The North Coast times-eagle. (Wheeler, Oregon) 1971-2007, January 01, 1999, Page 5, Image 5

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    PAGE 5
stick. So why admit to an extramarital affair when he didn't get
the full meal deal? If he would just admit he lied then I would
forgive him as would the American people."
As for bombing Iraq, Michael says 'They did it because
they spent all that money getting those guys over there What
they need to do is get the CIA into gear and do what they do,
which is assassinate people."
Linda Thompson, medical assistant; phlebotomist
("bloodsucker") is blunt about her opinion of Clinton's impeach­
ment: "He lied. It has nothing to do with sex, but he took the
Presidency with honesty — and he lied!”
She says the airstrike on Iraq "doesn't coincide with the
movie Wag the Dog."
Longshore Leroy says Clinton "should have been
impeached six years ago" for Whitewater: "Ever since he got
into office I can't tell the difference between government and
organized crime." He decries Clinton for "taking contributions
from Chinese and then doing business wth them." He also
called Clinton "a hypocrite for bouncing military people for
adultery. He should step down as commander-in-chief because
he allowed people to be court-martialed for the same thing he
did. We should stop electing and re-electing people who say
they're going to make a change and never do."
Roger Frisinger, greens keeper at the Highland Golf
Course in Gearhart, says Clinton's sexual activities "don't affect
his ability to govern. It's a political vendetta rather than criticism
of his governing the country. Impeachment on grounds such as
these are an abridgment of the Constitution." He says, 'The
bombing (of Iraq) happened because we have troops there
already — if you're going to introduce a gun, you're going to use
it. I think it has to do with the military class in this country, and I
think (Clinton) was forced to use it."
Michael Petersen, who knits crab pots, rejects impeach­
ment "because I think the legal intent of the Starr inquisition was
an entrapment to get Clinton to admit cheap and tawdry sex. I
don't like the whole idea because I think I will be hurt by his blow
'The timing was set up by Hussein watching Congress to
set up Clinton to push the button," he says of Iraq.
'The only person Bill Clinton has to answer to is Hillary.
We didn't elect him to be our 'moral' leader," says Julie Smith,
manager of Cafe Uniontown. "What goes on between closed
doors is the business of those doing it. It's none of the American
public's business. It crosses matters of church and state; marri­
age vows are both church and state. Morals have a religious
basis; when you question morals it is the questioning of religious
beliefs. We look for ethics in our politics, not morals. Morals are
core beliefs, what we are raised with; they represent belief in a
greater being or beings. Ethics come from education and con­
cepts of justice. Without justice there would be no law or courts
— no stop signs. You do not stop at a stop sign because of your
morals: You stop because of your ethics. Clinton may not be a
moral President but he is an ethical President. Morals and ethics
don't mix."
She said the bombing of Iraq was an ethical point. "Hus­
sein agreed to not do certain things. But he did them, and we
bombed him.”
Rhonda Monnin, currently a bartender at the Merrytime
Tavern, says Clinton's foes "are trying to replace him. They're
trying to show they are doing everything legal to follow through
in impeaching him. They know they have to if they don't want to
be replaced themselves. They say they risked their political lives
to impeach him and they say they don't want any shortcuts.
Now that's it has gone this far, I agree with them. I think a
person's personal life is their own," she says. "People have to
pay the price of what they do. But they don't have to be humili­
ated or disgraced before the world I think it's been a big let
down for all of the people who voted for him for President."
"I don't think there should have been any bombing
because I don't believe in war," Rhonda says of Iraq. "I don't
believe innocent people should die for any reason."
"I think the Republicans are playing dirty and are trying
to get (Clinton) out of the Presidency," says Amy Horton, who
sells wood products. "I think there are more important issues in
this country to deal with. I would not like him to be impeached.
What he did was an abuse of power, though she was willing —
But if my boss was to do that with me he should be fired. Any
President who did anything stupid we know about is because he
got caught." She doesn't think he ordered the bombing of Iraq.
Nathan Luome, who works in construction, believes
Clinton has been good for the country "He's produced jobs and
reduced the national debt. I'm sorry he fucked up in his personal
life, but I don't think he should be impeached. I don't think his
personal life should bear on the Presidency."
bombed Iraq "as a diversion because there was no reason to do
that If you're going to bomb somebody to make a point, then
bomb the officials instead of regular people who have no say."
Phuong Van Hom, waitress at the Ship Inn and owner
of a Vietnamese restaurant in Washington, is upset at Clinton's
impeachement "because I feel like this thing was set up and it
is going too far He is humiliated by it. Why wauld Linda Tripp
record (Monica Lewnsky) unless it was set up. We should be
proud of him instead of shaming him and the whole nation. I
think he has paid more than enough already. I did not pay
attention at first, then I got mad. I saw TV, and I got fed up.The
money that has been spent on this thing could have been used
for the poor, for education, medicine and national health care
We vote for (politicians) to take care of things to improve our
country, but instead they do things for their own power."
"I am heartsick over it," Phuong says of the air strikes
on Iraq. "It is what is disturbing me. But sometimes you have
to do what is necessary to solve a problem. I don't like being
bombed," she says of her experiences growing up in Vietnam
during a war that lasted three decades (her father was Mayor
of Nha Trang). "I don't like people being hurt and I don't like
being controlled by any person whatever the reason or position
of power they hold. Governments use the good side of people
to take power and control over them. I am heartsick to see
government use the good side of people to do evil for the power
of government."
His spin on the bombing of Iraq is that "Saddam was
trying to push the issue. He was thinking Clinton was in trouble
and he could make some ground. He thought by pushing his
(nuclear/biocidal weapons) card he could screw Bill Clinton."
Musician Clarence Long says impeaching Clinton is
"a waste of tax dollars. By the time they're done he will be out
of the Presidency He didn't profit by the crime he committed."
As for Iraq: "He had to have Congress' permission and they all
backed his action."
Jack Meyer, realtor and candidate for Astoria City
Council in the November election, said, "I think (Clinton's) doing
a good job. Putting his personal life on trial is a political mistake
and will do more harm than good."
His view on the Iraq raids is that "Saddam had it coming
for a long time."
"Clinton shouldn't be impeached," says Astoria photo­
grapher Robert Adams, author of West From the Columbia and
To Make it Home: Photographs of the American West. As for
Iraq, "How can one know?" he asks about Clinton's purposes for
ordering the bombing the day before he was to be impeached.
"Who could really establish it?"
Bond Street Blues Band singer and saxophonist Johnny
Ward doesn't think Clinton should be impeached "for what he's
being impeached for," but if he did order the bombing of Iraq to
preserve his political career, "he should be impeached."
Jerry Mazzarella says that from "a personal criteria,
I support Clinton's impeachment. I base that on the fact he is
an embarrassment to the country as well as being a pathetic
example of morality. In terms of how his personal life affects his
performance as President, my impression is that he has done a
bad job. However, I do believe he is really trying to do the best
he can right now because he knows he's going down."
Jerry thinks Clinton "is clever enough to know bombing
Iraq wouldn't save him."
Molly Misner, a senior at Astoria High School and
a member of its swm team, said "Clinton deserves to be
impeached because he broke the law by withholding evidence
and he lied under oath. Everyone else vould be in jail for doing
that. The President should not have different laws than the rest
of us."
Molly, who says her life-goal is to possess a license
plate with DVM-Ph.D (Dr. Veterinary Medicine), believes Clinton
Mary Jo Gruhlkey expressed ire at a phone call she
recently received from a religious organization "I was called
by a person for Jerry Falwell who asked for money to sponsor
a nationwide television program to show how despicable Clinton
is and that he absolutely needs to resign to restore the dignity
and honor of the office of the President of the United States,"
the aquatic fitness instructor at Clatsop Community College
said. "It was the most bizarre thing. Jerry Falwell wanted $20
from me tcxsay what a bum Clinton is on national TV. A religious
person calls me to solicit money to use against the President,
which crosses the line between church and state. She sounded
sweet, like somebody calling about toothpaste. I was baffled. I
had no comment and hung up "
'The impeachment of Andrew Johnson was purely
political," says Richard Goosey 'The almost-impeachment
of Richard Nixon was probably the only one that was really
balanced. This impeachment is as about as accurate as we're
going to get." He claims he doesn't "give a rat's patoot" for either
the impeachment or bombing of Iraq.
Dan Marshall, who drives for Old Gray Cab, says the
Republicans "have been headhunting Bill Clinton for six years,
ever since he was elected, and have spent $60 million of tax­
payers' money doing it. They went after him as political revenge.
He's been a burr in their ass ever since they shut down the
government and lost public support. If Clinton did violate a law
of comitting perjury he should be impeached — that would be
worse than having sex in the Oval Office. But he shouldn't be
impeached for the reasons they're doing it. Republicans want
people to think it's a legitimate process Clinton could have used
his Presidency to stop them but he let the process go on. He's
done a hell of a lot of positive things; he reduced the national
debt. If the GOP is trying protect the people why didn't they do
something about child care and why do they try to cut medical
care and education?"
"I don't think Clinton's political or personal situation has
anything to do with his decision to bomb Iraq," Dan said.
Dave Heick, owner/operator of Seaside radio station
KCYS, agrees with the House sentiment to impeach Clinton.
"Paula Jones' civil rights were violated by the President. It was
apparent he did not answer honestly and truthfully in federal
court, which violated her right to be treated fairly and truthfully.
I've got two little boys and they have to leam telling the truth is
the most important act in society. We all make mistakes but
we must acknowledge them, make our amends and move on."
"Probably only a handful of people in the country can
answer the question” of the reasons and timing for the bombing
of Iraq, David said
This impeachment poll wll end wth Ed Overbay, justly
famous for his furniture and cabinet making craftsmanship, who
asked, "Why are you asking these questions? What's the point?
To what end are we hashing out what everybody's already made
up their minds about? It's just constant regurgitation; that's all
that's on television all of the time We should pay attention to
things we can do, local issues we can affect rather than things
we can do nothing about in Washington, D C. — the highway
bypass through Astoria, city planning design review, economic
review of local wages and taxes.”
Illustrated by Henk Pander
A NatiwciLfoiïd* Grocery
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