I T h e new new spaper will have its ▲ TOP-LINER Suit for $20,000 dam ages against n o t help him a p a rtic le in a foreign T h e Q ueensland (A u stra lia ) G ov­ hom e in the Bilicke building, now in co u n try and could hardly fail to handi­ ernm ent L ab o r Bureau rep o rt for F ranklin U nion, No. 4, of P ressfeed- cap him by adding som ething to his pro cess of co n stru ctio n on Broadw ay 1902 is a dism al record of m isery, ers w as filed in the Cook C ounty Su­ co sts of production. T h e politicians betw een F ifth and Sixth streets. A THE DRUGGIST d estitution, and w ant of em ploym ent perior C ourt by Rand, M cNally & know only th ree w ays of prom oting lease for 10 y ea rs w as neg o tiated am ong the w orkers, front B urketow n, Co., of Chicago. T he claim is based trad e—the tariff, some concession of w ith the o w n er th is week by Mr. C o rn e r Second and W ashington S tre e ts in the Gulf, to Benleigh. on the New Oil alleged losses laid to the present a foreign tariff and steam ship su b si­ D ent H. R obert, th e rep resen tativ e L et u s su pp ly your drug w an ts , labor troubles. F ranklin U nion is in­ South W ales border. of Mr. H earst. Mr. R obert has been dies. None of these gave any as­ co rp o rated and the funds of the union, in L os A ngeles for the past tw o G rand M aster H an rah an , of the Mich., are conducting th e ir strike suc­ said to be $40,000, can be attach ed sistance to the builder of gas en­ w eeks m aking arran g em en ts to start B rotherhood of L ocom otive Firem en, gines.” cessfully. and G rand Chief Stone, of the B ro th ­ on ju d g m en t by the court. T h at the sales o f th is p articular th e new paper, and for the past few T w o thousand negro w harf laborers F o r th e first tim e in 21 y ears a gen­ A m erican m an u factu rer in p ro tec tio n ­ days the m echanical superintendent erhood of Locom otive E ngineers, • N . W . Corner and longshorem en at Mobile struck leny th a t a m ovem ent is on foot eral strik e has been decided on by the ist Belgium are due to intrinsic su­ of th e San F ran cisco E xam iner has 16th and MARSHALL STREETS last Saturday. which co n tem plates the am algam ation Piano and O rgan W o rk e rs' In te rn a ­ p erio rity o f his goods eith er as to been here alterin g the original plan P O H T L A N D , OBEOOJi tional U nion of Am erica in the piano T h e piano tu n ers of Chicago have f the tw o o rganizations. price or quality i-, o f course, quite of co n stru ctio n of the building to ac­ factories of Steinw ay & Sons to com ­ organized a union or association anil com m odate th e new paper. Eugene H ocb It has come o ut in court th at the certain. Sol Blumaucr pel the firm to em ploy only union have elected officers. U nion labor will be em ployed en­ T h e men w hose superior w orkm an­ real force behind the injunction suit men. T h is strike will be only a p re­ ship produces the best engine at fair tirely by th e new paper. T h is is in Glass w orkers in B oston have in f Stiles ag ain st the Chicago unions is augurated a m ovem ent for the S a tu r­ the A nti-B oycott o rganization. Stiles lude to a series of strikes th ro u g h o u t cost are the real m onarchs of the line w ith th e policy pursued by Mr. day half holiday th e year round. H ea rst in th e o th e r cities, w here he vas once a union m an, and later h*‘ G reater New York for recognition of engine trade. T ru st m ag n ates have m erely seized has established him self and w here he T he O akland (C al.) H erald ha joined forces w ith the em p lo y ers’ the union, involving 6000 or m ore men as m ost of the firms have open shops. upon the brain and braw n and skill of has learned th a t union labor is the Wholesale Dealers and Importers asked all new sboys and ca rrie rs in its com bine, sh arin g in«its gains. S ecretary H arry B. W a te rs, of the the w orkm en as capital to be m anipu­ m ost reliable and efficient. A gree­ service to join the N ew sboys L nion. M achinists em ployed by th e Edi- m ents, th erefo re, have been signed al­ T he California S tate F ederation of n Com pany, at W est O range. N. J., C olorado S tate F ed eratio n of L abor, lated. T h a t the m an u factu rer has em ­ ready by the T y p o g rap h ical U nion. L abor convention will be held in w ent on strike for a nine-hour w ork is sending out a call to all the state F resno, com m encing Ja n u ary 4, 1904. day and a m inim um w age of $18 a federations in the U nited S tates for ployed energetic m eans and effective P ressm en, P re ss F eeders, S tereo ty p ­ a national convention to be held in m eans of com pelling the atten tio n of ers, P h o to en g rav e rs and M ailers— A strike has broken out in the Bil week. T he men w ere em ployed about D enver beginning Ja n u ary 11, 1904. Belgian users o f engines to the ad ­ all the p rin tin g trad es unions th at four m o n th s ago to take the place of bao m ining district and has spread It is believed th a t 300 or m ore rep re­ van tag es of his p ro d u ct is equally will be em ployed in g ettin g out the rapidly. N ineteen thousand w orkers union men w ho w ere out on strike. sentatives will be sent as delegates certain. B ut here again it is th e ch ar­ new daily. T h ese ag reem en ts are for T he B uilding T rad es Council of San are idle. to this gathering. T h eir purpose will acteristic push of the A m erican p eo ­ a term of five years. Cloak m akers em ployed by M. Si- F rancisco has rein stated Sheet Meta! be to organize the unions affiliated ple, and n o t the resu lt of capitalistic N ot only has Mr. R obert show n minoff. in San Francisco, are on strike W o rk e rs’ U nion, No. 104. to m em ber- with th e various state bodies in a com bination, w hich has done the his friendliness to w ard the p rin tin g for a reduction of tw o hours in the hip, in accordance w ith the laws of system sim ilar to the U nited States trad es unions by en terin g into these work. th e Council. T h is union w as sus- w eek's w ork. agreem ents, but he has consulted the 110 F O U R T H 8 T R E E T G overnm ent. T h e claim of the tru sts th a t it is _ | pended last Ja n u ary for violation of T he A ustralia trade unions will es T h e N ew Y ork T rib u n e says th at th ey who have conquered foreign officers of the B uilding T ra d e s Coun­ the co n stitu tio n of the cen tral body. tablish union labels. T h ey decided to the T en em en t H ouse C om m ission has m ark ets for A m erican goods is an in ­ cil, relative to the labor and m aterial Portland, Oregon In A ustralia, under a new law, no found at least 325,000 room s into sult to A m erican labor. It is an in ­ to be used in m aking the necessary do this after learning its effectiveness co n tra ct can be m ade for the c a rry ­ liich the sunlight never penetrates. solent attem p t to take to them selves changes in th e building. U nion labor in the U nited States. ing of m ails by any steam ship line In o th e r w ords, says the T rib u n e, 500,- has n o t been overlooked in th e slig h t­ Sole Agents: Old Kentucky Home Club, Shaw’s the credit th a t is due to w orkm en. T h e strike of the screw men on the Pure Malt, Old Jeff. C. Taylor’a Red, White and w hich allow s a colored m an to work ooo perso n s live in room s w hich ought Blue Star, Mount Vernon Rye, Repsold’a Cognac T ru s ts never created the superiority est detail. docks at New O rleans w as ended last on any of th e ships. T h e mail steam ­ to be considered absolutely un in h ab it­ of w orkm anship. O n the co n trary , th e T h e paper will be called th e L os Brandy. week and all differences w ere sub­ ers h ith e rto have been largely m anned able, dark and w ithout any window su p erio rity of w orkm anship has cre­ A ngeles E xam iner, but it has n ot yet m itted to arbitratio n . by dark-skinned British subjects from o r ventilation. T h e T rib u n e p rin ts a Gus. F reiw ald, President ated a trad e advantage th at has m ade been decided w hen the first issue will J. M. G ellert, v ic e Pres. T he N ational A ssociation of M as­ India. A. Preiw ald, Seo’y and T ress. appear, but it is safe to p red ict th a t it picture of one of these black holes, the g reat com binations of capital te r H o rsesh o ers has issued o rd ers to C harles L. Conine, national secre­ so dark that a flashlight p icture could will be out by the first of th e year. possible.—K an sas City W orld. its m em bers to discontinue the use of ta ry and tre a su re r of the N ational be taken in the day tim e,” fo r which Seventeen linotype m achines, a full th e union label in th e ir shops. B ro th erh o o d of L eath er W o rk ers, has a rental of $6 a m onth is received. outfit of type and o th e r typographical T he N ational C otton S pinners . been convjcted jn the K ansas City b u il d in g tr a d e s c o u n c il . necessities and tw o large presses Brewers and B ottlers T h e A m erican F ed eratio n of L abor of the Famous U nion held its annua, convention in I c r;m ;n a ] co u rt on the charge of em have alread y been ordered. O ne of lias inform ed the officials of the In ter Boston. Mass., last week. M ichael bezz]ing $3679 from th e order, and The Unions of Los Angeles to Form th ese presses will be the larg est in borough Rapid T ra n sit C om pany, D ugan was re-elected president. wag se n tenced to tw o and one-half Strong Central Organization. Los A ngeles and the entire equip­ New Y ork City, th a t th a t com pany T he In tern atio n al L ongshorem en I years in the penitentiary. Oregon Phone East 46 L O S A N G E L E S , Cal., O ct. 29.— m ent of th e m echanical d ep artm en t cannot em ploy m em bers of th e A m al­ Columbia Phone 6180 and T ra n sp o rt W o rk e rs’ U nion now T he New Zealand In sp ecto r of Fac- gam ated A ssociation of S tre et R ail­ (Special C o rresp o n d en ce.)—T h e v a­ will be first-class and up-to-date. ranks th ird in m em bership in this t ories says th e average w ages in the way E m ployes to o perate th e train s rious unions of this city identified L os A ngeles people of all vocations country. I t has 142,000 m em bers. W estp o rt d istrict are: C arpenters, $3 f the M anhattan division of the ele- w ith the building in d u stry soon will have reason to be proud of th e fact Portland, Oregon T he percentage of w age earn ers per day; bricklayers, $3; blacksm iths, ated lines in the places of th e m otor- be fo rm ed in to a stro n g B uilding th a t of all cities w hich offer induce­ w ho are fem ales is: In the U n ite d ) $2.50 to $3; butchers, $2.50; engi- m en in th e event of th e la tte r de­ T rad es Council, officers of the S tate m en ts to Mr. H e a rst to en ter w ith U . J. Gardner M. Gardner S tates, 14; in G erm any, 25; in E n g ­ neers. $2.75 to $3; m iners, $2.50 to claring a strike. T h e action of the Council having recently been in Los one of his pro g ressiv e new spapers, land, 25; in Italy. 40, and in Aus $3.75; painters, $2.50 to $3; bakers, A m erican F ed eratio n of L ab o r m a­ A ngeles an d perfected plans to this th is city has been selected first. $2.50. and laborers, $1.75 to $2.25. tria, 47. terially stren g th en s the position of end. T h is determ in atio n is very C om m ents in professional, business Manufacturera of C onsul-G eneral G unther, at F rank- the men. U nion butch ers at L os A ngeles are tim ely, and as th e fact has developed and labor circles are v ery favorable on a strike for sh o rte r hours and bet-1 f,,rt. G erm any, rep o rts th a t successful T h e Illinois S tate B oard of A rbi­ at a recent m eeting of the Boss B uild­ to H e a rst's p aper and th e re is no te r wages. T he bosses are doing th eir experim ents have been m ade in va- tratio n has been asked by P resid en t e rs’ A ssociation it was decided to doubt th a t all fair-m inded citizens Tempanóla and Boaebud ow n slaughtering to prevent a m eat rious fo rests of F ran ce by cu ttin g Modie, of the B ro th erh o o d of Railw ay ad o p t “a uniform scale” on and after will give it th eir h earty support. A lso Dealers in fam ine. trees w ith electricity. P latinum w ire E xpressm en, to investigate th e cause N ovem ber 1, m eaning th a t the A g reat strike is on at Bilboa, Spain, heated w hite w orks as a saw. It of the refusal of the respective express "b o sses” w ould attem p t to enforce a New National Labor Body. and m artial law has been declared. | requires one-eighth th e o rd in ary tim e com panies to tre a t w ith a w age co m ­ scale low er than th o se of th e various S ecretary H a rry B. W aters, of the 384 First Street, Corner Madison O ver 40,000 men are affected. Rail and no saw dust o r ch arred ends are m ittee of th eir em ployes. T his m ay unions. O f course, th is latest move C olorado S tate F ed eratio n of L abor, PORTLAND, O B I. result in th e co n stitu tio n ality of the to fight the unions is backed by the is now sending o ut a call to all the road and street car traffic has been results. Oregon Phone Main 1 8 0 0 A rgum ents before the arb itratio n law being questioned, and th a t would no to rio u s L os A ngeles T im es, w hose S tate F ed eratio n s in the U nited S tates suspended. m ission is to organize every union- com m ission sittin g in N ew Y ork City have to be decided by th e Suprem e for a n ational convention to be held T he W indow G lass W o rk ers have C H O IC E h ater into one cam p, and then use the in D enver b eg inning Ja n u a ry 11. 1904. voted to am algam ate w ith Sim on | to decide the wage and hour question Court. Should either p a rty to the cam p in the in te rest of O tis. B ut T h e C olorado F ed eratio n is behind WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS co n tro v ersy refuse to com ply w ith the No. 300. T h is ends the fight of the U nited Railw ays of San F ran- B urns F a m ily R o o m s a n d F a m ily G arden. which has rent th e glass w orkers for cisco and its em ployes w ere concluded sum m ons of the board under the law from p resen t indications, it appears the m ovem ent. Som e m o n th s ago the several years last week. B oth sides are to subm it it has th e pow er to com pel ap p ear­ th a t the B uilding T rad es Council will F ed eratio n decided to find o ut th e T IV O L I GARDEN SALOON T he Sydney (A ustralia) L ab o r | Prin ted arg u m en ts w ithin five d ay s ance.—-Cleveland Citizen. be m ore th an a m atch for the scab feelings of th e o th e r F ed eratio n s in A N D R E W SW A N SO N , P ro p r. co n tracto rs, n o tw ith stan d in g the fact the various sta te s for a reo rg an izatio n and a decision is expected a short Cor. 28d and W ashington, P obtlahd , O b . C. K. K ennison, of C ripple Creek, Council is now organizing the clerks, th a t th ey are endeavoring to flood of o rganized lab o r in this co untry tim e th ereafter. has filed suit in th e D istrict C ourt nig h t w atchm en, w arehouse em ployes, the city w ith idle m echanics, to be along national lines. A general strike of th e union against G overnor P eabody. Sherm an w hite w orkers (w om en), th eatrical OTTO HÜSSLBR’S used when the "uniform scale” goes L e tte rs w ere w ritten to each body, plum bers in the P ittsb u rg district Bell. Jo h n Chase and T. C. M cClel­ em ployes and others. in to effect. and the an sw ers cam e back w hich P A L M E N G A R T E N T he drivers and grippers in the Galt w ent into effect and 700 journeym en land for $11)0.000 dam ages. T h e co m ­ T h e B uilding T rad es U nions are justified th e C olorado F ed eratio n in and about 400 ap p ren tices are idle. F irst-C lan Fam ily B esort plaint recites th at on Septem ber 18 coal m ines, at L ethbridge, N. W . T. being aided and encouraged by every calling th e convention next year. It w ho have been on strike th e past T he new wage scale calls for an ad- plaintiff was th ro w n into the bullpen union in L os A ngeles, as o rganized 8 . B. Cor. W ashington and 11th Bte. is believed th a t some 300 o r m ore week surren d ered unconditionally and | ' ance of 50 cents and an eight-hour at Cam p Goldfield and confined labor in th is city has learned th a t “an Portland, Ore. rep resen tativ es will be sent as dele The Sandwich K ing day. Several sm all firms, n o t mem against his wishes, and w as com pelled have retu rn ed to w ork. in ju ry to one is th e concern of all.” g ates from all over the co u n try to bers of the association, have signed to sleep on the bare ground w ith a U nion m en and w om en everyw here th is g athering. T h eir purp o se will Oregon Phone North 1341 Columbia Phone 56 R epresentatives of the B uilders the scale, b ut only about 100 m en guard co n stan tly w atching him ; th a t can render g reat assistance to organ- be to o rganize th e w orkingm en and E xchange and of the Allied B uilding are w orking. the said a rre st and im prisonm ent was ided labor in S outhern C alifornia by T rad es Council of Philadelphia, Penn., pinions affiliated w ith th e various state T h e C entral L ab o r U nion of W ash false; th at he was also deprived of his rapping the infam ous T im es at every bodies in a system sim ilar to the have co nferred on th e subject of do­ ington, D. C., has adopted a reso lu ­ liberty, which g reatly hum iliated him o p p o rtu n ity . L et every read er of the U nited S tates G overnm ent. I t is p ro ­ ing aw ay w ith sym pathetic strikes. in m ind, and he also suffered ex p o s­ JOHN BCKLUND By a referendum vote the B ak ers’ tion pledging fealty to organized la­ ure. W. F. Davis, an o th er pro m in en t L abor P re ss w rite one le tte r to each posed th a t each S tate F ed eratio n be Proprietor of th e follow ing ad v ertisers in th e bor above political p arties and in d o rs­ suprem e in its p articu lar sta te while U nion has decided to ch a rter the h elp ­ union m an, w ho was confined at the w orking u nder national law s ahd rules ers and packers in candy and cracker ing the sen tim en ts expressed in the same tim e, also brings suit for an T im es: C arrara P ain t, 811 C arrara Building, g o verning a national body to be con­ 1 2 6 F I R S T S T R E E T recent address of a sub-com m ittee of factories, as well as the bakery w agon equal am ount. H is com plaint is vir Cincinnati, O hio. Bet. W ashington end Alder tro lled by rep resen tativ es of a board drivers o r salesm en of bakery goods. the executive council of the A m eri­ “Santal M iddy”— E. F au g era. 26 N. chosen from th e state bodies. can F ederation of L abor, opposing tually the same as Mr. K ennison’s. T he A m erican W indow G lass Com ­ W illiam s St., N ew Y ork, N. Y. th e an ti-trad e union policy of the PO R TLA N D ,O R EG O N pany, n o tw ith stan d in g its intention MAIN FACTOR OVERLOOKED. Royal Baking P ow der Co., 100 W il­ “open shop.’’ What Organization Means. to m anufacture th ree-fo u rth s of its I liam s St., New Y ork, N. Y. T h ree thousand em ployes of the production by m achines, will give its Some people in the labor m ovem ent BR E W ER S' HOME Our Foreign Trade Due to Superior­ P h ilo -H ay Specialties Co., N ew ark, canning d ep artm en ts of the Chicago do not know when th ey are doing em ployes a 10 per cent increase in ity of American Labor. N. J. som ething th a t will injure it, because stockyards packing houses have pre wages. “ C asto ria”—T h e C entaur Co., 77 th ey have been narro w ed in their M etropolis H otel In the claim th a t the rapid g ro w th sented dem ands for wage increases M urray St., N ew York, N. Y. A com m ittee from the m achinists P hilip S trkib , Proprietor view s—n arro w in th eir experience varying from 10 to 25 per cent. About of this co u n try 's foreign trade is due “C u ticu ra”— P o tte r D rug & C hem ­ w ith o th e r labor o rg an izatio n s but of the U nion Pacific are in N ew Y ork to tru sts no account is taken of the 2000 men and 1000 w omen and boy th eir ow n, and should not attem p t to Cor. First and Main S ts., Portland, Ore. ical Co., B oston, Mass. in conference w ith E. H. H arrim an are affected. N egotiations will be superior w orkm anship of A m erican la­ rep resen t labor until th ey had some Finest Table Board in the City “ P o stu m ”— P ostiini Cereal Co., B at­ real experience in o th e r trad e lines. Only White for the settlem ent of the m inor differ­ Help Employed. Meals 15c. Lodging taken up as soon as th e scales of the bor. 20c and 25c. Milk and Eggs fresh from our tle Creek, Mich. ences not yet adjusted from the re ­ T ra d e unions are not organized to T h e m ain facto r in the increasing own ranch daily sausage m akers and th e pork b u tch ­ Lydia E. Pinkham M edicine Co., strik e: n ot o rganized to b rin g about cent strike. popularity of A m erican products is ers are disposed of. difficulties w ith th eir em ployer; not L ynn, Mass. en tirely overlooked. Since its establishm ent, in 1891 o rganized ju st fo r th e purpose of T he U nited B ro th erh o o d of C ar­ S co tt's E m ulsion—S co tt & Bownc, T he tru th is th a t A m erican goods in g ettin g into trouble, but th ey are o r­ the New Zealand D epartm ent of L a­ penters and Jo in e rs o f Am erica and m any lines are the best in the w orld 409 Pearl St.. New Y ork, N. Y. ganized to b e tte r th eir own conditions, bo r has assisted 32.382 men to obtain the .Amalgamated Society o f C arpen­ because m ade by th e w orld's best G hirardclli's G round C hocolate—D. at the same tim e giving due reco g n i­ em ploym ent. T hese men had 70,- tion to th e ir em ployer for his side ters and Jo in ers arc t o be m erged into workm en. T h ey win th eir w ay G hirardelli. San Francisco. 770 dependents, so th a t the total num one national o rganization on Jan u ary th ro u g h th eir ow n m erit. Tell these ad v ertisers th a t o rg a n ­ of the case. O rganized labor is an educational in stitu tio n , w here men her benefited is 103,152. 1. 1905. T he new o rganization shall T he fact that an A m erican m anufac­ ized labor does n ot look w ith favor are tau g h t to respect th e rig h ts of Show from 8:00 to 1 P. M. M em bers of the B akers' In te rn a ­ take the nam e of the b ro th erh o o d . A tu rer o f gas engines i< receiving im ­ upon any person or firm th a t is aid ­ o th e rs; ta u g h t th a t every m an has Change of Programme every week tional U nion will w ear a lapel bu tto n j tem porary trade agreem ent in 1004. p o rtan t o rd ers from Belgium, a co u n ­ ing lab o r's m eanest enem y, the Los the right of his opinion, w ith the les­ son stan d in g before them th a t all men Admission, 16, 26 and 60 cents w ith th e m otto. “ F o r D ay W ork and com m encing Ja n u ary 1, is provided try which has itself achieved co n sid er­ A ngeles Tim es. have the rig h t to a fair p a rt of his E ig h t H ours." T hey prefer not to mix for by which each org an izatio n shall able success in the m anufacture of p ro duction,—G alveston Journal. 240-246 BURNSIDE th e doughs of day with the doze of | recognize cards from the other, such engines, furnishes the New Y ork NEW DAILY PAPER. » ♦ ♦ ♦ .♦ ♦ a e a e a - .a a .a » .» » » » a * n ig h t.—W ashington T rades U nionist. pnme ostooN, oas Mil E. J. Baldwin, a real estate dealer, Journal of Com m erce w ith a text for F a c te 'fo r A d v e r tis e r « . A leading d epartm ent store in P itts ­ of Chicago, is planning the form ation a lecture on “ How T rad e Is W orked Hearst Installs Large Plant at Los Angeles. A R a a o rt fo r O a n tla m a n O n ly Printer«’ Ink, the recognized burg. Pa., has decided to inaugurate o f a S2.000.000 com pany to erect U p.” C o n a a rts , E v e n in g s fro m 7 : 1 0 to 1 2 :3 0 an early-closing m ovem ent, closing at buildings in Chicago by nonunion la­ authority on advertising, after a T h e Los A ngeles U nion L ab o r “ C ertainly.” says the Jo u rn al of thorough investigation on this 5:30 on week days and 6:30 on S atu r­ bor exclusively. It is the professed Com m erce, “this business was not o b ­ N ew s says th a t W illiam R. H ea rst is subject, says: “A labor paper is days. D uring th e h o t m onths of the purpose of Mr. Baldwin and J. W. tained for the A m erican m an u factu rer to have a new spaper in L os A ngeles a far better advertising medium sum m er th e closing hour will be Stiles the la-t nam ed is the plain­ by the politicians of hi- country. It on a par with San F rancisco, Chicago than an ordinary newspaper in P. M. tiff in dam age suits which have been was not due to any recip ro city tre a ty and New Y ork dailies o p erated u nder Pool a n d B ille t'd P a r lo r s comparison to circulation. A his able and progressive m anagem ent. C anning estab lish m en ts on the begun against several unions in the with Belgium. It was m ost assuredly labor paper, for example, having F ra ser River. B ritish Colum bia, em- building in d u stry —to incorporate a not the result of subsidizing a ste am ­ T he arran g em en ts have been m ade H. SHMPIRO, N g ., 1 8 B -1 8 7 T H I R D E T . aooo subscribers is of more value th is week for p erm anent q u arte rs and ploy over 2000 Japanese. A few years I new com pany for building prom otion ship line to A ntw erp. It could n o t to the business man who adver-’ ago they established a hospital, and and then find 25.000 w orkm en not have bean the fruit of a pro tectiv e co n tracts have been en tered in to w ith tises in jt than an ordinary paper Fifteen hundred unions are affiliated p rin tin g trad es unions that institution has been entirely sup- affiliated with any trad es union and tariff, for while th at w ould p ro tect all of th e with ia.ooo subscribers." with the O hio S tate F ederatio n of w hose m em bers will be em ployed in ported by contrib u tio n s raised am ong start building w here developm ent of the engine builder from foreign com ­ Labor. them selves | land has been retard ed in the past. petition in his own country, it would th e new enterprise. A LB E R T BERM I A. W. ALLEN Dispensing Pharmacist 4 Wines, Lignins and Clgais Star 4 Brewery 4 Go. H O P QOLD EAST THIRD AND BURNSIDE STS. GARDNER RROTHERS UNION MADE CIGARS FINE WHISKIES The Popular Saloon FRITZ’S NEW THEATRE CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE PORTLAND, ORE.