Page A-2 Illinois Valley News, Cave Junction, Ore. Wednesday, December 19, 2018 Obituaries Barbara E. Lane, 65 , died Nov. 24, 2018 in Grants Pass. She was born Feb. 4, 1953. She was the beloved daughter of Robert and Helen Lane of Cleveland, Ohio. Barbara was born in Bay Village, Ohio and attended school in Shaker Heights, Ohio and graduated high school in Chagrin Falls, Ohio in 1971. Barbara attended Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. She worked briefly in Cleveland then migrated to Denver, Colorado Springs and Alburquerque, N.M. Barbara then moved to Cave Junction where her sister Susan resided. She continued living here after her sister moved on. Barbara was employer for 19 years at the Illinois Valley Golf Club. She also worked for several other establishments in town. Barbara loved the Oregon life. She was preceded in death by her loving sister, Susan E. Miller and dad, Robert. She is survived by life friend Mr. Stephen Deese of Cave Junction; brother-in-law, Rick Miller of Independence, Miss.; nieces, Christina Moore and Natalie Moore; and a host of other relatives and friends. Evelyn Elizabeth Hays Parmerlee, 89 , of Cave Junction, died Monday, Nov. 19, 2018 as the result of an automobile accident in Cave Junction. The family held a private service with Illinois Valley Funeral Directors in charge of arrangements. She was born to Clyde and Edith (Holland) Hays April 3, 1929 in Weed, Calif. She was raised in Cave Junction and attended Kerby Union High School. In 1945 she married Roy Wesley Parmerlee in Grants Pass and the couple raised their four children in Cave Junction. Evelyn worked several places and she worked helping her husband at the service station; and at the Junction Inn as a cook. She especially enjoyed all her extended family throughout the Illinois Valley area. She was just returning from the Senior Center where she was a member and played cards twice a week when the accident occurred. She enjoyed breakfast and meals on Sundays at the center. She also enjoyed flower gardening at her home. She loved the wildlife and would often feed them. She enjoyed playing pinochle and canasta at the homes of her friends. Survivors include her three children, Donna Harney of Vancouver, Wash., Mark Parmerlee of Cave Junction, and Steve Parmerlee of El Cajon, Calif.; brother, Jay Hays of Grants Pass; eight grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and many great-great- grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband Roy Parmerlee in 1997; her daughter Eva Mitchell; and her grandson Clinton Harney. Judith Gwendolyn Kelley, 76, passed away at home in Cave Junction Nov. 30, 2018. Judith was born Oct. 7, 1942 in Bremerton, Wash. She is survived by her husband Donald Kelley; daughter Rhonda Waldres; son Randall Kelley; three grandchildren; and five great- grandchildren. Judith was a hard worker and a loving wife and mother. She and her husband own and operate Country Hills Resort in Cave Junction Private services will be held at a later date. Illinois Valley Funeral Directors are in charge of arrangements. Please visit the obituary and sign the family guest book at Letters to the editor Illinois Valley News welcomes letters to the editor. Please e-mail them to POLICY ON LETTERS: ‘Illinois Valley News’ encour- ages letters to the editor provided they are legible and not libelous or scurrilous. All letters must be signed, including name, address and telephone number. The latter need not be published, but will be used to verify authenticity. The “News” reserves the right to edit letters. Letters are used at the discretion of the publisher. *** (Editor’s Note: Views and com- mentary, including statements made as fact are strictly those of the letter writers.) Reader asks why What kind of mentality does it take to change an attitude, a tradition, a mindset? As we have watched, worried and wept over years of numerous devastating fires, deadly conflagrations of forests and towns, why can’t we begin to change our ways? With the loss of hundreds of thousands of acres of trees, why must we continue to cut down more for our few weeks of holiday celebration? Why not, in our immense desire to heal our natural world, don’t we all consider a live tree to add to our family’s joy and care. Imagine, each family, business establishment, organization, offices and schools, nurturing and growing their own Christmas tree year round, to become a member of the family, a living tree, which the children will for year upon year grow with, care for, and keep growing strong and healthy. Imagine thousands, millions of live trees throughout every home. Why not? The change starts with individual thought, with family decision making, with a small yet powerful mindset choice of life over death. Don’t we grow sick and tired of seeing all those dead, used up trees tossed out on the side of our already trash heap roads? Can’t we be done with our throwaway traditions, our “use it and discard it” attitudes? Just a simple idea, purchase a live tree to grow up with the family, or, just decorate a front yard tree. Leave the trees to do their work, give us clean air and joy of life. Len Greenwood Selma (Photo by Laura Mancuso, Illinois Valley News) Grocery Outlet donated nearly $2,500 to the IVHS College and Career Program Thursday, Dec. 6. ALL custom jeweLry designs & repAirs done in house! Tues - Fri 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM sAT 10 AM - 2 PM sun & Mon Closed 23772 redwood Highway K e r b y , or 541-592-4838 I llINoIs V alley F uNeral D Irectors 541-592-4110 Save the date Dec. 22 Saturday, Dec. 22 Holiday themed scrapbooking with local artist Sue Brockman. Create holiday tags, mini-books or cards as gifts for friends and family this season. 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. class for ages 4-7, 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m. class for ages 8 and up. Sponsored by IRVAC. Class size is limited, please call to register 541-592-4778. IV Branch, Josephine Community Libraries, 209 W Palmer St, CJ Jan. 13 Dec. 23-25 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Our final Advent Service will be held on Dec. 23 at 10 a.m. The sermon is “What In the World?” Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will be on Dec. 24 at 7 p.m. The sermon is “The Manger Isn’t Just in Bethlehem.” On Dec. 25 we will host our annual Christmas Potluck Dinner at 3 p.m. with food and fellowship. Make your reservation by tex- Illinois Valley News Published weekly by I.V. News LLC Daniel J. Mancuso, Publisher ting your last name and number in the party to: 541-507-7458, or by calling 541-592-2290 and leaving a message with your name, phone number, and number in the party. Reserva- tions must be received no later than Dec 23. The dinner will be held at the church. There is no charge, but seating is limited. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at 150 Lewis Ct., Cave Junction, Oregon. Phone # 541-592-2290 or 541-507-7458. All services and events listed will be held at the church at 150 Lewis Ct. Please join us for a Stomping out Cancer in the I.V. fundraiser at Sportsman Tavern, Sunday, Jan. 13 from 2 - 6 p.m. There will be an auction plus chili and cornbread for dona- tion and dine-in only. Continuing *Evergreen Elementary School is looking for SMART (Start Making A Reader Today) volunteers. Come read with children for an hour a week and change a life. Currently the program is on Wednesdays, but with enough readers, we’d POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to P.O. Box 1370, Cave Junction, OR 97523 Illinois Valley News is published at 221 S. Redwood Hwy., Cave Junction, OR 97523 Telephone 541-592-2541 Since 1937 periodicals postage paid at Cave Junction, OR 97523 P.O. Box 1370 USPS 258-820 SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year in Josephine County - $35 One year in Jackson and Douglas counties - $36 One year in all other Oregon counties and out-of-state - $43.00 Illinois Valley News does not refund subscriptions. Remainder of subscription will be donated to the charity of your choice. like to expand to Tuesdays and Thursdays also. Volunteers are asked to arrive about 11:35 and will be finished reading by 12:45. To learn more about SMART you can call 541-734-5628 or visit the website at www. *Chess Club at the library. All ages and levels are welcome. 1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month. Chess boards will be provided. Drop in for a game from 3pm - 6pm. For more information contact Roberta Lee at 541-592- 4778. IV Branch, Josephine Community Li- braries, 209 W Palmer St, CJ *The Sheriff’s Office Substation in Cave Junction is now open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10 to 2. Volunteers are still needed to staff another day and expand hours. Applications are avail- able at the substation or online at http://www. For infor- mation call 541-474-5123. *Public Health Clinic- Location: I.V. Family Coalition, 535 E. River St., CJ, 1st Thursday of every month. Services offered STI Testing/Treatment, Women’s Health Ex- ams (Annuals/Problem Visits), Birth Control (All Methods Available), Pregnancy Testing, editor -Laura Mancuso copy editor - C.J. Schatza classified ads - Laura Mancuso circulation - Laura Mancuso Pre-pregnancy counseling. 3rd Thursday of every month: STI testing/treatment, birth con- trol counseling (methods limited), Pregnancy Testing, Immunizations. Call 541-474-5329 for an appointment, and make sure to tell the receptionist to schedule you in CJ. Walk-ins welcome! Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. *The Illinois Valley Democrats meet quarterly at the I.V. Family Coalition. Join with like-minded people Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the I.V. Family Coalition, 535 E. River St. in Cave Junction. Join with like-minded people for camaraderie and to plan actions in support of the Democratic agenda. Call Anita 541-592-3073 to confirm meeting days. Check us out on FB! *Cave Junction Patrol, LLC is looking for volunteers. CJ Patrol is a private citizen volunteer organization dedicated to effective- ly addressing heretofore-unchecked property crime in our city and neighborhoods. The pri- mary mission of CJ Patrol is to prevent, in- terrupt, report and decrease property crime in the city of Cave Junction. Call 541-592-9665 or visit DEADLINES: News, Classified and Display Ads, Announcement and Letters 4 P.M. FRIDAYS advertising / composition - Dan Mancuso mailroom - Kimberly Potter POLICY ON LETTERS: ‘Illinois Valley News’ encour- ages letters to the editor pro- vided they are legible and not libelous or scurrilous. All let- ters must be signed, including name, address and telephone number. The latter need not be published, but will be used to verify authenticity. The ‘News’ reserves the right to edit letters. Letters are used at the discre- tion of the publisher.