The Record-courier. (Haines, Baker County, Oregon) 1932-2016, April 21, 2016, Page 4, Image 4

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    I Record-Courier
News of Record
Standing With Charlie Nichols Brings Needed
To the Editor:
I want to first and foremost
express my most sincere support
and respect foi Charlie Mata and
her letter in last week’s paper,
“ABK.” What Ms. Mata did in
writing that letter takes an amount
of courage that few people have,
and that even fewer would be able
to use to speak the truth. Though it
had to be difficult to say, I want to
personally extend my gratitude to
her for trying to bring this to Baker
County’s attention.
Baker County is unique; the
adoration and pride that we express
to our home truly is unlike any other
place. If you were to take a walk
down Main Street, or walk into any
shop, or even take a drive down the
Haines Highway, you would be
greeted with an earnest smile and
camaraderie. That’s all because we
love where we live. We take pride
in that hospitality and friendliness.
Why is it then that a candidate for
County Commissioner, who is
completely devoid of these values,
is getting such overwhelming
Let’s think about this for a
moment; is a man who was
convicted of assault in the fourth
degree really the best choice to hold
one of the most important local
public offices? I don’t think so. The
values of a man who beats his wife
do not reflect the values that Baker
County holds near and dear,
especially when those values are
centered around oppression and
repression. What does it say about
Baker County if we choose to elect
a vindictive wife-beater to make
decisions on our behalf? That is not
the Baker County that I have grown
* up in, and that is most certainly not
the future I wish for us.
We may not all share similar
political views; however, when we
put liberal and conservative aside,
we can all confidently agree that we
need leadership in this county that
will take us forward, that will
exhibit the best qualities that Baker
County has to offer, and that has the.
decency and compassion not to be
a bully and assailant. I hope that
Ms. Mata’s letter made it loud and
clear, ladies and gentlemen, that is
not Kody Justus.
Koby Hansen,
Baker City
To the Editor:
My husband and I are supporting
Bruce Nichols for County Commis­
sioner. I had the pleasure of work­
ing with Bruce for three years on
the City budget committee. As with
all volunteers, the giving of his
time, input and expertise was very
much appreciated. We are confident
that Bruce Nichols will be a great
addition and bring a needed per­
spective to our County Commis­
sion. Please remember to vote, and
please join us in supporting Bruce
Gail and Ray Duman,
Baker City
We Need a Problem
To the Editor:
We are ranchers in Baker County.
There are so many projects form
fencing, keeping machinery run­
ning properly, irrigating, growing
and harvesting cops, and keeping
livestock healthy. We learn by using
the right tools so things go well. As
problems arise we use those tools
and the knowledge we have to suc­
cessfully take care of the problem
and even make it better than it was.
We have known Bruce Nichols
for many years. We know that he
has the right tools, and the knowl­
edge to help solve all the different
problems that come up in the
county and make Baker County a
better and a great place for all of us
to live and enjoy. We will be voting
for Bruce Nichols and recommend
you also vote for Bruce Nichols.
Bob and Marilyn Harrison,
Baker City
Open Minded,
Informed, Honest
To the Editor:
When we as electors of our rep­
resentatives exercise our right to
vote, we freely choose to participate
in a process guided by our Consti-
tution...all of it...not just those
pieces with which we agree. When
our Founding Fathers divided our
government’s functions into its
three component parts, they pre­
sciently included processes for re­
solving disagreements that were
surely to spring up through the
years as the messy job of imple-
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menting a new form of self-govern­
ment began.
We as voters retain the ultimate
power of representing ourselves and
of amending the Constitution if we
deem it necessary. We as individuals
may disagree as to the meaning of
the language of the Constitution...
thus the founders saw fit to include
the legal process for redress: the fed­
eral court system. We may person­
ally disagree with some of the
Supreme Court’s decisions as well
as ones from the lower courts. But
we must recognize the legitimate
role the legal system plays in this
We also recognize the only legit­
imate avenue for change is engage­
ment in our process. When we see
some of the outrageous acts com­
mitted by a loud, raucous, and dis­
respectful minority, we are
reminded of our commitment to act
within the confines of our republic
and remain hopeful that others will
too. We are committed to electing
thoughtful, open-minded, informed,
honest, and capable representatives
at all levels who share our commit­
ment to this country and its princi­
ples. That is why we encourage
others to join us in voting for Bruce
The candidate for Baker County
Commissioner who is supported by
the strident vocal minority is just too
radical for us...and for Baker
Dave and Joyce Hunsaker,
Baker City
Facts not Refuted
To the Editor:
If you don't like the message, kill
the messenger.
Carole Dyke wrote a letter to the
editor condemning the editorial
writer of a local newspaper, al­
though without identifying the
writer or the newspaper. Dyke is re­
ferring, without doubt, to the edito­
rial written by Gina Perkins in the
April 7 edition of the Record-
Courier. She titles her editorial an
"UN-endorsement for Commis­
sioner" in Kody Justus's attempt to
gain that Baker County office.
Dyke calls the editorial "tabloid"
journalism and claims Perkins has
"lost all credibility." But, does Dyke
refute any of the facts presented in
the editorial? Not one.
And now in a letter this week, a
courageous young woman who
knows first hand about Kody Jus­
tus's wife-beating, has come for­
ward to tell her heart-wrenching
story of a brutal, drunken father.
Unlike Dyke, I applaud editor
Perkins and the Record-Courier for
performing a valuable public service
by disclosing that Commissioner
candidate Kody Justus does not de­
serve to hold that office.
Based on the facts in the editorial,
supported by an eyewitness, I hope
Republicans vote "NO Confidence"
in Kody Justus.
Gary Dielman,
Baker City
Editor’s Note: We have
published every single letter to
the editor received regarding any
The Record-Courier -welcomes
your letter to the editor. Prefer
300 words or less. Letters may
be sent by a single author once
a month. Email with your
contact information: news@
therconline. com.
Walker, 24, of 2450 Broadway St., Apt. 1, at 8:19 p.m., at his
residence; jailed.
April 9 - CONTEMPT OF COURT (Baker County Circuit Court
Warrant) Stephanie Marie Corcoran, 33, address unknown,
at 10:43 p.m., crossroads of Resort and Valley; jailed.
April 10 - CRIMINAL TRESPASS I (Cite and Release Warrant):
Jesse Lynn Baxter, 28, of 1304 1/2 Valley 8:59 a.m.,
3410 K St.; cited and released.
April 11 - CRIMINAL TRESPASS II: Linda Diane Peterson, 48,
address unknown, at 2:01 a.m., 2970 Walnut St.; jailed.
April 12 - WARRANT ARREST (Out Of County): Alexander
Allen Adams, 20,1370 Ninth St., at 4:37 p.m., crossroads of
Fifth and Place Streets; jailed.
April 12 - MENACING: Richard Rupert Rez, 51,1896 Balm St.
at 9:52 p.m., at his residence; jailed.
April 13 - CONTEMPT OF COURT (Baker County Justice
Court): Crystal Lee Charbonneau, 29, of 3000 Third St., at
7:19 a.m., 3410 K St.; cited.
County): Zachary W. Steele, 29, of 375 G St., at 10:07 a.m., :
3320 K St.; jailed.
Moore, 60, of 1695 Auburn Ave., Apt. 15 at 6:53 p.m., 1700
Block of Valley Ave.; jailed
Feb. 25 - State of Oregon vs. Eric Phillip Elwood for Resisting
Arrest (class A misdemeanor), Driving Under the Influence of
Intoxicants (class A misdemeanor), and Assault on a Public •
Safety Officer (class C felony). Elwood’s driver’s license is
suspended for a period of one year.
March 1 - Tyler Steven Miller (petitioner) vs. Rebecca Lynn
Miller (respondent) for Domestic Relations Dissolution: Child
Support Modification and Property Division. Petitioner to pay
decreased child support amount of $650 in February 2016,
then down to $550 per month beginning March 1,2016.
Petitioner ordered to pay respondent a Property Division
Award totaling $15,000, payable over 110 months. Beginning
March 1, 2016 petitioner shall pay respondent $200 per
month. If a payment is more than 14 days late, the entire
remaining balance is due Immediately.
March 2 - State of Oregon vs. Clifford Lee Parker for Driving
Uninsured; class B violation.
March 3 - Chrissy C. Burchfield (petitioner, now known as
Chrissy C. Dunkel) vs. George P. Wesley (respondent) for
Domestic Relations Custody Petition. Petitioner to receive
modified child support amount of $301 per month.
March 3 - State of Oregon vs. Valerie Jean Taylor for Posses­
sion of Methamphetamine; class C felony. Taylor sentenced to
*. 30 days in Batter County Jail, with credit for time served, and
three years of formal Probation. Taylor is to have no contact
with Jose Padilla and Ashley Cleland.
March 27 - Darren John Fulfer to Melissa Ann Fulfer, both of
Baker City.
April 1 - Christopher Ryan Conner to Brittany Marie Ryan, both
of Baker City.
Continuing my Support for the Library
and a few other thoughts.
Our libraries in Baker City, Haines, Halfway, Huntington, Richland
and Sumpter are exceptional. The library services, facilities and
technology are available to every person in Baker County. Voting yes
on May 17 to renew the levy will not change the amount you currently
pay in your property taxes. Continued support for our award winning
library is a wise investment.
Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.
-Frederick Douglas
Some things are way more important than an election. Like standing
up to bullies of any age. Domestic abuse is one of the worst examples
of bullying. The way a person treats someone over which they have
power and control is important and telling.
Judgement matters.
Last year at this time the community of Haines and North Powder
lost an amazing young lady. Lauren was beautiful. She was bright,
funny and kind. Lauren had a heart more tender than anyone could
imagine. She loved to hike, tie flies, and to fish. Lauren donated her
hair to Locks of Love and was part of a medical missions trip to
Honduras. She loved playing her guitar, singing, and dancing.
Lauren is loved and forever missed by her family, friends, and
extended community members. Lauren will never be forgotten.
In honor of Lauren and her family, spend some time in our beautiful
outdoors doing something you love with people you cherish.
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Former Valley Medical Clinic
Employees Indicted
Two former Saint Alphonsus Valley Medical Clinic employees
were recently arraigned in Baker County Circuit Court. Sarah
Marie Rea (DOB 6-19-1995) of 1717 Washington Avenue, Baker
City, Ore., and Kara Joyce Delcurto (DOB 3-7-1984) of 42173
Moody Road, Richland, Ore., were both indicted by a Baker
County Grand Jury for two counts of Tampering with Drug
Records, a Class C Felony, and two counts of Unlawful Posses­
sion of Oxycodone, also a Class C Felony.
Both are alleged to have been involved in forging a prescription
and unlawfully obtaining oxycodone at a local pharmacy.
These cases are being handled by Erin Landis, Malheur
County Deputy District Attorney, due to a conflict of interest as
Baker County District Attorney Matt Shirtcliff is chairman for the
Saint Alphonsus community hospital board. Hearing pleas are
scheduled for Delcurto on May 5, 2016, and for Rea on April 25,