N O R TH C O A ST VOL28NO2 50CENTS T IM E S E A G LE ‘In a dark time the eye begins to see ’ AUGTEMBER 2006 -THEODORE ROTHKE TOM BURGESS LNG IS ECO- TERRORISM Eudora Welty said, in The Eye of the Story, that "Out of love you can speak with straight fury.” And so we discover that "straight fury” is, indeed, our natural response to the multiple LNG siting applications that threaten our area. The devious liquid natural gas assault by power companies on community after community around the edges of the United States, backed by an Adminis­ tration in Washington, D C., which is as good a club of petroleum CEOs, is no less than an outrage. “Straight fury” is the proper response to those who present us with lies about LNG plant “safety”. The worst-case consequences of taking such a risk — which have been well researched — are beyond our direst imaginings. We love and try to protect our land, our clean air, our people, and our relative safety. Many of us will move if one or more LNG plants are allowed to build here. Many more will never come. In straight fury, proportional to the depth of our love for what we have carefully built and tended here, and for what we appreciate and care which is given to us by nature — in straight fury we look an industry in the eye that should have withered in the shadow of other energy sources decades ago, and say “No”. -CAROLYN DUNN »