The Record-courier. (Haines, Baker County, Oregon) 1932-2016, March 31, 2016, Image 1

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BAKER CITY OR 97814-2721
Volume 115, Number 13 • 8 Pages • $1
Est. Haines 1901 ~ Haines, Baker County, Oregon
Over 200 Fire Alarms Installed
First Friday with
the Commissioner on
April Fool’s Day
First Friday with Com­
missioner Harvey is sched­
uled for Friday, April 1,
2016 from 9-10 a.m. in the
Commission Chambers of
the Baker County Court­
house located at 1995
Third Street, Baker City,
OR. This time will be used
to allow the citizens to
visit with the Commis­
sioner about issues impact­
ing Baker County.
Story/photo by Gina Perkins
Baker City Fire Chief Mark John says he could not be more
pleased with the success of the fire alarm installation program in
Baker City. Chief John stated that the department has installed
over 200 smoke alarms in the homes of Baker City residents.
"Assistant Chief Dan Curtis has installed the majority of them
and is to be commended," John said. "Mpst people who perish
in house fires are killed as a result of srpoke inhalation, so this
will help save lives," added John who noted they just took deliv­
ery of the next box of 100 alarms.
The fire department submitted an application to the State Fire
Marshal's office for the smoke alarm program. One distinct dif­
ference in this program is that the alarms are actually installed
by a member of the fire department.
"We'JI install as many as are required for the home," explained
John. This generally means one in the kitchen area and one out­
side of each bedroom.
John believes this is impressive for a department of this size.
The installations occur in between all of their regular duties which
include fire and medical calls, training, maintenance on the vehi­
cles, and commercial fire prevention inspections. John stated that
in 20,14, prior to his arrival, the department had completed eight
"Last year we completed close to 100," said the Fire Chief.
"Our call volume has grown in the past few years. We receive
approximately 1,900 calls per year, which is pretty brisk," stated
Baker City residents wishing to be added to the list to have
smoke alarms installed at no charge in their homes may either
call 541-523-3711 or stop by the Baker City Fire Department at
1616 Second Street in Baker City.
Two Candidate Forums
by Gina Perkins
Baker County voters will
have two opportunities to
hear directly from the can­
didates during two sched­
uled candidate forums.
The first will be hosted by
the Baker County Repub­
licans on April 19 from 6-
8 p.m. at the Sunridge. The
second will be sponsored
by the AAUW on April 26
in the Baker High School
Commons at 6 p.m.
At right, Baker City Fire Chief Mark John
Egg Hunters Abound
YES, You Can Vote for County Commissioner
But you Have to Register as a Republican
By Gina Perkins
' It is imperative that every person of voting age participate in Baker County’s primary and
general election this year. It is understandable why citizens here get frustrated when voting in
the state and national elections. Our population is so small that we often feel like our vote is a
pebble being tossed into a raging river.
However, that is absolutely not thè case when we are asked to elect our local officials and to
consider passing local levies. YOUR county commissioners, YOUR sheriff, the future of YOUR
library, controlling of noxious weeds in YOUR beautiful county are just some of the decisions
that need to be made by YOU. By not voting; you are actually giving the power of your vote to
someone who may very well not have your best interest at heart.
’ Somè of tìié choices are non-partisan, like the sheriffs race or Weed and vector control levies.
Eyety registered voteir will have a voice. However, others like the critical choice for County
Commissioner remain partisan. Right now that means only registered Republicans can vote for
one of the three men running for County Commissioner: Kody Justus, Jeff Nelson or Bruce
Nichols, CPA.
Photo by Gina Perkins
Kids enjoyed several opportunities to hunt Easter
4 Eggs on Saturday throughout Baker County. The
■ community of Haines enjoyed its annual Easter Egg
hunt, as well. Wyatt Dennis, a
year old little boy was among
those who had fun scooping up
colorful eggs. He is the son of
Jennifer (Hack) and Jake Den­
nis. The Wendt family has gen­
erously colored dozens and
dozens of real eggs for years
and organizes the event.
Thank you to all involved who
made the day so much fun for
Baker City Golf
Club Annual
Spaghetti Feed
April 9, 2016
94922 23720
6 p.m. Social Hour
7 p.m. Dinner - $15
Quail Ridge Golf Course
There arò some BIG differences between candidates in their level of education, experience
and more importantly, in the quality of their decision making. County Commissioners have
enormous power and respqnsibility to make decisions which ‘directly impact your day to day
life as a citizen in Baker County. From economic development to public health decisions, to
vector control, to road maintenance, decisions on the spending of your tax dollars and
interactions with other state and federal agencies, County Commissioners represent you and
your family.
Non-affiliated voters especially represent a largò number of people in Baker County who
can't participate in this ever important primary decision. Libertarians, Independents, and
Democrats also will be left out unless you change your registration (hold your nose if you haye
to) to Republican. Yes, you can change back after the election.
To change your voter registration, take your little self into the Baker County Courthouse to
the Clerk's office before April 26 and complete the card. Or, go into the DMV and pick one
up... of course remember to mail it or deliver it before the deadline. You can also register online
by going to
Again, the deadline to register is April 26. Ballots will be mailed locally on April 28,
Time to StandUp. Vote.
All Business
Roundtable Meeting
April 12, 8 a.m.
Little Bagel Shop
1780 Main Street,
Baker City
Summer events
will be discussed
Powder River
Friends of NR A
Annual Banquet
May 7,4 p.m.
Baker Co.
Event Center
(541) 523-3616