m m iP iftX I aknr P fpcc bor K I 1 *33 hours J m B 1?.Olili iXlvvI *° ni P i ' ues , i ,, n ,, f • a « e '‘ or of years has not proven the wisdom might Is* adjusted? The plea of the strike-breaker that he must work for the support of his family has no application in coT~ P U B L ISH E D EVERT MONDAT, the case whatever, for lie ticceedetl by the in maintaining his dc,s-ndcnts before PORTLAND PED E R A T E D T R A D E ! this opportunity to scab presented COUNCIL. itself, and had then* never been the iifllc«: Room 4, 147 H Flrat Street Telephon« Parille HOI. chance to so bemoan his manhood, shall we conclude that starvation TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. i On« year. In ad van ce..................................... |1.00 would have been his end f Six m onths. In a d v a n ce.............................. 60 \'o, reader, the argument set up in behalf of the strike-breaker on the a d v e r t is in g r a t e s W ill t>a m ade known on application. 'grounds of American Il l i c i t v is bare- , faced h viMicrisv and has no adher- Entered at the Poatofflce at Portend aa , . . e.cond itaee m a tte r . f en i l l s outside the low-lived scab and ~ the unaineriean autocrat. of that policy. The Boston Packing Co. Until the school board and the in­ structors can demonstrate the ne­ cessity for those intolerably frequent changes in the school hooks, the parents will 1 m * justified in their vig­ orous opposition to such a course. PUBLIC SENTIMENT AND LA­ BOR'S STAND AGAINST ORIENTALS. T h ird ami Ankeny ¡Streets. BOSTON The Beaver $3.00 LION ** ClothinoCo Now, the employee may be said to occupy about a similar position insofar as equity is concerned. Should it not be regarded aa a crime against justice and fair dealings for •a y wage earner to step into the ing—other conditions being equal— 20 years ago, left school with a more complete education than the pupil of today after an eight years’ course. This being true, it must be ad­ mitted that the several changes in position o f • fellow workman who has temporarily retired from his la- the text books during the last mots ful in business should go to our leg­ islatures. Let us keep thia fact in minr.” Well, well! then all that is nec­ essary in the qualifications of onr law makers are education and busi­ ness instinct. Is that the sum total of the Corvallis editor's conception later. In conclusion we most respectfully request that you give this “ unfair” firm all the publicity you can pos­ sibly afford in your va'nsble paper aid we can assure you that it will be greatly appreciated by thia cen­ tral body. Respectfully, Ckieage Fad««ation of Labor. inc. Phone Main 4 1 4 M RRKG T F irs t and Burnside S tre et*. Fall Styles Soft and Stiff Hats Since the announcement of the action taken by the Federated Trades Council at its last meeting, up are pleased to see that the daily press has given the incident consid­ erable prominence in its columns; None better made. W atch our THE VILLAINOUS STRIKE­ and we note, too, with ample satis­ window if you want the correct BREAKER. THE SCHOOL BOOK QUESTION. faction, the strong public sentiment style. What a horrible creature the A great deal of dissatisfaction is aroused in support of the central strike-breaker is! Let us consider, being expiessed by the working peo­ labor body in its unrC *nting fight for* a moment, the ignominy of the ple in connection with the frequent against the further invasion of the crime which the strike-breaker is changes in the text books of the Oriental pest. guilty of and let us see if it be public schools of Portland, and many The plan of campaign to be in­ Guff K uhnP R p’ possible for humanity to produce a complainants have declared their sus­ augurated against the influx of Asi­ Man's and Boy«’ O atIM ar, more despicable and abhorrent picions that “ something is rotten in atic coolie labor as outlined by the 166-68 Third St., Mohawk Bldg. wretch than be who could stoop so Denmark" relative to this matter. mncil is; first, a monster mass Jow as ty sell his sorditl services The prevailing question is, “ What meeting to be held in the Armory to the common enemy of the work­ can Is* the object ol so frequently hall, or some suitable meeting place, nt' the essentials in decent, equit­ ing class that the honest toiler might «■hanging I lit* Isioks in use in our at which the question of Japanese able law making bodies? If this be held in corjsirate chains through­ schools? Is the purpose a worthy and Corean exclusion will he tlior- lie so. God pity the poor folk up out his struggling career. Just or commendable one?’’ Some of the (Ughly discussed by the most conipc- the valley who are directed by such imagine a low, greedy cur dealing critics go so far as to insinuate that ent s|>eakers in the country, this to a guide! blows to the weakly party in a it is a matter of profit to certain he followed by a Pacific Ixibor Con­ Does not the editor referred to fight for life, adding his dastard agencies bundling school supplies, vention for the purpose of unifying realize that the one essential above assistance to the tyrant master who and a custom practiced by the school action from Aska to Mexico. all others indispensable in the goo 1 deigns to whip the bleeding slave to board from which disadvantage rath­ Alaska to Mexico. legislator is honesty? What guar­ still more strenuous feats of lubor, er than advancement invariably ac­ antee are the accomplishments of In discussing this serious problem, the unmentionable brute who lacks crues to the pupil with unnecessary Brother Thayer of the Briekleyers’ learning and business tact that the that smallest spark of manhood which expense to the parent. union showed very clearly that a de­ member will legislate in the inter­ makes men of souls reach out with We are somewhat inclined to be­ termined stand must be taken in est of the whole people? What se­ loving hands of brotherly devotion lieve that the position of the class connection with this question, and curity have we in the mere fact of to snatch the poor and the down­ of critics above referred to is not our attitude must he unquivoeally his being hook learned and possessed trodden from the grip ol' penury! altogether untenable, for we fail to tateil before the candidates seeking the gifts of a Shylock that o u r What must we say of such an in­ perceive wherein those almost year­ places in congress; the gentlemen representative will faithfully work human creature? ly changes in the text hook can lie »«iking for our siijijsirt at the com­ for our interests in the legislative Is language sufficiently forceful to found necessary or wise insofar as ing political campaign must he male halls if he lack the grandest and give adequate expression to our feel­ the interests id’ genuine educational to positively realize the necessity noblest of all human virtues, hon­ ings of resentment against so de­ advancement is concerned. of training their minds to think as esty and just'ee? testable a being 1 No, words are The vilest seounlrels the world It lias been the exjierience of the labor thinks on this all-absorbing ‘ wanting in power tr convey an am­ has ever seen were educated and topic if they hope to meet with the writer from a long career as an in­ ple idea of the meanpesn, the vile- gifted in the science of commerce; approval of the working man in structor in the public school, that a ness, the intolerable’ character o f and the wisest legislators that his­ change of text hooks, especially the their candidacies for high public the soulless ilespcilcr who would tory mentions were possessed of office. reader, retarded the pupil in the take the position of his fellow-being This course is practicable, and if hut scant hook learning. pro|H*r development of that beautiful and thereby place victory beyond art, good reading. In the changes properly observed, would prove most Just think again. Mi. Editor, you the ho|s* of him whose cause is jus­ of readers coming under our obser­ effective, for. it must be conceded, lia\e another guess coming; possibly tice itself and whose only effective vation we have not been able to tie- politician seeking election t< vou’ll do better next time. weapon is the strike. discern any improvement either in public place is not usually a being It has been falsely argued by style o f diction or rliaraeter of lit­ of fixed convictions, and our un­ UNFAIR TO LABOR. the union-haler that the strike­ erature. Tlx* information contained questionable, unanimous attitude to. The following strong communica­ breaker has a perfect light to take in the discarded hook never failed wards the yellow intruder would tion is published for the benefit of the job of the striker on the grounds Io be as valuable to the student as certainly weigh materially in aiding all concerned : Editor Labor Press: The Chicago of American freedom and liberty that of the newly adopted one; and in the formation of his opinions on Federation of Labor calls your at­ to work for an honest living where- in our recent change it is quite so vital an issue. tention to the strike of the Engin- ever and whenever employment may doubt fill if the general influence of It is clear to every voter in this eers, Firemen, Wood Workers, Met­ be secured. Blit there is a vital the literature of the present book great nation that this question must al Polishers and Metal Workers point in the premises ignored in be settled at the ¡Rills anl it be against the Theo. A. Koch Barber is as beneficent as its predecessor. Supply Company, which lias been in this enunciation, that is, the prior Regarding the other branches hooves the wage-earner to make him progress foi the last two mouths right of the man who has filled the taught in the graded schools of the self felt when the opportunity ar­ with no desertions in the ranks. position for a long period of faith­ city, arithmetic, geography, English rives for his doing so. Everything possible has bc«*n done ful service and who is now hut await­ by organized labor to settle this Our millionaire trust magnates grammar, natural history, algebra, ing the sett lenient of the questions composilion, hotauv, etc., our knowl­ would beguile the innocent into be­ controversy, but we have been un­ successful, consequently this firm il l dispute between himself and the edge of the sciences has not suffi- lieving that our trade relations with was placed on (lie “ unfair“ list. employer. eieutly changed in its seojs* to war­ China ami Japan must he maintain­ This firm has joined the Employers' It must be remembered that in rant a change in the text books, ed at any cost if we hope to eon- Association to exterminate organized true economy where justice and right nnd a little study of the hooks in tine our prosperity, but in the to labor in their factory. are fully recognized, the worker is We want no financial assistance. use at different periods during the tai of their argument in behalf of Moral support is worth more than an essential , part of the industry, past decade will establish the cor­ Oriental friendship their is not a ten times the amount in the treas­ has claims upon the corporation or rectness id' our contention. single element of solace for the ury of any union. We have suffi­ company in projsirtion to the part poor toiler who claims America as cient funds to continue this fight It is not our purpose to argue he plays in the turning out of the for two years or more if necessary. his home. product and the accumulation of that at no time would certain A few exploiters may grow rich We intend to light this scab-breed­ res be to the advantage of all profits. The strike has been dem­ el ing firm to a finish and have an from the profits of Asiatic trade, abundance of money to lick Mr. onstrated to lie the filial recourse of cot ,•■ riled, hut this constant swap­ but what advantage is in this for Koch to a frazzle. We will hand the worker in forcing a lair eon- ping off of the school hook has bo­ the w irking man who must compete him the lemon proper. We expect sidetation of his grievance, the last nne an unbearable nuisance to both with the dirty, cheap labor of flu* to he injunetionized, hut injunctions resort to establish his position in teacher and pupil and a shameful «•lit no ice with us. We will con­ coolie from across the Pacific? anything like security. The progress waste of money to the parent. tinue this fight, injunction or no in-j None, whatever, but starvation junction. It would lead an observant person of the community depends largely mil digredation instead. We will keep your paper posted on the success of the wage earner, to > «include that the publisher has Freemen, let such a sentiment of of our progress. Yes, we will even i set ret grasp upon school hoards, and the right to strike is as just on anfogouism against the curse of semi you the injunction as soon as I his part as the right of the operator that through collusion, the publisher Orientalism he aroused along our issued by some injunction judge, of the plant to close down (hi* es­ and the hoard are enabled to prey just to show how Mr. Koch will upon tin* public by forcing upon the western short as will drive terror holler when hit in a soft spot—his tablishment for business reasons. to the hearts of those miscreants pocket book. We will continue this It would not he regarded as legal, parent or guardian a new set of fight until Mr. Koch gets seasick much less justifiable, were some oth- text hooks at least hieuniilllv, with who dare to oppose the exelesion and journeys to Europe for his agitation. the er operator to step into the office improvement whatever health. The boys on strike an en­ character of the school work result­ of the firni temporarily closed down, thusiastic ami eating the best of HONESTY THE HIGHEST buns nnd biscuits (union made). Re­ assume full charge of the business ing from the change. QUALIFICATION. member. money is no object to us. We have no fear of successful and start up the plunt. Such con­ The editor o f the Corvllis Repub­ Wc have plenty for this contest. duct would be condemned as high­ contradiction when wc venture the lican displayed very little knowl­ Your m« rt.l support is all that we handed and intolerable injustice, even assertion that the schools arc not edge of the requisites in good legis­ request. All supply houses have if there were ro law on the stat­ turning out as competent scholars lators when he wrote, “ the very been informed that the Theo. A. utes protecting the proprietor in bis today as came forth from those sanc­ brainiest and best educated as well Koch Barber Supply Company is tuaries of learning 20 years ago; as those who are the most success­ “ unfair.” Large posters for post­ right of ownership. ing purposes will be mailed you that a pupil of five years* school­ , Portland, Orofon, Portland Labor Press Pa«e Toar Phone Main 164 Government Inspection is a Certificate to Good Health WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED STOCK SPECIAL PRICES GIVEN TO HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS Something New Something Good “The Robros Hat » A Hat of Style $2.50 A Hat of Quality Roberts Bros., 3d & Morrison 8OLE AGENTS SOLD Coal Stove 15c “ Do you know, Jane, I have sold my coal stove that was almost new, for fifteen cents, and what’s more, I consider it the best bargain I ever made. I’ve had my gas range for six months and have already saved its cost on my fuel bills. In addition to using gas exclusively for all cooking purposes, I am now consider­ ing gas in iny furnace for heating my entire house. T H E GAS COMPANY is prepared to make installations covering all requirements and guarantee results.” (Signed) A SA T IS FIE D CONSUMER. THE GAS COMPANY FIFTH AND YAMHILL Tel. Pri. Ex. 26 Home A2765 THE LIGHT THAT’S BRIGHT