OFFICIAL PAFBR OF THB PORTLAND LABOR P O F F IC IA L FAPRR o r THB CENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL OF PO RTLAND AND V IC IN IT Y L _________ — , n s "TBADSB ÜM.ON. ABS T H . . U L W - M poRTLAND OT w nnK H N GETS EXCELLENT ^REWARD III THECl 1 OF LA B O » DEMO CRACIB8“— W . B. OLADSTONR D .» O W hole Num ber 563 OREGON. TH U R S D A Y, NOVEM BER 17, 1910 Volume 10 No. 38 M OREOON BTATB F E D E R A T IO N CARPENTERS ARE OPPOSED MACKENZIE SAYS SOMETHING DOING OREGON NOW HAS THE BEST LIABILITY LAW IN WORLO The carpenters have voted unanimously against the organi­ sation of a labor union party. Expression» ou the floor were lh a t the initiative should be used H e Is a live w ire In the s y « * ^ to get good laws, and it political By K A. H a rria . of hum anity snd progress I W » ___ convention and the organ a<. , 1(111 be taken »1 should be by uncertain kind T h e th irtie th annual c o n * .« “ « » to this V icto ry of no todH.v electrifying the world. Hto izatlons they repretout, snd. at MP,„ ent of the workingm an's the banner of of the A. F. ot L. opened t o « surely roosts on l« « t acts prove it. and h l, futtsrR a glance, th e great p ro g ress m ade party, the Socialist». labor as a result ot Ibis election. Louis, Mo.. last Monday with »b«u‘ is ap p a ren t. T h is doe* .i m il thoii-t »c ones w ill make bis name a » F » » A strong sentiuiant prevailed to O ur lia b ility law. enacted by a nynt of progress In the w rot. . 500 delegates present T he S ' Ä 4 T S W ' • * « « : " , £ X splendid vote, is the best in the ventlon w ill in all probability be Oregon has. in this etocH«W . United States. If not lit the world sealed one of the moat im p ortan t in the forever the fact tlM It provides stringent regulation« U nited States Senator» shall history of this great orgaab-atloa ed by delegates I, industrial affairs of its m< iibera Tbe following are some extract, For the lisca! year ending Sep making Ibis the real work of t o - prevent men from becoming chosen by the people of maimed ot getting killed, and in tom b er 3«. HM«. th e re » • '" I» tton-proposed measure to destroy The product of this company from the reports of P re .ld e n t meeting- Memtiers were tills it Is singularly and aplen com monwealth at least. She Secretary M orrison and su ed by th e A m erican F ed era tio n every direct legislation by the peoph the text of the measures, in subs | is unfair to lalior. «» th eir beer per». of Labor 334 c e r t if ic a te s o f a ffli urged to unite w ith the party of dldly d tfl-re n t front many lia b ility emphasised a splendid cxaaspto and our products of people s rule sequent issues and mode of procedure for o « « ^ 1 is stored in an unfair storage Treasurer lx-nnon to the con ien ta lio n t c b a r le r s l. the v age-earner and there work laws. w eie sent to defeat by overwhelm , The other adopted measure», plant here. tlon. stute» thst » 'ill now be out his political salvation. in te rn a tio n a l u n io n s en n m Preaidant's Report » etiai tm ent of^ labor s luw The | T h e engineers are going to In ­ by them w ith Increased v ig o r-____ are: ing m ajorities. Over 30 new members * » T o the O fficers and Delegates to have approximately 28,1)00 and the pronounced rejection of All the returns are not in so Oood roads amendment, which form the working people of the •Hom e Rule, so called, « •» th** T lilrtlo tli Annual Conventionj local union* under then yurisdlc- lBken into the union this week. the fictitious measure propotod solve the liquor problem and t the>or Press cannot aa yet , emoves the »5.IMHI lim it of tacts In coder to do this the ot Itio u. Attention la c a lle d to tin s by Baufleld and his followers, is m ay not. If tbe liquor i n t e r * * » publish the exact vote w ith » debtedness, and giving the voters engineers at their last meeting of t ’>" American Unionista ; fttrI ao lhut t |„ ■ e r to r in to w h ich | Labor Fellow T rade n splendid testim onial to 'h e in ­ compute th e ir victory w ith ■O''^ description of the measures. of sepaiate districts the sliso otdered three banners, which w ill T h irty years ago, upon tbe <»r- ‘ ----- many |iersons have , llleu US to telligence o f the people of the This w ill be done as soon as lute power to do as thi y wish be patHded In front of the houses gent appeal of a num ber o f cto . „ ,e make-up of our F ed era tio n sense and move forw ard may be corrected As its name I state. aud a high com plim ent to -,,e t and far-seeing trade union _____ _ _____ i» so extern that regulate, dealing in the Enterprise prod on this subject. it possible. regulations the effort» and purposes of the interests w ill be secure; but « m Implies, ours is a federated hod) It Is now certain th a t eight of uf peo| )e„ power, pure and net* I Will have these banners 1st», a convem lcn was held Pittsburg. Ba T h ere * • * «’£ " of International, state, central and ( It la a eertaln they treat th e ir victory — Thanksgiving niaht the fifth an- laboriug people the 31 proposed neasures were ,p on the street this w e e k" the foundation for our , '‘derot* ° “ directly affiliated local», the lat liall of the Claarm akera' Indication that labor has nothing license to tores saloons in to *■>■» approved while t h , ninth one— j Monmouth N o rm a l. BUI- Pro-1 ol trades and labor uo < > « '> * “ * ter having no international >•'*>"«* > nual to tear in the fu tu re from Organised Labo, .« law to I't« ; u d „ a , wx ,,f 4 cents on »1,000, ru ra l eo m m u n lu e i which SSgs tit t fou rflatlo n a of their own trade or calling. T l i e , u nion w ill be given m Christen laid h lb lt tbe appro'"” of ta laws i aa.,.»»pd valuation ot property of j s tr u e m r Upon r has been reared F * f | intern atio nal unions have direct Isen'S hall Eleventh and V am hlll |M>ople of this state, who are its for th« pur|x»»e. be tncorp- ««»» » ' beyond the- virion of K » ' jurisdiction ovei their own local streets This a ffa ir w ill be a law m akers, when th e ir eauae la Into '"eltlcs." they could the legislature snd in. .Ing ,hlH 1 t |,e state 10 support this one state T he right and lust. It is a guaranty of no program better caicutotod b in d e rs Boon after th * * * t * ^ i unions or lodges situated „ ! delight to all who attend question soltly in the hands o i i # o r„ ,a| school- •hat. so long as the employing to bring s ta te w id e p ro h ib it»» county or state v o ters--is yet in presidential Prim ary Bill P "’» Christensen s interests do not rise slxive the w ith a sweep a t the eariM t well F rank E. Coulter, the doubt. corporation-fixed political conven- w orker for he on hand metclleas and m e m nary motives IxMsible opportunity. T he la tte r la a fundam ental ((wi!| <>(|| of |)Usine»s. Pre»ldentak4kliown pro«1 lu te d International International unions re- prB have always left a pleaaao measures undoubtedly want tb> memory In tbe recollections of go to the people and defeat their way of a greater «tim ber t meets to Ini dre hope and courage nor • ,a y have issued -'5 7 for but one candidate, iigOjIla on another tour. up w ith a law that w ill take voting lauvM-'a t tPrB to local every la ir lady and brave gentle nefarious schemes. r,lse “ f 1 He was In M innesota for n ea rly tor the achi. ement of the tax off of improvements, fac­ Provides »200 f<* ' wz* ------- r ie iv» iv ,.-. unions, —------ - and . i thereby l o lacked m e rit. I t la not bee* By the ycarul , lld by adhesion to existing locals man trip ping over the floor of the T h e election of Oswald W est there w ere too m any, as carried tories, etc. and pluce a heavy fine elections to national con entions ad vp increased th e ir memberr was none of the less a labor v ie against the great land speculators Judtciary Amendment, in I hall treclv alleged, but becaua* stands j an. The splendid m a jo rity »or takea tim e to r ,h e P * ° P » I T he tickets for gentlemen at so they w ill be forced to per- dltlon to features stated above, lcndiuu. The ha» earned the r« * i * ‘ * | Our state federations and city• ladle« »» cents a man of the people was rolled constitutional realrtc- )lle #n en l,on. That bis Rogue urgenl invitations to ome In great and lasting benefit on the w ith hcok and line in shorter workday, to « * • . « * T have re tir e d advances too nuttier .egi.latlon of every chnrneto t. wo valuable asset in a campaign . more than any adm inistration, nny discouragement whatever who*»« and take possession of tbe next an eight-hour day should bo w - ous to Incorporate in detail In wage earners. river. congress F uture democratic aspir­ 85 report. Throughout the campaign. H e made over The»« two measures together, Horae R u - • ndment. tablished. . . ___ thia w ill record this fact in th e ir ’a c tb e ’ cogntrance of tbe accrue because a good bni Advancement also may be cia sr length , and breadth of out t*0" « ' , ants ape«x-hes sometimes at the rate w ill provide the greatest protec­ Measurss Voted Down. alonally to defeated “ neat the coroix-ratlon and spirit lv seen In the trib u te a ll pay *> in te re s t, of labor, there is not not books. of sis a day. Minnesota people B ill to create a constitutional tion possible for the working peo­ a thorough appreciation « «• of fra tern ity and solidarity m ani­ the ennobling work of ottr saovw- the slightest dougt, for * « at ple. W hen inju ry or death is convention to revise our con­ cheered for Oregon by tens of fested by the members of the or­ m erit*. L IV E W IR E V IC T IM Coulter cer­ ment and In the better cone*» ganised labor movement is a mat­ sustained the employer wlU now stitution. This b ill was a cor­ thousands. Friend a student of economics hlmseit lion which our people have or face n jury, three fourths of which poration scheme to k ill the In i­ tainly knows how to start things. the splendid achievem ent due to ter of commendation and deep T he funeral of the unfortunate can give a verdict. Thia w ill tia tiv e and referendum. I t w ith His eloqueuce and audacity carry the peratsieui efforts of the w- g ratification and must make for victim of a live w ire. Charles bring a cash settlem ent to the un­ the second trlch b ill to divide the [xxiple by storm. Minnesota is ganlxed labor movement of o«r a constant growth through organ- set for Thursda. I x i v the yet unorganised tollers Sutton, was fortu nate person or his heirs voters by having all legislators alive to the Oregon wave and w ill N um erically, the niem beiship of I morning. Novem ber ’ '• * ‘ It may not be unlntereetlng a * be floating w ith It in full tide instead of a costly suit backed by ir aff.Bated organisations is near , | ln„ the l* »■ Psa» T — Y . a fte r the next election. have been spent tolltog fo r th l* the accident insurance companies T h is unfortunate victim grow th to call attention to t W the highest figures In th eir exist mails. A very interesting relation of fact that a t our firs t convehtl«m ane« In l»O7-8 we experienced a of the carelessness, neglect and a sacrifice for the liability tow fltm. Never mind his name. T h a i ~ W e are told that meat has gone to Pittsburg. Pa-, ou'y panic, during whlcu. by reason of oversight of the local public util- was made before the C .n tr*l w ill be forgwttae. down. It would go down If » national unions were represented unemployment, a decrease in metn- Never mind th * thank* ert t M W ith in th * past 5ro ridtog adto f X r Council laat Friday were not tor the ta r iff over J" w ith a num ber of scattering to berabip occurred W lth ln th * past forces of organised labor. There Bing hv President Dolly- In 8 t. Ixiuls. 22 years e marked Increase In both ¡hasten tne worn i were others who w ill n e w r te T « voted the free mains. Illg prop­ per cent. American meat Is sol d | cai a ! quate safeguard«. The liability 17 Intern atio nal unions L-, An oM man emploved by the ■The people of Portland are erty in the heart of the city w ill in Ixvndon for one fifth w hat it there were a flower planted on their graro* law of Oregon w ill s for them. The ten A D E L IB E R A T E C O N T E S T . are b itte r enemies of organised T r i« makes the cost of streets, ant living in a slum a n d -u n ab le rew arded. the em ployer ' who labor and heavy contributors to fought lights, transportation, gas, w ater to pay rent and properly provide to continue corporatto« •T h is federation favors employ­ The difficulties »rising out of mains and other public utilities for his fam ily, w ill contribute <11 the figh t against tobor In every and corporate m u rd er we - h |iablUty law greed th« Pressmen's strike In Denver, enormous. Seveu times more than rectly to help pay for these mains. ers' lia b ility at this tim e above money, or the hum ble "< *» » in who gave a ll that he had to» they should be. T he mechanic, laboring hard to every other consideration.” »Hiesi T h e speculators in land have properly provide for his fam ily, Vpon motion of Delegate R- A. . the betterm en t of the condltiOB* in other |x>r»ii>ns o f the coun­ his On w ork. Saturday before election he thousands of acres in the center and barely able to make ends H arris of Salem, the delegates to of his fellow men H e gave W it Is said that 500 strike­ the can.” Dropped o f the city held Idle E n tire m eet, w ill put several days' labor w hite’ »he seventh annual convention of breaker« are held In Chicago « a a "given Job. and shortened hl» life- Discharged. farm s ere held under a law little each year Into the soft white aw aiting the opportunity to h re .k ¡ from the jo ll^ more could a man give who the Oregon Federation of Labor on known about which enables the hand of the siieeulator. down the allied printing trades He the 12th of last January arose and nothing? H is best year* ownerv to escape taxation to an in one city at a time. T h e fight j another positlou The fight is not settled, how­ together, lu the above few words, ever greater degree than if the ever Next June a measure will in Denver was deliberately brought j land wa» plotted. be before the people to absolutely Hedged themselves to secure the to ascertain w hether ot not The people w ant w ater mains reduce the maxim um cost of w at­ passage of labor's employers' Ila the allied trades of the printing The in order to Becure w ater e r to 25 cents per month a house­ crafts were links of steel or ropes speculators and g iafters In con­ hold. and to put the remainder b lllty law by the people of sand. Organlxed labor and a few tro l of the city adm inistration de­ of the cost of w ater mains and af staunch friends have accomplished liberately choked thousands bonds upon the general property LABOR REM EM BERS FRIENDS. p e ip le last summer in order to tax and the property b e n e fite d . this good work. T he lia b ility law and d riv e them to desperation G ra ft while you may, speculat­ passed by the people of Ore- T he employers' lia b ility law was grown until today th*»« thereby secure many hundred W s read much these days to ors, snd the harder and faster by a vote in Its favor of made a law of Oregon by organ- no man I * M*xtoo w h * «1 thousand dollars worth of free you g ra ft the sooner the jieople lied labor, w ith the assistance of the dally press about the Me7i(' a" oppose them. ,ut , total of ------ vote.. mains for these speculative tracts. w ill settle the m atter and settle riots and the Insult to our flag some able friends. Free »p**ch to d*ad. NO This just labor law removes the The game worked to a charm. by the M exican college student On Monday night the Building it right. tor can publish • Un* to T h e peqple by a small m ajority court-made doctrines as defenses Trades Council appointed a com­ nnd cltlxen. paper in opposition to A * means can a b ill be prevented in cas-s of injury of an employe W e have, read of the dreadful m ittee of three to prepare a letter capital or the Dias administrer from being intioduced In a legle known as the "fellow servant doc­ of thanks to be sent to C. E. 8. m anner In which our dear old tlon without being thro fn lature session a fte r session re­ spit and Wood, Judge McOinn, the Daily flag was torn and a dungeon and his papor sup­ trin e." "assumption of risk an gardless of defeat? News. Tom Ivewls, Eugene V Debs tram pled upon. pressed without the least formal­ The It objects to tbe in itia tiv e be­ c o n trib u to ry negligence. In the language of the interest- ity of law, not to say anythtog and others. T h e dear old Oregonian extends ing used in the same m anner as law requires the testing of ma- Delegates Ledwldge. Nordstrom owned Associated Press. * about Justice. No person dare* congratulations to Its * if for the Is a legislative body concerning terlals and appliances used t o o on- and Lum ley were appointed to read« very nice Indeed, but when speak to an assemblage on publto measures rejected tim e and again .tru ctlo n work, in the " ’•n ufactu re defeat of 23. »"<> Probab ly 25 pr«people but once. Provides .a fe p i* « » ot T h e eight county d i' l»lon mess- The Dias administration The same principle comes up requiring T he merry Job Is e x i t e d to her » ,n« « J substantial > e . folddng la especially com i'.acent Itself to power by suppr again In a d ifferent form . To securely fastened so as to I tires it ? ,ot~ co with Its army, ev*ry oppeaitto* upon. As « an actual fact these do away w ith this power to pro­ vent swinging; provides guar« at election times. Thia power 1* , measures were strongly opposed pose measures the second tim e rails, etc. A ll dangerous machim the Southern Pacific and the O. h»ro b^ ,B * further Intensified by the baefc- . by nearly every paper not di cannot be done away w ith unless ery shall be securely covered and R. ft N. h alf a m illion dollars tional weal'h. » • re c tiy interested in «>e division the in itia tiv e is done away with. protected to the fullest exten t, all Am erican w ealth by millions ing gi-en them by our dollar-«**- , worth of w aterfront In the form o f some new county. T he Ore Probably the opponents ot the has been put into then* e n te r­ trolled American natloual gov*»»- shafts and wells are to be en of street vacations today. M ore prises, together w ith Investments ment. gonlsn w ill have to divide honors v rule of the people would like to rinsed; provides for in su l.tlo r. of about thia steal next week. Simon in railroads, etc. American and Mexican p a tn e t* , I t has m ad * on that bunch. accomplish one w ith the other wires carrying a dangerous volt and his m erry men are able to would soon end this It also claims the credit for the fabulous returns. age of electricity snd provides a enjoy the smiles of the octopus. opposition to the Peoples Power J t e p lm e for the boy. who climb it is no uncommon thing for thing, but th e Am erican and W IL L IA M D A L Y . JUDGE H EN R Y E. McGINN i have League measures lost and the tax a Mexican investm ent to return ' can governments 'th e poles. dan w a n t » good flour . many times the original Invest through the Influence of capital, j meakures. T h e moat Im portant group of H v * m «0 w «e* «*«• Thto Cassidy's Early Efforts. i In th * forofront of th * bd» ment in a apace of only a few to return to each other all P « - of these measures came so near As long as five years ago Jim Senator Dan K ellaher Is work "ears So great has been the ; sons accused of ixRltlcai o r v*ber ' carrying that the Issues are still employers tie for labor’a employer*' lt*WH»F was Cassidy Ing on a law to be Introduced by influx of Am erican capital into j crime». T he re fo re when a M exV before the people. U « •* » law, e *rrl*d * t th * g *n *r*l •l*ottoa j ¡ni was business law. and was thus forced hint In the next session of the Mexico that the finances of t h e ' can »peaks I t don't pay to work against the agent’ ^then speaks n * * ! '- * 1 th e luju a tlc e * last week by a handsome called a draw. T h e Labor Press legislature prohibiting the bleach­ was the only paper in the state tntereata of the workingman. country are controlled by A m eri­ of the tyrants and escape« to thto to witness the great flood of ac­ country, he is prom ptly handed | upon by Judge McGinn and other*. ing of flour. Stone > W ebster, who are con- cans and dominated by W a ll th a t supported a ll these meas­ c id e n t. and death that were ocea- Manv m ills bleach th e ir poor Appssl to Legislator*. over to be Jailed or Judicially ures. and where its main tirc u la structlng the Ticb ner ft Maegley atoned by our harsh c om petttlvj grades of Hour by the application s tre e t T his law was presented to th * Alder Thus lib e rty and tion extended these measures car­ building a t Seventh and T h e Dias adm inistration is by murdered. ----------- pyktem. . m of n itric acid This stuff ts sold birth, tra in in g and personal flnun- d(,„, is cowed, all for doBar- Salem convention of the Fedor», streets, have discovered this act. ried. T he Oregonian w ith 1« ' Cassidy got the tobor unions n- in compel itlon w ith flo u r made tlon at the tim e the le g in a tu rd — ’ • ing. by Dlax and our \A a ll atraec tim es the circulation in the same This company came to Portland to f..rested by securlng the best HI- ria l Interest thoroughly * In • league from fully developed wheat. erect buildings by fighting labor was In session. • and in sympathy w ith the Atnerl-1 ,to c k «» inh] era te rrito ry was voted down. erature on the subject from va T he measure wai Indorsed anti T he common people of Mexico ____ rather than co-operate w ith labo, T h e best test of the influence a rts of t|je world. can investors. »offer every degradation th a t 1» ( It Is up to the union men to interests can c a n |T h ey decided to proceed on the It^*- ^>s a Wood was consulted. the legislature requested to pas« of the organ of Ahe interests Through the power of dollar» Jim Cassidy and B H a r­ the various »ectlon* served by th * H * gave" much o f his vsluahlo It be seen by reading the ««urea infamous "open shop" plan. and private control by ownership possible for human beings to «to labor press to give more hacking, T he st illed union building mo­ •im c to the subject w ithout one ris were sppol.t ed by the con ro * on the lia b ility law and the pub­ xm e rira n speculator soeculator baa b * dure- , .. the Am erican tlon to stay a t the legislator« aud more boosting, fo r the paper com * thoroughly intrenched. Under laws passed by the aw­ lic docks measure, both of which chantes are letting them strictly cent of cost to tbe lalior unions. At th a t stands for th e ir best In te r­ all times the Diaa despotism has ing class of Mexico in the Inter**» secure ita o nrC -uent. alone. The result I» Stone ft W eb­ C M s ia y and •to p “ ’) ' " ’ ' lu b ll,ty i t opposed, and on the conat‘t " ' T his brouR tt t n a b itte r fight ests all the tim e and 1» the only ster have made the poorest kind lew were alw ays welcome visitors American dollar*. welcomed thia capltol, and. fo r of our precious ____________ w -.. ventlon for which it corve in the legislature T h e lla tlllty tional coc publication th a t w ill fig h t for an interest in the m any enter- tUe farm or plantation wOThm **. Ql progress. in M r. Wood's rfflee . - eclal right. T h e peo- Insurance companies hacked th * ¡tu Ah n r it o . ha» passed la w . t h a t . . . w ell a . tobor gen erally, to tor Biade The third superintendent Is now them .— Arttoan. T h r * * y-s r» " F ° ° reK0B other way so strong- T h e - had over 5rt o f, pie wen on the Job try in g to m ake good, Federation authorised its execu oprxreltton would a ttrac t capital. 1 worse o ft than was t h * black prove that the great Say men go ,,, ,kl<,nt p, the aannte.) No Vnlon card, no buy wiille four foremen have already liv e com m ittee to have the law Portland s "big buitness ly * • R th e r trusted ®or loved, T he power of thia ruling Casa. to Salem in a body io assi»t tu \v«od Judge M e-,that to the clerk in any •toro «ally ls ^ S itl (ConUnued on Pag* But only taken for its monopoly got the ax- ¡to tyetb ef with our speculator«. prepared. . h illin g tne h ill E very s triiK w *» _ ■ ( P« „ F olIr ) “ I in Portland. . r i t V r ' ^ î c ï ’X ^ ; w F. * P ^ ¡ P U > ^ ' — » — press dispatches T o licence an honext Industry P Its owlish crltlelsm s of the Ini is to help a lo i ’ land monopoly. ttaUve are to laugh. By » b a t LABOR III CONVENTION The engineers of Local 87 have commenced a crusade against En­ terprise beer. Speaking on the subject yester­ day W illia m M cK entie. secretary of the Euglneers, said; The people of Oregon by th eir is « now. T his rink «uu be amply T he Enterprise people of San ' of last week have ta . « k e n . i ! covered j ■ vote* by i...... insurance and (■hurptui charged ¡Francisco have not treated us another substantial step forward, j to cost and society w ill pay the t right. They wrote us that their All the good measures on the bill. representative would call her« to Spur,' w ill not perm it a lengthy ballot were not approved, a num other consider the m erits of the con» ber oi them were marie our state . disetisalon of these and H»' in Port land in .... .» n . ...ix T ‘" " ‘ J p x ' 7 ; u X i S T X CIGARMAKERS WILL GIVE BALL MINNESOTA LIKES COULTER ss» ÄÄ ! :,n s v l .,-“""1- PASTE THIS IN YOUR HAT A HERO IN THE STRIFE THE GAME WORKED THIS TIME * t * LABOR’S NEW EMPLOYER'S U A B IU ÏÏ LAW MEXICAN PRODUCTS OF PATRIOTISM AND FLAG OREGONIAN OFF ITS TROLLEY STONE & WEBSTER ARE LOSING OUT -«» im t’ t v r aa flfFV'drafted a D»-< l»rstl„u trodden and oppressed ot tbe *M the n re iu s . VNow « »bo I m anulacturiuc la le ft to pay la- tbe • T b e y ’f e « Mah «h‘t » a y » “ W b * « t a x e d » o b e r , th in ? " •M » :* « * * « • • ” [ IgToY 1* a % « ¿ “ ». - p .» — ,» ••TerTWTtrre ■ bite ?1Te was ('fltnlfl’f? front n< arty lrn u n t the cost, but were d eter-, of Independence that ■mined to force the t haughty e x -|th e w orld the b irth JÓ day* o t a t a i i o u s h t to h a - , th e aevan-hour d a y .lstitR b er »Id es w ith la u a b tet Bilottern to recognlicVthe fact th a t | public. — —- - — — o o o n trx TW at'ta » n * t h e n , » t o r th a t, th» at -huttrl ,0 - 0 » to , n ,n r * l A*x IV » c o m laa. a n d n o t b tn n w lu \ com v » , * speculators « a n t all thing» » I t h , re Bowed tn th< M etna of min-1 count ,a, i t » t o r a » n l» a < lo n | »t.>p | t . I t a l to e r « m a n y y e a r » n ,;-»»- | rs w arm , red bit, 6 th a t rebelled ' four them free. heralded to ( world-