OFFICIAL PAPER OF TH» central labor c o u n c il PORTLAND AND VICINITY or PORTLAND LABOR PRESS E TRADRS UNIONS AMR THR RULWARXR O» MODERN DUMO CRACOW”—W. ■ Volume 10 No. 29 OLADRTONR Whole Number 554 PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1910 ► GOMPERS SUES RECORD OF HAWLEY ARD ELLIS THE ASSEMBLY - RALLY A FROST The Income per month la now shout *266, w hile the expenditure la leas than *1*6, leaving a p rofit of over »60 for each 30 days. T he com m ittee recommended M C. Koehler of the Picture and Projecture M achine Operators, de­ that the Building Trades Council take over the association and make parted this week for a three the extensions. month's aojourn in Chiesa ’, M il­ waukee and other eastern cities. N. D. dandqulst Ed Sm ith and George H . F a rra r were appointed W •rJbw.U •» ••1 w ill never w ork for you slate that was put through. to submit a complete plan for ta k ­ W. ri. Armstrong, of the T h e a t­ "God give u« n u n ! A tim e like sembly speaker*. The strikers are resolute. They main until you settle rig h t w ith But whyT M r. H a w le y and M r . BHU, our ferees to Insist upon disagreeing rical Employes, goes to tbe Dalles T hey w ere cold, this demands strong minds, ing over the proposition a t the are working against the assembly , .. . .... , Hie btrikers." great hearts tru e faith and w ill­ cause the agents of special . . . . regular meeting on the 19th InsL present ‘‘atandpat” re p re s *'4 t*tlv i» with the senate. T he motion car­ on Saturday to Install a theatre * ______ ■__________ This was the answer or a strlk- nominees, and they are organizing, In congress, now seeking your ried bv a vote of 164 “ yeas,'' to for the Peoples' Amusement com lege could not d eliv e r the ing hands; 1,.. Teamster to hla ex-einployer the Teaiudrlvers of Portland. vote for th e ir nom ination next 105 "nays", 12 answering ''pres­ pany. Uro. Arm stiong takes a Men whom the love of office can­ they could not throw th e ir heart A t the nominating election one In answer to au offer to pay the week took a decided stand against ent' and 119 "not voting '. This crew of union carpenters w ith and soul Into tlte lr speeches. not k ill; n r lk fr »3.50 per day If he would week from next Saturday labor record vote lu the house was an him. These assembly fellow s, talked labor on the Hughes amendment. T he Job w ill last some Men whom the lust of office can in i-it bia coiutadea and go to proposes lo deliver a body blow to party and Indulged In personal»- T he Labor Unions are p « a out­ endorsement of its form er action I three weeks. not buy; « ,.il The draytuan said to the those who stand for special p riv i­ lawed T hey ate classed a s labor In favor of the Hughes amendment Men who have opinions and a ties; but w hat could they sa y . , , kci•: "You don't have to fight lege and against decent conditions bill These men are the agents of pri­ trusts by the Sherm an a n ti trust when it was added to the Free school books. Vice-President Hannon of the I w ill; it. battles of the other fellow. for the toile.s. and corporation p ro p e rty law. According to court in te rp re ­ while the house was In committee M achinists Is In Portland for a ' Men who love honor— men who ve te This is the program of the O re­ Organized labor of W ashington T.ii.p the Increase In pa^- and go Representatives El few days. M r. Hannon has Just! rights aud it is th e ir desire to eaa tations of this law each and every of the whole w ill not lie; gon Federation of l-abor. stoqd for Miles Poindexter and P work.” Ils and H aw ley are recorded as ; [¡tr Vancouver. trade unionist Is held to tbe law. Men who can stand before a de'.n- these law-made rights p revail ovap This In typical of the Team driv- the insurgent nominees. T he vie-1 A com mittee from the State ______ T he Hughes am endm ent would voting ''nay,' or against Instruct ¡ agugue aud damn his treacher­ the w elfare of the lieople. tory Is overw helming, because I Federation of Labor, headed by have stopped prosecution of men lug the house conferees to Insist | Tbp a n t, aaiipmt,,y candidates are I ,i < and Machinists' strike. T h e re is no argum ent to he pro- ous flattery w ithout blinking; The tmeses are endeavoring to every trade union center piled up .1. F. Cassidy, is now preparing for organizing to better condl upon disagreeing w ltth the K* n ! U tn u illg thp streets and halls all T a ll men. sun-crowned, who live sent ed so they ta lk about tkft l.r-ak the strike by the o ffer of tremendous majorities in rebellion ! a state law for free text books, tlons of labor, but M r. Haw ley • te I over the city to speak to the peo- j above the fog In public duty as good old party of Lincoln. I . t i e r wages to a few staunch against organized wealth and p riv -ito In presented to the legislature and M r. Kills opposed the law Yes. the dominant party of thlft On June 23, the conferees report p)e In private thin kin g; liege. j next January. m ikers. ed to the house a disagreement j that denies them thia right Fbr w hile tlie rabble w ith th e ir state, the party which the eorpoft Hut It don't work. Oregon is not the exception.; This law Is being drafted In sc-j the falhor press the actual record a’ lon'x agents have r-m tro lleft, T he Push clubs are coming thumb-worn creeds, I lie strikers stand firm in their Our people here are Just as free cordance w ith Instruction of the of M r g m ,. and Mr. Hawley s I on the proviso and recomended aud are now seeking to con tin t** little deeds, . j track One of th e ir objects w ill nriglnal position. and intelligent. j »late labor forces held here last 1 dutnRg * ! "lhat the house recede and con ' be to boost the W a ter M ain G raft. L o ! Freedom weeps, wrong rules th e ir control. V ten hour day with wages The corporation agents and law-! January, T be le tte r. In this regard, reads , cur," which meaut that ihe house Special privilege m ust doroinatft the lHnd aud w aiting Justice At that tim e the com m ittee pre-j (aiiging from ,2.25 to ,3.00 was yers cannot organize an assembly “On June 2, 1910, the house,[ agr. e w ith the senate and elim ln the nom inating bodies In order * • sleeps.'' A demand for the card oí »-led The bosses refused to ar- and foist their ticket on the same sented a re|>ort showing that | w hile In com m ittee of t M Whole. J ate the H u g h e s „ „ i o n clerk oo the p a r t o f or­ preserve th e ir special Intel eats. Hirnte the question at issue. This lieople who are the victims of Iwioks can be bought by the dls- adopted the follow ing amendment bill. The motion carried by a vote At this assembly m eeting tkft These words could have been ganized lalxir w ill settle the mat »as not fa ir and the strikers their Draymen's Association com trlc t and given to students under by Hughes, o f New Jersey, in t h e ! « t 138 "yeas" to 130 nays. 16 principal si»eaLer was Geo. W. R etail the more fittin g ly said some few years of organizing ter bine. I the free library plan, at much seitlou of the sundry c lv l’ appro 1 answerlng know It. 'present'' »—t and in 106 1 . “not Clerks. corporation attorned ago, but thanks to the advance of Stapleton, The same crowd who bound the The Team drivers and Maehln less than h alf the present cost. prlatlon b ill, m aking ai-propri voting." By this vote the house Intelligence we have our insurgent and agent for a doctors' pro4a*» Di.m nen up In a contract to stand Istg’ strike may continue, lailm r T h e com mittee In th e ir “port atlon for the prosecution * f . v i o l a ­ of represent?! .es repudiated Its Ed Sm ith Is now representing spirit o f the day. W rong, injus­ liv e society and tim b e r Inter* Hi in against the strikers in their understands the cause of refusal said: tions of the A n tl-Trnst Law This form er setious taken on June 2 the I jtth e r» ' Union as secretary tice aud Ihe law-made special T h e msn who was a dem ocrat "Fou r years ago a law was di niand for better treatm ent are to arb itra te or settle Just demands' and June 21, »ben It adopted the proviso was favored by L°OOr: privilege of the day are being changed color when he became ft businets agent. and of overworked and underpaid men.) passed by the legislature of Utah also Ihe power back of the re- " ‘Provided fu rth e r, that no part Hughes amendment and instructed brushed aw ay by rlghtous Indigna­ corporation law yer. liih llra n assembly; the same cor- See w hat their answer Is next providing that free text books of this money shall be spent lu its conferees to retain It In the "W e believe in the «»«ensbly,- tion and the enthronm ent of man M etal Sheet of Ihe G. Ross A I oration crowd that fixed up the wee! should be furnished to the pupils the prosecution of any organisa­ bill. This vote was the determ in­ said M r. Stapleton ns he appealaft tn bis proper estate. photo w n ie of the schools in the present tion or Individual for entering In- ing factor in which the house of ; W orkers Is doing to those who love th e ir p ro perty I« b o r Press Not always w ill It be considered for the graphic » o ik counties of the state. On the to any com bination or agroeiuent representatives placed llself on Interet ts fo r support of tha whole, the operation of the free having In view the Increasing of record as being opiosed to any Bro Rcss knows how to use his "good bus; net»“ to sacrifice m an­ hood. womanhood, happiness and sembly slate. esmera. text book law has been very bene­ wages, shorteing of hours, or bet organization or Individual making H e appealed f< pport the child Just so some owner of ficial. Every pupil has had teriug the conditions o f labor, or an organized e ffo rt to Increase Judge C le li u, ».Un 'ng hla reft privilege cau m ake and pile up H. A. Erickson of the Steam flt throughout the entire term of his for any act done In furth eranc- wages, to reduce hours, or to bet­ ord for non uitts w a • not Portland Ijtb o r Press: tr is No. 235, » a s selected as dele- d irty dollars. Elect wage-earners and advó­ attendance at school every re­ H e spoke for W allace thereof N O T in IT S E L F U N L A W ­ ter the condition of labor—organ- T his was the sentim ent •» - i Ized or unorganised— without run gate In the Building Trades Coun had the Perm it me to answer, through celes of liberty and Justice, Is the quired book. He has ant. th e W e lls Fargo Bxpi F U L .' pressed by the demeanor of the "On June 9. this proviso was, niug the risk of crim inal prosecu ell last M onday night. your columns your three perti­ advice extended by Prescldent necessary text ever at hand to 800 people who gathered a t the law yer, for suprem e court aid hint in the preparation of his strteke from the b ill whan It w as; tlou under the provisions of the and Judge B urnett, too. And nent questions, asked in your Is­ Gompers to the local labor forces. E. H arlan d la now represent­ Arm ory last Thursday n ig ht to 'asks, and in adidtion he hag had reported to the senate by the ap- A nti-Trust law On this final and Upon this subject, Presideut h ear the assembly crowd have did a great deal of explaining sue of 8ept. 1st. Tbe w orking­ ing the Cement Finishers in the access to ".an y supplemental ,atlojl comm„ tee. O b a rer most Im portant vote Represents- why the street car, tho South . th e ir say. men should know exactly where Gompers has w ritten a personal books which he otherwise could I ord ___ „ , « « • I t “nays, j fives Ellis and Hawley are re Building Trades Council. Pacific and other corporation! vote of 34 . "yeas.'' letter, in which he Bays: T h e Interests' agents w rote a not have secured. As a result! Slid 42 "not voting," the t-ena’ e l corded ss voting "aye." or In favor each candidate stands on these to rn e y * m et and fram ed up | It la earnestly desirable that le g is la tiv e Comm itteem an W m . story about this assembly m eet­ questions. Personally, I have a l­ Labor and the liberty loving c iti­ higher clnss records have ltecn sustained the action o f tbe appro oi the house receding aud eon assembly t ic k e t ing. T hey said 3000 i>eople w ere Mackensie o f the C entral Labor maintained and greater efficiency cm rtng w ith the senate to strike prlatlon com mittee. T h e m eeting was a DoaL ways been a firm believer in zens of your districts and your Council has the referendum on there; and that they all stayed to In scliol work secured. the Hughes amendment from the "On June t , a motion was ruede Statem ent Num ber One, and al­ state w ill secure the nomination But such was not registered the fact th a t the Gag Ordinance almost complete the very last "From the financial point of In the bouse to instruct tfte con sundry civil appropriation bill. T h e laib o r Press repre- pie are apposed to eor though, If elected, a representa­ of bona fide workmen and advo­ view there has been a substan­ already. T hree thousand nan "a the case cates of liberty and Justice for • cntatlve counted th e ir crowd and control of nom inating bodies. are desired; "over 2000 of the..- tive would have no opportunity tial gain In the furnishing of tex t Interesting comparisons. One tlon in Irttbor Tem ple, 3rd lloor. Last T hu rsday’s assembly r a lly all the people, both as candidates books free of charge to pupils. there were less than 800 pres­ Every man and woman desiring have already been secured. shows the reduction In coat under to vote for U nlt-.J States sena­ showed conclusively that thft for congress and the stale legls lu 1904. the first year that * » the purposed new law. ent. And about one-third of these to have better conditions for the against— assembly, the Ins tor, nevertheless, voters should lature. Should this be Impossible, L. Bledsoe of the Building L a­ left before the m eeting ended. the school districts not .Included! , n ( t e elghth grade, dans A, clerks o f this city should be there know my position. then you should see to It that can In cities of ihe first and second! o f our PorlIan(1 Those th a t were there were tick e t, w ill w in out a t borers reported the Building La- school, -weYve and help cieate them. You rig h tly ask, "Am I for didaies for nomination before the classes operated undef Ihe free bokg arp rP<, u| rpd at a total cost cold and unresponsive to the as- coining election*. •“God helps those who help in a flourishing condition a t the changing the 'judge-made' law prlinariea are held shall emphatic- text book law. the cost of books' , , , , » » Building Trades Council meeting Then«* «re used but onoe them selves." John H. Fergusoa of tha 1 , h()se dla„.|c, B wag » H W .IO 4 .3 R .,,'* d(gcardpd respecting lia b ility o f employers. ally declare themselves as to th eir I Ten new mem help It out w ith a hundred thou­ berg Teamdrivers sent la a^ T he best organized trades are Monday night. I t is an position upon Ihe measures In ------- - - , and then aisca a Most em phatically, yes beta Initiated at the la s t, meeting sand, or so. or ,1 9 0 per pupil enrolled, o r] , reP book the ' the best paid píete lis t t h l x ^ y J | Interesting fact, that the law as j which Labor Is most vita lly In te r-! 31 ft t 62 X? <9 per pupil . of X“ ..^ ,»■^■■-.1 „mi ' r» ■-» i school age. -I Tho was the record. T eam drivers E. O. Barger, the w ell known laid down by the judge lu th e ;e s ie d . and such prospective nieui cost of Itooks for the year 1905 • district would buy the books and i n o , en ftcoM Thomas M c K ittric k , represent m tlT worn ' Labor Press. they would be used nntl caae of Fow ler vs Wabash R. R. 1 hers of the state legislature should The delay on the Madison street Machinist and G arm ent w orker, ing S te im fitte rs local 235. has was 57 cents per capita in th e | cut. Menry has offered the streetcar monopoly Co., In 1873, has been followed also fu rth er pledge themselves counties. For the year en d in g 1 gone to the annual convention ot bridge Is now caused by Contrac­ s real fender without money and The saving to tha community, the International Plumlters ever since. I consider that sec­ not to vote lor any candidate for June 30, 1906, the cost of text I tor Robert W akefield . M aterials and device has tions 5 and 6 of the proposed the United Stales senate unless ( pp( . |(upi, ln ,bp P()Un„ P9 wa„ ' according to results In east ern Stearaftttera association whlcn and tools are not furnished In without price. T h e been tested and is fa r superior L iab ility law submitted by or­ he altio em phatically declares him * O - ’ 0 t c©nU; I in the cities 39 cents, states wou’ d be seventy per cent II III» ? V . — W — ' — » proper quantities. meets In 8 t. Paul on Monday. to the child-killing racks now car vp:ir of the »5.77. o r a total net cos. ganized labor, contain what should self in favor of these subjects! , p Sa„ , ^ ke c )(y , h(1 )agt year be followed by the courts. "Con­ that Labor advocates. T h e num­ the cost per pupil enrolled was 1 l of $1.73— A saving In this one E. A. Cheyne of the Painters' rled. U N IO N L A B E L E D S U IT S . tributory negligence." should be bers of the bills covering these 4« cents, while In such counties c'lass of »4.04. Union Is always In attendance at Reprc entatlve H a w le y 1. T he girls are a ll out picking ing uie votes o f w orking no defense. As a m atter of fact subjects in this Congress are: at U tah, San Pete and Cache, it I ------------------------------ * The union label on custom-made each meeting of the Building hops, but as soon as a big rain very few accidents occur where "H . R. 25188— R elief from In ­ was approximately 50 cents p er, clothes was originated liy the New Trades Council. T H E CLERKS. next week. Sept. 24. conies on there w ill be plenty of the employe Is a t fault, In real­ junction abuse and amendm ent to pupil. This difference of cost Is Hampshire Tailors at 148 F ifth M r. H aw ley desires the repu ---------- ity. The courts have always been tbe Sherman Anti-Trust Act. The Building Trades Council Is w ork aw aitin g them In the big can nom ination as repreaentnti N largely to be found In ihe b e lte r1 The R etail C lerk m et last Snn street. guarding the interests of the em ­ "H . R. 15441 and S. 5578— care bestowed on th eir books in day and sent for a charter. They These people make a suit to your doing excellent work these days. Neustadter Brothers factory on to congress. ployer, and are now governed by Eight-H our Bill. w ill m eet next Sunday a t S p. m.. I order of the best m aterials at President E. E. Sm ith and Secre­ the East side. th" schools of the cities." I , he e n title d to your v o te i m > much “Judge-made" law that "H . R. 12000— Convict Iutbor The com m ittee have made some to continue the w ork of organiza 1,17.50. ,22.50 and ,25.00. tary W illia m N offke are both en President Gompers c f the A. F. T h e G arm ent W o rkers w ere to only 15 per cent of those who arc Bill. title d to credit for the excellent of L. In a le tte r to the editor <* be fined a dollar for non-attend Injured, receive any rem uneration. "A ll energies should be centered work of tlie council. the Laltor Pre«« has som ething ance at the Labor Day parade, But 1 consider that a system, upon the measures and the can to say of M r. H a w le y ’s record. but the com m ittee adjusting the based on negligence of the em ­ didates so as -to secure the legls-1 J. F. Cassidy is working over­ It Is t»f Interest to you, M r. V o ft ployer. should be discarded, and latlon amending Ihe Anti-Trust tim e since becoming business excuses ate having the tim e of er. It shows how M r. H a w le y r e f t a system, under which the in­ law and to correct the evils aris­ th e ir lives. agent of the Building Trades resented you. dustry bears the burden of re­ ing from Ihe injunction abuse— Council. T h e le tte r In p art read*. T h ere Is need for an organist» lieving the distress of the In- In these measures the rights and "Representative H a w le y wi lured workm an, w ithout litig a ­ liberties of the workers are es­ The llulld ln ? Trades Council tlon of the Laundry W o rkers pointed by Siteaker Cannon tion. should be submitted. Prac­ sentially Involved. elected au orgauiaatlou com m ittee T here are low wages, long hours m em ber of the house comm! tically every civilised nation of "There are many other bills on last Monday evening. The overtim e and plenty of Im .o sl on ljib o r. D u rin g tbe session the world has adopted, in some of great Importance before con­ members are Brothers Nordstrom. tlons to adjust. closed ho was frequently form, such a system. As has been gress, but the >'nes mentioned J Foley, W. A. Tw lss, E. H s r M rs F ra n k C o tterh lll w ill re- to in behalf of the eight-hour said, "The blood of the workm an are really the most Im portant land and L. Bledsoe. mnin w ith the people o f P o rt­ No 15441 advocated by Labor, Is the cost of the product.” How- and upon which it is most essen­ the convict labor hl!!. H . R. IrtC ® i ver, I approve the L ia b ility law. tial lo r candldntej to declare T he Building Trades Council on land for a year. 8'ne has determ ­ that have been urged by Labor, as submitted, and consider it far themselves.” last Monday lilg h t appointed, A. ined to organise the Retn'l Clerks. both of which bills were, before the In advance of the existing law E. Cheyne. Joe Foley and J. L. She hits m any a lick for other house com m ittee on I»nbor. It w n * O L IV E R M. H IC K E Y . I^ d w id g e to call on the Plasterers' unions. This plucky little woman seemingly impossible to get Mr. should be given the glad hand Union and request them to ap H aw ley to tako any active p a rt AN IN T E R E S T IN G P A M P H L E T . (Kiln! a business agent and secure by organized labor and by every S e e re liry H". M. Lorntsen of the be In the com m ittee tow ard report» g closer alliance w ith the Lathers' Christian man and women cause rhe Is tryin g to Improve Ing these hills out at an early ft The new edition of the pamph- Astoria Fishermens' union was In Union. the disgraceful conditions of the period of the session when a c tio » 'el "Peoples’ Pow er and Public Portland on business last Tuesday. could have been taken upon M r. Lorntsen report? a fa ir sea­ Taxation,” Is being sent out all R. O. Rector of Ihe Carpenters' clerks In our great stores. H elp Preachers. In ­ by the house. H . R. 13000 w aft , son on the Columbia w ith »10 over the state. Union. Local 50. has b ien elected her do this work. reported out of com m ittee on Jt.nft ! The firs t edition had 20.000. lier ton more pay for the men legislative com mitteem an to the vite her to your pulpits to tell and want 22, three days before the bousft The second has 70,000. I t is a as the result of the union. C entral l»abor Council by the of the degredatlon adjourned, and It was found neceft among the slaves o f the shop. At a meeting of the Fishermen pamphlet of 128 pages and every Building Trades Council. a iry by M r. Hughes to m ake a ftft> page full of Inform ation of a na­ on the 6th Inst., the following of- The above landscape is part of servatlve estim ate. | There are known to be tens of T he report of the le g is la tiv e tlon upon the floor to discharge ’ ture to effect the pocket book of fleers were elected; Secretary H. .hp ljiu r e |,,ur(„ , ra r, on the O. R. H a rtw ig of the Painters T he representative of Ike l-“t d l | thousands of lots In and Just out- !ooU(nR . aa, estate In many importan*. m atters side of thin city aw aitin g the s ift Is now on the organizad ,u com- ¡ com m ittee w ill lie the most in the com m ittee on labor fro m haft every man who works ft a liv ­ M. Lorntsen; trustees. Soren Nel-1 8(de <(f p ()rtlant) th e r consideration o f the eight» son, Jensc Ntelen. Fm tl Slvin O. from ipR i. Eas( g U rk an(, w heie ing. m I bo the Big Business Beast's m lttee of the C entral Ijtb o r Coun terestlng thing at the C entral L a ­ is and has been T . 11. Wilcox, of a foolish people. bor Council F riday evening Some hour b ill H . R. 15441. pockets that work the public for J. Settin and Jacob Carsten: dele­ East 39th street w ill ue cut who la also one of thy iaeml» :x The woifting people of this city ell. " I t w ill be well therefore, for fervid oratory and plain talkin g gates to Astoria Centra] Iathor plunder. of the W a ter board aerviag w i b- will lie called u|x,n to pay for through. your organizations to hear th is 1ft Em il w ill be In order. Nielson, It contains some s triking Illus­ Council, Soren W . H . F itzg erald, secretary of This tract contains 448 acr-s out pay. and very much Interested all these mains for speculators. mind » lie n M r. H a w le y la s o lic it­ trations and three cartoons. It Elven, Jens Nielsen and O. J . ‘ the L ib e ra l Is-ague. has done some assessed for »<33.000, or ,1 .0 -i from purely patriotic interest ;in 11 They pay all bills, end they w ill J. F. Cassidy, secretary of the ing a renew al of confidence to* shews up the tax dodgers. Ir r e ­ Setten. excellent work for the carpenters' an acre. These lots are worth i <“l»lc pride In securing tniMtaCi of j pay these bills. has re-election to the 62nd congress. spective of the m ental attitude of Labor State Federation of Labor — ' over »900 each, forty lots hav.'-ig; dollars worth of free w a te r meins | vt'hy should you or Neighbor unions and the C entral ordered 20,00 buttons bearing ap­ an man as regards the present • • • • • • Council tills week Brother F itz ­ heard ft recently sold to a spe. n iai-jr for j to enhance the value of the «if- W orkingm an, give T . B. W ilcox, propriate Inscriptions signifying ta \ laws It w ill pay him to read ® nnuted ft ,9 5 3 each. In o th e r wo;-da the] ferent vacant tracts of land In, Joseph Sim on, the Iaidd fam ily, gerald w ill make his report to this pam phlet ol In ort an , r , h|nisp|f q property Is assessed at h“ t t per and adjacent to PnrcUnit. H ''I the Corbett bunch, the Portland the central body tomorrow night. that the w earer Is going to vote for 330, the employers lia b ility If It will be m ailed to every regis­ • by his brother. see • acre than two lo ti arc worth, or would consider It a g re a t Ae:'l - R ailw ay Light and Power crowd, Oregon laws perm its voting • or acquaintances should the • one-third O. R. H a rtw ig . E A. Cheyne law . tered voter In the state. Its value T he tra c t better use to make o f »HW.iWi to j , be q p jj and others any m ale closen over the age ot Any citizen of Oregon can obtain • this, they should w rite J W • would make 2.670 lots. | present the Laurelhurst tram o w n - ) |j kP thPm Christm as, New Year, and Jack Ixm ib ert w ill go to T a ­ T h e M achinists have some a l­ 21 year, who has resided In thft a copy by addressing W . G. Egglc -, ft Electrical W o rker or street • ' The W a ter Main grafters |-ro- era w ith free mains than to cut i bj r,h day and anniversary pres coma next Sunday to attend the most giants on picket duty at d if­ slate fur six nmnths. No (ireclnot northwest conference of («In ters , sion, 82 1-2 F ro n t street. Port ft Hunsaker, 901 Cedar ft itose to have the users ol w ater, w ater rates in half. plltg |n ,j,p aha|>e of lite ra lly mil ferent places, and the thug who qualification o r state questions I* ft Cairo. Ill land. Ore. 1 the people pay for miles of free I For the je a r 1908 It cost to |j<1I)s of do||a ra worth of free which convenes on the 19th Inst. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • T h e conference w ill he In session gets one o t them has to h it a required. The I,abor Press w ill send n mains to put w ater m t h li tract, m aintain the system snd deliver | watPr matn, ? A ny m ale person of foreign lick from the back and run about two days Copy to any subscriber asking for It w ill cost about »106.800 to do the w ater to consumers »108,000 M illions you enquire? An Electrical W o rker the other ! b irth, over 21 years old may re g i e TO E N L A R G E LABOR T E M P L E It. or about »1,200 more than what n By the g ift of free motna the Yes. Indeed. T h e people of Mrs. F ra n k C o tte rlll. organiser day found an u n fa ir n u n w irin g ; ter and vote one year after t a b the I-aurelhurst property wants as It shows up the W a te r M ain this city gave three m illions of f r the Clerks, was given the 22 thé house- o f a w ell known build lug out first (-apers w ith the eoeft» T he Labor Tem ple I - to be en- i common a free g ift for mains. Graft, now tryin g to conte back larged and extended. The Build a t o ^ an eaelt, or Io 1 here are scores o f projiertles free w ater' mains away In 20 sign w tile talkin g to the sales Ing trade« member. The man who ty clerk. with the rest of the grafters. In c ity elections the voters m u s l T hey lad |pa o ld . W orthm an Hlngs w ill not scab on his own union Ing Trades are proposing to ,a k r j ’ ' ” ' ' |(>f |267.000 Lnts . a r d ’ nterests like the above that years to these very people It shows up the way vacant have lived 36 days In the prectne^ w ill take II w hether or no. If the ---------- sometimes w ill on others. over the Labor Tem ple Assorts ( I < m ,lch mor„ (0 w ant to fatten lik e leeches noon land and lot owners evade th eir In addition to reatdtng In the ritft T he Anil-Boycott association I« ! Hon from the eight owning union? bunders becauxe homes the w ater consumers of Portland law i-ertn'is. T hey w ill not be I'K t share of taxation. I R. W 9 lee man o f L o ra l 808 and; six months. and put It on a firm legal basis h me „ In six months a fte r th “» pass three years in g ettine another o|), and injured by the artlon of It shows the farm ers where three millions worth If the W a 'e r the Buck stove :»eople In mak 1 W llliv m Zim m erm an o f Iax-al 50,] Persons not registered, ts» I and extend It to ^ r s o f, n w ||“ age of the W a ter M ain G ra ft 4hev they are being swindled out of get are o ff to the Carpenters' Conven \ Ote by fillin g out form "A" aft exprei Vo aas'lmitaTe™ WM sum Main G raft la voted into lx lug ing peace It calculated to the Labor Tem ple building ) 4 a » » $ (wat ne^»‘5si*v. As r.’ aiiy a m illio n dollars a year A cting for the Invest ¡gating e-mo asstrred^ In big contributions right along ! tlon. which convenes in Des the polls, same being signed bft hlch would be am ply suft elent i « « •lo ­ In t xressive taxation to help oat a i front m anufacturers w ith which to Moines on the nineteenth six property holders. mlttee. George H. v ‘,rra r Uni<>a without reckoning iu Port- to run the w ater syxtem for ten Next Week w e w ill show lbs land speculator. vears and supply every home and | Christmas present to Joe 9lm on fight organised labor, and now Its T he Carpenters are doing good It tells just how the business s s “ " r s r . hotel factory and yard absolutely that the W a ter M ain G raft w ill excuse for s ollellli g Is knocked I work , o rg an liln g over 20 mem- Every copy of T h e l« b o r tT'ii, workers and farm ers in each g l.c to him T h e re are others.] front under It. Porhaps '-'aft w ill]h e rs a week being the record. reaches a wage earasx. •minty are being swindled by our CORPORATIONS IN DOUBLE DEAL LOCAL NOTES 4»' FREE SCHOOL BOOKS WANTED IS WITH LABOR SAM GOMPERS FOR^JUSTICE GIVES ADVICE MR. HAWLE- Y F E NOTTHIS T . SAMPLE WATER MAIN GRAFT FISHERMEN HERE A VIEW 0E LAURELHURST AWAITING FREE MAINS TO COST $106,200 WHOVOTES? I*v lawfc « -ra-U>le.MMn> [*•» . I » to p M-O I U . ttp to r -V P i* " ! r«»M « - « » ' s p e c u la to rs w a a t a ll t h t a g * | t h e r e then» ftce. flo w ed In th . is w arm , red hl« te in a o f n.ln-1 count th .. (th a t re h a llad ' four km gft as they hautaa