PAGE SIX PORTLAND buy«' fcclioul where one row ran down {rum one wall to the other and then the second row ran back There was no minority |iurty In front of these ranks. As a conse­ quence the boys behind the boys In front got to ''scraping* and this Is why the Republican party Judge McGinn, Speaking was disrupted. A strong minority party would have put the Republi­ to the Union Republican cans of Oregon uiam their good Club, Declares Himself behavior, and II m H r has been up on that yet. R has been charged tonight that "I am against the assembly,” we have lost the principal offices said Judge Henry K McGinn, in a In our city through the direct pit 1 deny It. IX> you speech before the Union Republi­ mary law. can Club of this city on the night want to know the reasons which brought about these defeats? Then of tLe 24th ult. Judge McGinn grew up In the look Into conditions us they w. re ranks of the people who do things here at the time of your defeat in Oregon. It has b< •* h u lot 1*> you remember that when Tom to be among the Republicans and Word became the sheriff o f Mult- Old-Ume party leaders. In his nomah county in July. 1904? There speech he told of the old regime existed ten gambling bells In the and why he is now opposed to oily ol Portland, the largest one these self appointed saviors. The of which, the Portland club on made speech follows and Is Intensely In- Fifth and Alder streets, 1120.0110 profits in the month of teresu n g; o[ December, 1903. with marked Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen ’cards. Do you remember that the Union Republican Club. I nten put Into position under the If I had any doubt of the Re­ ' Republican party It, this city anti publicanism of this tin ting when county we ,- dividing the spoils 1 entered this bull tonight It was dispelled by the Introduction given of th«*#«» gMiihlliig hells with the to you of me by your chairman. gamblers. What did the Republl*. Your fairness in inviting me Io can organisation ever do to put those gambling helix down. Noth speak moves me, for you all know that I believe In the primary law. ing. is it any wonder that Re­ In Statement No. 1. In the Inltia publicans tiring of tin- partnership between gamblers ami their party tlve and referendum, In all meth­ organization voted for Democratic ods of progress in politics, and LABOR THVMSDAT, DFCEM. ER I. PR ESS ELECTRICIANS STATEMENT depicted by the dispatches U was ¡take such definite action as the not near so violent as the « n at-lease warrants. t< l ist agitations were a generation "Eighth—Your committee rac- ago when men demanded the aut- otnmends that the executive conn frage. It was caused by the minis ell of the American Federation n y of England denying what they of Labor use all influence In its granted to bootblacks, union labor power to aid, assist and advise charity and return) societies—a [ with the committee of three here­ Agitators Nto to Blame hearlug in provided, for the bringing to a successful termination of the for the Trouble on the liq u o r q u e s t io n . amalgamation of the two fac­ tions of Electrical Workers into Morrison Electric Co. ______ keeper In such localities us de­ one United Brotherhood, us s> t sired. Once the partnership was forth In the agreement reached It Is not because the Morrison dissolved the rtlatlous could not and ratified at Denver last year, The greatest amount of real nutrition to be Electric company at 291 East Mor- be restored—the divorce was abso- and supplemented by this docu­ risou street instated on running lute. The citizen voted every ment. and the action of this con­ bought anywhere in Portland lor 5 cents. • Its bualnesM on the open shop pel- three years on the questions: vention thereon. BEST PAINLESS DENTAL WORK Icy that It is being boycotted by Shall the saloons be decreased? F<»r X' years a leader In I’alnl««« the local branch of Electrical Sha.l • hey remain as they are? Royal Table Queen Bread contains all the life- J'ei.tal Work in Portland. Get out Workers, but it Is because the Shall they be abolished? The prices uuil advice. giving, body-building properties and is the most company discriminated against publican, as he was called there, . . . . . . . ' _ WISE DENTAL CO., Inc. union men, and on March 29, 1909, was very careful to obey the law Wallflower Reflects at the OK . W . A. H I S K . P r e s id e n t a n d Mgr. superior bread in point of texture and taste. F a ilin g B ld g . I l i l r d a n d U aw h ln g to u . joined hands with other electrical to run an orderly house, to not Dance The best bread for school lunches—stays moist O ffic e H o u r» —M M. Io H I’ M firms in this city and locked out sell to drunkards, minors, not' B u n d a y « V to I. As the writer sat in the gallery all the union men In their employ after certain hours. The votes of and never has that chaff-like, indigestible char­ Phone» A « o d M ain 2029 That is the reason we are carry the wives and mothers < f the of Christensen's hall, Thaukaglv W e w ill g iv e v o n a g o o d 22k ing on the right against them. neighborhood had to be reckoned '*'* “1Kl‘t, on the occaslou of the gold 01 po retail) crown fo r.. | 3 50 acteristic of most bakery breads. Molar crown* ............................ ................... We will admit that the firm is w l,h- Tills might be no solution tigarm akers fourth annual ball, ¡¿¿k bridge teeth watched the merry th ro n g ; (¡old enamel fillin g « .. . . . . 1.« Idling the truth when they say •* the question, but the New Z e a and .................... ilv e r or fun,,.,. .<• Only the best materials are used in the making that S. ('. Jagger was born In lar,L* »talesmen were proceeding “ the light fantastic toe. „f mi aunlft : S.M AW Portland. Or., lmt they also forg. t surely, »with uue re ««• ai>P“r'*«'t >»“' * function Bond plate.. of Royal Table Queen Bread. M Go- fact that Mr Jagger jo......1 fo>' ,h " r,9hta of th” saloon of this kind conducted by a labor ',„r .................................... 1« 7 00 . l*n I i l l CRN e x t r a c tio n « , w i t h lo c a l. . 50 the local union or Electrical Work k*"*per. who was the government s union furnished more than an op- " ' r o ln l e * « e x t r u c ilu iiH , w i t h K o n in o - as he is , here , by reason porlunlty for idle amusement. fo rm ............................................ 100 er» on January 29, 19'»1. Now, partner, ... P u li.le s « extraction« free when plate« There could be seen "the butch- what we would like the Morrison ,he ‘,,ofits laken ,n ^a*'1 by or bridge work 1» order«*«!. ... . , ,, I er, the baker and the candlestick A l l w o r k g 'n r n n te e - l f o r 15 ye a r« Electric Company to answer i Is,. the state. ! ‘r II A 1111 f f im u i 1« n o w lo c a te d If It was a gts,d thing for Sam •''** Zealand the doctor , pointed "‘“I W entering Into the spirit of p e r m a n e n t ly w i t h ua Jaggers to belong to the union out- ha<1 no »uch disgrace as c h ild ," 1" evening with an air of frater- T Y C o l U T <>E T H E wben be was working with the •a ‘*«r. »» hr.- the United S t a t e s ’ "*^ ™d an abandon of care that I N S ta T te I I E 4»f n i O l re \ tfo h. fo r M u lt n o m a h C o u n ty I n th e m a t t e r o f th e e a ta te tools, why can't he now treat the '"ll »• >"'■ ‘here was very a relief t. behold, A n n ie J . R o u e n , a n in » a n e per»«»u same members of that union fair " ‘"e Indication of In Oregon. ) As the strains of the waltz pro- o N f tdic#* 4»f <>uur 'ou- whole truth In regard to the con­ w i l l be m a d e x u b je i- t t o th e a p p r o v a l upon In this country Is the Judg­ o f - t h e C o u n ty C o u r t o f M u lt n o m a h troversy. Kindly ask your pert ntlnd of the speaker for many ment of the people after full dis­ W . <; lU K V E N . The what's-the-use man Is sel C o u n t y . O re g o n as to how V -w Zealand had ner, Mr. Muxon, If he told them years G u a r d ia n n t th e A b o v e N a m e d In * u u e cussion. I don't want to see the gotten Its start been solved. T h e y i<*om an-' u st- P e r» o n . party in charge ol self-appointed about the lockout. We do not JO H N S O N A B E C K W IT H . were all to be found In that won v w T /k M T T tfX A t t o r n e y « f o r G u a r d ia n . believe that Mr. Corbett, Mr. Amos saviors.'' H a te o f f ir « t p u b lb u t io n , N o v e m b e r derful book, from the wonderful L / a W t JW Bt, FT The direct primary Irw came to or any other fnlrmlnded ntan 4, 1900. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS us In Oregon us a result of the Hate of Inat publication, December would side with them If they went b.aln of Henry George. In reply to questions as to how' PIPES most corrupt politics any state had Into the case from all sides. FRUITS AND CANDIES known in the union, bur none. Well, (he Journal Is not satisfied much it would cost to go to New; If there ever was an honest elec­ with having a nonunion hand par­ Zealand, Dr. Buchanan said that J ^11 Classes Union Goods a Specialty 131 N. 6th Phone A 5041 tion for United States senator, an ading around with Its name at­ no man should leave Oregon toi -------- —------------------------------- Importers si d Distributers of uncontrolled convention, or decent tached to It, but they persist In settle in New Zealand, but here)) he should live to bring New Zea-' g T »'B ?T A T politics of any kind under 'he old HIGHEST GRADE OF IMPORTED having non-union men do their land to Oregon We had a rioter system, there would have been no electric work. Just u few days AND DOMESTIC F in e C a b in e t F h o fo g <3 00 country, naturally, than New 'Zea F in e 13 direct primary law, no Statement st P o e t C ard P h o to » . <1.00 P o s e n ago they employed the unfair Mor­ land, and we had greater political Tbay” Henry E. McGinn A*r«” rTr»t”cia»» ’ an.r*Up to”eculator by condem- L. at their first meeting held at But the wage-earner, the small CHICAGO PA IN LE SS D E N T IST S mary law, because no one could A N D L A D IE S’ FU R N ISH IN G S nallon proceedings on an arbitrat­ headquarters, after the close of M ILLIN ER Y 323 1-2 Washington St., Cor. Sixth— Lady Attendant— Phone Main 3880. name a convention that wag not taxpayer, the merchant and bust- i ed value It loaned to men with the convention, arid shall report Office Hour» 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday» 9 a. m. to 1. p. m. corrupt and not controlled for the nesa man, the honest people of small capital moderate sums of to the council what. If any prog­ selfish Interests of some man or the stale, will not be present. How money at cost who went on the ress has been made In carrying I.KK M. C L A R K . P r e a ld e n l HOM K P lfO V R A 1413 be?' set of men. I do not want to see In God's name could they GKO. M. O R T O N . N H U |p r "back blocka" of new lands. •t Into effect the provisions of tho F R O N T ftT K E K T the Republican party in the hands What chance would they have to employed men at fair wages to . Den ver agreement, and if either be selected? of ''aelf-apiiointed saviors,” to use build roads to open up new or ,,r both factions of the Electrical In all the history of the state' Honestly made, pure, sanitary, government inspected Governor Hughes' phrase. If the remote sections. Any land bought Workers have failed to promote I have known but one senatorial Republican party In right It will and approved, good to the taste and good for the body by the rivernm ent Is never alien the adjustment of all differences need no "saviors"; If It Is wrong election by the legislature under ated. but Is freely leased at sucTi which now divide the Brother- Its saviors will not save It. What the old system that was honest, I terms that no man takes up any hood, the committee shall report C O N K T IT C T IO N H 1 wan; to ask you Is. what do you and that wus the election of Sen­ of It for speculation, yet every the facts to the executive coun­ LKTTLKHKAOH B Y -L A W K A N D F.N V K I O I’L S — IN F A C T mean by Republican In your talk ator Fulton. There never was a man is a surt'd of undk- i bed pits cil, and the council shall then Pioneer Packers of the Pacific W O R K IN G ( A R O A Portland, Oregon A N Y T H IN G YOL W A N T here tonight about the assembly time except .hat time, when the session. and the convention and the súp­ seni.tcrshlp was not put up for ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a a ia ia a iH H H iiiiiiia H B a a iH B a B a H ia ia iiB a a B B B B B iiia a iiiiiia a a iiH ia iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH iiH ia PUBLIC SAVINGS BAN iS. port of Its dictates? ito you mean barter and sale. I know, because , The doctor set forth that only "Paynes," the i I was there and through It. I I the "Aldriches," the when the progressive (?) Spain, highly civil­ "Cannons"? Then I am not a remember the time Republican and never shall be. j Northern pacific put up $30,<100 iz'd (?) Turkey and the free and If you mean tbe Kousevelta, Cum to bring about Ihe election of a glorious United States did not mins. Beveridges, the lai Follettes. United Stales senator, and when provide government savings banks the Hughes, th. i I am a Repub-1 the electric light company put up where the niHii of small means PR IV A T E EX CH AN G E 4654 -A 6551 CORNER FIR ST A N D W ASHINGTON STREETS llcan ar.d no m at can read me out $18,000 to defeat the Sinton fac­ could deposit his little savings and e t my party. I stand for tlie'tlon and tho Simon faction, ol he sure of them. In New Zealand progress of the party, fur Its ad which I was one. had $12,000 I Ihe government hanks did not at­ vance, not for Its retrogression, ¡could recall many ether political tempt to make money nr juggle limned It has been charged tonight that campaigns In the state where the with finances, but they | Oregon State Brand, roll . ...7 5 c Mistletoe Brand, roll ...................55c the primary law has disrupted the Interests paid our whole campaign money without any profit, und pri­ I Clover Leaf Brand, roll ........... 70c Coin Special Brand, r o l l ............ 45c vate banks found that a very bard Republican party 1 deny It. The expenses and no ntan had to put ! Norway Brand, roll ................... 70c One-pound prints ........................ 25c thing to compete with. In the Republican party was disrupted up a cent 111 his own behalf. I Ferndale Brand, roll .............65<= I»*r lb................................... 20c It is because of these memories postofflces of New Zealand you long before the direct primary ! Ludwig Jersey, roll ................... 65c Full Cream Cheese, lb..................20c was ever dreamed of or heard of. that I Hili opposed to th«- assent could deposit nny sum front a You cannot deny It, la-t us be bly. I do not want any young tunny up; you could telephone, FREE DELIVERY ¡Fresh Dairy Butter, roll ........ 55c 106-112 FIRST STREET honest with ouselves and each man of the present day to go telegraph, buy insurance or Invest In government Itonds. Every po­ through what I have gone through other. In all the isillilcal history of this state the voters of Gre ton I am against the assembly and all liceman was n free employment WE SELL AT WHOISEALE PRICES CHOICE CUTS OF BEEF have declared in a presidential that it means, and 1 Intent) to agent, anil r< isirted every day any PHONE MAIN 4654 election for the Demia-ratlc nomi­ fight It In every precinct nnd »11 demand for any kind of labor de­ MUTTON AND PORK. BOTH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. School children traveled FIRST STALLS. FIRST ENTRANCE. FIRST STREET nee but once, and that whs In the lage and hamlet of the state If sired. free on tlte government railed election of 1959, when Horatio neeesaaty to defeat It. highways which we called rail­ Seymour carried the state over ----------------------- roads. nnd It would only be a mat General Grant. Firing the same People’s Forum ter of time when all travel was period we have had ten governors Full Line of Tea, Coffee. Spices, Extracts and The Forum opened tor tlte win free. A UNION MARKET of this state. I do nut count the ter In Allsky Hall last Sunday ev­ ■ Bakery Goods The government kept a Hue of present governor or Governor ening. lllndquartcr of Lamb, per lb...10c The subject was F ie- Chadwick, for the reason that they Speech." mid the main apeakei steamers which carried fmseu Best 25c Coffee in city meats to the English and Euro­ Boiling Beef, per lb. ...5 c and 6c were not elected Io lit«' office of was C. K 8 WiHiil lie s|«»ke In Special Bargains in AH Lines Tomorrow pean markets, and m excellent governor, hut during the isdltlral his usual strong nnd tinequlvocal was the meat that all kinds of Round Steak, per lb.......................10c history of our stale we have had We handle Celebiated Ceylinda and Lipton Teas vein. Several speakers followed meat was lata-led New Zealand ten governors elected as surtí H o ­ Pot Roast, per lb............... 7c and 8c CENTER OF THE MARKET Exclusive Agents for Ridgway’s Teas s t these governors have been Re- him II. D. Wagnott called alien whether It came from that country tlon to the fact that the world v.aa or Texas The government elltn publicans and live h a v e Iteen Dem­ Standard ltib Rolla, per l b ...1 2 ' 2c ócrata. Of these five elected as growing tietter every day. and that iuated middle men and commission SATURDAY SPECIALS £ Sirloin Steak, per lb ..................... 10c England was getting .•:■ < «» tn shove sharks In handling this meat, and Democrats three were reelected Ils steamers carried passengers and out th, lords from power of gov­ for a second term. Of the five T Bone Steak, ped lb ................... 15e Coffee, good grade, per pound ......................... 19<*a elected governors of Oregon as ernment, free the land and estab­ performe dreRtilar public service Peach Brand Bacon, per 1b........ 20c Splendid Blend, per pound .................................. 2 1 c * Rnpubllcana not one was v .e r re­ lish Justice In its taxation and al with profit and satisfaction. In New Zealand th* women had nominated or re-elect» 1. and all lotment. Next 8ur..lay evening the Loin Pork Chops, per lb ............... 15c As good as the best, per pound ........................ 2 9 c " of this long before the direct prl subject will be Jte "Treatment of voted for 2ft years, and they made Oakdale Butter, 7 5 ^ E ggs, dozen. 3 0 £ mary w as beard of. Does this Criminals.” The Forum has no an American blush for his country Plckeled Pork, I lb s .................... 25e Fancy Eastern Butter, 6 5 < German-American Package Coffees and Teas ■ mean nothing to you? The trouble creed to defend and no Ism to when the women asked how we eould read the Declaration of Inde­ With the Republican party of Ore- drive. The subjects are freely dis 51b. pail Ijird Compound.............60c Best Cream Cheese, per pound, 2 0 < pendence and not have suffrage lo w . Coffee, pound ..................25« Triomfo, 2 p o u n d ....................... 75c goa has been that It waa too large, cussed und that Is a". No admis­ for women. 141 Cruzada Coffe«* -, pound .. 30c All Tea», pound ......................... 5 0 c " sion. All welcome FREE DELIVERY too anwleldly. The sjieaker salil that the suffra­ $1 Shelburn ilutter, pound ........ 4 0 c " G A. ('offer, 3 pounds For many years past we have had no minority party- Io this | T he offlce-l.unter »bac-ves no gette agitation in England was not the lawless and violent niovi ment CX— been like a game laws. IS AGAINST THE ASSEMBLY ROYAL TABLE QUEEN BREAD LEADS D E S E R V E C R E D IT 3.M ABI Dealers ROYAL BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY, 1HC. UNION LABEL RANGE THE ONLY STEEL RANGE SOLD IN PORTLAND MADE BY STRICTLY UNION LABOR *9 MJ PENINSULAR STEEL RANGE DESCAMPS & MARCO lA /lA L l W IN E S CORDIALS AND PRESERVES $1 A W E E K MUSIC J . P. Finley & Son E . I I . M i l l s & C o . GEVURTZ BRO8. T a k e A d v a n ta g e o f th e G r e a t R e d a c tio n on D e n ta l W o r k D a r in g T h is M o n th HAMBURGER’S TEETH Dependable G o o d s -M o d e ra te Prices COLUMBIA HAMS AND BACDN UNION MEAT CO. I WASHINGTON STREET PUBLIC MARKET i BUTTER BVTTERINE The Elgin Dairy S marxen ’S tea store co ,;.: 5 S E S 5 -------------------------------------------------- ■ GOFF & r a y f a ir c h il d I DILLON The Little Wholesale i Government Inspected Meats BUTCHER § S 5 Shellburn ; Butter Store ■ I J Special Saturday H ■tate at all. It has OAKDALE BJJTTER STOR'2 ■■■■■■r rbbbbbbbbbm bbbbbbbibui f. '' ;