Image provided by: Northwest Labor Press; Portland, OR
About Portland labor press. (Portland, Oregon) 1900-1915 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1900)
PORTLAND LABOR PRESS 1 TRADE UNION DIRECTORY j LABOR DAY CELEBRATION D n n ’f National Association of Stationary Engineers— Oregon No. 1. M eets e v e ry F rid a y in B ric k la y e rs H a ll 228% Y am h ill s tre e t, b e tw e e n F ir s t a n d ’ Second s tr e e ts . P re sid e n t. J . A. B u sh m a n . 1064 M acad am s tr e e t; S ecre ta r y , A A. B ailey, c a re O regonian. Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers International Association No. 16. M eets e v e ry second a n d f o u rth S a tu r d a y a t 228% Y am hill s tr e e t. P re sid e n t. Jo e A ssm a n ; S e c re ta ry , G us M ahne. M eets e v e ry seco n d a n d fo u r th T u e s d a y a t 228% Y am h ill s tre e t. P re sid e n t, F . R ie f; S e c re ta ry , F ry e r. Plasterers’ Union, No. 1. of Portland, Oregon. Beer Drivers’ Union, Local No. 201, National Union of United Brewery Workmen, U. S. A. M eets e v e ry F rid a y in H o rse sh o e rs H all, c o rn e r Second a n d S alm on s tre e ts . Portland Printing Pressmen’s Union, No. 43. M eets ev ery first a n d th ird S a tu r d a y in K e lle r’s H all, c o rn e r F ir s t a n d M adison G re e ts P re sid e n t. A r th u r H y ro n tm u s, 689 H o y t s tr e e t; S e c re ta ry . C. A. Le- G ran d . 770 R a le ig h s tre e t. M eets e v e ry second T u e sd a y of m o n th in M cK ay B uilding, room P re sid e n t, Geo. M iller, c a re C. C ro c k e r P r in tin g Co.; S e c r e t a r y ,----- Bricklayers’ International Union, No. 1, of Oregon Portland Theatrical ployees’ Union. M eets e v e ry W e d n e sd a y a t 228% Y a m h ill s tre e t. P re sid e n t. H a r r y G u rr, 2, Second s tr e e t; S e c re ta ry , J. C. H illis , F if th s tre e t. th e 21. H. Stage Em M eets e v e ry second T h u rs d a y m o n th a t C o rd ra y 's th e a te r. of th e Retail Clerks’ Protective Association— Local No. 249. Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America Lo cal No. 10. M eets e v e ry first a n d th ir d F rid a y e v c n ’n g in th e A u d ito riu m H all. P r e s i d ent. D. E. B ow m an, c a re C h icag o C lo th in g Co.; S e c re ta ry , L . M. R ice, c a re F a m o u s. M eets e v e ry T u e sd a y a t 230% Y am h ill P re sid e n t, A. v . js a ia r a u i, r* E a s t F o u r te e n th s tr e e t; S e c re ta ry . L. M. D obyns, 485 R o d n e y av en u e. « tre e t Shipwrights’, Caulkers’ and Shipjoin- ers’ Aawciatwn pf ihe Port of Port land, OregonT.i , Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Sunset ±»dge 'No. 13©’. •* - M eets e v e ry first a n d th ir d S u n d a y , a t 2 P M in A lisk y B uilding. M a ste r. C. W G a rre tts o n . Je ffe rso n S tre e t D epot; Secr?tarr ? C° C. L u c k s, Je ffe rso n S tre e t M eets e v e ry first a n d T h ird S a tu r d a y S im p lo n ;S e c r e ta r y ,1 w eLJ . T h o m p so n , 474 D epot. Team Drivers’ International Union— Local No. 162. G lisan s tr e e t. Cigarmakers’ International Union of America— Local fcLo- 202- M eets e v e ry M onday ev e n in g a t 230% Y am h ill s tr e e t. P re s id e n t, D 3. S h a n n o n P . O. B ox 756, S a n d y R o a d , S e c re ta ry , A r th u r B ooth, 385 G leason s tr e e t. M eets e v e ry first T u e sd a y a t 228% T a rn - h ill stre e t. P re sid e n t, H o race■ A . D uke. 125 T w e lfth s tr e e t; S e c re ta ry . R- W . R a s rnussein, !f?3% E a s t E le v e n th s tre e t. Expressmen’s Oregon. Union, of United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America— Branch No. 50. Portland, M eets e v e ry first a n d th ir d W ed n esd ay in E a g le s ’ H a ll, c o rn e r Second a n d Y a m h ill s tre e ts . P re sid e n t, C. F . V e lg u th , S e c re ta ry , C. W . R y a n . M eets e v e ry W e d n e sd a y a t ^ s e ^ h o e r ’s H all. P re sid e n t, J. S pence. 397 Sis s tr e e t; S e c re ta ry , C has. M ensch, 324% F ir s t s tre e t. United Brotherhood of Leatherwork- ers on Horse Goods— Branch No. 56. International Association of Machin ists— Local No. 63. M eets e v e ry W e d n e sd a y in AH sk j B uilding. P re sid e n t, E d . K itc h , 351 T a y lo r s tr e e t; S e c re ta ry . E. J. K e lle r, 44. S e v e n th s tre e t. M eets e v e ry firs t a n d th ir d F r id a y in A lisk y B u ild in g . Brotherhood or Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America— Lo cal No. 62; Oregon City, Oregon. Iron Moulders’ Union No. 139. M eets e v e ry first a n d th ird T h u rs d a y a t 228% Y am h ill s tre e t. S. S. M ohler, S e c re ta ry . Journeymen Barbers’ Union No. 75. M eets e v e ry first a n d th ird M onday in t X ^ S ’ i , T nffM . « o e n t68% N- T h ird Salem Typographical Union, No. 210. s tr e e t. Pendleton Typographical Union, No. 214. J. E . G odfrey. Journeymen Lather’s Union, No. 1, of Portland, Oregon. Team Drivers’ International Union, of Astoria. M eets e v e ry T h u rs d a y in H o rse sh o e rs H a ll, c o rn e r Second an d S alm on s tre e ts . Portland Laborers’ Protective Union. Meet« e v e ry second a n d fo u r th S u nday, ot 9 v M a t 228% Y am hill s tre e t. Pres- s tre e t, n e a r S ix th s tr e e t Journeymen Plumbers' and Gasfitter, a^ n niation -Lo cal No. 51. Association— Local Fishermen’s Union, of Astoria, Ore gon. Journeymen Barbers’ Union, of As toria, Oregon. , M e e ts e v e ry M onday e v e n in g a t 228% Y a m h ill s tre e t. Journeymen Tailors' Union, No. 1, of Portland, Oregon. M eets e v e ry second and f o u rth T h u r s d a y a t 228%‘Y am h ill s tre e t. Uumbermill Workers’ Union of the Northwest. No. 1. 2 F e<M /'^ ^ U p ^ h u r 'c h ^ H a lh ^ co rn e .^ S e v ^ d e n te n tJ alA MÄ m a n S Í«W4 ‘ M acadam s tr e e t; S e c re ta ry . L eo n ard B ecker. o29 R a le ig h s tr e e t. Mt. Hood Lodge of the Brotherhood Of Boilermakers and Iron S h ip Builders— Local No. 72. _ . . 1 ininn nf Van Journeymen Barb,« U H » , couver, Wash g Van RAY’S TH E A TR E . Hamer Sutcliffe Held Under the Auspices of the Fed erated Trades Assembly—Thought ful Utterances of the Speakers Bear Good Fruit. M eets e v e ry first S u n d a y o f th^ d™°tn t£ 307 Alder St., Portland, Or “Emil’s Choice” Sig. Sichel & Co. Wines, Liquors and Cigars confldence repo8ed merited> Please fill out this blank and forward same to the Editor him „as Paperhangers Of America, Local No. 10 U nion S hops S utcliffe & B lied ........................... 307 A lder M axw ell & T ilto n .....................255 Salm on B la e sin g & G lu tc h ........................267 T h ird H. P. C h riste n se n ..........................141 S ix th T o ch ley B ro s................................549 M a rsh a ll F re e b o rn Co.......................... 343 W a sh in g to n P a u l J a s c h in a .........15th a n d W a sh in g to n J. O. B e rg ................................. 575 L ovejoy L. C a rs te n s e n ........................... 223% Second Iv o r W illia m s ...............................223 Second C h u rc h & Son .................................. 190 W. N. R o b in so n ........................... • •• -207 H a l Schoffleld & M o rg a n ................. 233 Y am hill F r a n z R in g ................................... --^3 R y a n P . J u n g e r .......................................73lsnF inrV? G H fflthB r° S- .•.•.•.■.•.•.•.'.'.■.■.'.'.'.''.First a n d O ak j ' ^ VrHiC Fad,len & CO” . '. : 42.1 .E '..2I07°rM uin Name of Union H. O lsen '.’X . W W ' . ...................... 592 S a v ie r M ills & W ailace, S ign S h o p ..1st a n d O ak G riffith & C ooper ...................68 U nion A ve. G. P. F u lle r .................................. 511% G lisan E . W . D e a r b o r n .................... 69 G ra n d A ve. J. M. G ilb e rt................................ 190 E le v e n th C. F . M o o re...................17th a n d N o rth ru p F . B o c k m a n ................................ 269,o ? Ui?rrJi President------------------------------------ ---------- J. W. K e n n a ..................................... E rs t Address C. N. B a tc h e llo r ............................ :3 4E \ 16w F r a n k W e rtz ...................9 G ra n d Ave. N S m ith & M ad sen .............................................. w h K r t h : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : w o i d 8io c k K? A1' F e a rin g ............... C e n tr a l A ddition L on D eY arm o n d . c a re O reg o n ian . e sd a y , a t 2 F . M-. M eets every first T B u uilding. P re sid e n t. 57 M cK ay ■ S ecre- National ‘Association of Letter Car riers, Branch No. 82. J 1' Z irn g ieb eb S>'gn S h o p s ::.. . ^ No. 1. National Union of the United Brewery Workmen of the United States Local No. 7. .« « “ Plain and Decorative Paper H anging Honse Painting, G raining- K alsom ining Phone Shop and Store Labor Day at Portland was cele brated with proper fitness with a mass meeting at Cordray's theatre. Wishing to aid the Carnival Asso ciation, and not wishing to hamper the business interests of the city by asking a double holiday, the Fed Union flade Cigar erated Trades passed the idea of a parade, thus giving the unions at leisure an opportunity of joining the Carnival parade on the Tuesday fol lowing. The exercises of the evening con A fu ll line of sisted of musical and literary rendi Union Hade Tobaccos tions of a high order in keeping dig nity with Labor Day. Prof. Brown’s 92 T h ird Street excellent orchestra occupied the ac customed place and rendered the usu- „ a n y moments of w aiting pleas» ant. Upon the stage were seated va- C. H. Meussdorffer 73 Third street rious legislators-elect from Multnomah Union Hats a Specialty county. B rother F. Thompson, of the P ain ters’ Union, introduced Mr. J. A. Bushman, the president of the Feder Sol Blumauer Eugene Hoi h ated Trades, as the m aster of cere Blumauer & Hoch monies for the evening. He, according to the programme, in W holesale Dealers and Importers in troduced Miss Susan Gambell, one of P ortland’s m ost accomplished vocal ists, a perfect queen of song. Her splendid rendition called for applause unstinted, and merited a shower of bouquets. Epth were freely showered a t her feet as she again and again bowed her acknowledgements. The n o Fourth Street chairm an next introduced the orator Portland, Oregon of the evening, D. Solis Cohen. His Well-fthosen topic was ‘ The Sole Agents: Possibilities of Trades Unions.” That Old Kentucky Home Club S haw ’s Pure Malt he was complete m aster of his sub Old Jeff. C. Taylor’s Red, White ject was evidenced from the chunks and Blue Star Mount Vernon Rye of wisdom which fell from his lips, as Repsold’s Cognac Brandy Graf 5-cent Cigar well as their practical application to the exigencies of labor and capital. Last, but not least, Brother J. T. M ot gan was brought forward as one of the We Patronize Those Who Patronize Us bashful men of Portland, a man with a well balanced, well trained intellect as well as having a hand inured to Brotherhood of Painters» daily toil. He was the speaker chosen Decorators and to represent th e Federated Trades. UNION DIRECTORY BLANK 58- M eets e v e ry seco n d W e d n e sd a y of the m onTh’ ln P o . t n f f l c « L S c r S u r ^ ’T w ^ S S S C a rrie r U/all p a p e r, D e c o r a tio n well posted in history, well versed in A T TE N TIO N , SECRETARIES. logic, with a sufficiency of poetry and humor to please th e m ost critical. His address on “The Relative The secretary of each union inter Rights of Labor and Capital, and ested in the Portland Labor Press Publishing Association is requested W hat the Laboring Man Accom to forward, immediately, the name and plished for This Country.” was a gem worthy of preservation for future per may be mailed to those entitled thought and study. May another 'Labor Day reap the thereto. PORTLAND LABOR PRESS PUB beneficial frujts of the seeds of wisdom dissem inatediby. the speakers of the LISHING ASSOCIATION, evening. Room 514 Marquam Building. Multnomah Typographical Union No. John Blied SUTCLIFFE & BLIED Black 1963 M eets e v e ry seco n d .and fo u rth T h u r s d a y in A lisk y H a ll. Musicians’ Mutual Association of Portland, Oregon— Local No. 99. ¿47 Washington Street Both Phones Opposite Cordray’s Special attention given to transients. GRAND MASS M EETING IN CORD M eets e v e ry firs t a n d th ir d T u e sd a y , in M a rq u a m B u ild in g , room No. 217. Portland Bakers’ and Confectioners' Union. W Cdl Unique Tailoring Company 1 ........ mill............. limili Iiinniiiii iii«iiiniinitiniiiuiiiiiiiiMiiiimim iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiroiiiiiiimS Portland Federated Trades Assembly. W p iir Trousers or shabby Clothes. We call for, Sponge, Press and Deliver one suit of your clothing each w eek, sew on buttons ai,d sew up rips for $1 a month DOH I “ r ' e t " ’p r e S S S t . J o h n Belirel. 2S3 F r o n t s tr e e t; S e c re ta ry A n to n P . O. Box 1044. Second Corresponding Secretary A ddress.......... H a rry S cott, Sign W r ite r ........ ¿ C " . '; H . H Buell, S cenic P a i n t e r ... .390 T a y lo r J. J. H a r tz ,,..106% F ir s t J o h n W . S tig e r