The Record-courier. (Haines, Baker County, Oregon) 1932-2016, April 14, 2016, Page 4, Image 4

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    i Record-Courier
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News of Record
c. We - Not Us Versus
To the Editor:
As the upcoming election
process unfolds, it is interesting to
read letters to the editors in our local
papers. Usually the authors draw on
their own experiences to convey
support or opposition of a
candidate. Other times the letters
are written in ways that display the
writer’s anger or frustration over the
process or what they perceive to be
a fight between “us” and “them."
One writer recently suggested
that the reason the Democrats did
not submit a candidate for Baker
County Commissioner is that some
Democrats (or former Democrats)
are now supporting Bruce Nichols.
How wonderful is that? To know
that some of our Democratic friends
and neighbors can now support a
man like Bruce Nichols is great.
They recognize that men of his
caliber, honesty, integrity, and life
experiences make him the man to
support that they did not, in this
instance, find in their own ranks. It
is not that Mr. Nichols has changed
in character or beliefs. He is still a
very strong supporter of our
constitution and will not swerve in
his defense of it. He will execute
sound judgment in all his dealings
whether the circumstances are
pleasant or not, whether the
outcome is pleasant or not, or
whether the establishment wants to
hear it or not.
So here is my letter to the editor,
and when all is said and done, my
hope is that the “us” and “them”
folks become “we”. We can vote,
we can choose, we can go through
this election process without anger
and we can unite to elect Bruce
Nichols as Baker County Commis­
Anita Nelson, Baker City
Be Prepared to Answer
at Forums
To the Editor:
Voters should visit Commission
candidate Kody Justus's campaign
website (http://Www.justusforbak-!the-issues/clflq),
where" he expounds on Tenth
Amendment Jiniitg.ti.ons -of the
Federal government. His website
makes clear that he has no knowl-
edge of the history of the Tenth
Amendment or its present scope. I
believe all Kody knows is what he
reads on the radical "Constitution-
alist" movement websites.
The "Constitutionalists" have
their own interpretation of the
Constitution, as opposed to two
centuries of legal court rulings that
are the law of the land. That
interpretation says that "we the
people" created the Federal govem-
ment and, therefore, "we the
people" have the final say about
including disobeying any law or
court ruling, including U.S.
Supreme Court rulings, that "we the
people" don't agree with.
I believe that it is extra-judicial
nonsense that motivated Ammon
Bundy and his armed militia to
illegally take over the Malheur
National Wildlife Refuge. And, I
believe, that type of thinking
motivates people like Baker County
Commissioner Bill Harvey and
Suzan Jones, chair of the Baker
Committee, who believe Congress
has highjacked land in the West that
rightly belongs to states and
counties. That claim ignores the
history of U.S. expansion.
In the first week of the illegal
armed takeover of the Malheur
National Wildlife Refuge in January
of this year, Kody traveled to
Refuge headquarters and delivered
supplies to Bundy's militants. And,
according to an article in a N.Y. City
newspaper, did so in the company
of his nine-year-old daughter!
On Kody's campaign website a
stated goal, if elected, is to pass a
"Second Amendment Ordinance for
Baker County." I have asked Kody
via email what his proposed
ordinance will say. No reply.
Well, at the two scheduled
community forums, Kody better be
prepared to talk in detail about the
Tenth Amendment and his proposed
Second Amendment Ordinance,
because I'll be there to question his
including asking just what supplies
he delivered to the armed occupiers
of the Refuge.
Gary Dielman, Baker City
Nichols Win Keep Us
Advised of the Budget
To the Editor:
Bruce is a super candidate for the
commission. He is familiar with
local businesses, ranchers, farmers,
schools, budgets and accounting in
all types of operations that need his
talents. Bruce is locally raised,
educated and works as a Certified
Accountant. He graduated from
Baker High School and has lived
most of his life in Baker County.
He has directed several people to
donate some of their large and small
funds and time to the Oregon East
West Shrine Game held here in
Baker City each year. Those funds
are then passed on to the Shriner
Hospital for Children in Portland.
He has been a large supporter of the
Baker County Shrine Club and the
fundraisers that we do for the
benefit of getting kids who need
specialized treatment, care and
travel; to receive the care they need
at no charge to them. Yes, I mean at
no charge. Any of the children who
go to Shriner's Hospital are not
charged for any of their care and
Bruce is always cordial and
courteous to whomever might ask
for his input in everyday problems
that might come their way.
Bruce is a Certified Public
Accountant andthe person we need
as a County Commissioner who
will keep all of us in Baker County
better advised to help us and let us
know what is happening with the
County budgets and financing.
Vote for Bruce Nichols for Baker
County Commissioner, position
number 1, for results and
Dick Kirby, Baker City
Past Chairman and Game
Coordinator for the East West
Shrine Game
Bruce is Honest
To the Editor:
I have known Bruce Nichols for
over 20 years, and served with him
for many of those years on the
hospital Board of Directors and the
hospital Finance Committee. In
addition, he has done tax prepara­
tion work for several members of
my family. Bruce and I have
worked together on the Clark H.
and Joe Aim Carnes Memorial
Scholarship Selection Committee.
Bruce is the administrator of this
scholarship fund which annually
awards over $20,000 to Baker
County students. Many generations
of Bruce’s fanlily have called Baker
County home. He is hard working
and absolutely honest. I am voting
for Bruce
for Baker County
Commissioner, and I strongly urge
you to do the same.
Laurence W. Levinger, MJ).,
Baker City
To the Editor:
I'm writing you today as a
concerned citizen and the former
daughter of Kody Justus, a
candidate for ' Baker County
Commissioner. I've been following
this election closely and I've been
reading the letters to the editor in
regards to these candidates. Today I
wish to present nothing but the truth.
Nothing but facts. All that I've
witnessed With my own eyes.
My earliest childhood memory is
waking up in the middle of the night
to glass breaking. Upon entering the
kitchen I found my father standing
over my mother screaming with his
fist clenched while my mom was
curled up covering her face. Kody
was once an alcoholic who beat his
wife viciously all the time. After the
divorce, his drinking became worse
and he began neglecting his
children; myself and his two girls
Sydney and Randee.
He has a long history of drunken
car accidents, domestic violence,
child neglect/endangerment and
all-around violence with whomever
was in his way at that moment. For
instance, a man teaching his son
how to cast a fishing pole. This is a
man who is running on being a
successful rancher yet claims that he
makes little money to get but of
paying child support. He was never
someone I could talk to, especially
about my feelings. He was someone
I avoided out of fear.
On February 13 of this year I
wrote to Kody to explain to him
why I feel the way I do. Apparently
he's been confused as to why his
kids have created this distance
between him. I broke it down very
well and still told him I could over­
look it all if he'd just apologize and
understand. Instead he told me that
he'd never had a drinking problem,
had never hit my mother and that I
made it all up in my head.
Apparently the memory of a sober
child is overruled by a "recovered"
alcoholic's memory. I use the term
"recovered" lightly as his addiction
to alcohol has swapped with an
addiction to God. Thanks AA.
So now it's came to tfiis. Apublic.
display of who he's pretending not
to be. I wouldn't have written, this
letter had he just apologized two
months ago. I gave him the
opportunity. I welcome questions
and concerns and I encourage
anyone with information about this
time to come forward. I know you're
out there whether you're a police
officer, old friend, doctor, nurse, or
any type of bystander or anyone
who tried to help us, please come
forward and inform the public who
this man is. Sure he's charismatic
with a big smile, a firm handshake
and great eye contact but the best
smiles can be deceiving. There's a
bad apple in the bunch and his name
is Kody Lynn Justus.
I would like it to be known and
documented publicly that I do not
wish to be lumped in/affiliated with
the Justus family anymore. I am not
his daughter and I do not support
Commissioner or any other political
chair as I feel it's dangerous to Baker
County citizens. As a woman, a
mother, minority or otherwise I
wouldn't vote for him. He's only a
candidate for the white, straight,
Christian, republican men of this
Sincerely, someone who knows
the real you and isn't afraid to tell the
people you're lying to.
Charlie Mata, Corvallis, Ore.
27, of University Place, Ore. at 7:28 a.m., on Interstate 84 near milepost 308;
jailed. Oregon State Police Officer Andrew McClay stopped a vehicle for a
traffic violation. The driver, Proctor, lied multiple times about his identity and did
not have any valid identification on his person. After subsequent investigation,
he was arrested for Providing False Information to Police. The vehicle was
released to the passenger, Angelique Denise Ray, 27, of University Place, Ore.
counts) and THEFT I: Benjamin Gilbert Baxter, 20, of 2780 Seventh St., at 11
p.m., in the 2200 block of Chestnut Street; jailed. Police Chief Wyn Lohner said
Baxter broke into a garage on Michael Ogan’s property in Baker City between
10 p.m. Thursday and 7 a.m. Friday and took multiple items from the garage
and from the two vehicles parked inside, including tools and baseball
equipment. Police served a search warrant at Baxter’s home Sunday and
recovered items police believe were taken in numerous other burglaries and
entries into motor vehicles in the community.
April 4 - SEX ABUSE I (Baker County Circuit Court Warrant): Antoine Johan Mul­
der, 66, of 2306 Church St., at 3:04 p.m., in the 2300 block of Church St.; jailed.
April 4-VIOLATION OF RELEASE AGREEMENT: Brendon Michael Smith, 21,
of Baker City, at 8:02 p.m., 1560 Indiana, # 211; jailed.
April 5 - CONTEMPT OF COURT (Baker County Justice Court Warrant): William
Herbert Bottoms III, 54, of Baker City, at 12:15 p.m., on Old Auburn Road; cited
and released
POSSESSION OF METHAMPHETAMINE: Deanna Dawn Kelley, 38, of 190
Mountain Blvd., Canyon City, Ore., at 2:49 a.m„ at the intersection of Main and
Baker Streets; jailed.
MAKING A REPORT and HARASSMENT (Baker County Circuit Court
Warrant): Anthony Michael Gallegos, 27, of 4455 East Jennie Ave., #91,
Hermiston, Ore., at 7:27 p.m., 2755 Eighth St.; cited and released.
April 7 - CONTEMPT OF COURT (Baker County Circuit Court Warrant) and
FAILURE TO APPEAR (Baker County Justice Court Cite and Release
Warrant): Michael Allen Payne, 32, of 1100 H St., at 2:56 p.m., 1995 Third St.;
April 1 - On Interstate 84, milepost 322 eastbound: A silver Ford Escape, driven
by Kathleen Michele Sanecki, 62, of Nampa, Idaho, collided with a deer in the
left lane. Sanecki was able to pull to the right shoulder and stop the car. The
collision caused extensive damage to the vehicle's front end and both airbags
were deployed. The passenger in the right front seat, Alison Kathleen King, 38,
of Nampa, Idaho, was transported by air to a hospital in Boise for complaint of
pain in the back, neck and legs. The driver and the other two passengers, a
male juvenile infant, and Alexandria E. N. Franklin, 23, both of Nampa, were
Woman Accidentally Shoots Herself
After concluding its initial investigation, the Baker County Major Crime Team has
determined that Amanda Marie Murray accidentally shot herself in the leg on April
10, 2016. The gun was discharged during the disassembly process. Murray
indicated she was unaware that the gun, a semi-automatic hand gun, had a bullet
in4he chamber during the disassembly process. She is currently in stable condition.
The Baker County District Attorney’s Office is reviewing the case for potential
T • ■
Hear, See and Decide for Yourself
Citizens will have two opportunities to hear from and ask questions of
all three Baker County Commissioner candidates.
The first forum will be hosted by the Baker County Republicans on
Tuesday, April 19 beginning at 6 p.m. at the Best Western Sunridge Inn.
The flyer advertising this event states there will be time for audience
questions, so come prepared. Following the forum organizers say there
will be a meet and greet with all of the candidates. It also states that
everyone is welcome and anyone who has questions should call Suzan
Ellis Jones at 541-519-5035.
The second opportunity to hear from the candidates will be sponsored
by the local American Association of University Women (AAUW) on
April 26 in the Baker High School Commons beginning at 6 p.m.
In my opinion, all citizens should attend both forums. This includes
individuals who do not plan to vote in this Republican primary or who
have already made a decision.
Why? Not only will it provide a great deal of insight, but frankly,
whether or riot you vote, one of these three men will likely have a
considerable amount of control in matters which directly affect your life
on a day-to-day basis. So you might as well see for yourself how big
the difference between them really is.
Do you care about the County budget and how Commissioners spend
your tax dollars? Whether they will use personal affiliations and agendas
to affect matters such as public health, including vaccinations for your
children? How their views might affect federal funding to maintain your
county roads? Does it matter to you that members of Oath Keepers are
exercising more influence within County government and that one of
the candidates for Commissioner is their local coordinator?
There is a great deal of difference between the three candidates in their
level of education, professional experience and achievement, service
within the community, and ability and capacity to perform the complex
task of running the day to day business of Baker County.
It's incumbent upon you to attend the forums, ask, listen, and observe.
Because the position of County Commissioner remains partisan in Baker
County, remember that only registered Republicans can vote.
Why let somebody else steal your voice? The deadline to register to
vote or re-register as a Republican so you can choose between these
three very different candidates, is April 26.
Call the Baker County Clerk's office at 541-523-8207. They can
confirm for you how you are registered if you're not sure and tell you
exactly what you need to do so you cari vote in this election.
Cindy Endicott
Baker City
there, my
name is Thicker!
and I’m a 6 year old
purebred German Wire-
haired Pointer. I’m neutered,
vaccinated and very healthy. I am
not a bird hunter! I am scared to death
of gun fire and thunder. If I am out
loose, I will run scared trying to escape. I
am an indoor/outdoor dog and really enjoy
spending time outside in my very large dog run
playing with visiting dogs, watching the horses and
cows and taking naps in the warm sunshine. I am
extremely friendly and well socialized with dogs
and children. I have great recall and will come right
back. I am looking for an active family that likes to
walk, run hike and camp in the mountains. I need a
secure fenced yard for my safety and playtime. I
want to be a family member living inside where it is warm and comfortable
in the winter. Please call Carmen at 541-519-4530 or Best Friends of
Baker, Inc. for an application or more information.
Call Best Friends of Baker, Inc.
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