, FISH, Hating the wealth of all Into the I derive no selfish advantage from i>oor, but he stretched him self for veigtM In pig Iron 1“ **>• next rupretne court has recently de- o l things their sake In agony upon the hands of a few. Soup kitchens i them ’ POULTRY, ten pe«rs It Iz intended to sp 'id elded thaJ this is perfectly law ful. When Bismark taaprisaned th«’ wont alter It today any more than 1 “Behold the poor and the chll- cross. Christinas will pass, and (M r ttmea the cost of the Panama WINES & LIQUORS C IG A R S A N D TOBACCO S Ceinmbua. Olilo» »an.» muni- Sociillst» of a gt-eeraHon ago he the monastic charities of the inld- tlren of the poor, they Indeed he the girls at four and a half a eeoel. to keep up our navy. All week, more weary than ever, and R IF E S eur •-■'J?item*l Improvementa. re- cipal Street ears. Hut Columbus i made statesmen out of them, for die ages altered It. I .a lior la w s! eome thieves and murderers, har- the Joyless little rhlklreu will still F R U IT S A NO C A N D IE S Grand Avenue toroetla*. Irrigation, river and har musi first go lo a corporation I the people elected them (o the I wont alter 11 today any more than lota and drunkards, h ill ye the are cause the Ire fed lo money—hy Christian so­ A liriatu es Union Ooodi a Specialty owned laglslarin* to «ecu re per- highest offices In the land, so m e-' Jack Ca I - s lawa. or the corni*>f all is poverty, an.' her, welerirtiT». * * e . . '«m*1 and East Morrison Street 131 N. 6th Phona A 5041 Ye fallen ciety. t im i- * before their term* expired. | laws of Ihe Grace..l altered il. So ¡cause of the poverty st the A im -ilc e a people w ill be mission. PO RTLAND LABOR PR E SS PRESS COMMENTS 1 K I T H ARN DEN & COMPANY r M eats and G roceries I People’s Market & Grocery COFFEE ANO TEA M C H A S . F. J O N E S IMPRESSIONS JUST WATCH US GROW LOO CABIN BAKINu COMPANY TRANSFER » WM W. A. WUK, PROTECT SPECIAL I - DAN KELLÄ H & CO. C. P. JONES y i ’ < am ai«»4 tiv i» « ' »«»•» w M . A P I r