Page A-4 Illinois Valley News, Cave Junction, Ore. Wednesday, April 30, 2014 $ Service Directory Appliance Dining 7 21< ¶ 6 $ 33/,$1&(6 6HUYLFHDQG3DUWV ,Q6KRSRU,Q+RPH5HSDLUV )DFWRU\$XWKRUL]HG Exterior Interior Residential Commercial 5HVWDXUDQW 6DORRQ 54GFYQQF*Y[%CXG,WPEVKQP 6DORRQ Walt Juergens All work guaranteed Painting License #80820 Bonded - Insured 'LQLQJ5RRP \HDUVH[SHULHQFH59,$59'$0DVWHU&HUW 2UHJRQ5HJXUYUHSDLU#JPDLOFRP -HII&ODIOLQ Pressure Washing Available Storage Pet Services Your ad, every week for THREE MONTHS $ 99 Professional Pet Sitter, Pet Taxi Service, Home Plant Care ‘Quality Loving Care, When You’re Not There’ Illinois Valley News 541-592-2541 Auto Body “Your Local I-CAR Trained Automotive Body, Paint & Restoration Specialists” 8595HSDLU :HFRPHWR8 32-years experience 541-597-4136 Awards Valley Auto Body and Restoration RV Repair Painting $5765('*$57(5 99 00 Puts your ad in every week for THREE FULL MONTHS No changes - paid in advance Gutters & Downspouts Bruce Deters Owner 541.864.0655 K-911E Enjoy • Evaluate • Energize • Evolve Private canine training & problem solving that comes to you. 0LQL6WRUDJH 5HGZRRG+Z\&DYH-XQFWLRQ25 Stephen A. Clarke Trainer Please call & leave a message to set up our consultation. 272 N. Old Stage Rd. Unit 6 Beauty & Health • Well Drilling 541-597-4440 Plants Gifts and Flowers onnie’s Full Service Water Well Contractor otanicals CCB# 186335 Open Tuesday - Sunday 541-476-7795 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Veggie Starts, Flowers and More Building Trades Rock & Gravel People will see your business here. Only $99 for 13 weeks D RIVEWAY G RAVEL F OR S ALE Crossword Solution 541-592-6487 Health & Well Being 200 Burch Drive • Cave Junction 2 M ILES S OUTH OF T OWN CCB ##6041 Commercial Residential Industrial Cell 541.660.2819 Office 541.592.4200 6XQURRPV 7LP+XEEDUG ̋ ̋ 6FUHHQ5RRPV &DUSRUWV &RQVWUXFWLRQ ̋ ̋ 5HWUDFWDEOH3DWLR$ZQLQJV &OHDU3DWLR&RYHUV ̋ 'HFNV ̋ :LQGRZ$ZQLQJV &&% ZZZWLPKXEEDUGFRQVWUXFWLRQFRP Old No 7 Hot Body Project Oregon Electric LLC General Building Contractor Ken Legaux 541-597-4553 O 541-218-1323 Specializing in Septic Systems Michelle LeComte Site Work - Brush Clearing - Utility Trenching CCB# 159580 39 Years Experience 541 659-2052 c; 35- 3D\PHQWVFDQEH s; GHSRVLWHGDW &DYH-XQFWLRQ &LW\+DOO General Contractor New Homes/Remodels All Phases of Carpentry Residential or Commercial The Complete Job Selma, OR ; to 0ffice: 541-597-4486 Cell: 714-501-9971 C o nst r u c t i on f, Services DAVID ANDERSON EXCAVATING Duncan Potts 541-659-3681 CLIFFORD KEITH GRADING M-W-F 8 & 9 AM 541-660-9660 C CCB#182777 LIC#3079S ¾ MINUS - DELIVERED Call For Pricing m; ent; . L ICENSED • B ONDED I NSURED • CCB#76644 Professional Seamstress Alterations, Hemming & Mending Fast Service, Affordable Prices Insurance Concrete Bankers Life and Casualty Company (541) 592-5364 FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR RETIREMENT &&% 0LNH0HLGLQJHU 02-B005 6HUYLQJWKH9DOOH\VLQFH )RXQGDWLRQV 6ODEV &XVWRP:RUN 0DQXIDFWXUHG+RPHUXQQHUVDQGVWHPZDOOV In the insurance Business since 1879, we offer: • Medicare Supplement Insurance • Annuities • Long-Term Care Insurance • Life Insurance Kent Chidester, Licensed Agent & O’Brien Resident Bankers nor its agents are connected with the 541.415.2770 Neither U.S. Government or the Federal Medicare Program. /LQGD6DOOPDQ,QVXUDQFH DURBIN CONCRETE LLC Custom Engraving 69- 71- Sudoku Solution Express the perfect message to create a unique & memorable gift 541-592-5007 Over 30 years exp. engraving jewelry, watches, knives, guns, lighters, i-Pods, C-phones, plaques and much more ,QGHSHQGHQW,QV$JHQW 13+ Years Experience & Locally Owned Licensed & Bonded - CCB# 197131 We can handle all of your interior & exterior concrete needs. Call Marcus Durbin for a free estimate (541) 441-9535 INFO @ DURBINCONCRETE . COM WWW . DURBINCONCRETE . COM 65HGZRRG+Z\ &DYH-XQFWLRQ25 Computer Services 7U\WKH5HVW&RPHWRWKH%HVW H O S T IN G A Y ARD S ALE 5 4 1- 5 9 2 -2 5 4 1 • Medicare Plans • Health & Life • Annuities An Independent Sales Agent Representing 127,&(2UHJRQ&RQVWUXFWLRQ&RQWUDFWRUV/DZ 256 UHTXLUHVDOOEXVLQHVVHVWKDWDGYHUWLVH UHSDLUUHPRGHOLQJKRPHLPSURYHPHQWQHZ FRQVWUXFWLRQRUKRPHLQVSHFWLRQVHUYLFHVWREH OLFHQVHGZLWKWKH&RQVWUXFWLRQ&RQWUDFWRUV%RDUG $QDFWLYHOLFHQVHPHDQVDFRQWUDFWRUKDVDERQG DQGLQVXUDQFH9HULI\DFRQWUDFWRU¶VOLFHQVHDW ZZZFFEVWDWHRUXVRUSKRQH Bring the following information to I.V. News at 321 S. Redwood Hwy., across Hwy. 199 from Shop Smart. Turn in driveway by King’s Chinese Restaurant & Dragonflyz Gifts. Day(s) & Date(s) ______________________Time ___________ Address ____________________________________________ List special items for sale: ______________________________ ___________________________________________________ Ad submitted by__________________ Phone # ____________ First 20 words are $6, then 20-cents for each additional word. ALL classified ads will appear on our website