Portland labor press. (Portland, Oregon) 1900-1915, October 28, 1909, Image 1

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Volume IX
Number 37
Whole Number 504
™ ™ RS
Furnishing of Free Text
Books to the Pupils Has
Many People Favor Free Speech so Long as It is
Singers Receive Two Dollars Per Night in Vaudeville Been Quite Satisfactory
Their Speech and Not the Other Fellow’s that
Theatres, and Good Painters Find Work on Street The state of Utah adopted a free
textbook law In 1902
The cost
is Interfered With—Ferrer, the Spanish Martyr.
Cars Pays Best—Most Emigrants from Agricul­ of books per year per pupil was
Two years later the cost
More Powerful for Freedom Dead Than Alive
tural Provinces — Southern Italy Not Organized. had been reduced per pupil to 50
Many Boys Treated as
Hardened Criminals, but
Improvement Is Visible Historical Review, Showing Various Stages in th(
Growth of the International Union of that Body
In 1907 Judge Ben Lindsay of
Denver made a tour of the south,
of Workers, Together With a Synopsis of the
aud he expressed him self much
shocked at the treatment of Juve­
Development of the Portland Local Union.
nile offenders.
"The matron of
that Jail told me she believed
there were several hundred boys
By Charles F. Hohmtnn, Editor The Bakers' Journal.
By C. E.
that night in Jails In that state
To write a historical sketch of our International Union aud not ex­
By Samuel Gompere.
The Oregonian says that those who think d ee thought, free speech under similar conditions. Assum­
ceed the limit of five huudred word» seem s to be a sheer impossibtl-
ing that there were only 20V, It
Copyright, 1909. by P S. RIdadale, for Samuel Gonipers.)
and a freL. press worth p iese vlng m
s t ,h “
B‘f alla(lt
1 000 boys
boys a a year
vear *‘y. but knowing that hard working men and women have very little
My trip to Italy, from Part» back to Parla. took ip Juat 15 days—
UnUed S lateg court In the Delavan Smith
hal at least had such experiences ! «Hue to read exhaustive sketches of this kind. I shall endeavor to give
September 14 29. During this busy Journey I caught an aviators
.„diptpd and tried for criminal libel who, in good fallh believing wnai at least, had
■ glimpse of the rich and aunny land of Italy, saw the leading m in in
he plinta criticize. public officials o, others connected with a public and in ten year. 10.000 boys under G»e ‘acta of Interest in as few words as possible.
16 were »o
so treated.
treated, (in
(In mat
lhat one | History writers of the American labor movement have Informed us
i the various working class serial movements, whether radical or tnod-
matter, as the so-called Panama Canal scandal.
particular state It mugt be under- , that strikes of unorganized bakers tn the cities of New York and San
erule. Interviewed government officials whose duties brlug them into
Quite right. Now the next time some lawless and tyrannous police stood ! Crawford Jackson of At- Francisco date back as far as the '60s and '70s of the last century,
It contact with the wage-earners, and collected enough books, pamph.ets,
suppress by forte a meeting the police do not approve of we shall ex­ lanta. Ga.. who Is m
In one oi
of the
of the^New
Y o rk S ta te
aking a cru- We
w e are also i told
o i u in
m e first
...a . reports o.
^circulars, etc., on social questions to keep a good reader occupied
pect the Oregonian to lead the defence of free thought aud fie e
........... protectories In 1-abor Commissioner, dating back as far as 1741, that a number of
many a day.
, , _ ...
zpeech—whether the thought and speech be liked by the Oregonian
shows us . pictures of | unorganized bakery workers were prosecuted in the cou ta for «on-
the south. —----------
Some of my American correspondents have asked me In what man­
, .
In stripes
on the chain • gang »piracy bccauKv they had dared to demand higher wage».
ger I was enjoying my vacation- Others, readers of these letters, have
or r not.
There is the stumbling
many . people
favor i n tl bough | mixing wl(h
()f emu-
tiuuiuii.ifc blofck-ao
~ — ------
with various type» or
In the latter pari of the decade 1970 »0 the first attempts to organlxe
Fished to know my methods ot collecting Information
May 1 In
. .
speech so long as it Is their thought and thetr speech but ,
<)I1P or (wo the bakery worker» were made by the Knights of Labor In various
eply to both queries, speak somewhat In detail of my day and a huir
l ^ n - c __ h ___________
Instancro myself."
eastern cities. New York pretty soon could boast of a very strong
i Genoa? My American friend. J. W. Sullivan of New York, and *,
But us regards the treatment of organization, which, recognising the necessity of the labor press,
rrtved in that beautiful hill skirted seaport at 6t3_u oclock In tae (
,, delinquent»,
J ...--------. . . at . h ast. 1 1)r(,)ty soon started out with the publication ot a trade and labo?
its juvenile
doming. After
u nothing sacred from Inquiry and discus Ion.
I the south apparently 1» undergoing paper, known at that time as "IX-utsch-Araerlkanlsche Baeckerzeltung"
S to u t 9 to the hall
hall and
and headquarters
headquarters of the Central laibor Union • " e ' c e 's a r ^ e x t ever at hand to the
N olU ng
so desirable as tr
u th _ ,.a
__ d truth Is only found by Invest.- | a change of heart. Judge Lindsay The paper was printed In German only. It circulated quite ex ten siv e
(Camera de. I avero). A half hour there was U aen up by the assistant
religion or creed <>t Institution be pays a warm tribute to the work ly among the German »peaking bakery workers of other cities and. In
Secretaries In gathering together some of the local leaders—the secre­ him In the preparation of
hia nation and trial, and if r
hRk had 17 " A
It nee«
fear discussion—but whether it fear °r i the southern women are doing He tact, tl may be said that this organ Itself lead to the later formation
taries of the Carpenters and Typographical Unions, secr.taries ot ...a.. ...
“ i
„ m o
.M. tn » h
,h .,
8,„ , of our International union to which It then was presented and adopted
Other bodies, the editor of the local workingmens dally newspaper
** refusee o di»cusslon 1» » pereiitton *nd idolatry, no matter by what , at<,r Robert L Taylor of Tenne» I as the official organ.
Then interviews
A member of the Italian chamber of deputies, a books which he otherwise could
* pioneer of more than 20
lawyer repr-i leutlng a working class constituency, was my chief In­ not have had secured. As a re­ refusee a ai»cussion i»
A number of bakery workers' organizations were established In Mil­
S t ; ‘" . h ^ G ^ m
terrogator. The res|Hinses to the inquiries put by him nnd the other sult higher class records have been OlIde: . a Z ea. on’c Urn's said the
waukee. Wl».; New Orleans. La.; Cleveland. O ; Indianapolis, bid.;
¡^representative Italians made, as written up by its editor, two columns maintained and greater efficiency
Detroit, Mich.; Buffalo. N. Y ; Grand Rapids, Mich.; San Francisco.
In next morning s Issue of the workingmen s paper. II Lavoro. The In school work secured.
Cal., and Bouton. Mas».
■uestloulng from my side took up nearly the real of the day.
"From the financial point of
The executive comm ittee of the New York union Uirough the col­
i « -
shown him to be strongly In favor
A visit then to the department of docks, which in Genoa stands view, there has been a substantial by the few called the republic of the I n ted
Idolatry said that God was sacred from discussion, but by
( { juven)le and general prison umn» of It» organ (.low the Bakers’ Journal) In the latter part of the
■eparatc from both the municipal and general go v ern m en ts-a unique gain In the furnishing of text­
year 1995 (»sued an invitation to the above named organizations to
■feature of administration In Italy. I was told. A short visit to the books free of charge to pupils In we have a better God than foiraerly. snd shall by discussion have sii i -rt,fornl and tha, Governor Has-
juve- participate in a convention to be held In Pittsburg, pa During ilia,
of Oklahoma stands for r juve-
itiwm.sbip Moltke. which lay In the harbor, taking off emigrants and 1904, the first year that all the better. We wish every father and mother would teach their ch
n il«
c o u r t»
lu d a e N B F,.agin convention
on January 13. 1996, our international union was organ
¿ther passengers to America. A look at a cooperative store. I de- school districts not Included In to believe In their hearts (not to merely say with their Up»)-
1 « I ’ llIO lV
I S of
vra the
H I V same
D aaiiaw - year,
j a »»■ , but tour
~ —
— —
ha« done splendid Juvenile ccmrt <xed.
O V J n I1 February
after Its for-
•lined making a visit of inspection to the cooperative printing office. cities of the first aud
s p ie l J
........... our International union - counted
.„ .n iu d Hlr.>uitv
n io n s In
second Every man has the same right to biJ thought and his speech no mat­ Has aon
already 21
21 lin-al
local o unions
already b seen
several . in
alike. An explanation
by our classes operated under the free
1 had
nan aireauy
c c u
. . Ita ly -a
— ll -------
years past, having procured the
■uldes of the cooperative methods of the longshoremen, somewhat textbook law, the cost of book« ter what I think of it, that I have m mine.
Authority and force. These are the dark clouds which overshadow appointment of probation officers early as October, 1985. did not come Into our fold until early tn 1897.
tr e m b lin g those of our lake port workers. A running conversation to those districts was $104,104.36.
to look after the colored children, The years following showed a continued Increase In the number of
during I he hours in going from point to point on the trade union and or $1.90 per pupil enrolled, or a beautiful world.
many of whom are sent to a farm members as well as local unions. Today our International union
»olltlcal orgunlzatl
and methods of the working classes of the city, $1.62 per pupil of school age. The
Cne more victim has gone to Join the countless host murdered by under the supervision ot the pro­ coruprisi s a membership of 15,362, divided Into 196 local union»
to the evening, on getting back to our hotel, additional packages of cost of books for the year 1905
bationary force. The Birmingham throughout the United States. The treasuries of the international and
brinted reports. etc-, were brought.
was 57 cents per capita lit the law to protect a government of the jp-ople by a privileged few which
women have established an indus­ local unions combined conla.» approx.uiately a quarter of a million
The places of evening amusement In a city having their revelations counties.
For the year ending the people wished to change.
a s to the ta ste, and Ideas of the classes patronizing them, It Is a June 30, 1906. the cost of text­
Professor Francisco Ferrer—one of the- Liberals of Spain and one trial school, to which children can dollars.
Thirteen national conventions have been held Fince our organiza­
question whether my visit to one of them was play or work. Genoa books per pupil In the counties of Spain's greatest educators—w as »hot after the farce of a military be sent Instead of. as hitherto, to
tion was first organized and at each one of them a decided progress
at the time of my visit had a very slim list of theatres open, and was 50 cents. In the cities
was noticed. On October 1, 1895, our tick and death benefit fund waa
these only for variety performances. My guides objected to one
mac preaening
preaching c constitutional
a despotic
monarchy work has been done in Mobile. established, a voluntary Institution for member» who were willing to
cents, In
in Salt
bait Lake
i.aae City
v.uy the
m e last a niar.
o n su iu u u u » i norm
u, ■
■■ ••
de- Ala., anil In spite of legal entail-
»eemed to be possibly a resort for the plain people sayIng It gave year the cost per pupil enrolled j wo,|id he held responsible for a rlot_ugainsi
the government,
join it. The benefits were at that time $5 weekly sick benefit and
Co poor a show as not to be worth visiting. * e w-ent to the beet
was 46 cents, while In such coun- n<ed any complicity with the Barcelona riots and there was no proof
$10« death benefit. Never since the Inaugura'ton of this fund has It
gave the mark! It opened at 9 o'clock. The orchest-a seats were
been necessary to levy an extra assessm ent for Its maintenance and
three lire (60 cents), but a chair in a kennel called a "loge above
« -¡ X l ^ ^ r o
1. R e a l l y it prospered so well that four years after Its formation It showed an
thTorchestra level cost a lira or two more. Rather a slim attendance U^was approximately 50 cents per ( , , , ^ v i o l e n c e .
approximate membership of 500, divided into 36 branches, with a
In the costlier parts of the house, but in the rear. In the 30 anil 2
oj era
“The difference of cost is largely many by the few Is so comfortable to the few that they resist any a Juven I. :'°»rt
treasury of $2699 76. At our Washington convent oq. held n October,
I cent seats, the benches were packed, mostly by young men. As a to be found In the better care be­ change So It always has been and always will be, that killing the New Orleans
1909, It WHS decided to make this beneflclul feature a compulsory on«
S whole the audience would be classed tn Europe as bourgeois
stowed on textbooks 111 the schools oppressors by the rebels 1 b "mur«K —till they succeed—F ’lllnv U»o
adopted by Kentucky reads: "Tht for all members Joining the organization after January 1. 1909. Tbe
of the element which works so long and hard as to render smart look, of the cities, notwithstanding the oppressed by the government Is al*ovs "righteous puuishment.” -
sick tienefll was raised to $6 per week for 16 weeks n every year and
difficult of attainment. The performance, taken In its e“ “ ™1*«
necessity of n more efficient way i L iw Ir. not what governors dicta'e. It truly Is what harmonizes proceedings Involving Hie child the death benef t was ln> reused up to $350. according to the duration
the story of popular show place development In Genoa. Interlarded In for the care of textbooks. The wj(h (hp un,vt,rse and , he hlimMn |Ii, i|ncts.
of membership. This change of that beneficial feature has resulted In
the dozen numbers on the program were six given by young wornien free textbook .aw as It has been, Prof(J11FO1. Feirer was murdered qui'e a» truly as If an assassin shot proceedings, and the child shall
a gieat Ini reuse of the membership of th a fund and naturally Its
soloists, gtrls of about one type, dark-eyed, Jetty haired, short skirted carried out has resulted In >ht Kiuk A| lonit„ . „Ild
,.rofess<)1. Ferre- »he world loses a valuable m an;
i as a child In need of aid encour- finance».
much bespangled. Each sang half a dozen songs. Not one singer
saving of tnousamls of dollars to
AlfonHO tbe worid would lose nothing.
On September 1. 1909, the membership numbered 3533 and Its
_______ und _ guidance " The law
was possessed of a tolerable voice, or of more than ordinary good
i ThoSP who condeuin so-called anarchists, socialists and nihilists. applies to males of 17 and under treasury showed $12.940.69
Since January 1, 1909. every applicant
lookR or of much know’. uu of the stage business f a qualified singer. the state.
who driven to desperation by tyrannies, resort to violence, should re­ and to fem ales of 19 and under. des rolls of Joining our International union Is compelled to submit to
The al.’S they sang were ■ .«monplace and monotonous; but. they were
whether the candidates are
member lhat the murders and tortu*« of governments are counties«; It states the principle of all Juv< i a physical examination, which determine»
applauded. One of them was called out repeatedly. * hy . Those
... .
»... , he
Tbu« the public Is assured that none but
those of the desperate hidlvidnal f e * After all there is but a shad­ nlle court laws most correctly and 'acceptable or not
who could understand what the words signified knew better than I.
be criticism io
to which
such courts ' healthiest workers are to be found tn the union bakeries.
There was no mistake possible in the gestures and glan ce.
a Cromwell and the distructlon of gp Alfonso or Nicholas—after ver- ; throughout the country have been ■ our national organlzat on is the proud possessoi of a well-filled
i asked one of our guides as to the average salary of these young
dirt by >he musses.
i most open 1» that they still eon- strike fund, which was Inaugurated by our Buffalo convention in 1892.
women The reply was ten lire a ntgh t-ab ou t $2 Talent which on
•The truth is that neither the murders by nor of governors are ef- , | nile to , ry (he child as If he The contents of this fund have enabled us to successfully combat our
serious cultivation Is not pronounced receives in Europe a ’’‘‘^ •« rb
• furtive. Professor Ferrer dead wl!) be more powerful In his dying were a criminal.
F. employers, whenever and wherever they tried to force conditions u|a>n
com iensatlor. Even that which Is good but not yet famous may wait
us which we d d not want. Our union label has bccu lu use ever
long for recognition. Only a few nights before, while attending a per­
formance of "The Pearl Ftsher,” in Naples, an old resident of that
l i i i Can
w-<vii *««/«»
Now x-ro
Be *»•>«.
Had Alfonso and Nicholas m e |itxr ppenhets in the hands of a system; rhusetta Prison Association, has
'1 an institution. Their deaths are of An consequence. It Is the system shown, however, that the law re-
city said to me: "Here, in the Mercadante, I heard Caruso when he
on C a rp e n te rS U te n s ils , VS , , I l 1 i a ^ I I I must
die, and
¿lied by j bombs—It
must be slain cently passed In that state grasps
sang at a salary of five trancs a night!" An American dealer in fine
swssws It
aw cannot
..„ -W
.„ V
— ---------
l- a « The
V’U „ system of a class
V11 XXtZrt nitH
handpalnted falls, on entering an atelier In Vienna where he was
by »a
ruh'. svlnua
class privilege
and exploitation the true principle, his statement
always sura of bargains, observed that the finest artist among the
of the niasMcw. feels that Its enemy I f thought. So It has always mur­ being: "The Important difference
five painter«, of the force was missing. "Y es,' said the Proprietor
dered thinkers. In so doing it has Oways spread wide and immortal between the treatment of children
and »••«"«
adults Is that the ------
• he had a chance to better hts condtltons; he has become a tra.n-car
teed their thoughts.
How cheap Is the bombast of the military officer’s reply to Fer are not criminal; the comp aint Is
' “"orchestral music Is much more common throughout Europe l..an
rer s request to be allowed to face the firing squad with open eyes, for being a delinquent child, anil
•T ’altors cannot look upon the faces ot soldiers." These theatricals , not forcomnilttlng a crime, theie
In America; the theatre, concert hall, and hotel and resrtnirant or
orchestra are usually double the size of ours. 1 was told n Paris by
o’ the strutting military contrast puinfully with the calm dignity ot ' Is no plea, of course; no convtc-
thc brave traitor looking Into eternity. Who are the traitors o f t h e ! ’ion and no sentence. The child
an cld-tlme American Journalist, who Is now a real p “rls1“"' V*
some of the tlrst violinists of the superb opera or orchestra th eie
world'’ A noble band—Socrates, Christ. Cromwell, Washington.
(,8u, ladJUdf ed
are paid $40 a month, an evidence of the superabundance of talent
Francisco Ferrer was in political belief a philosophical anarchist. ’ *'hl|d. an upon
a Jul
iJ itt.
Just a grade or two short of the highest. In England, some of o r
Union labeled goods of every .That Is he believed with Thomas Jefferson that the best form of
"¿or^ "reftirmallon" may fol
tutton for reformation may fol­
American vaudeville siars. accustomed to their hundreds a week, are kind and uescrtptlon are
b ein g . government was ‘.hat which governed least and letft the individual to
offered only as much a mo: th. unless they happen to strike the popu­ handled In large quantities
by;th e f-ce«l effort, without any law-crtfted privileges—and co-operation
Writing shortly after the pas­ since March, 1986. It was first Introduced by Individual local unions
lar farcy. Then they may have as many as four engagements in Lon- many local firms. The merchant iu
voluntary. This is the belief of Herbert Spencer and Tolstoi sage by the Colorado legislature. and later on adopted by our International union as the official em­
<cn every night. As to Journalists. 1 heard rather pitiful tales of their carries those things which are and ,,f thousands of the te st miudv (if tne worid. But though such
im tm eraU on’ ln nearly every country I visaed. There are. of course
In 1904. of the law for the crea­ blem. At preseut there are used tlirougliu.it the United States every
profitable to handle.
The large ' in,,n m»y not condemn as others do.f he maddened mind which, tion of a separate juvenile court— month a I ttle more than 40,000.000 of union labels of the bakery
i few ceelbrated pens on each of the larger dally newspapers, but on
of union made goods carried
< a iim i, brooding over the tyrannies of the
th« governors, seeks relief In killing a )aw d|J{< (Q j udge I.tndsay's per workers, it stands not alone for decent wages and human working
The press, as In art. second-rate or average talent abounds In the stock
x _____
. t . . . , | a, ^ l > i
th a t
h o ru
_ . __ t
»a. »
that t there
Is »w
(hern—they recognize
that _____,
such aaaflMlnatlon does more harm than slstent
conditions, but above all for the clean anil sanitary workshop, for
eftorts—he him
him self
self wrote:
market and consequently runs few automobiles, its tendencies are _ a healthy demand
n <1 f<
ir i the
n io n .ifvxj
■ w J
I ...... _
.............. wl. —
Instwad of slaying
the Inatltution—such
as the autocracy of "Parents will not be sent to . Jail
superior workmanship nnd the best of material. No union oaker will
rather to streetcars.
, ,
. . ,
Russia or the clerical military despotism of Spain, the assassination or severely dealt with unless It be allow'd to he employed In a shop where the germs breeding con­
Hut—the labor question, dear friends, that Is precisely what I am label.
This demand can be greatly In
u--ii» the
...e Institution.
. Professor
j ,g a m„st exasperating case
We sumption or any other dangerous disease are to he found. The union
writing about. In America, our musician« s i e organlzid, for ninety- creased by systematic buvlng on only frightens the majority aud strengthens
Ferrer never advocated violence. Hts
— teachings
• ■
were not so much Bllll|| gl, on the theory that pai­ bakers demand a clean and snn tary hakesbop, thus Insuring not alone
nine hundreths of them their art. they have found ol't'
* “ er‘ the part of all trade unionists
sa a nnu-
MCh.tn) — with the right,
li g h t ,'
- ..-I*- need
.......I help a-,,1
un ionists
new school—with
I eIUi nnd > ad,ilts
nnd wlae
wise ¡th eir own lieu......
. . » that
...... ................—
- .....................
. —
........... .
health, 'out . also
of the customer.
man .............
or woman,
chantable commodity subject to competition, wtnen
the and
full ,,o ]it|va| Hli scientific. He advocated
which unchecked ™
would X n d . who understand
friends who understand
the full frep from chUrch dogmatism and dictation, to examine the truth of direction Just
the health
of their
Ft as much as do
no the
tue ; anxious
anxtous io
to protect tne
neuiui oi
w eir loved
luveu cues
ones Fliould
m i u u i u hesitate
uemiaie to
work injury to all In the profession * e have a'so » ^ e “ri work
Work injury co a it in iiiv
„"L'„je are wrought, and the «leaning of the union label. This „ things. To teach Darwinism and nil the truths of modern science, children.” And
u rch ase any
And he
he adds
adds that
that «¡p
a | purchase
any bakery goods which do not bear the union label. It Is a
tortes. where the precious metals.
rnn. effort
rdl,.Bs of
of their
be —
............ tl,.,, to.
enoiv on
on their part can be
— greatly
r.— —- ' . regarotess
their effect
effect on
on reltalous
religious superstition.
superstition. He
He was
was the
the L
for producer and consumer and a guaranty which cannot be
organized artists In them need not aspire to become^ streetcar com aided by the I<abor Press calling ChOsen friend of Anatole France, Blbu-c Reclus and the great literary
against divekeepers and proprle- appreciated any too much.
doctors though, by the way, these worthy workers where organized
the attention of purchasers to i and
It goes without saying that through the existence and actlv ty of our
in ac|etl,lfl<-
b , ,„uinn
mi-11 of
in Europe
tors of similar places that hurbor
have shorter hours and higher pay as compared with «heli’
those firms of the city who deal
Some day resurrected Spain win erect a monument on the spot I and corrupt the youth oi the com- International union the conditions under which our members are com­
tors. The artist workers and the unskilled tollers are equally eliglb.e In union-made goods.
This thp
to organization and all are protected and benefited. Labor organlza Labor Press will do regularly and | where Ferrer died—and poor little Alfonso and Maura and the gov­ inanity, remarking. In conclusion, pelled to lalxir have been vastly Improved and the payment of dues
ernment. even down to its tawdry tool, the military butcher, will that "we shall make a special ef­ Into the organization has proved to be an excellent nvestment. Natu­
tlon has progressed further In America than In Europe, where the systematically.
only be remembered to be execrated
fort to reHch the causes of crime." rally the non-unloniats have also been benefltted to some extent, but
intellectual proletariat is a distinct and unorganized element of so­
This week the Press desires to
ill who have the slightest fa not us much as they would ha e gained had they joined our Interna­
It Is described to me as being In active rebellion, open or call the attention of all mechanics
b - llarlty
w.:b Jo ie Lindsay s tional union. But during the paat few months It seem s that an all
secret, against society as Inlluenced by the European monarchies. It to the fact that union made tools
writings will recognize that he around awakening has taken place am |n g the slaves of the akesbop
Is plotting against th. standing armies, against the church as united of all kinds ran be had In the
At least one local firm assisted the striking hatters of the East In traces the causes of crime Infin­ and n great numbers they are Joining our organization. Our average
with Hie state against hereditary aristocracies, against all the artificial many stores of the city-
number or
of in Initiations
during me
the nisi
last quanei
quarter has
per m...,..,,
._.lh er back
barn than
man the
m e dive
»live number
itiation s uuring
n.i» been
ueeu 400 n„i
the combine of the bosses io do away with the union label itely , farther
obstacles that exalt vested privilege and consequently give the less
— 1
-- X- . . —
. ■ Z —
a V — I , I . . 11,
I »4«* AX ai A
The Oregon Hardware Company,
or the ia n ce hall,
and one need ! which . Is certainly a:i encouraging
Our Intention t to
on hats.
opportunity to merit to gain recognition.
107 Sixth street, carries an extra
, ..
a „ i „ s i -- .-,1
Several months ago the Lion Clotliln Company, 166 Third street, only study hts 'The Beast und the our membership to 25.000 unt I our next convention In 1911 will eer-
In Turin my duties were confined to an Interview with the leaders , large stork
of these
aril- placed an order for twelve dozen M*-mry hats with a Dastbury. Con Jungle," now running In Every j talnly be realized If the locals throughout the country, and that ot
’ F' 1 desirable
of the General Confederation of 1-abor of Italy. It terminated to the large 8
s p at
nectlcut. firm. The order was r e d v d . but the discovery made that body's Magazine, to see that he ' port kind. O ie , ceitalnly not excluded, will do their share in propa-
entire satisfaction of both sides. Some misunderstanding as to what cles.
can be supplied with the highest
Assuredly he
he ! gating
the principles
of of our
our International
organisât on
on l aud
aud try
“ to
m- Visit to Italy signified had arisen through my meeting repre­ grade of tools bearing the label all the hats were without the union label. The Lion Clothing people has delved deep.
____ ______ „ .g I
X . ...
444-.4 ,t>4 .B
• ‘ • w x a le in a w
A lla
l v l i n l 1’
sentatives of the government departments tn Rome and the leaders ol the Machinists' Union, as shown Immediately returned the shipment, together with a strong protest belongs to the modern school of ¡ gather around our banner every worker "making his living" In the
criminology, which will eventually bakeshnp.
against the discontinuance of the uaiou label.
of the labor movement In Southern Italy which Is not in
by the above cut.
| u conclusion I deem It but appropriate to acqua lit the readers of
Yesterday a Press representative was at the Lion Clothing Com­ extirpate crime b; rooting up Its
with that of the north. Some of the newspapers, a so. making wild
Mr. Mechanic, help your brother
guesses as to what had brought me to Italy, had tried to set up an machinists win “fair" conditions pany's store on Third street when s large order of hats was being causes. Hut this Is a world Strug-¡the Portland lAbor Press with the principles ot our organization,
gle that Is only now looming up which claims to be one of the most progressive ones of the country.
toiagtnarv tilt between the Confederation of Italy and the I-ederation by buying tools bearing their label. received. They are all union made.
It has emphatically declared Its beliefs and re terated them at every
Mr. Purchaser, you are entitled to all credit for this good work It above the horizon.
of America
It seemed a popular belief that America was as much
convention that the laboring class must emancipate Itself from all in­
Is your pei slstent demand for the label that does the business
The '
—- — ——---------—
agitated over Italian Immigration as Italy Itself. Our uniom. were de­
enemies, the proprietary clas , that It must organize
Lion Clothing people carry everything In men's wear bearing the , There Is no opportunity
for fluences
, m,.nces of
oi its
n s eneraie
scribed as opposed to Immigration and systematically preventing Ita
_ . people to get before the .locally,
union label. Whenever making a purchase of any kind of goods de- , working
j(>en,iy . nationally and nternationally for the purpose of setting the
Ian workmen from Joining American organizations.
cltv council In the evening. They | i
, <)f , OV)lM
i ntz».d labor
i . i
mand the union label.
I city
against the power of organized capital. For
To the Turin delegates I could but r. peat tbe fact that
unI n.
There Is a complaint on the pact of business inen that union men must lose half a day to meet with i ,hus atrugflle an Independent Labor Press Is Indispensable,
In general are anxious to organize the foreigner. Many of out
and women don't demand the small wears, such as collars, garters, hours of heel-cooling
Air thing ' National and International trade unions are apt to exert a powerful
skilled trade unions admit a qualified Immigrant as a member on
. Don't
----- , ,g
_ these things
- ,..
to Injure
-' . ln{|
llenrp „ upon production, prices, the hours of labor, regulation of
----- --- Is Intended
suspenders, etc.
Do ------
your A..i,
full j duty.
Re (bat
production of his home union card. The Italian ‘'onferees at ru In
( as /izxz,
stew lex Ci.fv:.
a thoroughly consistent unionist. E seiy purchase you make meuns the Ized labor Is cooked up In com- apprenticeship Hnd the mpport of thetr members tu all the different
toen.selves cited no cases In which Italian unionist.. la d beet, ex ­
direct employment of some person. Do you, in this way, support the mtttees that are as hard to keep phage, O(- i|fs ,
cluded from American unions. They were also
’ U’’ " '
111 paid, unsanitary sweat slave! or the house of quality, the union shop? track of as a Jackrabbit .In high • The conflict through which they have naturally to go with the or-
statem ent that no tre.ty had been thought of between, our unions
sagchm sh. There should be some
power o( capitalism lead» them to recognise that all trade
and the Italian government or the Southern unions Before t should
> of compelling these city step- [ „niong must form one great, powerful body; the sol dnrlty of the In
.„ te r Into any negotiation, with o.her «rg? l £ l o n In Italy, th .
I. to
t— and (erMt of lab<jr u pr„rla|m,,d . , hp work! ;» mutually assist each other.
meet 1-
tn .K
the . evening
FA b ’ to Cthe Americans Joining the International Beere j and bearin0 their union label.
to receive citizens who have som e­ 8(»>n the fact will be recognized that the entire eyetem of production
our , I
Na, |, 1Iia| stationary Engl ICARPENTER8' 94ALL. EAST PIN K STR EET AND GRAND A VEN U E. thing to say on Important pro­ rests upon the very sh< uldera of the laboring class, and if the worket»
tarlat. that was a separate question. >et to I e a d I
posed ordinances.
«lily display their firm «let. rmlnat on »ml exert thetr power, a new
annual convention.
. n„.mb«rshln of n e.rs will m eet in Rochester, N 1
--------- --------E
. - .......--------------- ------
wt»hc'a~a"re the refuge o f ;
......... J " " 'ce. might be easily Intr.xluecd.
a Ä ^ a s ' r o p o r i v . l l ’.v
R"‘O“ *“ T“r‘n
I tomlHu'.’ m o 1"1 ‘
•:i' «11 and It: millions staude the
A rrajcd against the power < f '
the Indolent.
f i nn*
cents In the counties and 39 cents
In the cities.
This Information has lust been
received by the Oregon Federation
of Labor
Labor committee
committee appoimvu
appointed .or
the purpose of investigating the
various stale free textbook laws
aud to put a law of the kind be­
fore the voters of Oregon. The
Utah report reads :
"In 1902 a law was passed by
the legislature providing that free
textbooks should be furnished to
the pupils of the schools In the
several counties of the state. On
’he ■ free I
m e whole,
w i s u r . the
.» « » operation
, » - .. .......— of —
textbook law h a . been very bem ,
a a