í PO RTLAND LABOR PR ES S u nquestionable p ro p o sitio n away from the saloons, tw o of the (9) Any em ployer w ho eom pels his g eth er th at the conviction of th e b rib e-tak er ag reem en ts have a th ird stipulation. em ployes not to jo in a labor union T his is to th e effect th a t fresh iced shall be fined not m ore th an $200, or would be m ore difficult. It is quite d rinking w ater, co n tain in g oatm eal, Have Reduced the Advertising Pat­ im prisoned for n ot longer than six d ebatable.—L ab o r Issue. be supplied at the docks d u rin g w o rk ­ ronage 245 Columns and 18 m onths. ing hours. Inches Shingleweavers’ Strike. T h e ag reem en t does n o t prohibit L O S A N G E L E S , Feb. 18.—(Special T he shinglew eavers’ strik e at Bel­ Irish W it. lo ngshorem en from visiting saloons C o rresp o n d en ce.)—T h an k s to the ac­ A gentlem an riding with an Iris h ­ lingham is p ro g ressin g very sa tisfac­ w hen w ork is over. It is u nderstood, tiv ity of the various anti-T im es com ­ to rily from the strik e rs’ stan d p o in t. m ittees, the o riginal list of over 2W man came w ithin sight of an old g al­ Five of the strik e b reak ers w ere in ­ how ever, th a t any m em ber w ho is lows, and to display his wit said: unduly given to in to x ican ts cannot foreign advertisers in the L os A ngeles duced to quit w o rk last w eek and "P at, do you see th a t? ” rem ain in the union. T im e s has been reduced to the fol­ join the union. T h e E arles B ro th e r’s “T o be sure O i do,” replied pat. low ing, who have stub b o rn ly ignored “And w here w ould you be to d ay if mill, w here the strik e is on, is p ack ­ T h e A m erican F lint G lass W o rk ­ o r refused to accede to th e requests ing less th an one-half its reg u lar o u t­ the gallow s had its due?” o f organized labor: put. T h is is g ratify in g new s to th e e rs ’ U nion has voted to reaffiliate with “O i’d be riding alone.” replied Pat. New Y o rk —“ B eecham 's P ills,” Th. m any shinglew eavers of the N o rth ­ th e A m erican F ed eratio n of L abor. Beecham , 355 Canal S t.; "E. & W .” w est, and th ey are show ing th eir A New One. collor, E arl & W ilson, 33 E. 17th St.; appreciation in a su b stan tial w ay by “ G lycozone," Prof. Chas. M archand, In Sulphur Springs, Mo., a new- d o n atin g liberally to w ard th e su p p o rt JOHN DELLAR, FIRST AND YAMHILL 61 J, Prince St.; “ H unyadi Ja n o s,” labor paper has been established u n ­ of the strikers. T h e strik e m eans A ndreas S axlehners, 120 F u lto n St.; der the appellation, "T h e C hristian. much to the w eavers of this sta te and STREETS, PORTLAND, ORE. M arvel Co., room 86, T im es Building; T he reason for the selection is given they should lend all possible aid and Royal B aking P ow der Co., 100 W il­ by the ed ito r as follow s: assistan ce to th e ir strik in g b ro th ers liam s St.; W rig h t’s Indian V egetable “T he nam e is selected because of and m ake it a p a rt of th eir business P ill Co. San F rancisco—“Cupidene,” its appropriateness. T h is is a labor to see th a t th e strik e rs win o u t in D avol M edicine Co., box 2076; Dr. paper. Its m o tto is: ‘T h at w hich the end. Should th ey fail, a g eneral and M rs. Dr. C ham ley, 23-25 T h ird can n o t be secured by toiling day by reduction of w ages will be attem p ted S t.; “M orm on B ishop's P ills,” Bishop day no m an has a rig h t to en jo y .’ by th e m illow ners of the N o rth w est. R em edy Co.; “ H air R e sto rer,” Mrs. T his is ju st w hat C h rist tau g h t w hen - -E v e re tt (W ash .) L ab o r Journal. N ettie H arrison, 73 G eary St. Boston, he was on ea rth ; it is ju st w hat he M ass.—“C uticura," P o tte r D rug & would teach if he w ere here now. Interesting Window Display. Eschew Liquor in Contract. Chem ical C orp o ratio n ; Radcliffe Shoe H is earth ly life w as spent in lifting It b eats ev ery th in g in th e city to T he new ag reem ent subm itted to Co., D ip t. 42; yV inol," C hester, K ent up. defending and helping the poor & Co., 63 Chauncey. R ochester, N. and oppressed. H e was a w o rking­ th eir em ployers by th e New Y ork exam ine the 16 show w indow s full of Y.— D uffy's M alt W hiskey Co.; W a r­ man. a com m on carp en ter, and was City L o n g sh o rem en ’s U nion co n tain s special bargains. L ad ies’ an d m en ’s n e r ’s Safe Cure. A rm our & Co., C hi­ b itterly despised and eventually put an an ti-liq u o r clause forbidding the $3 and $4 shoes, for $1.50 and $2.50; cago, 111.; “ Big G,” T h e E vans C hem ­ to death by the g ang who absorbed b rin g in g of liquor of any kind to the m isses’ an d b o y s’ $2 shoes for $1.25 ical Co., C incinnati, O hio; D oan’s the products of toil th ro u g h the en ­ docks w here th ey are w orking, even and $1.50; also a lot of reg u lar $1.50 K idney Pills, F oster-M ilb u rn Co., slavem ent and exploitation of the the bosses being pro h ib ited from in ­ grad e for 75c; big asso rtm en t of m en ’s siuts and overcoats, w o rth $12.50, $15 Buffalo, N. Y.; “ Dr. W illiam s' Pink w orking people. If you have not dulging too freely in liquor. T h e te x t of the provision is as fol­ and $18, fo r $9.95. A n o th er big lot P ills,” Dr. W illiam s M edicine Co., taken this view of C hrist, get your of reg u lar $10 grade, fo r $5.75. A S chenectady, N. Y.; “ Dr. M iles A nti- T estam en t, and do n ot fail to note low s: "N cPbeer, w hiskey, or o th e r in to x ­ w indow full of reg u lar $2.50 and $3 P ain P ills,” Dr. M iles M edical Co.. that ‘T he com m on people’ received icating beverage shall be b ro u g h t on hats for $1.75. A n o th er lo t of reg u ­ E lk h a rt, Ind.; “ Fig B rand E vaporated Him gladly." the prem ises of th e com pany, and it lar $2 grad e fo r 99c. P an ts, sh irts, C ream ,” H elvetia M ilk C ondensing) is d istin ctly u n d ersto o d th a t no underw ear, tru n k s, valises, blan k ets Co., H ighland, III.; H o ste tte r B it­ P o o r G rounds fo r O pposition. w orker o r boss shall be perm itted and co m fo rters, at cut prices. J O H N te rs Co., W a te r St. and F irs t Ave., T h ere was introduced into the low-er D E L L A R , co rn er F irst an d Yamhill. to w ork while in to x icated .” P ittsburg, Pa.; L axative Brom o Q u i­ house of the New Y ork legislature In o rd er to induce m en to stay nine, P aris M edical Co., St. Louis, last week a bill in the in terest of un­ M o.; “ P ennyroyal P ills,” C hichester ion labor. It m akes it a crim inal o f­ C hem ical Co., M adison S quare, P h il­ fense to offer a bribe to any rep re­ adelphia, Pa.; P ostuin C ereal Co., sentative of a labor »rganization. T his B attle Creek, Mich.; “ S tu a rt’s R em ­ bill is w ith one accord condem ned by edies,” F. A. S tu art, M arshall, Mich.; the capitalist press, because it is said W a lte r B aker & Co., D orchester, th at if this bill had been the law at Mass. the tim e Samuel J. P arks, now in C om paring th e ad v ertising p atro n ­ Sing Sing prison, was under pro secu ­ age in the T im es of Jan u ary , 1903, tion for ex to rtio n , the conviction of w ith th a t o f th e co rresponding m onth P arks would have been m ade ex ­ of th is year, the decrease am ounts to trem ely difficult and rem ote, for the 245 colum ns and 18 inches. reason under th is m easure any p er­ It can be readily seen th a t the w ork son offering o r giving bribes would o f w ritin g le tte rs to advertisers in thereby incrim inate him self w ere he the T im es has been m ost effective. to testify ag ain st an y one accepting Now, let us give these C itizens’ Al­ the same. T h is is true, and if the liance lovers a tench of “high life” suprem e object of the law was the by refusing to purchase their com ­ conviction and punishm ent of all of­ m odities. fenders, th is o bjection would be suffi­ cient; but the highest te st of a good Good L abor Law s. law is not in the sure conviction and N ew Y ork sta te has tw o chief fac­ infliction of the p en alty for its v iola­ to ry inspectors w ho get a salary of tion. but in its suppression or pre­ $5500 a year, and they have a u th o r­ vention of crim e in its inception or ity to hire as m any deputies as they inducem ent. B etter to d estro y the need. New Y ork also has a num ­ seed th an grub up the weed. Is it b er of excellent labor laws, am ongst b etter th at one b ribe-taker should suf­ w hich are the follow ing: fer and a hundred bribe-givers escape, (1) All stairw ays m ust be protected as was verily th e fact in th e P arks by handrails. case, or th a t the one hundred b rib e­ (2) F acto ry door m ust not be lock­ givers be d eterred by legal penalty? ed d uring w orking hours. It w ould g reatly reduce the volume (3) E very factory w orker m ust have of b ribery in a com m unity, such a H. S. ROWE, at least 250 cubic feet of air. law as th e one proposed, and th a t is General Agent (4) No baker w orker shall wmrk m ore im p o rtan t tn an th a t one guilty longer than ten hours a day. m an m ight escape. N or is it an alto- (5) Seats m ust be provided for w o­ m en and girls. (6) No stree t railw ay w orker shall LEE M. CLARK, P r e s id e n t w ork longer than ten hours a day. GEO. M. ORTON, M a n a q er (7) Any c o n tra c to r w ho em ploys w o rkers who are not citizens on p ub­ lic w orks m ay be fined from $50 to $500 (8) All scaffolding m ust be con­ stru cted so th a t it will bear four tim es the w eight th a t it has to bear, and WE PRINT IO 7 FRONT STREET n o t m ore than four m en m ust be put CONSTITUTIONS, BY-LAWS, WORKING upon a sw inging scaffolding a t one OAROS, LETTERHEADS, ENVELOPES: PORTLAND, ORE. IN FAOT ANYTHING YOU MAY WANT tim e. A N T I T IM E S C O M M IT T E E S . Tourist Car East B U T T E R 46c and 60c Bast o r e e m e r y -.............- ......... OOc and 05o ■ g g s , s e le c t e d , d o a e n ..................- ................3 0 c B e st Sugar-C ured Ham .......................... lo o P ic n ic U a u i......... .............- .......- ........10o 6 p ou n d ! P ure L ard -............................ . ?2 1 0 pounda P ure L ard............. ..........—8 1 .1 0 Beat 8Oo T e a ................................................SOc L ea v e order for C hristm as T u r k e y s, 23c, early; C h icken, I8o; G ee se , 14c, for (Saturday, La Grande Creamery W e H a v e M oved T o 291 Morrison St., Between 4th 3 6 4 Y A M H IL L d 5th 8 ts . FIRST NATIONAL B A N K — OF PORTLAND. OR. D esignated Depository end F inancial N o B ren oh S tores A gent of the United States. President ■■•.•••••.....................A. L. M T I.iS C a s h ie r ........................... J- W. N E W K IR K A ssistant C ashier............... W. C. Second A ssista n t Cashier. B. F. STBVENB Letters o f credit laeued, availab le in I s (As tol* e f (As (Men. T U T IT . Alee sense e /e w r deMeioM« UAeeetate JteUs. Made tg (As Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic trans­ fers sold on New York, Boston, Chicago, S t Louis, S t Paul. Omaha, San .F r a n ­ M. F . It IT T M A I f IT, Prop. cisco and the principal points in the PAono Nee( « 7 9 114 BUSSELL W. N orth w est Sight and tim e bills drawn in su m s to su it on London. Paris. Berlin, Frankfort- on- the- Main. Hong Kong, Yokoham a, Cop­ enhagen, Christiania. Stockholm , S t P et- erabsrr M oscow, Zurich, Honolulu. Proprietors O f The Collections m ade on favorable terms. M a r k s S h o e Co. LOG CABIN BREAD ALBINA BAKGRY DAVID M. DUNNE ft CO. M ERCHANTS’ NATIO NAL B A N K - PORTLAND, OR. J. F R A N K W A TSO N .......................President R. L. D U R H A M .....................V ice-President R. W. HOYT............................................ Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT......... A ssistan t Cashier TRA NSA CTS A OKNBIRAL BAN K IN G BU SIN E SS. Interest paid on tim e deposits. D rafts and letters of credit Issued, av a il­ able in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust b ou gh t ptioenix Paint i on worts LUBRICATING OIL8 o f every description for M ills, M ines, and L ogging M achinery Compounds, P acking, etc. Fam ous Brands PHOKN1X COTTAGE PAINTS i IIU cs and Factory > Cor. 19th and Sherlock Avenue LONDON A N D SAN FRANCISCO BANK. C. J. SOMteoet LIM ITED. Chamber of Commerce Building, Third and Stark Streets. Head oOlce, 6* Old Broad street, London. This bank transacts a general banking business. m akes lo a n s discounts bills and Issues letters of credit available for trav­ S C H L E G E L & M elers and the purchase of m erchandise I d any city of the world. Deale In foreign L IN O T Y P E R S and dom estic exchange. Interest paid on term deposits. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. S eoono N O W IN P O R T L A N D Or. Stoddart 64 R o om I U n io n P io n e e r S p e c ia lis t fo r M en and W. T. MOORS OORE S t a r k S tr c s t s P ortland , O re . B look C O U N T Y A N O B A N K S U P P L IE S GLASS & PRUDHOMME GO. P R IN T E R S BLANK BOOK M AK ERS LIT H O G R A P H E R S Sun F r a n c is c o ’ s Many experienced travelers □refer tourist sleeping cars ?or th e tr a n s c o n tin e n ta l journey. The 1 2 3 -1 2 S F ir s t S t . P o r t l a n d , O r e g o n P R IN T IN G £ B O O K B IN D IN G Largest and beat equipped house in the Northwest. Every description of Printing and Special Blank Books to order. Get our prices. Telephones 311 w THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY P rivate Office# at 7 4 S ix th S tre e t Cor. O ak Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway can arrange for your trip east in tourist cars, offer you choice of routes and save you money. Come and See Dsi For 27 veara Specialist lor men In Liebig World Dispensary, having Just returned from his recent tour of Inspection, visit­ ing the colleges and hospitals of Europe, obtaining Improved remedies and greater knowledge for the benefit of his numerous patients on the Pacific Coast. Free oon suiting hours, 9 a m to 8 p m. All contracting for cures this week will be allowed one m onth’s special treatm ent free. 819-914 F irst Street N n tb r o w n & S o n — ■ D ealers In N E W A N D S E C O N D -H A N D FURNITURE, STOVES, CARPETS TIN W A R E, ETC. Highest cash price paid for 2d-hand furniture Ore. P h on o P in k 4 8 9 P o rtla n d , Ore. 1 1 9 -1 2 1 B u s se ll St. U nion men should patronize the advertisers in th e ir paper — bear this in mind. 134 Third Street, Portland Lodging, is Cents Meals, 2o Cents Board and L o d g in g , $4.52 per w eek , and upward Oregon Telephone, North 981 PHONE MAIN 7 0 6 MULTNOMAH PRINTING CO. Hotel zur Rheinphalz JOHN MATTHIESEM, Prop. 268*266 Front Street Corser of Madison Portland, Oregon © ® ® ® :® ® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :@ :® :© :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® ® ® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :® :@ :® :@ :® :® :@ © © • • ® • • ® ® © © © • • o o • _• OPEN FOR BUSINESS © • _• • • « © o © © g • _• © *® *® © © ® © *® © '© © FEDERATED TRADES LAÜNDRY CO. • _• e • ® •_• • _• PHONE M AIN 1465 17th and Quimby Sts. e_•