CWBR-... THURSDAY, PO R T L A N D °*X r T h e K ing—B y D ivine R ig h t SOME rACTS . » u i PROrOSED NEW COUNTY * » S 4^4 JW » LABOR O C TO B B R 10, 1910 PR E SS WASHINGTON STREET PUBLIC MARKET 1WK COR. FIRST and WASHINGTON PRIVATE EX. 4654 A6551 W E S T A N D F O R T H E C L O S E D S H O P A N D T H E O P E N U N IO N bjr tkg habited Between this »wale ami .. • B „Ren¿ |g a range of mountain« -jijes» -- I Another deviation from the fa d « Some one ha« tru ly said: "The jg tbe assertion that the south hope of the future greateat de- ,lne ,n the m |,tdle of the North (O P P O S IT E M A R X E N ) velopnient in the Inland e m p ire ( i ’ in |,qqa river, and that a eonaltl Ilea in the evolution of 'h e *«>»•* L ra hle portion of the I'm pqua val- farm and to the intenae method« ¡ |(,y eagt of Koaeherg, is included E L G IN B U T T E R , E G G S C H E E S E , H O N E Y of agriculture." The tendency 1« |n j^e proponed new county. The Fresh Churned P u rity B u tter, 6 5 < to 8 5 < strikingly in this direction through factg are> aB shown hy the map out the Pacific Northwest T here of Nesm ith county, and la a gradual and continuous d rift al>1() by the bnl> the BOuth houn from other occupations to agri- \ j ary |,ne ¡6 not w ithin two mile« culture and horticulture, and the ()j (j„, (y-o r,h Umpqua river, leav Full Line of Tea, Coffee, Spices, Estracte and Bakery Good. demand for «mailer tracts of land |ng , h(. inhabitable portion of the Beet 25c Coffee in City. suitable for fam ily support and va||e) to the county of Douglas H ead quarters for Skam okaw a B utter, best m ade a profit is Increasing, which m eans' And at D<( p|a (e doss the line S P E C IA L B A R G A IN S IN A L L L IN E S TO M O R R O W that ere another decade, through toll<.|, anv point east of Rose- W e handle Celebrated Ceylinda and Lipton Teas— Exclusive Ayent, B U T T E R , E G G S, C H E E S E , P O U L T R Y division of large realty holdings, bur(( The nearest point to the for Ridgway's Teas. development w ill be more rapid cn y of Roseburg from the new G O LD E N GAT E C O F FE E ___________________ M ain 4654-16 A 6551-12 B. A. C hurchill, M gr. than during the past quarter een- ro lIn , y would be about 20 tulle« BUY YO UR T E A S A T A T E A SHO P tury The large counties, many ou an a(r n ne, and the territory M ain 4454-7. A 6551 Finest Green or Black Teas, same as usually re ta il for »t oil , , , of which contain more area than BOUgh, naturally trib utary to several of the states of. the u nion,>tb(, CB0(e r ,,f population w ithin portnd, at, pound........ .................................................... ........................... «<»<.• Regular Kftc at, lb. . Good TeaM, lb ................... 2A< will likewise be divided as popu- , bp proposed new county, Regular 50c Teas at. l b . . . 3 5 < U p to n s Yellow laihel Tea U(>< lation increases, the creation of A* ReB, r(J, T lm ber Taken, 5 o 'clock Ceylon Tea, pound............................................................... 6 ’ »«' which will have a furth er tendeo- vA’ith reference to the shape of Best Brands Butter, Tese and Coffees and a Full Line of Groceries cy to build up and develop the proposed new county, us well T H E M IS S IO N T E A SH O P country, as is shown by the crea - shaia* of the area rem ain Boothe 1-2-3 Center M iddle of M arket Bldg-, or 336 Russell Street, East Side tion of Sherman. M orrow, G illian ing to the « lis tin g counties, let W heeler and Heard R iver coun­ it Ire said that the streams, val- ties One glance at the map of leys and ridges all have an east Oregon w ill convince the most and west course or a aouthea it skeptical that the smaller coun and northwest course; that all A UNION MARKET ties develop the country. T he most main lines of travel must follow T H E E P P B -K R A T Z F U E L CO. densely populated and exten g,ve; thew, »alleys, which lead to the Prices always the All kinds Fresh, Baited and Smoked Meats, Phone Main 899 W aahlnBton Public Market development of our resonreea are „ #(n townf) aa a | prMlent eMlB, lowest. to be found In the group of corn there w((1|)(, no j , IBt, joint area of ten other counties conception that the education ol ■ ___ „ 1» ...... »it lz.u U whilr ’ h 1 I 4> fj(.at)on * paratively small counties, of anv deaign that would i | D Oregon la but 8,746. Clatsop, the child Is the foundation for tb* the larger one« are sparse y se - v(o|a(J> , h|g cardinal principle w|t ), gjh square m iles; Columbia, thought of the age to come. ThK tied and the resources a m«s wb|c|j gOvernB the building up o f , with 377; W ashington, w ith 715; be is now not being taught lo L IV E A N D C O O KED C R A W F IS H , S H R IM P , RAZOR A N D H A R D S H E L L C L A M S wholly undeveloped. It is also lrue j community Interests The c re a tio n 1 Yam hill, w ith 711; Polk, w ith 701; think, Is not having hte Individual 2SC . a. rv - i .1 U I i z.n Or llgA ree- , . . 1 2 S < Snielt. 3 pounds fo r .............................................. that an examination of t the Chinook Salmon, 2 pounds fo r................................... of Nesm ith county would take Tillam ook, with 1.119; M arion, ity developed, but Is being dominat 2S<- ................. IOC Spring Chicken, |ier pound.. ords w ill show the smaller co u n g(Juare ))f „ .-rtle ry with 1,170, Clackamas, w ith 1 .8 6 1 ;,ed by the prepared thought ot | Hieel Head Salmon, per pound.................................. BBC ..........................H alibut. 2 lbs fo r................................... ties to be maintained on a lesser countv. of which 209 Multnomah, with 429, and Hood those In auth ority over him Hens, l * r pound............................................................. He EVERY DAY P O U L T R Y A N D C A T C H O UR O W N F IS H tax than the larger ones, while N a Ii(,na| Korell, He WE K IL L O U R O W N R iver, w ith 543, combined lack is being forced through a machine It is a fact susceptible of t h e , a(>r an(j t rolI1 which Douglas¡455 »quare miles of having an; which brings out all alike, without »11 . J . . _ « ( V n I I ,. n tkiul IryoY I » 1 . . . fullest demonstration that t e> rf,ce| rp(( no -PVenue except from a r,.a »qUa| to that of bane a n d ' Independence; without o rig in a lity ; ' have more mileage of and ,<‘, ’ e r , 61 ,q liar, miles of private hold -¡D ouglas iolntly. And yet the taught to worship discipline and ■ conditions ° r | , ngB jt «intended by som e1 uaol,|e find It to th eir interest to auth ority aa the holiest things highways, w there l working them are the sam e. Tim e opponents to the m easu re, m aintain these ten separate county to accept, not to question. was when Masco embrace more (ba( )h<> prwpoaw, colinly na» ta :()rRan|zan ong T he M odern 8chool, on the other The Store W here Coffee Prices Have Not Raised. than two-thirda of the en re s valuable tim b er Into Its houn I Ponder these facts, for facts hand, founds Itse lf on these ideas Exclusive Coffee. T ea, Spices. Extracts of Oregon, hut Increased popu1a- (Jaripg for , he «pie purpose of de-1 they •re , and render your de- T hat there Is nothing In hsaveu R E T A IL A NO W H O L E S A L E tlon and s consequent dea re or r , v|nK revenue when the g overn -; rtsron at the polls on Novem ber 8, or earth which may not be! Bies self government. In which the aha|1 havp of the tloned, searched, studied at re American people have been taught ( Jected In the search for ' Kith ripe product, hut it is a well Capable of M aintaing County. f c t h i » G rand Av«., Corner E. Aah Phones: East 932. B 2678 to believe, and which elim inates kn(>wn ( a < ; ba, „ very (.„ llnty The country w ith in Nesm ith T hat tru th is the only thing "taxation without representation, whlch a National Forest Reserve i county is capable of m aintaining knowing or keeping. T h a t I fact W e receive dally by express new Fall have now changed all this, . for the .. is situated gets Its proportion o f ! an organization that would be to ence all the Investigations 1 the and W in te r ladles' Hats and Suits di­ betterment of individua con • (hp 2f per ,.ent awar(ie (| by t h e t e s t Interest of the people great scientists shall be s (led lions and the m aterial a vance- goveruillent> fron) Ba|el> made In 5 Pmbraced w ithin th a t te rrito ry , and In politics history an the rect from the fashion centers. ment of the whole state. » e a (pa( re M rv e regardless of the lo -|an(j ai (be same tim e not deprive great political thinkers shl I be I W h atever Dame Fashion has smiled self government Is the Ideal form cation of the tim ber thus sold |auy other people affected of th e ir studied. r a. More for the money than anywhere else in Portland, AU w 'tho ut bias of government, because the people J o make th|g c|pgr , hp rf>a(,Pr ligh t» or increase tho lr burdens, preconceived n .lion. o '" Remember, we sell for cash only, and therefore you don't have to upon approvingly you w ill find dis­ A ll the I pay the other efllow s’ bills. of any locality are better qua lifted be t>|a)e(J , hat Npamlth or woik them any injustice; unless command or prejudice froi played here, and we want you to come to adm inister their own affa ra w ouU )akp al>j)ut 2ft J>pr ilnd | to deprive them of the privilege teacher; and as the child's and let us show you these new goods. than persons who have no special of fhp Jo|nt tlm bpr a ,.ea of •o t of collecting revenues from reel- finds th r truth and follows W e are not afraid of our prices— we Interests In them or th eir af- and 1X), coun„ e, w„ „ |n dents of the a ceding territo ry let It be— though both churcl nd positively know that we can save you fairs This the fram ers of he, an by train to their respective | would have rem aining a popnla force a universal sameness. To th » destinations, entailing additional tion of 34,000 energetic em pire throw away the club of meaning A B O U T T H IS ? ^ W ould Convenience Manv expense, not to mention the con-, builders and an assessed valuation less discipline and let in * V," T '| , Membership the Nallemal themselves X the c?,i‘ e n . of " £ e pro- sumption of tim e For every p er-!o f nearly 219.000.60«. and an area where a sen.e of freedom and per Who have have proved H ospital AsBoelatlo» entitle« y o u Friends to Organised Ijtb o r by to the «erviee« o f the Aaaoeia- posed countv of Nesm ith are prar- «<>'. «olng from this district to ,w h ic h can be exploited w ith as sonallty. tlon'« phvBlrtanB and Hurpeoa». In fart, his text books were fa s 's ig n in g up w ith the Team sters « I no nil MeRletnes. lu a d d itio n to unanimously favorable to K .»eburg on court business, fig ] much genuine pride as could be tlcally H va p ltal Hers Ire. ami b u ria l measure is shown in the fact "ring a, ten cents |UT m ile each 1 possible should I, retain the area he said before the court I the "Ion. r # ld advertloem en, m aerted iceodtb cvunty cmw'.iti-e E lg in B U T T E R S ìtali tall Patronize Your Friends ¡i SKAMOKAWA BUTTER STAND I ; Í MARXEN’S TEA STORE FRANK VINCENT UNION MINED COAL M. FRIEDMAN SANITARY FISH AND POULTRY CO. Ì I COFFEE AND TEA New Suits and Hats CHAS. F. JONES Meats and Groceries P e o p le ’s M a r k e t & G r o c e r y O L Y M P IA to BEER I *, RF* H A R N D EN & COMPANY MULTNOMAH PhINTINC CO TRANSFER COM PANIES A . t a? u e r c e n t s ig n e d a netition way, costs 211 more than II w o u ld ! proposed to be organized Into the works of Ihe great tru th -b earers., h a v in g for R . cie»Gon And to to transact the same business a, county of Nesmith. eith er the glorious classic, or the further ahJw the sentiment of the i .he proposed county sea, of the As to Douglaa. 1. would .« III modern th in k e r., accepted a ll over th e ir proposed Nesmith county, while have 4,393 square miles, great In ¡the world. If dogma, theology or people of the slate and like errand resources, and all desirable im authority had to fall, this war no i X r i t V X 7 e c e \.: r " x r ; n? 0 ^ ,, T h ., . h , c h 7 . ,.„ • 1 , 1 1 4 0 m o re These oeoide rirovements and developments concern of his. 1 . 7 that over 12 «00 signed the pe- »,«• "riles from Eugene and would k .e p Its ever increasing p o|e, not true had better fall. Just as ’ 90 miles from Roseburg, whereas illa t io n engaged to Its fullest dogma and theology had finally tltlon for the Inlullon of Ihe bill to Cottage Grove is ¡capacity for many decades to to yield before Galileo's truth which w ill be voted on Novem ber ] the distance ¡th a t Ihe earth moves. Peisonally, Think of it! In i come. ^ „ I'V n n r e ' VhHn Hie "reaulred num order for the Inhabitants of Ihe Benefits Large Number of People, his thought had led hln. lo reject her Which sign n in e s « ,'.n?.r, o l l ‘ u 7 d You Have Any W o rk Give It to Them . O LSEN ROE T R A N S F E R CO. Main 547— A-2247. 209 Oak St. 0 . F. h u . 9 e y t r a n s f e r co Main 2178. 270 Alder St. M. O LS EN T R A N S F E R CO. Marshall 811, A-5600. 230 Pine St. h E L L IW E L L T R A N S F E R CO. Marshall 1700. 166 Seventh St. N. c were eith er Bohemia district to reach R o sel The people of southern Lane and orthodox theology, so he w jthom an burg It Is necessary lo travel a northern Douglas counties feel Jected the consolations extraordlnarv amount of solicits distance equal to one-.hird the I that they are eminently qualified le a ,a tlon The lines follow the natural distance acroas the state, and to to economically adm inister th eir were Ihe divides as near as practicable and get lo Eugene a distance equal to own governmental affairs, and bearing to h c e n "lr . 4 mpu sHon ,'ot one fifth the distance across t h e ',r e v . the opportunity, believing ''society to the center Of p o p n ta n o n v h( n ( K O y e rn ilie n , , he „ „ | a , p had re R A T H J A N T R A N S F E R CO. of the M a,n #30, 7 1-2 First St. »* ^ X d S H O R T Y 'S E X P R E S S CO. disinherited poor vl6t m s , M araha|| M 1# 265 Burnaid, 8 t. the superstructure oalled DON O VA N " and government and ° East 5960 c h u rrh , h e |r Uge rove. e piropeis» i i V a r tn tM of (_ane and Douglaa. cheaper; thu, laws are more ef- He did not believe t h a t « , the »ary county sea, In the aggregate The county of Lane is situated f.d u a lly enforced; that greater wretched ones could reach up to is "an easy down hill pull," Ihls the head of the W illam ette val development of country Is attain- the finger tips of Justice by physi ■taking for a large sr cent I, of convenient the rural cl,Isens with- at ley and has an a re . of 4380 square able that more and belter high cal force, hut only by the N rc e equal to about 2.800.000 ways are possible, that the c l,I of tru th , aud that this could only i In the territory to transact luisi mile«. .. . . «n . . oow ...m . .......... Douglas county, bounded lens would be convenience.!, that be set in action by education ■ess at that point, as Is now th eir acres T here Is but one small on Ihe north by the low crest of taxation and representation should Hence he •"<*»•« <° *•»»>’ •>' custom the Calapoola Calapoola mountains, mountains, and on go hand In hand: snd that by the schools which, little by R’ ’ 1* mountain range to cross, and this the the south by spins of the Canyon i creation of Nesmith county the should tske away the pupils Of fcy a low pass stali- mountains, has 4861 square miles, ] efforts of a large comm’ n lly would the church schools, or C „ „ Erroneous c 7 X 0U: h Impressions. ; 7 o 7 X ? lines i 7 " Z ; ; ; . m a , ; . y 3 . ^ ., . , . « acres ...- rendered more e. ective in in- schools until f l n a , , ^ the of the prop„«.d county of Nesmith From these f,cures the reader w I I I ,, .easing population, and develop- J J * „ ’ ^„om w e re has been sen,a, ion readily comprehend the v.s.neas of Rig the resources I “ iong .u f would Bhow her face to long-auf on ibt* part of lh<* op|M>i*hIon— them* countlm , either of Rhlcn m eaning I»ane and Douglas and nearly equals the area of the X r a X - r ^ w hether designedly or otheiw ise state of Connecticut, and are ( C U .u .d F r . - r a » « .» I | truth Teachers and pupils free. these m latateinents have, to say larger than aeveial states of the __ _______________ ■ — ------- land the end universal brotherhood the least, created a wrong tniprcs union The W illa m e tte xalley, an In 1 V n h e ra a! happiness l« « « « r-d . . , » ■ -» •» ;» hate w ere all forgotten, lived upon 5 «hull« anu shackles weigh our aw aie fu lly tw o m ile » , T h e ir jo in , area, it w ill be oh his llr» the Modem School W h a tjw r i.t s if ever we suffer to be for width and a p p ro x im a tely eeven ¡aerved from flgurea «‘ »’ n «>’"» ’ • la ,h r Modern School? I« la the 1 gotten how and whv he died. ■ H e . in tenztfc. «»<* “ »■ ! * • ’ ', n • quare m ' w M ,e U' e ■n, ravelable IB T E A M S T E R S L O C A L NO. 162 BECKER McLOUGHLIN & SWEENEY 441 W ashington St. Telephone M arshall 2213. General Dry Goods AND Men’s Furnishings Complete lines of Blankets, Spreads, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Linens. la d ie s ' Furnishings at low­ est prices, /g e n ts for Red­ fern. W arner's Rustproof and Thomson G love-Fitting Cor­ sets and Cooper's K n it t ’n- derw ear for men Men's Union Rulta, In wool and cot­ ton He», values in Ihe rity , from 21 00 UP • e r r I re to >100 .<10 In the event of death- . I»o you ieall«e what member «hip mean« to Y O U ? »1 «0 per moDth furnlahea you w ith tne beat M rdlrw l. H urgleal and H o s ­ p ita l a ervbe obtainable. Over !k*w> ona- . of Mrkneaa and In ju r v have been trvuted In ou r P o rtla n d lH a tr b t alone la the past tw elve month« Send us or photu yoor name and address and Interesting, de ssTlptlve pom phlet w ill be twnt to you. NATIONAL HOSPITAL ASSN. P haeew i M«iw M «a » w k B .I I 4 I « « ? x ss. A -axa« P orllM od. Orc. Men’s AH Wool Union Made Fall Style Suits T h is W eek O n ly— O ur B est $18.00 Suits at $14.85 O ne of th e M any Specials E a st Side Trade B u ilding W eek G R A N D W. H. MARKELL & CO. CiMMisciai Moniij Mstisw, Oct. 24 Hnlllvaw • io B k ld le e . «•» Vaudeville C ircu li I» Ih r VVurld. W ill I'reaeut Ihe F e tle w le g A tt r w c llo e a : T h e W o rld '» Meat M arveloua Monkey The lllg lie v l Priced A nluial A c, in Vsudevllle T h e Ynnngeai ltd,tested Chlmpanaee In V audeville I . A n v » r .T T V Prem ier Sim inn ges tu re of Vniiilex llle, K ltlie r at H om e or Abroad The A ll bn, llu n in ii I'hlm penxee C A M P H K I.I. and V A T K S ln "200 M ile« From B ro ad w ay T IIK T H B F -F B S , A K O O « T h e B ounding T a b le W onder« T U B T H B B B IM P B K IA ,.« An liiu o t ntlvti ti» Mnul«*, Houn nnu M irth R IN H « m l r i T A F R A th le tic l.n nit bi»» kerw P IH T K I. •■» D ANCOPB THE F O L L O W IN G DEALERS H A N D L E U N IO N L A B E L E D H A R ­ NESS A N D HO RSE GOODS: Held A Kavaabeum . 4 H aw th o rn e avenue. W I» O Regan. 24f F ro n t ~ O .1 K re m ie r. F o rty flin t and Powall ata. V itlc ti made h»»rae collar« II .1 Schm itt. .'«II B urnalde at F ra n k Schrama« k F ro n t at., betweea Madlaon and Jefferson Leading EA S T East M O R R IS O N , Side Departm ent CORNER OF 330 X Yea. AVENUE. ORPHEUM B B 4 1 IN N IN « M O M IA 1 M A TIN B B O P T . »4. ,» ! • F lra l Amern «n 'I » II.I B PA VHI I B T h e P a tia la n k la r «nd * f O M IK Pi • Vwallat i b i . ip b won Kt* * In "A P . l l f - r l l - l , . m -'R -" 1* by K danr B" Mins A- ' C lever W hu SBVV M ua k le n e a# Ringer TH B F I»B A I P H '“ M ake tin- llw - p e M«ni| MK HYMKN N B L " The Man the '. ' • " i . . ' „ £ , 7 W ilk the l-nali uf te m r -i} In , Ä ta x t w o k a ik b t t s T h e ir Comedy !‘ “ 1' I , , , . . Fltnatinukona in Kvenl-ig I "O B I I S I .B ' Balancee L ike ............... « P IC T , k r l OBPHEM THA Wbe Vete Store. U N IO N