OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE stral ’ . abor COUNCIL OF PORTLAND AND VICINITY PORTLAND LABOR PRESS - U . BULWARKS o r rCOERN DEMO CRACIES’ - W T R A D E S UNIONS ARE THE BI LU ARK» w _____________________ _ e OI.AD8TONÏ Number 51 injures olds , OF LABOR ________ __________ _ ----------------------------e n e T , A N O ^ R E G O N . T H U R SDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1910----------------- ; -------------------------- volume IX OFF1C . 1 PAPER o r THE OREGON BTATE FEDERATION - MEMBERS^AR^ ERS OUR MISGUIDED wiTU A LIV E CDICKinQ Tlfl FRIENDS DO CHARGED WITH US HURT GRAFTING yeon ~ favors BOARD WORTMAN &KING UNION MEN TALLE8T BUILDING IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST WILL BE ERECTED BY UNION MEN LARGE ATTENDANCE AND A 8TRONG SPIRIT OFPROGRE8 EXISTS — NO DELINQUENTS The prospects for establishing the eight hour day In Portland are The Thompson-Starrett Company — -------- I brtqbt. has »«‘cured the contract lor the At the meeting of the carpen­ construction of the tallest building ter» unions last Tuesday night ■ In the Pacific Northwest. On the great progress » a s shown by th e, Pacific Coast only the Call build­ two locals. Number 50 Initiated j ing In San Francisco Is higher. five new members. Her sister local This building will he fifteen did its full share In taking In new stories high and 100x100 feet In member». ground floor dimensions, on the ixtcal 60S held another of It» northeast corner of Fifth and Al­ usually Interesting meeting«. In der streets. fact, the boys say last Tuesday s J. 11. Yeon, one ol our local meeting was the best on record. capitalists, Intends to have this The Portland Catholic Sentinel of January 27 Delegates O. K. Hibbs and S. P Ex-Superintendent of C«*stiuction McLeod o the building one of the finest and most Rearlck made excellent reports of modern monument» to art, use and Portland School ditsrict, in ’he following affidavit progress pro­ by the Central l*b or writes about the employers' liability la w a n ‘ Olds, W ortman & King, unfair to organized la­ durability. It will be the best Council. Business Agent and Del­ poses its remedy for the solution of this great Indus equipped business office building charges his superiors, Architect Jones and sonic mem­ egate to the Building Trades B W. Portland. Pains will he taken bers of the school board witn graft. Mr. McLeod Sleeman rendered a detailed report in their present building and unfair because their new in to construct quarters specially the good work done by the ' " “ ' a " marked copies have been sent to the secre- lialf-inillion new home is being erected under open adapted for the various profes­ points out details specifically. The charges are serious. of Building Trade» Council. This suc­ - 4 a » of the '»hot miions V udl The affidavit is printed, as Mr. McLeod has in cessful organiser further made bhop conditions, have found a defender in Rev. Lu- sions. Work to clear the ground will general review of the good work tlu-r K. Dyott, D. D., of the First Congregational commence March 10. The struc­ pressed the Labor Press with the honesty of his done by the Carpenters since last | c o i n m e i l t , the Understanding • • , ture is to be completed by March »„trust In in doubling w their member er ^.¡j, be ai(je(i by first reproducing the article in t e n t io n s (August eir meutuv. 15, 1911. It will cost 1630,000. Church. ... U .ltn iio ii.. n l t i n t n s to Mr. Tones »hip and Increasing the strength The Labor-Press opens U s r columns io m b j ' p,he g,.ueral mwrof„. The of the Sentinel and then commenting upon it from A witty, but rather cynical Frenchman, once said. Six thousand cubic yards of dirt will be excavated and 9000 cubic onrl School Directors Beach and bleisclincr tor tlieir, peaker urgvd «a«h member to do “Dear God, défend me from my friends. I'll take yards of concrete and 2000 tons of anti »cnooi L/irc | . 1l , t()r his full part In «topping nine and the trades union standpoint. structural steel used. defense, if they so desire.— I-'Utor. sllIel ,e U hour work at »mail pay by The Sentinel writes i “The Oregon Federation tare of my enemies.” The best feature about this fine _ . duly manufactured at the East S, & t<> lhp nn(| hl> aI)|,llcBtlon of Labor will prepare an employers liability aw o How true this saying is in many cases ad can building, however Is that the work sworn, depose and say: •able was transferred to a doctors la unll)„. will be done by u.ilon men under be voted on in the November elections of this year That I was employed by tne office on th - west aide for th „.¿gered by the sus closed shop conditions. The Thompson-Starrett company School oBard of School The Thompson-Starrett Company ,„embers committee wan Ôlds, Wortman & King ate now suffering from t h e la r g e s t construction company , No. 1, Mu tnomah County, Oreg . ute of female member» of -1 - I “The proposed law is not sufficient > revo Reach', family. The cost of ma. gonle werU. ago tionary. Insofar as it seeks to surround the work­ In the United State», has found (or about four years, and Just p r^ j overzealous friends. terial and labot for this table wa found „ having a M e m b e r , by non-pay man will, safeguards against accident, it is to he that It can do the best and cheap­ to about three month» ago. That paid for by Schoo. Dl.trlct N r t One of these is the Rev. Dyott. originally engaged a» super- est work by employing the most I i . wa» B. While working < »■ _»iwa»« a mm nilttee. corn " " - ™' commended, and likewise in making it a In a recent sermon, with the text, “Let us go arcnueci « « -v - — ------- . . w ,n V Tager and O Beilis. ¿ . ’a - f - ...I'..d o im i ,. offence ft neglect these safeguards. But in the mat­ over unto the other side” (Mark iv:35), this rev­ detail, for the ” ed lo check this lo»«. " paclPr‘“ g )d m an who has brains j : supervise the .raa“ manufacturing ot ' Twenty eighth. Creston and Hoi erend gentleman calls -the representatives of organ­ .. a rule a „ man The committee has made I uv V I' »»* » * » - ' — — — -- - good, as ter of remuneration for loss of life or limb the pro- ■ enough to be a first-class mechanic liie the ? equipment for the East — etian school buildings. These 1 pre- shown by the good work douc by ized labor of Oregon demogogues, agitators and always joins the union of High School and later to super­ l.atcd. oil'« and M also prepared part of them. As soon as a member is posed law would retain the costly and uncertain .— — 1 detai’s . . b.»i** . - r — prints a - for thi» This company constructed the vise the repair department. ztnnart the »nd the near susp«nslon bis natno Is rp- system of litigation now in use. J ,lo ta . Portsmouth, Terwilllger. anarchists. . . . Meier & Frank building, it now. That »“ t h lie , ' ar,°"* a ¡Arleta. Portsmoutn. pOrt)q, « o ih e committee. To date ments I found that iner* The preliminaries to the real meaning of this among many other great »true- A-ernon, Albina H om e, e » ^ Rich £ eve, lures which It Is raising, is build­ sermon are best omitted. The full text can be found ing the >6,000,000 city hall In New- X S iS “ ““ ““ ...... . °' “ W. ' " T A. ""•rlrr " i,h hiS * k''‘‘ C ^ t ^ i , deadl in the Spectator of January 29. The Specta or is York. Butcher reported som« In The success of thi« great com- wtatspreau.________ fr„,„ ,h« District . o court to get damages, or in case ot his aeaui the organ that panders to the vanities and weak­ panv, The'foHowing are some i„.«.„^alabotit four years. No. 1 paid for ___ teresting things from the District always paying union wages his family must do so. Court proceedings are costly nesses of Portland s plutocracy. Dr Dyott eiidcn b and’ employing only union men, Is “'A“ “!’ w ^ U str n c te d by A rchitect w o * 1 p e r f o r m ^ for^Archl- Council. W. A. Butcher, J. W. Weatherby best answer to our cheap and and uncertain. Moreover, they are slow, and it oftett and E. Zahler reported all arrange .bought this paper would reach the right hind of the J. Jones, who was en ,P‘o>eJ'. R rocei,ed full pay from School unfair “open" shop companies who T. by th. School daBoar rnbrnb ? ™r' ‘ . A work ments made for the grand bull at of late are putting up some build­ happens that damages are awarded only after >ea » people. ordered by Architect Christensen’s hall. Eleventh and ings In this city with cheap and by the School Board e J supervt«- Yamhill streets, for Friday, Febru of litigation when the sufferers may have passed lng architest, to P«^'"™ 'Jones to pack the furniture and poor mechanise. These companies the bread scattered upon the waters. in the office of Director household ¿ooda in certain ary 25. These boys are working the near future will either have work V. Beach, In the Board of T r a d « | ^ r ^ » e h o ld ^ g o o d ^ rA».,rn overtime to make the affair the beyor.d the reach of financial aid. Omitting the preliminaries, the real sermo In to pay fair wages or shift to other the P»t wood an ' “W hat is needed is a system which will return building. Such work wa«i p e r - J « , Th>* I did. Thia fnralture. best ever given by h« scenes. The great capitalists of is ouoted as follows: . . Portland who of course have lots formed and paid for by 8 c * * a ahlppea to Mr. Boaeh's butcher». Local 808 ha» put all «Mry In thw tr aaoda t< f the jnjured man or his famibf a^asonablc com- “So also does our text illustrate the capital and of fun«)» necenunry 1« thefr haada business since, are realising that ‘T a d d m o n 5.......... work c e r t a l a l ^ y reBdence employ a large orchestra and ’: ^ , r h nT?M“ v < ’ fo °r pensation for his loss of earning power This Com­ labor question. The capitalist ought to s’ud> ''( " It does not pay to have their build­ m a teria l for Mr. Beach’. oMN •retire toher things necessary for ings poorly constructed. These pensation should be certain in amount, not depend­ labor question from the workingman s side. The property owners, who are also m ^h S c h ^ The ¿ ' t »' labor .s c h .^ .h d ^ v a ld for by School Dfs- an occasion of the kind. Secretary W. J. Shelley was re­ working,nar ought to see the capita ... s side Noth engaged In various kinds of busi­ quested to write a protest to ent on the feelings of a jury or the oratorical talent» ness. realise that cheap labor hurts X T a . ^ : ^ X , ^rtih-ethhou^n. Washington against an Increase In of lawyers; and it should be available at once. • ,e can be settled by imperious demands, threats, business, while well-paid labor Is No L t the Albina Homestead school. second class postal rates. “This points immediately to a system of ob g rikes boycotts and wicked agitation; that, is, noth- good for business. Tbe business of the evening w-a« That under direction of Archl-iaI in a i iiiiufi u iiw i— — ------- The really big men in business — — — I «oniinncJ • fr — ■ ■»«» O " n T a . ) l . completed before 10 p. nt., and the atory accident insurance, the cost of which 1» to be teet Jones a massage table w a il can be permanently settled. The working man, are realising that "good principle Lyric tlwater ticket drawing made also good business.” It cer­ 8. P. Rearlck, E. Zahler, Ralph a fixed charge on -d u stry and not Jo^ come out J s such, is not as much to blame as the demagogue, Is tainly Is good principle Io pay Ricca. G. Granqulst ahd W. Tager the wages of employes. We in America have laggct ,e agitator and the anarchist who arc trying to workmen good wages, work them were the five lucky ones, each re reasonable hours and* treat them eeivlng two tickets to the Lyric far behind the best thought of Europe in these limb to some unholy ambition over the stooping 'fair. (Labor’s Version.) theater free. The next drawing The committees of the Building boulders of the workingman. Some anarchists will, be next Tuesday evening at Trades Council fully went over tCIS' “Many of our readers, as workingmen engaged or before 10 p. m. By William Rex. the ground with Mr. Yeon. That lUirht to be in the penitentiary. The Carpenters are d«dng things (With Apologies to Kipling.) certainly showed good and they know It, » shown by the in more or less dangerous occupations, must be di­ “Here is a building being erected for the occu­ gentleman business sense In giving this con­ full attendance in the large hall. rectly concerned with the outcome of the proposed A fool there was, and he toiled away pancy of one of our business firms, which has always tract to the Thompson - Starrett (Even as you and 1 ), Company. The committees are employers’ liability law. We should be pleased o ,cen'honorable in its dealings and has helped to build entitled to considerable credit for For a cage and crumb, with nothing to say have them discuss in The Sentinel the practicability ip the business interests of our city. 1 he firm, their good work In connection with (Some call it worse than death grim and gray) of including an insurance feature in the proposed this gieat contract. tself, does not own the building. Those owning n. But the fool he called if his full days pa\ COMMISSIONER COM- LABOR (Even as you and I). :,r having it erected, have in some manner incurred lnw. ’ • PELS OBEDIENCE Rev. Luther R. Dyott, D. D., of 1st Congregational Church, Calls Ex-Superintendent of Construction Makes Affidavit Private Work is E m ployer’s Liability Law Will Not Done at School District Expense Catholic Sentinel Thus Advises Be Sidetracked Even Though the Labor’s Representatives Agitators gcnwall}. needs money, and he need, it a. cnew So Would bring back to him his reward f The Vampire mat- LAW ENFORCED The Sentinel i«i wrong in Its opening sentence, HONOR DEAD the displeasure of some persons belonging to the where it savs, “the Oregon Federation of Labor will Oh, the life we waste and the strife we taste— ranks of labor. Now, the workingmen have been On February 9 Deputy I.abor prepare an employers’ liability law to be voted on And the work of our head and hand Commissioner Gram had J Wtck- called upon to boycott this same firm, having no BARTENDERS PAY TRIBUTE TO Belong to this world, which does not know strom and son, owners of a plan­ in «lie November elections of this year. DEAD COMRADE ownership of the building. The spite is to be visited (And now we know that it never can. know) ing mill at 8cap|wK>se, arrested for Tltc law already has been prepared. Has re­ falling and refusing to provide upon this firm because those having gi\ en t e o ense And does not understand. safeguards for their macnlnery, a« ceived the endorsement of the State Federat.on of A. W.- Carter, member of the cannot be reached by our local labor circles. provided In the factory Inspection Barteriders Union, run oyer Labor in annual convention. The petitions to ent.tle law. “If my information about this matter is incorrect by a taxicab on 'Sunday morning A fool there was, and he lived a slave— Before the caFe could come to (Even as vou and 1). this law to ,«bmission of the direct vote of the peo­ front of his home. He died a I should be glad to be corrected, because I have triei In the Wlckstroms fully com To a master who drove him remorseless to grave— trial few hours later. . piled with the law and were let ple are now being circulated th ro u g h r,' the State. In 190&, (And « to ascertain the facts on both sides. But, it my in­ Carter Joined the v 'w union n ..»— h . c o u i a 2.-« off with payment of costa. No body of men, except a specially called con­ and while he had been . in .— business rgt R u t t b e £o u l never dreamt t l l.l t n iS ll t e tic. Commissioner Hoff and Deputy formation is correct, then I denounce the position o for himself for the last two -- years vention of the Federation, could change one word Gram gave special attention to an active active ™em^er m e m o e r of (Even as you ana l). certain labor organizations in this matter as utter > continued an this case and were prepared to the local. “He stuck to the old make a test If necessary. How in this law. „ reprehensible. It places such workingmen, them­ flag," feelingly said Charles Grass- Oh, the miseries he lived for the crumbs he received- ever, the policy of the commis While the friendly attitude to labor, usually man, secretary of the union. selves, and not this firm, upon the ‘unfair list Such The members on Wednesday af­ sloner Is to see the law enforced And the kicks which a dog would abhor, the time of the deputies given shown by the Sentinel, is understood and appreci­ courses pursued by workingmen will help the cause ternoon turued out in full force to He took from the man who care«! not to know w >- I and around the factories rather than ated by the active union men, it is entirely out o pay tribute to good old Carter s In court trials. So when the \\ lek of the “open shop,” and little or nothing more. remains. He was burled in Riv­ (And now we know he never eared wli) ) stroma gave proper protection to the question at the present time to expect labor to “On this question, as upon all others, where m erview cemetery. And did not understand. their workmen, the case was reverse itself on this law. Our proposed employers understandings and unhrotherliness are involved, we closed. further JNFO ^ as ^ ¡ p p ^ of his blood-sucked hide Under the provisions of the fac­ ,¡ability law is the best expression of this type of need fair play* for all concerned. tory Inspection law the labor com­ Solcmon nuu and Moves. . and 1). - I 1 (Even r - v c i l as you yvvs «»»»'• missioner or his deputies visit law tried throughout the United States. “In the court of truth, reason pleaded the causeo in« »oioniuu by the cam L n a v * do| . ! W h i c h b e H lit fh t h a v e saV € that It has another thirty «lavs to ous editorials against the proposed law. •Come on. Moses! Save me! To conquer his lord and make lwn know » h j comply with the le » . Otherwise, and m ain ly -to show the drift of the c u rre n t-th e Vicinity and tl.e Portland Building Trades Council Moses hesitated. arrest will follow. And force him to understand. he said, ’ I’ve been read Such a letter had to be sent to Oregon Employers’ Association is opposed fo the ire prepared to substantiate it—that Olds, Wor man Ing -S ol,’’ that notice board again and It the Wlckstroms. N eglecting to X King, when they needed larger quarters did not savs, 'Ten dollar» for a dead body. comply. Deputy Gram caused t i e hw . . . . i .k . The workers know that if this law is passed, the arrest. Wickström today Is wist r require that their building should he put up by union Now, do be reasonable." than little h ums he uw was ’ - a — —- while ago. ^M/i viilincr of men and women will stop* IMPOSSIBLE. an«l the planing mill owners have m a im in g a n d k illin g Of m e n d ll '''" ’The flimsy pretext .ha, the Trustee ComP»ny of been given full warning that the b e c a u s c ¡ t w | | i be too expensive. Our great corpora­ FR ID A Y E V E N IN G , FEBR U A R Y 25 The electrical »tody crate is now |18w must be obeyed. tions have no souls to damn or bodies to kick, as Portland is erecting this new budding and lha Olds. bearing fruit. "Are you a conductor? asked Christensen’s H all, Eleventh and Yamhill Streets Mrs. Butts (even ly)—John, dear, every one knows. The paid manager, say, of the Wormian & King have no say as to labor co,, hmm >, a l»d of an omnibus guard. If you should give me >2b for a every one knows, "I am,” replied the courteous , It.sselvn tvpe. cares only to pile up great profits on Extra large orchestra Special features new hut, don’t you know It would ■ «— -------- is an ¡mult rt> the intelligence of the smiling Olds the official. M .H ., .«I watered sioeh. mCr“ K ‘t shrewd Wortman and the active King. Also an in­ "What Is your name?" W ill be greatest ball of the season ..................... "My name la WooJ." sult to me intelligence of every trades union man and "Oh, that can t be," said the boy. , /-onfc I adies cents! should say It would be a miracle. Admission, Gentlemen cents, la d ies. •Tor wood is a nonconductor!" woman of Oregon. V |» s w s ------ CARPENTERS’ DANCE I u r t u R I v w aa •• —