THUR SDAY, JU LY 15, 1909. PORTLAND LABOR PRESS page four leagues shall appoint one delegate the trial of law cases so as to with vole to every 25 members, prevent grafting. or fraction thereof up to 500 mem­ Contemplating the new consti­ ber*, and after that one to every tution, Solon's pessimistic friend, 50. If any local league cannot 1 Anacharsis, said; "These writ­ send Its full representation, giv­ ten laws are Just like spiders ing satisfactory excuse to the na ! »ebs—the weak and small may thins I executive board, the num be caught and entangled In them, The following has been put out her of delegatee attending shall By the Charles Stelxle. bat the rich and powerful will (By Howard Singleton Taylor in have full numlier of votes. Stut" by the Oregon- State Board of break through them and despise "The church has always been leagues shall be given one dele Forestry; San Francisco Examiner.) them !” I t was the familiar ar­ against the workingman"—so Home g a l e with one vote. In order to Would you set fire to any nix centuries before About il isn't worth while men are wont to say. I shall not Christ in the Grecian State o f j 8 ~ \ encourage interest in forming Iocs' man's house In your tow n! occurred oiue ut m 5» pass good laws because you discuss the purely theore'lcal argu­ leagues, members at large shall if you saw his house afire Attica ments In this connection. Neither be given one vote each at the would you pass by without doing re- «ant enforce them. remarkable of all revolutions re Hut the prediction of Anachar­ do I propose to make this a anything? corded in human history. It * a * sis *a s coutradlctcd by the out- theological treatise; nop yet shall national conference. Affiliated or­ Do you reullze that timber Is ganizations shall be entitled to one remarkable in many particulars, come. All parties uhmltted to I discuss religion as such. There delegate with one vote. The na­ quite us valuable to the owner, but chiefly In this, that It was Solon's constitution; and, al­ are some well-known historical and much more ao to the com­ a radical reform deallDg with a though there were some subse­ facts which may and should be tional officers, members of the munity and to you? He can build ami class conflict, and yet the reform quent periods of reaction, upon produced against the statement at executive board, delegates BEST PAINLESS DENTAL members at large shall constitute a new house, but not a new for­ w hs accomplished without vio­ the whole democracy had ob­ the head of this article est. As for your Interest, think For 22 yearn a leader hi I' »»•!*•• In the first place, Its founder. the national conference and are over the following facts: lence. . . . . tained a substantial footing and h em « ' Work hl Portland. <• t out entitled to vote at such confer Studied carefully tn the light went forward with increasing Jesus Christ, was not against Oregon has 350,000.000 feet of price» tnays taxes in your ments of the labor agitator against conference or the arrangemenis Price, 15c— Ask For IL A handful of wealthy men res! J- Such Is the ruling of the Ex­ society today are chosen from the county. I f it burns, your prop­ lng In the most beautiful and ecutive Committee of the Amer­ sayings of the propheta as they for the convenience of your den- erty has to pay the difference. For sale everywhere. No gates w ill be communicated in a w o rn fertile sections In and about ican Federation of lAihor, carry­ are recorded In the Scriptures. Help keep down forest fires b T y h ia u n b io u n t t o e n le c la tr ic ia n « later circular, or through thr. matter what your work may Athena and Eleuala came well ing out the Instructions given Furthermore, the text book of and you'll make more money. So North W est E lectrical Engineering nigh owning all Attica—a posi­ them by the Denver convention ”• the church la not opposed to work woman's department of the Union w ill your children. com pan y, W. G. Koweu. m anager, 313 Labor Advocate. be you need “FLASH. tion which they had secured, not the American Federation of lAbor. Ingmen. The principles laid down Don't toss away burning A nkeny «tract. Phone Main UM2. Fraternally. Comet E lectric com pany. 412 Morri by superior Intellect or Industry, Since the above law was passed by Its writers would solve the so­ matches or tobacco. son Htreet Phone«, Main 5OAI-AI544 MARGARET D. ROBINS. but by the simple strategy of last November by the national cial question If faithfully lived out Dor'» make a camp fi'e In H aasulo E n gin eerin g com pare, 3 President. controlling the government and convention of the A. F. of L. a by both the capitalist and the Flrat atreet. Main «147-A 44*7. leaves, rotten wood, or against ELEANOR H. WOODS, <’ ,E. O brlet. 215 A ll«ky bldg. Mam legislating to suit themselves few unions have refused lo a ffil­ laborer. Scarcely a book treating logs, where it may spread, or 5879. Secretary-Treasurer. 301-2 Commonwealth Building, Portland, Oregon. Money wss scarce; they had iate with their local cenim l bod­ on political economy which was F. M. H snkin . Archer P iece station where you cannot be sure It is Phone T abor 'HU. i t to loan, and every new distress ies and 8tate Federation. Thlv ured In any university ten years out. A. E. M eserv*. 2IW Ea«t T hirty-third of the people gaye an excuse for has resulted In a number of ser­ ago but la out of date today. The Never leave a fire until it Is Mreet. T abor 44). higher interest. They owned ious Jurisdictional disputes. The Bible Is the only book always up- E. A. K ubl, WIT I nlon avenue out. PATRO NIZE T H E W imh II iiwu 17:Wl outright the moat fertile lands unions ou’ slde of the central to-date, and It Is the only text­ Don't burn your slashing In the north. C èïitm hia E lectric E n t. Co., Inc and had mortgages on nearly all body have no way of meeting the book which the church officially .U79. Shop dry season without a permit. C ______ om m ercial bu ildin g. Molti 21 the estates of the small proprie­ representatives of other unions. recognizes. Put out any fire you find If ilh-huiouil 211. Itoac e ttv E lectric com pan y, 00 Fifth Again, the leaders in the great tor«. They also owned a great The result has been a general you can. I f you can't, notify a atrect. Malu 1147« A ,47«. ... _ portion of the common people, lack of understanding and a re religious movements In history P ortland K lc-trle com pan y, .loi Starli fire warden, some other public 114 RUSSELL ST.— BOTH PHONES were not opposed to workingmen. The following list of book* on officer, or the land owner. Street. Malu 2212. for, under the existing law, a suiting friction. M J . W al»h com pan y. 311 Starit debtor might mortgage himself, Commenting on the decision ol Indeed, moat of them were work­ dies, tools and workshop appli­ Remember It's the little fire atreet. Main *70 Al*7!7. his minor children or a minor the Executive Committee of the ingmen». The great re­ ances may be found In the public you can put out which may later slater living with him; and, upon A. F. of L., Frank Morrison made ligious movements had their origin lib rary: become a big one. among the common people. They American School of Correspon­ foreclosure of such personal mort­ the following statement: If you don't know the fire laws, were fought for by workingmen, of BECAUSE we have the cleanest and most up-to-date baking Institute of send for a coup. gages. the mortgaged persons be­ "In many instances the local whom thousands upon thousands dence at Armour Help enforce Technology—Machine Shop Work; came slaves to the mortgagee and unions have the Idea that their plant on he East Side. Our wagons are kept clean and dueV them. shed their bund because they be­ “’ynight even be sold abroad— as representation in the central bod- lieved In the principles Involved. a manual of approved methods In FAMOUS proof Our horses are attended to by a man for that purpose and modern American shop practice. lea and state federations la en­ / many had been. SOME OLD TRADES UNIONS. not by the driver«. The flour we use In our bread and cakes 1» Finally, the preachers o ' today 1908. Under such conditions the sit­ tirely optional with them, and a aa a class, are not opposed to stored in a separate room, which Is always dry and clean. We pay Benjamin — Modern American uation Inevitably grew worse for failure of a number of locals to workingmen. Many of them could The International Typographical good wage« to our men and use only good material. Our shops 1907. the masses. They could endure be represented le duo to thia im ­ be named who fearlessly denounce Machine Tools. Holford—The Twentieth Century Union was organised in 1860; the are kept clean by extra help and are always open to anybody for no more, and a crisis came. pression. ORDERS FOR the sins of the rich as well as the Toolsmith and Steel Worker. 1907. H at Finishers', Stonecutters' and “A t the Denver convention of tins of the poor. Eager to help, The plain people had long been inspection. G IVE US A T R IA L . International Textbook Company Trackraakers' Unions, 1854; Iron organised in eranol— labor unions! the American Federation of La they are asking what they may do Brotherhood of — International Library of Tech­ Molders. 1859; Btmnge as it may seem, it is bor a resolution was Introduced in a practical way to assist in Locomotive Engineers, 1863; Cl- beyond question that twenty-five offering an amendment to the con­ raising the standard of living for nology. v. 3. PRO M PTLY F IL L E D »Y Tool-Making; gauges and gauge­ garmakers, 18CI; Bricklayers and hundred years ago. In ancient stitution of the American Federa­ workingman. Masons, 1868; L comotive Fire- making. C1903. CALLING UP PHO NE EAST 4« Greece, trade unions existed tion of Labor requiring the execu­ In the light of all thia la It fair 1875; 1873; Horseshoers, men, Tool-Making. cl903. quite of the same character as tive otRcere of all national and to make the statement that the 1876; Rose— Complete Practical Ma­ Iron and Steel Workers, 1877; those of today. C. Osborne Ward, international anions to notify their church le opposed to workingmen? Office Window Glass Blowers, T i . S . G a v i l n a H e , b t e ( l L « % * l-9 o « chinist; embracing lathe work, local unions that they roust affil­ 1 confess that the church has not Is hie remarkable book, "The An­ Granite Cutters, 1877, and Rail EAST T H IR D AND BURNSIDE vise work, drills and drilling; taps iate with the state federations and done all that it should for human­ cient Lowly,” has made an ex- way Trainmen. 1833. PORTLAND, OREGON ity, because, after all, !t la made and dies, hardening and temper­ hauatlve study of the subject, central bodies. “At the last meeting of the up of poor, weak, mortals. But ing, making and use of tools, etc. patiently searching and digesting Get Your G OVERNM ENT INSPECTED LARD LEAVES NO ROOM FOR DOUBT surviving records and translating executive council the instructions give It credit for what It has done 1906. DRUGS AND M EDICINES Shelley—Workshop Appliances; and citing authorities. Prom of the convention upon this reso­ You would demand the tame treat UNCLE SAM Guarantee« this Kettle-Rendered OREGON PRODUCT of these i t appears that these an­ lution were taken under consid­ ment for trades unionism, and with an additional chapter« on CIGAR8 AND TOBACCOS DEM AND T H IS BRAND. , milling, by R. R. Lister. Ed cient unions or guilds were or­ eration, and I was directed to rightfully so. PIPES 11, 1902. ganised by occupations, that they communicate with the officers of F R U IT S AND CANDIES Smith—Press-Working of Met­ T H E DRUGGIST elected their officers, met regu­ the national and international A11 Classes Union Goods a Specialty als. 1904. la rly from one to four times • unions, In line with the recom­ 283 Washington St., Near Second Taylor—On the A rt of Cutting 131 N. 6th Phone A 5041 month, exacted regular dues from mendation of the convention.” Metals. th e ir membership (which in Thallner—Tool-Steel; Its treat» eluded both men and women), Main 6984 nr.ent In the operation of forging, «»a that they appropriated funds HOME PHONE A 1413 annealing, hardening, tempering Lee M. Clark, President from the union treasury for the San Francisco unionists were etc. 1902. Geo. M. Orton, Manager re lie f of distressed members Van Dervoort— Modern Machine amazed to read in a recent Issue when occasion required. They of the Dally Chronicle an editor­ Shop Tools. 1903. ATTORNEY A T LAW w ere also federated together, and Wilson — Practical Tool-Maner ial refreshingly to the point In had reached that advanced stage 601-602 Buchanan bldg., Portland. (From the 3uccesa Magaxlne.) discussing the recent convention and Designer. 1901. o f organisation where the small Woodworth— Dies. Their Con­ Another and perhaps a greater of manufacturers. The Chronicle farmers, herdsmen and fruit grow- R esid en ce .147 A insw orth Avenue ers from the country made com­ menace to the liberty of speech is popularly supposed to be on struction and Use for the Medera l ’iiones W oodlaw u 18Jk., mon cause with the artisans and and of the press has arisen. This "the other side," hut It could not Working of Sheet Metals. 1903. O ffice Phone». Main 903, A17 Hardening, Tempering, Aataeal- P. L. M cKENZIE. M. D„ H. M. laboi era of the towns and cities. is the decision of Justice Wright stomach any longer the audacious The editorial said Ing and Forging of Steel. 1903. H ouioeopftthist It as Inevitable that the plu­ against the American Federation Van Cleave. 4SV-4M M arleuy B u lld ln a tocrats should view these organ of iJibor, and the sentencing of In part: Fourth and W ashington »tree's UN FA IR LIST. “The National Association of Generi.) Prsrth-e and Chronic Wlaeoaes Isations with anxiety, and should its officers, Gompers, Mitchell and O ffice Ilnurs 10 to 12. 2 to B We r.-Int Constitutions, By-Laws, n or k I ng Cards, Letterheads, En­ attempt to suppress them by Morrison, to Jail for disobedience Manufacturers ought to be a use­ Bartenders— All saloons that do Then See That This Label velopes—In fact, any thing you may want. stringent legislation; and there of the court's order In the boycott ful association, but It Is neither. A Z A H O L M E S R 1 B B E C K E It has fallen Into the hand» of ie on Your Custom-Made not display bar card. 82 1-2 FRO NT STR EET COR. FRO NT AN D OAK is evidence that “Draco's bloody of the Buck Stove & Range F rrtlan d 'a Old R eliab le a clique which has been able Clothing. Building Trades— The Oaks. DERMATOLOOIMT laws,” which prescribed death for Company. from year to year to elect the The American Federation of La Has returned w ith th e j n r g e e t stock of Carpente-»—G. W. Gerdau, J every offense, however trivial, PO RTLA ND’S FA VO R ITE BEER , H A IR GOOD1 had been adopted for this pur bor Is the chief association of notorloue Van Cleuve as prest W. Bailey, W. 8. Buckner, Nickel- In Ihe W est -All H air G oods sold nt dent, and has now chosen as his organized labor In this countiy half . * iirlre— Hpeolnl a-— price» work. pose chiefly. But this cruel code 1_ a.L. on a all od’in on Russell street. I»Hrlo r « .. tir a n _ ti a w b r __ a d e r , ftth > A ld er at » ta a. . broke down for some reason, and it has been if Inestimable valivi successor one John Kirby, who Cigar Makers — United Cigar has declares that Van Cleave In Improving the condition of the - the labor unions wont on grow- It Is an Indication of fair Stores and all cigars that do not Our Beer Never Falls that he will he also. * lng until the crisis came. Just workingmen both within and with- been conditions, end takes the "The sole object of the Van hear the union label. to Pleas« w hat event precipitated the con out labor unions. As the stnkc place of boycots, strikes Cleave regime has been, first, to Iron Trades— Portland Artlflcla. LIQUORS AND CIGARS flict is not known- but it was i'HS always proved an expensive Manufacturers of and lockouts. Andrew Swanson probably one of those dlstln and wasteful procestt and one to break down the protective policy Ice Conipauy. high grade G a m b r in u s B r e w in g C o . Musicians—Rose City Orchestra gntshed cases of outrage of which be resorted to only In emergen­ by which the American standard Cor. 23rd Wash., PORTLAND 24th and Washington Sta. of life has been created and main­ cies. the boycott has proved a there are many examples in his­ Painters—H. P. Chrlstlaneon and Phones: Main 49 and Home A1146 tory. A t all events, a time came most efficient weapon In enforc­ tained. and, second, to root out all shops that do not employ union When conditions were no longer ing labor's demands, and organised trade unionism, root and branch, men. Fresh Churned Butter dally tolerable, and the unions struck— labor has always exercised It” 'so that manufacturers can com Wholesale and Retail Builders’ Hardware, Poultry Ntt- Printing Trades— W erner Print­ refused to obey, stay or pay! prerogative of saying as publicly pel the acceptance of starvation 413 W ASHING TON ST. ting and Garden Tools, Oils STEEL BRIDGE FU EL CO. Orote describes their action as as It thought necessary that It wages, which the destruction of ing company, Akron, Ohio. Two P'.ones: Malu 761 and A-2276 Paints, Varnishes. Sheet Metal Workers—Hlrsch- 47 Albina Avanus. a "mutiny,” but we recognise It does not patronise those whose the protective policy would in­ volve. It Is not the fact that acts have been hostile to Its cause 245 Holladay Avenue. East 870. berger, 247 Ankeny street. A LL K IN D 8 OF WOOD better by the modern term, Van Cleave and the Van Cleat e I f Justice W right's decision if Ship Carpenters— Joseph Suppic East 424— PHONES------ C . 1778 general strike." They struck, and the top heavy plutocracy were un sustained by tbs higher courts it politics are supported by ihe and the Portland Shipbuilding com­ will mean that the workingmen manufacturers of the country, bm A Union Office DR. E, C. BROWN P r o f r e a e lv e able to bieak the strike. of this country have no right they are apparently supported hr pany. Eye and Ear Diseases. Glasses Then came Solon—one of the through their organization to re- a majority of those who adheie Stationary Engineer«— Portland FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMIALMERS Fitted and Furnished. many Instances io history where talliate when they hnve been at­ to that association, which, In f a i l , Enterprise aud Yosemite Brewing Competent I-sriy As.lst.nt. I Not In the Franklin Association ONK OP T IIB »B I.A B K I.» Marquam Bldg. Rooms 626-627 g man of bigh birth wealth and tacked. It w ill mean to that ex­ seems to have degenerated front Agency, Crystal Ice comp» ny, th e , T h ir d nnd M a d iso n . P h o n e M ain • . 1 128’/ i Front 8t. FhOHO Main 1411 Y «u w ill k n o w U w «« p r in te d In distinction has stepped down to tent an abrogation of the right an association corresponding wit? ru n u n d er f a ir ro n d i- Liberty ice & Coal cosnpsny. anil espouse the cause of the lowly o;' freedom of speech and of the its name to a reactionary concern the Indepeudent ice A Coal coi.t-l H en«. D em a n d H e n n il p r in t in g . H e was a distinguished general press. If Justice W rights opln composed of those who would pany. Portland Allied Printing Trtde® an orator, a poet, a philosopher „ I.U ... »on U to be I “ »’ 10®*» by. the revolutionise society for their own COMPONED OF W aiters and Waltremies—Jakes of such large all-round In y p o n r a p lral t alon The T yponrapU " l/'îs that class of manufactur T h e P r in t in » P oeeaiu en '« V n le a George Kltchle's ResUUiant. 232 T h e W eb PrrRBHB«»*« U n io n T h e M allere* ( ’«Jon clal unrest everywhere Whilv Yninhlll street. L a d y B o o k b in d ers* C o lo n în 2 U Ï « e f the and his B r o th e r h o o d o f Book b ia d e r à desiring protection for their o w l C IT Y COUNCIL C O M M ITT E E S P h o t 'v P.narwrer«* C o lo n products, they would deny ns S tereo t y p er«' e n d E lect rot y pore* ' ? • » ker , ï £ r . c T n n T t h e ! i'i'il advantage* to thoae who produce V a le n Mayor Simon ha* appointed the teat against this proceeding wlil whHt they have to sell, and. In following members of the council necessity of s remedy In brief. be triumphant In 1912. fact, would throw down the bat i to the various staudlng com­ Sss That This Baoge Is Worn b) he was an aristocrat by birth to let In the whole world to com­ T sam rt.r Who Doss Your Oraylng and democrat from sentiment. pete with us on our own »oil in mittees: T H E SCAB IS TO BE P ITIED . W iy i and mwiii®— Devlin, Ruali- fa the crisis of the strike the the expectation that thereby they light, C< 'lars, Baker, Wallace. plutocracy »elected him as Archon (From the IsJior Leadei, llalli- will throw Amerlcau labor out ui Accounts and current expenses — practically a dictator, f .ere Is employment and starve the w »rk- — Menefee. Armand, Dunning. more. Md ) evidence tnat In doing so they - Some exceedingly direct (htnga ers Into submission. Street cleaning nnd sprinkling confidently expected to appease, |n ||og(on |M t s unday "Such men are destitute or — Baker, Watkins, Dunning, Dris­ the people and at the aaraf• time Rt (hp mept|ng , n Arlington patriotism." coll and Menefee. wean Solon from his radicalism, i H)ree, churrh of the Unitarian Streets—Annand, I-omb.ird, Men­ but he dleaptiotnted them. I jrPiiowahtp for Social Justice. They efee. Belding Rushlight, Wallace Immediately drew up and • “ '¡w e re mi the more extraordinary snd Kubll. forced a constitution of a most because the opinions of President Sewer® and drainage— Ruahlight, remarkable character. Eliot of Harvard University were Dunning. Concannon, Ellis, Knbli existing attacked, as it were, In the 1. It abolished all and Belding. mortgages on land and pernnns. house of his friends, as he is a Parka and public property— and forbade slavery and Itnprla prominent Unitarian. "I want to record my personal The following eeK-expUnatoiv Belding. Devlin and Kubll. Snment for debt. of Te»., itsrs No. 162. Health and police—Lombard Brotherhood Mssta Every T u e s.lsy at 2001» at S’ i . I t divided the population conviction that a 'scab' is not an communication has been received Watkins and Concannon. Industrial hero, university teaching by The Labor Press: tato four claeeea. according to In- Judiciary end elections—Cellars, BRASS ANO ORCHESTRA To all affiliated leagues anil oom«, and imposed a graduated to the contrary notwithstanding," Ellis and naker. said Rabbi Stephen 8. Wise of member»—greeting: You are jpcon.« tax—exempttag the lower Street lighting—Watkins, Baker, New York. "1 have seen scabs' hereby advised that In pursuance and again. In the main a of the constitution of the National Drie.r'.l, Cellars and Wallace. For all occasions en short notice 9 I t gave the referendum and again License— Driacoll. Ellis, Dun scab' Is a iioor. delud«*4. pitiable Women s Trade Union ’ .eague, the PERCY A. CAMPBELL rwcall tt the people, and marie thing I would not have studentr nlng. Concannon and Rushlight 308 S|>enc«r 8t. Phone Tabor 652 them pm ttcaily masters nl l heir used as strikebreakers. American national conference will he heiil Commerce, landing end wkarve* In Chicago, III., beginning Moil own gov t. ment. men are too fine to be degraded