, rt« UHOAT, OCTOBER PO R T L A N D LABO R PRESS THROUGH ONE MAN’S EYES L , . m „ ,.i„ ltv and If they m u m * I t Ho be pL'«ly a .c l f l . . . propo.ltlon n L v «re defying the very funda '!mental Ta-r e t “ im m e r c * w h ic h I . NI JTUDEB11. M US. HI COCAINE c. p . jont ; s ’ T h e thing for Alban. lo'«lodging h u e » in most C M M Th« aee to 1« that -hi» property I . I m onopoll.t of a thousand acre«, or assessed at a value proportional to such a m a tter I . of the opinion o ther city property That a l i i , that he . h o l d not be taxed on b i. L u m ber m en s N atio n al B ank CIG A R S A N D TOBACCO S P 'P E S F R U IT S A N D C A N D IE S AU C la .b e . Union Good, a Specialty 1J1 N. Sth Ph on . A 5041 bring In the new territo ry with a . little g raft an) more than I . the TbL man who d am n, the public bound No man w a n t, to pay for J Southern Pacific Railroad Com ll a TU h e ^ b ? .e rr a n t » h o » a . caal city priv lege» and live outside ita p -a n y on Ila big g raft of hundred, of tboufeandft of acres oa blch out of his lord , house for playing e n v ir o n .— Eugene Register J, A B r kwith A M in . ¡4 , L. Jvlutavu **<> LAV««« Arda (»Aid > W P liajr.a vt » a a r in « hOUfct o rg a n I* the booster city o f ! hold many thousands of . e r e . of Johnson & Beckwith long an there I* a com A storL of the D T Vallilan«* Valve Com ¡«any. C incinnati. Ohio, ban an ar »ncaotion of r lr h t an«l Justice the rta te It b a . sjient over «and obtained through perjury and LAW YERS tid e in the Septem lmr “ uni'* J d *f' a com m unity; so long a» a com »1UOO.OOU thia year In public and ^ « » d , “ d * babor an.l Me-h.at«-«. Lie... « t*l~ l.lt j sound ard sensible that consider- 1,, >iate and fear, love private Improvement». l u e city along w ater course» M tu re exclu Mala 644, A 2SH4 In * the source it I» remarkable It j ,;rave )usl )Ong we » III 1. growing and t h i. In »pile of « » * Tent..« U ulilla« Portland Or. Through One M an x retribution from ill »’1 1 1 or , he efforts of , be o w n e r, of empty “ "es o ^ l- n d In addition to th eir ------ a « :||„ £ . Is entitled from good w lll-J u s t a . lo t. to dUa.ourage Invextm enta atm H U „ t o n . ______________ OiaMK-v" . . v , . reward frighten men who would Improve *-*• ■ B Y i loro Arnalz h a . been In t ie If afterthoughts a« - the beat, Buildec.’ Hardw are, Poultry N et­ employ of M Hoe k Company the why don't we have the") ilra tT ting and Garden Tools, Olla largest newspaper pre»» builder. A »2.000.006, »even m ile, 470-foot Paints, V a rn l.h e« In the world for 66 y e a r. H e, drop, tunnel on Snake riv e r is Luck Is ofte.i simply good jud g ­ was their oldest employe, and the 245 Holladay Avenue East 870. projected I t » III be worth an ment coupled with hard work. other day in h l. 7 ilh year he re completed . «• enormous sum when wnen com pieieo telved a curt note from hl» em T hat power belongs to the people P ic to ria l Review Pattern« and Publication» plo yer. »ay In» that be would be VllC VwS X lH lG H Lv a„,j «hould be paid for by I he on the pa» roll for two weeks ,OB* ______ power truat. Especially should It •r. after which his service» would Organized labor w ill use e v e ry 'p a y for what It holds out of use not be required honorable means to defeat the to prevent com p etition He came with the concern when ‘ ^ ^ r 'h ia h ^ ia d v e X m e n u w X th e c R y A a e b o o lo r C |-| /V\111S tl. 19« \ ¡L»íaT>Í CORNER FIFT H A N D STARK STR EETS siiv„ m u .« ..............."V O.IS HU«.«» .........„..»».SS »Bd U, O . l t C r.w » . rtS..... ............. S» o-. Brida. W .rk. » • ' t«sdfc........ « io ses BuSb.r r i . u . . . . - , ............ with » 1 A Bl.d%O“ 7W4f#^Xw Deposits October 1, 1908, $1,385.069.44 Deposits October 1, 1909, 2,146,821.59 VO. Chicago PalnleM Dentist; Halt. 4 [Uisi«» Bo'ld'o« Sixth asd tvashliittsB Strstt». Will Oppose f-h a I )v*flinsini*p 19350715 Hamburger’s now th«*re a r* 2 The highest , T he C entral Labor Conn hazing h u r t. Its reputation and wage he ever received ».as SIS per council last Friday night received a ultim ately affects the value of week, . — bui ........ th i. - was , gradually r« -.c ii . hl. 7,’ '¿."„¡plete report from the le g is la -i property In ihe town where Io- rim ed until at the time of h » dl»- < relatl¥e ,„ e caled. S elf respecting young men missal bo »aa receiving but »12 I ,)r<|, naoce. aIld and th eir parents do not desire per week , f ,,.r discussing the queeiton. Sec- to even l , Friday at 2 p. m -,nd the land alone w ill Justify such 8E C O N D ■«tw een ......... fh.r<— Pres, „.«,,_M •« ti call coum n a c*" «.n ,,n th<- ’h" mayor n,“> r anu *nd n'" “ acre u,,««» “ fo. h • alf a m ile on - - each ~ - - 5- side “ - man called a back at O the n -x t C,'U meet >b- ^ n I re o , ra| tMXlv J A of the track would Justify a bonus the offices of the company L H - e n b e ,g and H J- of that amount. viously they printed about it. .b hut u * newspapers n ‘ ‘ . . C , , P a r k , were W ere a u ito lu ie d as ---------- appointed appomieu as th e , don t hear this kind of talk W hen , Farklaoo The saw m ill at Lebanon is a thing ha# happened unique «« '«■ me* i,ul,III |iro|>os«-a ordinance oruinauce is de ’ shortly to be mo , d Just i.titside The proposed enough It at once b7 ‘’' " 7 ’ “ ! sign, d expressly to h a m i-r org.,n the city to a more advantageous property for the new spat«r 1 )f xl_d „ w, „ deny ' site. Modern c a p ita lis t, are on handle, and one can no nx.re pre ,ab(>1 a n , other body the lookout for good sites con­ vent I t . being l;rlnl<-d ,ban fr "Lt ,,er „„n 'he right „ „ „ , hi., that It pro- > the city of Lebanon w ill make It talking or holding an opju on k ..,, expression by banner adver known that any more are available !>•( us firwt 4»> mi»« and on w hat term s a manufactory man before we study tb«- elfect j tlsementa. on his form er employer A» a re -I Tin- ordinance haa an enier- can obtain one U »’ill help the -- . 1 in the genev clause attached, which w ill owners o.' that town amazingly. suit of this published stop ,,Il)u a ll) deny the right to the use New York Press he will The Dallas Item lxer says that of the referendum. from sympathetic readers more ac­ the m eter system on hydrants tual money than he ha» '-ver had kills out the lawns. Dallas should at one tim e in bis whole life. Home charge up some of Its w ater b ill, one of these readers w ill no doubt to the em pty lots that abound get him a better Job than be has there as in every other city. H e r­ ever had before. miston c o lle c t, as much from the W henever a dally newspaper In em pty lota as from the beautiful good standing and with a wide ones, and the result 1. some fine circle of readers prints a pathetic Izis Angelea Oct 20 —Organised la w n , and gardens under discour­ story of poverty as the result of In­ aging circumstances otherwise. justice. the subject of It w ill re­ l q hor of this city and the Social­ large fund for ceive hundreds of dollars from ists are raising a ____________ W illa m in a 1» full of busy brick- defense of L. O uiterrex __ De sympathetic readers This I» the the «.»,«, Local unions are donating , makers now. and th eir product I . La ra effect of publicity, regardltss of large sums to keep De lA ra from j shipped all over the state. Over Intention. h«-ing deported to Mexico to cer- men are employed. N a tu rally Tb« w rite r once saw »420 ta l.“ii B - - the town Is building up as a result out of one editorial m ail of a tain death. A monster m a.s meet of the w ageearnlnK and Indus­ Phi»hurg'"afternoon'""paper'a. the In g , of » » J ™ * * , , w ,l‘ trious population, w hile building result of »torr of a once pro»- held here on 8 q tu rd ay night De I «ara Is accused of being an lots a few years ago hardly worth perous old man who wan ca»t out Anarchist, on which charge the the taxes are bringing from »150 to Population makes land ¡h \u an* ^ n ren firjn a and ry compelled AH of thi.» overnroent authorities are seek to »30«. W ills In small checks anT a»3 cuV ren “ )’ 1 Fng Vo d e '^ r t V lm to Mevlco, where J »alu e. In W illa m in a as well as - Union Labor to Help de Lara b diced It. I t . I f You’ve ever noticed .» . the poor people who put the pen nlea ^n °tb e ’V iln d m a n ', tin cup th« old 8 0 you see that so f y man Is concerned, his dl missal w ill be a mere Incident; but n >t SO w ith R. Hoc Company H e re '* w hat w ill happen; W hen a New York newspaper A prints gn uneopyrighted feature It h i is «ranted for assisting In pre . . . n o e la in r»a a articles r t 4/»!<•« certain magazine .......... which reflec’ on the Mexican gov em inent. De L ara Is arrested in I «os A n­ geles because the officials do not know the difference between an Anarchist and a Socialist. H e Is a Mexican revolutionist and w ill be turned o ver to the Mexican authorities to be shot unions ap­ peals taken to the authorities In W ashington -elease him. H e w ill be the F e rre r of Mexico If the dictator o f that mock republic gets hold of him. * w,a*4n<> P»rlng Hom « n wf t M A CUT’ B e .t »5.00 H at f < W AN OREGON FA R M in Am erica Th® A N T I S E P T I C H AND CLEANER PO PULAR DRY GOODS CORDIALS AND PRESERVES Family trad« a «p«ci«lty Free d«Hv«ry THE OREGON LAND D E V E L O P M E N T Co. 55 North Second A 2862, Main 2778 d-19 LUM8EHMANSBAHK BLDC. See T hat T h i« Baofl« 1« W orn bj Team ster Who Does Your D r a y ira COR 5™ A HD, STACK STS- & M c D onnell P R IC E Wl NEd WRITE AT ONCE TO 301-2 C O M M O N W E LA TH BU ILDING . PORTLAND. OREGON mcai . len Irrportsrs and Distributers of H IG H E S T G R A D E O F IM P O R T E D AN O D O M E S T IC $ 1 2 5 ° O T H E O. P . S P A U L D IN G C O M P A N Y I DESCAMPS & MARCO FOR ONLY Does Wonders fo r the Houaewife Ink stains, acids, grease, rosin, pilch and "flash." Contains no lye or potash and Is perfectly harmless to the skin D iffer all other cleanser«. P R IC E i s e — ASK FOR IT For sale everyw here No m a tte r what your work he you need " F L A S H ." Removes tar In a therefore «■nt from THE Then tee th a t thia label is cn your custom-made clothing D E M A N D IT It is sn Indication of fa ir con dltions, and takss the place of boycotts, strlkss snd lockouts HOW TO SECURE Physicians and Surgeons Recommend P O R T I AND V ^ s OREGON HOUSE Mr. Union Man You owe It to yourself and fam ily to Investigate the values we Brotherhood of Tsamstsrs No. 162 are offering In high-grade union-inade goods. Meet* Cvtry Tuesdsy St Don't be deceived by the fake advertising of o th er stores' "»2.00 articles for 39c"— but come square. to this store, where business A few specimen values below. is conducted on P A T R O N IZ E the -»St* W « o l U nderw ear. In gray, best »125 quality at 9 T f Men s Fin everyw here else & mcallen Because the team sters employed on the extension of the Pacific A Eastern road near C entral Point rcently .w ere given only 45 min utea Instead of an hour noon they struck. T he co* tractors have put on th e ,r own teams and employ­ m ent agency teamsters. These local farm er« and th e ir hired teams are too independent for the average railroad contractor and th in k too much of th e ir animals. THE la reprinted by other papers all over the country- Thi-» I . particu­ larly true of the New York Press; for they run a class of m atter In th eir Sunday edition that ruts easy In U m a tilla county since 1900 under the »hears of the average 16 school district« hav«- gone out exchange editor of business b cause the adding Now, understand, this 1» no ef­ of field to fie «1 and farm to farm fort ’ «> heap scorn on R Hoe A has driven away the children The Company This magazine cares list Is In re a lity longer than this, nothing for Individual Instance, but some «listriels have kept up save a» they relate to principles, form of existence that Is a shell and they w ill have enough trouble In the Irrigated districts the from new spaper, generally regard Rev«-ral papers In the slate favor schoolhouses are rapidly enlarg less of anything this medium might the abolition of the occupation lng. It 1» Ih e bonanza » b e a t add tax«.« levied by cities. They cer­ farm er who has no use for schools. Laboring men w ill read this tainly retard growth to the extent Press story. One of the absurd things small enforced. Newspaper pressmen w ill read towns do Is to license honest this story. Bandon butter has been served occultations such as draymen. Such Newspaper publishers, the pos- with all meals of the Comm ercial money received Is always assessed Bible buyers of printing presses, Club of Portland T h e Ssw pounds back to the citizens, as the work w ill read It. of butter sent free by the ltHn«ion ers havo to live A very slight I t 1« these Instances that form cream ery w ill be ihe highest, price hunch to the assessor that the the texts o f the soap-box orators. empty lot is as valuable as the butter It ever sold. It 1« the subjects of talks In the used lot alongside w ill swell the labor union hall. Pumps have bi-en placed at work city treasury to belter advantage It is Individual instances like In Ihe Medford coal mine and the Ilian m ln g up tim e and money this that have made Ikbcr unions— owni-rs declare they mean Io turn punishing men for being Indus­ men do not organise unless their out a product w ith a good crew trious. wrongs are to be righted. of men that shall a ttrac t attention W hen Instances like this are al T he old Pennoyer block on M or­ In the fuel m arkets of Southern lowed to happen. It I» undoing all rison. West Park. A lder and Tenth Oregon. the work of ihoae who are trylug streets In Portland Is to be the to bring a b elte r understanding N e a r Pilot Rock new Irrigated site of an enormous department between the employer and the em­ apple land» are being opened that store and hotel. I t Is leased for ployed. and It must lie remembered are attractin'* attention from In a sum that shows a value of »750,- that ihe employed have a bet’ r vestors. T he laud values of that 000. It Is assessed, however, for Bieanv of publicity than the em- vicinity since the construction of only »370.000 It take» a good )!oyer- n branch road have Increased re­ manv farms to equal the value of T he pre«« crew« In newspaper this little piece of absolutely bare offices are universally members of m arkably. ground decent labor unions. R. Hoe A fiavs the Kttgene Register very Com pany sail th e ir pre»««-s erected p ertin ently: '-'L»t every citizen of Good roads clulis are to be com plete and running under the Oregon line up for the things that rounded over all Oregou. The dlr«ictlon of th e ir own mechanics. make for a greater Oregon and In farmers are to be urged to de­ I f they sell a press In Cincinnati, doing this we are laying the foun mand good roads for th e ir own for Instance, they s»nd men from dstlon for greater things for ottr sakes. Farm ing communities o New York to erect It and who stav respective communities." Ject to road taxes because they on the Job until It Is running auu fall so heavily on Ihe Improved accepted by the purchaser. Press Between 15« and 200 engineers farms anil yet are built by sc «nen who have read or heard of and surveyors are at work on the l.iany mile» of Idle and specula fhta story w ill find a lot the mat survey I11 the Deschutes country live holdings, which are Increased te r w ith Hoe presses that didn't between Bend and the Columbia In value as much acre for acre as exist before They w ill find II after The prices of ligh ts of way are are the tm proiad lauds. the erector» have gone back to Increasing as the ce rta in ly of a New York If defect« do nut exist railroad become» stronger. The goods roads people of Ore­ they w ill make them exist and gon am going Io spend »4,000 a the builders w ill S|«end many times W ork on Ihe electric line be- y,.ar to help out the organization the cost of thia old man s wag«-» In T hetr ml» chasing men over the country trim tween the towns of Eugene and j among the farmers Halem Is promised to begin w ithin »binary should camp In V m a lllla ble shooting, yes and In contrty 60 davs The very promise makes jeounly for a few week». In one versv of th eir collection depart- the holders of Idle tracts along th" ¡place the road goea nine miles to haent. np th eir head» make a h alf « mile which is . Newspaper publishers who read proposed line pe closed across a field. In another thia w ill Store It away In the pre­ and begin to price aulos. •--------- 1 instance the road goes on three judice bln of th e ir Intellectual hay Many people are repelled from side» of a quarter section Just on ow W ith in the past few y«ar« The land e Hoe p io p ie have a very form id­ the southern states because of the ! the edge of the town. able com petitor It« the Ooss Print- Inhum anities of the w hile» against i |(oa ¡„ responsible for ttaeae and many other Instances every time. Here In C -egon we lag Press Company of Chicago th e blacks * Some day ahon these publish« ra have no »lave labor driven with In Stanfield, the lusty young are In the m arket for a press, and a whip und herded with blond even though the Hoe press may hounds as are aonie tevtlona of town of I'm a lllla county, specula­ tors are not given the front rows show up better In the prescnlatlon the auuth There are four blocks for which by th e ir salesman, they will buy a W ith this beautiful and product no apaculutora need apply unless Ooas press without ever telling Ive vsllny »» a found at loll or s ta rl­ they construct on each lot a vai why Even though these newspaper ing place, our people may well liable and fireproof building above publisher» may lie mean enough to unite for Its advancement and the a certain cost lim it. O ther blocks reserved for resi­ do the same thing «hemselve», yet upbuilding of e» cry town and hnin are likewise dences The man who wants *o let In It.— Union Republican they w ill condemn It In other». I t 1» i good deal like a man c rit­ DI her sections of Oregon could profit by .he labors of the con m iinlty and reap without sowing , icising -«nothei for excessive didn’t take Ibis to heart. Is relegated to the outermost 1 lng when the critic drink» quite a» edge, ol town. H e I» . of little use T iter» »hould be some way de- _ m«ici ntmseir. vised to make the actua' selling a»«1 o(t,'n an obeirtKilon It la all right for men at -he t i i of • large Induatry to say; prices of Innd apptFi in the public W ith in the last >'0»r some 200.- It 1« only through leases "W s own It, we can do with It record» w hat we pleaae; we run It. w e can of land, where the actual rent paid non acres of land In Oregon has discharge whom we please." This must ba recorded, that any estl been restored to public domain has been Illegally fenced dB-atl rlg tit If they want to u k « m ate can be made of the value that Much of this land la worth very t»M consequence«; for they w ill actually placed upon property. little except for g ratin g ; but the Had they do not own the Albany want« to spread out but K lam ath Fnlls Rxpreta says that . bwtaeaa, hut that the business »tock¡nen In Kasterti Oregon ai>-1 (»MSB: th a t they do not run Is handlcapiied by owners of large pi ar to tie determined not to re H ir lr bBBfr- th e ir b’istne»» r anl tra c t, adjoining the city on which llnqulsh their hold on the public »core, of homea an- built and who POPULAR PRICE DRY GOODS H 0U 8E UNION LABEL RANGE THE B EC A U SE w e have the cleanest and most up-to-date baking plant on the East Side. O ur wagons are kept clean and dust­ proof. O ur horses are a tte - ?il to by a man for th a t purpose and not by the drivers. T he Hour we use In our bread and cakes is stored In a separate room, which is always dry and «Jean. W e pay good wages to our men and use only good m aterial. O l|f * are kept clean by e it r a help and are always open to anybody for Inspection. G IV E UB A T R IA L . ________ m cdo nnell Gst Your AN D M EDICINES of D R U G G IS T 233 Washington St., Near Second W HY? .k ; L a lla n W ool Unioo Suits. »2.50 value; sp'l » 1 .8 ® 1,1 A lb e r t B e r n i t!4 RUSSELL ST.— BOTH PHONES Men's W o rking Shirts. In lig h t and dark colors; special, each 4 8 * Men's H e a r DRUGS THE Log Cabin B ak ery C om pany Note carefully. Men's W in te r U nderw ear, in gray, pink and blue; 75c quality ’Round About Old Oregon » H W (gift Morrison The Store T hat Serves You Best « mm . R w“ en STREET A lder and W 00D AND COAL STEEL 47 East BRIDGE Albina FUEL CO. Avanue. ALL KINDS OF WOOD 424 — PHO NE8 C 1771 R eilileu c« 947 A lm w o r tk A »*m ie P hu oM W ow B aw n HUA 1 1BR3 O ffice Ptiou«». M ain IkXL A 11H p r ü M ¿ K E Ñ ¿ i É ; M. 0 , H. M. BRA8S ANO ORCHESTRA DR. C. C. BROWN Hoao«opstblst 4M-SZS Mavleer BelUla« and Ear Diseases. Glasses Fourth and Washington 8«re«*» Fitted a -d Furnished. ale D U ja.*. Oowret Practice nr« Chrcr*- - PERCY A. CAM PBELL O ffice H o u r» 10 tu 12. 2 to Marquant Bldg. Room« 628-627 308 8pencer St. Phone Tabor 653 MUSIC Eye IK OST m a HMS w o H FOiaiND hue n s r a e n i H fl» uuor PENINSULAR STEEL RANGE B U IL T BY THE LARG ­ E S T S T O V E W O R K S IN T H E W O R L D . Q U IC K B A K IN G . USES L IT T L E B U IL T . T IM E . W IL L FUEL. BEST Housewives Welcome Good Table Queen There is no greater boon to Portland housewives than “Table Queen" Bread. Just as good, and as fresh, as home made without the bother of baking. Made in the most perfectly equipped bakery on the Coast, of the finest hard wheat flour, by most skilled bakers.. Delivered fresh every day. All first class grocery stores. ASK YOUR D EALER. L A S T A L IF E ­ ON EA S V P A Y M E N T S . •1 A WEEK P R IC E S A C C O R D IN G T O SIZE Royal Bakery and Confectionery IN C O R P O R A T E D O F O V E N , FRO M »40 T O »50. T H E GREAT PO R T L A N D BAKERY T H A T A L W A Y S IN V IT E S IN SPEC TIO N GEVURTZ BROS. EA S T B U R N S ID E S T R E E T A N D U N IO N A V E N U E __________ »■■■— ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■PB»» ■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ [WASHINGTON STREET PUBLIC MARKET j s k « boob ^ s H bb .sea w lo employ iara« numbers enjoy all IkM IBM a Reneral reMtZon to the Ilf« w hile CORNER FIR ST A N D W A SH IN G TO N STR EETS PR IV A TE EX CH AN G E 4654— A6551 B U T T E R IN E BUTTER blue Mountain, best, l b . . . , Clover lx-af Brand, roll . . ..40c M istletoe Brand, roll ................. 55c ..70c Coin S(>eclal Brand, roll ........ 45c Norway Brand, roll . . . . . . Ferndale Brand, roll ......... ..70c One pound prints ....................... 25c . ,»6c Bulk, per lb.................................... 20c j Honey. 2 pounds for . . . i . ..25c I F ull Cream Cheese, lb. . . . ..20c Peaches. Freestone, best. box.90c FREE D E L IV E R Y The Elgin D a iry P H O N E P R IV A T E E X C H A N G E 4654 F IR S T S T A L L S , F IR S T E N T R A N C E . F IR S T S T R E E T MARXEN’S TEA STORE Full Line of Tea, Coffee, Spices, Extracts and Bakery Goods SA T U R D A Y SPECIAL GOFF & R A Y F A I R C H IL D ! T he L ittle W h o lesa le DILLON BUTCHER 106-112 F IR 8 T S T R E E T Government 5 Inspected OCEAN F IS H NIA R K ETi Meats S a tu rd a y S p e e la l» 5 WE M U T T O N A N D PO R K . A U N IO N MARKET Call and see this coffee. A ll 40c Coffee. |>er lb .................35e T Bone Steak. 2 lbs....................... 25c I All 26c Coffee, per lb ............... 20e 3 lbs. for »1 H ln dquarter of Lamb, per lb ... 10c ¡ All 35c Coffee, per lb ............... 25« Finest M t, .1 reg 50c. Sat 45c Best grades o f Gunpowder. Spider l^>g. Knglith Breakfast. Ceylon Boiling Beef, per lb. ,5c and 5c Oolong, Green Japan, Sunriwed also Cevllnda and U p to n in carious ............... 10c Ground Steak, per lb Shellbunt Butter Store CENTER OF THE M ARKET SA TU R D A Y SPECIALS I run Medal Prlxe Baking Pawdtsr, guaranteed « Iric ily pure, regular I full 11b cans, choice from an "rsorlroent of granltew are with each (can ; price . . . Head Rice 4 l b . ................. <..25« A good C o ''"e , k per ............... 20« P V lb lb............... ¡3 cans Buttercup M ilk . . . ) . - 25c 4 Ib r W h it« B ean . ................. 25c l i arnatlon M ilk. 3 cans for . 25e ähalbitin t rfe&mery . . . Butter . . 40c Fre»h Oregon Cube Buttfcr, Full line German A m erlc m Cof 2 lbs for ....................................75c I tee« and T«as Also fine Butter. 2 Ilia. for. 70c SELL AT W H O LS E A LE Pot Roast, |ier lb. . . . , ,7c and Sc Standard Kib Rolls, per lb H alibu t. 2 lb . • 1 2 'jc for ................... ...2 5 c Salmon, per 1b. 10e. 3 lbs Best Butter. B ellflow er, . . . ...2 5 c 2 lbs Fancy Cream ery, 2 l b . ............. Fresh R an d i Kggs. per dosen P R IC E S C H O IC E C U T S O F B EE F B O TH W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL . ....10^0 10^ ■ J Bloaters, each .......... 5^ Mackerel, each 1 package Opera Lunch Halibut ....................... IOC Choice Chinook Salt Salmon, per lb ................. Fish, Clams. Crabs and Oysters £ O akdaleB utter; M Fancy Cream ery B utter. p«r r o l l .........65c O akdale Butter Is the v e r ■ Columbia Butter, per ro ll ..................... 70e best q uality; made h e re ' ,5 I J 70c Oaldlale Butter, per roll ........................75c the city, every roll guaP M t R ainier M ilk . Special 2 c a n . fo r. 15c anteed Full line domeatlc . u5c M t. Vernon M ilk. 2 cans for ................. 25c and Imported cheea«. B 35c OAKDALE B U TTER STO RE S Ihe e ' X ,2 ..* S S fÄ Ä ^ fÄ Ä la m ü w a M W M H M M a a a a a w w w M M M iW ia w M a a M a M iR W iM W iiM W M ia a iM a M a B M a M M W im « avoiding city r.-lh. pall 1 .ard C om poaid . . . . 55c