-------------- U-.-*-. ---------' - Portland Labor Press PI H U S H E D EVERY by PO RTLA N D M ONDAY, th e FEDERATED COUNCIL. of street. 8 ubh <; r ip t io :<. O ne year, In a d v a n c e .............. S is m o n th s. In a d v a n ce . . . . be TRADES R oom 304, 142 Second T elep h o n e : P acific 2414 term s W ill a d v er tisin g m a d e kn ow n .11 00 . 60 rates a p p lic a tio n . on E n tered a t th e P ostoffice a t P o r tla n d a s sec o n d c la s s m a tter. HONOR ROLL. The Committee on Subscription has decided to extend the time to January 21 for enrolling ii|Hiu the Honor Boll. All unions having placed their gubscriptions, for the union as a whole, with the Labor Press, by the 20th inst., will be plaeed upon the Honor Roll, which is being prepared for issue of the 21st inst. A I no noticeable changes h ive been made in the department that would guaran­ tee such reduction were the old rate justifiable, hence, we conclude the re­ duction is a piece of strategy intend­ ed to mislead the citizen and detract the voter’s attention from the issue. Should their little game succeed, and the pro|Kt*ed charter ainendm' iu and ordinance fail at the June elec­ tion, i* would not be twenty-four hours before the old rate, and pos­ sibly a higher one, would be again placed in force. Therefore, let every voter he alert to the true situation, und be on hand to add his ballot to the enormous ma­ jority which will lie heaped up in favor of free water. THE POLICE RAMPANT. O el your ahleness in their d niands the Labor ♦ D r u g s a u d M e d ic in e * Press will not attempt to holster their or erroneous position. A L B E R T B E R M In the present case we know pret T I I K IlKI'OOIBT tv well the nature of the measures «33 W A t H I S U T O M I T H E E T promised by the labor unions and we W ear H rc o n d believe no fair-minded legislator can offer serious opposition ,o the enact­ I lished in the past ten years. Death ment into law of any of them. benefits, $54,447.50, death benefits, The Oregon State Federation of members wives, $11,500. Donations Labor has selected President C. H. other unions, $57,000. Gram to lobby in labor’s interests during the session. He is fully qual­ ified for the work, and we know our interests will be efficiently guarded by this old-time veteran. Notice. The I^ib<.r Party will meet in reg­ ular sesison, eadville, Colo., newsboys will peace (! ) officers and battered and ple right to distribute that blessing jostled and smote on the face by the form a union. by the fairest and most convenient fists of this booster until he was al­ Salem, Mass., has formed a union mean*. most smothered in gore! of engineers. We had always regarded the editor The citizen’s name, at bis request, Allenstown, Pa., street car employes of the Morning Oregonian as the is withheld, but should anyone enter­ are organizing. brightest in hi* profession west of tain doubts as to the truth of the Los Angele», Cal., trades unionists the Rocky Mountains, but his conclu­ above statements he need only call at contemplate starting a bank. sions in the closing linos o f last Sat­ this office and we shall gladly sup­ urday’s editorial on this subject have Richmond, Va., unions are planning ply all names concerned. shaken to the very foundations our to erect a $100,000 labor temple. Fellow-citizens, is it not high time faith in his wisdom, logical and sin­ Sterling, Ilk, labor congress has we move towards endiny this flagrant cerity. started a fund for a city hospital. abuse of authority under the cover of Now, if Portland were the proud Goldfield (Nevada) miners are on a star! possessor of a great power plant strike. Many business houses are It is nseess to protest through the wherein were generated electricity at columns of the press; let us act on closing their doors. the expense of the whole people of the election day next June, nnd by our St. Louis, Mo., policemen are fram­ city, then it would be quite as rea­ votes, relegate to the cool shades of ing a bill for a three-shift system sonable to ask for free light as it ,M*litienl oblivion these imbeciles who and the eight-hour day. now is to ask for free water—the city fawn upon us for our votes but lack New York employers are complain­ truly owning that utility. So, with the moral courage and the physical ing of the new child labor law. They fuel, meat, milk, eggs, buttsr, grocer­ stamina to see that justice is done be­ threaten to have it repealed. ies and ad the other nonsense quoted tween the man and the master. Two thousand machinists employed by the Oregonian. in Denver shops received an advance The weakness of this kind of argu­ ment on the part of the able expon­ CONVENING OF THE LEGISLA­ in wage* on January 1, ranging from TURE. 5 to 15 per cent. ent—the Oregcnian—is prima facie * * V evidence that there exists no log­ The State Legislature meets today, The Utah State Federation of La­ ical reason...g in opposton to free nnd from the unusual activity shown bor has resolved to circulate a peti­ water,—that is, free water in the by the many members who have been tion to Congress asking the creation sense that public school education is sufficiently fortunate to capture the of postnl savings banks. free, that police protection is free, much coveted privilege of a seat in Because their pay checks did not that free delivery of mail matter is that honorable body, together with arrive on time 400 men quit work at free and that school text books are the ninny delegations of lobbyists the ear shops o f the Northern Pacific free. wending their way towards Salem, wa in South Tacoma, Wash., recently. Fellow-citizens, do not be fooled by judge a lively session will be the re­ The German Miners’ Unions are the sophistry of the Oregonian on sult urging the organized miners in Great this question. It has been shown Two senators will be elected this Britain to assist them during their through the columns of this paper in i year, but we anticipate no trouble or probable strike for a 15 per cent in­ an array of official figures that the delay over this matter. The people crease in wages. present water rate is and has been of Oregon have S|w>ken through their The Eighteenth Annual Convention the biggest steal ever perpetrated ballots; the mandate of the sovereign of the United Mine Workers of Amer­ upon a free and enlightened people, will has been issued, and there re­ ica will be held in Tomlinson Hall. ihat the system taxes to death the mains nothing for the legislators to Indiaiia|x)lis, Ind., commencing at humble consumer white it lets go do but to carry into effect the fiat of 10:00 A. M., Tuesday, January 15, seott free the valuable holdings of the electorate by ratifying the elec­ 1907. the plutocrat. tion, to United States Senate, of the The Amonkeag Manufacturing Com­ The question will be submitted to the choice of the people in both cases. pany, of Manchester, N. II., announ­ electorate, under the referendum, next So, we niav reasonably presume that June, ami justice demands that every very little time will he wasted over ced an increase of 5 |>er cent in elector does his duty on that occasion. that (Kirtinn of the legislative busi­ wages, which went into effect on Jan­ uary 1. About 18,000 employes will Previous to the launching of this ness. he benefitted. agitation for free water, we had no The important work to come before inti at ion from the Water Hoard of any intentions to reduce the rate, but on («ereeiving the awakening activity on the part of the citizens for equal taxution in snp|iort of our water ays- tem, that noble body condescends to cut the rate one-third. There is but one interpretation of this reduction; which is that the consumer has hither­ to been flagrantly fleeced for the ben­ efit of the lnrge property owner. It Is only a month or two since the agita­ tion took on formidable appearances; the session is that of passing into law the numerous bills which aim at promoting the welfare of the com­ monwealth. Many of , iiese bills em­ anate from labor organizations, and it is our opinion that every bill bear­ ing upon the conditions of the labor­ ing class should be earnestly and un- prepidiciously considered by the hon­ orable legislators. I All that labor unfcna ask is a square deal, and when the 5 overstep—if that were possible—the bounds of reason- The painters have just cause for feeling elated over their record in the United States during the year 1906. Here is the record: Charters issued, 176: surrendered, 106; gain in mem­ bership, 5.416, number o f strikes, 100; won. 90; compromised. 5; lost, 5. Advantages gained without strike: Increased wages and shorter hours in 100 localities; no reduction in wages in tile past year; wages advanced one- third, and hours reduced 15 per cent are among the improvements accom- jii w. ‘g 1 ï / Portland, Oregon, Portland Labor Press face Two O ffice: X r Officers of the Jewell Textile Council have been informed in a com­ munication from the Ixiwell Manufac­ turers’ Association that the request for an increase of 5 per cent beyond I that already grunted could not be given. The officers o f the United Mine Workers of Indiana are asking mem- hers-eleet of the legislature to pledge themselves to vote for a bill creating a commission before which all appli­ cants for work as a minor must take an examination. Following the recent sailors strike on the Pacific coast comes a disagree­ ment between the officers of the ves­ sels which promises to result in one of the greatest labor troubles in con­ nection with Pacific Coast shipping of recent years. This is a strike of all ship officers except the masters. The trouble hinges on the demand of the officers for overtime and an increase in salary of $10 a month. FAIR AND UNFAIR PUBLICA­ TIONS. Fair List. Leslie’s. Harper's. Gunther’s Magazine. Appleton’s Magazine. Southern Breeze. AinRlee ’a. Cosmopolitan. The Popular Magazine. j Scientific American. Recreation. The Billboard. Broadway Magazine. The Scrap Book. The World Today. Collier’s. Success. Reader Magazine. Four Track News. The Pilgrim. Metropolitan. All Munsey’s Publications. Puck Publications. Bob Taylor’s Magazine. The People’s. The Clipper. Sis Hopkins’ Own Bool- All Story Magazine. Review of Reviews. Life. Arena. Argosy Magazine. Arkansas Magazine. Everybody’s. Pearson’s. Smith’s Magazine. Judge Publications. North American Review. Public Opinion. Standard. Etude. Wide World. The Commoner. Ridgway. Pacific Monthly. Railroad Magazine. Women’s Magazine. The Home Magazine. Ladies’ World. National. The Public. The Outcry. Unfair List of the I. T. U. Saturday Evening Post. Delineator. Literary Digest. St. Nicholas. Town Topics. Burr-McIntosh. American Inventor. Automobile Topics. McClure’s. Town and Country’. Lippincott’s Magazine. Farmer’s Wife. John Hancock Ins. Co. Ladies’ Home Journal. Designer. Smart Set. The Black Cat, Short Story Pub Co. Tales. Brook man. American Machinist. Christian Advocate (New York.) Vogue. Catholic Standard and Times. Lessons for Little Ones. Farmer’s Advocate. ” he Musician and all Publications of the Oliver Ditson Co. Century, The. 'orum. ew Idea, todern Women. Jodern Priscilla, pm W atson’s Magazine. ’orld’s Work, re Moments. Farmer, Webb Publishing Co. Lyric Theatre S E V E N T H ANO A L D E R STREETS Week Beginning January 14 A Dramatization of Dandet’s Novel SAPHO IN FOUR ACTS Do You Use A Labor-Saving Fuel? If not, why not? Probably yon have not considered the matter at all. Have you ever considered how much work wood or coal makes for you? If you will but take a min­ ute to think about it, you will at once come to the conclusion that you are doing a great deal of unnecessary labor, when you spend so much time in cleaning up after wood or coal; and think of the work, time and money spent in getting it in proper condition for use::::::: GAS IS THE Ther£ is no work, time or money spent in getting gas in the proper condition for use. It is delivered right in the stove; it never gets wet; it never smokes; it burns without odor; it is always ready for use. Try it— have it installed in your house at once:::::::: A T YO UR SERV ICE THE GAS COMPANY Tei. Pri. Ex. 26 Fifth and Yamhill Sts. START 1907 RiGHT BEGIN WITH ELECTRIC LIGHT IT IS CHEAPER Make 1907 an’ ELECTR IC Y E A R in your HOUSEHOLD as well as in your STORE, and enjoy the convenience, the labor- saving, the healtlifulness, the safety, the econ­ omy and the prosperity that attends the use of ELECTR IC ITY . F R E E LAM P R E N E W A L S : The Company will henceforth furnish, free of charge, to all meter customers, new Edison base lamps of 4, 8, 16, 32 ”nd 50 candle power, in exchange for old lamps heretofore furnished by the Company. Lamp renewals will be made at Nos. 147 149 SEVENTH ST R E E T ONLY. 1 FR E E LAM P RENEW ALS mean bet- ter light, and is EQUA L TO A SUBSTAN­ T IA L REDUCTION IN THE COST OF LIGHTING. For Information Call MAIN 6688 PorilaniRailwai|Liit|(iPflwe(C(i. First and Alder