Page A-6 Illinois Valley News, Cave Junction, Ore. Wednesday, April 30, 2014 Backyard bird watching with Harry: by Harry Johnson Before we start talking about attracting birds to your backyard, I wanted to talk about bees. Last spring I wrote about bees in my bird seed feeders. Well, thanks to many of you who wrote me their ideas of why these bees are swarming my bird seed. Cheryl tells me, she reads about bees wanting the cracked corn for its sugar content. They also wanted the dust from the milling of the corn, thinking its pol- len. Both ideas are very good and I’m sure right on. Kimberlie wrote me about bees looking for starchy products to make propalis, which they use to chink up holes and cracks in their hives. Thank you both for your help in understanding why the bees are in my bird feeders. Attracting Birds to your garden: So, you want to attract birds to your yard? Well, planting a variety of bird friendly trees and shrubs is probably the most effective way to attract the most birds to your yard over the long term. But what about now, how do you attract those birds to your yard now? Here are some tips to bring birds ocking to your yard. • Make a mess: No, I haven’t lost my senses; I’m talking about attracting birds. Birds love cover, whether it’s a tree or a bush or a pile of brush. Go around your yard and property and pick up the fallen limbs and branches. Put the biggest branches and limbs on the bottom. Pull weeds and add them to the pile. Go on, make a mess. Your goal here is to give the songbirds a hiding place where they can quickly duck out of reach of marauding hawks, pesky little kitty cats and other predators. • Add water: I’ve already talked about the need for water in your yard. Experts say that water is more critical to birds well being than food. Get a birdbath and put it in your yard and watch the birds come. Put some small stones in it and watch the butter ies come and drink. Please remember to clean and wash your bird- bath regularly. You’ve just attracted them to your yard, now let’s keep them healthy. • Make a mud puddle: What’s come over me? Is it the air here in O’Brien or what? First I tell you to make a mess and now I’m telling you to make a mud puddle. I have a good reason for this one too. Like us, birds need their minerals to stay healthy, and one way they can get their minerals is by eating mud. Yeah, I know that sounds gross, unless you’re a five year old but we’re talking the same birds that eat worms. If you have grass in the yard, just dig out a small area and put some water on it and watch the birds and butter ies come. Take that grass you just dug up and turn over with roots up and watch the birds come to rip the roots looking for nutrients. • Feather their nest: During breeding season, you can make a bird very happy by put- ting out some nesting material. Popular choices for birds nest are yarn, string, hay or straw, dryer lint, pet hair and even human hair. Well I was looking pretty good on that list until the human hair part. If you know me, you know I won’t be filling any nests in the near future with my hair. Pets, unlike me, have lots of hair and pet hair is great for a nest. The next time you brush you cat or dog save the hair and make a ball and stick in a tree or some brush. Try shredding paper and put that out on a branch. When you drive around the valley, you’ll see moss on trees, stop and pick some up and hang it on branches in your yard. What you just did is open up the birdie home improvement store in your front yard. They will love you for it and you know what? They don’t even have to have credit cards to shop there. • Open a bird restaurant: Place several bird feeders around your yard. Put different seeds for different birds in them. Keep the more aggressive birds away from the smaller birds. You can do that by putting the feeder that attracts the larger birds at the far end of the feeders. The smaller birds can get intimidated by the larger birds, so keep their feeders 10-20 feet away. Take some pinecones and hang them upside down in the trees or bushes. Put some peanut butter on them and watch the birds go crazy for them. Cut an orange in half and nail one of the halves to a board and watch the birds eat it up. I hope you enjoy your new bird friendly yard. If you want to reach me you can email me at I have my Saturday morning breakfast at My Place Family Café in Cave Junction. I’m usually there from 8:30-10:00 a.m. I would love to meet you and talk about the birds in your backyard. Come by and say “Hi” and have a cup of coffee with me. The above is by (half a head of hair) Harry Johnson in O’Brien. Backyard Bird Watching by Harry Johnson is brought to you by My Place Cafe “Where Good Times, Good Folks and Good Food Come Together” Church News Community Bible Church What Goes Around Comes Around! “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? I, the Lord, search the heart; I test the mind, even to give to every man according to his ways, accord- ing to the fruit of his doings.” Jeremiah 17:9-10 We recently had an amazing event happen at our church – the two heat pumps that we use to heat and cool our buildings disappeared! Monday they were there; Tuesday they were gone – what an amazing occurrence, right? OK, it wasn’t really so amazing – somebody (or several bodies) stole them. It was not just here at Community Bible Church, but others have also had “disappearing” heat pumps. My first reaction, as it so often is, was anger – let’s string them up! Several others have expressed similar feelings, but as I took time to talk to the Lord about the whole situation, He began to work on me to change my attitude. There will certainly be an eternal price to pay for sin. Romans 6:23 makes this clear: “For the wages of sin is death.” That’s eternal separation from God in a very horrible place. But it’s not just stealing that separates us from God. You need to read the Ten Commandments to get started on an understanding of sin. What sinners need is forgiveness – even angry, hostile pastors need this – and the second half of Romans 6:23 tells us where to find forgiveness. “The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The important thing to realize here is that we all need forgiveness (see Romans 3:23), not just those ornery heat pump thieves! Ministry at CBC Sunday, May 4th Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Praise and Prayer 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer 10:30 a.m. A.W.A.N.A. April 30th 6:15-8:00 p.m. Age 3 to Grade 6 Community Christian Academy Preschool – 12th grade In Christ, Pastor Dave Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Touch and Believe! (John 20:19-31) In this Gospel passage, Thomas makes an outrageous demand. He says: “Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe” (v. 25). Earlier, in Chapter 4, verse 48, Jesus condemned those who de- manded signs and wonders before they would believe. He rebuked them saying: “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” And Thomas goes even further. He is only prepared to lay aside his disbelief if the risen Jesus meets his personal criteria. Thomas de- mands that Jesus be ’touchable.’ He insists that the risen Jesus fulfill his requirements. But instead of rebuking Thomas, Jesus invites his faith. Without condemning or scold- ing, Jesus asks Thomas to examine the truth. He didn’t call him a “Doubting Thomas,” but rather he offers his hands and his side so Thom- as’ faith may be restored. When Thomas had first followed Jesus he had believed with his whole heart. In fact, when Jesus was preparing to go to Jerusalem in John 11:16 (the city in which he faced the greatest danger from the Jewish establishment), Thomas said: “Let us also go, that we may die with him.” Thomas had been deeply committed to Jesus, but he’d seen his worst fears realized. The crucifixion had broken his heart. But af- ter seeing the risen Jesus he returned to even greater faith. It’s important to remember here that Thomas wasn’t with the disciples when Jesus made his first appearance to them. As a result, he’d refused to believe. Perhaps this should serve as a warning to us. t’s difficult to be- lieve when we don’t strengthen ourselves with the fellowship of other believers. t’s difficult Places of Worship BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH 5181 Holland Loop Rd., CJ 541-592-3923 “Come Join the Worship!” Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Pastor Sonny Moore COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH Pastor Dave Gordon 113 S. Caves Ave., CJ Office Email: Sunday Worship - 10:30 a.m. Christian Academy Pre-K to 12th grade Awana - Wednesdays - 6 p.m. * * * * * * 7th DAY ADVENTIST 265 S. Old Stage Rd., CJ Sabbath School - 9:30 a.m. Saturday Worship 11 a.m. Pastor Christian Martin Church (541) 592-3218 Madrone Adventist School 541-592-3330 ST. PATRICK OF THE FOREST CATHOLIC CHURCH 407 W. River St., CJ 541-592-3658 Fr. William Holtzinger, Pastor Mass - Sunday 11 a.m.. Sacrament of Reconciliation Sunday - 10:30 a.m. Holy Days TBA * * * * * * IMMANUEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 200 Watkins St., CJ Phone 541-592-3876 Pastor Charles Chase Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship - 9:15 a.m. Child-care for small children TAKILMA BIBLE CHURCH 10343 Takilma Road, Takilma Pastor Dan Robinson Bible Study / Prayer Time 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m Wednesday Bible Study 7 p.m GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURCH East River Street & Lewis Court, CJ Annemarie Richardson Lay Pastor. Sunday School - 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship - 10 a.m. Church Phone: 541-592-2290 ST. MATTHIAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 25904 Redwood Hwy., CJ 541-592-2006 Rev. James Boston Worship Service - 5 p.m. 1st Sunday of each month * * * THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 209 S. Junction Ave., CJ Sacrament Meet - 10 a.m. Sunday School - 11:20 a.m. Priesthood, Relief Soc. - 12:10 p.m. First Councilor Larry Hammersmith 541-592-3919 VALLEY EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH 498 Laurel Road, CJ P.O. Box 1248 Pastor Marvin Porter Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Worship Service - 11 a.m. 541-592-6160 to believe when we surround ourselves instead with a cynical world and a society bent on chal- lenging our belief at every turn. Jesus never invites faith in himself with- out offering gentleness and kindness; recogniz- ing our need for evidence, and then blessing us with greater faith. He does not condemn, nor does he resort to name-calling. He invites us to examine him, to know him. In spite of our sins, our betrayal and our fear, He wants to bless us with the same for- giveness and faith he offered to the apostles. All we need to do is believe! ALL REPAIRS DONE ON SITE! T UES - F RI 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. S AT 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. 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