îReœni-Coiiner THURSDAY, JUNE 30,2016 The Chinook salmon season on the Imnaha River will close July 3. According to Jeff Yanke, fish biologist in Enterprise, the fishery will close because the annual harvest limit will be reached on the closure date. “Based on catch rates observed last week in the fishery, we expect to reach our hanzest limit by Sunday”, he explained. With a relatively modest return of Chinook salmon to the Imnaha, Yanke expected a shorter duration fishery in 2016. “We did not see a very large run this year, but there was some good fishing opportunities provided”, he said. Spring Chinook fishing opens July 2 on Wallowa River A significant upturn in the forecasted run to the Lostine River prompted ODFW to open the Wallowa River on July 2 for hatchery spring Chinook fishing. Anglers will be able to fish salmon from the deadline at the lower end of Minam State Park upstream to the mouth of the Lostine River. Anglers can keep two hatchery spring Chinook adults and five adipose fin-clipped jacks per day, with two daily jack limits in pos­ session. Single point hooks larger than 1 inch gap and multiple point hooks larger than 9/16 inch gap are prohibited. Chinook jacks are salmon between 15 and 24 inches in length. Anglers do not need to record jack catch on their cohibined an­ gling tags, but it is illegal to continue fishing for jack Chinook once the adult bag limit is met. Wild fish must be released immediately and unharmed. A valid Columbia Basin Endorsement is required for this fishery. The Wallowa River fishery, which targets salmon bound for the Lostine River, was unexpected even for local fishery managers. A closure date for the fishery has not been set; ODFW will con­ duct regular fishery monitoring to determine how catch and harvest compares to annual sport fishery quotas. 9 Successful FUNdraiser On June 17, JQ’s Livestock 4H Club of Baker City held a fundraiser at D&B Supply that included a car wash and bake sale. They said they had an amazing turnout. The support from the. community was outstanding. Pic­ tured are club mem­ bers Loryn Travis, Joshua Travis and Makea Robb with Oregon State Police Senior Trooper Ed Mercado. What a great community we live in! Road Closures for Motorcycle Rally in Baker City Ladies Day Quail Ridge June 23,2016 Golf Winners: Ist Flight - Ist Linda Taylor 2nd Flight - Ist Karen Wolard 3rd Flight - Ist Marianne Klinger Bridge Winners: 1st Judy Karstens 2nd Linda Triplett 3rd Kathy Eidsen Baker City Ladies Golf Club Hosted tournament The Baker City Ladie^Golfclub hosted an invftational tournament at Quail Ridge Golf Course on June 15. Forty-three women from Quail Ridge Golf Course (Baker City), La Grande Country Club, Alpine Meadows Golf Course (Enterprise), Buffalo Peak (Union), and Purple Sage (Boise) competed in the event. Results follow: Low Gross of the Field: Callie Goss (La Grande) 1st Flight: Low Gross: Hanne Larson (PSage) 2nd Gross: Doreen Burnham (PSage) Low Net: Kim Tally (La Grande) 2nd Net: Dana Endicott (PSage) 2nd Flight: Low Gross: Myrna Evans (QRidge) 2nd Gross: Linda Taylor (QRidge) Jennifer Godwin (QRidge) Low Net: Karen Woolard (QRidge) 2nd Net: LaDonna Uttenreuther (QRidge) Hot Summer Reads from Betty’s Books Looking for that perfect book for summer reading? A recent stop into Betty’s Books proved very beneficial as proprietors, Tom and Carolyn Kulog, shared what books are not spending much time on the shelf. The Highwayman: Craig Johnson: Hardback - $20.00 Wyoming Sheriff Walt Longmire and Henry Standing Bear embark on another adventure. Fans of the Craig Johnson series need little encouragement to pick this one up. Hie fans are loyal, and for good reason. He does not disappoint. This novella proves to be a great summer pick. - Marrow Island: Alexis Smith: Hardback - $23.00 Luci Bowen returns to the Puget Sound area twenty years after a devastating Cäscadian earthquake on Marrow Island killed her father and destroyed an oil refinery. She discovers her best friend Kate now living on a toxic island with members of ““The Colony”. Set in the Pacific Northwest, this book encompasses rnystery/thriller, communal living and disaster. Sounds like a real page turner. Dear County Agent Guy: Jerry Nelson: Hardback’(small) - $14.95 The front cover says it all: Calf Pulling, Husband Training, and Other Curious Dispatches from a Midwestern Dairy Farmer. Likened to Garrison Keillor, Dave Barry and Mark Twain, this light read is sure to garner a chuckle out of even the most cynical of summer readers. Bobbie The Wonder Dog: Tricia Brown: Hardback (New Children’s Book) - $16.99 When Bobbie’s Silverton, Oregon family takes a road trip to Indiana, the collie-mix becomes frightened and flees from a pack of dogs. Six months later, Bobbi travels 2,551 miles only to show back up in Silverton. Based on a true story, this is a great read for pre-school to young readers who like heart-warming animal stories. Damn, I Shot My Horse: Fred Hauptmann: Hardback - $20 The author hails from Wallowa County. Set in the 1960’s a young boy is sent into the desert with very little to build his family’s homestead. According to Carolyn, locals find this book to be an County Agent emotional, gritty and excellent read. (True story) In this day and age, how lucky we are in Baker City to have Betty’s Books. Reading treasures await - with outstanding customer service. Head on in and find what suits you. Due to the Hells Canyon Motorcycle Rally in Baker City, the following highways will be closed to all traffic: Beginning July 6,2016 at 8 AM, Broadway Street (US30) between 1st Street and Main Street. Beginning July 7,2016 at 10 AM, Main Street (OR7 1 US30) between Campbell Street and Auburn Avenue. These sections of US30 and OR7 are estimated to re-open by 9 PM on July 10,2016.