Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Oregon) 1937-current, May 03, 2006, Page 24, Image 24

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Illinois Valley News, Cave Junction, OR Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Recognizing depression important
ILLINOIS VALLEY’S BASEBALL team took its Skyline Conference record to 0-12
with losses to Hidden Valley in Cave Junction Saturday, April 29. The Mustangs
swept the double-header 6-1, 18-4, taking its league mark to 5-7. The IVHS softball
team also lost its double-header in Murphy Saturday with the Mustangs winning 7-5,
10-2. The Cougar girls have a 1-11 Skyline record so far. (Photo by Dale Sandberg)
THE ILLINOIS VALLEY Youth Soccer Club season is under way, and teams include
the Eagles (above), sponsored by ‘Illinois Valley News.’ The Eagles on Saturday,
April 29 defeated the Ice Dragons 3-2 on the Evergreen school field. The Dragons
are sponsored by Shop Smart Food Warehouse. The Eagles are (rear, from left) Dal-
ton Jones, Kimberly Crow, Rachel Ogden, Breylyn Dhenin, Solomon Zook, and
coach Hans Ahl; (front, from left) Carrie Snyder, Sarah Ogden, Mateo Valesco, Peter
Ahl and Dakota Crow. Saturday’s winning goals were by Dakota, Dalton, and Solo-
mon. (Photo by ‘Illinois Valley News’)
Deadline May 19 for ACT
The next nationwide
ACT test date for college-
bound high school students
is Saturday, June 10.
Students must register
online or have their paper
registrations postmarked by
the end of the day May 5.
Late-registration postmark
deadline is May 19. An ad-
ditional fee is required for
registration after May 5.
The June test date is a
popular one for juniors.
Around two-thirds of test-
takers in June have just
completed the 11th grade.
Many of them take the
ACT, check their scores and
then decide whether to re-
test in the fall or winter of
their senior year.
By looking at the scores
during the summer, students
can study to boost academic
weaknesses before taking
the test again as seniors.
ACT allows students to re-
port only the score that they
want given to colleges. Stu-
dents can choose not to
automatically report their
scores when they register for
the test.
The ACT includes an
optional writing test. Most
colleges do not require a
writing score, so students
should check college admis-
sion requirements before
registering for ACT.
Students can receive
registration information
from their high school guid-
ance counselors or they can
register online at The
Website also features test
tips, practice tests, an online
test prep program, and a
database for students to find
out if a prospective college
requires a writing score.
Remember to vote
ACT scores are ac-
cepted by virtually all col-
leges and universities in the
nation, including all Ivy
League Schools. The ACT
is an academic achievement
exam that includes four
tests; English, reading,
math, and science. Students
who opt to take the writing
test will add 30 minutes to
the normal three-hour test-
ing time.
God Bless America!
Fatigue or digestive
problems, shoulder and joint
pain: Did you know that
these symptoms can be a
part of depression?
Most people already
know that depression in-
cludes emotional depression
such as sadness and hope-
lessness, but many don’t
realize that it also can in-
clude physical symptoms,
such as lack of energy,
changes in appetite, bodily
aches and pains.
In fact, in one study,
approximately three out of
10 patients diagnosed with
major depressive disorder
(MDD) presented only emo-
tional symptoms as their
chief complaint. Pain is pre-
sent in approximately 45 to
75 percent of patients with
MDD, and can include
headache, back shoulder and
abdominal pain.
This can make depres-
sion difficult to recognize,
and may contribute to many
people living with the illness
“Education is a crucial
part of the puzzle when
treating depression, and it’s
important to help keep the
information flowing,” said
Mary Guardino, founder and
executive director of Free-
dom From Fear, a national
not-for-profit mental health
advocacy association.
“The first step to getting
help is knowing what’s
wrong, but recognizing the
symptoms of depression can
be tough when the illness
looks different in everyone,”
she said. “Learning about all
of depression’s symptoms
and getting help from a
health-care professional is
the best thing a person with
the illness can do.”
Up to 19 million people
have depressive disorders,
including major depression.
And, just like heart disease
or diabetes, it can be treated.
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In fact, between 80 and 90
percent of people treated for
depression respond to treat-
ment and can experience
some relief.
Dr. Rakesh Jain, a clini-
cal professor from the Uni-
versity of Texas-Houston,
treats many patients with
“Recovering from de-
pression is possible,” he
said, “but people need to be
aware of all their symptoms
and share everything they
are feeling with their doctor
-- the changes in mood and
strange backaches or pains
that won’t go away -- so
they can get the treatment
that’s right for them.”
To help educate people
about the emotional and
physical symptoms of de-
pression, Eli Lily & Co. has
created the Depression Hurts
awareness campaign. It
shows everyday images of
the effect of depression,
seeking to help people recog-
nize the illness more easily
in themselves or a loved one.
For more information
about depression and some
interactive self-assessment
t o o l s ,
v i s i t
or phone (888) 538-8988 for
Illinois Valley Owned and Operated
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on Maurer has always valued the educational values instilled in
him as a youth. He’s a fourth generation Josephine County Orego-
nian and Grants Pass High graduate. Both parents were public
school teachers in Grants Pass, and later the extended Maurer family
owned Maurer Enterprises, a small lumber mill, for over 20 years, in
south Grants Pass.
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Ron now is running for Oregon’s next State Representative-
District 3, encompassing much of Josephine County. Ron says,
“I’ve got a lot to give in the arena of public service….I have
strong values reflected in the Josephine County work ethic - which
include a strong belief that a thorough community education is
the strongest foundation to success in life. “
Meidinger Concrete Construction
Serving the Valley since 1974
During Ron’s career, he earned an education doctorate (Ed.D.)
from Northern Illinois University, served in Army Health Care
Administration, University Athletics Administration and was an
Army Medical Evacuation Helicopter Pilot.
He never forgot those “hometown values”
Current bio:
• Board Chair at the Three Rivers Community Hospital Foundation
• Former Board Chair, Grants Pass District-7 Board of Education.
• Owner, medical clinic in Rogue River with his wife, Sheila.
• Four school-age children.
Specializing in all types of Concrete
and Masonry
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