N O RTH C O A ST TIM E S EA G LE V O L27N O 6 50C E N TS 'In a dark time the eye begins to see ’ MARPRIL 2006 -THEODORE ROTHKE SPRING TIME FOR W BY MICHAEL PAUL McCUSKER DRA WING BY DALE FLOWERS “Peace on earth will only come when the last king is strangled with the intestines o f the last priest. ” -A FRIEND OF VOLTAIRE “Mythology is every other religion but one's own.” -ROBERT GRAVES The millennial lust to decimate anyone and everyone whose theology is different is once again prevalent, and who can guess how many centuries before it is assuaged — the last time, in the mode of Christian Crusaders against Islam's occupation of previously abandoned holy lands (by Jews, whom Christians loathed nearly as much as Muslim heathens; and by Rome, projenitor of the Crusaders) lasted three centuries until it was safe to openly make war for more sincerely advocated secular purposes. Yet Europe, after losing interest for a few centuries in the apostasies of Oriental pagans, hardly wasted time tearing itself apart over Christian schisms, a bloody internecine period that lasted into the 17th century (Christian calendar) with the horrible Thirty Years War — wars of reformation that redivided the Western world into Protestant and Holy Roman states. This epoch was followed by an eschatological quest to spread Europe’s contagions across the greater world, baptizing and colonizing the peoples of the great landmasses East and West, unmindful of the lifestyles and spiritualities of tribes and civiliza­ tions in their paths. The cusp century to this new Millennium was of course the most horrifying — a nearly successful eradication of the biblical Old Testament, the Holocaust of purportedly Christian believing Nazis exterminating Jews — in reality a determined reversion to pagan ferocity attempting to destroy monotheism in savage renaissance of old Teutonic gods. The real schizophrenia of all this theolitical fervor is the conquest and decimation of peoples and cultures for world domination by zealots of one crusading patrimony or another. This zeal for earthly empire creates various sorts of disasters and tragedies, each proselytized for the benefit of empiricists by demagoguing their enemies, however transparent their mercilessly sanguinary deceits High priest of this nouveau millennium's New World Order is an evangopathic, a Nero sort of man, imperially vain and autocratic but not especially stupid, just absolutely certain he is the chosen emancipating instrument of God. He worships the conquering heroes of past ages and ardently wishes to be remembered as one himself — but with scepter only; others are his sword and sacrifice. He is surrounded by a piously corrupt cabal of empirical despots whose response to any problem or controversy (such as about their gross inefficiency in governance, which might be more damaging than their arbitrary suppression of civil liberties) is to destroy anyone responsible, either through defamation or misuse of law to jail (and perhaps torture) any who criticize or dissent against their misrule; and if a problem is of a foreign nature, to do as Crusaders of yore, smash them with armies and bombs It is difficult to positively determine if their harsh doctrines are motivated by power or vengeance, or if they imagine themselves as Caesars exalted to any impulse or caprice they imagine. » While publicly exclaiming their purpose is to replace despotic theocracies with democracy by flame and sword (the usual spread of religion) they seditiously work to establish a militant theocracy in the glorious Homeland in defiance of the nation’s temporal Constitution that is rightly adverse to any form of theolitical usurpation of democratic principles. These warmakers are themselves war virgins, very protective of their combat chastity. They think of themselves as the Best & Brightest, but in truth are hardly more than schoolyard bullies, mean-spirited, avariciously corrupt with little but callous regard for anyone else. They equate disagreement with their war policies as tantamount to treason, and blitz the national consciousness with mendacious bromides to conceal their specious deceits that needlessly slaughter overseas civilians and their own soldiers in a specific war that was fomented by lies and commenced by savage disregard of dissenting opinion. To counter disapproval of their policies they engage in a campaign of psychological terrorism such as illegally wiretapping their own citizenry under the rubric of protecting them from terrorist (Islamic) enemies. A sinister irony permeating the corridors of empire is that the neo-emperor, who attained and maintains power fraudulently, demands unsurpassed and unquestioned power. Power does after all absolutely corrupt, and whomever attains it is corrupted absolutely. The essential reward of power is the opportunity for unlimited corruption. The significant aspect about a democracy is that despite clamors for censorship by warmakers who claim dissent ought never be tolerated during wartime (which would grant them extraordinary power to espouse perpetual war), is that citizens of a democratic government are virtually obligated to vigorously argue and incessantly question the purpose of any and every war, which our revolutionary ancestors realized was the absolute imperative of a free society. It should be remembered the first patriots of the nation were traitors to their motherland, and that dissent even in war time is not treachery but rather the highest order of patriotism A growing clamor to bring the nation’s armies back from the Middle East wars has an underlying menacing irony — those who are weary or saddened by the sacrifices and crimes of WAR Throughout our human history we have been faced with the conflict of war Some wars change how we look at other nations All wars leave a mark on human history -A N N A M Y E R S empire, as well as those who never wanted anything to do with it from the beginning, are pitted against those whose wish is for enough troops to return to the Homeland to destroy the pacifists who never wanted them to leave in the first place. It might seem simplistic and naive to think humans will any time soon or ever put an end to warfare, but it will never end if effort is not made to abolish it, to perhaps attempt the impos­ sible such as change human nature — yet over thousands of millennia the directions of human nature have been changed to survive fluid circumstances or take advantage of them, which complicates and enlarges the possibility of fundamental change. Warfare has considerably advanced civilization, at least surfacely; it has also primarily advanced the likelihood of its destruction. For most of their histories our ancestors spent their lives in terror of each other They lived in cities that were sacked and decimated to the last living creature They were impressed into armies and navies and died horribly on the pikes or were blasted to bits by the cannon of other shanghaied serfs or citizens They were tortured and slain for the slightest infraction, and worked unbearably hard for so little that most died considerably young if not slaughtered in the interminable wars. We have not done much better. The 20th century began with the most brutal butchery in history — not so much through the usual homicidal fervor than by weapons of mass destruction: machine guns and artillery, and introduction of the aerial bomb. We have enough power at the beginning of the 21st century to obliterate the entire planet. Just as with the feudiciaries of our ancestors, we have made armed camps of our nations, and like our ancestors, we have never seriously sought peace except circumstantially. Perhaps the only method of preventing the ultimate war lies not with merely scrapping the weapons of its probable conduct — though it is necessary as a beginning, they can always be rebuilt — but with recognition of all of us as members of the human superfamily The term “utopian’’ has been scorn­ fully applied to almost every idea or attempt toward what Albert Einstein (and undoubtedly Schweitzer) called a “universal civil­ ization," and world federation is generally dismissed as unreal­ istic and impossible (possibly except as a "New World Order" dominated by the world’s reigning superpower, whose adherents are nearly pathological in their aversion to the United Nations) Yet our histories suggest a drawing together For thousands of years, separated by the massive barriers of mountains, oceans, deserts, and vast prairies of time as well as space, the species inexorably moved its separated parts into resumed contact (accepting a single origination place of homo sapiens sapiens) through exploration and by burgeoning overlapping populations Families grew into tribes, which allied with to vanquish or were conquered by other tribes and formed cities and nations Since World War 2, divided by ideology and weapons of mass destruction, we have yet become a global civilization; nuclear power has truly rendered the nation/state obsolete World unity, a debatable dream throughout history, is the only long-range solution to universal devastation, otherwise the horrors of the 20th century might well be prelude to greater abomination of the upcoming, perhaps incomplete millennium