G OFFICIAL PAPER FEDERATED TRADES COUNCIL Portland Labor Press ( OFFICIAL PAPER E state federation of labor TRAD E U E 10E S A R E T IIE B U L W A R K S OE M O D ERE DEM OCRACIES.— W. E. CLADS TORE. No. 29 P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N , F E B R U A R Y 2 6 , 1904 Vol. IV T h is p recu rso ry b u rst of reasoning th a t of M assachusetts, to-w it, in 1780, inspired the convention to do things, and in th at co n stitu tio n was em bodied which it did w ithout a d issenting the same provision as is contained in voice. T h e spirit of. p atrio tism and the co n stitu tio n of C olorado, to-w it, freedom ran so high th a t the follow ­ th at the w rit of habeas corpus should A • • ing reso lu tio n s were passed unani­ not be suspended, except in cases of m ously, in spite of the fact th e re were rebellion, or invasion, when the public som e good, lib erty -lo v in g A m ericans safety dem anded it. It was stated in absent, and not a few dead: tins co n stitu tio n al convention, w ithout ----------------- - The W icked Unions. dispute, and was a w ell-recognized and ad m itted fact, th at the G overnor “ Resolved, T h at th e p ro p aganda of had no pojver to suspend the w rit in labor unionism in the U nited S tates, a state; th at the suspension of the and the everyday p ractical w orkings w rit was intended to be, and w as in --------------------- thereof, are rev o lu tio n ary and sub­ • M assachusetts, as in E ngland, a m a t­ versive of the rig h ts of labor, and • I • I ter for legislative action. Declare War Against Organized 'h e em ployers of labor and of the • Governors of Idaho and Colo­ 221-223 Morrison Street, Corner First I laws of the land. A bove all, they are In 1787 the co n stitu tio n of the W age Workers by Series rado Assumed Arbitrary i d estructive of the rig h ts and liberties U nited S tates was adopted, and the of Resolutions. Authority. of th e g reat body of the people irre- I same provision was placed in it. In I spective of th eir affiliation with un- , 1796-7 occurred S h ay ’s rebellion in 1 M assachusetts, and the L egislature of ; ionism or w ith em ployers of labor. the state and n ot the G overnor, sus­ “ Resolved, fu rth er. T h a t the pres­ T h e C itizens' In d u strial A ssociation F. W . O w ers, an able counsel anti pended the w rit of habeas corpus. ent condition of an arch y and con­ of A m erica, an o th er “friend "(?) of D istrict A tto rn ey of T eller County, In 1807 Jo h n M arshall, Chief Ju stice the trad es union m ovem ent, held its tem pt for law and th e co n stitu ted au- C olorado, attack s th e au th o rity of of the Suprem e C ourt of th e U nited first annual convention in In d ian ap o ­ | th o rities b ro u g h t about by th e law less G overnor P eabody to suspend the S tates, in the case of ex p arte Bohl- lis, I n d , com m encing last M onday ! leaders and m em bers of labor unions With entire New Store and w rit of habeas corpus, during the m in­ has forced upon the peace-loving citi- man, 4 Cranch, 75, em phatically de- m orning. New Fixtures ers n o of r m ’ .. e rs’ trouble, tro u b le, and aeciaraiio d eclaration m a ar r - I . , , , r- t f 1 1 » » . ‘ c a r e d th a t it at any tim e it should D. M. P arry , the industrial Moses, zens of the U nited States the neces- tial law in the Cripple C reek district. £ » An Up-to-Date Store ,, . „ j * becom e n ecessary for the w rit ot ha- was there pro m p tly as scheduled, and sltX ° f dem anding th a t the nam es and Mr. O w ers has never been classed : / , , . , , - ■ , ■ i , • beas corpus to be suspended, it was delivered one of his ch aracteristic a d - . w hereabouts of these law breakers p articu larly a friend to organized la- " , U . , , . C o m e S e e M e • •• dresses in “favor” of organized labor, w ho Practice intim idation, boycotting, , i - is i know n ,i bor. but he th ro u g h i ,™ o u ,. t th e i for th e L eg islatu re to say so, and th , a t as fo llo w s' picketing, d estru ctio n of p ro p erty , and , , _______ „ . , ¡ „ „ - u n ti l the L egislature had said so, the E x p e r t o p t i c i a n in C ta a r jje o f sta te as a brillian t atto rn ey and a ju s t ' “T he in terests of all classes, includ- , who com m it a ssau lts upon th eir fel- co u rts m ust issue the writ. O p tic a l D e p a r tm e n t man. H e says: Some tim e after this, Judge S torey ing those of labor, can n o t avoid being | low laborers, o r com m it o th e r crim es H isto ry of H ab eas Corpus. w ro te his C om m entaries on th e Con­ injured by attem p ts upon th e p art ; ,n tb e nam e of labor, be m ade know n T h e Io w a J e w e le r E x a m in e lo u r E y e » F re e T h e w rit of habeas corpus lias stitu tio n of the U nited S tates, and he of cith er g o v ern m en t o r civil organi- !Or tb e P rotection of al, law -abiding g en erally been spoken of as being em phatically declares th a t the execu­ zations looking to the arb itra ry regu- PeoPIe and for the best in terest of based on M agna C harta, adopted in tive has no pow er to suspend the w rit lation of industry. T h erefo re, eight- Iabor ltsclf and to the end th at justice 1215, w here the express declaratio n is of habeas corpus. hour, an ti-injunction and national ar- nla>' be nieted out. m ade th a t a m an shall n o t be de­ "R esolved, fu rth er, T h a t the execu- T h e question n ex t arose in the S tate , h itratio n bills are to he u tte rly con- prived of his lib erty except upon ju d g ­ o f L ouisiana. In th e w ar of 1812 i dem ned as being dangerous innova-1 tlve com m ittee is h ereby directed to m en t of his peers, an d th a t no free­ G eneral Jack so n declared m artial law lio n s in governm ent and certain to ,ak e tbe n ecessary steps to ascertain m an shall be subject to arb itra ry to be in existence in th e City of Nc.v affect d isastro u sly th e n ational w e l- , tbe id en tity of such persons, and ob- T H IR D a n d M O R R IS O N S T S . a rre st by th e king; but, as a m atter of O rleans and surrounding country, and fare T h ere could be no freedom if ,ain fu l> inform ation in connection fact, th e sam e principle had been re ­ attem p ted to suspend th e w rit of h a-j only a certain p ortion o f th e people | therew ith, and a rep o rt of the same peatedly applied by th e co u rts in E n g ­ heas corpus on the au th o rity of the had the rig h t to co n tract for the sale i be m ade to each o rganization holding land long p rio r to the ad o ption of the P resid en t of the U n ited S tates. T he of th e ir labor or services. T h e era- , m em bership in th is association.” M agna C harta. I t is even claim ed by Suprem e C ourt of L ouisiana sh o rtly ployer should n o t be influenced by The Naughty Label, able w riters th a t the w rit w as b ro u g h t th e re afte r discussed the question, and any o th e r consid eratio n in the hiring “T h at the use of the union label on to th e island by the R om an conquer­ held th a t no such pow er existed either of m en th a n the ability, fitness and | m anufactured articles recognizes and o rs d u rin g th eir conquest, and th a t in G eneral Jack so n o r in the P re si­ lo y alty of th e applicant. I t is only | endorses th e endeavor of th e labor or- th e w rit is an o u tg ro w th of civil law dent of th e U nited S tates. A short by follow ing a policy of th is kind th a t ganization to control the entire labor alone. It is tru e th a t such a w rit ex­ tim e afte r this, th e U n ited S tates C ir­ m erit can receive its ju st rew ard and m ark et; th at it is no indication of the in th e ancient days of Rom e cuit C ourt of L ouisiana arrested G en­ the highest m easure of success he se- quality of the goods, and as its use is The Fastest Growing Store of the Northwest j isted and th a t it w as n o t suspended in eral Ja ck so n on th e charge of v io lat­ cured in industry. T h erefore, it is a su rren d er of individual freedom and Rom e except by o rd er o f th e Senate. ing th e w rits of the court, and held the plain duty of the em ployer to re ­ is a badge of subserviency, be it re­ W hile it is tru e th a t th e w rit was th a t he had no p o w er to declare o r a t­ sist to the utm o st the closed-shop de­ solved. th at the C itizens’ In d u strial ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• used in E n g lan d p rio r to M agna C har­ tem pt to declare the existence of m ar­ m and of organized labor. A ssociation of A m erica declares its ta, it is also tru e th a t it w as rep eat­ tial law, and com pelled G eneral Jack- “Since it is his m oral duty n ot to opposition to the use of such labels edly violated by the king and th at it son to pay a thousand dollars fine for discrim inate betw een union and inde- and urges upon m an u factu rers th a t m ANUFACTURERS Ï was n ot effective. It w as supposed his disobedience to courts. T h e tw o pendent labor, it is his duty, th ro u g h . th ey refuse its use on th eir products, • — — ■—■ • th a t it w ould be effective after the L ouisiana eases will he found to be o rganization, to d em o n strate to the being a species of b oycott, and it is b aro n s had w rested th e g rea t M a g n a K ed ¡n 3 M artin , O. S. 530. of U N I O N m f lD E general public th a t he should n ot be j only by reason of u n tram m elled en­ - rigfit C h arta from th e king, b u t repeat -I In 1845 in the case of - W forced in to becom ing an involuntary ! terp rise th a t im provem ent in manu- edly afterw ard s th e p rovisions of the ! against Jo h n so n , 5 Ark. 687, th e Su­ p arty to such discrim ination. I do facture and national advancem ent can M agna C h arta w ere defied and disre­ prem e C ourt of A rkansas declared n ot believe th a t the general public . be secured." g arded and it w as n o t until 1679 th a t th a t it to o k an act of L eg islatu re to will su p p o rt organized labor in its ef- S eparate resolutions denouncing the the g reat habeas corpus act of Eng- au th o rize the suspension of th e w rit fo rts to com pel th e em ployer to b e - : eight-hour law and anti-injunction and was passed, w hich has been ef­ of habeas corpus. com e its business agent, for such he bills now pending before congress fective in th a t co u n try ever since. It In 1861, a sh o rt tim e afte r the would becom e if he be forced to re- w ere also ---